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Time Action Visuals SFX

0:08 – 0:16 Fade in from "The Metamorphosis of Mr. Samsa from a story
black, opening by Franz Kafka"
titles appear
0:17 – 0:18 Fade out to black
0:18 – 0:25 Fade in from When Gregor Samsa awoke one morning at Clock
black, expository home he found himself in his bed monstrously ticking
title appears transformed.
0:26 – 0:27 Fade to black Continues
0:27 – 0:41 Fade in from black An undefinable shape forms in the center of the Ticking
screen before slowly being pulled back towards the continues,
bottom right. alarm blares
Sandy texture, warm lighting.

The shape resolves into an object's face, but we still

can't see exactly what it is.
It looks like anything from a shower head to a

An alarm goes off. As it blares, the object

bounces across the screen before settling at the
bottom right.
It reveals itself to be an alarm clock.

The space surrounding it gradually goes from

black to color as a room is revealed.
We see a door, a table and some chairs.
The clock face fills the screen again and we can
see that it is 6:45 AM.
0:41 – 0:42 Fade to black Ticking
alarm fades
0:42 – 1:46 Fade in from A silhouetted figure appears in the center of the Ticking
black frame. continues
Gradually, it becomes more defined and splits
into two, on opposite sides - they are banisters
supporting a bed.

A striped blanket is slowly rising and falling, as

someone struggles to wake up. The blanket
puffs itself up, occupying the whole frame.
It looks like someone is kicking it from within.
It settles down and we pull put to reveal the bed
and alarm clock, placed on a stand to its right.
There is clearly a figure within the blanket who
is struggling to throw it off.
It moves around and manages to pull the upper
left portion of the blanket off.

As the whole blanket slides off, we see a reveal

of a bug on its back - tiny, tentacle-like arms
flailing about helplessly.
Tilt upwards We see the bugs eyes open as it looks at its limbs. It Ticking
then closes its eyes and begins to grunt/hiss, continues
exerting itself.
Track We see the bug make it to the edge of the bed and Ticking
teeter on the brink. It keeps trying to wiggle and use continues
its momentum to fall off but can't.

Its eyes open and it makes a concentrated effort to

right itself, falling off the bed as it does so.
Track We follow the bug as it lands on its back. The legs Ticking
of the bed beside it seem much larger. continues
Close Up + Fade The bug stops struggling momentarily, before it Ticking
to black begins to use all its limbs to push itself off of its continues +
back. Creaking,
like a
As soon as it manages to set itself upright, it morphs broken door
into a spiral and dissipates. We fade to black. or chair
1:47 – 2:23 Frontal + Top A hand, silhouetted by white outlines, appears on Cutlery
down view the top left of the frame and reaches down to the being
bottom. It picks up cutlery. Another hand appears placed, lady
and envelops the first. The person they belong to humming
moves out of the way and the frame is revealed.
We see a table, being set for a meal. An old lady
lays down cutlery. Transition to a closeup of her
doing so. Zoom out to her setting up the table. She
then looks to her right with a worried expression
before walking there.
2:24 – 3:30 Zoom in We transition and zoom in to her standing by an Groans,
Pan elderly man who is listening at the door. He frowns coughs,
and grumbles, removing his pocketwatch and grunts.
showing it to the lady. Knocking
We pan to them knocking on the bugs door. No Doorknob
response. The old man is calling out to ‘Gregor’. rattling.

The wall morphs as we travel to the other side, and a

young girl is revealed to be standing at another door
to the bugs room. She talks to it, speaking to
Gregor. Without a response, she leans in and places
her ear against it, tries the handle and then crouches
down to check the keyhole.
Closeup Closeup of her staring through the keyhole, brushing
hair out of her eyes. She then whispers into it.
3:31 – 3:51 Frontal A bell rings and we transition to the three of them – Grunts and
man, woman and girl – standing together as another coughs
person, wearing a hat and carrying a cane enters the
frame. The old lady says good morning. The man
hems and haws. He hands his hat to the girl.
Morphing Morph into his hand, rapping on the door that the Knocking
transition, scale others were trying. He leans into the door, showing
changes, blinking his badge through the eyehole. He authoritatively
calls out to the bug, addressing it as ‘Mr. Samsa’.
3:52 – 4:06 Still In the room, the bug is staring through the keyhole Rattling of
at the man with the hat and is trying to open the key in lock,
door. creaking of
He struggles with the key and finally opens it. He Gasps,
terrifies everyone with his appearance and falls to groans and
the floor, crawling along. shouts
4:07 – 4:35 Track, pan We cut to and track the man with the hat, now Footsteps
hatless, fleeing down a corridor, while the girl runs thudding.
after him, calling out, with his hat and cane. She
turns around, sees the bug and is terrified. The man Groans
is yelling and calling out to Gregor
4:36 – 5:24 Closeup, pan, Transition to the elderly lady wringing her hands Sniffles,
zoom in, track and crying. The bug has crawled next to her and she Gasps,
Distortion as bug is repulsed, calling out to Gregor. She groans, about Groans
hits frame to faint. The bug retreats, while her husband helps
her stay on her feet, comforting her. A jug of milk is Snarling,
spilt. heavy
He raises his arms to his sides and advances on the
bug, snarling threateningly. The old man shouts at Impact of
it. As the bug crawls back into its room, it gets stuck paper on
at the doorway and cannot pass. The elderly man bug
whacks it into the room and slams the door. The bug
lays there, defeated. It begins to crawl backwards. Receding
We can hear the couple talking outside the door. footsteps
The clock’s ticking can be heard again. Ticking
Tilt downwards As it retreats into the room, it morphs to show the Rain falling
and track. other side. We can hear running water which grows + ticking
Fade to black. louder. The bug crawls under the bed and curls up,
5:25 – 5:59 Still Fade into a shot of the room at an angle. The bug Rain falling
has now wrapped itself in its blanket. Its legs twitch. louder +
Still We transition to a different angle – the bug is now Rain falling
staring out of a window in its room. It rocks back louder+
and forth. ticking
Closeup + Fade to Transition to closeup as the bug is staring at rain Rain falling
black falling. It turns away from the window and we fade softer +
out. ticking
5:59 – 6:32 Fade in from black The bug is now seated on a chair and as we zoom Rain falling
+ zoom in into it, the frame morphs into the bug clambering softer +
Track over its dresser to stare at itself in a mirror. An ticking
antenna twitches. Someone at the door causes the Bumps and
bug to panic and screech in alarm. thumps
from dresser
Door rattles,
It skitters back to its hiding place under the bed, the bug
covers blowing gently. We can see it hiding as well screeches +
as the door being opened. skittering,
6:32 -6:53 Closeup Cut to the young girl cautiously entering the room Bowl on
and placing a bowl of milk on the floor, near the wooden
bed. She leaves the room and shuts the door. floor +
footsteps +
Rain almost
fades out.
6:53 – 7:19 Top-down view We see the bug slowly crawl out from under the Violin plays
sheets and move towards the door, checking the improperly
crack at the bottom.
7:20 – 7:50 Pan, zoom in/outs We cut to the outside and pan out to reveal the Violin plays
group – the lady, girl and man. The girl is playing improperly
the violin while the lady knits and the man reads the Humming
paper. The girl turns the pages of her sheet music Paper
and moves her stand about. She ‘hmphs’. The old rustling
lady hums.
7:50 – 8:43 Fade to black The girl talks to the lady, who replies. The girl Violin plays
continues playing, changing her tune. Morph into
the old lady knitting, as she adjusts her chair and Fireplace
turns away. She reaches out for her ball of yarn and crackling
we transition to a frontal as she winds the ball. We
see the elderly couple seated by a fireplace. A cat
walks in between her legs. The old man talks to it.
8:44 – 9:10 Fade in from black We pan around a closeup of the bug and center on Vacuous
Pan w/closeup its face and a decidedly human ear. It’s listening to breathing
Zoom in the young girl play the violin, breathing heavily. Violin
Fade to black Zoom into ear, fade to black. plays,
begins to

The importance of language – synonyms, drawing/crafting meanings and patterns and developing things
through it.
Mood boards are a collection of myriad ideas that can coalesce into a narrative. There’s no need to psych

The importance of the present context – time and place.

Gotta look like you love your work – which you do

Create a character sheet – mids, close ups, differet epxressions, movement

Creating a collage as a thing

Breaking barriers between senses – synesthesia

Wiki fantasia

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