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Jacob Newman

Week Three Progress Report

National University


In this paper I will discuss the progress that has been made through developing my Professional

Development Quest Portfolio (PDQP). This of course in done through the assimilation of a

website. In this paper one will see the different sections revolving around goal achievements,

frustrations, questions, concerns, and next steps for myself and the learning community in

developing my PDQP. This process has pull mixed emotions out of myself, but as time continues

to move forward the emotions lean more towards the positive side. I plan to continue the

development of this website as time moves forward through my educational career.


The creation and development of my Professional Development Quest Portfolio has been

an interesting one. I anticipated this assignment being a lot of work, but I did not think I would

have to write as many papers as I have done so far. However, much of this work has made me a

better writer and opened my eyes to different aspects that effective teachers need to have. For

instances the California Teacher Performance Expectations explain, “They provide students the

opportunity to use and evaluate strengths and limitations of media and technology as integral

tools in the classroom.” (2013). I really wouldn’t have thought to use technology and media in

my physical education classes. However, this is a great tool to possess and I have already started

implemented the use of video in my classes. This portfolio has provided me with a map on how

to navigate through my teaching career and the development I plan to continue to do. Below one

will see the different sections of my paper. I cannot say this portfolio is perfect and it hasn’t been

all rainbow and butterflies, but I do believe it will continue to grow and evolve as I add to and

adjust certain sections.

Goal achievements

One of the most monumental goals I have achieved during this course was the simple

creation of the website. I personally am not a huge fan of technology and struggle with

implementing it into my classroom. Most of this is caused from a lack of use. I really don’t use a

lot of technology in my life. However, this website has been amazing. The site is very user

friendly and allows for serval different artifacts to be used all at once. Another goal I have

achieved is writing all these papers during the course. I do not consider myself a strong writer.

Additionally, I type with two fingers at all times. So, one can imagine how it takes me longer to

achieve success when writing papers. Finally, I have found success in providing what I believe to

be valuable artifacts. I was worried that I wouldn’t have good artifacts to present to my

classmates or future employers. However, teaching for a full year has provided me with much

more than I had anticipated. The TPE’s are engrained in my teaching and when I found out what

they stated, it was much easier to find material to place within the domains.


As I said earlier in this paper, this assignment has not been all rainbows and butterflies. I

have had a great deal of frustration selecting literature reviews. Yes, there are so many articles

that can connect to domains. However, I like to pic the ones that are right for me and my beliefs.

This may be a simple task to some, but it is not for me. I like the articles that make sense to me

and ones that I can comprehend without reading one hundred times. I initially found frustration

in changing the background color, but that changed when my co-worker showed me the very

simple process. Finally, I have come to realize that I do not like many of the videos I have of

myself teaching. Finding one where I didn’t look ridiculous was a difficult task. The reason

being I try to make learning fun. I don’t want to be ridged and boring.


When pondering questions that I may still have with developing my professional

development quest portfolio, I found that I really don’t have any. Professor Weintraub has been

very consistently amazing at answering and questions as well as providing information that

clears any questions before they arise. I remember during the first few days of the class I must

have email professor Weintraub ten separate times. I was jumping the gun with this class and did

not let him set up all he has prepared for me. Overall, all of my questions have been answered

and I am in a groove now to where I feel confident entering the last week of work.


Whenever looking at my PDQP I am constantly concerned if it is good enough, appealing

to others, and even relatable. Ultimately I am creating this site for me and my development as a

teacher. However, I know there will come a time when this needs to be shared with an employer.

I want this to be something that stands out and others want to be a part of. I believe this is a

concern with everyone creating something new. Additionally, I am very concerned about earning

the points necessary to pass and complete my masters. I would be a liar if I said this thought

hasn’t come to mind. I need to pass this class this month because I petitioned to take my masters

and this is my hard deadline.

Next steps for myself and the learning community in developing my PDQP

Finally, I believe my next steps regarding this project is purely reflection and open

communication. Costantino and De Lorenzo state, “When actual teaching material are combined

with reflection, the reviewer begins to understand the thought process that results in decisions

that shape the teachers actions and promote growth” (pp. 56). This portfolio is a process that

requires a lot of reflection. I don’t ever plan to stop using this tool as it offers so many

opportunities for growth. I want to look my evidence over and see where I can improve for next

year and then add the correct material so I can physically see the growth. Additionally, I plan to

continue to communicate with my peers as they have an abundance amount of information that is

beneficial to my growth as well as my students.



California Teaching Performance Expectations. (2013, March). Retrieved April 8, 2019, from


Costantino, P. M., & De Lorenzo, M. N. (2009). Developing a professional teaching portfolio A

guide for success. Upper Saddle River, N. J.: Pearson.

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