Lesson Day Feedback Provided How Would or Will You Encourage Students To Use The Feedback?

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Lesson Day Feedback Provided How would or will you

encourage students to use the

Provide the day and content State the following:
1. Oral or written
2. What you shared
Whole Class: Verbal feedback Whole Class: I would encourage
was given to the students as they students when reading to think
shared their answers about the various story elements
demonstrating their that we discussed in this lesson.
understanding of the main It is important that students are
character taking accountability able to identify characters,
for his actions by completing the setting, and major events
t-chart displaying one good thing because they are critical
they have done, as well as one components to a read-aloud. As
bad thing they have experienced, students continue with their
in order to relate to the read- education, they will be expected
aloud. to know these story elements as
Day One they read texts that increase in
Language Arts/Social Studies
Verbal feedback was also given
Student #1: I would motivate this
to students based on the
student to participate in these
answers they provided
classroom discussions because I
throughout the read-aloud
truly want to know what his
pertaining to various story
thoughts are regarding a given
text. I would tell him that it is
___________________________ important that everyone
participates because it helps me
Student #1: I met with this
to know if students understand
student following the lesson to
the story.
go over the anecdotal notes that
I had written regarding his Student 2: For this student, I
answers to different questions. would encourage her to keep
Unfortunately, he did not working hard and participating
actively participate in classroom when we complete classroom
discussion, but was given several discussions.
redirections in order to keep him
on task.
Student #2: I met with this
student following the lesson to
go over the anecdotal notes that
I had written regarding her
answers to different questions.
This student has a solid
understanding of the three main
story elements that we discussed
throughout the read-aloud:
characters, setting, and major
events. She was an active
participant throughout the
classroom discussion.

Whole Class: Verbal feedback Whole Class: I encouraged

was given to students based on students when they got home
the answer they provided from school to find objects
regarding the type of movement around their house that used
being displayed on a given one of the types of movements
picture card. that were discussed in class
(circular, back and forth, push,
pull, zigzag). I provided students
Written feedback was given to with an extra recording sheet to
students on their recording take home in order to complete
sheets as they identified the type the task if they were interested.
Day Two
of movement being displayed for
Student #1: I reminded the
Science each object. Verbal feedback was
student that partner activities
also given to students as I
must be done together and that
conferenced with them to review
if you disagree on an answer, it’s
their work.
important to talk through it with
___________________________ your partner in order to come to
a decision. However, I praised his
Student #1: This student, along
effort for working hard in this
with his partner for the activity,
lesson and told him to keep up
conferenced with myself
the great work.
regarding the results on their
recording sheets. Student #1 did Student #2: I provided the
not have the same answers student with different scenarios
written as his partner. Overall, regarding push and pull in order
the student received a 5/8 for to help her understand the
this activity, while his partner difference between the two
received a 7/8. I visually showed movements. By doing so, she will
the differences in their answers be able to apply her
and we discussed why this might understanding of the different
have occurred. types of movement when the
unit on motion begins in the next
Student #2: This student, along
several weeks.
with her partner for the activity,
conferenced with myself
regarding the results on their
recording sheets. Student #2
received a 7/8 for this activity,
which shows that she
understands the different types
of movement for the most part.
We reviewed the object that she
missed, in which it asked her to
‘slide the desk’ initiating a pull
movement. Instead, the student
indicated that a push movement

Whole Class: Verbal feedback Whole Class: I reminded the

was given to students based on students that this concept was
the answers they provided for something that we have been
each puzzle piece card, in which learning. It is important that they
students had to match three understood the importance of
puzzle pieces displaying two greater than/less than in order to
numbers, their base-ten complete future lessons. A
illustrations, and the appropriate chapter review test involving this
symbol (<, >, =). concept was approaching and
Day Three they can use the feedback given
in order to do well on the test.
Student #1: Because this was an
Student #1: Because this student
activity completed in partners,
is often seen playing with things
student #1 and his partner were
during instruction, I discussed
given feedback based on their
with my resource teacher the
completed puzzles. Throughout
possibility of incorporating some
the activity, however, student #1
type of fidget toy in order to
was asked several times to work
keep him on task throughout the
with his partner in order to
day. This would possibly
complete the activity. He was
eliminate any other distractions
seen playing with items in his that may take place when my
desk, rather than doing what was resource teacher, or myself, try
asked of him. Student #1 and his to teach.
partner were able to complete
Student #2: I encouraged the
all five puzzles with assistance
student to continue practicing
from myself.
this concept so that she can do
Student #2: Because this was an well on the chapter review test
activity completed in partners, that was coming up.
student #2 and her partner were
given feedback based on their
completed puzzles. They were
able to successfully complete all
five puzzles without any
assistance from myself. I asked
the students to complete each
puzzle by saying ‘ __ is
greater/less than __’ in order to
have them utilize the academic

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