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Enzyme solutions

lower the cost of

safer feed
by Gwendolyn Jones, Global Technical Harvest yeara WHEAT CORN
Services Manager, Danisco Animal Viscosity CV% % in vitro CV%
Nutrition. cPs starch digestibility

nergy and phosphorus are generally

E the two most expensive nutrients in

poultry diets. Profitability depends on
getting the most of these nutrients out of
Number of grain samples analysed globally by Danisco from harvest year: 268 wheat and 547 corn in 2009, 370
wheat and 473 corn in 2008 (Source: Avicheck databases). CV% = (standard deviation/mean) x 100%
the grain used in poultry diets, and thus min-
imising the amount that has to be supple- Table 1. Key grain parameters in wheat and corn harvested 2008-2009.
mented via fat or inorganic phosphorus. The
availability of these nutrients from grain can digestibility generally depends on viscosity, teins. Amylase, a starch-digesting enzyme,
be significantly improved by the effective use which is caused by the presence of soluble can be added to the diet to help the bird
of enzyme combinations. Therefore it pays fibres in the grain – this too varies from year digest starch.
to shop around and update your knowledge to year. Xylanase also reduces the viscosity of
on what makes an effective enzyme solution Table 1 shows data collected globally for wheat, which in turn reduces variability in
for your feed. starch digestibility in corn and viscosity in the availability of its energy to the bird.
wheat, taken from the 2008 and 2009 har- Wheat viscosity is linked to the presence
vests. The high variability (expressed as of non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs) such
Enzyme combinations CV%) shows how dangerous it can be to as arabinoxylans, which xylanase degrades.
assume consistent nutritional values from Another beneficial side effect is that sticky
Both wheat and corn are highly variable in grain when formulating poultry diets. droppings (a by-product of feed viscosity)
the amount of energy that the bird is able to A recent global survey confirmed that 78% will also be reduced.
metabolise and the majority of phosphorus of phosphorus in wheat and 88% in corn is The enzyme phytase is capable of breaking
is present as phytate, a substance which is present as phytate. Fortunately, many of the down the phytates in feeds to release inor-
unavailable to the bird. factors which affect digestibility can be tar- ganic phosphorus, as well as protein, cal-
Around 65-70% of the energy in corn is geted by enzyme supplementation. Xylanase cium and trace minerals chelated with
derived from starch, but its digestibility in breaks down cell walls to expose starch for phytates. It can therefore eliminate or
different batches of corn is highly variable, digestion. reduce the need for supplementation of
both within and between harvest years. Protease helps to release the starch inorganic phosphorus.
For wheat, on the other hand, energy encapsulated by, and bound to, storage pro- Continued on page 33

Fig. 1. Effects of feed enzyme solutions on bodyweight gain and feed efficiency of low cost feed formulations. Broilers: average age
42 days. Reformulated diet: ~150kcals reduction in energy; 0.09% reduction in available phosphorus; 0.12% reduction in total cal-
cium (Purdue University, USA).

Phyzyme XP and Avizyme 1502 reduce feed costs by ~$12/tonne, whilst maintaining bird performance

2478a 1.59b
Bodyweight gain (g)


1.48a 1.50a


Standard Reformulated Reformulated Standard Reformulated Reformulated

diet lower cost lower cost diet diet lower cost lower cost diet
diet + Phyzyme XP diet + Phyzyme XP
& Avizyme 1502 & Avizyme 1502
*FCR corrected 3 points per 100g livew eight difference relative to the standard diet. abP<0.05

International Poultry Production — Volume 18 Number 7 31

Continued from page 31 poorer feed conversion ratio (4.4%) in the A second approach – Thermo Protection
The efficacy of enzyme combinations has broilers. Technology (TPT) – has been found to be
been quantified in a study from Purdue As the pelleting temperatures of poultry highly effective in protecting Danisco’s sec-
University in the USA. Using combinations diets increase more sophisticated technolo- ond generation E. coli phytase from heat.
of xylanase, amylase, protease (Avizyme gies are required to protect enzymes from In carefully controlled trials, the TPT coat-
1502) and phytase (Phyzyme XP), poultry the heat and maintain their bio-efficacy. ing technology enabled a recovery rate of
producers feeding corn-based diets are able One technology, involving the modification 96% of the enzyme, despite exposure to
to reduce feed costs by around 5% (Fig. 1). of an enzyme by changing its amino acid feed pelleting temperatures of up to 95ºC.
structure to improve thermostability, has Other studies have demonstrated a fast
been widely tested in recent years. release of phytase activity from Phyzyme XP
Effective enzyme solutions This technique includes the substitution of TPT in the gut, with a bio-efficacy equivalent
surface amino acids in the enzyme with to the uncoated product in mash diets.
Concerns about feed safety and the need more hydrophobic amino acids, as well as
for salmonella control have led to a huge an increase in the number of specific amino
increase in the use of heat treatment in pel- acids which are capable of forming cross- Conclusion
leted poultry diets. bonds within the enzyme molecule.
However, heat treatment actually This approach was chosen for the devel- As naturally occurring substances, enzymes
increases the viscosity of wheat-based diets opment of Danisco Xylanase, which has are ideally placed to meet the complex
even more (Table 2). recently been authorised by the EU com- financial and safety demands now facing the
The effect on poultry performance can be mission for use in poultry diets. modern poultry producer. Enzyme solutions
severe. In one trial, increasing the pellet- It is stable to pelleting temperatures of up should certainly be considered by all those
conditioning temperature for poultry diets to 90ºC. who seek to minimise feed costs or improve
from 80ºC to 90ºC in ‘viscous’ grain-based feed efficiency.
diets 2. Properties of gut decrease
in a significant contents in
in broilers fed pelleted diets based on 77% wheat, They do, however, require a careful com-
either non-heat-treated
bodyweight gain of up to 7% or and
gave aat 90ºC. bination of activities to match enzymes to
the relevant substrates in the diet and
achieve the necessary tolerance to heat.
Non-heated Heat treated
Ideally, the use of these enzyme solutions
should be determined with the help of soft-
Jejunal viscosity (cPs) 15.4a 30.2b
ware tools that determine optimum dosages
Dry matter in digestive contents (%) 25.0a 19.8b
and maximum cost effectiveness.
Faecal stickiness score* 2.9a 3.2b
The ability to provide such services will no
doubt become a major factor in the choice
*Subjective score of cage dirtiness, 5 for the dirtiest cage; a,bP<0.05 (Svihus 2006, Norwegian University of Life Sciences)
of enzyme suppliers in the future.

International Poultry Production — Volume 18 Number 7 33

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