Asia and Myanmar ..

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After the second war world immediately the year of 1960, most of the countries from
Asia are leading to the path of developing. Initially that was started from Japan and after
that followed by Hong Kong , Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea Indonesia , Malaysia and

Continuously India was followed by service in India-outsourcing and China was stand for
made in China-of shoring .After that Vietnam was on the path of developing and
altogether totally 12 countries are on the path of developing. But Myanmar, Cambodia
and Laos are behind the path of developing. To answer the question of which one from
these three countries will be on the path of developing, the answer will be based on the
reference of poverty trap that was written by Paul Callier. He mentioned that because of
fours characters that mentioned below, these three countries are in the trap of poverty.

(a)Being Landlocked
(b)Abundant natural resources
(c)Bad governance
(d)Civil war

Myanmar and Natural Resources

Myanmar is not being landlocked country and rich in natural resources. Actually that is
the natural gift for the economic developing of the country as well. But all these natural
resources are controlled by the government and only under the authorities of them they
can be utilized whatever they need for the sake of themselves according to the way of
their mind are mentioned. The plan and the management are only based on the authorities
by themselves. That’s the reason for the authorized personal to give up their position
.Rich in natural resources of the country is resemble as the curse for people of the country
and the professional were mentioned that as the resource curse .But the petroleum and
other resource curse could be over come in Chile and Botswana according to the
following factors.
(a)Proper leadership
(b)Strong and powerful governing mechanism
(c)Trusted organization

Myanmar and Civil War

The civil war of Myanmar was originated from the different idea and option of the
political concept. According to the agreement from the Pinlon treaty, couldn’t get the
equal chance within the native of the region and additionally revolution was raised up
within them. That was the result of civil war that is happening since the half of the decade
until now. Because different parts of the country have different natural resources that is
only occupied by the Myanmar military government and there is the political conflict
between the ethnic group of the native region. The conflict is gradually rising up among
the ethnic of the native group .As mentioned by Paul Collier regarding about the Somalia,
because of the pirate the condition of that country was changed from the fail state to
rough state and that is the lesson for Myanmar to realize about.

Relationship between the civil and military of Myanmar

The relationship between the civil and military is vitally important .Especially; Myanmar
is one of the countries leading the civil sector by the military government. As mentioned
from the Pakistan’s Armored Democracy by Aqil Sha,, political and security analyst, 31 st
March , 2008 , to prove the reason for seizing the state power and have to be in entrance
legitimacy there should be the proper and steadfast factors and to be distorted civil-
military configuration there should be correct way of exit strategy as well.

The Exit Strategy of Myanmar Military

Since 1988 the general demonstration of the whole country was happened in Myanmar ,
general Ne Win was involuntarily resign from the state government and Myanmar
military was initiated to rule the country under the military authorities by General Saw
Maung with the voluntarily election. After that instead of hand over the state authorities
to the National League for Democracy which was elected by the nations of the country,
the military is still rule the country under their authority. Actually Democratic transition
is to discuss among the competitive political groups and base on the agreement transition
and finally there should be imposed transition. The transition of Myanmar Democracy is
imposed transition. That’s why there is the fact to realize whether the political condition
of Myanmar is relevant to the economic, social and civil war.

Myanmar and National Reunion

Actually the crisis of Myanmar is crisis just like the self-inflicted wound that was created
from the every corner. That type of self-inflicted wound was not happened accidentally
initiated since the independent and just like as the chronic and still bleeding wound and
followed by complicating. As mentioned by Philippe C.Schmitter, if we are using the
zero-sum game shock therapy for the democratic transition , the power of state economy
, political and social have to be strong enough for resisting the consequences of opposite

Former foreign minister of Sweden Jan Eliasson mentioned that based on the Basing
treaty the countries that won in the first war world was followed the method of the winner
takes all strategy was resulted in winner will be cursed. That was the best example for the
zero-sum treaty. That is the one sided treaty that have to be followed by the losing groups
to the winner. The lesson from that treaty was after the twenty years back from that time
Nazi group was raised up and resulting in perishing .The final solution is the mutual
understanding is very important for both side and the solution has to be agreed by both
side as well.
As Myanmar is facing with multiple crises, have to find the solution for how to
understand and deal with this entire crisis. Never waste a good crisis.
Myanmar and Power

Based on the following factors we can find the answer for the meaning of power and the
source of power as well.

(1)Military power
(2)Natural resources power
(3)Economic power
(4)Technology power
(5)Diplomacy power
(6)Social power

Base on the above mentioned categories, the most powerful top ten countries of the world
was selected. They are United States of America, Germany, French, Britian, Japan,
Canada, Sweden, China, Norway and Netherland.

To understand about the actual condition of the power of Myanmar we have to base on
the above mentioned categories and realized the reality as well.

Myanmar and the Danger of Voiceless

In 2004, the world forum of Urban-21 was held in Germany. The observation result
from that forum was in 2007 urban and rural population will be equal according to
measurement of the world. In 2010 urban population will be exceeding the level of rural
population. Subsequently in 2015 the ratio of urban and rural population will be 3:2.Later
on within the rural population the number of the old age and dependent will be increased.
Because of that reason, in the rural area, instead of working according to the extensive
farming, people will use the technique of intensive farming. That‘s meant people will be
cultivating by using the modern technology for yielding the good quality of crops. In
other way can be mentioned as high yield and high quality that will be based on
appropriate technology.
Civil development will be followed by city of dustbin, city of volcano and city of
knowledge according the condition. That’s meant soft threat for that type of civil
development .If there is not any preparation and warning for above matter that can be
leading to the dangerous situation.

Myanmar and Election

Since 1962 to 2010 within 48 years, there was no government which was elected either
from multiparty election or election based on the democracy way. Now in 2010, the
multiparty election government is revealed again and that will be lead only by the
military and civil hybridized government. So we can be observed that the gap between
the multiparty election government generations is almost 48 years since 1962. That is the
big gap and can be considered as the ceasing of the generation.
We can consider that after the election the government that will rule the country may be
only from the newly born civil and military hybridized baby government. Based on above
factors we can be estimated the strength, stability and efficiency of the newly


Basically to overcome the difficult situation of Myanmar is not depending upon the
election party and the parties that will be involved in that election. The most important
thing is as concerning to the whole nations of Myanmar; the best way to overcome this
difficulty is only round table culture method.

Taung Baw Kayin Lay (Little Karen from the mountain)

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