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Jim: The James Foley Story Work Summary

Preparation and Promotion

In our initial meeting, our client helped us outline the event details. This included familiarizing

us with James Foley, the events surrounding his death, and the film.

Our first action in promoting the film screening was reaching out to local news publications and

Weber State University organizations to feature the event in their calendars. These organizations

included the Standard-Examiner, Davis County Clipper, Now Playing Utah and Visit Salt Lake.

From that point, we began designing an event flyer in conjunction with OPC’s creative team.

The screening was promoted through a variety of media including digital and physical calendars,

media pitching and physical distribution of posters through the Ogden community.

The Event

On March 12, 2019, a screening of “Jim: The James Foley Story” was presented at the Weber

County Library Main Branch. The film screening began at 6:30 p.m. after an introduction from

Dr. Jean Norman. Following the screening there was a panel discussion. Featuring Pulitzer

winner Jessica Miller of the Salt Lake Tribune and Clare Morgana Gillis, war correspondent who
worked with Jim Foley, program director of the James W. Foley Legacy Foundation. A total of

35 guests attended the event.


After the event we went through the survey attendees filled out from the event. We compiled this

information in Survey Monkey to get a better understanding of the data that was collected.

According to the post survey conducted, the attendees ages ranged from 18 to 67 years. The

majority of attendees learned about the event through either word of mouth interactions or the

listed choice of “Other”. Our team gathered that most of the attendees heard about the screening

through the previously mentioned calendars and news outlets.

Some promotional tactics were unsuccessful in their completion such as the billboard and media

pitching to the Salt Lake Tribune. After finalizing the billboard file and sending it to KC

Sanders, our contact, we never heard back from them despite reaching out again. Following the

deadline, we found out from Sanders that the individual in charge of the billboard was not in the

office that week so nothing came out of that tactic.

The Salt Lake Tribune was contacted with the event information and they had printed the details

in their weekly paper two weeks prior to the event. The issue was that they didn’t include the

date just “Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.” We were contacted by the library stating that multiple

individuals showed up to attend the event though it wasn’t happening for two more weeks. After

contacting the Tribune to remedy the situation, they printed the same event details with the same

error the week after, creating confusion again.

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