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Grade Level / Subject Area (Discipline) Teacher Candidate Name Date of Lesson
5 / English Language Arts John Oddo 12/07/18
Common Core State Standards and/or State of Michigan GLCEs and/or HSCEs (Danielson 1a. and 1c.)
Describe the logical connection between particular sentences and paragraphs in a text (e.g.,
comparison, cause/effect, first/second/third in a sequence).
Important Concepts (Danielson 1a.)
● Every cause has an effect, and vice versa

Learning Outcomes (Danielson 1a. and 1c.)

● Students will understand that every cause has a corresponding effect
● Students will identify causes and effects in text

Assessment Summary (Danielson 1f.)

FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: During the explanation of cause and effect, our discussion will help identify any issues and
where there needs to be further elaboration. Doing the matching sheet together as a class will allow us to gauge student

SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT: The final portion of the lesson is for the students to

Prerequisite Relationships to New Learning (Danielson 1a.)

● Students have had cause/effect defined in prior lessons; this lesson serves as review
○ Students have completed cause/effect activities before this one

Flexibility and Responsiveness to Students’ Learning Needs (Danielson 3e.)

● Model cause and effect with students through real-life examples following the completion of the matching chart if
● Discussion should be voluntary; students who are uncomfortable sharing their answers allowed will not have to

Instructional Procedures (Danielson 1e.)

Begin with a mini lesson. Ask students if they ever want to know WHY something happens. Discuss “cause” and “effect” by
engaging students with a cause. Give a few examples:

● “Timmy ate too much candy…” (ask students for effect to finish sentence)
● “I forgot to set my alarm, so…” (ask students for effect to finish sentence)
● “We ran out of milk in the fridge…” (ask students for effect to finish sentence)

Then, follow up by modeling using the “Cause and Effect Match” worksheet using the overhead projector. Students will give
answers after you model the first few. If there is confusion, this is the chance to clarify with the students.

Students will then be asked to partner up. Students can work alone, if so preferred. Students will receive a packet with their
partner, including two blank cause/effect columns on a sheet and two sheets with cut-outs for causes and effects. Their job
in groups is to cut out the causes and effects and glue them to the blank sheet, identifying the correct causes and effects.

Give them a designated time (15 minutes). If students finish early, start the discussion early.

Discussion will allow students to share their answers aloud and discuss. If students did them wrong, tell them it’s okay. This
is just practice!

Afterwards, students will take an assessment on ReadWorks

Lesson Timeline (Summary of Instruction) (Danielson 1e.)

Start of the Lesson Mid-Lesson Activities End of Lesson Activities
● Begin with a mini lesson: Cover ● Students will be asked to partner ● Students will share their answers
the difference up (or if preferred, students can aloud during a class discussion,
work on their own) and share their answers
○ Cause: happens first, it ● Students will be handed a packet ● Summative Assessment: Students
is an event that makes with two sheets of blank will be directed to ReadWorks for
something else happen cause/effect columns and two an assessment on cause and
○ The effect: Is what sheets of cause/effects to fill in effect
happens as a result of ● Students will be tasked to work
the cause with their partner and cut out the
○ Display Signal Words cause/effects and place them in
○ Ask students questions: the correct columns
Do you ever wonder ● The class will be allowed roughly
why something 15 minutes to complete this
happens? activity. Gauge the students’
● Engage students in a progress. If they complete earlier
conversation about “cause” and than their allotted time, it’s okay to
“effect” move on to the next step
○ Give a cause, have
students brainstorm the
possible effects. Use
graphic organizer
○ “Timmy ate too much
○ “I forgot to set my
○ “We ran out of milk in
the fridge…”
○ “I helped mom bring in
the groceries…”
● Model using the ‘Cause and
Effect Match’ worksheet on the
overhead, discussing answers
with the students

Texts, Materials, and Supplies (Danielson 3c.)

● Computer
● SMART Board
● Projector
● Worksheets
○ “Cause and Effect Match” for modeling (one copy, for teacher)
○ “Cause and Effect Detectives” (2 pages to fill in/cut and match, copies for each student)
○ Cause and Effect Graphic Organizer
● Access to ReadWorks
○ ReadWorks: Cause and Effect Assessment

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