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Dean Willard Riano (SSC-R Institute of Law)

CHAP. 1: FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS which enables one to respond with ease to even the most
cerebrally formulated questions in the bar. Although there
I. THE BASICS OF THE CIVIL LITIGATION PROCESS are aspects of the Rules, in fact a substantial number of
- A significant element of the Philippine judicial process is its them, which have to be committed to memory, route
employment of the adversarial system as an indispensable memory has never been the key to success in the
tool in dispute resolution. Under this system, the contending examinations in procedural law.
parties present before a court their conflicting versions of an
occurrence by shaping both the facts, the issues and even the - Whenever necessary, principles in substantive law have
evidence to suit their perspectives, designs and strategies in been included in the discussion of the topics found in this
accordance with a body of rules that provides the framework work so the reader may see the rules from a better
for the entire litigation process. This body of rules likewise perspective. Substantive law after all, constitutes the
not only guides the court in its determination of legal foundation of procedural law.
controversies but also prevents it from rendering arbitrary
orders, resolutions and decisions. In this jurisdiction, these - The concepts that follow represent the most fundamental
rules have been collectively called the Rules of Court. stages in the civil litigation process. The mastery of these
concepts will enable the reader to grasp the most essential
- Lawsuits are neither inventions of the court nor of the procedural principles, to proceed to a higher level of
judicial system. The system is in reality a passive entity. A understanding of those principles and consequently to help
court for example, while having jurisdiction over certain him demystify important aspects of remedial law, a subject
subject matters, does not on its own accord call on the traditionally but quite erroneously regarded as both abstract
parties to litigate between or among themselves. Even the and difficult.
rules of procedure on their own are mere mishmash of letters
and words. They are just assortments of sentences and I. Complaint
paragraphs, dormant and virtually lifeless. - Both experience and common reason have taught us that
before a person learns to walk, he should learn how to crawl
- Lawsuits actually originate from an individual, from one and before he learns to run, he should learn how to walk.
who feels aggrieved by the acts of another. A litigation arises
because someone goes to court and seeks redress from it for - Similarly, before one could appreciate the intricacies of
a perceived wrong against his person or property. It is the remedial law, one has to start with its basics. These so-called
individual who decides to start the litigation process and basics are actually the elementary processes of ordinary civil
breaths life into the rules of procedure by invoking the actions. The student of remedial law has to know that an
jurisdiction of the court and when a lawsuit is commenced, overwhelming majority of bar concepts most frequently
the judicial machinery is activated, is infused with life and tested during the past thirty years of bar examinations,
continues to grind until the dispute is resolved and the involve the operations of ordinary civil actions.
decision executed.
- As a starting point it must be emphasized that the rules of
- The material that follows presents the most basic aspects of civil procedure will come into play only with the filing of a
the civil litigation process and does not pretend to be an complaint or in some actions, a petition. Without a complaint
exhaustive treatise of all the issues which may arise in all being filed, said rules would simply be meaningless. It is the
litigations. There are certain matters in the litigation process filing of a complaint that gives life to procedural rules and
which suddenly occur in the course of the proceedings and triggers their application.
which cannot be reasonably foreseen. Besides, there are
topics which due to the demands of both scope and priorities - The complaint is the first pleading filed with the court by a
have to be intentionally left out not being indispensable to party called the plaintiff. The primary purpose of this
the acquisition of the core knowledge required to pass the pleading is to apprise the adverse party, called the
bar examinations and to start a career in trial practice. The defendant of the nature and the basis of the claim.
other more complicated situations in remedial law would
later automatically present themselves to the new lawyer as A. Right of action and cause of action
he acquires experience in the field. 1. A complaint is filed not because one simply wants to file a
complaint. Also, the litigation process involves much more
- Care has been taken to avoid the use of impenetrable than the mere mechanical act of the drafting of a complaint
legalese because emphasis has been made in bringing civil and the filing of the same with the court. Before filing the
procedure to a more understandable and workable level. complaint, the lawyer initially determines whether or not his
Topics in the Rules of Court have been rearranged to help the client, the plaintiff has a cause of action against the
reader break free from an overly technical approach to the defendant in accordance with the provisions of substantive
subject, release the mind from the "book mode" developed in law. An inquiry into substantive law is imperative because
law school and to approximate the application of procedural such law is the very basis of procedural law. This cause of
rules in both the bar examinations and the real world. action involves a right on the part of the plaintiff and a

Experience has told us fairly well that it is the ability to violation of this right by the defendant. Without a right and a

conceptualize the relationships among procedural rules, violation of this right, there can be no cause of action.
Without this cause of action there would be no right to file a required to avail of the barangay conciliation proceedings
suit against the defendant. This right to file a suit is called a before invoking judicial intervention.
right of action. The right of action which is procedural in
character is the consequence of the violation of the right of - There are also conditions precedents which actually
the plaintiff. Hence, the rule: There is no right of action constitute elements of the plaintiff's cause of action. An
where there is no cause of action. action for collection of a sum of money for example, must be
preceded by a demand to pay pursuant to Art. 1169 of the
B. Jurisdiction, venue and parties, prescription and Civil Code of the Philippines. An action for unlawful detainer
conditions precedent predicated upon the non-payment of rentals must likewise
1. If a cause of action exists, the lawyer may now start come only after a demand upon the defendant to pay and to
considering the preparation of the complaint. But before vacate the premises and such demand is not heeded by the
doing so, he proceeds to determine the court that should latter. By virtue of the provisions of Art. 151 of the Family
take cognizance of the action. This involves an inquiry into Code of the Philippines, actions between members of the
the rules on jurisdiction because the plaintiff is left with no same family must be preceded by attempts to have the
choice but to file his complaint in the court upon which the controversy settled and compromised. Also, when there is a
law has conferred jurisdiction over the subject matter of the need to exhaust administrative remedies before judicial
action. Filing the complaint in the wrong court is a ground intervention is sought, then the plaintiff should allege and
for a motu proprio dismissal of the same. show compliance with this condition.

- The counsel then goes on to determine the place where the C. Preparation of the complaint
action is to be filed. In procedural terms, this place is called 1. The preparation of a complaint requires recognition and a
the venue of the action. A complaint filed in the court with mastery of certain principles. Most prominent among these is
the appropriate jurisdiction runs the risk of being dismissed the rule that the complaint or any other pleading is not
on motion if lodged in the wrong geographical area. designed to be a narration of evidentiary matters but a
statement only of the ultimate facts which constitute a
- Counsel likewise ascertains whether or not his client, the party's claim or defense and which must be set forth in a
plaintiff is a real party in interest. A plaintiff who claims to methodical and logical form. Evidence has its own place in
be one must sufficiently allege ownership of a right violated the trial, not in a pleading.
by the adverse party. Then he expands his analysis by
determining those who are to be impleaded as defendants. 2. The complaint must specify the relief sought although the
This determination is vital because as a rule, a suit can be rule allows the addition of a general prayer for such other
commenced only against one averred to have violated the reliefs as the court may deem just or equitable. Although
plaintiff's rights. All these determinations mean that he sees part of the complaint, the relief or prayer is not a part of the
to it that the rules on parties are complied with. In short, as cause of action. The nature of the cause of action is
a starting point, the lawyer meticulously pours over the determined by the allegations in the body of the complaint
principles governing actions, right of action, causes of action, and not by the prayer.
jurisdiction, venue and parties.
3. The complaint must be dated. It must likewise be signed
2. The plaintiff, normally through his chosen counsel, by the party or by the counsel representing him. Signing the
thoroughly and carefully verifies from the substantive laws complaint is mandatory because an unsigned pleading
whether or not there still exists a sustainable cause of action produces no legal effect.
by confronting himself with a fundamental question: Is the
action barred by the statute of limitations? If it is, then the 4. When it is counsel who signs the pleading, this signature
right of action has ceased. It has ceased because it has constitutes a certificate by him that he has read the
prescribed and prescription is one of the well-recognized pleading, that to the best of his knowledge, information and
grounds for the dismissal of a complaint, the same being a belief, there are good grounds to support it and that it is not
mode of extinguishment of a legal obligation. For example, interposed for delay.
under Art. 1144 of the Civil Code of the Philippines an action
upon a written contract prescribes after ten (10) years from 5. The complaint must designate the address of the party or
the accrual of the cause of action. Under Art. 1147 of the his counsel. This address cannot be a post-office box.
same Code, actions for forcible entry and unlawful detainer
must be commenced within one (1) year from the accrual of 6. Should a complaint or any other pleading be verified or be
the cause of action. Enshrined in the Rules is the dictum that under an oath? The general rule on the matter is that a
when it appears from the pleadings or from the evidence on pleading need not be verified unless a verification is
record that the action has prescribed, the court is mandated specifically mandated by law or by a particular rule. For
by the Rules to dismiss the claim. example, all pleadings under the Rules on Summary
Procedure have to be verified.
3. If the action requires the performance of conditions
precedent, then compliance with these conditions is
imperative and cannot be conveniently ignored. Compliance
is not sufficient. The compliance must likewise be alleged in
the complaint. For instance, an action between or among

individuals residing in the same barangay are generally

appeal. This is so because a court acquires jurisdiction over
7. The complaint and other initiatory pleading must contain the subject matter of the action only upon the payment of
or be accompanied by a certification against forum shopping the correct amount of docket fees regardless of the actual
where the plaintiff or principal party certifies, among others, date of filing of the case in court.
that he has not commenced any action or filed any claim
involving the same issues in any other tribunal. Failure to 4. When the complaint is filed and the prescribed fees are
comply with this requirement is a ground for the dismissal of paid, the action is deemed commenced. The court then
the complaint upon motion and after a hearing. acquires jurisdiction over the person of the plaintiff and the
running of the prescriptive period for the action is tolled.
8. Depending upon the nature of the action, the plaintiff may
avail of any of the provisional remedies provided for under E. Dismissal of the action by the plaintiff
the rules like preliminary attachment, preliminary 1. Sometimes after filing the action, the plaintiff may have
injunction, receivership, replevin or support pendente lite. In second thoughts over the filing of the complaint. For reasons
an action for forcible entry for example, the plaintiff may personal or otherwise, he may entertain doubts as to the
ask for a writ of preliminary mandatory injunction to restore propriety of the filing of the action. In this case, he may
him in his possession during the pendency of the main case. dismiss his own complaint. If the dismissal is before the
adverse party had served an answer or a motion for summary
- For example, in an action for collection of a sum of money, judgment, he may have his own complaint dismissed by the
the plaintiff may, at the commencement of the action, apply mere filing of a notice of dismissal. Upon such notice, the
for the issuance of a writ of preliminary attachment of the court shall issue an order confirming the dismissal. The
defendant's properties where it is shown that the defendant dismissal by notice of dismissal is without prejudice to its
is about to depart from the Philippines with the intention of being refiled, unless otherwise stated in the notice of
defrauding the plaintiff-creditor. This attachment is obtained dismissal or when the refiling is barred by what jurisprudence
to secure the judgment to avoid the sad spectacle of a calls `the two-dismissal' rule.
winning party literally holding an empty bag because the
sheriff cannot find properties of the obligor to satisfy the 2. After service of the answer or a motion for summary
judgment. In an action for support, the resolution of which judgment, the plaintiff can no longer have his action
may possibly come only after a protracted litigation, the dismissed by mere notice. The plaintiff must now file a
plaintiff may ask the court to order the defendant to give motion to dismiss his complaint. The granting or the denial of
support to the plaintiff during the pendency of the action. the motion to dismiss is now a matter addressed to sound
This support is known in the Rules its support pendente lite. judicial discretion because this type of dismissal is no longer
In an action for damages against an electric company which a matter of right. If the court allows the dismissal of the
wrongly cut off the power supply to the plaintiff's factory, complaint, only the complaint is dismissed. A counterclaim
the latter may ask the court to issue a writ of preliminary already pleaded prior to the service upon the defendant of
mandatory injunction to restore power in the meantime that the motion for dismissal, is not affected and is without
litigation on the damage suit is in progress. prejudice to the right of the defendant to prosecute his
counterclaim in the same or in a separate action. A dismissal
D. Filing of the complaint under this rule, is deemed a dismissal without prejudice,
1. After all those mentioned above have been considered and unless otherwise stated in the order of the court.
duly complied with, the complaint shall now be filed. The
filing of the complaint is the act of presenting the same F. Amendment of the complaint
before the clerk of court. 1. Instead of dismissing his complaint as explained in the
immediately preceding paragraphs, it frequently happens
2. The rule in this jurisdiction is that when an action is filed, that the plaintiff finds the need to amend his complaint.
the filing must be accompanied by the payment of the Amendment of his pleading is a matter of right as long as the
requisite docket and filing fees. The fees must be paid said amendment is made before the other party has served a
because as a rule, the court acquires jurisdiction over the responsive pleading. So if the plaintiff desires to amend his
case only upon payment of the prescribed fees. Without complaint before the defendant serves his answer, the
payment, the general rule is that the complaint is not amendment may be done as a matter of right and the court
considered filed. Payment of the full amount of the docket has no discretion on the matter. In such a case, the
fee is mandatory and jurisdictional. This rule was however, amendment has to be accepted. If the court refuses to
relaxed by the Supreme Court when in one case, it allowed accept an amendment made as a matter of right, the court
the payment of the fee within a reasonable time but not may be compelled to do so through the special civil action of
beyond the prescriptive period. If the fees are not paid at mandamus. Note that an amendment made as a matter of
the time of the filing, the court acquires jurisdiction only right may, by the terms of the Rules, be made only once.
upon full payment of the fees within a reasonable time as the
court may grant, barring prescription. 2. May the plaintiff amend his complaint as a matter of right
even after a motion to dismiss has been served? He may. This
3. Even on appeal, the general rule is that payment of docket is because a motion to dismiss is not a responsive pleading.
fees within the prescribed period is mandatory for the Thus, his right to amend his complaint is not affected by the
perfection of the appeal although there are instances when filing of the motion to dismiss. After a responsive pleading
the rule has been applied with liberality. It is well- has been served, amendment must be by leave of court. This

established that the payment of docket fees within the means that after the answer has been served, an amendment
prescribed period is mandatory for the perfection of an may be done only with the approval of the court. Example: A
complaint was filed. The defendant served an answer to the
complaint. The plaintiff now decides to amend his complaint. 3. Although the summons directs the defendant to file tin
The amendment is no longer a matter of right because an answer to the complaint, the defendant need not file an
answer has already been served by the defendant. The answer. There are other procedural options available to the
amendment would now require leave of court and the defendant. For instance, if after reading the complaint, the
amendment has become a matter of judicial discretion. defendant finds that because of the ambiguity in certain
material allegations of the complaint he cannot possibly file
3. Although existing jurisprudence adopts a liberal policy on an intelligent answer, he need not file his answer unless and
amendments, the amendment may be refused if it appears to until the alleged ambiguities are clarified by the plaintiff.
the court that the amendment is intended for delay. It may These ambiguities may be sought to be clarified through a
also be denied if the amendment is no longer a matter of bill of particulars submitted by the plaintiff upon order of the
right and the proposed amendment would result in a drastic court and procured by the adverse party by his filing of a
change in the cause of action or defense or a change in the motion for bill of particulars. It must be clarified that a
theory of the case. Also, when the court has no jurisdiction motion for.bill of particulars is not solely directed to the
over the subject matter of the action and the amendment is complaint. Any other pleading may be the object of a motion
for the purpose of conferring jurisdiction upon the court for bill of particulars.
where the amendment is no longer a matter of right, the
amendment shall not be allowed. In the latter case, since the 4. After the plaintifl'submits a bill of particulars which
court is without jurisdiction over the action, it has no clarifies the ambiguities in the complaint, the defendant may
jurisdiction to act on the motion for leave to amend. now file his answer. If however, from the reading of the
complaint, a solid basis exists for the immediate dismissal of
4. An amendment may also arise by implication when issues the action, the defendant, instead of filing his answer, may
not raised in the pleadings are tried with the express or opt to file a motion to dismiss.
implied consent of the parties as when no objection is
interjected on the evidence offered on a matter not raised in 5. There are numerous grounds for a motion to dismiss and
the pleadings. When this occurs, the issues tried with the these grounds must be invoked by filing the requisite motion.
consent of the parties shall be treated as if they had been Normally, a court will wait for a party to file a motion to
raised in the pleadings. The pleadings may then be amended dismiss even if the ground for dismissal is known to it. For
to conform to the evidence although an actual amendment instance, unless the case is covered by the Rules on Summary
need not be made because failure to so amend the pleadings Procedure, the court will and ought to refrain from
will not affect the result of the trial on said issues. dismissing a complaint on the ground of improper venue even
if the venue is blatantly defective. Venue is a matter
II. Summons designed for the convenience of the parties and if no party
1. Upon the filing of the complaint and the payment of the complains about the venue, it is not for the court to take up
requisite legal fees, the clerk of court shall issue the the cudgels for them. There are however, grounds for
corresponding summons to the defendant directing him to dismissal which the court will recognize on its own motion.
file an answer to the complaint and that unless he does so, Lack ofjurisdiction over the subject matter of the action, litis
the court may render a judgment against him by default and pendencia, res judicata and prescription are reasons for the
grant to the plaintiff the relief applied for. Attached to the court to effect a motu proprio dismissal of the complaint
summons is a copy of the complaint. whenever any of these grounds appears from the pleadings or
from the evidence on record.
- The summons and a copy of the complaint are to be served
upon the defendant in person but if the defendant cannot be III. Answer
served despite efforts to serve him in person, summons may 1. If there exists no ground for a motion to dismiss or if the
be served by an alternative mode called substituted service. motion is rightfully denied, the defendant has to file his
This consists in serving the summons at the residence of the answer. The answer is the pleading which is the responsive
defendant or his regular place of business with a person pleading to the complaint. The answer gives notice to the
qualified to so receive the summons in accordance with the plaintiff as to which allegations in the complaint he decides
Rules. Subject to certain exceptions, the long standing rule is to contest and thus, put in issue. The answer contains both
that summons by publication is not a recognized mode of the negative and affirmative defenses of the defendant.
service for the purpose of acquiring jurisdiction over the
person of the defendant. 2. The filing of an answer is important. Failure of the
defendant to file an answer will entitle the plaintiff to file a
2. Recall that the filing of the complaint enables the court to motion to declare the defendant in default. When he is
acquire jurisdiction over the person of the plaintiff. This declared in default the defendant loses his standing in court
jurisdiction however, does not extend to the person of the and the court may proceed to render judgment granting the
defendant. It is the service of summons in actions requiring plaintiff the relief as his complaint may warrant, unless in its
jurisdiction over the person of the defendant (in personam discretion, the court requires the plaintiff to submit evidence
actions) which enables the court to acquire jurisdiction over on his claim.
the person of said defendant. The summons is a coercive
process which places the person, even of the unwilling 3. The answer to the complaint must specifically deny the
defendant, under the jurisdiction of the court. Service of material averments of the complaint because material

summons likewise represents a compliance with the rule on averments not specifically denied are deemed admitted. If
notice, an essential element of constitutional due process. the answer admits the material averments of the complaint,
the answer is deemed to have failed to tender an issue. Since file a reply does not have the same consequence. The failure
there are no triable issues, a trial is completely unnecessary. to file a reply will not likewise result in the implied
The plaintiff may then file a motion for a judgment on the admission of the material allegations in the answer because
pleadings and the court may direct a judgment based on the allegations of new matters in the answer even if not replied
pleadings already filed. to, are deemed controverted or denied.

4. A judgment on the pleadings is not to be confused with a 9. Recall also that a person not a party to the original action
summary judgment. A judgment on the pleadings is rendered may be impleaded by an original party and brought into the
because, as disclosed by the pleadings, there is no issue in action through a pleading called a third-party complaint.
the case either because the answer fails to tender an issue or Now, what if a person not a party to the complaint, on his
because it admits the material allegations of the complaint. own accord and volition wants to be a party to the action,
A judgment on the pleadings is based, just as the name tells with no party impleading him as a defendant through a third-
us, on the pleadings of the parties. A summary judgment is party complaint? How could this be procedurally possible?
based not only on the pleadings of the parties but also on There are provisions in the Rules that adequately meet this
their affidavits, depositions or admissions. The basis of a kind of situation. This is made possible through a process
summary judgment is not the absence of an issue but the called intervention. Under the Rules, if at any time before
absence of a genuine issue in the case. Where there is an judgment, a person not a party to the action believes that he
issue in the case but the issue does not concern any material has a legal interest in the matter in litigation in a case in
fact, as when the issue is merely the amount of damages, which he is not a party, he may, with leave of court, file a
there is no genuine issue and a summary judgment is proper. complaint-inintervention in the action if he asserts a claim
against one or all of the parties. On the other hand, if he
5. It happens frequently enough that the defendant has his unites with the defending party in resisting a claim against
own claim against the plaintiff. When the defendant files his said party, he may file an answer-in-intervention.
answer to the complaint, said answer may be coupled with a
counterclaim, which is a pleading in its own right. It is a IV. Pre-trial
pleading which sets forth a claim which a defending party 1. After the last pleading has been served and filed, it is the
may have against an opposing party. A counterclaim is always duty of the plaintiff to promptly move ex parte that the case
directed against an opposing party. be set for pre-trial. A pre-trial is mandatory and failure to
appear by either party will result in adverse consequences
6. There are instances when two or more defendants are for the absent party. In a pre-trial, the parties shall, among
named in a complaint. It also happens that one defendant others, consider the possibility of an amicable settlement or
has a claim against his co-defendant, a claim arising out of submission of the case to alternative modes of dispute
the transaction or occurrence which is the subject matter of resolution.
the complaint. The claiming defendant may then in his
answer, interpose a pleading against his co-defendant. This 2. During the pre-trial stage and generally at any time before
pleading is known as a cross-claim. This is a pleading trial, the parties may obtain information from each other
containing the claim by one party against a co-party. Thus, if through the employment of devices collectively known as
P files an action for a sum of money against A and B,A may discovery procedures. Thus, a party may avail of the various
file a cross-claim against B, his co-defendant. If A files a modes of discovery like depositions, interrogatories to
claim against P, such claim is called a counterclaim, not a parties, request for admission, production and inspection of
cross-claim. documents, and physical and mental examinations of
7. There are also cases when a defendant named in the
complaint, has a cause of action against one who is not a V. Trial
party to the action. This cause of action is a claim against - Should there be no amicable settlement or a compromise
the third person either for contribution, indemnity, forged between the parties, the case will be set for trial.
subrogation or any other relief in respect of the plaintiff's During the trial, the parties present their evidences on their
claim. The defendant may bring in the third person into the claims and defenses. The plaintiff presents his evidence first.
suit and implead him as a party by filing, with leave of court, After he rests his case the defendant will present his own
a third-party complaint against him, thus making him a party evidence. However, if the defendant believes that upon the
to the action. facts and the law, the plaintiff' is not entitled to relief, he
may, instead of presenting his own evidence, move for the
8. Recall that the defendant files an answer to the dismissal of the case. He does so by way of a demurrer to
complaint. This answer is the responsive pleading to the evidence. If the demurrer is denied, the defendant still has
complaint. May the plaintiff likewise make his own response the right to present his evidence. If the demurrer is granted
to the answer? The plaintiff' can. Upon receipt of the answer but on appeal the order of dismissal is reversed, the
of the defendant, the plaintiff may respond to the answer. defendant is deemed to have waived his right to present
This response is done through a pleading called a reply. The evidence.
purpose of a reply is to deny or allege facts in denial or
avoidance of new matters alleged in the answer. It is the
plaintiff's responsive pleading to the answer of the defendant VI. Judgment
to the complaint. Note however, that a reply, unlike the 1. A judgment is rendered after the submission of the

answer is not a compulsory pleading. While the failure to file evidences of the parties has been concluded. It is the
an answer may lead to a declaration of default, the failure to decision of the court and represents its official determination
of the respective rights and obligations of the parties to the - The following limitations are imposed by the constitution on
case. the rule-making power of the Supreme Court:
(a) The rules shall provide a simplified and inexpensive
2. There is no oral judgment under the Rules. It has to be in procedure for the speedy disposition of cases;
writing personally and directly prepared by the judge, stating (b) The rules shall be uniform for courts of the same grade;
clearly the facts and the law on which it is based, signed by and
him, and filed with the clerk of court. (c) The rules shall not diminish, increase, or modify
substantive rights (Sec. 5[5], Art. VIII, Constitution of the
3. Central to the concept of a judgment is the date of entry Philippines).
of the judgment which under current procedure should also
be the date of the finality of the judgment. The date of entry III. Legislative power and the rule-making power of the
of the judgment finds relevance when the judgment is to be Supreme Court
executed or when later on a litigant files a petition for relief 1. The 1973 Constitution empowered the then Batasang
from judgment. Pambansa to repeal, alter or supplement the Rules
promulgated by the Supreme Court concerning pleading,
VII. Post judgment remedies practice and procedure (Sec. 5[51, Art. X, 1973 Constitution).
1. The judgment will declare inevitably that a party wins and This provision however, no longer appears in the 1987
a party loses the litigation. The judgment is not the end for Constitution. Should the silence of the 1987 Constitution on
the losing party because he is afforded remedies against the the subject be construed as a bar on Congress to exercise the
adverse judgment. These remedies may be categorized into power it had under the 1973 Constitution?
(a) remedies before the judgment becomes final and
executory, and (b) remedies after the judgment becomes 2. Arguments that weigh in favor of the congressional power
final and executory. to repeal, alter, or supplement existing procedural rules laid
down by the Supreme Court normally invoke the plenary
2. Before the judgment becomes final and executory the power of Congress to legislate which accordingly must
aggrieved party may file (a) a motion for reconsideration, (b) include the power to legislate on pleading, practice and
a motion for new trial, or (c) an appeal. procedure.

3. After the judgment becomes final and executory, a party 3. Reference is often made to the Transitory Provisions of the
may no longer appeal because the period for appeal has 1987 Constitution (Sec. 10, Art. XVIII) to support the opinion
already lapsed. The judgment has become final and that the power to promulgate rules of procedure is not
executory and the prevailing party may, at anytime within intended by the fundamental law to be the sole prerogative
five years from its entry, file a motion for the execution of of the Supreme Court but is a power shared with Congress.
the judgment rendered in his favor. The losing partypay The provision reads:
however, avail of extraordinary remedies at this stage like " * * * The provisions of the existing Rules of Court,
(a) a petition for relief, (b) an action to annul the judgment, judiciary acts, and procedural laws not inconsistent with
or even (c) certiorari. Depending upon the circumstances as the Constitution shall remain operative unless amended or
when the nullity of the judgment is plain and evident on its repealed by the Supreme Court or Congress" (Italics
face, he may be allowed to attack the judgment collaterally. supplied).

VIII. Execution 4. It has been observed that Congress has not inhibited itself
- When all the remedies available to a party have been from enacting laws involving matters of procedure even after
exhausted and the case is finally decided, the judgment of the effectivity of the 1987 Constitution. For example,
the court shall then be subject to execution. This is the Republic Act 7438 (Act Defining Certain Rights of Persons
remedy afforded by procedural rules for the enforcement of Arrested, Detained or Under Custodial Investigation),
the judgment. It is the fruit as well as the end of the action. provides procedural rules on the conduct of custodial
investigation, on the waiver of the right to counsel and on
- Postscript: At the end of this material is a discussion on the making of extrajudicial confessions. Republic Act 6981
actions known under the Rules as special civil actions and are (Witness Protection, Security and Benefit Act) lays down the
socalled because although they are governed by the rules for procedure for admission into the program. Republic Act 8493
ordinary civil actions, there are special rules applicable only (Speedy Trial Act of 1998) contains rules on criminal
to them. procedure which have the effect of either amending or
supplementing existing rules. Pursuant to said law and in
II. POWERS OF THE SUPREME COURT order to accelerate the disposition of criminal cases, the
Supreme Court subsequently issued Circular No. 39-38 which
I. Rule-making power of the Supreme Court took effect on September 15, 1998.
- The Supreme Court has the constitutional power to
promulgate rules concerning pleading, practice and 5. It is of interest to note that the Supreme Court has
procedure (Sec. 5[5], Art. VIII, Constitution of the gravitated towards an interpretation favoring the view that
Philippines). the rule-making power of the Court concerning pleading,
practice and procedure is no longer shared with Congress.
II. Limitations on the rule-making power of the Supreme Although it may be argued that the pronouncements by the

Court Court on the subject are mere obiter dicta and thus, have no
doctrinal value, the same unmistakably disclose the Court's
leanings. The following pronouncements of the Court are
instructive: 4. The rule on liberal construction does not mean that
" * * * The rule-making power of this Court has procedural rules are to be ignored or disdained at will to suit
expanded. This Court for the first time, was given the the convenience of a party. Procedural law has its own
power to disapprove rules of procedure of special courts rationale in the orderly administration of justice, namely, to
and quasi-judicial bodies. But most important, the 1987 ensure the effective enforcement of substantive rights by
Constitution took away the power of Congress to repeal, providing for a system that obviates arbitrariness, caprice,
alter or supplement rules concerning pleading, practice despotism, or whimsicality in the settlement of disputes.
and procedure. In fine, the power to promulgate rules of
pleading, practice and procedure is no longer shared by 5. "The `liberal construction rule' is not a license to violate
this Court with Congress, more so with the executive * * *" procedural requirements. Procedural rules are designed to
(Echegaray us. Secretary of Justice, 301 SCRA 96, 112; facilitate the adjudication of cases. Courts and litigants alike
Italics supplied). are enjoined to abide strictly by the rules. And while the
Court, in some instances, allows a relaxation in the
- In a case of more recent vintage, the Court, in describing application of the rules, this, we stress, was never intended
its rule-making power opined: to forge a bastion for erring litigants to violate the rules with
"It has the sole prerogative to amend, repeal, or impunity. The liberality in the interpretation and application
even establish new rules for a more simplified and of the rules applies only in proper cases and under justifiable
inexpensive process, and the speedy disposition of cases causes and circumstances. While it is true that litigation is
(Neypes vs.Court ofAppeals, 469 SCRA 633, 643-644; Italics not a game of technicalities, it is equally true that every case
supplied). must be prosecuted in accordance with the prescribed
procedure to insure an orderly and speedy administration of
IV. Liberal construction of the Rules of Court (Bar 1998) justice.”
 Concomitant to a procedure adopting a liberal application
1. The Rules of Court are to be liberally construed ii order to of the rules should be an effort on the part of the party
promote their objective of securing a just, speedy, an( invoking liberality to explain his failure to abide by the rules.
inexpensive disposition of every action or proceeding (Sec. 6
Rule 1, Rules of Court). The emerging trend in the rulings o Illustration (Bar 1998)
the Supreme Court is to afford every party litigant the 1. xxx
amples opportunity for the proper and just determination of 2. How shall the Rules of Court be construed?
his cause free from the constraints of technicalities. Time
and again, the Highest Tribunal has consistently held that Suggested answer:
rules must not be applied rigidly so as not to override The Rules of Court shall be liberally construed in
substantial justice because rules of procedure must be used order to promote their objective of securing a just, speedy
to facilitate, not to frustrate justice. and inexpensive disposition of every action and proceeding
(Sec. 6, Rule 1, Rules of Court).
2. Liberal construction of the rules has been allowed by the
Supreme Court in cases (1) where a rigid application will V. Power of the Supreme Court to suspend its own rules
result in a manifest failure or miscarriage of justice 1. The courts have the power to relax or suspend technical or
especially if a party successfully shows that the alleged procedural rules or to except a case from their operation
defect in the questioned final and executory judgment is not when compelling reasons so warrant or when the purpose of
apparent on its face or from the recitals contained therein; justice requires it. What constitutes good and sufficient
(2) where the interest of substantial justice will be served; cause that would merit suspension of the rules is
(3) where the resolution of the motion is addressed solely to discretionary upon the courts.
the sound and judicious discretion of the court; and (4)
where the injustice to the adverse party is not commensurate 2. There are, indeed, reasons which would warrant the
to the degree of his thoughtlessness in not complying with suspension of the Rules:
the procedure prescribed. (a) the existence of special or compelling circumstances;
(b) the merits of the case;
3. The rigid application of the Rules may be relaxed so that (c) a cause not entirely attributable to the fault or
the ends of justice may be better served. However, such negligence of the party favored by the suspension of rules;
liberality may not be invoked if it would result in the wanton (d) a lack of any showing that the review sought is merely
disregard of the rules, and cause needless delay. Save for the frivolous and dilatory; and
most persuasive of reasons, strict compliance with the Rules (e) the other party will not be unjustly prejudiced thereby.
is enjoined to facilitate the orderly administration of justice.
3. While the rules may be relaxed or even suspended by the
Supreme Court, it will only do so for persuasive and weighty
reasons as to relieve a litigant of an injustice commensurate
with his failure to comply with the prescribed procedure and
the mere invocation of substantial justice is not a magical
incantation that will automatically compel the Court to
suspend procedural rules.
4. Technical rules may be suspended whenever the purposes - Substantive law creates, defines and regulates rights and
of justice warrant it, such as where substantial and duties concerning life, liberty or property which when
important issues await resolution because the courts have violated gives rise to a cause of action.
the power to relax or suspend technical or procedural rules
or to except a case from their operation when compelling - Remedial law prescribes the methods of enforcing those
reasons so warrant or when the purpose of justice requires it. rights and obligations created by substantive law by providing
What constitutes good and sufficient cause that would merit a procedural system for obtaining redress for the invasion of
suspension of the rules is discretionary upon the courts. rights and violations of duties and by prescribing rules as to
how suits are filed, tried and decided upon by the courts.
5. Procedural rules are not to be belittled or dismissed simply
because their non-observance may have resulted in prejudice III. Prospective effect of the Rules of Court
to the parties' substantive rights. Like all rules, they are - The Rules of Court are not penal laws and are not to be
required to be followed except only for the most persuasive given retroactive effect and are to govern cases brought
of reasons as when "transcendental matters" of life, liberty or after they take effect, except to the extent that in the
state security are involved. Litigation is not a game of opinion of the court their application would not be feasible
technicalities. It is equally true, however, that every case or would work injustice, in which event the former rule shall
must be presented in accordance with the prescribed apply (Rule 144, Rules of Court).
procedure to ensure an orderly and speedy administration of
justice. IV. Applicability to pending actions; retroactivity
1. Rules of procedure however, may be made applicable to
6. The rule on suspension of the rules of procedure is aptly actions pending and undetermined at the time of their
described in one case, thus: " * * * compliance with the passage, and are deemed retroactive in that sense and to
procedural rules is the general rule, and abandonment that extent. As a general rule, the retroactive application of
thereof should only be done in the most exceptional procedural laws cannot be considered violative of any
circumstances" personal rights because no vested right may attach to nor
arise therefrom. The rules are retroactive only in this sense.
VI. Power to amend the rules
- The constitutional power of the Supreme Court to 2. For example, the Court applied to pending actions, a new
promulgate rules of practice and procedure necessarily rule, promulgated through a case which standardized the
carries with it the power to overturn judicial precedents on period for appeal by allowing a `fresh period' of 15 days
points of remedial law through the amendment of the Rules within which to file the notice of appeal in the Regional Trial
of Court. Court, counted from receipt of the order dismissing a motion
Power to stay proceedings and control its processes for a new trial or motion for reconsideration. Said the Court:
1. The power to stay proceedings is incidental to the power "xxx In the light of this decision, a party litigant
inherent in every court to control the disposition of the cases may now file his notice of appeal either within fifteen days
on its dockets, considering its time and effort, and that of from receipt of the original decision or within fifteen days
counsel and the litigants. But if proceedings must be stayed, from the receipt of the order denying the motion for
it must be done in order to avoid multiplicity of suits and reconsideration. Being procedural in nature, Neypes is
prevent vexatious litigations, conflicting judgments, deemed to be applicable to actions pending and
confusion between litigants and courts undetermined at the time of its effectivity and is thus
retroactive in that sense and to that extent" (First Aqua
2. The inherent power of a court to amend and control its Traders, Inc. vs. Bank of the Philippine Islands, GR. No.
processes and orders includes the right to reverse itself if 154034, February 5, 2007).
only to make its findings and conclusions conformable to law
and justice. Every court has the power and the corresponding V. When procedural rules do not apply to pending actions
duty to review, amend or reverse its findings and conclusions - While a procedural rule may be made applicable to actions
whenever its attention is seasonably called to any error or pending and undetermined at the time of their passage and is
defect that it may have committed. retroactive in that sense, the rule does not apply:
(a) where the statute itself or by necessary implication
III. THE RULES OF COURT provides that pending actions are excepted from its
I. The procedural rules under the Rules of Court are not laws (b) if applying the rule to pending proceedings would
- The Rules of Court as a whole, constitutes the body of rules impair vested rights;
governing pleading, practice and procedure. As they do not (c) when to do so would not be feasible or would work
originate from the legislature, they cannot be called laws in injustice; or
the strict sense of the word. However, since they are (d) if doing so would involve intricate problems of due
promulgated by authority of law, they have the force and process or impair the independence of the courts.
effect of law if not in conflict with positive law. The Rules
are subordinate to statute, and in case of conflict, the VI. Applicable actions or proceedings
statute will prevail. - The Rules apply to civil actions, criminal actions and special
proceedings (Sec. 3, Rule 1, Rules of Court). The Rules shall
II. Substantive law distinguished from remedial law (Bar also apply in all courts, except as otherwise provided by the

2005) Supreme Court (Sec. 2, Rule 1, Rules of Court).

VII. Inapplicable actions or proceedings administrative due process cannot be fully equated with due
1. The Rules of Court shall not apply to: process in strict judicial terms.
(a) election cases,  It is settled that rules of procedure are, as a matter of
(b) land registration cases, course, construed liberally in proceedings before
(c) cadastral cases, administrative bodies. Thus, technical rules of procedure
(d) naturalization cases, and imposed in judicial proceedings are unavailing in cases before
(e) insolvency proceedings except by analogy or in a administrative bodies. Administrative bodies are not bound
suppletory character and whenever practicable and by the technical niceties of law and procedure and the rules
convenient (Sec. 4, Rule 1, Rules of Court). obtaining in the courts of law. Rules of procedure are not to
be applied in a very rigid and technical manner, as they are
2. As a rule, affidavits are hearsay but the argument that the used only to help secure and not to override substantial
affidavits attached to the case are hearsay because the justice.
affiants were not presented in court for cross-examination is
not persuasive because the rules of evidence are not strictly VIII. Scope of civil procedure
observed in proceedings before administrative bodies like the - Civil procedure includes:
NLRC where decisions may be reached on the basis of (a) ordinary civil actions (Rules 1-56);
position papers only. Rules that prevail in judicial (b) provisional remedies (Rules 57-61); and
proceedings are not controlling before the labor arbiter and (c) special civil actions (Rules 62-71).
the NLRC. Technicalities have no room in labor cases where
the Rules of Court are applied only in a suppletory manner IV. NATURE OF PHILIPPINE COURTS
and only to effectuate the objectives of the Labor Code and
not to defeat them. I. Courts of law and equity
- Philippine courts are both courts of law and equity. Hence,
- Labor disputes are not governed by the strict and technical both legal and equitable jurisdiction is dispensed with in the
rules of evidence and procedure observed in the regular same tribunal.
courts of] aw. Technical rules of procedure are not
applicable in labor cases, but may apply only by analogy or in II. Application of equity; equity jurisdiction
a suppletory character, for instance, when there is a need to 1. Equity administers justice according to the basic tenets of
attain substantial justice and an expeditious, practical and fairness. Equity denotes a concept of fairness, justness and
convenient solution to a labor problem. right dealing among men (Blacks, 5th Ed., 540). Equity seeks
to reach and to do complete justice where the courts of law
- A reliance on the technical rules of evidence in labor cases are incompetent to do so because of the inflexibility of the
is misplaced. To apply the concept of judicial admissions in rules and the lack of power to adapt their judgments to the
such cases is to exact compliance with technicalities contrary special circumstances of cases. Equity regards the spirit of
to the demands of substantial justice. the law and not its letter, the intent and not the form, the
substance rather than the circumstance.
3. In one case, the petitioner contends that under Sec. 34,
Rule 132 of the Rules of Court, only evidence which has been 2. Equity however, is not to be applied in all cases. Equity
formally offered shall be considered by the court. Under this does not apply when there is a law applicable to a given
rule, a formal-offer of evidence is made in the trial court and case. For all its conceded merits, equity is available only in
not for the first time in the appellate court. The contention the absence of law and not as replacement. It cannot
however, of the petitioner that the Court of Appeals erred in supplant, although it may, as it often happens, supplement
deciding against his petition on the basis of documentary the law. It is availed of only in the absence of a law and is
evidences presented only for the first time on appeal and never availed of against statutory law or judicial
which do not form part of the records of the trial court, is pronouncements.
not tenable. The rule on formal offer of evidence is not
applicable to a case involving a petition for naturalization. 3. In one case, the petitioner, upon sensing the inadequacy
of her legal arguments pleaded that "those who have less in
4. In one case, the petitioner contended that under Sec. 34, life should have more in law" She also sought the application
Rule 132 of the Rules of Court, only evidence which has been of the Filipino values of pakikisama and pakikipagkapwa tao
formally offered shall be considered by the court. Under this in resolving her case. In reaction to her plea, the Court
rule, a formal offer of evidence is made in the trial court and declared:
not for the first time in the appellate court. The contention "Such appeal of petitioner is based on equity which
however, of the petitioner that the Court of Appeals erred in has been aptly described as `justice outside legality'.
deciding against his petition on the basis of documentary However, equity is applied only in the absence of, and never
evidences presented only for the first time on appeal and against, statutory law or judicial rules of procedure. As found
which do not form part of the records of the trial court, was by respondent court * * * such equitable arguments cannot
ruled by the Supreme Court as bereft of merit. The rule on prevail over the legal findings"
formal offer of evidence is not applicable to a case involving
a petition for naturalization. 4. In an action to annul a contract of sale of a land, the
buyer moved for the court to order the seller to deposit in
5. Administrative bodies are not bound by the technical court the amount initially given to the seller as consideration

niceties of the rules obtaining in a court of law. Hence, for the land to prevent the dissipation of the amount paid.
The seller opposed the motion arguing that a deposit is not
among the provisional remedies enumerated in the Rules of unrestrained freedom of choice of the court to which
Court. The Court nevertheless granted the motion. The Court application therefore will be directed. There is a principle of
considered the case as one that clearly showed a hiatus in hierarchy of courts to be followed. A becoming regard for
the Rules of Court and in the law because deposit is not so that judicial hierarchy most certainly indicates that petitions
provided under the Rules as a provisional remedy. If the for the issuance of extraordinary writs against first level
hiatus is left alone, it will result in unjust enrichment in courts should be filed with the Regional Trial Court, and
favor of the seller at the expense of the buyer. It may also those against the latter, with the Court of Appeals. A direct
imperil the obligation of restitution, a precondition to the invocation of the Supreme Court's original jurisdiction to
annulment of a contract. This is a case of insufficiency of the issue these writs should be allowed only when there are
law and Article 9 of the Civil Code mandates a ruling despite special and important reasons therefore, clearly and
the "silence, obscurity or insufficiency of the laws." This calls specifically set out in the petition. This is established policy.
for the application of equity, which fills the open spaces of It is a policy that is necessary to prevent inordinate demands
the law. In ordering the deposit, the court accordingly upon the Court's time and attention which are better devoted
exercised its "equity jurisdiction" to those matters within its exclusive jurisdiction, and to
prevent further over-crowding of the Court's docket."
5. The various rulings of the court indicate that the term
equity jurisdiction is used to describe the power of the court IV. When the doctrine of hierarchy of courts may be
to resolve issues presented in a case in accordance with the disregarded
natural rules of fairness and justice in the absence of a clear, - The Supreme Court however, may disregard the principle of
positive law governing such issues. hierarchy of courts if warranted by the nature and
importance of the issues raised in the interest of speedy
III. Principle of judicial hierarchy justice and to avoid future litigations. Under the principle of
1. The judicial system follows a ladderized scheme which in liberal interpretation, it may, for example, take cognizance
essence requires that lower courts initially decide on a case of a petition for certiorari directly filed before it. The
before it is considered by a higher court. Specifically, under Supreme Court has, in not a few cases, suspended its own
a judicial policy recognizing the hierarchy of courts, a higher rules and excepted a particular case from their operation
court will not entertain direct resort to it unless the redress whenever the interests of justice so require (Declarador vs.
cannot be obtained in the appropriate courts. Bansales, G.R. No. 159208, August 18, 2006). But a direct
 Thus, while it is true that the issuance of a writ of invocation of the Supreme Court's original jurisdiction to
prohibition under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court is within the issue these writs should be allowed only when there are
jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, a petitioner cannot seek special and important reasons therefore, clearly and
relief from the Supreme Court where the issuance of such specifically set out in the petition (Lim vs. Vianzon, G.R. No.
writ is also within the competence of the Regional Trial Court 137187, August 3, 2006) such as cases of national interest
or the Court of Appeals. The Supreme Court is a court of last and of serious implications, justify the availment of the
resort. It cannot and should not be burdened with the task of extraordinary remedy of writ of certiorari, prohibition, or
deciding cases in the first instance. Its jurisdiction to issue mandamus calling for the exercise of its primary jurisdiction.
extraordinary writs should be exercised only where
absolutely necessary or where serious and important reasons - The following pronouncements emphatically sum up the
exist. rule:
A direct recourse of the Supreme Court's original
2. This is an established policy necessary to avoid inordinate jurisdiction to issue these writs should be allowed only when
demands upon the Court's time and attention which are there are special and important reasons therefore, clearly
better devoted to those matters within its exclusive and specifically set out in the petition.
jurisdiction, and to preclude the further clogging of the
Court's docket. V. Doctrine of non-interference or doctrine of judicial
3. The following rulings are enlightening: 1. This principle holds that courts of equal and coordinate
"The Supreme Court is a court of last resort, and jurisdiction cannot interfere with each other's orders.
must so remain if it is to satisfactorily perform the functions Hence, a Regional Trial Court has no power or authority to
assigned to it by the fundamental charter and immemorial nullify or enjoin the enforcement of a writ of possession
tradition. It cannot and should not be burdened with the task issued by another Regional Trial Court.
of dealing with causes in the first instance. Its original  The principle also bars a court from reviewing or
jurisdiction to issue the so-called extraordinary writs should interfering with the judgment of a co-equal court over which
be exercised only where absolutely necessary or where it has no appellate jurisdiction or power of review.
serious and important reasons exist therefore. Where the
issuance of an extraordinary writ is also within the 2. The doctrine of non-interference applies with equal force
competence of the Court ofAppeals or a Regional Trial Court, to administrative bodies. When the law provides for an
it is in either of these courts that the specific action for the appeal from the decision of an administrative body to the
writ's procurement must be presented. This is and should Supreme Court or Court of Appeals, it means that such body
continue to be the policy in this regard, a policy that courts is co-equal with the Regional Trial Court in terms of rank and
and lawyers must strictly observe. stature, and logically beyond the control of the latter.

"This concurrence of jurisdiction among the

Supreme Court, Court of Appeals and Regional Trial Courts in VI. Constitutional and statutory courts
certain cases should not be construed as giving to parties
1. A constitutional court is one created by a direct all cases, civil and criminal, of a particular nature. Courts of
Constitutional provision. Example of this court is the special (limited) jurisdiction are those which have only a
Supreme Court of the Philippines. It owes its creation from special jurisdiction for a particular purpose or are clothed
the Constitution itself (Sec. 1, Art. VIII, Constitution of the with special powers for the performance of specified duties
Philippines). In the Philippines, only the Supreme Court is a beyond which they have no authority of any kind.
constitutional court.
2. A court may also be considered `general' if it has the
2. A statutory court is one created by a law other than the competence to exercise jurisdiction over cases not falling
Constitution. All courts in the Philippines except the Supreme within the jurisdiction of any court, tribunal, person or body
Court, are statutory courts. They have been created exercising judicial or quasi judicial functions (Sec. 19[6], Sec.
by statutory enactments. The Sandiganbayan is not a 20, BP 129, Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980). It is in this
constitutionally created court. It was not directly created by context that the Regional Trial Court is considered a court of
the Constitution but was created by law pursuant to a general jurisdiction.
constitutional mandate. The 1973 constitution required the
then Batasang Pambansa to create a special court to be XI. Courts of original and appellate jurisdiction
known as the Sandiganbayan (Sec. 5, Art. XIII, 1973 1. A court is one with original jurisdiction when actions or
Constitution) and its existence continues to be recognized by proceedings are original filed with it. A court is one with
the 1987 Constitution. While its existence is mandated by the appellate jurisdiction when it has the power of review over
Constitution, its creation was through and by Presidential the decisions or orders of a lower court.
Decree 1486, issued by President Ferdinand E. Marcos
pursuant to his legislative powers under Amendment No. 6 of 2. Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Circuit Trial Courts
the 1973 Philippine Constitution. and Municipal Trial Courts are courts of original jurisdiction.
These courts have no appellate jurisdiction. The Regional
VII. Civil and criminal courts Trial Court is likewise a court of original jurisdiction with
1. Civil courts are those which determine controversies respect to cases originally filed with it. It is also a court of
between private persons. Criminal courts are those which appellate jurisdiction with respect to cases decided by the
adjudicate offenses alleged to have been committed against Municipal Trial Courts within its territorial jurisdiction (Sec.
the state. 22, BP 129).

2. Philippine courts exercise both civil and criminal 3. The Court of Appeals is primarily a court of appellate
jurisdictions. jurisdiction with competence to review judgments of the
Regional Trial Courts and specified quasi judicial agencies
VIII. Courts of record and courts not of record (Sec.9[3], BP 129). It also is a court of original jurisdiction
1. `Courts of record' are those which keep a written account with respect to cases filed before it involving issuance of
of its proceedings. Those courts which are not bound to keep writs of certiorari, mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus,
such records are `courts not of record'. and prohibition. It is also a court of original jurisdiction (and
exclusive) over notions for annulment of judgments of
2. One attribute of a court of record is the strong Regional trial Courts (Sec. 9111(2_1, BP 129).
presumption as to the veracity of its records that cannot be
collateraly attacked except for fraud. 4. The Supreme Court is also fundamentally a court of
appellate jurisdiction but it may also be a court of original
3. The test that is entitled to considerable weight in jurisdiction over cases affecting ambassadors, public
determining whether or not a court is one of record is ministers and consuls, and in cases involving petitions for
whether the legislature creating the court has or has not certiorari, prohibition and mandamus (Sec. 5[11, Art. VIII,
declared it to be a court of record. Constitution of the Philippines). Note: The Supreme Court en
banc is not an appellate court to which decisions or
4. All Philippine courts, including inferior courts, are now resolutions of a division of the Supreme Court may be
courts of record (R.A. 2613). appealed (Bar 1990).

IX. Superior and inferior courts XII. Original and exclusive jurisdiction distinguished
1. In the general sense, a court is `superior or `inferior' in 1. Original jurisdiction means jurisdiction to take cognizance
relation to another court. Hence, a Municipal Trial Court is of a cause at its inception, try it and pass judgment upon the
inferior to a Regional Trial Court while the latter is inferior law and facts, while exclusive jurisdiction precludes the idea
to the Court of Appeals. All courts in the Philippines are of co-existence and refers to jurisdiction possessed to the
inferior to the Supreme Court. exclusion of others.

2. A superior court is one with controlling authority over 2. A court may be conferred both original and exclusive
other courts, and with an original jurisdiction of its own. An jurisdiction over a particular subject matter. Examples: (a)
inferior court is one which is subordinate to another court The Municipal Trial Court has exclusive original jurisdiction
the judgment of which may be reviewed by a higher tribunal. over cases of forcible entry and unlawful detainer (Sec.
33[21, BP 129, as amended); (b) The Regional Trial Court has

X. Courts of general and special jurisdiction exclusive original jurisdiction over all civil actions in which
1. Courts of general jurisdiction are those with competence the subject matter of the litigation is incapable of pecuniary
to decide on their own jurisdiction and to take cognizance of estimation (Sec. 19[1], BP 129, as amended); (c) The Court of
Appeals has exclusive original jurisdiction over actions for law;
annulment of judgments of the Regional Trial Court (Sec. b. an organ of the government (Black's, 5th Edition 318) with
9[2], BP 129, as amended). a personality separate and distinct from the person or judge
who sits on it
XIII. Concurrent jurisdiction c. a being in imagination c. a physical person.
1. This type of jurisdiction also called `coordinate' comparable to a corporation
jurisdiction, is the power of different courts to take d. may be considered an d. a public officer
cognizance of the same subject matter. Where there is office.
concurrent jurisdiction, the court first taking cognizance of e. The circumstances of the court are not affected by the
the case assumes jurisdiction to the exclusion of the other circumstance that would affect the judge. The continuity of
courts. a court and the efficacy of its proceedings are not affected
by the death, resignation, or cessation from the service of
- Examples: the judge presiding over it. In other words, the judge my
(a) The Supreme Court has concurrent original jurisdiction resign, become incapacitated, or be disqualified to hold
with Regional Trial Courts in cases affecting ambassadors, office, but the court remains. The death of the judge does
other public ministers and consuls (Art. VIII, Sec. 5, not mean the death of the court.
Constitution of the Philippines; Sec. 21[21, BP 129);
XVI. Katarungang :Pambarangay Law (Sacs. 399-422, Chapter
(b) The Supreme Court has concurrent original jurisdiction 7, Title One, Book III, R.A. 7160)
with the Court ofAppeals in petitions for certiorari, 1. The proceedings before the Lupong Tagapamayapa or the
prohibition and mandamus against the Regional Trial Courts Pangkat ng Tagapagkasundo of the Barangay are not judicial
(Art. VIII, Sec. 5, Constitution of the Philippines; Sec. 9[11, proceedings. Legally, there is no barangay court. The Lupon
BP 129); and the Pangkat do not have inherent adjudicatory powers.
They resolve disputes or attempt to do so through mediation
(c) The Supreme Court has concurrent original jurisdiction and conciliation. Any adjudicatory power exercised by any of
with the Court of Appeals and the Regional Trial Courts in these bodies must be agreed upon by the parties in writing.
petitions for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus against Such agreement may involve their willingness to abide by any
lower courts and bodies and in petitions for quo warranto and arbitral award given by the Lupon or the Pangkat (Sec. 413,
habeas corpus (Art. Chapter 7, Title One, Book III, R.A 7160).
VIII, Sec. 5, Constitution of the Philippines; Sec. 9[11, BP
129; Sec. 21[21, BP 129). 2. The primordial aim of the Katarungang Pambarangay Law
is to reduce the number of court litigations and prevent the
2. The concurrent jurisdiction among courts of different deterioration of the quality of justice which has been brought
ranks is subject to the doctrine of hierarchy of courts. For about by the indiscriminate filing of cases in the courts.
example, while it is true that the original jurisdiction of the
Supreme Court to issue writs of certiorari, prohibition, XVII. Initiation of proceedings
mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus and injunction is 1. Upon payment of the appropriate filing fee, any individual
concurrent with or shared by the Supreme Court with the who has a cause of action against another individual involving
Regional Trial Courts and the Court of Appeals, a direct any matter within the authority of the Lupon may complain,
invocation of the Supreme Court's original jurisdiction to orally or in writing to the chairman of the Lupon (Sec.
issue these writs should be allowed only when there are 410[a], R.A. 7160). The chairman of the Lupon is the Punong
special and important reasons therefore, clearly and Barangay (Sec. 399, R.A. 7160). The fact that the complaint
specifically set out in the petition (Lim vs. Vianzon, G.R. No. was addressed to the barangay captain is of no moment
137187, August 3, 2006). The rule simply means that the because he is the chairman of the Lupong Tagapamayapa.
petition must, as a rule, be filed first with the court of the
lowest rank unless there are special countervailing reasons 2. Upon receipt of the complaint, the chairman shall summon
justifying its filing in the first instance with a higher court. the respondents within the next working day to appear. If the
chairman fails in his mediation efforts within fifteen (15)
XIV. Meaning of `court' days from the first meeting, he shall set a date to constitute
> court - an organ of government belonging to the judicial the Pangkat Tagapagkasundo (Sec. 410[b], R.A. 7160).
department the function of which is the application of the
laws to controversies brought before it as well as the public
administration of justice (Black's, 5th Edition, 356). XVIII. Personal appearance of parties
 A court is called upon and authorized to administer - The parties must appear in person in all Katarungang
justice. Sometimes it refers to the place where justice is Pambarangay proceedings and without the assistance of
administered counsel or representatives, except for minors and
incompetents who may be assisted by their next-of-kin who
XV. Court distinguished from a judge are not lawyers (Sec. 415, R.A. 7160; Magno vs. Velaasco-
- Although the terms have often been erroneously used Jacoba, 475 SCRA 584; Bar 1999).
interchangeably, they have the following marked

XIX. Parties to the proceedings

Court Judge - Only individuals shall be parties to the proceedings either
a. a tribunal officially a. simply an officer of such as complainants and respondents. Hence, no complaint by or
assembled under authority of tribunal against corporations, partnerships or other juridical entities
shall be filed, received or acted upon (Sec. 1, Rule VI, 1. Execution shall issue upon the expiration of ten (10) days
Katarungang Pambarangay Rules). from date of settlement or receipt of award (Sec. 1, Rule VII,
Katarungang Pambarangay Rules).
XX. Subject matters for settlement
- The general rule declares that all disputes may be the 2. The amicable settlement or award may be enforced by
subject of the barangay proceedings for amicable execution by the Lupon within six (6) months from date of
settlement, except the following: the settlement of the settlement or date of receipt of the
(a) Where one party is the government, or any subdivision award or from the date the obligation stipulated or adjudged
or instrumentality thereof; in the settlement becomes due and demandable. After the
(b) Where one party is a public officer or employee, and lapse of such time, the settlement or award may be enforced
the dispute relates to the performance of his official by the appropriate local court pursuant to the applicable
functions; provisions of the Rules of Court (Sec. 1, Rule VII, Katarungang
(c) Offenses for which the law prescribes a maximum Pambarangay Rules). The time line of six months should be
penalty of imprisonment exceeding one (1) year or a fine computed from the date of settlement.
exceeding five thousand pesos (P5,000.00);
(d) Offenses where there is no private offended party; 3. The disputants may file a motion with the Punong
(e) Where the dispute involves real properties located in Barangay, copy furnished to the other disputants, for the
different cities or municipalities unless the parties thereto execution of a final settlement or award which has not been
agree to submit their differences to amicable settlement complied with (Sec. 3, Rule VII, Katarungang Pambarangay
by an appropriate Lupon; Rules).
(f) Disputes involving parties who actually reside in
different barangays of different cities or municipalities, XXV. Importance of barangay conciliation proceedings
except where such barangay units adjoin each other and 1. The absence of a prior recourse to the barangay mediation
the parties thereto agree to submit their differences to and conciliation machinery when required by law, bars the
amicable settlement by an appropriate Lupon. Note: filing of the criminal or civil action in court.
Where the parties are not actual residents in the same city
or municipality or adjoining Barangays, there is no 2. "No complaint, petition, action, or proceeding involving
mandatory requirement for them to submit their dispute to any matter within the authority of the Lupon shall be filed or
the Lupon. instituted directly in court or any other government office
(g) Such other classes of disputes which the President for adjudication, unless there has been a confrontation
may determine in the interest of justice or upon the between the parties before the Lupon chairman or the
recommendation of the Secretary of Justice. pangkat, and that no conciliation or settlement has been
reached as certified by the Lupon secretary or pangkat
XXI. Referral to the Lupon by the court secretary as attested to by the Lupon or Pangkat chairman or
- The court in which a non-criminal case is filed may motu unless the settlement has been repudiated" (Sec. 412, R.A.
proprio refer the case, at any time before trial, to the Lupon 7160; Zamora vs. Heirs of lzquierdo, 443 SCRA 224).
concerned for amicable settlement, the foregoing rules
notwithstanding and even if the case does not fall within the - The repudiation shall be sufficient basis for the issuance of
authority of the Lupon (Sec. 1, Rule VI, Katarungang the certification for filing a complaint (Sec. 418, R.A. 7160).
Pambarangay Rules, Sec. 408, R.A. 7160).
3. Under the Rules on Summary Procedure, a motion to
XXII. Form of settlement dismiss may be filed on the ground of the failure to undergo
- All amicable settlements shall be in writing, in a language the barangay conciliation proceedings (Sec. 19[a], Rules on
or dialect known to the parties, signed by them and attested Summary Procedure). Under Sec. 18 of the same Rule, "Cases
to by the lupon chairman or the pangkat chairman, as the requiring referral to the Lupon for conciliation * * * where
case may be (Sec. 411, R.A. 7160). there is no showing of compliance with such requirement,
shall be dismissed without prejudice and may be revived only
XXIII. Effect of amicable settlement and award after such requirement shall have been complied with * * *."
1. The amicable settlement and arbitration award shall have
the effect of a final judgment of a court upon the expiration - Under Sec. 1(j) of Rule 16 a motion to dismiss a civil
of ten (10) days from the date thereof, unless repudiation of complaint may likewise be filed if a condition precedent to
the settlement has been made or a petition to nullify the the filing of an action is not complied with.
award has been filed before the proper city or municipal
court (Sec. 416, R.A. 7160). 4. The conciliation proceedings required is not a
jurisdictional requirement because the failure to have prior
2. Any party to the dispute may, within ten (10) days from recourse to it does not deprive the court of its jurisdiction.
the date of the settlement, repudiate the same by filing with  Prior to the amendment of the Rules, the ground for
the lupon chairman a statement to that effect sworn to dismissal of a civil complaint is not lack of jurisdiction but
before him, where the consent is vitiated by fraud, violence failure to state a cause of action or prematurity.
or intimidation (Sec. 419, R.A. 7160). Failure to repudiate  The proper ground to be invoked since July 1, 1997, the
the settlement within the ten-day period shall be deemed a date when the amendment to the Rules took effect, should

waiver of the right to challenge the settlement on said be: "That a condition precedent for filing the claim has not
grounds (Sec. 14, Rule VI, Katarungang Pambarangay Rules). been complied with" (Sec. 101, Rule 16, Rules of Court).
XXIV. Execution of award or settlement
(c) counterclaim;
I. Nature of pleadings (d) crossclaim;
- Pleadings are the written statements of the respective (e) third (fourth, etc.) -party complaint;
claims and defenses of the parties submitted to the court for (f) complaint-in-intervention; and
appropriate judgment (Sec. 1, Rule 6, Rules of Court). Under (g) reply (Sec. 2, Rule 6, Rules of Court).
the Rules of Court, pleadings cannot be oral because they are
clearly described as "written" statements. VII. Pleadings allowed under the Rules on Summary Procedure
- Note however, that when a case falls under the Rules on
II. Necessity and purpose of pleadings Summary Procedure, the only pleadings allowed to be filed
1. Pleadings are necessary to invoke the jurisdiction of the are:
court.  It is necessary, in order to confer jurisdiction on a (a) complaint;
court, that the subject matter be presented for its (b) compulsory counterclaim;
consideration in a mode sanctioned by law and this is done by (c) cross-claim pleaded in the answer; and
the filing of a complaint or other pleading. Unless a (d) answers thereto (Sec. 3/A] II, Rules on Summary
complaint or other pleading is filed, the judgment of a court Procedure).
of record is void and subject to collateral attack even though  Permissive counterclaims, third-party complaints:, replies
it may be a court which has jurisdiction over the subject and pleadings-in-intervention are prohibited under the Rules
matter referred to in the judgment. on Summary Procedure (Sec. 9, IV, Rules on Summary
2. Pleadings are intended to secure a method by which the
issues may be properly laid before the court. Pleadings are VIII. Caption of the pleading
designed to present, define and narrow the issues, to limit - The caption contains the following:
the proof to be submitted in the trial, to advise the court and (a) the name of the court;
the adverse party of the issues and what are relied upon as (b) the title of the action; and
the causes of action or defense. The pleadings of the parties (c) the docket number, if assigned (Sec. 1, Rule 7, Rules of
present the issue to be tried and determine whether such Court).
issue is of law or of fact.
IX. Title of the action
III. Construction of pleadings - The title of the action contains the names of the parties
1. In this jurisdiction, all pleadings shall be liberally whose participation in the case shall be indicated. This
construed so as to do substantial justice. Pleadings should means the parties shall be indicated as either plaintiff or
receive a fair and reasonable construction in accordance with defendant. They shall all be named in the original complaint
the natural intendment of the words and language used and or petition; but in subsequent pleadings, it shall be sufficient
the subject matter involved. The intention of the pleader is if the name of the first party on each side be stated with an
the controlling factor in construing a pleading and should be appropriate indication whether there are other parties.
read in accordance with its substance, not its form. Example: Pedro Reyes, et al. (Sec. 1, Rule 7, Rules of Court).

2. While it is the rule that pleadings should be liberally X. Variance between caption and allegations in the pleading
construed, it has also been ruled that a party is strictly 1. It is not the caption of the pleading but the allegations
bound by the allegations, statements or admissions made in therein which determine the nature of the action and the
his pleadings and cannot be permitted to take a court shall grant relief warranted by the allegations and
contradictory position. proof even if' no such relief is prayed for.
 Thus, a complaint captioned as unlawful detainer is
IV. Construction of ambiguous allegations in pleadings actually an action for forcible entry where the allegations
- In case there are ambiguities in pleadings, the same must show that the possessor of the land was deprived of the same
be construed most strongly against the pleader and that no by force, intimidation, strategy, threat or stealth. Likewise,
presumptions in his favor are to be indulged in. This rule a complaint for unlawful detainer is actually an action for
proceeds from the theory that it is the pleader who selects collection of a sum of money where the allegations of the
the language used and if his pleading is open to different complaint do not disclose that the plaintiff demanded upon
constructions, such ambiguities must be at the pleader's the defendant to vacate the property but merely demanded
peril. to pay the rentals in arrears.

V. System of pleading in the Philippines 2. In one case, while the complaint was denominated as one
- The system of pleading used in the Philippines is Code for specific performance, the allegations of the complaint
Pleading following the system observed in some states of the and the relief prayed for actually and ultimately sought for
United States like California and New York. This system is the execution of a deed of conveyance to effect a transfer of
based on codified rules or written set of procedure as ownership of the property in question. The action therefore,
distinguished from common law procedure. is a real action.
 Also, although the complaint was denominated as one for
VI. Pleadings allowed by the Rules of Court (Bar 1996) reformation of the instrument, the allegations of the

- The following are the pleadings allowed by the Rules of complaint did not preclude the court from passing upon the
Court: real issue of whether or not the transfer between the parties
(a) complaint; was a sale or an equitable mortgage as the said issue has
been squarely raised in the complaint and had been the include a "general prayer for such further or other relief as
subject of arguments and evidence of the parties. may be deemed just or equitable."

3. If the petitioner filed before the Supreme Court a petition 2. The relief or prayer, although part of the complaint, does
captioned "Petition for Certiorari" based on Rule 65 but the not constitute a part of the statement of the cause of action.
allegations show that the issues raised are pure questions of It does not also serve to limit or narrow the issues presented.
law, the cause of action is not one based on Rule 65 which
raises issues of jurisdiction, but on Rule 45 which raises pure 3. It is the material allegations of the complaint, not the
questions of law. The allegations of the pleading determine legal conclusions made therein or the prayer that determines
the cause of action and not the title of the pleading. the relief to which the plaintiff is entitled.

XI. Body of the pleading 4. It is important to remember that the court may grant a
1. The body of the pleading sets forth its designation, the relief not prayed for as long as the relief is warranted by the
allegations of the party's claims or defenses, the relief allegations of the complaint and the proof.
prayed for, and the date of the pleading (Sec. 2, Rule 7,
Rules of Court). XV. Signature and address
1. The complaint must be signed by the plaintiff or counsel
2. The allegations in the body of the pleading shall be representing him indicating his address. This address should
divided into paragraphs and shall be so numbered for ready not be a post office box (Sec. 3, Rule 7). A party who is not
identification. This numbering scheme is significant because represented by counsel must sign his own pleading.
in subsequent pleadings, a paragraph may be referred to only
by its number without need for repeating the entire - In the absence of a proper notice to the court of a change
allegations in the paragraph. Each paragraph shall contain a of address, service upon the parties must be made at the last
statement of a single set of circumstances so far as that can address of their counsel of record.
be done with convenience (Sec. 2, Rule 7, Rules of Court).
2. A signed pleading is one that is signed either by the party
XII. Designation of causes of actions joined in one complaint himself or his counsel. Section 3, Rule 7 is clear on this
- When two or more causes of action are joined, the first matter. It requires that a pleading must be signed by the
cause of action shall be prefaced with the words, "first cause party or counsel representing him. Therefore, only the
of action," of the second cause of action by the words, signature of either the party himself or his counsel operates
"second cause of action," and so on for the others (Sec. 2, to validly convert a pleading from one that is unsigned to one
Rule 7, Rules of Court). that is signed.

XVI. Effect of an unsigned pleading

XIII. Allegations of ultimate facts - The signature in a pleading is important for it to have a
1. Every pleading, including the complaint, is not supposed to legal effect. Under the Rules of Court (Sec. 3, Rule 7), "an
allege conclusions. A pleading must only aver facts because unsigned pleading produces no legal effect." The court
conclusions are for the court to make. however, is authorized to allow the pleader to correct the
deficiency if the pleader shows to the satisfaction of the
2. Not all facts may be allowed as averments in a pleading. court, that the failure to sign the pleading was due to mere
Under Sec. 1 of Rule 6, every pleading shall omit from its inadvertence and not to delay the proceedings (Sec. 3, Rule
allegations statements of mere evidentiary facts. The rule 7, Rules of Court).
prohibiting allegations of evidentiary facts in a pleading is
not difficult to understand. Evidentiary matters are to be XVII. Significance of the signature of counsel (Bar 1996)
presented during the trial of the case, not in the pleadings of 1. The signature of a counsel in a pleading is significant. His
the parties. The conclusions and evidentiary matters signature constitutes a certificate by him that (a) he has read
contained in a pleading may be the subject of a motion to the pleading, (b) that to the best of his knowledge,
strike. information and belief there is good ground to support it, and
(c) that it is not interposed for delay (Sec. 3, Rule 7, Rules of
3. The rule requires that a pleading should contain only Court,).
allegations of "ultimate facts,"i.e., the facts essential to a
party's cause of action or defense (Sec. 1, Rule 6, Rules of 2. A counsel who deliberately files an unsigned pleading shall
Court). These ultimate facts are to be stated in a logical be subject to an appropriate disciplinary action. A
form and in a plain and concise manner (Sec. 1, Rule 6, Rules disciplinary action will likewise be taken against him if he
of Court). signs II pleading in violation of the Rules, when he alleges
scandalous or indecent matter in his pleading, or when he
XIV. Relief fails to promptly report to the court a change in his address
1. Following the averments of the cause of action of the (Sec. 3, Rule 7, Rules f Court).
plaintiff, the complaint must contain a statement of the
relief sought from the court and to which he believes he is 3. "It has been held that counsel's authority and duty to sign
entitled. This portion of the complaint is oftentimes referred a pleading are personal to him." He may not delegate it to

to as the "prayer" or sometimes called the "Wherefore" ,just any person because the signature of counsel constitutes
clause. The Rules of Court (Sec. 2[c], Rule 7) requires that an assurance by him that he has read the pleading; that to
the relief sought be specified, although the statement may the best of his knowledge, information and belief, there is a
good ground to support it; and that it is not interposed for 2. It has however, been held that the absence of a
delay. Under the Rules of Court, it is counsel alone, by verification or the non-compliance with the verification
affixing his signature, who can certify to these matters. requirement does not necessarily render the pleading
defective. It is only a formal and not a jurisdictional
- "The preparation and signing of a pleading constitute legal requirement. The requirement is a condition affecting only
work involving practice of law which is reserved exclusively the form of the pleading and non-compliance therewith does
for the members of the legal profession. Accordingly not necessarily render it fatally defective.
however, counsel may delegate the signing of a pleading to
another lawyer but cannot do so in favor of one who is not. In 3. The absence of a verification may be corrected by
so ruling the Court cites The Code of Professional requiring an oath. The rule is in keeping with the principle
Responsibility, the pertinent provision on which provides: that rules of procedure are established to secure substantial
Rule 9.01 - A lawyer shall not delegate to any justice and that technical requirements may be dispensed
unqualified person the performance of any task which by law with in meritorious cases.
may only be performed by a member of the Bar in good  The court may order the correction of the pleading or act
standing. on an unverified pleading if the attending circumstances are
such that strict compliance would not fully serve substantial
- "A signature by agents of a lawyer amounts to signing by justice, which after all, is the basic aim for the rules of
unqualified persons, something the law strongly proscribes. procedure.
Therefore, the blanket authority entrusted to just anyone is
void. Any act taken pursuant to that authority is likewise XXIII. Certification against forum shopping
void. hence, there is no way it could be cured or ratified by 1. The certification against forum shopping is a sworn
counsel." statement certifying to the following matters:
(a) that the party has not commenced or filed any claim
XVIII. When counsel is subject to disciplinary action involving the same issues in any court, tribunal, or quasi
- A counsel shall be subject to disciplinary action in the judicial agency and, to the best of his knowledge, no such
following cases: (a) when he deliberately files an unsigned other action or claim is pending;
pleading; (b) when he signs a pleading in violation of the (b) that if there is such other pending action or claim, a
Rules; (c) when he alleges in the pleading scandalous or complete statement of the present status thereof; and
indecent matter; or (d) when he fails to promptly report to (c) that if he should therefore learn that the same or
the court a change of his address (Sec. 3, Rule 7, Rules of similar action or claim has been filed or is pending, he
Court). shall report that fact within five (5) days therefrom to the
court wherein his aforesaid complaint or initiatory
XIX. Verification in a pleading pleading has been filed (Sec. 5, Rule 7, Rules of Court).
- The pleading need not be under oath. This means that a
pleading need not be verified. This is the general rule. A 2. The certification is mandatory under Sec. 5 of Rule 7 but
pleading will be verified only when a verification is required not jurisdictional.
by a law or by a rule (Sec. 4, Rule 7, Rules of Court).
XXIV. Meaning of forum shopping
XX. How a pleading is verified 1. There is forum shopping when, as a result of an adverse
- A pleading is verified by an affidavit. This affidavit declares opinion in one forum, a party seeks a favorable opinion,
that: (a) the affiant has read the pleading, and (b) that the other than by appeal or certiorari in another. There can also
allegations therein are true and correct of his personal be forum shopping when a party institutes two or more suits
knowledge or based on authentic records (Sec. 4, Rule 7, in different courts, either simultaneously or successively, in
Rules of Court as amended by A.M. No. 00-2-10, May 1, order to ask the courts to rule on the same or related causes
2000). and/or to grant the same or substantially the same reliefs on
the supposition that one or the other court would make a
XXI. Significance of a verification favorable disposition or increase a party's chances of
- The verification requirement is significant, as it is intended obtaining a favorable decision or action.
to secure an assurance that the allegations in a pleading are
true and correct and not the product of the imagination or a 2. It is an act of a party against whom an adverse judgment
matter of speculation, and that the pleading is filed in good has been rendered in one forum of seeking and possibly
faith. The absence of a proper verification is cause to treat getting a favorable opinion in another forum, other than by
the pleading as unsigned and dismissible. appeal or the special civil action of certiorari, or the
 The purpose of requiring a verification is to secure an institution of two or more actions or proceedings grounded
assurance that the allegations of the petition have been on the same cause on the supposition that one or the other
made in good faith, or are true and correct, not merely court would make a favorable disposition.
3. Forum shopping is an act of malpractice, as the litigants
XXII. Effect of lack of a verification trifle with the courts and abuse their processes. It is
1. A pleading required to be verified but lacks the proper improper conduct and degrades the administration of justice.
verification shall be treated as an unsigned pleading (Sec. 4, If the act of the party or its counsel clearly constitutes willful

Rule 7, Rules of'Court). Hence, it produces no legal effect and deliberate forum-shopping, the same shall constitute
(Sec. 3, Rule 7, Rules of Court). direct contempt, and a cause for administrative sanctions, as
well as a ground for the summary dismissal of the case with 6. The filing of six appeals, complaints or petitions to
prejudice. frustrate the execution of as judgment is a clear case of
forum shopping.
XXV. Rationale against forum shopping
- The rationale against forum shopping is that a party should 7. The concept of forum shopping applies not only with
not be allowed to pursue simultaneous remedies in two respect to suits filed in the courts but also in connection with
different fora. Filing multiple petitions or complaints litigations commenced in the courts while an administrative
constitutes abuse of court processes, which tends to degrade proceeding is pending in order to defeat administrative
the administration of justice, wreaks havoc upon orderly processes and in anticipation of an unfavorable
judicial procedure, and adds to the congestion of the heavily administrative ruling.
burdened dockets of the courts. Thus, the rule proscribing
forum shopping seeks to promote candor and transparency XXVII. Who executes the certification against forum shopping
among lawyers and their clients in the pursuit of their cases (Bar 2000)
before the courts to promote the orderly administration of 1. It is the plaintiff or principal party who executes the
justice, prevent undue inconvenience upon the other party, certification under oath (Sec. 5, Rule 7, Rules of Court). The
and save the precious time of the courts. It also aims to certification must be executed by the party, not the
prevent the embarrassing situation of two or more courts or attorney.
agencies rendering conflicting resolutions or decisions upon  It must be signed by the party himself and cannot be
the same issue. signed by his counsels.

XXVI. How to determine existence of forum shopping - It is the petitioner and not the counsel who is in the best
1. To determine whether a party violated the rule against position to know whether he or it actually filed or caused the
forum shopping, the most important question to ask is filing of a petition. A certification signed by counsel is a
whether the elements of litis pendentia are present or defective certification and is a valid cause for dismissal. This
whether a final judgment in one case will result to res is the general rule and the prevailing rule.
judicata in another. Otherwise stated, to determine forum
shopping, the test is to see whether in the two or more cases 2. Thus, in a fairly recent case, Go vs. Rico, petitioners
pending, there is: (a) identity of parties, (b) identity of rights admitted that neither of them signed the certification
or causes of action, and (c) identity of reliefs sought. against forum shopping. Only their counsel did. The Court in
this case emphatically stressed that a certification by counsel
2. Forum-shopping exists when the elements of litis and not by the principal party himself is no certification at
pendentia are present or where a final judgment in one case all. The reason for requiring that it must be signed by the
will amount to res judicata in another. Litis pendentia principal party himself is that he has actual knowledge, or
requires the concurrence of the following requisites: (1) knows better than anyone else, whether he has initiated
identity of parties, or at least such parties as those similar action/s in other courts, agencies or tribunals. Their
representing the same interests in both actions; (2) identity lawyer's explanation that they were out-of-town at the time
of rights asserted and reliefs prayed for, the reliefs being their petition was filed with the Court ofAppeals is bereft of
founded on the same facts; and (3) identity with respect to basis. That explanation is an afterthought as it was not
the two preceding particulars in the two cases, such that any alleged by counsel in her certification against forum
judgment that may be rendered in the pending case, shopping.
regardless of which party is successful would amount to res
adjudicata in the other case. XXVIII. Liberal interpretation of the rules on the signing of
the certification against forum shopping
3. What is pivotal in determining whether forumshopping 1. It has also been held that the rules on forum shopping,
exists or not is the vexation caused the courts and parties- which were precisely designed to promote and facilitate the
litigants by a party who asks different courts and/or orderly administration of justice, should not be interpreted
administrative agencies to rule on the same or related causes with such absolute literalness as to subvert its own ultimate
and/or grant the same or substantially the same reliefs, in and legitimate objective which is the goal of all rules of
the process creating possibility of conflicting decisions being procedure - that is, to achieve substantial justice as
rendered by the different courts and/or administrative expeditiously as possible.
agencies upon the same issues.  Hence, the rule is subject to the power of the Supreme
Court to suspend procedural rules and to lay down exceptions
4. Where the reliefs sought in the two actions are different, to the same.
there is no forum shopping even if the parties in the actions
are the same. Where one action is for a permanent - Examples: While a petition for certiorari is flawed where
injunction and the other is a petition for certiorari, there is the certificate of non-forum shopping was signed only by
no identity of reliefs. counsel and not by the party, this procedural lapse was
overlooked by the Court in the interest of justice. In another
5. Where the reliefs sought in two courts involving the same case, the fact that the parties were abroad at a time when
parties is to restrain a government official from the petition was filed, was considered a reasonable cause to
implementing the same order, there is forum shopping exempt the parties from compliance with the requirement

because there is identity of reliefs. that they personally execute the certification against forum
shopping. In De Guia vs. De Guia, the Supreme Court went to
the extent of invoking its power to suspend the Rules by
disregarding the absence of the certification against forum 2. It bears stressing that the Rule distinctly provides that the
shopping in the interest of substantial justice. required certification against forum shopping is intended to
cover an initiatory pleading, meaning an incipient application
2. In Dar vs. Alonzo-Legasto, where the petitioners were sued of a party asserting a claim for relief. The answer with a
jointly as "Mr. and Mrs." over a property in which they were counterclaim is a responsive pleading, filed merely to
alleged to have common interest, the signing of the counter petitioners' complaint that initiates the civil action
certification against forum shopping by one of the petitioners and is a claim for relief that is derived only from, or is
was held to be a substantial compliance of the rule. In a necessarily connected with, the main action or complaint. It
subsequent ruling in the case of Docena vs. Lapesura, where is not an initiatory pleading.
only the husband signed the certificate against forum
shopping in a petition involving the conjugal residence of the XXXI. Effects of non-compliance with the rule on certification
spouses, the Supreme Court considered the certification as against forum shopping (Bar 1996)
having substantially complied with the requirements of the 1. The failure to comply with the required certification is
Rules of Court. "not curable by a mere amendment" and shall be a cause for
the dismissal of the action (Sec. 5, Rule 7, Rules of Court).
3. In Ca vile vs. Heirs of Clarita Cavile, a similar ruling was
made where the Court held that there was substantial 2. The dismissal for failure to comply with the certification
compliance with the Rules where only one petitioner signed requirement is not to be done by the court motu proprio. The
the certification against forum shopping in behalf of all the rule requires that the dismissal be upon motion and after
other petitioners being all relatives and co-owners of the hearing (Sec. 5, Rule 7, Rules of Court).
properties in dispute, and who shared a common interest in
them, had a common defense in the complaint for partition, 3. If the case is dismissed for failure to comply with the
filed the petition collectively, and raised only one argument certification requirement, the dismissal is, as a rule, "without
to defend their rights over the properties in question. prejudice," unless the order of dismissal otherwise provides
(Sec. 5, Rule 7, Rules of Court). Hence, where the dismissal
4. A liberal interpretation of the rule has likewise been is silent as to the character of the dismissal, the dismissal is
adopted in Bases Conversion Authority. While in this case, presumed to be without prejudice to its being refiled.
only one petitioner signed the verification and certification
of non-forum shopping, it was held that such fact is not fatal XXXII. No appeal from an order of dismissal
to the petition. The Court ruled that the signature of a - May the plaintiff' appeal from the order of the dismissal
principal party in the certification of non-forum shopping without prejudice? He cannot appeal from the order. This is
satisfies the requirement of the Rules of Court if he is a because an order dismissing an action without prejudice is
principal party because accordingly, under the Rules, it is not appealable. The remedy provided for under Sec. 1 of
clear that the certification of non-forum shopping may be Rule 41 is to avail of the special civil action of certiorari
signed by a principal party. under Rule 65 (Sec. 1[h1, Rule 41, Rules of Court).

XXIX. Signing the certification when the plaintiff is a juridical XXXIII. Effect of willful and deliberate forum shopping
entity - If the acts of the party or his counsel clearly constitute
- A juridical entity, unlike a natural person, can only perform willful and deliberate forum shopping, the same shall be a
physical acts through properly delegated individuals. The ground for summary dismissal. Here, no motion to dismiss
certification against forum shopping where the plaintiff or a and a hearing are required. The dismissal in this case is also
principal party is a juridical entity like a corporation, may be with prejudice and shall constitute direct contempt, as well
executed by properly authorized persons. This person may be as cause for administrative sanctions (Sec. 5, Rule 7, Rules of
the lawyer of a corporation. As long as he is duly authorized Court).
by the corporation and has personal knowledge of the facts
required to be disclosed in the certification against forum XXXIV. Effect of submission of a false certification
shopping, the certification may be signed by the authorized - It may happen that the pleading has been filed with the
lawyer. required certification against forum shopping but the
allegations therein or the matters certified to therein are
XXX. Pleadings requiring a certification against forum false. Under the Rules, the submission of a false certification
shopping shall constitute indirect contempt of court without prejudice
1. The certification against forum shopping applies to the to the corresponding administrative and criminal sanctions
complaint and other initiatory pleadings asserting a claim (Sec. 5, Rule 7, Rules of Court).
(Sec. 5, Rule 7, Rules of Court). This initiatory pleadings
include not only the original complaint but also a permissive XXXV. Effect of non-compliance with the undertakings
counterclaim, cross-claim, third (fourth, etc.) -party - Failure to comply with the undertakings in the certification
complaint, complaint-in-intervention, petition or any against forum shopping has the same effect as the submission
application in which a party asserts his claim for relief. The of a false certification (Sec. 5, Rule 7, Rules of Court).
rule does not require a certification against forum shopping
for a compulsory counterclaim because it cannot be the
subject of a separate and independent adjudication. It is

therefore, not an initiatory pleading.

OTHER PAPERS IN CIVIL CASES (d) pleadings subsequent to the complaint,
(e) written motion,
I. Meaning of `filing' (f) notices,
> Filing - the act of presenting the pleading or other papers (g) appearances,
to the clerk of court (Sec. 2, Rule 13, Rules of Court). (h) demands,
(i) offers of judgment, or
II. Meaning of `service' (j) similar papers (Sec. 4, Rule 13, Rules of Court).
> Service - the act of providing a party with a copy of the
pleading or paper concerned (Sec. 2, Rule 13, Rules of
Court). VI. Modes of service
- There are two modes of service of pleadings, judgments,
III. Upon whom service shall be made motions, notices, orders, judgments and other papers: (a)
1. If a party has not appeared by counsel,: then service must personally, or by (b) mail. However, if personal service and
be served upon him. service by mail cannot be made, service shall be done by
`substituted service'.
2. If a party has appeared by counsel, then service shall be
made upon his counsel or one of them; unless service upon VII. Personal service
the party himself is ordered by the court (Sec. 2, Rule 13, 1. Personal service is the preferred mode of service (Sec. 11,
Rules of Court). The rule is that when a party is represented Rule 13, Rules of Court). If another mode of service is used
by counsel in an action in court, notices of all kinds,- other than personal service, the service must be
including motions, pleadings, and orders must be served on accompanied by a written explanation why the service of
said counsel and notice to him is notice to the client. filing was not done personally. Exempt from this explanation
are papers emanating from the court. A violation of this
3. Where one counsel appears for several parties, service explanation requirement may be cause for the paper to be
shall be made upon said counsel but he shall be entitled only considered as not having been filed (Sec. 11, Rule 13, Rules
to one copy of any paper served upon him by the opposite of Court).
side (Sec. 2, Rule 13, Rules of Court).
2. Personal service is made by:
IV. Manner of filing (a) delivering a copy of the papers served personally to the
1. There are two modes of filing, to wit: (a) by presenting party or his counsel, or
the original copy of the pleading, notice, appearance, (b) or by leaving the papers in his office with his clerk or a
motion, order or judgment personally to the clerk of court; person having charge thereof. If no person is found in the
or (b) by registered mail. office, or his office is not known or he has no office, then by
2. In the first mode, the clerk of court shall indicate or leaving a copy of the papers at the party's or counsel's
endorse on the pleading or paper filed, the date and hour of residence, if known, with a person of sufficient age and
filing. discretion residing therein between eight in the morning and
3. In the second mode, the date of mailing as shown by the six in the evening (Sec. 6, Rule 13, Rules of Court).
post office stamp on the envelope or registry receipt, shall
be considered as the date of filing (Sec 3, Rule 13, Rules of 3. As a rule, personal service of judgments is done by
Court). delivering them personally to the party or his counsel, or
when they are left in his office, with his clerk or with a
V. How to prove filing person having charge thereof. In case this is not possible, the
1. The filing of a pleading or paper shall be proved by its copy of the judgment may be left at the party's or his
existence in the record of the case, if it is not in the record, counsel's residence with a person of sufficient age or
but is claimed to have been filed personally, the filing shall discretion residing therein.
be proved by the written or stamped acknowledgment of its
filing by the clerk of court in a copy of the same (Sec 12, - In one case, service of the COA resolution was made to the
Rule 13, Rules of Court). resident corporate auditor of the petitioner, DBP The auditor
holds office in the premises of petitioner DBP and is actually
2. If the pleading or paper is filed by registered mail, proof an employee of the COA assigned to DBP by COA.
of filing is by the registry receipt and by the affidavit of the
person of the person who did the mailing, containing a full - Respondent COA contends that the service of the COA
statement of the date and place of depositing the mail in the resolution to petitioner's resident corporate auditor is
post office in a sealed envelope addressed to the court, with tantamount to a service upon the petitioner itself.
postage fully prepaid, and with instructions to the Petitioner, on the other hand, argues that the resident
postmaster to return the mail to the sender after ten (10) corporate auditor is not its employee but that of the
days if not delivered (Sec. 12, Rule 13, Rules of Court). respondent.

VI. Papers required to be filed and served - The Supreme Court agreed with the contention of DBP that
- The following papers are required to be filed in court and the resident corporate auditor of the DBP is neither an

served upon the parties affected: official nor an employee of the DBP He does not come within
(a) judgments, the definition of "clerk or person having charge" of the office
(b) resolutions, that may be validly served with a copy of the resolution of
the respondent as contemplated by the Rules. In fact, the the notice given by the postmaster to the addressee (Sec. 13,
resident corporate auditor is an extension of the respondent Rule, 13, Rules of Court).
COA and no department of the petitioner was actually served
with a copy of the resolution. VII. MOTIONS IN CIVIL CASES

VIII. When personal service is deemed complete I. Definition of a motion

- Upon actual delivery following the above procedure, service > motion - an application for relief other than by a pleading
is deemed complete (Sec. 10, Rule 13, Rules of Court). (Sec. 1, Rule 15, Rules of Court).

IX. Service by mail II. Form of motions

1. The preferred service by mail is by registered mail. Service 1. All motions must be in writing. Excepted by this written
by ordinary mail may be done only if no registry service is requirement are those motions (a) made in open court, and
available in the locality of either the sender or the addressee (b) motions made in the course of a hearing or trial (Sec. 2,
(Sec. 7, Rule 13, Rules of Court). Rule 15, Rules of Court).

2. Service by registered mail shall be done by depositing the 2. The rules that apply to pleadings shall also apply to
copy in the, post office, in a sealed envelope, plainly written motions so far as concerns caption, designation,
addressed to the party or his counsel at his office, if known, signature, and other matters of form (Sec. 10, Rule 15, Rules
or otherwise' at his residence, if known, with postage fully of Court).
prepaid, and with instructions to the postmaster to return
the mail to the sender after ten (10) days if not delivered III. Contents of a motion
(Sec. 7, Rule 13, Rules of Court). - Motions are to contain the following: (a) a statement of the
relief sought to be obtained; (b) the grounds upon which the
motion is based; and (c) the supporting affidavits and other
X. When service by mail is deemed complete papers. The last requirement applies only when so mandated
1. Service by ordinary mail is complete upon the expiration by the Rules or when necessary to prove facts stated in the
of ten (10) days after mailing, unless the court otherwise motion (Sec. 3, Rule 15, Rules of Court).
2. Service by registered mail is complete upon actual receipt IV. Hearing of the motion
by the addressee, or after five (5) days from the date he 1. As a rule, every written motion shall be set for hearing by
received the first notice of the postmaster, whichever is the applicant (Sec. 4, Rule 15, Rules of Court). This provision
earlier (Sec. 10, Rule 13, Rules of Court). therefore, establishes the general rule that every written
motion is deemed a litigated motion, i.e., one which requires
XI. Substituted service the parties to be heard before a ruling on the motion is made
1. This mode is availed of only when there is failure to effect by the court. An ex parte motion, on the contrary, is one
service personally or by mail. This failure occurs when the which does not require that the parties be heard. And which
office and residence of the party or counsel is unknown (Sec. the court may act upon without prejudicing the rights of the
8, Rule 13, Rules of Court). other party. This kind of motion is not covered by the hearing
2. Substituted service is effected by delivering the copy to requirement of the Rules (Sec. 2, Rule 15, Rules of Court).
the clerk of court, with proof of failure of both personal
service and service by mail (Sec. 8, Rule 13, Rules of Court). - The Court has consistently held that a motion which does
not meet the requirements of Sections 4 and 5 of Rule 15 of
XII. When substituted service is complete the Rules of Court on hearing and notice of the hearing is a
- Substituted service is complete at the time of delivery of mere scrap of paper, which the clerk of court has no right to
the copy to the clerk of court (Sec. 8, Rule 13, Rules of receive and the trial court has no authority to act upon.
Court). Service of a copy of a motion containing a notice of the time
and the place of hearing of that motion is a mandatory
XIII. How to prove service, requirement, and the failure of movants to comply with
1. Proof of personal service shall consist of the written these requirements renders their motions fatally defective.
admission of the party served. It may also be proven by the
official return of the server, or the affidavit of the party 2. An ex parte motion, on the contrary, is one which does not
serving, containing full information of the date, place and require that the parties be heard and which the court may
manner of service (Sec. 13, Rule 13, Rules of Court). . act upon without prejudicing the rights of the other party.
This kind of motion is not covered by the hearing
2. If the service is by ordinary mail, proof thereof shall requirement of the Rules (Sec. 2, Rule 15, Rules of Court). An
consist of the affidavit of the person mailing of the facts example of an ex parte motion is that one filed by the
showing compliance with Sec. 7 of Rule 13 (Sec. 13, Rule 13, plaintiff pursuant to Sec. 1 of Rule 18 in which he moves
Rules of Court). promptly that the case be set for pre-trial. A motion to
dismiss (Rule 16), a motion for judgment on the pleadings
3. If service is by registered mail, the proof shall consist of (Rule 34) and a summary judgment (Rule 35), on the other
such affidavit and the registry receipt issued by the mailing hand, are litigated motions.

office. The registry return card is to be filed immediately

upon its receipt by the sender, or in lieu thereof the 3. A motion for extension of time is not a litigated motion
unclaimed letter together with the certified or sworn copy of where notice to the adverse party is necessary to afford the
latter an opportunity to resist the application, but an ex the `statute of limitations (prescription) (Sec. 1, par. 2, Rule
parte motion made to the court in behalf of one or the other 9, Rules of Court).
of the parties to the action, in the absence and usually
without the knowledge of the other party or parties. It has 2. A motion to dismiss is a typical example of a motion
been said that ex parte motions are frequently permissible in subject to the omnibus motion rule, since a motion to dismiss
procedural matters, and also in situations and under attacks a complaint which is a pleading. Following the
circumstances of emergency; and an exception to a rule omnibus
requiring notice is sometimes made where notice or the motion rule,' if a motion to dismiss is filed, then the motion
resulting delay might tend to defeat the objective of the must invoke all objections which are available at the time of
motion" the filing of said motion. If the objection which is available
at the time is not included in the motion, that, ground is
V. Notice of the motion deemed waived. It can no longer be invoked as an affirmative
1. The motion which contains the notice of hearing shall be defense in the answer which the movant may file following
served in such a manner as to ensure its receipt by the other the denial of his motion to dismiss.
party at least three (3) days before the date of hearing,
unless the court for good cause sets the hearing on shorter 3. To illustrate: In a case filed with the RTC, the defendant
notice (Sec. 4, Rule 15, Rules of Court). filed a motion to dismiss invoking the following as objections:
(a) the complaint's failure to state a cause of action, (b) lack
2. The notice of hearing shall be addressed to all the parties of jurisdiction over the person of the defendant, and (c) that
concerned (Sec. 5, Rule 15, Rules of Court). the contract violates the statute of frauds. Two objections
available at the time the motion is filed, namely, improper
3. The notice of hearing shall specify the time and date of venue and prescription were not included in the motion. The
the hearing which shall not be later than ten (10) days after motion to dismiss was denied. May the defendant in his
the filing of the motion (Sec. 5, Rule 15, Rules of Court). answer, filed after the denial of his motion to dismiss, invoke
the affirmative defenses of improper venue and prescription,
VI. Service of the motion objections which were not included in the motion to dismiss?
- The motion must be served upon the other party. A motion Answer: Improper venue is deemed waived. It was available
set for hearing shall not be acted upon by the court without as a defense at the time the motion was filed and should
proof of service thereof (Sec. 6, Rule 15, Rules of Court). have been invoked. Failure to so include the same in the
motion is to be construed as waiver of the objection.
VII. Motion day Prescription, on the other hand, is not waived and can still
- All hearings shall be scheduled for hearing on Friday be interposed as an affirmative defense in the answer. It is a
afternoons, or if Friday is a non-working holiday, in the defense that is not deemed waived under the explicit
afternoon of the next working day. This rule does not apply provisions of Sec. l of Rule 9.
to motions requiring immediate attention (Sec. 7, Rule 15,
Rules of Court).
Effect of failure to met the motion for hearing, to include a CHAP. II CAUSE OF ACTION AND ACTIONS
notice of hearing and to serve the motion (Sees. 4, 8, 6 of
Rule 18) I. CAUSE OF ACTION (Rule 2)

- The well-settled rule is that a motion which fails to comply A. Meaning

with the requirements under Sees. 4, 5 and 6 of Rule 15, is a > cause of action - the act or omission by which a party
useless piece of paper. It is pro forma presenting no question violates the rights of another (Sec. 2, Rule 2, Rules of Court)
which the court could decide. If filed, such motion is not
entitled to judicial cognizance and does not stop the running B. Elements of a cause of action
of the period for filing the requisite pleading. A motion which - The elements of a cause of action are as follows:
does not comply with the rules on motion is considered pro (a) A right in favor of the plaintiff by whatever means and
forma and thus,` will be treated as one filed merely to delay under whatever law it arises or is created;
the proceedings. (b) An obligation on the part of the named defendant to
respect or not to violate such right; and
(c) Act or omission on the part of such defendant in
VIII. The omnibus motion rule violation of the right of the plaintiff or constituting a
1. The rule is a procedural principle which requires that breach of the obligation of the defendant to the plaintiff
every motion that attacks a pleading, judgment, order or for which the latter may maintain an action for recovery of
proceeding shall include all grounds then available, and all damages or other appropriate relief.
objections not so included shall be deemed waived (Sec. 8;
Rule 15, Rules of Court). Since the rule is subject to the - Briefly stated, it is the reason why the litigation has come
provisions of Sec. 1 of Rule 9, the objections mentioned about, it is the act or omission of defendant resulting in the
therein are not deemed waived even if not included in the violation of someone's rights.
motion. These objections are: (a) that the court has no
jurisdiction over the subject matter; (b) that there is another - While the concept of a cause of action is one that is

action pending between the same parties for the same cause essential to the existence of a civil action, in administrative
(litis pendencia) (c) that the action is barred by a prior cases however, the issue is not whether the complainant has
judgment (res judicata); and (d) that the action is 'barred by a cause of action against the respondent, but whether the
respondent has breached the norms and standards of the cause of action is one for unlawful detainer and should be
office. filed in the Municipal Trial Court."

C. Cause of action in specific cases - If the unlawful detainer case is anchored upon the failure of
1. The cause of action for breach of contract does not the defendant to comply with the conditions of the lease, the
require an allegation and proof of the negligence of the demand must not be "to comply.. or vacate" but should be "to
defendant. The elements of this cause of action are (a) the comply. . . and vacate" (Sec. 2, Rule 70, Rules of Court). The
existence of a contract, and (b) the breach of the contract. first type of demand is not one for unlawful detainer but one
 Thus, if a carrier is sued based on a breach of contract of for specific performance.
carriage, negligence need not be proved by the plaintiff,
negligence not being an element of the cause of action of a Illustration (Bar 2004)
suit predicated upon a breach of contract. This is true AX, a Makati.-bound paying passenger utility bus,
whether or not the defendant is a public or a private carrier. died instantly on board the bus on account of the fatal head
However, where the defendant is a common carrier there is wounds he sustained as a result of the strong impact of the
an additional reason: negligence of the common carrier is collision between the bus and a dump truck. The accident
presumed (Art. 1735 & Art. 1756, Civil Code of the happened while the bus was still traveling on EDSA towards
Philippines). Makati. The foregoing facts among others, were duly
established on evidence-in-chief by the plaintiff TY, sole heir
2. Negligence is an element of a quasi-delict and must be of AX in TY's action against the subject common carrier for
alleged and proved (Art. 2176, Civil Code of the Philippines) breach of contract of carriage. After TY had rested his case,
but the negligence of those persons under Art. 2 180 is the common carrier filed a demurrer to evidence contending
presumed. that plaintiff's evidence is insufficient because it did not
show (1) that defendant was negligent, and (2) that such
3. Where the cause of action rests on a promissory note, negligence was the proximate cause of the collision.
filing the action before the due date of the obligation would Should the court grant or deny defendant's
be premature because the obligation is one with a period. demurrer to evidence? Discuss briefly.
Whenever a period is designated in an obligation, the
obligation becomes demandable only when the period Suggested answer.
arrives. Such period is presumed to be for the benefit of both The demurrer to evidence should be denied. A
parties and of course, also of the debtor. He cannot be demurrer is to be granted only when under the facts and the
charged before the due date (Art. 1196, Civil Code of the law, the plaintiff is not entitled to relief as when the
Philippines) unless he loses the right to make use of the evidence is insufficient to support the claim of the plaintiff.
period (Art. 1198, Civil Code of the Philippines). Under the circumstances, the failure to prove
the negligence of the defendant does not in any way indicate
Illustration (Bar 1999) an insufficiency of evidence. In a suit based on breach of
A sued B to recover P500,000.00 bayed on a contract, especially a breach of a contract of carriage against
promissory note due and payable on December 5, 1998. The a common carrier, the negligence of the defendant is
Complaint was filed on November 30, 1998, and summons presumed (Art. 1756, Civil Code of the Philippines). Besides,
was served on B on December 7, 1.998. B interposes a motion negligence is not an element of a cause of action based on
to dismiss on the ground that the Complaint states no cause breach of contract.
of action. If you were the judge, how would you rule on the
motion? 5. For a malicious prosecution suit to prosper, the plaintiff
must prove the following:
Suggested answer: (1) the prosecution did occur, and the defendant was himself
The motion must be granted. The complaint states the prosecutor or that he instigated its commencement;
no cause of action for having been filed prematurely. The (2) the criminal action finally ended with an acquittal;
defect could not be cured by the service of summons on the (3) in bringing the action, the prosecutor acted without
defendant after the due date of the promissory note. probable cause; and
(4) the prosecution was impelled by legal malice - an
4. In an unlawful detainer case, the cause of action does not improper or a sinister motive. The gravamen of malicious
accrue unless there is a demand to vacate and is not prosecution is not the filing of a complaint based on the
complied with. If however, the suit is based on expiration of wrong provision of law, but the deliberate initiation of an
the lease, notice and demand are not required. action with the knowledge that the charges were false and
- If the unlawful detainer case is predicated upon the
defendant's failure to pay the rentals, the demand should not D. Action distinguished from cause of action (Bar
be "to pay or vacate" but should be to pay and vacate (Sec. 2, 1999)
Rule 70, Rules of Court). The first type of demand does not - An action is the suit filed in court for the enforcement or
give rise to an unlawful detainer case since it is in essence an protection of a right, or the prevention or redress of a wrong
action for a sum of money. Thus, if the amount of rentals to (Sec. 3[a], Rule 2, Rules of Court). A cause of action is the
be collected is P900,000.00, the action should be filed with basis of the action filed because every "...action must be

the Regional Trial Court which has jurisdiction over the based on a cause of action" (Sec. 1, Rule 2, Rules of Court).
amount demanded. If the demand is "to pay and vacate, the
E. Failure to state a cause of action
1. The mere existence of a cause of action is not sufficient evidence on the ground that the latter has shown no right to
for a complaint to prosper. Even if in reality the plaintiff has the relief sought. While a motion to dismiss under Rule 16 is
a cause of action against the defendant, the complaint may based on preliminary objections which can be ventilated
be dismissed if the complaint or the pleading asserting the before the beginning of the trial, a motion to dismiss under
claim "states no cause of action" (Sec. 1[g], Rule 16). This Rule 33 is in the nature of a demurrer to evidence on the
means that the cause of action must unmistakably be stated ground of insufficiency of evidence and is presented only
or alleged in the complaint or that all the elements of the after the plaintiff has rested his case.
cause of action required by substantive law must clearly
appear from the mere reading of the complaint. To avoid an 4. There is a failure to state a cause of action if allegations
early dismissal of the complaint, the simple dictum to be in the complaint taken together, do not completely spell out
followed is: "If you have a cause of action, then by all means, the elements of a particular cause of action.
state it!" Where there is a defect or an insufficiency in the
statement of the cause of action, a complaint may be - Thus, in actions for forcible entry, three (3) requisites have
dismissed not because of an absence or a lack of a cause of to be alleged for the municipal trial court to acquire
action but because the complaint "states no cause of action." jurisdiction over the case. First, the plaintiff must allege his
The dismissal will therefore, be anchored on a "failure to prior physical possession of the land or building. Second, he
state a cause of action." must also assert that he was deprived of possession of the
property either by (force, intimidation, threat, strategy, or
2. The failure to state a cause of cause of action does not stealth. Third, the action must be filed within one (1) year
mean that the plaintiff has "no cause of action." It only from the time he learned of his deprivation of physical
means that the plaintiff's allegations are insufficient for the possession of the property.
court to know that the rights of the plaintiff were violated by
the defendant. Thus, even if indeed the plaintiff suffered - Even if in truth he has a cause of action for forcible entry,
injury, if the same is not set forth in the complaint, the if the complaint fails to allege an essential element of a
pleading will state no cause of action even if in reality the forcible entry case, as for instance, the fact that he was,
plaintiff has a cause of action against the defendant. prior to the deprivation, in actual physical possession of the
property, there is a failure to state a cause of action. In a
similar vein, if in an action for a sum of money arising from a
F. Failure to state a cause of action and lack of a loan, the plaintiff fails to allege that the debt is due and
cause of action demandable, the complaint asserting the claim states no
1. A fair reading of jurisprudence likewise shows that a cause of action even if in truth the plaintiff has a cause of
failure to state a cause of action is not the same as an action for collection of the debt.
absence or a lack of a cause of action. The former refers to
an insufficiency in the allegations of the complaint while the 5. It has been held that in a motion to dismiss based on the
latter means the failure to prove or to establish by evidence ground that the complaint fails to state a cause of action,
one's cause of action. the question submitted to the court for determination is the
sufficiency of the allegations in the complaint, and to
2. In one case the Court was more succinct: "While the determine the sufficiency of the cause of action, only the
former is determined by referring to the allegations of the facts alleged in the complaint, and no others should be.
pleading asserting the claim, the latter is determined by
referring to the evidence adduced. Usually, the declaration
that a plaintiff failed to establish a cause of action is G. Test of the sufficiency of the statement of a
postponed until after the parties are given the opportunity to cause of action
present all relevant evidence on questions of fact." 1. The test of the sufficiency of the facts alleged in the
complaint as constituting a cause of action is whether or not
3. Under Rule 16, the ground for dismissal in relation to a admitting the facts alleged, the court could render a valid
cause of action is not "lack of a cause of action" or "no cause verdict in accordance with the prayer of the complaint.
of action." The ground is that "the pleading asserting the
claim states no cause of action (Sec. 1(g], Rule 16; San 2. Jurisprudence likewise tells us that in determining the
Lorenzo Village Association, Inc. vs. Court ofAppeals, 288 sufficiency of the cause of action, the truth or the falsity of
SCRA 115 [1998]). The ground for dismissal based on the fact the allegations are beside the point because the allegations
that the pleading asserting the claim states no cause of in the complaint are hypothetically admitted. Thus, a motion
action is different from the ground that the case of the to dismiss on the ground that the complaint fails to state a
claimant should be dismissed for lack of a cause of action. cause of action, hypothetically admits the matters alleged in
The first is raised in a motion to dismiss under Rule 16 before the complaint. The hypothetical admissions however, extend
a responsive pleading is filed and can be determined only only to the relevant and material facts well pleaded in the
from the allegations of the pleading and not from evidentiary complaint as well as to inferences fairly deductible
matters. The second is raised in a demurrer to evidence therefrom. The admission does not include conclusions or
under Rule 33 after the plaintiff has rested his case and can interpretations of law.
be resolved only on the basis of the evidence he has
presented in support of his claim. H. Allegations of the complaint determine whether

or not complaint states a cause of action

- A motion to dismiss based on lack of cause of action is filed l. In determining whether an initiatory pleading states a
by the defendant after the plaintiff has presented his cause of action, "the test is as follows: admitting the truth of
the facts alleged, can the court render a valid judgment in 4. Similarly, a petition denominated as a petition for review
accordance with the prayer?" To be taken into account are on certiorari under Rule 45 may considered by the Court as a
only the material allegations in the complaint; extraneous petition for certiorari under Rule 65 because the petition
facts and circumstances or other matters aliunde are not alleged grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack of
considered but the court, mny consider- in addition to the jurisdiction
complaint the trppended annexes or documents, other
pleadings of the plaintiff, or admissions in the records. 5. Where from a reading of the allegations of the complaint
and the reliefs prayed for, the ultimate objective of the
2. Current jurisprudence establishes the rule that the court plaintiffs is to obtain title to real property, it should be filed
ought not to consider matters outside of the complaint in in the proper court having jurisdiction over the assessed
determining whether or not a complaint states a cause of value of the property subject thereof even if the complaint is
action. The court should only consider the allegations of the denominated as an action for reconveyance or an action to
complaint and there is no need to require the presentation of annul a deed of sale to real property. The nature of an action
evidence to determine whether or not the complaint states a is not determined by the caption of the complaint but by the
cause of action because the allegations of the complaint will allegations therein together with the reliefs prayed for.
disclose the compliance or non-compliance of the required
statement of the cause of action. 6. Thus, where the allegations of the complaint state that
the actual transaction between the parties was not a sale but
- In determining whether or not a cause of action is an equitable mortgage, and that the issues and evidences in
sufficiently stated in the complaint, the statements in the the proceedings revolved on the true nature of the
complaint may be properly considered. It is error for the transaction, the trial court correctly resolved the issue even
court to take cognizance of external facts or to hold if the action was erroneously labeled as an action for
preliminary hearings to determine its existence (Diaz vs. reformation.
Diaz, 331 SCRA 302, 316). The sufficiency of the statement of
the cause of action must appear on the face of the complaint 7. It is settled jurisprudence that what determines the nature
and its existence may be determined only by the allegations of an action as well as which court or body has jurisdiction
of the complaint, consideration of other facts being over it are the allegations of the complaint and the character
proscribed and any attempt to prove extraneous of the relief sought, whether or not plaintiff is entitled to
circumstances not being allowed. However, the annexes to any and all of the reliefs prayed for. The jurisdiction of the
the complaint may be considered in determining whether or court or tribunal over the nature of the action cannot be
not a complaint states a cause of action because such made to depend upon the defenses set up in the court or
annexes are considered parts of the complaint. upon a motion to dismiss, for otherwise, the question of
jurisdiction would depend almost entirely on defendant.
- The cause of action in a complaint is not what the Hence, if the allegations of the complaint make out a case
designation of the complaint states, but what the allegations for unlawful detainer, the Municipal Trial Court is not
in the body of the complaint define and describe. The divested of its jurisdiction to take cognizance of the case
designation or caption is not controlling, more than the merely because the defendant claims ownership over the
allegations in the complaint themselves are, for it is not even property subject of the action.
an indispensable part of the complaint.
J. How to state the cause of action
I. Allegations of the complaint also determine the 1. The pleading asserting the claim or the cause of action
nature of the cause of action must contain only the ultimate facts. These facts must be
1. The nature of the cause of action is determined by the stated in a plain, concise, methodical and logical form.
facts alleged in the complaint and not by the prayer therein Evidentiary facts must be omitted (Sec. 1, Rule 8, Rules of
Court). Since the rule requires that pleadings should contain
2. A complaint captioned as an unlawful detainer case would only the ultimate facts, the same should not contain mere
actually be an action for forcible entry where the complaint conclusions of law because conclusions are not facts.
alleges that the plaintiff was deprived of the possession of
the premises by force, intimidation, stealth, threat or 2. The ultimate facts refer to the essential facts of the
strategy. claim. A fact is essential if it cannot be stricken out without
leaving the statement of the cause of action insufficient
3. In one case, the complaint filed in the Regional Trial Court (Ceroferr Realty Corporation vs. Court of Appeals, 376 SCRA
was captioned "Collection of a Sum of Money with Damages." 144). The ultimate facts are the important and substantial
The complaint alleged that he demanded payment of the facts which form the basis of the primary right of the
rentals in arrears and for the defendant to vacate the plaintiff and which make up the wrongful act or omission of
premises. The Supreme Court held that the nature of the the defendant. The ultimate facts do not refer to the details
allegations make out a cause of action for unlawful detainer, of probative matter or to the particulars of evidence by
not an action for collection of a sum of money. An action for which the material elements are to be established. They are
unlawful detainer is one within the jurisdiction of the the principal, determinate, constitutive facts, upon the
Municipal Trial Court. The Regional Trial Court therefore, existence of which, the entire cause of action rests.
had no jurisdiction over the action even if the action was

denominated as an action to collect a sum of money. 3. The complaint, in stating the cause of action, should not
contain sham, false, redundant, immaterial, impertinent, or
scandalous matters. These matters may be stricken out upon
motion by a party within twenty (20) days after service of the 2. Malice, intent, knowledge or other conditions of the mind
pleading upon him or upon the court's own initiative at any of a person may be averred generally (Sec. 5, Rule 8, Rules of
time (Sec. 12, Rule 8, Rules of Court). Court). Unlike in fraud or mistake, they need not be stated
with particularity. The rule is borne out of human
experience. It is difficult to state the particulars constituting
these matters. Hence, a general averment is sufficient.
K. Conditions precedent
1. Common usage refers to conditions precedent as matters P. Pleading alternative causes of actions or
which must be complied with before a cause of action arises. defenses
When a claim is subject to a condition precedent, the 1. Under Sec. 2 of Rule 8, a party may set forth two or more
compliance of the same must be alleged in the pleading. statements of a claim or defense alternatively or
hypothetically, either in one cause of action or defense or in
2. The following are examples of conditions precedents: separate causes of action or defenses.
(a) A tender of payment is required before making a
consignation (Art. 1256, Civil Code of the Philippines). 2. This provision recognizes that the liability of the
(b) Exhaustion of administrative remedies is required in defendant may possibly be based on either one of two causes
certain cases before resorting to judicial action. of action. The plaintiff, may for example, believe that the
(c) Prior resort to barangay conciliation proceedings is liability of the carrier may be based either on a breach of
necessary in certain cases (Book III, Title I, Chapter 7, contract of carriage or on a quasi delict but he may not be
Local Government Code of 1991). certain which of the causes of action would squarely fit the
(d) Earnest efforts toward a compromise must be set of facts alleged in the complaint, although he is certain
undertaken when the suit is between members of the same that he is entitled to relief. He may therefore, state his
family and if no efforts were in fact made, the case must causes of action in the alternative. This provision in effect,
be dismissed (Art. 151, Family Code of the Philippines). also relieves a party from being compelled to choose only
one cause of action.
3. The failure to comply with a condition precedent is an
independent ground for a motion to dismiss: that a condition - The landmark case of La Mallorca us. Court ofAppeals
precedent for filing the claim has not been complied with illustrates this rule particularly well. Here, the plaintiffs
(Sec. 1fj], Rule 16, Rules of Court). were allowed to sue based upon a quasi- delict theory and in
the alternative, upon a breach of contract, where the death
L. Pleading a judgment of their child occurred when they were no longer on board
- In pleading a judgment or decision of a domestic or foreign the bus of the common carrier but at the time the father was
court, judicial or quasi-judicial tribunal, or of a board or in the process of retrieving the family's personal belongings
officer, it is sufficient to aver the judgment or decision. from the bus. Although ultimately the case was ruled to be a
There is no need to allege matters showing the jurisdiction to breach of contract of carriage, the procedural device of
render the judgment or decision (Sec. 6, Rule 8, Rules of pleading alternative causes of action was strongly reaffirmed
Court) because under this rule, jurisdiction is presumed. in this case.

M. Pleading an official document or act 3. The same provision is similar to the rule (Sec. 13, Rule 3,
- In pleading a document or an act, it is sufficient to aver Rules of Court) which authorizes suing two or more
that the document was issued in compliance with law. With defendants in the alternative. For instance, the plaintiff
respect to an act, it is likewise sufficient to allege that the insurance company, which paid for the loss of the goods
act was done also in compliance with law (Sec. 9, Rule 8, insured, may sue in the alternative the shipping company
Rules of Court). that transported the goods and the warehouse company that
stored the goods if the plaintiff is uncertain which between
N. Pleading capacity to sue or be sued the defendants is responsible for the loss.
- Facts showing the capacity of a party to sue or be sued
must be averred. If a party is suing or sued in a 4. Pleading alternative causes of action normally leads to
representative capacity, the same must be averred. If a party inconsistent claims. For instance, the elements of a cause of
is an organized association of persons, its legal existence action based on a contractual theory are inconsistent with
must likewise be averred (Sec. 4, Rule 8, Rules of Court). those of a cause of action based on a quasi-delict. As
previously discussed, a suit based on a breach of contract of
O. Pleading, fraud, mistake or condition of the mind carriage for example, does not require an allegation and
1. When making averments of fraud or mistake, the proof of negligence because it is not an element of a breach
circumstances constituting such fraud or mistake must be of contract suit. On the other hand, negligence, as a rule, is
stated with particularity (Sec. 5, Rule 8, Rules of Court). It is an essential element of a suit based on a quasi-delict (Art.
not enough therefore, for the complaint to allege that he 2176, Civil Code of the Philippines).
was defrauded by the defendant. Under this provision, the
complaint must state with particularity the fraudulent acts of - Under Sec. 2 of Rule 8, this situation is permissible as long
the adverse party. These particulars would necessarily as the allegations pleaded within a particular cause of action
include the time, place and specific acts of fraud committed are consistent with the cause of action relied upon as an

against him. alternative. Thus, if the alternative cause of action is a

breach of contract, the allegations therein must support the
facts constituting the breach of the contract.
3. The requirement of a specific denial under oath will not
5. Sec. 2 of Rule 8 likewise allows a party to interpose apply in either of the following:
alternative defenses even if such defenses are inconsistent (a) when the adverse party does not appear to be a party
with each other. The defendant may therefore, in his answer to the document, or
to the complaint, defend by alleging that the debt has been (b) when compliance with an order for an inspection of the
paid or that it has prescribed. original instrument is refused (Sec. 8, Rule 8, Rules of
6. Sec. 2 of Rule 8 does not require that all of the alternative
causes of action be sufficient for the plaintiff to be entitled - Thus, if a son is sued as a substitute party under a
to relief. It is enough that one of them if made document signed by his deceased father, a specific denial
independently would be sufficient to support a cause of may be made without the same being under oath because the
action. The same principle applies to alternative defenses. son is not a party to the document. Also, if the court grants a
"When two or more statements are made in the alternative motion filed by a party for the inspection of the original
and one of them if made independently would be sufficient, document in the possession of the adverse party, and the
the pleading is not made insufficient by the insufficiency of latter refuses to comply with the order, the former may deny
one or more of the alternative statements" (Sec. 2, Rule 8, the document without an oath.
Rules of Court).
Illustration (Bar 1987)
Q. Pleading actionable documents "A"filed suit against "B" and "C" for the recovery of
1. A substantial number of complaints reaching the courts personal property which, according to the complaint, had
shows that the plaintiff's cause of action or the defendant's been sold to him by the defendant's father during the latter's
defense is based upon a written instrument or a document. lifetime under a document entitled Bill of Sale. The
substance of the bill was pleaded in the complaint and a copy
- The document used in such cases is what is commonly thereof was attached to the complaint as an exhibit. "B" and
termed an "actionable document" and in current usage is "C" filed an answer which disclaimed knowledge or
referred to as the document relied upon by either the information about the Bill of Sale and averred that the
plaintiff and the defendant. signature thereon allegedly belonging to their father
 For example, in an action for collection of a sum of \appears to be a forgery. At the trial of the case, "B" and "C"
money, the actionable document would be a promissory Icommenced through counsel and by means of an expert
note. In an action for foreclosure of a mortgage, the witness, to adduce evidence to prove that the seller's
actionable document would be the deed of mortgage. On the signature was a forgery. "A" objected, saying that the
other hand, if the defendant defends by alleging that the genuineness and due execution of the Bill of Sale was
debt has been paid, the receipt of payment issued by the deemed admitted because the answer was unverified, as a
plaintiff would constitute the actionable document. matter of law, inasmuch as the verification was made only on
the express basis of best information and belief.
- Whenever an actionable document' is the' basis of a Resolve the objection with basis.
pleading, the rule specifically directs the pleader to set forth
in the pleading the substance of the instrument or the Suggested answer:
document, (a) and to attach the original or the copy of the The objection should be overruled. "B" and "C" do
document to the pleading as an exhibit and to be part of the not have to deny the bill of sale under oath since they are
pleading; or (b) with like effect, to set forth in the pleading not parties to the Bill of Sale alleged to have been executed
said copy of the instrument or document (Sec. , Rule S, Rules by their deceased father. A specific denial of the genuineness
of Court). This manner of pleading a document applies only and due execution of the document is sufficient.
to one which is the basis of action or a defense. Hence, if the
document does not have the character of an actionable S. Defenses cut-off by the admission of genuineness and due
document, as when it is merely evidentiary, it need not be execution
pleaded strictly in the manner prescribed by Sec. 7 of Rule 8. - When a party is deemed to have admitted the genuineness
and due execution of an actionable document, defenses that
R. How to contest an actionable document are implied from said admission are necessarily waived like
1. When the action is founded upon a document pleaded in the defenses of forgery of the document, lack of authority to
the manner required by Sec. 7 of Rule 8, the party who has execute the document, that the party charged signed the
no intent of admitting the genuineness and due execution of document in some other capacity than that alleged in the
the document, must contest the same by (a) specifically pleading, or that the document was never delivered. Also cut
denying the genuineness and due execution of the document off by the admission is the defense that the document was
under oath; and (b) setting forth what he claims to be the not in words and figures as set out in the pleadings.
facts (Sec. 8, Rule 8, Rules of Court).
T. Defenses not cut-off by the admission of genuineness and
2.A mere specific denial of the actionable document is due execution
insufficient. The denial must be coupled with an oath. In - The following defenses, among others, on the other hand,
current usage, this means that the denial must be verified. may be interposed despite the implied admission of the
The absence of an oath will result in the implied admission of genuineness and due execution of the document:

the due execution and genuineness of the document (Sec. 8, (a) payment;
Rule 8, Rules of Court). (b) want of consideration;
(c) illegality of consideration;
(d) usury; and Does defendant's answer as to plaintiff's allegation
(e) fraud. No. 1 x x x sufficiently raise an issue of fact?
 These defenses are not inconsistent with the admission of
the genuineness and due execution of the instrument and are Suggested answer:
not therefore, barred. The answer of defendant does not sufficiently raise
 It is submitted that prescription, release, waiver, statute an issue of fact because the answer admitted the material
of frauds, estoppel, former recovery or discharge in allegations of the complaint. First, the complaint was based
bankruptcy are not likewise barred. on the mortgage deed, an actionable document. The
genuineness and due execution of the deed were all admitted
Illustration (Bar 2005) when the defendant failed to make a specific denial under
In a complaint for recovery of real property, the oath (Sec. 8, Rule 8, Rules of Court). Second, the averment
plaintiff averred, among others, that he is the owner of the of lack of knowledge is obviously one done in bad faith. A
said property by virtue of a deed of sale executed by the denial that the defendant is without any knowledge of his
defendant in his favor. Copy of the deed of sale was having signed a deed of mortgage when the facts and the
appended to their complaint as "Annex A" thereof. actionable document forming the basis of the claim
In his unverified answer, the defendant denied the incontrovertibly that he so executed the document denied, is
allegation concerning the sale of the property in question, as a denial in bad faith. This denial amounts to an admission.
well as the appended deed of sale, for lack of knowledge of While a pleader is allowed to allege that he is without
information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as the
thereof. truth of a material averment made in the complaint, this rule
Is it proper for the court to render judgment shall not apply where the fact as to which a lack of
without trial? knowledge is asserted is, to the knowledge of the court, so
plainly within the defendant's knowledge that his averment
Suggested answer. of ignorance must be palpably untrue.
Where no other issue exists in the case, the court
may render a judgment without a trial through a judgment Illustration (Bar 1991)
on the pleadings. This judgment is rendered by the court, In an action for collection of P2,000,000.00,
where the answer fails to tender an issue or otherwise admits plaintiff bank alleged that defendant, Oriental Textile Mills,
the material allegations of the adverse party's pleading (Sec. Inc. for valuable consideration, executed in favor of the bank
1, Rule 34, Rules of Court). a promissory note for said amount. Defendant filed an answer
The deed of sale appended to the complaint is in to the complaint denying liability and alleging that Jesus Lim
the nature of an actionable document because it is the basis had no authority to negotiate and obtain a loan in its behalf
of the plaintiff's claim. Under the Rules, the genuineness and nor to sign the promissory note. The answer was not verified.
due execution of the document shall be deemed admitted During the trial, defendant sought to introduce evidence to
unless the adverse party denies them under oath (Sec. 8, show that Jesus Lim was not authorized to enter into the
Rule 8, Rules of Court). The unverified answer therefore, transaction and to sign the promissory note for and in behalf
failed to tender an issue. of the defendant corporation. Plaintiff objected to such
Also, the averment of lack of knowledge is obviously evidence, claiming that Lim's authority had been admitted by
one done in bad faith. A denial that the defendant is without defendant's failure to verify the answer.
any knowledge of his having signed a deed of mortgage when (a) The judge sustained the objection. Was the
the facts and the actionable document forming the basis of ruling correct?
the claim incontrovertibly show that he so executed the (b) xxx
document denied, is a denial in bad faith. This denial
Amounts to an admission. Suggested answer.
While a pleader is allowed to allege that he is The ruling of the court is correct. Where the claim
without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief is based on an actionable document like a promissory note,
as to the truth of a material averment made in the the genuineness and due execution of the note are deemed
complaint, this rule shall not apply where the fact as to admitted where such matters are not specifically denied
which a lack of knowledge is asserted is, to the knowledge of under oath. In the instant case, the defendant in not
the court, so plainly within the defendant's knowledge that verifying his answer did not make a denial under oath.
his averment of ignorance must be palpably untrue. When a party is deemed to have admitted the
genuineness and due execution of an actionable document,
defenses that are implied from said admission are necessarily
Illustration (Bar 2004) waived like the defenses of forgery of the document, lack or
In his complaint for foreclosure of mortgage to authority to execute the document, that the party charged
which was duly attached a copy of the mortgage deed, signed the document in some other capacity than that
plaintiff PP alleged inter alia as follows: (1) that defendant alleged in the pleading, or that the document was never
DD duly executed the mortgage deed, copy of which is delivered.
attached as Annex "A" of the complaint and made an integral
part thereof; and (2) that to prosecute his complaint, Illustration (Bar 1990)
plaintiff contracted a lawyer, CC for a fee of P50,000.00 In In his answer to the complaint, Mario Reyes alleged

his answer, defendant alleged, inter alia, that he had no that he does not owe Norma Alajar any sum of money, and
knowledge of the mortgage deed, and he also denied liability that he executed the promissory note only to enable Norma
for plaintiff's contracting with a lawyer for a fee. Alajar to show the same to her husband to explain the
disappearance of the amount from the conjugal funds as
Norma Alajar lost the same in the casino. The answer is not 5. An action for forcible entry should include not only the
verified. At the trial, the lawyer of Norma Alajar objected to plea for restoration of possession but also claims for damages
the testimony of Mario Reyes as to his accommodation story arising out of the forcible entry. The claim for damages
because, as the answer is not verified, he is deemed to have cannot be filed separately.
admitted the genuineness and due execution of the
promissory note. - The same principle applies to an action to recover the
Decide on the objection with reasons. possession of a land. The action must also include the
recovery of the fruits already taken from the land and
Suggested answer: appropriated by the defendant. A suit for the recovery of the
The objection should be overruled. When an land and a separate suit to recover the fruits will not be
actionable document is not denied under oath, the sustained.
genuineness and the due execution of the document are 6. A single act may sometimes violate several rights of a
deemed admitted. person. Nevertheless the plaintiff has only one cause of
When a party is deemed to have admitted the action regardless of the number of rights violated. If a car
genuineness and due execution of an actionable document, owner sustains injuries to his person and damage to his car as
defenses that are implied from said admission are necessarily a result of the negligent driving of the defendant, two rights
waived like the defenses of forgery of the document, lack or of the plaintiffs have been violated, namely, his personal
authority to execute the document, that the party charged right to be safe in his person and his property right to have
signed the document in some other capacity than that his car intact and free from any damage. Under the
alleged in the pleading, or that the document was never circumstances, the plaintiff can only file a single action for
delivered. the recovery of damages for both types of injuries. Filing an
The defense of absence of consideration is not action to recover damages to his person and later for
however, deemed admitted. This defense is not inconsistent damages to his car would be splitting a single cause of
with the admission of the genuineness and due execution of action. If however, a passenger in the same car was also
the instrument. injured, the injuries to the passenger gives rise to a cause of
action separate and distinct from those sustained by the car
U. Splitting a single cause of action owner because distinct rights belonging to different persons
l. Splitting a single cause of action is the act of instituting have been violated. The injured passenger may file a suit
two or more suits for the same cause of action (Sec. 4, Rule against the defendant separate from the suit filed by the car
2, Rules of Court). In splitting a cause of action, the pleader owner.
divides a single cause of action, claim or demand into two or
more parts, brings a suit for one of such parts with the intent 7. A tenant illegally ejected from the land is entitled to two
to reserve the rest for another separate action. It also occurs reliefs - one for reinstatement and another for damages.
when a party brings a suit for each part of the same action Since both reliefs arose from- the same cause of action, they
that was split. should be alleged in one complaint.

V. Prohibition against splitting a single cause of action 8. However, an action for the reconveyance of title over
1. Splitting a cause of action is not allowed by the Rules of property does of include a cause of action for forcible entry
Court. "A party may not institute more than one suit for a or unlawful detainer. They are distinct causes of action.
single cause of action" (Sec. 3, Rule 2, Rules of Court). Hence, the pendency of an action for reconveyance of title
does not divest the Municipal Trial Court of its jurisdiction to
2. The practice of splitting a single cause of action is try an ejectment case of either forcible entry or unlawful
discouraged because it breeds multiplicity of suits, clogs the detainer. What is involved in an ejectment case is possession
court dockets, leads to vexatious litigation, operates as an de facto or material possession. In an action for
instrument of harassment, and generates unnecessary reconveyance, the issue is ownership.
expenses to the parties.
9. An action for the recovery of taxes should also include the
3. The rule against splitting a single cause of action applies demand for surcharges resulting from the delinquency in the
not only to complaints but also to counterclaims and cross- payment of said taxes. The non-payment of taxes gave rise to
claims. two reliefs: (a) the recovery of the unpaid taxes; and (b) the
recovery of the surcharges resulting from non-payment of the
4. To illustrate: The act of a defendant in taking possession taxes. These two reliefs are results of a single cause of
of the plaintiff's land by means of force and intimidation action and which should be pursued in a single complaint.
constitutes a single act of dispossession but gives rise to two
reliefs: (a) recovery of possession, and (b) damages arising 10. A bank cannot file a civil action against the debtor for
from the loss of possession. Both of these reliefs result from the collection of the debt and then subsequently file an
a single wrong hence, constitute but a single cause of action. action to foreclose the mortgage. This would be splitting a
Each of them cannot be the subject of two separate actions. single cause of action.
It is procedurally erroneous for the, plaintiff to file an action
to recover possession and another action for damages. Both - It has been held however, that an action to collect the

remedies must be alleged and claimed in only one complaint. amount of the loan will not preclude a subsequent action for
To file a separate action for each relief is to split a single the rescission of the mortgage based on violation of the
cause of action. conditions of the mortgage.
charged before the Municipal Trial Court with reckless
Illustration (Bar 1999) imprudence resulting in serious physical injuries.
A purchased a lot from B for P 1,500,000.00 He gave Thereafter, Jovy filed a civil action against Lourdes,
a down payment of P500,000.00, signed a promissory note the owner of the taxicab, for breach of contract, and Mans
payable thirty days after date, and as security for the for quasi-delict. Lourdes and Mans filed a motion to dismiss
settlement of the obligation, mortgaged the same lot to B. the civil action on the ground of litis pendency, that is, the
When the note fell due and A failed to pay, B commenced pendency of the civil action impliedly instituted in the
suit to recover from A the balance of P1 million. After criminal action for reckless imprudence resulting in serious
securing a favorable judgment on his claim, B brought physical injuries.
another action against A before the same court to foreclose Resolve the motion with reasons.
the mortgage. A now files a motion to dismiss the second
action on the ground of bar by a prior judgment. Rule on the Suggested answer.
motion. The action for breach of contract against the
taxicab owner cannot be barred. This is not a case of
Suggested answer. splitting a single cause of action. The suit against the owner
The motion to dismiss must be granted. The action is based on breach of contract of carriage separate and
to foreclose the mortgage tantamounts to splitting a single distinct from the cause of action arising from the crime. A
cause of action. One cannot file an action to collect the contract is a source of obligation separate and distinct from a
indebtedness and then file another action for foreclosure. crime (Art. 1156, Civil Code of the Philippines).
11. A claim for partition of real property and a claim for The civil action based on a quasi-delict is likewise
compensation for the improvements thereon constitute a not barred. Its source is likewise separate and distinct from
single cause of action. An action for partition alone will. bar the crime. A quasi-delict is a separate source of a civil
a subsequent action for the recovery of compensation on the obligation and is independent of the criminal act committed
improvements. by the defendant (Art. 1156; Art. 2177, Civil Code of the
12. An action for annulment of the sale of certain shares of
stock should include a claim for the recovery of accrued Illustration (Bar 1996)
dividends (Bar 1996). 1. xxx
2. X brought an action against Y for the recovery of certain
Illustration (Bar 2005) shares of stocks. After the case was decided in favor of X, he
Raphael, a warehouseman, filed a complaint against filed another action for the recovery of the dividends that
V Corporation, X Corporation and Y Corporation to compel had already accrued even when the first action was filed.
them to interplead. He alleged therein that the three Is the second action for the recovery of dividends
corporations claimed title and right of possession over the proper?
goods deposited in his warehouse and that he was uncertain
which of them was entitled to the goods. After due Suggested answer:
proceedings, judgment was rendered by the court declaring The second action is not proper. There was a
that X Corporation was entitled to the goods. The decision splitting of a single cause of action.
became final and executory. When X filed an action to annul the sale of the
Raphael filed a complaint against X Corporation for shares, he should have included therein the recovery of the
the payment of P100,000.00 for storage charges and other dividends that had accrued.
advances for the goods. X Corporation filed a motion to.
dismiss the complaint on the ground of res judicata. X 13. A contract which requires the performance of several
Corporation alleged that Raphael should have incorporated in obligations at different times, like an obligation to be
his complaint for interpleader his claim for storage fees and performed on an installment basis, gives rise to divisible
advances and that for his failure to do so he was barred from independent obligations. Each obligation not performed when
interposing his claim. Raphael replied that he could not have due and upon proper demand gives rise to an independent
claimed storage fees and other advances as in his complaint cause of action. In other words since the failure to pay an
for interpleader because he was not yet certain as to who installment constitutes a distinct cause of action, each
was liable therefore. installment that falls due can be the subject of a separate
Resolve the motion with reasons. suit. If there is already a pending suit based on a default of a
previous installment and during such pendency an installment
Suggested answer. falls due and is not paid, the latter may, as an alternative
The motion to dismiss should be granted. When the move, be incorporated in the pending suit by filing a
complaint for interpleader was filed, Raphael should have supplemental pleading.
incorporated the claim for storage charges and other
expenses. In filing a separate suit, he split a single cause of - Thus, in a contract of lease which provides for the payment
action. of rentals in separate installments, each unpaid installment
constitutes an independent cause of action. However, when
Illustration (Bar 2005) at the time the complaint is filed, there are several
While cruising on a highway, a taxicab driven by installments already due, all of them constitute but a single

Mans hit an electric post. As a result thereof, its passenger, cause of action and should be included in a single complaint.
Jovy, suffered serious injuries. Mans was subsequently
W. Anticipatory breach
- Where the parties enter into a contract for the delivery of a claims if he desires because each debt is a separate cause of
specified amount of goods every month for a period of ten action. Joinder of causes of action is not compulsory. It is
years and the defendant expressed his intention not to make merely permissive (Bar 1999).
any deliveries under the contract, the breach is total and
there can only be one action. This is an unqualified and - In case C decides in favor of a joinder, the suit shall be
positive refusal to perform a contract and even if assuming filed in the Regional Trial Court because the total amount of
that the performance thereof is not yet due, the the debts is within that court's jurisdiction. Under the Rules,
renunciation goes to the whole contract and shall be treated when the claims in all the causes of action are principally for
as a complete breach that will entitle the injured party to the recovery of money, the aggregate amount claimed shall
bring his action at once. This anticipatory breach committed be the test of jurisdiction (Sec. 5[d], Rule 2, Rules of Court).
by the defendant entitles the plaintiff to only one cause of This situation follows the so-called totality test for purposes
action for damages. of jurisdiction.

X. Effect of splitting a single cause of action (Bar 1998;1999) 3. Assume that aside from the above claims, C as lessor also
1. If two or more suits are instituted for a single cause of wants to eject D from the apartment occupied by D as
action, "the filing of one or a judgment upon the merits in lessee. May the action be joined with the claims for money?
any of one is available as a ground for dismissal of the others" No. An action for ejectment is a special civil action. This kind
(Sec. 4, Rule 2, Rules of Court). The remedy of the defendant of action cannot be joined with ordinary actions. The joinder
is to file a motion to dismiss. does not include special civil actions or those actions
governed by special rules. The rule is clear: "The joinder
- Hence, If the first action is pending when the second action shall not include special civil actions or actions governed by
is filed, the latter may be dismissed based on litis pendencia, special rules" (Sec. 5[b], Rule 2, Rules of Court). Confusion in
i.e., there is another action pending between the same the application of procedural rules would certainly arise from
parties for the same cause (Sec. 1[e], Rule 16, Rules of the joinder of ordinary and special civil actions in a single
Court). If a final judgment had been rendered in the first complaint.
action when the second action is filed, the latter may be
dismissed based on res judicata, i.e., that the cause of 4. Assume that C has the following causes of action against D:
action is barred by a prior judgment (Sec. 1[f], Rule 16, Rules (a) P1 million based on a note; (b) PI million based on torts;
of Court). and (c) foreclosure of a real estate mortgage. May the causes
of action be joined? They can be joined but excluding
2. Note that it need not be the second action filed that foreclosure of real estate mortgage which is a special civil
should be dismissed. The phraseology of the present rule action. "The joinder shall not include special civil actions or
(Sec. 4, Rule 2) no longer confines the dismissal to the actions governed by special rules" (Sec. 5[b], Rule 2, Rules of
second action. As to which action should be dismissed would Court).
depend upon judicial discretion and the prevailing
circumstances of the case. 5. When there are two or more defendants, or one or more
plaintiffs, the causes of action against the defendants can
Y. Joinder of causes of action (Bar 1999) only be joined if there is a compliance with the rules on
1. Joinder of causes of action is the assertion of as many joinder of parties under Sec. 6 of Rule 3. This provision
causes of action as a party may have against another in one requires that before there can be a proper joinder of parties,
pleading alone (Sec. 5, Rule 2, Rules of Court). It is the the right to relief should arise out of the same transaction or
process of uniting two or more demands or rights of action in series of transactions and that there exists a common
one action. question of law or fact. Note that this requirement does not
apply when there is only one plaintiff and one defendant.
- To illustrate: D is the debtor of C for P350,000.00 due on
January 5, 2007. D likewise owes C P350,000.00 due on - Illustrations: (a) Suppose C is the creditor of D for
February 13, 2007. Both debts are evidenced by distinct P350,000.00 and also of E for P375,000.00. Both debts are
promissory notes. D has not paid the debts despite demand. due and these debts have been contracted separately. May C
Each debt is a separate cause of action because each is the join D and -E as defendants in the same complaint? No.
subject of a different transaction. However, under the rule Where a party sues two or more defendants, it is; necessary
on joinder of causes of action, C may file a single suit against for the causes of action to arise out of the same transaction
D for the collection of both debts, despite the claims being or series of transactions and that there should be a common
actually separate causes of actions and having arisen out of question of law or fact. The debt of D is a transaction
different transactions. different from the debt of E.

2. When the causes of action accrue in favor of the same (b) Suppose P is a passenger in a bus owned by
plaintiff and against the same defendant, i. e., there is only O and driven by D. Because of the negligence of D, P
one plaintiff and one defendant, it is not necessary to ask sustained injuries when the vehicle fell into a ditch by the
whether or not the causes of actions arose out of the same roadside. May P join O and D as defendants in the same
transaction or series of transactions. This question is only complaint based on torts? Yes. The liability of O and that of D
relevant when there are multiple plaintiffs or multiple arose out of the same accident which gives rise to a common

defendants. In the hypothetical just discussed in par. 1, is C question of law or fact. Note that the existence of a
obliged to join the causes of action against D? No. C is not contractual relationship does not preclude a- suit based on
obliged to do so. He may file a single suit for each of the tort. O may be sued under a quasidelict, as an employer of D
if P so desires (Art. 2180, Civil Code of the Philippines; Air exists a question of law or fact common to both. These
France vs. Carrascoso, 18 SCRA 155). requirements are not met under the facts.
(c) If A and B both sign a promissory note for P1 Since the causes of action cannot be joined, each
million and bind themselves to be jointly liable for the debt cause of action must be the subject of a separate action. The
in. favor of C, there are two distinct obligations within the totality rule has no application under the facts of the case.
same promissory note, namely: (a) the obligation of A to C The amount of each claim (P300,000.00) falls within the
for P500,000.00; and (b) the obligation of B to C for jurisdiction of the MTC.
P500,000,00. Under Art. 2108 of the Civil Code of the
Philippines, unless otherwise indicated by the obligation or Illustration (Bar 2002)
by law, the debt or credit shall be presumed divided into as P sued A in the RTC-Manila to recover the following
many equal shares as there are creditors or debtors. In other sums: (1) P200,000.00 on an overdue promissory note, (2)
words the obligation under the promissory note in the P80,000.00 on the purchase price of a computer, (3)
illustration is joint, not solidary. If the obligation is joint, C P150,000.00 for damages to his car, and (4) P100,000.00 for
may sue A alone or sue B alone. This is because the debts are attorney's fees and litigation expenses. Can A move to dismiss
separate and distinct causes of action. May C however, join A the case on the ground that the court has no jurisdiction over
and B under one complaint and thereby join the causes of the subject matter? Explain.
action against them? Yes. The debt of A and the debt of B
arose out of the same transaction, i.e., the same promissory Suggested answer.
note and would necessarily give rise to a common question of A cannot move for the successful dismissal of the
law or fact. case. Under the totality rule, the aggregate amount of the
claim under the causes of action joined is P 430,000.00, an
Illustration (Bar 2005) amount well within the jurisdiction of the RTC. The claim for
Perry is a resident of Manila while Ricky and Marvin attorney's fees and litigation expenses and costs are not to be
are residents of Batangas City. They are the co-owners of a included in determining the jurisdictional amount.
parcel of residential land located in Pasay City with an Where the cause of action accrues to one plaintiff
assessed value of P100,000.00. Perry borrowed P 100,000.00 against one defendant, the provisions of Sec. 5 of Rule 2
from Ricky which he promised to pay on or before December allow a party to assert in one pleading as many causes of
1, 2004. However, Perry failed to pay his loan. Perry also action as he may have against an opposing party provided he
rejected Ricky and Marvin's proposal to partition the does not join special civil actions or those subject to special
property. rules. No special civil action is involved under the facts.
Ricky filed a complaint against Perry and Marvin in
the Regional Trial Court of Pasay City for the partition of the Illustration (Bar 1999)
property. He also incorporated in his complaint his action A secured two loans from B, one for P500,000.00
against Perry for the collection of the latter's P100,000.00 and the other for P1,000,000.00 payable on different dates.
loan, plus interests and attorney's fees. Both have fallen due. Is B obliged to file only one complaint
State with reasons whether it was proper for Ricky against A for the recovery of both loans? Explain.
to join his causes of action in his complaint for partition
against Perry and Marvin in the Regional Trial Court of Pasay Suggested answer.
City. B is not obliged to file only one complaint. A joinder
of causes of action is not compulsory but merely permissive.
Suggested answer. He may, if he desires, file two actions for the recovery of
The joinder of causes of action is not proper. The each loan.
joinder involves a cause of action for partition and a cause of
action for a sum of money. Illustration (Bar 1996)
Partition is a special civil action under Rule 69. A 1. XXX
speciaI civil action cannot be joined with an ordinary action 2. The complaint filed before the Regional Trial Court of
(Sec. 5lbl, Rule 2, Rules of Court). Manila states two (2) causes of actions, one for rescission of
contract and the other for the recovery of One Hundred
Illustration (Bar 2002) Thousand Pesos (P100,000.00) both of which arose out of the
P sued A and B in one complaint in the RTC-Manila, same transaction.
the cause of action against A being an overdue promissory Is the joinder of the two causes of action proper?
note for P300,000 and that against B being an alleged
balance of P300,000 on the purchase of goods sold on credit. Suggested answer.
Does the RTC-Manila have jurisdiction over the case? The causes of actions may be joined. Both are
ordinary civil actions and thus, neither requires special rules.
Suggested answer. Since the action for rescission falls under the jurisdiction of
The RTC-Manila has no jurisdiction over the case. the Regional Trial Court, the joinder may be made in said
The joinder of the causes of action against A and B is not court.
proper. Illustration (Bar 1996)
For a joinder of causes of action against several
defendants to be proper, the joinder must comply with the Distinguish joinder of causes of actions from joinder of

rule on joinder of parties under Sec. 6 of Rule 3. This rule parties.

requires that the causes of action joined should arise out of
the same transaction or series of transactions and there Suggested answer.
> Joinder of causes of action - the procedural device whereby  (if criminal action) to
a party who asserts various claims against the same or prosecute a person for an
several parties, files all his claims against them in a single act or an omission
complaint. The joinder will not involve a joinder of parties punishable by law (Sec. 3,
when the causes of actions joined accrue in favor of the Rule 1, Rules of Court).
same plaintiff against the same defendant, i.e., there is only
one plaintiff against the same defendant. This means that a - Note: Refer to Sec. 1 of Rule 72 for the cases that apply
joinder of causes of action will not necessarily involve a special proceedings while the provisions of Rule 72 to Rule
joinder of parties. 109, discuss the specific kinds of special proceedings.

> Joinder of parties - a procedural device that may be D. Real and personal actions (Bar 2006; 2004)
employed when there are various causes of actions that 1. An action is `real' when it affects title to or possession of
accrue in favor of one or more plaintiffs against one or more real property, or an interest therein (Sec. 1, Rule 4, Rules of
defendants, i.e., there is a plurality of parties. A joinder of Court). All other actions are personal actions (Sec. 2, Rule 4,
parties requires that before parties can be joined under a Rules of Court; Bar 1994).
single complaint the right to relief must arise out of the same
transaction or series of transactions and there must be a 2. An action is real when it is founded upon the privity of real
common question of law or fact. A joinder of parties may or estate. That means that realty, or an interest therein is the
not be involved in a joinder of causes of actions. subject matter of the action. Not every action however,
involving a real property is a real action because the realty
Z. Remedy in case of misjoinder of actions may only be incidental to the subject matter of the suit. To
- When there is a misjoinder of causes of action, the be a `real' action, it is not enough that the action must deal
erroneously joined cause of action can be severed or with real property. It is important that the matter in
separated from the other causes of action upon motion by a litigation must also involve any of the following issues: title
party or upon the court's own initiative. Misjoinder is not a to, ownership, possession, partition, foreclosure of mortgage
ground for the dismissal of the case (Sec. 6, Rule 2, Rules of or condemnation of real property.
Court). For example, if an action for forcible entry is joined
in one complaint with the causes of actions based on several 3. Examples: An action for damages to real property, while
promissory notes, the complaint should not be dismissed involving realty is a personal action because although it
based on the misjoinder of the forcible entry case. Instead, involves real property, it does not involve any of the issues
the cause of action predicated on forcible entry may be mentioned.
severed from the complaint upon motion of a party or by the An action to recover possession of real property plus damages
court motu proprio. is a real action because possession of the real property is
II. ACTIONS involved. However, an action to recover possession of a
personal property is a personal action.
A. Definition
1. > action - the legal and formal demand of one's right from 4. An action for a declaration of the nullity of marriage is a
another person made and insisted upon in a court of justice personal action

2. In this jurisdiction, it is settled that the terms "action" and 5. An action for specific performance is a personal action as
"suit" are synonymous. long as it does not involve a claim of or recovery of
ownership of real property.
B. Civil actions and criminal actions  Where the allegations as well as the prayer of the
1. > civil action "- one by which a party sues another for the complaint do not claim ownership of the lots in question or
enforcement or protection of a right, or the prevention or ask for possession of the same but instead seeks for the
redress of a wrong" (Sec. 3[a], Rule 1, Rules of Court). execution of a deed of sale by the defendants in favor of the
plaintiff, the action is a personal action.
2. > criminal action "- one by which the State prosecutes a - However, where a complaint is denominated as one for
person for an act or omission punishable by law" (Sec. 3[b], specific performance but nonetheless prays for the issuance
Rule 1, Rules of Court). of a deed of sale for a parcel of land for the plaintiff to
acquire ownership of the land, its primary objective and
3. It has been ruled that ". . . proceedings are to be regarded nature is one to recover the parcel of land itself and thus, is
as criminal when the purpose is primarily punishment, and deemed a real action.
civil when the purpose is primarily compensatory.. ."
6. If the action is denominated as one for specific
C. Actions distinguished from special proceedings (Bar performance, but the plaintiff actually seeks for the issuance
1998;1996) of a deed of assignment in his favor of certain shares of
Action Special Proceedings stocks to regain ownership and possession of said shares, the
The purpose of an action is The purpose of a special action is not one for specific performance but a personal
either: proceeding is to establish a action for the recovery of property. The docket fee
 (if civil action) to status, a right or a particular therefore, should be computed based on the value of the

protect a right or prevent fact (Sec. 3, Rule 1, Rules of property and not based on the docket fee for specific
or redress a wrong if the Court). performance.
7. Where it is alleged in the complaint that the defendant the main relief without passing upon the claim of the parties
breached the contract, so that the plaintiff prays that the with respect to the title to and the possession of the lot in
contract be rescinded and that the defendant be ordered to question. The action is a real action.
return possession of the hacienda to the plaintiff, the
ultimate purpose or end of the action is to recover possession 14. Where the sale is fictitious, with absolutely no
of real property and not a mere breach of contract. consideration, it should be regarded as a non-existent
contract. There being no contract between the parties, there
8. Where the action to annul or rescind a sale of real is nothing in truth to annul by action. The action therefore,
property has as its fundamental and prime objective the cannot be an action for annulment but one for the recovery
recovery of real property, the action is real. of a fishpond, a real action.

9. Where an award of a house and lot to the plaintiff was E. Significance of the distinction between a personal and a
unilaterally cancelled, an action that seeks to annul the real action
cancellation of the award over the said house and lot is a 1. The distinction between a real action and a personal
personal action. The action does not involve title to, action is important for the purpose of determining the venue
ownership or possession of real property. The nature of the of the action. Questions involving the propriety or
action is one to compel the recognition of the validity of the impropriety of a particular venue are resolved by initially
previous award by seeking a declaration that the cancellation determining the nature of the action, i.e., if the action is
is null and void. personal or real.

Illustration (Adapted from Bar 1978 and 1976) 2. A real action is `local', i.e., its venue depends upon the
X filed in the Court of First Instance (now Regional location of the property involved in the litigation. "Actions
Trial Court) of Cavite against the Development Bank of the affecting title to or possession of real property, or interest
Philippines (DBP) seeking the annulment of the cancellation therein, shall be commenced and tried in the proper court
of the award of a house and lot in Quezon City in his favor. which has jurisdiction over the area wherein the real
DBP had unilaterally cancelled the award because X was a property involved, or a portion thereof is situated" (Sec. 1,
retired employee who had merely an option to purchase said Rule 4, Rules of Court; Italics supplied).
house and lot. DBP filed a motion to dismiss the complaint on
the ground of improper venue, contending that since the 3. A personal action is `transitory; i. e., its venue depends
property in question is located in Quezon City, the complaint upon the residence of the plaintiff or the defendant at the
should have been filed there. Resolve said motion, stating option of the plaintiff. A personal action "may be commenced
your reasons briefly. Is the action a real or a personal action? and tried where the plaintiff or any of the principal plaintiffs
resides or where the defendant or any of the principal
Suggested answer. defendants resides, or in the case of a non-resident
The action is a personal action. The nature of the defendant, where he may be found, at the election of the
action is one to compel the recognition of the validity of the plaintiff" (Sec. 2, Rule 4, Rules of Court; Italics supplied; Bar
award by seeking a declaration that the cancellation of the 1994).
award is null and void. The issue does not involve title to the
property or any interest therein. 4. Hence, if the question involves the venue of an action, the
analysis will necessarily involve the following steps:
10. An action to foreclose a real estate mortgage is a real (a) a determination whether the action is real or personal
action, but an action to compel the mortgagee to accept (b) an application of the rules on venue under Rule 4, Rules
payment of the mortgage debt and to release the mortgage is of Court.
a personal action.  Thus, an action for a sum of money, instituted by a
resident of Manila against a resident of Quezon City, shall be
11. An action praying that the defendant be ordered "to filed either in Manila or Quezon City at the election of the
accept the payment being made" by plaintiff for the lot to plaintiff because the action is personal.
which the latter contracted to buy on an installment basis
from the former, to pay plaintiff compensatory damages and 5. An action to annul a sale of a land located in Baguio City
attorney's fees and to enjoin the defendant and his agents where recovery of ownership is essentially the material issues
from repossessing the lot in question, is one that affects title in the case, must be filed in Baguio City. The action is a real
to land because although the immediate remedy is to compel action and must be filed in the place where the property is
defendant to accept the tender of payment allegedly made, situated regardless of the residence of the parties.
it is obvious that this relief is merely the first step to
establish plaintiff's title to real property. The action is real. 6. An action for ejectment must be filed where the real
property subject of the action is situated. Do not consider
12. An action to annul a contract of loan is a personal action. the residences of the parties because "forcible entry and
An action to annul or cancel a real estate mortgage is a detainer actions shall be commenced and tried in the
personal action. municipal court of the municipality or city wherein the real
property involved, or a portion thereof, is situated" (Sec. 1,
13. Although the main relief sought in the action is the Rule 4, Rules of Court).

delivery of the certificate of title, said relief, in turn

depends upon who, between the parties, has a better right to 7. An action for the recovery of possession of the leased
the lot in question. It is not possible for the court to decide premises located in Davao City and for the payment of
accrued rentals is a real action. The venue of the action is anyone in the world. On the other hand, an action for
Davao City (Bar 1991). damages is both a personal action and an action in personam.

8. To reiterate, where an award of a house and lot to the 5. An action for specific performance is an action in
plaintiff was unilaterally cancelled, an action that seeks to personam. An action for specific performance and/or
annul the cancellation of the award over the said house and rescission is not an action in rem.
lot is a personal action. The action does not involve title to,
ownership or possession of real property. The nature of the 6. A cadastral proceeding is an action in rem
action is one to compel the recognition of the validity of the
previous award by seeking a declaration that the cancellation 7. A land registration proceeding is an action in rem. Hence,
is null and void. The venue is the residence of the plaintiff or the failure to give a personal notice to the owners or
that of the defendant at the option of the plaintiff claimants of the land is not a jurisdictional defect. It is the
(Hernandez vs. Development Bank of the Philippines, 71 SCRA publication of such notice that brings in the whole world as a
290; Bar 1976; Bar 1978). party in the case and vests the court with jurisdiction

F. In personam and in rem actions (Bar 1994) 8. Cases involving an auction sale of land for the collection of
1. A proceeding in personam is a proceeding to enforce delinquent taxes is an action in personam. Mere publication
personal rights and obligations brought against the person of the notice of delinquency does not suffice. Notice by
and is based on the jurisdiction of the person, although it publication although sufficient in proceedings in rem does
may involve his right to, or the exercise of ownership of, not satisfy the requirements of proceedings in personam.
specific property, or seek to compel him to control or dispose
of it in accordance with the mandate of the court. The 9. An action to recover real property is a real action. It is
purpose of a proceeding in personam is to impose through the however, also an action in personam for it binds only a
judgment of a court, some responsibility or liability directly particular individual.
upon the person of the defendant.
 Examples: An action for a sum of money; an action for
damages. In this kind of action, no one other than the G. Quasi in rem actions
defendant is held liable, not the whole world. 1. An action quasi in rem is one wherein an individual is
named as defendant and the purpose of the proceeding is to
2. A proceeding quasi in rem is one brought against persons subject his interest therein to the obligation or lien
seeking to subject the property of such persons to the burdening the property.
discharge of the claims assailed. In an action quasi in rem, an
individual is named as defendant and the purpose of the 2. The object of an action quasi in rem is the sale or
proceeding is to subject his interests therein to the disposition of the property whether by attachment,
obligation or loan burdening the property. Actions quasi in foreclosure or any other form of remedy.
rem deal with the status, ownership or liability of a
particular property but which are intended to operate on 3. Examples of actions quasi in rem: (a) action for partition;
these questions only as between the particular parties to the (b) action for accounting; Such actions are essentially for the
proceedings and not to ascertain or cut off the rights or purpose of affecting the defendant's interest in the property
interests of all possible claimants. Traditional jurisprudence and not to render a judgment against him; (c) attachment;
has referred to this action as one brought against the whole (d) foreclosure of mortgage.
H. Significance of distinction between actions in rem, in
3. An action in personam is not necessarily a personal action. personam and quasi in rem
Nor is a real action necessarily an action in rem. An in 1. The distinction is important to determine whether or not
personam or an in rem action is a classification of actions jurisdiction over the person of the defendant is required and
according to the object of the action. A personal and real consequently to determine the type of summons to be
action is a classification according to foundation. It is in rem employed.  Jurisdiction over the person of the defendant is
when directed against the whole world (Bar 1994). For necessary for the court to validly try and decide a case
instance, an action to recover, title to or possession of real against said defendant where the action is one in personam
property is a real action, but it is an action in personam. It is but not where the action is in rem or quasi in rem.
not brought against the whole world but against the person
upon whom the claim is made. - Against a resident defendant in an action in personam, this
jurisdiction is acquired by service in person on the defendant
4. An action for ejectment (forcible entry or unlawful (Sec. 6, Rule 14, Rules of Court) or in case he cannot be
detainer) is a real action because it involves the issue of served in person within a reasonable time, by substituted
possession of real property. It is also however, an action in service of summons (Sec. 7, Rule 14, Rules of Court). Without
personam because the action is directed against a particular a valid service of the summons the court cannot obtain
person who is sought to be held liable (Sec. 1, Rule 4, Rules jurisdiction over the person of the defendant unless the
of Court). An action for the declaration of nullity of a defendant voluntarily appears in the action. This voluntary
marriage is a personal action because it is not founded on appearance is equivalent to service of summons (Section 20,

real estate. It is also an in rem action because the issue of Rule 14, Rules of Court).
the status of a person is one directed against the whole
world. One's status is a matter that can be set up against
2. "In an action in personam against a non-resident who does A resident defendant who does not voluntarily
not voluntarily submit himself to the authority of the court, appear in court, must be personally served with summons as
personal service within the state is essential to the provided under Sec. 6, Rule 14 of the Rules of Court. If she
acquisition of jurisdiction over his person. This method is cannot be personally served with summons within a
possible if such defendant is physically present in the reasonable time, substituted service may be effected (1) by
country. If he is not found therein, the court cannot acquire leaving copies of the summons at the defendant's residence
jurisdiction over his person and therefore, cannot validly try with some person of suitable age and discretion then residing
the case against him". therein, or (L) by leaving the copies at def'endant's office or
 In an action for specific performance against a non- regular place of business with some competent person in
resident who does not reside in the Philippines, summons by charge thereof in accordance with Sec. 7, Rule 14 of the
publication will not enable the court to acquire jurisdiction Rules of Court (Biaco vs. Philippine Countryside Rural Bank,
over him. G.R. No. 161417, February 8, 2007).
Because an action for specific performance is in personam,
service of summons upon him in person while he is within the I. Jurisdiction over the res
territory is essential for the court to acquire jurisdiction over 1. Jurisdiction over the res refers to the court's jurisdiction
him. over the thing or the property which is the subject of the
action. Jurisdiction over the res may be acquired by the
3. Summons by publication, as far as existing jurisprudence is court by placing the property or thing under its custody
concerned, will not enable the court to acquire jurisdiction (custodia leg's). Example: attachment of property. It may
over the person of the defendant. This jurisprudential rule is also be acquired by the court through statutory authority
however, subject to the exceptions laid down under the conferring upon it the power to deal with the property or
amended rules which took effect on July 1, 1997. These rules thing within the court's territorial jurisdiction. Example: suits
are: involving the status of the parties or suits involving the
(a) If the resident defendant is temporarily out of the property in the Philippines, of non-resident defendants.
country, he may be served by publication with leave of court.
Note the words, "any action" in Sec. 16 of Rule 14 and a - A land registration case is a proceeding in rem, and
reference made to Sec. 15 of Rule 14 in the same section jurisdiction over the res in this case cannot be acquired
(Sec. 16, Rule 14 in relation to Sec. 15, Rule 14, Rules of unless there is a constructive seizure of the land through
Court); and publication and service of notice.
(b) If the identity of the defendant is unknown or whose
whereabouts are unknown, service may, with leave of court, 2. If the action is in rem or quasi in rem, jurisdiction over the
be effected upon him by publication in a newspaper of person of the defendant is not required. What is required is
general circulation. Note the words, "in any action" in Sec. 14 jurisdiction over the res although summons must also be
of Rule 14 (Sec. 14, Rule 14, Rules of Court). served upon the defendant in order to satisfy the
requirements of due process.
4. The Supreme Court sums up the basic rules on the matter,
in the following words, thus: 3. If the suit against a non-resident defendant is in rem or
"The question of whether the trial court has quasi in rem as in the case of an in rem action for annulment
jurisdiction depends on the nature of the action, i.e., of his marriage to a Filipina while he was temporarily in the
whether the action is in personam, in rem, or quasi in rem. Philippines, a suit for annulment may prosper despite the
The rules on service of summons under Rule 14 of the Rules absence of said non-resident defendant in the Philippines.
of Court likewise apply according to the nature of the action. Summons by publication or any of the modes of
"An action in personam is an action against a person extraterritorial service under Sec. 15 of Rule 14 will suffice
on the basis of his personal liability. An action in rem is an because what the court merely needs is jurisdiction over the
action against the thing itself instead of against the person. res.
An action quasi in rem is one wherein an individual is named
as defendant and the purpose of the proceeding is to subject J. Extraterritorial service; other rules on summons (Bar 1959)
his interest therein to the obligation or lien burdening the 1. When the defendant is (a) a non-resident, and (b) he is not
property. found in the country, summons may be served upon him
In an action in personam, jurisdiction over the extraterritorially in accordance with Rule 14, Sec. 15. Under
person of the defendant is necessary for the court to validly this provision, there are only four instances when
try and decide the case. In a proceeding in rem or quasi in extraterritorial service of summons is proper, namely: (1)
rem, jurisdiction over the person of the defendant is not a when the action affects the personal status of the plaintiff,
prerequisite to confer jurisdiction on the court provided that (2) when the action relates to, or the subject of which is
the court acquires jurisdiction over the res. Jurisdiction over property within the Philippines, in which the defendant
the res is acquired either (1) by the seizure of the property claims a lien or interest, actual or contingent; (3) when the
under legal process, whereby it is brought into actual custody relief demanded in such action consists, wholly or in part, in
of the law; or (2) as a result of the institution of legal excluding the defendant from any interest in property
proceedings, in which the power of the court is recognized located in the Philippines; and (4) when the defendant non-
and made effective. resident's property has been attached within the Philippines.
Nonetheless, summons must be served upon the Observe that these cases are either in rem or quasi in rem.

defendant not for the purpose of vesting the court with

jurisdiction but merely for satisfying the due process 2. It must be stressed that the concept of extraterritorial
requirements. service of summons will apply only to a defendant who is a
non-resident and at the same time is outside the Philippines. either a citizen or a resident of the country. If the suit is in
It does not apply to any other defendant like a resident of personam, as when the suit is for a sum of money, summons
the Philippines or a non-resident who is in the country. It by publication would be ineffective to acquire jurisdiction
must be emphasized too that extraterritorial service can only over his person. The remedy is to file the suit and at the
be effected when the action is either in rem or quasi in rem. same time avail of the provisional remedy of attachment.
Jurisdiction over the person of the defendant here is not Following established principles, jurisdiction over the person
required. Instead of jurisdiction over the person of the of the defendant would no longer be required when there is a
defendant, the rule merely requires jurisdiction over the res. preliminary attachment of the defendant's properties
Publication is sufficient to enable the court to acquire this because the suit has assumed the status of an action quasi in
type of jurisdiction. If the action however, against the non- rem which merely requires jurisdiction over the res. The suit
resident defendant is in personam, extraterritorial service can then proceed despite the absence of the defendant
cannot be availed of. This is because "there is no because in this case, the property of the defendant would
extraterritorial service in an action in personam" now be the object of the judicial power.

K. Application of principles 3. A proceeding for the probate of a will is one in rem, such
1. It must again be stressed that if the defendant is a non- that the corresponding publication of the petition brought
resident, personal service of summons (more appropriately the whole world a party in the case and vests the court with
called "service in person on defendant") within the state is jurisdiction to hear and decide it. Personal notice upon the
essential to the acquisition of jurisdiction over the person of heirs is a matter of procedural convenience and not a
the defendant and this is not possible if the defendant is not jurisdictional requisite.
within the country. The court thus, cannot acquire
jurisdiction over his person. So when the action is for the 4. In Sahagun vs. Court of Appeals, an action was filed
recovery of a sum of money against the non-resident against a non-resident defendant, Abelardo Sahagun, and a
defendant, the summons by publication is ineffective for the writ of attachment was issued against the property of the
trial court to acquire jurisdiction over the person of the defendant in the Philippines. Because of the failure to serve
defendant. Any judgment rendered against him is therefore, summons extraterritorially upon the defendant, the
null and void for lack of jurisdiction over the defendant. complaint was dismissed without prejudice.

- Example No. 1: An American tourist while in the - Subsequently, a motion for leave to serve summons by
Philippines, incurred hotel bills of P2 million. Without paying publication upon the defendant was granted by the court.
his bills, he surreptitiously left the country. The hotel filed For failure to file an answer, the defendant was declared in
an action for a sum of money and with leave of court default. The Court however, sustained the correctness of the
effected summons by publication. The defendant made no extrajudicial service of summons by publication.
appearance in any form and judgment by default was
rendered against him. Is he bound by the judgment? Answer: - The Court explained, that attachment and foreclosure
He is not bound by the judgment because the same was proceedings are both actions quasi in rem. As such,
rendered without jurisdiction over his person. The summons jurisdiction over the person oftho non-resident defendant is
by publication did not enable the court to acquire not essential. Service of summons on a non-resident
jurisdiction over him. Here, the action is one in personam. defendant who is not found in the country is required, not for
purposes of physically acquiring jurisdiction over his person
- Example No. 2: Mr. D is a balikbayan, a former Filipino, and but simply in pursuance of the requirements of fair play, so
a naturalized Canadian citizen. He visited the country to that he may be informed of the pendency of the action
attend the funeral of his father from whom he inherited a against him and the possibility that property belonging to him
parcel of land. He obtained a loan while in the Philippines or in which he has an interest may be subjected to a
and executed a real estate mortgage on his inherited land. judgment in favor of a resident, and that he may thereby be
He left without paying the debt. An action to foreclose the accorded an opportunity to defend in the action, should he
mortgage was filed. How may the court obtain jurisdiction be so minded.
over the person of Mr. X? Answer: There is no way. He is
already out of the country. However, jurisdiction over the 5. There is no such action called "annotation of lis pendens'.
person of the defendant is not necessary and hence, Notice of lis pendens is ordinarily recorded without the
irrelevant under the facts of the case because the action for court's intervention. The annotation of lis pendens is not
foreclosure is not an action in personam. A foreclosure suit is proper where the action is in personam like recovery of a
a quasi in rem action. In this kind of action, jurisdiction over sum of money and damages. For the annotation to be proper,
the person of the defendant is not required. Summons by the action must be one affecting title to property.
publication or other modes of extraterritorial service under
Sec. 15 of Rule 14, is enough to acquire jurisdiction over the
res. May the court therefore validly render a judgment in the CHAP. 3: JURISDICTION, VENUE AND PARTIES
foreclosure proceedings? The court can. It has jurisdiction
over the res as long as summons by any of the means allowed I. JURISDICTION
under the rules on extraterritorial service is effected (Sec.
15, Rule 14, Rules of Court). A. Meaning of jurisdiction

1. > Jurisdiction - the power and authority of the court to

2. There are situations where a non-resident defendant has hear, try and decide a case
properties in the Philippines probably because he used to be
2. It is not only the power to hear and determine, but the case and not the decision over the subject matter, the
power to enforce its determination, as the judgment or rendered therein. decision on all other
decree is the end for which jurisdiction is exercised, and it is questions arising in the case
only through the judgment and its execution that the power is but an exercise of
of the court is made efficacious and its jurisdiction jurisdiction. The errors
complete. which the courts may
 The power to control the execution of its decision is an commit in the exercise of
essential aspect of jurisdiction. It cannot be the subject of jurisdiction are merely errors
substantial subtraction and the most important part of the of judgment which are the
litigation is the process of execution of decisions proper subjects of an
B. Power of the court
- Jurisdiction is not the power of the judge but of the court. H. Error of judgment and error of jurisdiction; distinctions
Neither is it the decision rendered. It is the power or (Bar 1989)
authority of the court to decide a cause. 1. > error of judgment - one which the court may commit in
the exercise of its jurisdiction. As long as the court acts
C. Test of jurisdiction within its jurisdiction, any alleged errors committed in the
- Jurisdiction does not depend upon the regularity of its exercise of its discretion will amount to nothing more than
exercise or on the rightness of the decision made. The test of mere errors of judgment.
jurisdiction is whether the court has the power to enter into  Errors of judgment include errors of procedure or mistakes
the inquiry and not whether the decision is right or wrong. in the court's findings.

D. Matter of substantive law > error of jurisdiction - one where the act complained of was
- Jurisdiction is a matter of substantive law (BP 129; R.A. issued by the court without or in excess of jurisdiction.
7691) because it is conferred by law. This jurisdiction which Errors of'jurisdiction occur when the court exerciHes a
is a matter of substantive law should be construed to refer jurisdiction not conferred upon it by law It may also occur
only to jurisdiction over the subject matter. Jurisdiction over when the court or tribunal although with jurisdiction, acts in
the parties, the issues and the res are matters of procedure. excess of its jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion
amounting to lack of jurisdiction.
E. Not subject to waiver or stipulation
Jurisdiction cannot be waived, enlarged or diminished by 2. Errors of judgment  are correctible by appeal
stipulation of the parties (Republic vs. Estipular, 336 SCRA Errors of jurisdiction  are correctible only by the
333). This is a consequence of the substantive character of extraordinary writ of certiorari
jurisdiction over the subject matter.
3. Where a court has jurisdiction, a wrong decision is not
F. Duty of a court to determine its jurisdiction void. If the court has jurisdiction, it is altogether immaterial
1. It is the duty of the court to consider the question of how grossly irregular or manifestly erroneous its proceedings
jurisdiction before it looks at other matters involved in the may have been. The judgment cannot be considered a
case. It may, and must, do this on its own motion without nullity, and cannot therefore, be collaterally impeached.
waiting for the question of jurisdiction being raised by any of Such a judgment is binding on the parties unless it is reversed
the parties involved in the proceeding. or annulled in a direct proceeding. But if there is a total
 Courts are bound to take notice of the limits of their want of jurisdiction in a court, its proceedings are an
authority and they may act accordingly by dismissing the absolute nullity, confer no right and afford no protection but
action even though the issue of jurisdiction is not raised or will be pronounced void when collaterally attacked.
not even suggested by counsel.
- Any judgment rendered without jurisdiction is a total nullity
2. If the court finds that it has jurisdiction, it is the duty of and may be struck down at any time, oven on appeal; the
the court to exercise the jurisdiction conferred upon it by only exception is when the party raising the issue is barred by
law and to render a decision in a case properly submitted to estoppels.
it. It cannot decline to exercise its jurisdiction. Failure to do
so may be enforced by way of a mandamus proceeding. 4. A relatively more recent case holds in reiteration of the
principle: "When a court, tribunal, or officer has jurisdiction
3. When it appears that the court has no jurisdiction over the over the person and the subject matter of the dispute, the
subject matter of a complaint filed before it, the court shall decision on all other questions arising in the case is an
dismiss the claim and can do so motu proprio (Sec. 1, Rule 9, exercise of that jurisdiction." Consequently, all errors
Rules of Court). Even if the parties do not challenge the committed in the exercise of said jurisdiction are merely
jurisdiction of a court or tribunal, this does not prevent the errors of judgment. Under prevailing procedural rules and
court from addressing the issue. jurisprudence, errors of judgment are not proper subjects of
a special civil action for certiorari.
G. Jurisdiction versus the exercise of jurisdiction
Jurisdiction Exercise of jurisdiction I. Lack of jurisdiction and excess of jurisdiction

a. the power or authority of a. exercise of this power or - Lack of jurisdiction and excess of jurisdiction are
the court. authority distinguished thus: the respondent court or tribunal acts
b. the authority to decide a b. Where there is jurisdiction without jurisdiction if it does not have the legal power to
determine the case; where the respondent, being clothed
with the power to determine the case, oversteps its authority 4. The Supreme Court rulings in recent cases need emphasis:
as determined by law, it is performing a function in excess of "Jurisdiction cannot be conferred by the voluntary act or
its jurisdiction. agreement of the parties; it cannot be acquired through or
waived, enlarged or diminished by their act or omission.
J. Jurisdiction and cause of action (Bar 1988) Neither is it conferred by the acquiescence of the court. It is
- Jurisdiction is not a cause of action. neither for the court nor the parties to violate or disregard
 Jurisdiction  an authority. the rule, this matter being legislative in character"
 Conferred by law
 Cause of action  the act or omission violative of the M. How jurisdiction over the subject matter is determined
rights of others. 1. It is a settled rule that jurisdiction over the subject matter
 not conferred by law but exists because is determined by the allegations of the complaint regardless
of a violation of a right. of whether or not the plaintiff is entitled to his claims
asserted therein.
K. Jurisdiction over the subject matter
1. > Jurisdiction over the subject matter - the power to deal 2. If by the averments of the complaint, the court has
with the general subject involved in the action, and means jurisdiction, it does not lose that jurisdiction just because
not simply jurisdiction of the particular case then occupying the defendant makes a contrary allegation in his motion or
the attention of the court but jurisdiction of the class of answer or because the court believes that the plaintiff's
cases to which the particular case belongs claims are ridiculous and therefore, untrue. If by the
- the power or authority to hear and determine averments of the complaint, it has jurisdiction, then it has
cases to which the proceeding in question belongs. jurisdiction.

2. The term "subject matter"  the item with respect to N. Jurisdiction is not determined either by the defenses or by
which the controversy has arisen, or concerning which the the evidences in the trial
wrong has been done, and it is ordinarily the right, the thing, l. "It is axiomatic that the nature of the action and which
or the contract under dispute. court has original and exclusive jurisdiction over the same is
 Examples: The terms `unlawful detainer', `forcible entry', determined by the material allegations of the complaint ...
or actions `incapable of pecuniary estimation' are subject irrespective of whether the plaintiffs are entitled to some or
matters. So are the terms action publiciana, action all of the claims asserted therein ... Nor does the jurisdiction
reivindicatoria, partition of property, foreclosure of of the court depend upon the answer of the defendant or
mortgage, expropriation, habeas corpus and action for agreement of the parties, or to the waiver or acquiescence of
damages, among others. the parties.”
 The settled rule is that jurisdiction is based on the
3. When a complaint is filed in court, the basic questions that allegations in the initiatory pleading and the defenses in the
ipso facto are to be immediately resolved by the court on its answer are deemed irrelevant and immaterial in its
own are: (a) What is the subject matter of their complaint determination.
filed before the court? (b) Does the court have jurisdiction
over the said subject matter of the complaint before it? 2. Because jurisdiction is determined by the allegations of
Answering these questions inevitably requires looking into the complaint and is not affected by the pleas or theories set
the applicable laws conferring jurisdiction. up by the defendant in his motion to dismiss or answer, the
Municipal Trial Court does not lose its jurisdiction over an
L. How jurisdiction over the subject matter is conferred ejectment case by the mere allegation that the defendant
1. Jurisdiction over the subject matter is conferred by law asserts ownership over the litigated property.
which may be either the Constitution or a statute
3. The jurisdiction of the court or tribunal over the nature of
2. The law that confers jurisdiction refers to a substantive the action cannot be made to depend upon the defenses set
law, not a procedural law. It likewise does not refer to an up in the court or upon a motion to dismiss, for otherwise,
administrative order or a circular the question of jurisdiction would depend almost entirely on
3. Since jurisdiction is conferred by law, jurisdiction:
(a) cannot be conferred by the administrative policy of any 4. However, while the Municipal Trial Court does not lose its
court (b) cannot be conferred by a court's unilateral jurisdiction over an ejectment case by the simple expedient
assumption of jurisdiction of a party raising as a defense therein the alleged existence
(c) cannot be conferred by an erroneous belief by the of a tenancy relationship between the parties, yet if after
court that it has jurisdiction hearing, tenancy had in fact been shown to be the real issue,
(d) cannot also be conferred by the parties cannot be the court should dismiss the case for lack of jurisdiction.
conferred by contract
(e) cannot be granted by agreement of the parties, 5. The jurisdiction of the court or tribunal over the nature of
acquired through, or waived, enlarged or diminished by, the action cannot be made to depend upon the defenses set
any act or omission of the parties. Neither can it be up in the court or upon a motion to dismiss, for otherwise,

conferred by acquiescence of the court the question of jurisdiction would depend almost entirely on
(f) cannot be conferred by the parties' silence, defendant.
acquiescence or consent
6. Because the allegations of the complaint are of the complaint. The nature of the cause of action and
determinative of jurisdiction, jurisdiction does not depend on consequently the jurisdiction of the court cannot be made to
the amount ultimately substantiated in the course of the trial depend upon the defenses set up in the answer or pleadings
or proceedings. Where the Regional Trial Court rendered a filed by the defendant. This is the general rule which
judgment involving a lesser amount than that alleged, this however, has not been applied with rigidity in ejectment
fact did not divest the court of its jurisdiction. cases in which the defendant averred the defense of the
existence of a tenancy relationship between the parties.
7. It is an established principle that jurisdiction is
determined by the cause of action alleged in the complaint 2. In Ignacio vs. CFI of Bulacan, it was held "that while the
and not by the amount substantiated and awarded (Dionisio allegations in the complaint make out a case for forcible
vs. Sison Puerto, 60 SCRA 471). Thus, where a complaint entry, where tenancy is averred by way of defense and is
seeking for the payment of Pl million is filed in the Regional proved to be the real issue, the case should be dismissed for
Trial Court, but after considering the evidences presented, lack of jurisdiction as the case should properly be filed with
the amount owing to the plaintiff is only P300 thousand, an the then Court ofAgrarian Relations (now DARAB). In Ignacio
amount within the jurisdiction of the Municipal Trial Court if and other ejectment cases, where tenancy was the defense,
originally filed in it, the Regional Trial Court has authority to the court went beyond the allegations of the complaint in
render judgment on the lesser amount. determining jurisdiction in resolving a motion to dismiss
based on lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter and
- The above rule does not apply in the reverse. Where a required the presentation of evidence to prove or disprove
complaint for the recovery of a loan of P300 thousand is filed the defense of tenancy. After finding the real issue to be
in the Municipal Trial Court, but after consideration of the tenancy, the cases were dismissed for lack of jurisdiction.
evidences, it is shown that the amount recoverable is Pl
million, an amount within the jurisdiction of the Regional 3. It must be borne in mind however, that the Municipal Trial
Trial Court, the Municipal Trial Court cannot render Court does not automatically lose its jurisdiction over
judgment for Pl million for want of jurisdiction. ejectment cases by the mere allegation of the defense of
tenancy relationship between the parties. There must first
O. Applicability to criminal actions be a reception of evidence and, if after hearing, tenancy had
1. The above rule has an affinity to the rule in the in fact been shown to be the real issue, the court should
prosecution of criminal actions. In order to determine the dismiss the case for lack of jurisdiction. The rule still is that
jurisdiction of the court in criminal cases, the complaint or jurisdiction of the court is determined by the allegations of
information must be examined for the purpose of the complaint.
ascertaining whether or not the facts set out therein and the
punishment provided for by law for such acts fall within the Q. Doctrine of primary jurisdiction
jurisdiction of the court in which the criminal action is filed. 1. Under the doctrine of primary jurisdiction, courts will not
If the facts set out in the complaint are sufficient to show resolve a controversy involving a question which is within the
that the court has jurisdiction, then that court indeed has jurisdiction of an administrative tribunal, especially where
jurisdiction. the question demands the exercise of sound administrative
discretion requiring the special knowledge, experience and
2. It is jurisprudentially settled that the jurisdiction of the services of the administrative tribunal to determine technical
court over a criminal case is determined by the allegations of and intricate matters of fact.
the complaint or information in relation to the law prevailing  The practice is to refer specialized disputes to
at the time of the filing of the criminal complaint or administrative agencies of specialized competence and the
information, and the penalty provided by law for the crime courts will not determine a controversy prior to the
charged at the time of its commission. resolution of the question by the administrative tribunal
because the Court accords great respect to the findings of
3. In criminal cases, where there is a variance between the administrative agencies since they have acquired expertise in
offense charged in the complaint or information, and that their jurisdiction and it will refrain from questioning their
proved, and the offense as charged is included in or findings, particularly when these are affirmed by the
necessarily includes the offense proved, the accused shall be appellate tribunal.
convicted of the offense proved, which is included in the
offense charged, or of the offense charged which is included 2. The objective of the doctrine of primary jurisdiction is to
in the offense proved (Sec. 4, Rule 120, Rules of Court). guide a court in determining whether it should refrain from
Hence, if an accused is charged with attempted homicide but exercising its jurisdiction until after an administrative agency
the offense proved is merely slight physical injuries, he may has determined some question or some aspect of some
be convicted of the latter offense which is necessarily question arising in the proceeding before the court. The
included in the offense charged. court cannot or will not determine a controversy involving a
question which is within the jurisdiction of the administrative
P. Exception to the rule that jurisdiction is determined by tribunal prior to resolving the same, where the question
the allegations of the complaint demands the exercise of sound administrative discretion
1. The rule holds that what determines the nature of the requiring special knowledge, experience and services in
action and the court that has jurisdiction over the case are determining technical and intricate matters of fact.

the allegations in the complaint. Hence, in determining

whether or not it has jurisdiction over the complaint before 3. Examples: (a) The Supreme Court recognized that the
it, the court, as a rule, need not look beyond the allegations MWSS was in the best position to evaluate and decide which
bid for a waterworks project was compatible with its commencement of the action determines the jurisdiction of
development plan. the court.
(b) The Civil Service Commission is better equipped in
handling cases involving the employment status of employees T. Objections to jurisdiction over the subject matter
as it is within its field of expertise. 1. The court may on its own initiative object to an erroneous
(c) The court upheld the primary jurisdiction of the jurisdiction and may ex mero motu take cognizance of lack of
Department ofAgrarian Reform Adjudicatory Board (DARAB) jurisdiction at any point in the case and has a clearly
in an agrarian dispute over the payment of back rentals recognized right to determine its own jurisdiction.
under a leasehold contract. The Department of Agrarian  "When it appears from the pleadings or evidence on record
Reform (DAR) is vested with primary jurisdiction to that the court has no jurisdiction over the subject matter, . .
determine and adjudicate agrarian reform matters, with . the court shall dismiss the same" (Sec. 1, Rule 9, Rules of
exclusive original jurisdiction over all matters involving the Court).
implementation of agrarian reform except those falling under
the exclusive jurisdiction of the Department of Agriculture 2. The earliest opportunity of a party to raise the issue of
and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. jurisdiction is in a motion to dismiss filed before the filing or
service of an answer. Lack of jurisdiction over the subject
matter is a ground for a motion to dismiss (Sec. 1(b], Rule
R. Doctrine of continuity of jurisdiction (adherence of 16, Rules of Court). If no motion to dismiss is filed, the
jurisdiction) defense of lack of jurisdiction may be raised as an
1. Jurisdiction is referred to as "continuing" in view of the affirmative defense in the answer (Sec. 6, Rule 16, Rules of
general principle that once a court has acquired jurisdiction, Court).
that jurisdiction continues until the court has done all that it
can do in the exercise of that jurisdiction (20Am Jur 2d, 3. Under the omnibus motion rule, a motion attacking a
Courts § 147). This principle also means that once jurisdiction pleading like a motion to dismiss, shall include all grounds
has attached, it cannot be ousted by subsequent happenings then available, and all objections not so included shall be
or events, although of a character which would have deemed waived (Sec. 8, Rule 15, Rules of Court). The
prevented jurisdiction from attaching in the first instance. defense of lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter is
The court, once jurisdiction has been acquired, retains that however, a defense not barred by the failure to invoke the
jurisdiction until it finally disposes of the case. same in a motion to dismiss already filed. Even if a motion to
dismiss was filed and the issue of jurisdiction was not raised
2. As a consequence of this principle, jurisdiction is not therein, a party may, when he files an answer, raise the lack
affected by a new law placing a proceeding under the of jurisdiction as an affirmative defense because this defense
jurisdiction of another tribunal except when otherwise is not barred under the omnibus motion rule.
provided in the statute or if the statute is clearly intended to 4. Thus, the prevailing rule is that jurisdiction over the
apply to actions pending even before its enactment. subject matter may be raised at any stage of the
proceedings, even for the first time on appeal.
3. In an action for ejectment, if the defendant voluntarily
surrenders the premises subject of the action to the plaintiff, 5. When the court dismisses the complaint for lack of
the surrender of the property does not divest the court of jurisdiction over the subject matter, it is common reason
jurisdiction. that the court cannot remand the case to another court with
the proper jurisdiction. Its only power is to dismiss and not to
4. If the court has jurisdiction to act on a motion at the time make any other order.
it was filed, that jurisdiction to resolve the motion continues
until the matter is resolved and is not lost by the subsequent Illustration (Bar 2004)
filing of a notice of appeal. Plaintiff filed a complaint for a sum of money
against defendant with the McTC-Makati, the total amount of
5. The trial court did not lose jurisdiction over the case the demand exclusive of interest, damages of whatever kind,
involving a public official by the mere fact that said official attorney's fees, litigation expenses, and costs, being
ceased to be in office during the pendency of the case. Also, P1,000,000.00. In due time, defendant filed a motion to
the jurisdiction that the court had at the time of the filing of dismiss the complaint on the ground of the McTC's lack of
the complaint is not lost by the mere fact that the jurisdiction over the subject matter. After due hearing, the
respondent judge ceased to be in office during the pendency McTC (1) ruled that the court lacked jurisdiction over the
of the case. subject matter of the complaint; and (2) ordered that the
case therefore, should be forwarded to the proper Regional
6. Even the finality of the judgment does not totally deprive Trial Court immediately.
the court of jurisdiction over the case. What the court loses Was the court's ruling concerning jurisdiction
is the power to amend, modify or alter the judgment. Even correct? Explain briefly.
after the judgment has become final, the court retains
jurisdiction to enforce and execute it. Suggested answer:
The ruling concerning jurisdiction was correct. The
S. Law which governs jurisdiction amount falls within the jurisdiction of the RTC. The

- Jurisdiction being a matter of substantive law, the jurisdictional amount of the McTC should not exceed P400,
established rule is that the statute in force at the time of the 000.00 (Sec. 33, BP 129; R.A. 7691). However, its order to
forward the case to the RTC is erroneous. The proper order is decision was rendered by the Court of Appeals that it finally
to dismiss the case. woke up to raise the question of jurisdiction.

U. Effect of estoppel on objections to jurisdiction - Laches should have been raised so belatedly so as to give
1. While it is true that jurisdiction over the subject matter rise to the presumption that the party entitled to assert it
may be raised at any stage of the proceedings since it is had abandoned or declined to assert it. Sibonghanoy applies
conferred by law, it is nevertheless settled that a party may only to exceptional circumstances. The general rule remains:
be barred from raising it on the ground of estoppel a court's lack of jurisdiction may be raised at any stage of the
proceedings even on appeal.
2. The doctrine of estoppel by lathes in relation to objections
to jurisdiction first appeared in the landmark case of Tijam 3. To reiterate: "The contention that the defense of lack of
vs. Sibonghanoy. Here, the Supreme Court barred a belated jurisdiction may be waived by estoppel through active
objection to jurisdiction that was raised only after an participation in the trial is not the general rule but an
adverse decision was rendered by the court against the party exception, best characterized by the circumstances in Tijam
raising the issue of jurisdiction and after seeking affirmative vs. Sibonghanoy."
relief from the court and after participating in all stages of
the proceedings. The doctrine of estoppel by lathes said the W. Jurisdiction over the parties
Supreme Court in Tijam is "based upon grounds of public 1. The manner by which the court acquires jurisdiction over
policy * * * and is principally a question of the inequity or the parties depends on whether the party is the plaintiff or
unfairness of permitting a right or claim to be enforced or the defendant.
2. Jurisdiction over the plaintiff is acquired by his filing of
3. The fact pattern common among those cases wherein the the complaint or petition. By doing so, he submits himself to
Court invoked estoppel to prevent a party from questioning the jurisdiction of the court.
jurisdiction is a party's active participation in all stages of a
case, including invoking the authority of the court in seeking Illustration (Bar 1981)
affirmative relief and questioning the court's jurisdiction only "A," a resident of Melbourne, Australia, presented a
after receiving a ruling or decision adverse to his case for the complaint against "B," a resident of Manila, before the Court
purpose of annulling everything done in. the trial in which he of First Instance (RTC) of Manila for accounting and damages.
has actively participated. As clearly pointed out in Lao: "A "A"never came to the Philippines to file the suit and is only
party who has invoked the jurisdiction of the court over a represented in this case by counsel. "B" files a motion to
particular matter to secure affirmative relief cannot be dismiss the complaint on the ground that the Court acquired
permitted to afterwards deny that same jurisdiction to no jurisdiction over the person of "A."
escape liability." Should the case be dismissed on this ground and
4. The Supreme Court frowns upon the undesirable practice
of submitting one's case for decision, and then accepting the Suggested answer:
judgment only if favorable, but attacking it for lack of The suit should not be dismissed on the ground
jurisdiction if it is not. invoked by "B."Jurisdiction over the plaintiff is not acquired
by his personal appearance in court. Jurisdiction over the
5. The active participation of a party in a case is tantamount plaintiff is acquired by his filing of the complaint in court. By
to recognition of that court's jurisdiction and will bar a party filing a complaint even through his counsel, "A" voluntarily
from impugning the court's jurisdiction. Jurisprudence submitted himself to the jurisdiction of the court.
however, did not intend this statement to lay down the
general rule. 3. Jurisdiction over the person of the defendant is obtained
either by a valid service of summons upon him or by his
voluntary submission to the court's authority
V. `Tijam" ruling, an exception rather than the rule
1. The ruling in Sibonghanoy on the matter of jurisdiction is 4. The mode of acquisition of jurisdiction over the plaintiff
however, the exception rather than the rule as subsequently and the defendant applies to both ordinary and special civil
confirmed in Calimlim vs. Ramirez and Pangilinan vs. Court actions like mandamus or unlawful detainer cases (Bar 1994).
ofAppeals. Estoppel by lathes may be invoked to bar the
issue of jurisdiction only in cases in which the factual milieu Illustration (Bar 2005)
is analogous to that of Sibonghanoy. A obtained a money judgment against B. After the
finality of the decision, the court issued a writ of execution
2. In Sibonghanoy, the defense of lack of jurisdiction ,vas for the enforcement thereof. Conformably with the said writ,
raised for the first time in a motion to dismiss filed by the the sheriff levied upon certain properties under B's name. C
Surety almost fifteen (15) years after the questioned ruling filed a third-party claim over said properties claiming that B
had been rendered. At several stages of the proceedings, in had already transferred the same to him.
the court a quo as well as in the Court of Appeals, the Surety A moved to deny the third-party claim and to hold B
invoked the jurisdiction of the said courts to obtain and C jointly and severally liable to him for the money

affirmative relief and submitted its case for final judgment alleging that B had transferred said properties to C
adjudication on the merits. It was only when the adverse to defraud him (A).
After due hearing, the court denied the third-party 2. To constitute voluntary appearance, it must be the kind
claim and rendered an amended decision declaring B and C that amounts to a voluntary submission to the jurisdiction of
jointly and severally liable to A for the money judgment. the court. Submission to the court's jurisdiction takes the
Is the ruling of the court correct? Explain. form of an appearance that seeks affirmative relief except
when the relief sought is for the purpose of objecting to the
Suggested answer. jurisdiction of the court over the person of the defendant.
The ruling of the court is not correct. To be valid, a 3. Examples: (a) when the defendant files the necessary
judgment must be rendered against a person over whom the pleading; (b) when the defendant files a motion for
court has jurisdiction. The court has no jurisdiction over the reconsideration of the judgment by default; (c) when the
person of C who was not impleaded in the action. He was not defendant files a petition to set aside the judgment of
summoned to the suit and thus, was never a party to the default; (d) when the parties jointly submit a compromise
proceedings. The third-party claim of C is a claim filed during agreement for approval of the court; (e) when the defendant
the execution stage of a judgment that is already final and files an answer to the contempt charge; or (f) when the
executory. defendant files a petition for certiorari without questioning
the court's jurisdiction over his person.
Illustration (Bar 1994)
How is jurisdiction acquired by a court over the 4. As a rule, an appearance in whatever form without
person of: expressly objecting to the jurisdiction of the court over the
(a) the plaintiff in a special civil action for mandamus? person, is a submission to the jurisdiction of the court.
(b) the defendant in an action for unlawful detainer? Hence, the filing of an answer per se should not be treated
(c) a non-resident defendant who is not found in the automatically as a voluntary appearance. When the
Philippines, in an action for compulsory acknowledgment appearance is precisely to object to the jurisdiction of the
of his natural child? court over his person, it is not considered an appearance in
court (French Oil Machinery Company vs. Court of Appeals,
Suggested answer: 295 SCRA 462) and should not be construed as a submission
(a) Jurisdiction over the person of the plaintiff in a special by the defendant of his person to the jurisdiction of the
civil action for mandamus is acquired when the action is court.
commenced by the filing of the complaint (Sec. 5, Rule 1,
Rules of Court). This presupposes payment of the docket Z. Objections to jurisdiction over the person of the
fees. defendant
- An objection to the jurisdiction over the person of the
(b) Jurisdiction over the defendant is acquired by his defendant may be raised as a ground for a motion to dismiss
voluntary appearance or by a valid service of summons (Sec. (Sec. 1[a], Rule 16, Rules of Court). If no motion to dismiss
6, 20, Rule 124, Rules of Court). has been filed, the objection may be pleaded as an
affirmative defense in the answer (Sec. 6, Rule 16, Rules of
(c) Jurisdiction cannot be acquired over the person of the Court). However, if a motion to dismiss has been filed, the
defendant. The action being in personam, jurisdiction can be objection must be pleaded in the same motion, otherwise it
acquired over the defendant by service in person upon him is deemed waived pursuant to the omnibus motion rule. The
within the country. Since he is outside the jurisdiction of the defense of lack of jurisdiction over the person of the
court, service in person cannot be done. defendant is not one of those defenses which are not deemed
waived if not raised in the motion to dismiss. Only lack of
X. When jurisdiction over the person of the defendant is jurisdiction over the subject matter, litis pendencia, res
required judicata and prescription are not waived (Sec. 1, Rule 9,
1. Jurisdiction over the person of the defendant is required Rules of Court in relation to Sec. 8, Rule 15, Rules of Court).
only in an action in personam. Jurisdiction over the person of
the defendant is not a prerequisite in an action in rem and Illustration (Bar 1990)
quasi in rem While the trial was ongoing, the lawyer of Mario
Reyes discovered that there was improper service of
2. A later ruling holds: In an action in personam, jurisdiction summons, the summons having been sent by registered mail.
over the person is necessary for the court to validly try and He filed a motion to dismiss on the ground that the court had
decide the case, while in a proceeding in rem or quasi inrem, not acquired jurisdiction over the person of Mario Reyes.
jurisdiction over the person of the defendant is not a Should the said motion be granted? Explain your
prerequisite to confer jurisdiction on the court provided the answer.
latter has jurisdiction over the res.
Suggested answer.
Y. Voluntary appearance of the defendant The motion should be denied. The defense of lack
1. The court may acquire jurisdiction over the person of the of jurisdiction over the person of the defendant should have
defendant without service of summons or despite a defective been raised either in a motion to dismiss or as an affirmative
service of summons. This occurs when the defendant defense in the answer. Failure to raise the objection is
voluntarily appears in the action. "The defendant's voluntary waiver thereof (Sec. 1, Rule 9, Rules of Court).
appearance in the action shall be equivalent to service of

summons" (Sec. 20, Rule 14, Rules of Court). AA. Effect of pleading additional defenses aside from lack of
jurisdiction over the person of the defendant
1. Under the former procedure, if the defendant raises the if they had been raised in the pleadings (Sec. 5, Rule 10,
objection of lack of jurisdiction over his person in a motion Rules of Court).
to dismiss, the motion must rely only on that particular
ground. If the defendant appears in court, objects to its 4. With respect to an issue raised by the pleadings, an issue
jurisdiction over his person and at the same time alleges arises because the material allegations of a claiming party
other grounds, the appearance would be deemed a general are specifically denied by the defending party. Thus, where
appearance which was in effect a voluntary submission to the the defendant admits all the material allegations of fact of
jurisdiction of the court. the claiming party, there is no controverted issue between
the parties. Under Rule 34, where an answer fails to tender
2. The above rule was re-examined in La Naval Drug an issue, or otherwise admits the material allegations of the
Corporation vs. Court ofAppeals. This significant case wisely adverse party's pleading, a judgment on the pleadings may be
held that if a plaintiff may assert two or more causes of rendered by the court upon a motion properly filed.
actions, a defendant is also allowed under the Rules of Court
to put up his own defenses alternatively or hypothetically. CC. Distinction between a question of law and a question of
The Court stressed that it should not be the invocation of fact (Bar 2004)
available additional defenses that should be construed as a 1. The issue in a case may be either one of law or one of
waiver of the defense of lack of jurisdiction over the person fact.
of the defendant, but the failure to raise the defense.
2. There is a question of law  when the doubt or difference
3. The pronouncements in La Naval are now embodied in Sec. arises as to what the law is on a certain set of facts. There is
20 of Rule 14 which provides: " * * * The inclusion in a motion a question of fact when the doubt or difference arises as to
to dismiss of other grounds aside from lack of jurisdiction the truth or falsehood of the alleged facts
over the person of the defendant shall not be deemed a
voluntary appearance." - To illustrate: Where the question is whether or not the
debtor has paid the debt, the issue is one of fact. Where the
4. As the rule now stands, the rule allows the raising of question is whether or not the manner of payment is of the
defenses other than lack of jurisdiction over the person of type which produces the legal effect of extinguishing the
the defendant without creating an inference of a voluntary obligation, the issue becomes one of law. Also, when under
submission to the jurisdiction of the court (Sec. 20, Rule 134, the set of facts the issue is whether or not the law on double
Rules of Court). sales applies, there is a question of law.

BB. Jurisdiction over the issue 3. For a question to be one of law, the same must not involve
1.> Jurisdiction over the issue - the power of the court to try an examination of the probative value of the evidence
and decide issues raised in the pleadings of the parties presented by the litigants or any of them. The resolution of
the issue must rest solely on what the law provides on the
2. > issue - a disputed point or question to which parties to given set of circumstances. Once it is clear that the issue
an action have narrowed down their several allegations and invites a review of the evidence presented, the question
upon which they are desirous of obtaining a decision. Where posed is one of fact. Thus, the test of whether a question is
there is no disputed point, there is no issue. one of law or of fact is not the appellation given to such
question by the party raising the same; rather, it is whether
CC. How jurisdiction over the issue is conferred and deter- the appellate court can determine the issue raised without
mined reviewing or evaluating the evidence, in which case, it is a
l. Generally, jurisdiction over the issues is conferred and question of law; otherwise it is a question of fact.
determined by the pleadings of the parties. The pleadings
present the issues to be tried and determine whether or not 4. Where the threshold issue is whether certain paragraphs in
the issues are of fact or of law. Hence, in order to determine an agreement are void for being contrary to law or public
whether or not a court has jurisdiction over the issue or policy, certainly, it is obvious that the issue is a question of
issues of the case, one must examine the pleadings. Whether law.
or not a court has jurisdiction over a specific issue is a
question that requires nothing but an examination of the DD. When an issue arises even if not raised in the pleadings
pleadings. 1. While it is a rule that an issue arises from the pleadings of
the parties, an issue may arise in the case without it having
2. Jurisdiction over the issues may also be determined and been raised in the pleadings. This occurs when the parties try
conferred by stipulation of the parties as when in the pre- an issue with their consent. Under Sec. 5 of Rule 10, when
trial, the parties enter into stipulations of facts and issues not raised in the pleadings are tried with the express
documents or enter into an agreement simplifying the issues or implied consent of the parties, they shall be treated in all
of the case (Sec. 2, Rule 18, Rules of Court). respects as if they had been raised in the pleadings.
 Under Sec. 5 of Rule 10, upon motion of any party, the
3. Jurisdiction over the issues may also be conferred by pleadings may be amended to conform to the evidence but
waiver or failure to object to the presentation of evidence on the failure to so amend does not affect the result of the trial
a matter not raised in the pleadings. Here the parties try of these issues because the pleadings are deemed impliedly

with their express or implied consent issues not raised by the amended to embody the issues tried with the consent of the
pleadings. The issues tried shall be treated in all respects as parties.
2. The consent of the parties may be inferred from the May the corresponding pleading still be amended to
failure to interpose an objection to the presentation of conform to the evidence? Explain.
evidence on a matter not alleged in the pleadings. Thus,
where the issue as determined in the complaint and answer is Suggested answer.
one of ownership, any evidence showing possession must be The pleading may be amended to conform to the
objected to, possession not being an issue raised in the evidence. Even if the making of the written demand was not
pleadings of the parties. However, if the evidence is not alleged in the pleading, it is as if it was raised in the
objected to seasonably, the matter of possession will be pleadings of the parties because it was presented in evidence
deemed to have been raised by the parties in their pleadings without objection from the adverse party (Sec. ,5, Rule 10,
and the evidence becomes admissible. Rules of Court).

3. If the complaint does not allege a claim for salary EE. Jurisdiction of Municipal Trial Courts, Metropolitan Trial
differential, but no objection was interposed on the evidence Courts and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts
presented to prove the claim for salary differential, the (Under B.P. 129 as amended by R.A. 7691)
Labor Arbiter correctly considered the evidence.
(1) Explanatory note
4. If in a complaint for a sum of money filed before the 1. R.A. 7691, which took effect on April 15, 1994
Regional Trial Court, plaintiff did not allege the making of a (Administrative Circular 09-94, June 14, 1994),
demand for payment before commencing suit but during the amended the jurisdictional provisions of BP 129 and in
trial, plaintiff duly offered in evidence a letter of demand for effect has expanded the jurisdiction of the
the purpose of proving the making of an extrajudicial Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Trial Courts, and
demand on the defendant, and the letter was admitted in the Municipal Circuit Trial Courts. The succeeding
evidence without objection of the defendant, it is as if the paragraphs treat of the jurisdiction of said courts
matter of demand was raised in the pleadings. The court which shall be referred to under the generic acronym,
committed no procedural error in admitting the letter of "MTC."
demand in evidence. Consider the following bar problem.
2. When R.A. 7691 took effect on April 15, 1994, the
Illustration (Bar 2004, No. 1) jurisdictional amount of the MTC was one not
In a complaint for a sum of money filed before the exceeding P100,000.00 outside Metro Manila and not
MM Regional Trial Court, plaintiff did not mention or even exceeding P200,000.00 in Metro Manila. However, Sec.
just hint at any demand for payment made on defendant 5 of R.A. 7691 provided that five (5) years from the
before commencing suit. During the trial, plaintiff duly effectivity of R.A. 7691 the amount of P100,000.00 for
offered Exh. "A" in evidence for the stated purpose of proving courts outside Metro Manila shall be adjusted to
the making of extrajudicial demand on defendant to pay P200,000.00 and the amount of P200,000.00 for Metro
P500,000, the subject of the suit. Exh. "A" was a letter of Manila shall be adjusted to P400,000.00. The
demand for defendant to pay said sum of money within 10 corresponding adjustments took effect on April 15,
days from receipt, addressed to and served on defendant 1999. It further provided that the amount of
some two months before suit was begun. Without objection P200,000.00 shall be further adjusted to P300,000 five
from defendant, the court admitted Exh. "A" in evidence. (5) years after its adjustment from P100,000.00 to
Was the court's admission of Exh. "A" in evidence P200,000.00. Since April 15, 2004 therefore, the
erroneous or not? jurisdictional amount of an MTC outside Metro Manila
is one not exceeding P300,000.00. That of the
Suggested answer. Metropolitan Trial Court remains constant at an
The admission of Exh. "A"was not erroneous. Under amount not exceeding P400,000.00.
Sec. 5 of Rule 10, when issues not raised in the pleadings are
tried with the express or implied consent of the parties, they (2) Actions for forcible entry and unlawful detainer
shall be treated in all respects as if they had been raised in 1. The MTC has exclusive original jurisdiction over
the pleadings. forcible entry and unlawful detainer cases. These are
When Exh. "A" was offered in evidence without both ejectment cases (Sec. 3, R.A. 7691).
objection from the defendant, it is as if the matter of
demand was raised by the parties in their pleadings. The 2. All ejectment cases are within the jurisdiction of
pleadings may be amended to conform to the evidence but the MTC regardless of whether said cases involve
the failure to so amend does not affect the result of the trial questions of ownership or if the issue of possession
of these issues because the pleadings are deemed impliedly cannot be determined without resolving the question
amended to embody the issues tried with the consent of the of ownership. Judgment of the inferior court,
parties (Sec. 5, Rule 10, Rules of Court). however, on the question of ownership is of a
provisional nature and shall be for the sole purpose of
Illustration (Bar 2004) determining the issue of possession.
During the trial, plaintiff was able to present,
without objection on the part of the defendant in an - If the defendant raises the question of ownership
ejectment case, evidence showing that the plaintiff served and the issue of possession cannot be resolved without

on defendant a written demand to vacate the subject deciding the question of ownership, the issue of
property before the commencement of the suit, a matter not ownership shall be resolved only to determine the
alleged or otherwise set forth in the pleadings on file. issue of possession (Sec. 3, R.A. 7691).
in the municipality where the property is located, and
- An adjudication made in an ejectment proceeding is contained in the tax declaration. It is elementary
regarding the issue of ownership should be regarded that the tax declaration indicating the assessed value
merely as provisional and, therefore, would not bar or of the property enjoys the presumption of regularity
prejudice an action between the same parties as it has been issued by the proper government
involving title to the land. The foregoing doctrine is a agency.
necessary consequence of the nature of forcible entry
and unlawful detainer cases where the only issue to 4. Where the ultimate objective of the plaintiffs, is to
be settled is the physical or material possession over obtain title to real property, it should be filed in the
the real property, that is, possession de facto and not proper court having jurisdiction over the assessed
possession de jure. value of the property subject thereof.

(3) Real actions other than forcible entry and unlawful (4) Demand not exceeding P300,000.00 or P400,000.00
detainer - The MTC exercises exclusive original jurisdiction over civil
1. The MTC also has exclusive original jurisdiction over actions where the demand does not exceed P300,000 (outside
civil actions involving title to or possession of real Metro Manila) or not more than P400,000 (Metro Manila) (Sec.
property, or any interest therein, where the assessed 1, R.A. 7691; Sec. 33, BP 129).
value does not exceed P20,000 (outside Metro Manila)
or P50,000 (Metro Manila). In cases of land not (4) Actions involving personal property
declared for taxation purposes, the value of such - The MTC has exclusive original jurisdiction over actions
property shall be determined by the assessed value of involving personal property valued at not more than P300,000
the adjacent lots (Sec. 3, R.A. 7691; Sec. 33, BP 129). (outside Metro Manila), or not more than P400,000 (Metro
Manila) (Sec. 19, BP 129, Sec. 3, R.A. 7691).
2. The jurisdiction of the court under R.A. 7691, over
an action involving title to or possession of land is now (5) Admiralty and maritime cases
determined by the assessed value of the said property - These cases were traditionally under the jurisdiction of the
and not the market value thereof. The assessed value Regional Trial Court but may be under the jurisdiction of the
of real property is the fair market value of the real Municipal Trial Court under R.A. 7691 where the demand or
property multiplied by the assessment level. It is claim does not exceed P300,000 (outside Metro Manila), or
synonymous to taxable value. The fair market value is does not exceed P400,000 (Metro Manila) (Sec. 1, R.A. 7691).
the price at which a property may be sold by a seller,
who is not compelled to sell, and bought by a buyer, (6) Probate proceedings; provisional remedies
who is not compelled to buy. This rule excludes the 1. Exclusive original jurisdiction over probate proceedings,
real actions of forcible entry and unlawful detainer testate and intestate, where the gross value of the estate
cases which are within the exclusively original does not exceed P300,000 (outside Metro Manila) or,
jurisdiction regardless of the assessed value of the P400,000 (Metro Manila) (Sec. 3, R.A. 7691; Sec. 33, BP 129).
property involved.
- A petition for probate of a will involving an estate valued at
- The real actions for example, of action P200,000 falls under the jurisdiction of the MTC (Bar 1997,
reivindicatoria and action publiciana used to be under No. 1[e]).
the jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Court.
Jurisdiction over these actions under R.A. 7691 is now 2. The MTC has exclusive original jurisdiction to grant or
determined by the assessed value of the property and deny provisional remedies in cases where the principal action
depending on such value may not be filed in the is within its jurisdiction.
Regional Trial Court but in the Municipal Trial Court.
(7) Delegated jurisdiction
3. An action reivindicatoria is a suit which has for its - The MTC also exercises delegated jurisdiction over
object the recovery of possession over the real cadastral and land registration cases covering lots were there
property as owner. It involves recovery of ownership is no controversy or opposition, or contested lots the value of
and possession based on the said ownership. On the which does not exceed P100,000, as may be delegated by the
other hand, an action publiciana is one for the Supreme Court (Sec. 34, BP 129; Sec. 4, R.A. 7691).
recovery of possession of the right to possess. It is also a. The value of the lot shall be ascertained by the affidavit
referred to as an ejectment suit filed after the of the claimant or by agreement of the respective
expiration of one year after the occurrence of the claimants if there are more than one, or from the
cause of action or from the unlawful withholding of corresponding tax declaration of the real property (Sec.
possession of the realty. 34, BP 129 as amended by R.A. 7691).

- The determining jurisdictional element for the b. The decisions of these courts shall be appealable in the
action reivindicatoria, for instance is, as RA 7691 same manner as the decisions of the Regional Trial Courts.
discloses, the assessed value of the property in Hence, the MTC acting under its delegated jurisdiction is
question. For properties in the provinces, the RTC has acting as a Regional Trial Court. The decision of the MTC

jurisdiction if the assessed value exceeds P20,000, therefore, shall be appealable to the Court of Appeals
and the MTC, if the value is P20,000 or below. An (Sec. 34, BP 129; Sec. 4, R.A. 7691).
assessed value can have reference only to the tax rolls
(8) Special jurisdiction 5. Memoranda;
- The MTC has also been conferred by law a special 6. Petition for certiorari, and mandamus or prohibition
jurisdiction over petitions for habeas corpus in the absence against an interlocutory order of the court;
of all the Regional Trial Court judges in the province or city 7. Motion to declare the defendant in default;
(Sec. 35, BP 129). 8. Dilatory motions for postponement;
9. Reply;
(9) Cases subject to summary procedure (Bar 2004; 1995; 10. Third-party complaints;
1993;1991;1989;1988) 11. Interventions.
- The civil cases subject to summary procedure are:
(a) Forcible entry and unlawful detainer cases (Bar 1995); (h) Although a petition for certiorari is prohibited in cases
and (b) all other claims where the total claim does not subject to summary procedure, the Court in one case
exceed P100,000 (outside Metro Manila), or does not allowed the petition because the trial court gravely abused
exceed P200,000 (Metro Manila), exclusive of interests and its discretion by indefinitely suspending the proceedings in
costs. Probate proceedings are not covered by the rule on ejectment cases thus, acting contrary to the purposes of
summary procedure even if the gross value of the estate the Rules on Summary Procedure. The Supreme Court
does not exceed P100,000 or P200,000 (1991 Revised Rules recognized that because the order of the trial court cannot
on Summary Procedure). be appealed from it being interlocutory and since the
proceedings are covered by the Rules on Summary
- Certain basic principles need be remembered in civil cases Procedure, a `procedural void' exists. Invoking its power to
subject to a summary procedure: suspend the rules to promote substantial justice, the
(a) Not all pleadings in an ordinary civil action are allowed Supreme Court gave due course to the petition pro hac
in a summary procedure. The only pleadings allowed are: vice because of the extraordinary circumstances of the
(a) complaint, (b) compulsory counterclaim, (c) cross- case. The Court observed that allowing the petition would
claims pleaded in the answer, (d) answers to these avoid the mischiefs sought to be curbed by the Rules and
pleadings (Sec. 3, Rules on Summary Procedure). would give spirit and life to the Rules on Summary
(b) The court in a summary procedure may dismiss the case
outright on any of the grounds for the dismissal of a civil (10) Determination of jurisdictional amount
action (Sec. 4, Rules on Summary Procedure). 1. Prior to R.A. 7691, only interest and costs were
excluded in computing the jurisdictional amount. At
(c) Should the defendant fail to answer the complaint present, under R.A. 7691, the jurisdictional amount
within the period of ten (10) days from service of excludes the following: (a) interest, (b) damages of
summons, the court may, motu proprio, or on motion of whatever kind, (c) attorney's fees, (d) litigation expenses
the plaintiff, render judgment (not an order declaring the and costs. These matters however, shall be included in
defendant in default) as may be warranted by the facts determining the filing fees.
alleged and limited to what is prayed for (Sec. 6, Rules on
Summary Procedure). 2. The exclusion of the term "damages of whatever kind" in
determining the jurisdictional amount, applies to cases
(d) There shall be a preliminary conference held but there where the damages are merely incidental to or
shall be no trial. Instead the parties shall submit affidavits consequence of the main cause of action (Administrative
and position papers (Sees. 7, 8, 9, Rules on Summary Circular No. 09-94, June 14, 1994).
Procedure). Illustration (Bar 2004)
Plaintiff filed a complaint for a sum of money
(e) Within thirty (30) days from the receipt of the last against defendant with the McTC-Makati, the total amount of
affidavits and position papers, or the expiration of the the demand exclusive of interest, damages of whatever kind,
period for filing the same, the court shall render judgment attorney's fees, litigation expenses, and costs, being
(Sec. 10, Rules on Summary Procedure). P1,000,000.00. In due time, defendant filed a motion to
dismiss the complaint on the ground of the METC's lack of
(f) As a rule a motion to dismiss is not allowed except on jurisdiction over the subject matter. After due hearing, the
either of two grounds (i) lack of jurisdiction over the METC (1) ruled that the court lacked jurisdiction over the
subject matter, or (ii) failure to comply with the barangay subject matter of the complaint x x x ; (2) xxx.
conciliation proceedings (Sec. 19[a], Rules on Summary Was the court's ruling concerning jurisdiction
Procedure). correct? Explain briefly.

(g) Under Sec. 19 of the Rules on Summary Procedure, the Suggested answer.
following pleadings and motions are prohibited in a The ruling concerning jurisdiction was correct. The
summary procedure (Bar 2004): amount falls within the jurisdiction of the RTC. The
1. Motion to dismiss except upon the two grounds jurisdictional amount of the McTC should not exceed
mentioned; P400,000.00 (Sec. 33, BP 129; R.A. 7691).
2. Motion or new trial, or a motion for reconsideration of
a judgment, or a motion for reopening of trial; (11) Totality rule

3. Petition for relief from judgment; - Under this rule, where there are several claims or causes of
4. Motion for extension of time to file pleadings, actions between the same or different parties, embodied in
affidavits and other papers; the same complaint, the amount of the demand shall be the
totality of the claims in all the causes of action, irrespective misrepresentation which may be detrimental to the
of whether the causes of faction arose out of the same or interest of the public and/or of the stockholders, partners,
different transactions. members of associations or organizations registered with
the Commission.
(12) Territorial extent of court processes
All processes issued by the Metropolitan Trial Courts, (b) Controversies arising out of intra-corporate or
Municipal Trial Courts and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts, in partnership relations, between and among stockholders,
cases falling within their jurisdiction, may be served members or associates; between any or all of them and the
anywhere in the Philippines without the necessity of corporation, partnership or association of which they are
certification by the judge of the Regional Trial Court (Sec. stockholders, members or associates, respectively; and
38[21, BP 129). between such corporation, partnership or association and
the state insofar as it concerns their individual franchise or
(13) Review of judgments of the MTC right to exist as such entity.
- Judgments of the Municipal Trial Courts. Municipal Circuit
Trial Courts and Metropolitan Trial Courts are appealable to (c) Controversies in the election or appointments of
the Regional Trial Courts (Sec. 38[11, BP 129). directors, trustees, officers or managers of such
corporations, partnerships or associations; and
(14) Jurisdiction of Regional Trial Courts (Under B.P. 129 as
amended by R.A. 7691) (d) Petitions of corporations, partnerships or associations
1. Exclusive original jurisdiction over actions the subject to be declared in the state of suspension of payments in
matter of which is not capable of pecuniary estimation; cases where the corporation, partnership or association
2. Exclusive original jurisdiction over actions involving title to possesses sufficient property to cover all its debts but
or possession of real property or an interest therein, where foresees the impossibility of meeting them when they
the assessed value of such property exceeds P20,000 (outside respectively fall due or in cases where the corporation,
Metro Manila), or exceeds P50,000 (Metro Manila); partnership or association has no sufficient assets to cover
3. Exclusive original jurisdiction over civil actions the its liabilities, but is under the management of a
demand or claim of which exceeds P300,000 (outside Metro Rehabilitation Receiver or Management Committee.
Manila) or exceeds P400,000 (Metro Manila);
4. Exclusive original jurisdiction over actions in admiralty or (16) The RTC is a court of general jurisdiction
maritime jurisdiction where the demand or claim exceeds - Unlike the Municipal Trial Court, which is a court of limited
P300,000 (outside Metro Manila) or exceeds P400,000 (Metro jurisdiction because it can only take cognizance of cases
Manila); expressly provided by law, the Regional Trial Court is a court
5. Exclusive original jurisdiction over matters of probate, of general jurisdiction because all cases, the jurisdiction of
testate or intestate, where the gross value of the estate which is not specifically provided by law to be within the
exceeds P300,000 (outside Metro Manila), or exceeds jurisdiction of any other court falls within the jurisdiction of
P400,000 (Metro Manila); the Regional Trial Court.
6. Exclusive original jurisdiction over actions involving
personal property valued at more than P300,000 (outside (17) Actions incapable of pecuniary estimation
Metro Manila) or more than P400,000 (Metro Manila); 1. The basic issue in an action incapable of pecuniary
7. Original exclusive jurisdiction over cases not falling within estimation is one other than the recovery of money. In this
the jurisdiction of any court, tribunal, person or body kind of action the money claim is merely incidental.
exercising judicial or quasi judicial functions;  If the action is one primarily for the recovery of money,
8. Concurrent and original jurisdiction with the Supreme the claim is considered capable of pecuniary estimation.
Court in actions affecting ambassadors, other public Where the issue in the case is whether or not an assignment
ministers and consuls; of rights is a nullity, the action is one incapable of pecuniary
9. Concurrent and original jurisdiction with the Supreme estimation.
Court and the Court of Appeals in petitions for certiorari,
prohibition and mandamus against lower courts and bodies 2. A complaint for expropriation is incapable of pecuniary
and in petitions for quo warranto and habeas corpus; estimation.
10. Appellate jurisdiction over cases decided by lower courts
in their respective territorial jurisdictions. 3. "Examples of actions incapable of pecuniary estimation are
those for specific performance, support, foreclosure of
- The decisions of the Regional Trial Court in the exercise of mortgage, annulment of judgment, also actions questioning
its appellate jurisdiction shall be appealable by petition for the validity of a mortgage, annulling a deed of sale or
review to the Court of Appeals (Sec. 23, BP 129). conveyance and to cover the price paid and for rescission
which is a counterpart of specific performance."
(15) Jurisdiction over intracorporate controversies
- The Securities Regulation Code (R.A. 8799), Sec. 5.2 4. An action to annul a deed of Declaration of Heirs and for a
provides that the Regional Trial Courts shall exercise original partition of land with an assessed value of P5,000.00 is an
and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide the following action incapable of pecuniary estimation. The partition
cases: aspect is only incidental to the action for annulment.

(a) Cases involving devises or schemes employed by or any

acts, of the board of directors, business associates, its Illustration (Bar 2000)
officers or partnership, amounting to fraud and
A brings an action in the Metropolitan Trial Court of 8. If as gleaned from the complaint, the principal relief
Manila against B for the annulment of an extrajudicial sought by the complaint is for the court to issue an injunction
foreclosure sale of real property with an assessed value of against the adverse party and his representatives to
P50,000 located in Laguna. The complaint alleged permanently enjoin them from preventing the survey of the
prematurity for the reason that the mortgage was not yet subject land, the complaint is not a possessory action but
due. B timely moved to dismiss the case on the ground that one for injunction. As such, the subject matter of litigation is
the action should have been brought in the Regional Trial incapable of pecuniary estimation and properly cognizable
Court of Laguna. Decide with reasons. exclusively by the Regional Trial Court under Section 19(1) of
BP Blg. 129, as amended by R.A. 7691.
Suggested answer.
The motion to dismiss is meritorious and must be 9. An action for a writ of injunction is within the jurisdiction
granted. of the Regional Trial Court. It is an action incapable of
An action to annul an extrajudicial foreclosure sale pecuniary estimation (Bar 1997, No. 1[b]).
of real property is an action incapable of pecuniary
estimation. The subject matter is one other than the 10. An action for the replevin of a motorcycle valued at P150
recovery of money. It is also one which does not involve the thousand is capable of pecuniary estimation. The basis of
primary issue of title to, recovery of possession or recovery jurisdiction is the value of the personal property sought to be
of ownership of real property and hence, not a real action recovered. The amount of P150 thousand falls within the
which requires a consideration of the assessed value of the jurisdiction of the MTC (Bar 1997, No. 1[e]).
land. The main issue is whether or not the foreclosure sale is 11. An action for interpleader is capable of pecuniary
valid. estimation. If the subject of interpleader is real property
An action incapable of pecuniary estimation is one then the jurisdictional amount is determined by the assessed
which falls under the jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Court. value of the land. If it be personal property, then the value
of the property.
5. An action for partition of a real property located in Taytay
Rizal and with an assessed value of P20,000, the resolution of - Hence, an action for interpleader to determine who
which involves the determination of hereditary rights, is an between the defendants is entitled to receive the amount of
action incapable of pecuniary estimation and thus, should be P190,000.00 from the plaintiff is within the jurisdiction of
filed in the Regional Trial Court (Bar 2000). the MTC.

6. An action for specific performance to compel the (18) Extent of trial court's jurisdiction when acting as a pro-
defendant to execute a deed of conveyance covering a parcel bate court
of land with an assessed value of P19,000.00 is an action 1. A probate court cannot adjudicate or determine title to
incapable of pecuniary estimation and is cognizable by the properties claimed to be part of the estate and also claimed
Regional Trial Court because the main issue is whether or not by outside parties. All that the court could do is to determine
there is a right to compel specific performance (Bar 2003). whether they should car should not be included in the
Note: This answer is subject to an alternative answer which inventory or list of properties to be administered. For the
asserts that where the primary purpose of the action is to purpose of determining whether a certain property should or
recover or obtain ownership of the real property, the action should not be included in the inventory, the probate court
is one affecting title to real property and is therefore, a real may pass upon the title thereto but such determination is not
action. In a real action, jurisdiction is determined by the conclusive and is subject to a final determination in a
assessed value of the property and hence, because the separate action.
assessed value under the facts is P19,000.00 thousand, the
action is within the jurisdiction of the MTC. 2. However, if the interested parties are all heirs, or the
parties consent to the assumption of jurisdiction by the
7. An action for specific performance is one generally probate court and third parties are not prejudiced or injured
considered incapable of pecuniary estimation (Russel vs. thereby, the probate court may decide questions on
Vestil, 304 SCRA 739). The amount of damages that may be ownership.
claimed in addition to the prayer for specific performance is
not determinative of jurisdiction. Thus, an action for specific (19) Jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals (Under B.P. 129 as
performance and damages of P200.000.00 is cognizable by amended by R.A. 7902)
the Regional Trial Court even if the amount of damages 1. Exclusive original jurisdiction in actions for the annulment
sought to be recovered is within the jurisdiction of the of the judgments of the Regional Trial Courts (Sec. 9[21, BP
Municipal Trial Court. Where however, the demand is in the 129).
alternative as in an action to compel the defendant to
deliver the house by completing its construction or to pay the 2. Concurrent and original jurisdiction with the Supreme
sum of P644.31, the action is one that is capable of Court to issue writs of certiorari, prohibition and mandamus
pecuniary estimation (Cruz vs. Tan, 87 Phil. 627). Thus, an against the (a) Regional Trial Court, (b) Civil Service
action for specific performance or in the alternative, for Commission, (c) Central Board ofAssessmentAppeals, (d)
damages in the amount of P180,000.00 is one capable of Other Quasi judicial agencies mentioned in Rule 43, and (e)
pecuniary estimation. Here, the amount of damages is National Labor Relations Commission. Following the "doctrine

determinative of jurisdiction (Bar 1997, No. 1[a]). of hierarchy of courts," the petition must first be filed with
the Court of Appeals.
3. Concurrent and original with the Supreme Court and the 2. Concurrent original jurisdiction with the Court of
Regional Trial Court to issue writs of certiorari, prohibition Appeals in petitions for certiorari, prohibition and
and mandamus against lower courts and bodies and writs of mandamus against the (Heirs of Hinog vs. Melicor, 455
quo warranto and habeas corpus, whether or not in aid of its SCRA 460)
appellate jurisdiction. Previously, the Court of Appeals could (a) Regional Trial Court (Sec. 9[Z4, BP 129);
issue these writs only in aid of its appellate jurisdiction, i.e., (b) Civil Service Commission (R.A. 7902);
only in connection with a case appealed to it (Sec. 9[11, BP (c) Central Board of Assessment Appeals (PD 464; BP
129). 129; R.A. 7002);
(d) National Labor Relations Commission; and
4. Exclusive appellate jurisdiction by way of ordinary appeal (e) Quasi judicial agencies (BP 129; R.A. 7902).
from the Regional Trial Court and the Family Courts (Sec. This jurisdiction is subject to the doctrine of hierarchy
9[31, BP 129). of courts.

5. Exclusive appellate jurisdiction by way of petition for 3. Concurrent original jurisdiction with the Court of
review from the Regional Trial Court rendered by the RTC in Appeals and the Regional Trial Court in petitions for
the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction (Rule 43, Rules of certiorari, prohibition and mandamus against lower courts
Court, Sec. 9, BP 129). and bodies and in petitions for quo warranto and habeas
corpus. This jurisdiction is subject to the doctrine of
6. Exclusive appellate jurisdiction by way of petition for hierarchy of courts (Sec. 9[Z1, BP 129; Sec. 21[Z1, BP 129;
review from the decisions, resolutions orders or awards of Art. VIII, Sec 5, Constitution of the Philippines):
the Civil Service Commission, Central Board
ofAssessmentAppeals and other bodies mentioned in Rule 43 4. Concurrent origintd jurisdiction with the Regional Trial
(Sec. 9[31, BP 129) and of the Office of the Ombudsman in Court in cases affecting ambassadors, public ministers and
administrative disciplinary cases. consuls (Sec. 21121, BP 129; Art. VIII, Sec. 5, Constitution
of the Philippines).
- Note that under R.A. 9282, the judgments and final orders
of the Court of Tax Appeals are no longer appealable by way 5. Appellate jurisdiction by way of petition for review on
of petition for review to the Court of Appeals. Judgments of certiorari (appeal by certiorari under Rule 45) against the:
the Court of Tax Appeals rendered en band are appealable to (a) Court of Appeals, (b) Sandiganbayan, (c) Regional Trial
the Supreme Court by way of Rule 45 (Sec. 11, R.A. 9282). Courts on pure questions of law (Sec. 1, Rule 45) and in
cases involving the constitutionality or validity of a law or
7. Exclusive appellate jurisdiction over decisions of Municipal treaty, international or executive agreement, law,
Trial Courts in cadastral or land registration cases pursuant presidential decree, proclamation, order, instruction,
to its delegated jurisdiction (Sec. 34, BP 129 as amended by ordinance or regulation, legality of a tax, impost,
R.A. 7691). This is because decisions of Municipal Trial Courts assessment, toll or penalty, jurisdiction of a lower court
in these cases are appealable in the same manner as (Sec. 5, Art. VIII, Constitution of the Philippines) and (d)
decisions of Regional Trial Courts (Sec. 34, BP 129). Court of Tax Appeals in its decisions rendered en banc
(R.A. 9282).
(19) Power to try and conduct hearings
- Even if the Court ofAppeals is not a trial court, under the Illustration (Bar 2005)
law it has the power to try cases and conduct hearings, May the aggrieved party file a petition for certiorari
receive evidence and perform any and all acts necessary to in the Supreme Court under Rule 65 of the 1997 Rules of
resolve factual issues in cases falling within its original and Civil Procedure instead of filing a petition for review on
appellate jurisdiction, including the power to grant and certiorari under Rule 45 for the nullification of a decision
conduct new trials or further proceedings (Sec. 9[31, BP 129 of the Court of Appeals in the exercise of its original or
as amended by R.A. 7902). The Court of Appeals may pass appellate jurisdiction?
upon factual issues as when a petition for certiorari is filed
before it. Suggested answer.
A petition for certiorari under Rule 65 is not proper.
(20) Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court In order to nullify a decision of the Court of Appeals, the
1. Exclusive original jurisdiction in petitions for certiorari, remedy is to file a petition for review on certiorari under
prohibition and mandamus against the: Rule 45 which shall raise only pure questions of law (Sec.
(a) Court of Appeals (Judiciary Act of 1948, Sec. 17); 1, Rule 45, Rules of Court).
(b) Commission on Elections (Art. IX, Sec. 7, Constitution
of the Philippines); (21) The Supreme Court is not a trier of facts.
(c) Commission on Audit (Art. IX, Sec. 7, Constitution of - There are important principles worthy of note in relation to
the Philippines); and the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.
(d) Sandiganbayan (PD 1606 as amended). 1. The Supreme Court is not a trier of facts which means
that passing upon a factual issue is not within the province
- Note: Because the CTA has now the same rank as the CA of the Supreme Court. The findings of facts of the Court of
by virtue of R.A. 9282, the CTA, it is believed should be Appeals, are not generally reviewable by the Supreme

included in this enumeration. Court. Also, factual findings of the trial court, particularly
when affirmed by the Court of Appeals, are generally
binding on this Court.
1. Petitions for guardianship, custody of children and habeas
2. It is not the function of the Supreme Court to determine corpus involving children;
the weight of the evidence supporting the assailed 2. Petitions for adoption for children and the revocation
decision. However, factual issues may be delved into and thereof;
resolved where the findings and conclusions of the trial 3. Complaints for annulment of marriage, declaration of
court or the quasi judicial bodies are frontally inconsistent nullity of marriage and those relating to status and property
with the findings of the Court of Appeals. relations of husband and wife or those living together under
different status and agreements, and petitions for dissolution
(22) Exceptions of conjugal partnership of gains;
- While it is a settled rule that the Supreme Court, in the 4. Petitions for support and/or acknowledgment;
exercise of its power of review is not a trier of facts, 5. Summary judicial proceedings brought under the provisions
jurisprudence has, however recognized several exceptions in of Executive Order No. 209, otherwise known as the "Family
which factual issues may be resolved by this Court, namely: Code of the Philippines;"
(1) when the findings are grounded entirely on speculation, 6. Petitions for declaration of status of children as
surmises or conjectures; abandoned, dependent or neglected children, petitions for
(2) when the inference made is manifestly mistaken, voluntary or involuntary commitment of children, the
absurd or impossible; suspension, termination or restoration of parental authority
(3) when there is grave abuse of discretion; and other cases cognizable under PD No. 603, E.O. No. 56
(4) when the judgment is based on a misapprehension of (series of 1986) and other related laws;
facts; 7. Petitions for the constitution of the family home (Sec. 5,
(5) when the findings of facts are conflicting; RA 8369).
(6) when in making its findings the CA went beyond the
issues of the case, or its findings are contrary to the - In areas where there are no Family Courts, the above-
admissions of both the appellant and the appellee; enumerated cases shall be adjudicated by the Regional Trial
(7) when the findings are contrary to the trial court; Court (Sec. 17, RA 8369).
(8) when the findings are conclusions without citation of
specific evidence on which they are based; II. VENUE (Rule 4)
(9) when the facts set forth in the petition as well as in the
petitioner's main and reply briefs are not disputed by the A. Meaning of venue
respondent; Venue is the place, or the geographical area where an action
(10) when the findings of fact are premised on the is to be filed and tried. In civil cases, it relates only to the
supposed absence of evidence and contradicted by the place of the suit and not to the jurisdiction of the court.
evidence on record; and
(11) when the Court of Appeals manifestly overlooked B. Venue is not a matter of substantive law
certain relevant facts not disputed by the parties, which, 1. Venue is procedural and not substantive. In civil cases,
if properly considered, could justify a different conclusion. venue is not a matter of jurisdiction. Venue becomes
jurisdictional only in a criminal case. In the latter case,
(23) Cases which under the Constitution must be heard en where the information is filed in a place where the offense
banc. was not committed, the information may be quashed for lack
- Under the Constitution of the Philippines, the following of jurisdiction over the offense charged (Sec. 3, Rule 117,
cases should be heard by the Supreme Court en banc: Rules of Court). This is not so in a civil case where improper
(a) All cases involving the constitutionality of a treaty, venue is not equivalent to lack of jurisdiction. Because it is
international or executive agreement, or law; merely procedural, the parties can waive the venue of a
(b) All cases which under the Rules of Court are required to case.
be heard en banc;
(c) All cases involving the constitutionality, application, or C. Dismissal based on improper venue
operation of presidential decrees, proclamations, orders, 1. The trial court cannot motu proprio dismiss a case on the
instructions, ordinances, and other regulations (Art. VIII, Sec. ground of improper venue. The court may dismiss an action
4[21, Constitution of the Philippines); motu propio in case of lack of jurisdiction over the subject
(d) Cases heard by a division when the required majority in matter, litis pendencia, res judicata and prescription, but
the division is not obtained; not for improper venue.
(e) Cases involving a modification or reversal of a doctrine or  Unless and until the defendant objects to the venue in a
principle of law laid down previously by the Supreme Court in motion to dismiss, the venue cannot be truly said to be
a decision rendered en banc or by a division (Art. VII, Sec. improperly laid, because the venue although technically
4[3], Constitution of the Philippines); wrong may be acceptable to the parties for whose
(f) Cases involving the discipline of judges of lower courts convenience the rules on venue have been devised. The trial
(Art. VIII, Sec. 11, Constitution of the Philippines); court cannot preempt the defendant's prerogative to object
(g) Contests relating to the election, returns, and to the improper laying of the venue by motu proprio
qualifications of the President or Vice-president (Art. VII, dismissing the case (Dacuycoy vs. Intermediate Appellate
Sec. 4, Constitution of the Philippines). Court, 195 SCRA 641). Hence, if in a case filed with the
(24) Jurisdiction of the Family Courts Regional Trial Court, the defendant files a motion to dismiss

- Under R.A. 8369, the Family Courts shall have exclusive based on lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter and the
original jurisdiction over the following civil cases: court dismisses the action based on improper venue, the
court would be acting erroneously because the act would
tantamount to a motu proprio dismissal based on improper restrictive or exclusive to prevent the filing of the suit in the
venue. places provided for by the rules. According to the court, the
plain meaning of the said provision is that the parties merely
2. The court may however, effect a motu proprio dismissal of consented to be sued in Manila considering that there are no
the complaint based on improper venue in an action covered qualifying or restrictive words which would indicate that
by the rules on summary procedure. In this type of action, Manila, and Manila alone, is the agreed venue. It simply is
the court may motu proprio dismiss a case from an permissive and the parties did not waive their right to pursue
examination of the allegations of the complaint and such remedy in the courts specifically mentioned in Section 2 of
evidence as may be attached thereto on any of the grounds Rule 4 of the Rules of Court.
apparent therefrom. The dismissal may be made outright,
which means that the court may do so without need for 4. In interpreting stipulations as to venue, there is a need to
waiting for the filing of a motion to dismiss (Sec. 4, Rules on inquire as to whether or not the agreement is restrictive or
Summary Procedure). not. If it is restrictive, the suit may be filed only in the place
agreed upon by the parties.
D. How venue is determined  It must be reiterated and made clear that under Section
1. As previously discussed, in order to know the venue of a 4(b) of Rule 4 of Rules of Court, the general rules on venue of
particular action, the initial step is to determine if the action actions shall not apply where the parties, before the filing of
is personal or real. If it is personal, venue is transitory hence, the action, have validly agreed in writing on an exclusive
the venue is the residence of the plaintiff or the defendant venue. The mere stipulation on the venue of an action,
at the option of the plaintiff (Sec. 3, Rule 4, Rules of Court). however, is not enough to preclude parties from bringing a
If the action is real, the venue is local hence, the venue is case in other venues. The parties must be able to show that
the place where the real property is situated (Sec. 1, Rule 4, such stipulation is exclusive. In the absence of qualifying or
Rules of Court). However, when the defendant is a non- restrictive words, the stipulation should be deemed as
resident and is not found in the Philippines, the venue is the merely an agreement on an additional forum, not as limiting
residence of the plaintiff or where the property involved is venue to the specified place.
situated (Sec. 3, Rule 4, Rules of Court). - Thus, if the plaintiff resides in Quezon City, the plaintiff in
Makati City and the agreed venue is Pasay City which, by the
2. Actions for damages and actions to collect a sum of money terms of the agreement, is not exclusive, the venue of the
must be filed in either the residence of the plaintiff or the action may be Quezon City, Makati City and Pasay City, at
residence of the defendant at the election of the plaintiff. the election of the plaintiff.
Such actions are personal actions. Hence, an action for the
collection of P1 million filed by a resident of Lingayen, 5. The Polytrade doctrine was further applied in the case of
Pangasinan against a resident of San Fernando, La Union, Unimasters Conglomeration, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, which
may be filed in either place at the option of the plaintiff (Bar analyzed the various jurisprudence rendered after the
1998). Polytrade case. In Unimasters, it was ruled that a stipulation
stating that the stipulation that "all suits arising out of this
3. Actions to recover ownership of real property are real Agreement shall be filed with/ in the proper Courts of
actions and must be filed in the place where the real Quezon City," is only permissive and does not limit the venue
property is located. Actions for unlawful detainer, forcible to the Quezon City courts. As explained in the said case:
entry and action publiciana are real actions and must be "In other words, unless the parties make very clear,
likewise filed in the place where the subject property is by employing categorical and suitably limiting language, that
situated. Thus, an action to recover possession of the leased they wish' the venue of actions between them to be laid only
real property and for the payment of accrued rentals, must and exclusively at a definite place, and to disregard the
be filed in Davao City where the property is located because prescriptions of Rule 4, agreements on venue are not to be
the action is a real action (Bar 1991; Bar 1987). regarded as mandatory or restrictive, but merely permissive,
or complementary of said rule. The fact that in their
E. Stipulations on venue agreement the parties specify only one of the venues
1. The parties may stipulate on the venue as long as the mentioned in Rule 4, or fix a place for their actions different
agreement is (a) in writing, (b) made before the filing of the from those specified by said rule, does not, without more,
action, and (3) exclusive as to the venue (Sec. 4[b], Rule 4, suffice to characterize the agreement as a restrictive one.
Rules of Court). While the first two requisites rarely pose a There must, to repeat, be accompanying language clearly
problem, the third has been the source of controversy in the and categorically expressing their purpose and design that
past. actions between them be litigated only at the place named
by them, regardless of the general precepts of Rule 4; and
2. A stipulation that "any suit arising from this contract shall any doubt or uncertainty as to the parties' intentions must be
be filed only in Quezon City" is exclusive in character and is resolved against giving their agreement a restrictive or
clear enough to preclude the filing of the case in any other mandatory aspect. Any other rule would permit of individual,
place. In this case, the residences of the parties are not to subjective judicial interpretations without stable standards,
be considered in determining the venue of the action. which could well result in precedents in hopeless
3. How about a stipulation that the "parties agree to sue and

be sued in the courts of Manila?" This was actually the 6. The following stipulations were likewise treated as merely
stipulation in a suit subject of the landmark case of Polytrade permissive and did not limit the venue to the stipulated
Corporation vs. Blanco. This stipulation was held not be place:
a. " * * *The agreed venue for such action is Makati, Metro effect of making Pasay City the sole venue of the action. If
Manila, Philippines the stipulation provides... "shall be filed in Pasay City,"
b. "In case of litigation hereunder, venue shall be in the without any restrictive language employed in the agreement,
City Court or Court of First Instance of Manila as the case the filing of the complaint in Quezon City would still be
may be for determination of any and all questions arising procedurally proper because the stipulation merely operates
thereunder" to add Pasay City to the regular venues of Manila and Quezon
c. "It is hereby agreed that in case of foreclosure of this City (Bar 1997).
mortgage under Act 3135, as amended, and Presidential
Decree No. 385, the auction sale shall be held at the 2. If X, a resident of Angeles City, borrowed P300,000 from
capital of the province, if the property is within the A, a resident of Pasay City under an agreement that
territorial jurisdiction of the province concerned, or shall stipulated that the parties "agree to sue and be sued in the
be held in the city, if the property is within the territorial City of Manila," the plaintiff is not precluded from filing the
jurisdiction of the city concerned" action either in Angeles City or Pasay City or even Manila.
d. "All court litigation procedures shall be conducted in the The stipulation on venue is not an exclusive stipulation and
appropriate courts of Valenzuela City, Metro Manila" its effect is merely to add Manila as an additional venue. The
same conclusion would be reached had the stipulation been:
7. The settled rule on stipulations regarding venue, is that "Venue for all suits arising from this contract shall be the
while they are considered valid and enforceable, venue courts in Quezon City." The action may be filed also either in
stipulations in a contract do not, as a rule, supersede the Angeles City or in Pasay City. It may also be filed in Quezon
general rule set forth in Rule 4 of the Revised Rules of Court City (Bar 1997).
in the absence of qualifying; or restrictive words. They
should be considered merely as an agreement or additional - If the parties above failed to stipulate on the venue in the
forum, not as limiting venue to the specified place. They are loan agreement, the action may be filed either in Angeles
not exclusive but, rather permissive. If the intention of the City or Pasay City at the election of the plaintiff. The venue
parties were to restrict venue, there must be accompanying of a personal action such as one to recover a debt under a
language clearly and categorically expressing their purpose loan of money is a personal action (Bar 1997).
and design that actions between them be litigated only at
the place named by them. G. Denial of a motion to dismiss based on improper venue; no
Examples of words with restrictive meanings are: " "only," appeal
"solely," "exclusively in this court," "in no other court save ," - If a motion to dismiss based on improper venue is denied,
"particularly," "nowhere else but / except -, or words of may the defendant appeal? He cannot. An order denying a
equal import * * *" motion to dismiss is merely interlocutory. It is not final. Only
final orders or judgments may be appealed from. The normal
- Example: "In the event of suit arising out of or in remedy is to file an answer and interpose the ground as an
connection with this mortgage and/or the promissory note/s affirmative defense, go to trial and appeal from the adverse
secured by this mortgage, the parties hereto agree to bring judgment. However, if the denial is tainted with grave abuse
their causes of action exclusively in the proper court of of discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction, the remedy is
Makati, Metro Manila or at such other venue chosen by the certiorari and prohibition.
Mortgagee, the Mortgagor waiving for this purpose any other
venue" H. Improper venue is not jurisdictional
1. If the facts of problem show that the venue is improper, it
8. Cases like Hoechst, Inc. vs. Torres, and Bautista vs. De would not be correct to file a motion to dismiss anchored on
Borja, and other rulings contrary to the Polytrade doctrine lack of jurisdiction because venue has nothing to do with
must be deemed superseded by current decisions on venue. jurisdiction in a civil case. Hence, if a case for unlawful
- In particular, the 1978 case of Hoechst Philippines, Inc. v. detainer is filed in MTC Laguna when it should have been
Torres, involved the stipulation that "in case of any litigation filed in MTC Cavite because the property subject of the
arising out of this agreement, the venue of action shall be in action is located in Cavite, the action filed in Laguna may be
the dismissed by the court on the ground of improper venue but
competent courts of the Province of Rizal." The Supreme not on the ground of lack of jurisdiction because every MTC
Court surprisingly construed this agreement as sufficient to has jurisdiction over cases of unlawful detainer. It would be a
limit the venue to the proper court of Rizal and thus, serious flaw to inject into the analysis the concept of
exclusive in its import. However, in Supena vs. De la Rosa, territorial jurisdiction. It is irrelevant in a civil case.
334 Phil. 671, it was ruled that Hoechst had been rendered Territorial jurisdiction applies only in criminal cases where
obsolete by recent jurisprudence applying the doctrine venue is also jurisdictional. In a civil case, the concept of
enunciated in Polytrade. venue is distinct from the concept of jurisdiction.

F. Adopted Illustrations Illustration (Bar 1988)

1. P resides in Manila. Defendant resides in Quezon City. The (a) xxx
written contract stipulates that any suit arising from a (b) A and B, both residents of Batangas, entered into a
violation of the contract shall be filed only in Pasay City. P Contract of Lease over a parcel of land belonging to B
sues D for damages arising from an alleged breach of located in Calapan, Mindoro.

contract. The action was filed in Quezon City. Is the venue A filed a complaint before the Regional Trial Court,
improper? Answer: The venue is improper. The stipulation to sitting in Batangas City, for the rescission of the Lease
file the action in Pasay is restrictive and therefore, has the Contract of the land in Mindoro.
B filed a motion to dismiss on the ground that the - Only the following may be parties to a civil action:
Regional Trial Court did not have jurisdiction over the (a) natural persons,
subject matter, the land being located in Mindoro. (b) juridical persons, and
Decide with reasons. (c) entities authorized by law (Sec. 1, Rule 3, Rules of
Suggested answer:
The motion to dismiss based on lack of jurisdiction C. Juridical persons as parties
is not tenable. The filing of the action in the Regional Trial - The juridical persons who may be parties to a civil action
Court of Batangas City did not affect the jurisdiction of the are those enumerated in Art. 44 of the Civil Code of the
court. The defect is one of venue. Since the land subject Philippines, namely:
matter of the suit is located in Mindoro, the action should (a) The State and its political subdivisions;
have been filed in Mindoro. (b) Other corporations, institutions and entities for public
interest or purpose, created by law; and
2. Objections to venue in a civil action arising from libel (c) Corporations, partnerships and associations for private
maybe waived since they do not involve a question of interest or purpose to which the law grants a juridical
jurisdiction. In criminal actions venue is jurisdictional it personality, separate and distinct from that of each
being an essential element of jurisdiction. shareholder, partner or member.

H. Venue distinguished from jurisdiction (Bar 2006) D. Entities authorized by law to be parties
- Venue is differentiated from jurisdiction as follows: - One need not be a natural or a juridical person to be a
Venue Jurisdiction party to a civil action. As long as an entity is authorized by
a. the place where the case a. the authority to hear and law to be a party, such entity may sue or be sued or both.
is to be heard or tried; determine a case; Consider the following examples:
b. a matter of procedural b. substantive; (a) Under Sec. 21 of the Corporation Code of the Philip-
law pines, a corporation by estoppel is precluded from denying
c. establishes a relation c. establishes a relation its existence and the members thereof can be sued and be
between plaintiff and between the court and the held liable as general partners.
defendant, or petitioner and subject matter; (b) A contract of partnership having a capital of three
respondent thousand pesos or more but which fails to comply with the
d. may be conferred by the d. fixed by law and cannot registration requirements is nevertheless liable as a
act or agreement of the be conferred by agreement partnership to third persons (Art. 1772 in relation to Art.
parties; of the parties 1768 of the Civil Code of the Philippines).
e. not a ground for a motu e. lack of jurisdiction over (c) The estate of a deceased person may be a party to an
proprio dismissal (except in the subject matter is a action.
cases subject to summary ground for a motu proprio (d) A legitimate labor organization may sue and be sued in
procedure) dismissal. its registered name (Art. 242[e], Labor Code of the
III. PARTIES (Rule 3) (e) The Roman Catholic Church may be a party and as to
its properties, the archbishop or diocese to which they
A. Parties to a civil action belong may be a party
1. There are two main categories of parties to a civil action (f) A dissolved corporation may prosecute and defend suits
namely, the plaintiff and the defendant (Sec. 1, Rule 3, Rules by or against it provided that the suits (i) occur within
of Court). three (3) years after its dissolution, and (ii) the suits are in
connection with the settlement and closure of its affairs
2. > plaintiff - the claiming party or more appropriately, the (.Sec.. 122, Corporation Code of the Philippines).
original claiming party and is the one who files the
complaint. The term however, does not exclusively apply to E. Entity without a juridical personality as a defendant
the original plaintiff. It may also apply to a defendant who 1. An example of an entity that is neither a natural nor a
files a counterclaim, a cross-claim or a third party complaint. juridical person but is allowed by the Rules of Court to be a
The Rules of Court (Sec. 1, Rule 3) hence, defines the term party to an action, although as a defendant, is the one
`plaintiff', as the claiming party, the counter-claimant, the treated in Sec. 15 of Rule 3 of the Rules of Court.
crossclaimant or the third-party (fourth, etc.) -party plaintiff
(Sec. 1, Rule 3, Rules of Court). 2. Under Sec. 15, "when two or more persons not organized
as an entity with juridical personality enter into a
3. > defendant  does not only refer to the original transaction, they may be sued under the name by which they
defending party. If a counterclaim is filed against the original are generally or commonly known." Under the same
plaintiff, the latter becomes a defendant and the former, a provision, the responsive pleading of the entity sued must
plaintiff in the counterclaim. Hence, under the Rules (Sec. 1, disclose the names and addresses of its members since they
Rule 3), the term „defendant' refers also to a defendant in a are the persons ultimately liable to the plaintiff.
counterclaim, the cross-defendant, or the third (fourth, etc.)
- Thus, if A, B, C, D and E without incorporating themselves

or without registering as a partnership, enter into
B. Who may be parties transactions using the common name, "Ocean Quest Corp.,"
they may be sued as "Ocean Quest Corp." When the
defendant "corporation" answers, the names of A, B, C, D and 4. A person who has not taken part in a contract cannot, sue
E and their addresses must be revealed. Note however, that or be sued for performance or for cancellation thereof unless
the authority to be a party under this section is confined only he shows that his interest is affected thereby as when he is
to being a defendant and not as a plaintiff. This is evident an assignee of a right or a right of action. The parties to a
from the words, they may be sued. contract are the real parties in interest in an action upon it.
As a rule, under the doctrine of relativity of contracts
F. Remedy when a party impleaded is not authorized to be a embodied in Art. 1311 of the Civil Code of the Philippines,
party only the contracting parties are bound by the stipulation in
1. Where the plaintiff is not a natural or a juridical person or the contract. They are the ones who would benefit from it
an entity authorized by law, a motion to dismiss may be filed and could violate it. Thus, one who is not a party to a
on the ground that "the plaintiff has no legal capacity to sue" contract, and for whose benefit it was not expressly made,
(Sec. 1[d], Rule 16, Rules of Court). cannot maintain an action on it.

2. Where it is the defendant who is not any of the above, the - While ordinarily one who is not a privy to a contract may
complaint may be dismissed on the ground that the "pleading not bring an action to enforce it, there are recognized
asserting the claim states no cause of action" or `failure to exceptions to this rule. For example, contracts containing
state a cause of action' (Sec. 1[g], Rule 16, Rules of Court), stipulations pour autrui or stipulations expressly conferring
because there cannot be a cause of action against one who benefits to a nonparty may sue under the contract provided
cannot be a party to a civil action. such benefits have been accepted by the beneficiary prior to
3. Also, if the plaintiff has capacity to sue but he is not the its revocation by the contracting parties (Art. 1311, Civil
`real party in interest', the ground for dismissal is a `failure Code of the Philippines).
to state a cause of action', not `lack of legal capacity to sue'.
- Also, parties who have not taken part in a contract may
G. Averment of capacity to sue or be sued show that they have a real interest affected by its
- Facts showing the capacity of a party to sue or be sued or performance or annulment. In other words, those who are
the authority of a party to sue or be sued in a representative not principally or subsidiarily obligated in a contract, in
capacity or the legal existence of an organized association of which they had no intervention, may show their detriment
persons that is made a party must be averred (Sec. 4, Rule 8, that could result from it. For instance, Article 1313 of the
Rules of Court). Civil Code provides that "creditors are protected in cases of
contracts intended to defraud them." Further, Article 1381 of
H. A minor or an incompetent as a party the Civil Code provides that contracts entered into in fraud
- A minor or an incompetent, may sue or be sued. He can be of creditors may be rescinded when the creditors cannot in
a party but with the assistance of his father, mother, any manner collect the claims due them. Thus, a creditor
guardian, or if he has none, a guardian ad litem (Sec. 5, Rule who is not a party to a contract can sue to rescind the
3, Rules of Court). contract to redress the fraud committed upon him.
5. A third party who has not taken part in a compromise
I. Real party in interest agreement has no right to ask for the performance of the
1. > "A real party in interest - the party who stands to be agreement. A person who is not a party to a compromise
benefited or injured by the judgment in the suit, or the party agreement cannot seek the amendment or modification of
entitled to the avails of the suit" (Sec. 2, Rule 3, Rules of the same.
6. A mere agent, who is not an assignee of the principal
2. To be a real party-in-interest, the interest must be `real', cannot bring suit under a deed of sale entered into in behalf
which is a present substantial interest as distinguished from a of his principal because it is the principal, not the agent who
mere expectancy or a future, contingent subordinate or is the real party in interest. In case the action is brought
consequential interest. It is an interest that is material and against the agent, the action must be brought against an
direct, as distinguished from a mere incidental interest in the agent acting in his own name and for the benefit of an
question. undisclosed principal without joining the principal, except
when the contract involves things belonging to the principal.
3. The determination of who the real party-in-interest is The real party-in-interest is the party who would be
requires going back to the elements of a cause of action. A benefited or injured by the judgment or is the party entitled
cause of action involves the existence of a right and a to the avails of the suit. An attorney-in-fact is not a real
violation of such right. Evidently, the owner of the right party in interest and that there is no law permitting an
violated stands to be the real party in interest as plaintiff action to be brought by and against an attorney-in-fact new
and the person responsible for the violation iH the real party title, null and void.
in interest are defendant. Thus, in a suit for violation of a
contract, the parties in interest would be those covered by 7. Should a lawful possessor be disturbed in his possession, it
the operation of the doctrine of relativity of contracts under is the possessor, not necessarily the owner of the property,
Art. 1311 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, namely, the who can bring the action to recover the possession. The
parties, their assignees and heirs. Likewise in a suit for argument that the complaint states no cause of action
annulment of a contract, the real parties in interest would be because the suit was filed by a mere possessor and not by the

those who are principally or subsidiarily bound by the owner is not correct.
contract (Art. 1397, Civil Code of the Philippines).  In an action for forcible entry, the possessor/lessee is the
real party in interest as plaintiff and not the owner/lessor.
The issue in an action for forcible entry is mere possession.
But in an action to recover damages for damage caused by Suggested answer:
the deforciant on the property, the owner/ lessor is the real The motion must be denied. The ground relied upon
party in interest as plaintiff. is erroneous. Under the Rules of Court, an action must be
prosecuted in the name of the real party-in-interest and
8. When the corporate offices have been illegally searched, a under the facts of this case, this party is X. The fact that the
corporate officer is not the real party in interest to question suit is in the name of A as attorney-in-fact does not mean
the search. The right to contest the transgression belongs to that A has no legal capacity to sue. Being a natural person, A
the corporation alone which has a personality of its own possesses such legal capacity. However, since, he is not the
separate and distinct from that of an officer or a owner of the car sought to be recovered, the suit cannot be
stockholder. The objection to an unlawful search and seizure prosecuted in his name. The motion to dismiss should have
is purely personal and cannot be availed of by third persons been based on a failure to state a cause of action.
(Stonehill vs. Diokno, 20 SCRA 383). However, even if the
cause of action belongs to the corporation, if the board J. Prosecution/defense of an action in the name of the real
refuses to sue despite demand by the stockholders to sue and party in interest
protect or vindicate corporate rights, a stockholder is 1. Every action must be prosecuted and defended in the
allowed by law to file a derivative suit in the corporate name of the real party-in-interest (Sec. 2, Rule 3, Rules of
name. In such a suit, the real party-in-interest is actually the Court).
corporation and the stockholder filing the action is a mere
nominal party. 2. Even where the action is allowed to be prosecuted or
defended by a representative party or someone acting in a
9. In an action for ejectment, any of the co-owners may fiduciary capacity (like the trustee of an express trust, an
bring the action (Art. 487, Civil Code of the Philippines). executor or administrator), the beneficiary shall be included
in the title of the case and shall be deemed to be the real
10. In an action to annul her marriage, it is the woman, not partyin-interest (Sec. 2, Rule 3, Rules of Court). The
her father who is the real party in interest. phraseology of Sec. 2, Rule 3 leaves no doubt as to what the
rule is. Impleading the beneficiary as a party is mandatory
11. Under Art. 1768 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, a since said beneficiary is deemed to be the real party-in-
partnership has a juridical personality separate and distinct interest.
from that of each of the partners. Hence, if the contract was
entered into by the partnership in its name, it is the 3. If the action is prosecuted in the name of one who is not
partnership, not its officers or agents which should be the real party-in-interest, the ground for dismissal should be
impleaded in any litigation involving property registered in that the complaint states no cause of action or fails to state
its name. A violation of this rule.will result in dismissal of the a cause of action.
complaint for failure to state a cause of action.
K.Failure to include the name of a party in the pleading
Illustration (Bar 1989) - The mere failure to include the name of a party in the title
Isagani drove the car of his father, Pedro, and left of the complaint is not fatal because the Rules of Court
it in the parking area of the Fairview Motel where he was a requires the courts to pierce the form and go into the
guest. Isagani entrusted the key of the car to a security guard substance and not be misled by a false or wrong name in the
hired by the Prime Resort Company, the owner/ operator of pleadings. The averments are controlling and not the title.
the motel. Emilio, pretending to be the brother of Isagani, Hence, if the body indicates the defendant as a party to the
got the key from the security guard and drove the car away. action, his omission in the title is not fatal.
The car was never recovered. Later, Pedro sued Prime
Resorts for the value of the carnapped vehicle plus damages. L. Rule on `standing' as distinguished from the concept of
Prime Resorts sets up the defense that Pedro has `real party-in-interest'
no interest in the case, hence, has no cause of action, as he l. > Locus standi - a right of appearance in a court of justice
was not the guest of the motel but his son, Isagani. Is the on a given question. In private suits, standing is governed by
defense tenable? the "real-parties-in interest" rule found in Section 2, Rule 3 of
the Rules of Court which provides that "every action must be
prosecuted or defended in the name of the real party-in-
Suggested answer. interest."
The defense is not tenable. The cause of action of
Pedro arises from his rights as an owner. He is therefore, the 2. However, the concept of `standing' because of its
real party-in-interest in the suit for damages. constitutional underpinnings is very different from questions
relating to whether or not a particular party is a real party-
Illustration (Bar 1988) ininterest. Although both are directed towards ensuring that
A complaint entitled "A as Attorney-In-Fact for X, only certain parties can maintain an action, the concept of
plaintiff, versus B, defendant" was filed to recover a car in standing requires an analysis of broader policy concerns. The
the possession of B. A's Power of Attorney expressly question as to who the real party-in-interest is involves only
authorized him (A) to sue for the recovery of the car. a question on whether a person would be benefited or

B files a motion to dismiss for lack of capacity to injured by the judgment or whether or not he is entitled to
sue. the avails of the suit.
Decide the motion. Explain.
Are the defendants indispensable parties? How
M. Indispensable parties would you resolve the motion?
1. > indispensable party - a real party-in-interest without
whom no final determination can be had of an action (Sec. 7, Suggested answer.
Rule 3, Rules of Court). Without the presence of this party The motion should be denied. B and C are not
the judgment of a court cannot attain real finality. indispensable parties in relation to D and vice versa. The
cause of action against B and C is based on quasi delicts or
2. "An indispensable party is a party who has such an interest culpa aquiliana while the cause of action against D is based
in the controversy or subject matter that a final adjudication on the contract of insurance. A dismissal of the case against
cannot be made, in his absence, without injuring or affecting D will not affect the case against B and C.
that interest, a party who has not only an interest in the
subject matter of the controversy, but also has an interest of N. Compulsory joinder of indispensable parties
such nature that a final decree cannot be made without 1. Although normally, a joinder of parties is permissive (Sec.
affecting his interest or leaving the controversy in such a 6, Rule 3, Rules of Court), the joinder of a party becomes
condition that its final determination may be wholly compulsory when the one involved is an indispensable party.
inconsistent with equity and good conscience. It has also Clearly, the rule directs a compulsory joinder of
been considered that an indispensable party is a person in indispensable parties (Sec. 7, Rule 3, Rules of Court).
whose absence there cannot be a determination between the 2. The presence of all indispensable parties is a condition
parties already before the court which is effective, sine qua non for the exercise of judicial power. It is precisely
complete, or equitable. Further, an indispensable party is when an indispensable party is not before the court that the
one who must be included in an action before it may properly - action should be dismissed. Thus, the plaintiff is mandated
go forward. to implead all the indispensable parties, considering that the
absence of one such party renders all subsequent actions of
- "The presence of indispensable parties is a condition for the the court null and void for want of authority to act, not only
exercise of juridical power and when an indispensable party as to the absent parties but even as to those present. One
is not before the court, the action should be dismissed. The who is a party to a case is not bound by any decision of the
absence of an indispensable party renders all subsequent court; otherwise, he will be deprived of his right to due
actions of the court null and void for want of authority to process.
act, not only as to the absent parties but even as to those
present. O. Dismissal for failure to implead an indispensable party
1. It has been ruled on various occasions that since the
- "The joinder of indispensable parties is mandatory. Without joinder of indispensable parties is compulsory, the action
the presence of indispensable parties to the suit, the should be dismissed when indispensable parties are not
judgment of the court cannot attain real finality. Strangers impleaded or are not before the court. The absence of
to a case are not bound by the judgment rendered by the indispensable parties renders all subsequent actions of the
court" trial court null and void for want of authority to act, not only
as to the absent parties but even as to those present.
3. A person is not an indispensable party, however, if his
interest in the controversy or subject matter is separable 2. It is worthy of note that the Court in its rulings did not
from the interest of the other parties, so that it will not hold that the failure to join an indispensable party results in
necessarily be directly or injuriously affected by a decree the outright dismissal of the action. An outright dismissal is
which does complete justice between them. Also, a person is not the immediate remedy authorized by the Rules because
not an indispensable party if his presence would merely under the Rules a non joinder (or misjoinder) of parties is not
permit complete relief between him and those already a ground for dismissal of an action. Instead, parties may be
parties to the action, or if he has no interest in the subject dropped or added by the court on motion of any party or on
matter of the action. It is not a sufficient reason to declare a its own initiative (Sec. 11, Rule 3, Rules of Court). It is when
person to be an indispensable party that his presence will the order of the court to implead an indispensable party goes
avoid multiple litigation. In a joint obligation for instance, unheeded may the case be dismissed. The court is fully
the interest of one debtor is separate and distinct from that clothed with the authority to dismiss a complaint due to the
of his co-debtor and a suit against one debtor does not make fault of the plaintiff as when, among others, he does not
the other an indispensable party to the suit. comply with any order of the court (Sec. 3, Rule 17, Rules of
Illustration (Bar 1996) 1. xxx
2. xxx 3. One significant case adequately clarifies the procedure to
3. A filed an action against B, driver of the truck, C, owner of be undertaken when an indispensable party is not impleaded.
said truck, and D, insurer of the truck, for damages when the
truck rammed his car. A and D entered into a compromise - The case of Pamplona Plantation Co. vs. Rodel Tinghil is the
agreement upon an amount lower than that sued upon by A authority to support the view that an immediate dismissal of
against all three defendants. Accordingly, the court the action when indispensable parties are not impleaded is a
dismissed the case against D. B and C moved to dismiss the procedural error. Said the Court: "The non joinder of
case against them on the ground that, being indispensable indispensable parties is not a ground for the dismissal of an

parties under a common cause of action, non-inclusion of D action. At any stage of a judicial proceeding and/or at such
would not make the case prosper. times as are just, parties may be added on the motion of a
party or on the initiative of the tribunal concerned. If the
plaintiff refuses to implead an indispensable party despite
the order of the court, that court may dismiss the complaint (b) Is "A," in a suit by "C" against him a necessary or an
for the plaintiff's failure to comply with the order. The indispensable party? Answer: "A" is an indispensable party.
remedy is to implead the non-party claimed to be Without him being impleaded as defendant, "C" cannot
indispensable." collect the P500,000 share of "A." Without "A" there cannot
be a final determination of the case against him.
4. A more recent case holds that whenever it appears to the
court in the course of a proceeding that an indispensable (c) In the suit by "C" against "A," is "B" a necessary or an
party has not been joined, it is the duty of the court to stop indispensable party? Answer: "B" is not an indispensable
the trial and to order the inclusion of such party. The party. "C" can collect from "A" P500,000 without
absence of an indispensable party renders all subsequent impleading "B." He is only a necessary party. Without "B"
actuations of the court null and void, for want of authority to being made a party to the action, "C" cannot have a
act, not only as to the absent parties, but even as to those complete relief, i.e., he cannot collect his entire credit of
present. Accordingly, the responsibility of impleading all the P1 million. If he desires a complete recovery, "B" must be
indispensable parties rests on the plaintiff. The defendant impleaded.
does not have the right to compel the plaintiff to prosecute
the action against a party if he does not wish to do so, but 3. In the above example, assuming that the debtors bound
the plaintiff will have to suffer the consequences of any error themselves to pay the P1 million solidarily, would "B" be an
he might commit in exercising his option. indispensable or a necessary party in a suit by "C" against "A"?
Answer: "B" would not be a necessary party. Complete relief
P. Necessary parties could be had by "C" without joining "B" because the obligation
1. A necessary party is not indispensable to the action. A is solidary. "A" could be ordered to pay the entire obligation
final determination of the case can be had among the parties of P1 million. Neither is "B" an indispensable party. There
already impleaded where a necessary party for some could be a complete and final determination of the action for
justifiable reason, is not joined. But a necessary party "ought a sum of money without "B" being joined.
to be joined as a party if complete relief is to be accorded as
to those already parties" (Sec. 8, Rule 3, Rules of Court). - Solidarity does not make a solidary obligor an indispensable
party in a suit filed by the creditor against another solidary
Q. Distinction between an indispensable and a necessary debtor.
1. An indispensable party must be joined under any and all 4. B bought a car from S on an installment basis. A chattel
conditions while a necessary party should be joined whenever mortgage was executed on the car in favor of S to secure the
possible (Borlasa vs. Polistico, 47 Phil. 345). Stated obligation. Before the payment was completed, B sold the
otherwise, an indispensable party must be joined because car to D. It was agreed that D would be responsible for the
the court cannot proceed without him. Hence, his presence is monthly installments. D failed to pay three installments. May
mandatory. The presence of a necessary party is not S sue D alone in the foreclosure suit or replevin suit? He
mandatory because his interest is separable from that of the cannot. B must be made defendant. B is an indispensable
indispensable party. He has to be joined whenever possible party. The foreclosure or replevin is premised on the default
to afford complete relief to those who are already parties of B, the debtor. P would have no right to foreclose the
and to avoid multiple litigation. A necessary party is not mortgage or repossess the car without establishing the
indispensable but he ought to be joined if complete relief is default of B.
to be had among those who are already parties (Sec. 8, Rule 5. A transferee of a property pendente lite is not an
3, Rules of Court). A final decree can be had in a case even indispensable party, as it would in any event be bound by the
without a necessary party because his interests are separable judgment against his predecessor.
from the interest litigated in the case. The non-inclusion of a
necessary party does not prevent the court from proceeding 6. The person whose right to the office is challenged is an
in the action, and the judgment rendered therein shall be indispensable party. No action can proceed unless he is
without prejudice to the rights of such necessary party (Sec. joined.
9, Rule 3, Rules of Court).
7. In an action for reconveyance of a property, the persons
2. Consider the following: "A," and "B" are the signatories to a against whom reconveyance is asserted are indispensable
promissory note which reads: "We promise to pay to the parties.
order of "C" P1 million on February 27, 2007." On the due
date of the obligation, the creditors failed to pay despite R. Effect of a justified failure to implead a necessary party
demand. (Bar 1998)
(a) May "C"sue "A"alone? Answer: "C" may sue "A" alone. The - The non-inclusion of a necessary party does not prevent the
cause of action against "A" is separate and distinct from court from proceeding in the action, and the judgment
the cause of action against "B." The tenor of the note rendered therein shall be without prejudice to the rights of
discloses merely a joint obligation. In a joint obligation the such necessary party (Sec. 9, Rule 3, Rules of Court).
credit or debt shall be divided into as many equal shares as
there are creditors and debtors, the credits or debts being S. Duty to of pleader when a necessary party is not joined

considered distinct from each other (Art. 1208, Civil Code - While a necessary party is not indispensable to the final
of the Philippines). Being debtors in a joint obligation, the determination of the action, said party ought to be joined
debtors then are liable separately for P500,000 each. whenever possible. If a pleader has no intent to implead a
necessary party, the pleader is under obligation to: (a) set when he is supposed to be joined but is not impleaded in the
forth the name of said necessary party, if known, and (b) action.
state the reason why the necessary party is omitted (Sec. 9,
Rule 3, Rules of Court). A reason justifying the non-joinder of 2. Under the Rules neither misjoinder nor non joinder of
a necessary party is when said party is outside the parties is a ground for the dismissal of an action. Parties may
jurisdiction of the court (Sec. 9, Rule 3, Rules of Court). be dropped or added by order of the court on motion of any
party or on its own initiative at any stage of the action and
T. When court may order joinder of a necessary party (Bar on such terms as are just (Sec. 11, Rule 3, Rules of Court).
1998) Misjoinder of parties does not involve questions of
- If the reason given for the non joinder of the necessary jurisdiction and not a ground for dismissal.
party is found by the court to be unmeritorious, it may order
the pleader to join the omitted party if jurisdiction over his 3. Even if neither misjoinder nor non joinder is a ground f'or
person may be obtained (Sec. 9, Rule 3, Rules of Court). dismissal of the action, the failure to obey the order of the
court to drop or add a party is a ground for the dismissal of
U. Effect of failure to comply with order of the court (Bar the complaint under Sec. 3, Rule 17 of the Rules of Court.
- The failure to comply with the order of the court to include 4. The rule on misjoinder or non joinder of parties does not
a necessary party, without justifiable cause, shall be deemed comprehend whimsical and irrational dropping or adding of
a waiver of the claim against such party (Sec. 9, Rule 3, parties in a complaint. What it really contemplates is
Rules of Court). erroneous or mistaken non joinder and misjoinder of parties.
No one is free to join anybody in a complaint in court only to
V. Unwilling co-plaintiff drop him unceremoniously later at the option of the plaintiff.
- An unwilling co-plaintiff is a party who is supposed to be a The rule presupposes that the original inclusion had been
plaintiff but whose consent to be joined as a plaintiff cannot made in the honest conviction that it was proper and the
be obtained as when he refuses to be a party to the action. subsequent dropping is requested because it has turned out
Under Sec. 10 of Rule 3, said unwilling co-plaintiff (a) may be that such inclusion was a mistake. And this is' the reason why
made a defendant, and (b) the reason therefor shall be the rule ordains that the dropping is "on such terms as are
stated in the complaint. just."

W. Alternative defendants Y. Unknown defendant

1. Where the plaintiff cannot definitely identify who among - Whenever the identity or name of the defendant is
two or more persons should be impleaded as a defendant, he unknown, he may be sued as the unknown owner heir,
may join all of them as defendants in the alternative. Under devisee, or by such other designation as the case may
Sec. 13 of Rule 3, "where the plaintiff is uncertain against require; when his identity or true name is discovered, the
who of several persons he is entitled to relief, he may join pleading must be amended accordingly (Sec. 14, Rule 3,
any or all of them as defendants in the alternative, although Rules of Court).
a right to relief against one may be inconsistent with a right
of relief against the other (Sec. 13, Rule 3, Rules of Court). Z. Effect of death of a party on the attorney-client relation-
Just as the rule allows a suit against defendants in the ship
alternative, the rule also allows alternative causes of action - The death of the client extinguishes the attorney-client
(Sec. 2, Rule 8, Rules of Court) and alternative defenses relationship and divests a counsel of his authority to
(Sec. 5[b], Rule 6, Sec. 20, Rule 14, Rules of Court). represent the client. Accordingly, a dead client has no
personality and cannot be represented by an attorney.
2. Assume that Mr. X, a pedestrian was injured in the Neither does he become the counsel of the heirs of the
collision of two vehicles. He suffered injuries but does not deceased unless his services are engaged by said heirs.
know with certainty which vehicle caused the mishap. What
should Mr. X do if he wants to sue? He should sue the vehicle AA. Duty of counsel upon the death of his client
drivers/ owners in the alternative. - Whenever a party to a pending action dies, it is the duty of
the counsel of the deceased party to inform the court of such
3. P delivered some goods to D pursuant to a contract. The fact within thirty (30) days after such death. The counsel has
goods were delivered to E, the designated agent of D. D did also the obligation to give the name and address of the legal
not pay P. D contends that he has not received the goods. E representative of the deceased. This duty is mandatory and
claims otherwise and insists that D had received the goods. failure to comply with this duty is a ground for disciplinary
Should P sue D or should he sue E? P should sue both but in action (Sec. 16, Rule 3, Rules of Court). Note that this duty is
the alternative. imposed upon the counsel of the deceased party, not upon
the counsel of the adverse and surviving party.
4. Plaintiff may sue the shipping company and the arrastre
operator alternatively for the recovery of damages to goods BB. Action of court upon notice of death; effect of death on
shipped through a maritime vessel. the case
1. Upon receipt of the notice of death, the court shall
X. Misjoinder and non joinder of parties determine whether or not the claim is extinguished by such

1. A party is misjoined when he is made a party to the action death. If the claim survives, the court shall order the legal
although he should not be impleaded. A party is not joined representative or representatives of the deceased to appear
and be substituted for the deceased within thirty (30) days
from notice (Sec. 16, Rule 3, Rules of Court). The substituted for the said deceased within thirty (30) days from
substitution of the deceased would not be ordered by the notice (Bar 1999).
court in cases where the death of the party would extinguish
the action because substitution is proper only when the 2. By virtue of the Hame rule, it is significant to remember
action survives. that it is not the amendment of the pleading, but the order
of substitution and its service that effects the substitution of
the deceased by his representative or heir (Bar 1999).
2. Where the deceased has no heirs, the court shall require
the appointment of an executor or administrator. This EE. Purpose and importance of substitution of the deceased
appointment is not required where the deceased left an heir 1. The purpose behind the rule on substitution of parties is
because the heir under the new rule, maybe allowed to be the protection of the right of every party to due process. It is
substituted for the deceased. If there is an heir but the heir to ensure that the deceased would continue to be properly
is a minor, the court may appoint a guardian ad litem for said represented in the suit through the duly appointed legal
minor heir (Sec. 13, Rule 3, Rules of Court). Previous rulings representative of the estate.
giving priority to the legal representative like an executor or
administrator over the heirs should be deemed no longer 2. Non-compliance with the rules on substitution of a
consistent with the current rule. deceased party renders the proceedings of the trial court
infirm because the court acquired no jurisdiction over the
3. It is possible that the court may order the opposing party person of the legal representative of heirs of the deceased
to procure the appointment of an executor or administrator because no man should be affected by a proceeding to which
for the estate of the deceased. This may happen in any of he is a stranger. A party to be affected by a personal
the three situations: (a) the counsel for the deceased does of judgment must have a day in court and an opportunity to be
name a legal representative, or (b) there is a representative heard.
named but he fails to appear within the specified period. All - It has been held however, that in an ejectment case, the
court charges in procuring such appointment, if defrayed by non-substitution of the deceased by his legal representatives
the opposing party may be recovered as costs (Sec. 16, Rule because of the failure of counsel to inform the court of the
3, Rules of Court). death of his client does not deprive the court of jurisdiction.
The decision of the court is nevertheless, binding upon the
CC. When there is no need to procure an executor or successors-in-interest of the deceased. A judgment in an
administrator ejectment case may be enforced not only against defendants
- Under the second paragraph of Sec. 16 of Rule 3, ". . . The herein but also against the members of their family, their
heirs of the deceased may be allowed to be substituted for relatives, or privies who derived their right of possession
the deceased, without requiring the appointment of an from the deceased defendant.
executor or administrator. . ."
3. Formal substitution is however, not necessary when the
- The second paragraph of the rule is plain and explicit. The heirs themselves voluntarily appeared in the action,
heirs may be allowed to be substituted for the deceased participated therein and presented evidence in defense of
without requiring the appointment of an administrator or deceased defendant.
executor. However, if within the specified period a legal
representative fails to appear, the court may order the FF. Examples of actions which survive the death of a party
opposing counsel, within a specified period, to process the 1. Actions and obligations arising from delicts survive.
appointment of an administrator or executor who shall 2. Actions based on the tortious conduct of the defendant
immediately appear for the estate of the deceased. The survive the death of the latter
previous pronouncement of the Court in Lawas vs. Court of 3. Actions to recover real and personal property, actions to
Appeals that priority is given to the legal representative of enforce a lien thereon, and actions to recover damages for
the deceased (the executor or administrator) and that it is an injury to person or property and suits based on the alleged
only in case of unreasonable delay in the appointment of an tortious acts of the defendant survive.
executor or administrator, or in cases where the heirs resort 4. An ejectment case survives the death of a party. It
to an extrajudicial settlement of the estate that the court continues until judgment because the issue concerning the
may adopt the alternative of allowing the heirs of the illegality of the defendant's possession is still alive, and upon
deceased to be substituted for the deceased, is no longer its resolution depends the corollary issue of whether and how
true. Thus, the heirs do not need to first secure the much damages may be recovered.
appointment of an administrator of the estate of the 5. Actions for the recovery of money, arising from a contract
deceased because from the very moment of death, they express or implied are not extinguished by the death of the
stepped into the shoes of the deceased and acquired his defendant (Sec. 20, Rule 3, Rules of Court; Bar 2000).
rights as devisee/legatee. Said heirs may designate one or
some of them as their representative before the trial court. - Note: If the action does not survive (like the purely
personal actions of support, annulment of marriage and legal
DD. No requirement for service of summons separation), the court shall simply dismiss the case. It follows
1. Service of summons is not required to effect a then that substitution will not be required.
substitution. Nothing in Sec. 16 of Rule 3 mandates service of

summons. Instead of service of summons the court shall order GG. Actions for the recovery of money on contractual claims
the legal representative of the deceased to appear and be - When the action is for the recovery of money arising from
contract and the defendant dies before entry of final
judgment, the court shall not dismiss the suit. It shall or defend actions on behalf of the People of the Philippines
continue and his legal representative or legal heir shall once such actions are brought before the Court of Appeals or
substitute the deceased. If the plaintiff obtains a favorable Supreme Court.
judgment, said judgment shall be enforced as a money claim
against the estate of the deceased (Sec. 20, Rule 3; Rules of - Also, under Sec. 5 of Rule 110 of the Revised Rules on
Court). Criminal Procedure, as amended, "All criminal actions, either
commenced by complaint or by information, shall be
HH. Incompetency or incapacity of a party during the pen- prosecuted under the direction and control of a public
dency of the action prosecutor."
- In case a party becomes incapacitated or incompetent
during the pendency of the action, the court, upon motion, LL. Suit by or against spouses
may allow the action to be continued by or against the - Husband and wife shall sue or be sued jointly except as
incapacitated or incompetent party with the assistance of his provided by law (Sec. 4, Rule 3, Rules of Court). An instance
legal guardian or guardian ad litem (Sec. 18, Rule 20, Rules when a spouse need not be joined in a suit involving the
of Court). other is when the litigation pertains to an exclusive property
of a spouse. In such a case, the owner-spouse may appear
II. Transfer of interest alone in court to litigate with regard to the same (Art. III,
- In case of transfer, the action may be continued by or Family Code of the Philippines). There may be instances
against the original party, unless the court upon motion when despite the separation of property, one spouse may end
directs the person to whom the interest is transferred to be up being sued and be held answerable for the liabilities
substituted in the action or joined with the original party incurred by the other spouse. "The liability of the spouses to
(Sec. 19, Rule 3, Rules of Court). creditors for family expenses shall however, be solidary" (Art.
146, Family Code of the Philippines). Under a solidarity
JJ. Indigent parties liability, each one of the spouses is bound to render entire
1. A party may be authorized to litigate as an indigent if the compliance of the obligation (Art. 1207, Art. 1216, Civil Code
court is satisfied that the party is one who has no money or of the Philippines).
property sufficient and available for food, shelter and basic
necessities. The application and the hearing to litigate as an MM. Class suit; requisites
indigent litigant may be made ex parte (Sec. 21, Rule 3, 1. A class suit is an action where one or more may sue for the
Rules of Court). benefit of all if the requisites for said action are complied
2. If one is authorized to litigate as an indigent, such
authority shall include an exemption from the payment of 2. An action does not become a class suit merely because it is
docket fees, and of transcripts of stenographic notes, which designated as such in the pleadings. Whether the suit is or is
the court may order to be furnished by him. However, the not a class suit depends upon the attendant facts
amount of the docket and other lawful fees, which the
indigent was exempt from paying, shall be lien on the 3. For a class suit to prosper, the following requisites must
judgment rendered in the case favorable to the indigent. A concur:
lien on the judgment shall not arise if the court provides (a) The subject matter of the controversy must be of
otherwise (Sec. 21, Rule 3, Rules of Court). common or general interest to many persons;
(b) The persons are so numerous that it is impracticable to
KK. Role of the `Solicitor General' join all as parties;
1. The rule is that only the Solicitor General can bring and (c) The parties actually before the court are sufficiently
defend actions on behalf of the Republic of the Philippines numerous and representative as to fully protect the
and that actions filed in the name of the Republic or its interests of all concerned; and
agencies and instrumentalities, i ('not initiated by the (d) The representatives sue or defend for the benefit of all
Solicitor General will be summarily dismissed. The authority (Sec. 12, Rule 3, Rules of Court).
of the Solicitor General is embodied in Sec. 35(1), Chapter
12, Title III, and Book IV of the Administrative Code of 1987. NN. Commonality of interest in the subject matter
1. A class suit does not require a commonality of interest in
2. Also, in any action involving the validity of any treaty, the questions involved in the suit. What is required by the
law, ordinance, executive order, presidential decree, rule or Rules is a common or general interest in the subject matter
regulations, the court, in its discretion, may require the of the litigation. The `subject matter' of the action is meant
appearance of the Solicitor General who may be heard in the physical, the things real or personal, the money, lands,
person or through a representative duly designated by him chattels, and the like, in relation to the suit which is
(Sec. 22, Rule 3, Rules of Court). prosecuted and not the delict or wrong committed by the
defendant. It is not also a common question of law that
3. In criminal actions brought before the Court of Appeals or sustains a class suit but a common interest in the subject
the Supreme Court, the authority to represent the State is matter of the controversy.
solely vested in the OSG. This is pursuant to Section 35(1),
Chapter 12, Title III, Book III of the Administrative Code of 2. There is no class suit in an action filed by four hundred

1987, as amended, providing that the OSG shall represent the residents initiated through a former mayor, to recover
Government in the Supreme Court and the Court ofAppeals in damages sustained due to their exposure to toxic wastes and
all criminal proceedings. Only the Solicitor General may bring fumes emitted by the cooking gas plant of a corporation
located in the town. Each of the plaintiffs has a separate and
distinct injury not shared by other members of the class. SS. Common or general interest in the environment and
Each supposed plaintiff has to prove his own injury. There is natural resources
no common or general interest in the injuries allegedly - There is a class suit in an action filed by minors represented
suffered by the members of the class (Bar 1994). by their parents, in behalf of themselves and others who are
equally concerned about the preservation of the country's
3. There is no class suit in an action for damages filed by the resources, their generation as well as generations yet
relatives of the fatalities in a plane crash. There is no unborn, in a suit filed to compel the Secretary of the
common or general interest in the injuries or death of all Department of Environment and Natural resources to (1)
passengers in the plane. Each has a distinct and separate cancel all existing timber license agreements in the country;
interest which must be proven individually (Bar 1991). and (2) cease and desist from receiving, accepting,
processing, renewing or approving new timber license
OO. No class suit when interests are conflicting agreements.
- When the interests of the parties in the subject matter are
conflicting, a class suit will not prosper. Hence, an action - In what could be deemed a novel ruling, the Court held:
brought by seventeen (17) residents of a town with a "We find no difficulty in ruling that they can, for
population of two thousand four hundred sixty (2,460) themselves, for others of their generation and for the
persons to recover possession of a holy image was held not to succeeding generations, file a class suit. Their personality to
qualify as a class suit because the plaintiffs did not represent sue in behalf of the succeeding generations can only be
membership of the churches they purport to represent and based on the concept of intergenerational responsibility
that the interests of the plaintiffs conflict with those of the insofar as the right to a balanced and healthful ecology is
other inhabitants who were opposed to the recovery. concerned. Such a right, as hereinafter expounded, considers
the "rhythm and harmony of nature." Nature means the
PP. No class suit by a corporation to recover property of its created world in its entirety. Such rhythm and harmony
members indispensably include, inter alia, the judicious disposition,
- A non-stock corporation may not institute in behalf of its utilization, management, renewal and conservation of the
individual members for the recovery of certain parcels of country's forest, mineral, land, waters, fisheries, wildlife,
land allegedly owned by its members and .for the off-shore areas and other natural resources to the end that
nullification of the transfer of certificates of title issued in their exploration, development and utilization be equitably
favor of defendants. The corporation being an entity accessible to the present as well as future generations.
separate and distinct from its members has no interest in the Needless to say, every generation has a responsibility to the
individual property of its members unless transferred to the next to preserve that rhythm and harmony for the full
corporation. Absent any showing of interests, a corporation enjoyment of a balanced and healthful ecology. Put a little
has no personality to bring an action for the purpose of differently, the minors' assertion of their right to a sound
recovering property, which belongs to the members in their environment constitutes, at the same time, the performance
personal capacities. Moreover, "a class suit does not lie in of their obligation to ensure the protection of that right for
actions for the recovery of property where several persons the generations to come.
claim ownership of their respective portions of property, as
each one could allege and prove his respective right in a Illustration (Bar 2005)
different way for each portion of the land, so that they (a) xxx
cannot all be held to have identical title through acquisitive (b) xxx
prescription." (c) xxx
(d) Distinguish a derivative suit from a class suit.
QQ. No class suit to recover real property individually held
1. A class suit would not lie where each of the parties has an Suggested answer.
interest only in the particular portion of the land he is A derivative suit is corporate law concept which is
occupying and not in the portions individually occupied by filed by a stockholder in behalf of the corporation to protect
the other defendants. the interests of the latter and is asserted because of the
failure of the board of directors, deliberate or otherwise to
2. A class suit does not lie in an action for recovery of real act in protection of the corporation (Black's 5th Ed. 399; Lim
property where separate portions of the same parcel of land vs. Lim-Yu, 352 SCRA 216). A class suit is a procedural device
were occupied and claimed individually by different parties availed of by persons having a common or general interest in
to the exclusion for each other, such that the different a subject matter and are so numerous that it would be
parties had determinable, though undivided interest in the practicable to join all of them. The suit is filed by a person
property in question. or by a few in behalf of himself and all the members of his
class (Sec. 12, Rule 3, Rules of Court).
RR. No class suit to recover damages for personal reputation In a derivative suit, the cause of action belongs to
- There is no class suit in an action filed by associations of the corporation and not to the stockholder who initiates the
sugar planters to recover damages in behalf of individual suit. In a class suit, the cause of action belongs to the
sugar planters for an allegedly libelous article in an members of the class.
international magazine. There is no common or general

interest in reputation of a specific individual. Each of the Illustration (Bar 1994)

sugar planters has a separate and distinct reputation in the Four hundred residents of Barrio Ramos initiated a
community not shared by the others. class action suit through Albert, a former Mayor of the town,
to recover damages sustained due to their exposure to toxic not be accepted for filing or shall be expunged from the
waste and fumes emitted by the cooking gas plant of Top record. Any defect in the original pleading resulting in
Fuel Gas Corporation located in the town. underpayment of the docket fee cannot be cured by
Is the class suit proper? amendment, such as by the reduction of the claim as, for all
legal purposes, there is no original complaint over which the
Suggested answer court has acquired jurisdiction.
The class suit is not proper. For a class suit to
prosper, the subject matter of the controversy must be one 2. Indeed, a court acquires jurisdiction over the claim of
of common or general interest to the members of the class damages upon payment of the correct docket fees.
(Sec. 12, Rule 3, Rules of Court). The damages suffered by an
individual resident of the town is not shared in common by 3. The rule on payment of docket fee has, in some instances,
the others and affected only his own interest. Every plaintiff been subject to the rule on liberal interpretation. Thus, in a
must allego and provo the injury he sustained. case, it was held that while the payment of the required
docket fee is a jurisdictional requirement, even its
nonpayment at the time of filing does not automatically
Illustration (Bar 1991) cause the dismissal of the case, as long as the fee is paid
An airplane carrying 200 passengers crashed within the applicable prescriptive or reglementary period.
somewhere in the jungles of Agusan. All the passengers and  Also, if the amount of docket fees is insufficient
crew perished. Twenty (20) relatives of the fatalities filed for considering the amount of the claim, the party filing the case
themselves and in behalf of the relatives of all those who will be required to pay the deficiency, but jurisdiction is not
perished in the mishap a class suit for damages totaling P5 automatically lost.
million against the airline. The propriety of the class suit is
questioned by the defendant. Resolve the issue. IV. Payment of docket fees for cases on appeal
1. The Rules of Civil Procedure, as amended, which took
Suggested answer. effect on July 1, 1997, now require that appellate docket and
The class suit is not proper. For a class suit to other lawful fees must be paid within the same period for
prosper, the subject matter of the controversy must be one taking an appeal. This is clear from the opening sentence of
of common or general interest to the members of the class Section 4, Rule 41 of the same rules that, "(W)ithin the
(Sec. 12, Rule 3, Rules of Court). Each of the plaintiffs has a period for taking an appeal, the appellant shall pay to the
separate claim or injuries not shared in common by the clerk of court which rendered the judgment or final order
others. Consequently each must prove his own damages. appealed from, the full amount of the appellate court docket
and other lawful fees."
PLAINTIFF 2. The Supreme Court has consistently held that payment of
the docket fee within the prescribed period is mandatory for
A. FILING OF THE COMPLAINT (Rules 1 & 13) the perfection of an appeal. Without such payment, the
appellate court does not acquire jurisdiction over the subject
I. Meaning of filing matter of the action and the decision sought to be appealed
> filing of the complaint - the act of presenting the said from becomes final and executory.
complaint to the clerk of court (Sec. 1, Rule 13, Rules of  Hence, non-payment is a valid ground for the dismissal of
Court). For the purpose of filing, the original must be an appeal (M.A. Santander Construction. Inc. vs. Villanueva,
presented (Sec. 3, Rule 13, Rules of Court). GR. No. 136477, November 10, 2004). However, delay in the
payment of the docket fees confers upon the court a
II. Significance of filing of the complaint discretionary, not a mandatory power to dismiss an appeal.
- The filing of the complaint signifies the commencement of
the civil action (Sec. 5, Rule 1, Rules of Court). By the filing B. AMENDMENT OF COMPLAINT (Rule 10)
of the complaint, the court also acquires jurisdiction over the
person of the plaintiff. Submission to the jurisdiction of the I. Amendment as a matter of right
court is implied from the very filing of the complaint where 1. A plaintiff has the right to amend his complaint once at
affirmative relief is prayed for by the plaintiff. It also has the any time before a responsive pleading is served by the other
effect of tolling the running of the period of prescription party or in case of a reply to which there is no responsive
pursuant to Art. 1155 of the Civil Code of the Philippines. pleading, at any time within ten (10) days after it is served
(Sec. 2, Rule 10, Rules of Court). Thus, before an answer is
III. Payment of docket fees and acquisition of jurisdiction served on the plaintiff, the latter may amend his complaint
l. It is not simply the filing of the complaint or appropriate as a matter of right. The defendant may also amend his
initiatory pleading but the payment of the prescribed docket answer, also as a matter of right, before a reply is served
fee, that vests a trial court with jurisdiction over the subject upon him.
matter or nature of the action.
 In connection with the payment of docket fees, the court - Sec. 2 refers to an amendment made before the trial court,
requires that all complaints, petitions, answers and similar not to amendments before the Court of Appeals. The Court of
pleadings must specify the amount of damages being prayed Appeals is vested with jurisdiction to admit or deny amended

for both in die, body of the pleading and in the prayer petitions filed before it.
therein and said damages shall be considered in the
assessment of the filing fees; otherwise such pleading shall
2. The right to amend a pleading as matter of right may, trial and was not objected to. The provision also covers
according to the Rules, be exercised only once (Sec. 2, Rule situations where, to conform to evidence not objected to by
10, Rules of Court). Hence, even if no responsive pleading the adverse party, the pleadings are sought to be amended
has yet been served, if the amendment is subsequent to a on motion of a party. Thus, a complaint which fails to state a
previous amendment made as a matter of right, the cause of action may be cured by evidence presented during
subsequent amendment must be with leave of court. the trial.

3. Before the service of 'a responsive pleading, a party has - For example, a complaint filed by a guarantor to collect a
the absolute right to amend his pleading, regardless of sum of money from the debtor fails to state a cause of action
whether a new cause of action or change in theory is if the complaint does not allege that the creditor of the
introduced. debtor has been paid by the guarantor even if in fact there
was payment. However, if during the course of the
II. Applicability of mandamus proceedings, evidence is offered on the fact of payment
- The court would be in error if it refuses to admit an without objection from the debtor, the defect in the
amended pleading when its exercise is a matter of right. This complaint was cured by the evidence. The plaintiff may then
error is correctible by mandamus. move for the amendment of his complaint to conform to the
III. A motion to dismiss is not a responsive pleading (Bar
1979;2005) 2. Where the complaint was filed at a time where no cause
1. If a motion to dismiss is filed, an amendment to the of action has yet accrued in favor of the plaintiff, an
complaint would still be a matter of right during the amendment cannot cure the defect. The reason for this is
pendency of the motion to dismiss. Such a motion is not a plain: There is no cause of action to cure where there is none
responsive pleading and its filing does not preclude the in the first place.
exercise of the plaintiff's right to amend his complaint.
- In a case where an action was filed for the collection of
2. Even if the motion to dismiss is granted by the court, the certain loans under promissory notes which were not yet due,
plaintiff may still amend his complaint as a matter of right the Supreme Court held: "x x x the curing effect under
before the dismissal becomes final as long as no answer has Section
yet been served. 5 is applicable only if a cause of action in fact exists at the
time the complaint is filed, but the complaint is defective for
- To illustrate: PP filed an action based on an oral loan failure to allege the essential facts. x x x The curing effect
against DD who filed a motion to dismiss the complaint for will also apply in a situation where there was in fact a cause
failure to state a cause of action because the allegations of of action and the only problem was the insufficiency of the
the complaint do not allege that the debt is already due and allegations in the complaint.
demandable at the time the complaint was filed. Instead of
opposing the motion, PP filed an amendment to the - "It thus follows that a complaint whose cause of action has
complaint to correct the deficiencies in its allegations. The not yet accrued cannot be cured or remedied by an amended
amendment is a matter of right and hence, cannot be refused or supplemental pleading alleging the existence or accrual of
by the court. a cause of action while the case is pending. Such an action is
prematurely brought and is, therefore, a groundless suit,
IV. Amendment by leave of court (Bar 1994; 1986) which should be dismissed by the court upon proper motion
1. Leave of court is required for a substantial amendment seasonably filed by the defendant. The underlying reason for
made after service of a responsive pleading (Sec. 3, Rule 10, this rule is that a person should not be summoned before the
Rules ol'Court). The plaintiff; fir example, cannot amend his public tribunals to answer for complaints which are
complaint by changing his cause of action or adding a new premature.
one without leave of court.
3. Sec. 5 of Rule 10 envisions two situations: The first is
2. After a responsive pleading is filed, an amendment to the when evidence is introduced on an issue not alleged in the
complaint may be substantial and will correspondingly pleadings and no objection was interposed by the other
require a substantial alteration in the defenses of the party. The second is when evidence is offered on an issue not
adverse party. The amendment of the complaint is not only raised in the pleadings but an objection was interjected. The
unfair to the defendant but will cause unnecessary delay in rule in the second scenario is that the court may nevertheless
the proceedings. Leave of court is thus, required. On the admit the evidence where the objecting party fails to show
other hand, where no responsive pleading has yet been that the admission of the evidence would prejudice him in his
served, no defenses would be altered. The amendment of the defense. The court must however, give him a continuance to
pleading will not then require leave of court. enable him to meet the new situation.
VI. Amendment to correct a jurisdictional defect before a
V. Amendment to cure a failure to state a cause of action responsive pleading is served
1. If the complaint failed to aver the fact that certain 1. A fair reading of jurisprudence recognizes the right of a
conditions precedent were undertaken and complied with, pleader to amend his complaint before a responsive pleading
the failure to so allege the same may be corrected by an is served even if its effect is to correct a jurisdictional

amendment of the complaint. Section 5 of Rule 10 likewise defect. The argument that the court cannot allow such type
applies to situations wherein evidence not within the issues of amendment since the court must first possess jurisdiction
raised in the pleadings is presented by the parties during the over the subject matter of the complaint before it can act on
any amendment has no application upon an amendment that dismissal nor seeks for the reinstatement of the plaintiff.
is made as matter of right. Realizing, a jurisdictional error, the plaintiff filed leave to
amend his complaint and to admit an amended pleading
2. In one case involving a litigation over a parcel of land, the alleging illegal dismissal and a claim for reinstatement.
complaint filed with the then Court of First Instance (now Speaking on the issue of the propriety of the admission of the
Regional Trial Court), a complaint alleging forcible entry. amendment, the Supreme Court ruled that a "complaint
The defendants filed a motion to dismiss alleging that the cannot be amended to confer jurisdiction on the court in
court has no jurisdiction over an action for forcible entry. which it was filed, if the cause of action originally set forth
Without waiting for the resolution of the motion to dismiss, was not within the court's jurisdiction" Note that in Campos
the plaintiff filed an amended complaint with new Rueda, an answer has already been served and filed.
allegations which transformed the original allegations of
forcible entry into an action for quieting of title, an action - Similarly, in an action for damages filed before the then
which at that time was solely cognizable by the Court of First Court of First Instance (now Regional Trial Court) against a
Instance. The trial court admitted the amended complaint, sheriff for an alleged illegal levy upon the property of the
ordered the defendants to answer it and denied the motion plaintiff, the latter sought to amend his complaint after an
to dismiss. The Supreme Court sustained the trial court as answer has been served by the defendant. The amendment
being consistent with the purpose and spirit of the Rules. was made when the plaintiff realized that the amount
alleged as damages was below the jurisdiction of the court.
3. In another case filed before the City Court of Manila to The Supreme Court held that it was error to admit the
recover unpaid rentals with a prayer that an order be issued amendment because the court must first acquire jurisdiction
for the surrender of the premises by the defendant to the over the subject matter of the complaint in order to act
plaintiff', the defendant filed a motion to dismiss on the validly on the same including its amendment.
ground that the amount sought to be recovered is beyond the
jurisdiction of the court and that there are no allegations in Illustration (Bar 2005)
the complaint showing that the defendant was unlawfully On May 12, 2005, the plaintiff filed a complaint in
withholding the premises from the plaintiff. Before action the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City for the collection of
could be taken on the motion to dismiss, the plaintiff P250,000.00. The defendant filed a motion to dismiss the
amended the complaint, to include the requisite allegations. complaint on the ground that the court had no jurisdiction
The court denied the motion to dismiss and the opposition to over the action since the claimed amount of P250,000.00 is
the amended complaint. The court ruled that since no within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Trial
responsive pleading was served at the time of the Court of Quezon City.
amendment, the plaintiff had done so as a matter of course. Before the court could resolve the motion, the
Reiterating the rule that a motion to dismiss is not a plaintiff, without leave of court, amended his complaint to
responsive pleading, the Supreme Court sustained the trial allege a new cause of action consisting in the inclusion of an
court. additional amount of P200,000.00, thereby increasing his
total claim to P450,000.00 The plaintiff thereafter filed his
VII. Amendment to correct a jurisdictional defect after a opposition to the motion to dismiss, claiming that the
responsive pleading is served Regional Trial Court had jurisdiction over his action.
1. An amendment of the complaint to correct a jurisdictional Rule on the motion of the defendant with reasons.
error cannot be validly done after a responsive pleading is
served. The amendment this time would require leave of Suggested answer.
court, a matter which requires the exercise of sound judicial The motion to dismiss should be denied. The
discretion. The exercise of this discretion requires the amendment was made before a responsive pleading was
performance of a positive act by the court. If it grants the served on the plaintiff. The pending motion to dismiss did not
amendment, it would be acting on a complaint over which it affect the right of the plaintiff to amend his complaint as a
has no jurisdiction. Its action would be one performed matter of right because a motion to dismiss is not a
without jurisdiction. responsive pleading. 258). The amendment correcting a
jurisdictional defect was proper because no responsive
- The situation is vastly different from an amendment as a pleading has been served at the time of the amendment. The
matter of right. Here, the court does not act. The admission rule that a complaint cannot be amended to confer
of the amendment is a ministerial duty of the court. It jurisdiction on a court where there was none applies only to
requires no positive action from the court. Since it would not an amendment made after a responsive pleading has been
be acting in this regard, it could not be deemed as acting served.
without jurisdiction.
VIII. Amendment to conform to the evidence
2. In one case, a former employee filed an action for 1. In the event that a party presents evidence on a matter
recovery of compensation for unpaid holiday and overtime not in issue, the adverse party has a reason to object.
services with the then Court of Industrial Relations against Common reason dictates that a party cannot breach the basic
his former employer. The defendant filed a motion to dismiss procedural rule that the trial can deal only with matters
but was denied. The employer then filed an answer invoking raised by the parties in their pleadings. Neither can a court
as one of its affirmative defenses lack of jurisdiction of the render judgment on a matter not in issue because a

court over the subject matter since the complaint did not judgment must conform to the pleadings and the theory of
allege the existence of an employer-employee relationship the action under which the case was tried. But when issues
between the parties. The complaint alleged neither illegal not raised in the pleadings are tried with the express or
implied consent of the parties, such as when no objection is amendment to conform to the evidence is but proper under
made by either, such issues not raised shall be treated as if the circumstances. The contention of the court that the
they had been put in issue by the pleadings (Sec. 5, Rule 10, motion was filed too late is with no legal basis. Under Sec. 5
Rules of Court). of Rule 10, the motion to amend may be presented at any
time, "even after judgment."
Illustration (Bar 2004)
In a complaint for a sum of money filed before the IX. Effect of the amendment on the original pleading
MM Regional Trial Court, plaintiff did not mention or even 1. An amended pleading supersedes the original one which it
just hint at any demand for payment made on defendant amends (Sec. 8, Rule 10, Rules of Court). The original
before commencing suit. During the trial, plaintiff duly pleading loses its status as a pleading, is deemed withdrawn
offered Exh. "A" in evidence for the stated purpose of proving and disappears from the record.
the making of extrajudicial demand on defendant to pay
P500,000, the subject of the suit. Exh. "A» was a letter of 2. It has been held that the original complaint is deemed
demand for defendant to pay said sum of money within 10 superseded and abandoned by the amendatory complaint
days from receipt, addressed to and served on defendant only if the latter introduces a new or different cause of
some two months before suit was begun. Without objection action.
from defendant, the court admitted Exh. "A" in evidence.
Was the court's admission of Exh. "A" in evidence X. Effect of the amendment on admissions made in the
erroneous or not? Reason. original pleading
- Admissions made in the original pleadings cease to be
Suggested answer: judicial admissions. They are to be considered as
The admission of Exh. ""was not erroneous. Since it extrajudicial admissions. "However, admissions in superseded
was admitted without objection from the defendant, it is as pleadings may be received in evidence against the pleader. .
if the matter of demand was raised in the pleadings (Sec. 5, ." (Sec. 8, Rule 10, Rules of Court) and in order to be utilized
Rule 10, Rules of Court). as extrajudicial admissions, they must, in order to have such
effect, be formally offered in evidence.
2. In a situation where issues not raised in the pleadings are
tried with the express or implied consent of the parties, Sec. Illustration (Bar 1993)
5 of Rule 10 authorizes the amendment of the pleadings to In an action for reconveyance of a parcel of land
conform to the evidence upon motion of a party at any time, filed in the Regional Trial Court, the defendant through his
even after judgment. If the parties fail to amend the lawyer filed an answer therein admitting the averment in the
pleadings, such failure will not affect the trial of these issues complaint that the land was acquired by the plaintiff through
because such issues are treated as having been raised in the inheritance from his parents, the former owners thereof.
pleadings of the parties (Sec. 5, Rule 10, Rules of Court). Subsequently, the defendant changed his lawyer
This provision under the Rules virtually authorizes an implied and, with leave of court, amended the answer. In the
amendment of the pleadings. amended answer, the abovementioned admission no longer
appears. Instead, the alleged ownership of the land by the
Illustration (Bar 1992) plaintiff was denied coupled with the allegation that the
A complaint was filed by the counsel for Superior defendant is the owner of the land for the reason that he
Sales (an entity without a juridical personality) against Mr. bought the same from the plaintiff's parents during their
Garcia on a money claim for goods delivered. Mr. Garcia did lifetime.
not file a motion to dismiss. Eventually, trial was held and his After trial, the Regional Trial Court rendered a
liability was established through several invoices, each of decision upholding the defendant's ownership of the land.
which uniformly showed on its face that Mr. Tan is the On appeal, the plaintiff contended that the
Proprietor of Superior Sales. After Superior Sales had rested defendant is bound by the admission contained in his original
its case, Mr. Garcia filed a motion to dismiss on the ground answer.
that since there is actually no person properly suing as Is the contention of plaintiff correct?
plaintiff, no relief can be granted by the court. On the other
hand, the counsel for Superior Sales filed a motion to amend Suggested answer:
the complaint to make it conform to the evidence, that the The contention of the plaintiff is not correct. An
real party plaintiff is Mr. Tan. The court denied said motion amended pleading supersedes the pleading that it amends
on the ground that it was filed too late and instead, (Sec. 8, Rule 10, Rules of Court). Admissions made in the
dismissed the case. original pleadings cease to be judicial admissions. They are
Did the court act correctly? to be considered as extrajudicial admissions. The admission
of the defendant should have been offered in evidence.
Suggested answer:
The court did not act correctly. Although there was XI. When summons not required after complaint is amended
a defect in the designation of the plaintiff because it had no 1. Although the original pleading is deemed superseded by
juridical personality to sue, this defect was cured when the the pleading that amends it, it does not ipso facto follow
defendant did not object to the evidence that it was Mr. Tan that service of new summons is required. Where the
who was the proprietor of the business and in whose favor defendants have already appeared before the trial court by

the defendant is liable. This matter of Mr. Tan being the virtue of a summons in the original complaint, the amended
aggrieved party and thus, the real party-ininterest as complaint may be served upon them without need of another
plaintiff, was tried with the consent of the defendant. An summons, even if new causes of action are alleged. A court's
jurisdiction continues until the case is finally terminated pleadings only to supply deficiencies in aid of an original
once it is acquired. Conversely, when the defendants have pleading, but not to introduce new and independent causes
not yet appeared in court, new summons on the amended of action.
complaint must be served on them. It is not the change of a
cause of action that gives rise to the need to serve another C. DISMISSAL BY THE PLAINTIFF (Rule 17)
summons for the amended complaint but rather the
acquisition of jurisdiction over the persons of the I. Dismissal by mere notice of dismissal
defendants. If the trial court has not yet acquired 1. Before the service of an answer or the service of a motion
jurisdiction over them, a new summons for the amended for summary judgment, a complaint may be dismissed by the
complaint is required plaintiff by filing a notice of dismissal (Sec. 1, Rule 17, Rules
of Court).
2. However, where a new defendant is impleaded, summons
must be served upon him so that the court may acquire 2. Upon the filing of the notice of dismissal, the court shall
jurisdiction over his person because logically, the new issue an order confirming the dismissal (Sec. 1, Rule 17,
defendant cannot be deemed to have already appeared by Rules of Court).
virtue of summons under the original complaint in which he
was not yet a party. 3. It is not the order confirming the dismissal which operates
to dismiss the complaint. As the name of the order implies,
Illustration (Bar 1999) said order merely confirms a dismissal already effected by
When an additional defendant is impleaded in the the filing of the notice of dismissal. The court does not have
action, is it necessary that summons be served upon him? to approve the dismissal because it has no discretion on the
matter. Before an answer or a motion for summary judgment
Suggested answer. has been served upon the plaintiff, the dismissal by the
Summons must be served upon the defendant who plaintiff' by the filing of a notice is a matter of right. The
has not yet appeared before the court under the original dismissal occurs as of the date the notice is filed by the
complaint. It is necessary to acquire jurisdiction over his plaintiff and not the date the court issues the order
person otherwise the judgment will be void as to him, unless confirming the dismissal.
he voluntarily appears in the action (Sec. 20, Rule 14, Rules
of Court). 4. Under the clear terms of Sec. 1 of Rule 17, the dismissal as
a matter of right ceases when an answer or a motion for
XII. Supplemental pleadings summary judgment is served on the plaintiff and not when
1. > supplemental pleading - one which sets forth the answer or the motion is filed with the court. Thus, if a
transactions, occurrences, or events which have happened notice of dismissal is filed by the plaintiff even after an
since the date of the pleading sought to be supplemented answer has been filed in court but before the responsive
(Sec. 6, Rule 10, Rules of Court). pleading has been served on the plaintiff, the notice of
dismissal is still a matter of right.
2. The filing of supplemental pleadings requires leave of
court. The court may allow the pleading only upon such Illustration (Bar 1989)
terms as are just. This leave is sought by the filing of a Before any answer or motion for summary judgment
motion with notice to all parties (Sec. 6, Rule 10, Rules of could be filed (the appropriate term under the present rule is
Court). served) by the defendant, the plaintiff' filed a notice of
dismissal of his complaint. The trial court simply noted the
XIII. Cause of action in supplemental pleadings dismissal. Is the case considered dismissed?
1. When the cause of action in the supplemental complaint is
different from the cause of action mentioned in the original Suggested answer.
complaint, the court should not admit the supplemental The case is considered dismissed. No order of
complaint. dismissal from the court is required to effect the dismissal
when such dismissal is a matter of right. The order issued by
2. As its very name denotes, a supplemental pleading only the court is one which merely confirms the dismissal (Sec. 2,
serves to bolster or add something to the primary pleading. A Rule 10, Rules of Court).
supplemental pleading exists side by side with the original. It
does not replace that which it supplements. Moreover, a II. Dismissal without prejudice
supplemental pleading assumes that the original pleading is 1. A dismissal made by the filing of a notice of dismissal is a
to stand and that the issues joined with the original pleading dismissal without prejudice, i.e., the complaint can be
remained an issue to be tried in the action. It is but a refiled. This is the general rule. The dismissal will however,
continuation of the complaint. Its usual office is to set up be one with prejudice in any of the following situations:
new facts which justify, enlarge or change the kind of relief (a) the notice of dismissal by the plaintiff provides that the
with respect to the same subject matter as the controversy dismissal is with prejudice; or
referred to in the original complaint. (b) the plaintiff has previously dismissed the same case in
a court of competent jurisdiction (Sec. 1, Rule 17, Rules of
- When the cause of action stated in the supplemental Court).

complaint is different from the causes of action mentioned in

the original complaint, the court should not admit the 2. If the plaintiff files a notice of dismissal providing therein
supplemental complaint; the parties may file supplemental a reason that prevents the refiling of the complaint, the
dismissal must be deemed one with prejudice even if the 1. If a counterclaim has already been pleaded by the
notice does not state that the dismissal is with prejudice. defendant prior to the service upon him of the plaintiff's
This happens when for instance, the notice provides that the motion to dismiss, and the court grants the said motion to
plaintiff recognizes the fact of prescription or extinguishment dismiss, the dismissal "shall be limited to the complaint"
of the obligation of the defendant or for reasons stated in (Sec. 2, Rule 17, Rules of Court). The phraseology of the
Sec. 5 of Rule 16. provision is clear: the counterclaim is not dismissed, whether
it is a compulsory or a permissive counterclaim because the
III. Two-dismissal rule rule makes no distinction. The rule provides:
l. The `two-dismissal' rule applies when the plaintiff has (a) " * * * The dismissal shall be without prejudice to
twice dismissed actions, (b) based on or including the same the right of the defendant to prosecute his counterclaim * * *"
claim, (c) in a court of competent jurisdiction. The second (Sec. 2, Rule 17, Rules of Court).
notice of dismissal will bar the refiling of the action because
it will operate as an adjudication of the claim upon the 2. The defendant if he so desires may prosecute his
merits. In other words, the claim may only be filed twice, counterclaim either in a separate action or in the same
the first being the claim embodied in the original complaint. action. Should he choose to have his counterclaim resolved in
Since as a rule, the dismissal is without prejudice, the same the same action, he must notify the court of his preference
claim may be filed. If the refiled claim or complaint is within fifteen (15) days from notice of the plaintiff's motion
dismissed again through a second notice of dismissal, that to dismiss (Sec. 2, Rule 17, Rules of Court). Should he opt to
second notice triggers the application of the two-dismissal prosecute his counterclaim in a separate action, the court
rule and the dismissal is to be deemed one with prejudice should render the corresponding order granting and reserving
because it is considered as an adjudication upon the merits. his right to prosecute his claim in a separate complaint.

2. For the above rule to apply, the complaints must have 3. A similar rule is adopted in Sec. 6, Rule 16 and Sec. 3 of
been dismissed in a court of competent jurisdiction. To Rule 17, wherein the dismissal of the complaint does not
illustrate: PP files in the Regional Trial Court of Manila, an carry with it the dismissal of the counterclaim. The same
action to collect P300,000.00 from DD. The complaint was provision also grants the defendant a choice in the
dismissed when PP immediately filed a notice of dismissal. prosecution of his counterclaim.
The same claim was again filed in the Metropolitan Trial
Court of Manila. Before DD served either an answer or a VI. Dismissal without prejudice
motion for summary judgment, PP filed a notice of dismissal. - The dismissal authorized under Sec. 2 of Rule 17 is a
Does the two-dismissal rule apply? It does not. The first dismissal without prejudice except if the order of dismissal
court, the RTC was not a court of competent jurisdiction specifies that it is without prejudice (Sec. 2, Rule 17, Rules
because the claim was below its jurisdictional amount. of Court).

Illustration Mar 1989) VII. Dismissal due to the fault of plaintiff

1. XXX 1. A complaint may be dismissed even if the plaintiff has no
2. Lawrence filed a complaint against Grace to collect a loan desire to have the same dismissed. The dismissal in this case
of P50,000.00. Later because of their intimate relationship in will be through reasons attributed to his fault. Sec. 3 of Rule
the past, Lawrence filed a notice of dismissal of his 17 provides the following grounds for dismissal:
complaint. Subsequently, the two had a serious (a) the failure of plaintiff, without justifiable reasons, to
misunderstanding so that Lawrence filed a complaint against appear on the date of the presentation of his evidence in
Grace to collect another loan of P100,000.00. Lawrence and chief;
Grace reconciled before the latter could file (serve) her (b) the failure of the plaintiff to prosecute his action for
answer or a motion for summary judgment. Was the dismissal an unreasonable length of time;
with or without prejudice? (c) the failure of the plaintiff to comply with the Rules of
Court; or
Suggested answer: (d) the failure of the plaintiff to obey any order of the
The dismissal is without prejudice because the 'two- court.
dismissal' rule does not apply. The dismissal of the claim of
P100,000.00 is based on a loan different from the first claim 2. The dismissal due to the fault of the plaintiff may be done
of P50,000.00. by the court on its own motion (motu proprio) or upon a
motion filed by the defendant (Sec. 2, Rule 17, Rules of
IV. Dismissal by filing a motion to dismiss Court).
- Once either an answer or a motion for summary judgment
has been served on the plaintiff, the dismissal is no longer a VIII. Effect of dismissal on the counterclaim under Sec. 3
matter of right and will require the filing of a motion to 1. The dismissal of the complaint under Sec. 3 of Rule 17,
dismiss, not a mere notice of dismissal. The motion to dismiss i.e., because of the fault of the plaintiff, is without
will now be subject to the approval of the court which will prejudice to the right of the defendant to prosecute his
decide on the motion upon such terms and conditions as are counterclaim in the same action or in a separate action.
just (Sec. 2, Rule 17, Rules of Court). The dismissal under
Sec. 2 of Rule 17 is no longer a matter of right on the part of 2. A recent case, Pinga vs. Heirs of Santiago confirms the

the plaintiff but a matter of discretion upon the court. above rule:
"Under Section 3, Rule 17 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
V. Effect of dismissal upon a counterclaim already pleaded Procedure, the dismissal of the complaint due to the fault of
plaintiff does not necessarily carry with it the dismissal of Procedure were implicitly abandoned insofar as incidents
the counterclaim. The rule makes no distinction between a arising after the effectivity of the new procedural rules on 1
compulsory and a permissive counterclaim and hence, covers July 1997. BA Finance, or even the doctrine that a
both types. By the very tenor of Sec. 3 of Rule 17 of the counterclaim may be necessarily dismissed along with the
Rules of Court, the dismissal of the complaint is without complaint, clearly conflicts with the 1997 Rules of Civil
prejudice to the right of defendants to prosecute the Procedure. The abandonment of BA Finance as doctrine
counterclaim. extends as far back as 1997, when the Court adopted the new
xxx Rules of Civil Procedure. If, since then, such abandonment
"In contrast, Sec. 3, Rule 17 of the 1964 Rules was silent on has not been affirmed in jurisprudence, it is only because no
the effect of the dismissal of the complaint on existing proper case has arisen that would warrant express
counterclaims. xxx "Despite the silence of Sec. 3 of the then confirmation of the new rule. That opportunity is here and
Rule 17 of the old Rules of Court previous jurisprudence laid now, and we thus rule that the dismissal of a complaint due
emphasis on whether the counterclaim was compulsory or to the fault of the plaintiff is without prejudice to the right
permissive in character. Such distinction was provided by of the defendant to prosecute any pending counterclaims of
another provision of the 1964 Rules particularly Section 2 of whatever nature in the same or separate action. We confirm
Rule 17, which stated that in instances wherein the plaintiff that BA Finance and all previous rulings of the Court that are
seeks the dismissal of the complaint, "if a counterclaim has inconsistent with this present holding are now abandoned"
been pleaded by a defendant prior to the service upon him of
the plaintiff's motion to dismiss, the action shall not be IX. Dismissal with prejudice
dismissed against the defendant's objection unless the - The dismissal under Sec. 3 of Rule 17 shall have the effect
counterclaim can remain pending for independent of an adjudication on the merits, unless otherwise declared
adjudication." by the court. Hence, as a rule, it is a dismissal with
xxx prejudice.
"Of the cases before the adoption of the 1997 Rules
of Civil Procedure, BA Finance Corp. vs. Co., G.R. No. CHAP. 5: SUMMONS
105751, 30 June 1993, 224 SCRA 163, particularly stands out
among previous cases dealing with the effect of the dismissal I. Nature of summons (Rule 14)
of an action on the counterclaims already pleaded before the 1. > Summons - the writ by which the defendant is notified of
dismissal. BA Finance Corporation held that the dismissal of the action brought against him
the complaint for nonappearance of plaintiff at the pre-trial,
upon motion of the defendants, carried with it the dismissal 2. The issuance of summons is not discretionary on the part
of their compulsory counterclaim. The Court reiterated the of the court or the clerk of court but is a mandatory
rule that "a compulsory counterclaim cannot remain pending requirement. The provisions of Sec. 1 of Rule 14 direct that
for independent adjudication by the court... as it is auxiliary the clerk of court shall issue the corresponding summons to
to the proceeding in the original suit and merely derives its the defendant upon (a) the filing of the complaint, and (b)
jurisdictional support therefrom. the payment of the requisite legal fees. The use of the term
xxx "shall" leaves no doubt of the mandatory character of
"Under this revised section [21, where the plaintiff moves for summons.
the dismissal of his complaint to which a counterclaim has
been interposed, the dismissal shall be limited to the II. Purpose of summons
complaint. Such dismissal shall be without prejudice to the 1. In an action in personam, the purpose of summons is not
right of the defendant to either prosecute his counterclaim in only to notify the defendant of the action against him but
a separate action or to have the same resolved in the same also to acquire jurisdiction over his person
action. Should he opt for the first alternative, the court
should render the corresponding order granting and reserving - The filing of the complaint does not enable the court to
his right to prosecute his claim in a separate complaint. acquire jurisdiction over the person of the defendant. By the
Should he choose to have his counterclaim disposed of in the filing of the complaint and the payment of the required filing
same action wherein the complaint had been dismissed, he and docket fees, the court acquires jurisdiction only over the
must manifest such preference to the trial court within 15 person of the plaintiff, not over the person of the defendant.
days from notice to him of plaintiff's motion to dismiss xxx. Acquisition of jurisdiction over the latter is accomplished by
"With the aforestated amendments in Secs. 2 and 3 a valid service of summons upon him. Service of summons
laying down specific rules on the disposition of counterclaims logically follows the filing of the complaint. Note further that
involved in the dismissal actions, the controversial doctrine the filing of the complaint tolls the running of the
in BA Finance Corporation vs. Co, et al. (G.R. No. 105751, prescriptive period of the cause of action in accordance with
June 30,1993) has been abandoned, together with the Article 1155 of the Civil Code of the Philippines.
apparent confusion on the proper application of said Secs. 2
and 3. x x x 2. In an action in rem or quasi in rem, jurisdiction over the
"Previous rulings contrary to Secs. 2 and 3 of Rule defendant is not required and the court acquires jurisdiction
17 should be deemed no longer controlling and abandoned. over an action as long as it acquires jurisdiction over the res.
Pinga further holds: The purpose of summons in these actions is not the
" To be certain, when the Court promulgated the acquisition of jurisdiction over the defendant but mainly to

1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, including the amended Rule satisfy the constitutional requirement of due process
17, those previous jural doctrines that were inconsistent with
the new rules incorporated in the 1997 Rules of Civil III. To whom summons is directed
- The summons is a writ that is directed to the defendant, them, or (b) upon the person in charge of the office or of the
not the plaintiff. It shall be signed by the clerk of court and place of business maintained in such name.
under seal (Sec. 2, Rule 14, Rules of Court). IX. Service upon a prisoner
- If the defendant is a prisoner, service upon said prisoner is
IV. Who serves summons to be made by the officer managing the jail or institution
- The summons may be served by the sheriff, his deputy, or where said prisoner is confined. For this purpose, the jail
other proper court officer, or for justifiable reasons by any manager is deemed deputized as a special sheriff (Sec. 9,
suitable person authorized by the court issuing the summons Rule 14, Rules of Court).
(Sec. 3, Rule 14, Rules of Court).
X. Service upon a minor and an incompetent
V. Duty of server upon completion of service - Service upon a minor, an insane or an incompetent shall be
1. When the service has been completed, the server shall, made (a) upon him personally and (b) on his legal guardian if
within five (5) days therefrom, serve a copy of the return, he has one, or if none, upon his guardian ad litem. The
personally or by registered mail, to the plaintiffs counsel, appointment of the guardian ad litem shall be applied for by
and shall return the summons to the clerk who issued it, the plaintiff. If the defendant is a minor, service may be
accompanied by proof of service (Sec. 4, Rule 14, Rules of made also upon his father or mother (Sec. 10, Rule 14, Rules
Court). of Court).

2. After the completion of the service, a proof of service is XI. Service upon a private domestic juridical entity
required to be filed by the server of the summons. The proof 1. "When the defendant is a corporation, partnership or
of service of summons shall be made in writing by the server association organized under the laws of the Philippines with a
and shall set forth the manner, place, and date of service; juridical personality, service may be made on the president,
shall specify any papers which have been served with the managing partner, general manager, corporate secretary,
process and the name of the person who received the same; treasurer or in-house counsel" (Sec. 11, Rule 14, Rules of
and shall be sworn to when made by a person other than a Court). This enumeration has been held to be exclusive and
sheriff or his deputy (Sec. 18, Rule 14, Rules of Court). summons cannot be served upon any other person.

VI. Uniformity of the rules on summons 2. In construing the provisions of this rule before its
- The rules on summons apply with equal force in actions amendment took effect on July 1, 1997, the Court employed
before the Regional Trial Courts, the Municipal Trial Courts, the principle of substantial compliance. Thus, in Summit
the Municipal Circuit Trial Courts and the Metropolitan Trial Trading and Development Corporation vs. Avendano, the
Courts (Bar 1989). This is because the procedure in the Court upheld the validity of service made upon the secretary
Municipal Trial Courts shall be the same as in the Regional of the corporate president. The same liberal construction of
Trial Courts, except (a) where a particular provision the rule on summons was made in a case where service was
expressly or impliedly applies only to either of said courts, or made upon a mere clerk of the corporation.
(b) in civil cases governed by the Rules on Summary  It was likewise held that service upon the administrator of
Procedure (Sec. 1, Rule 5, Rules of Court). the corporate property and recognized as such by the
workers therein is a substantial compliance of the rule.
VII. Contents of the summons Service of summons on an operations manager was held valid.
- The summons shall contain the following matters: (a) the Service of summons on a bookkeeper was also upheld. Other
name of the court and the names of the parties to the previous rulings allowed service through a secretary of the
action; (b) a direction that the defendant answer within the President, or the cashier.
time fixed by the Rules; and a (c) notice that unless the
defendant so answers, plaintiff will take judgment by default - The case of Millenium Industrial Corporation vs. Tan,
and may be granted the relief prayed for. A copy of the although promulgated after the effectivity of the
complaint (also a copy of an order of appointment of a amendments to the Rules was decided upon facts occurring
guardian ad litem, if necessary) shall be attached to the before the effectivity of the 1997 amendments, and hence,
original and each copy of the complaint (Sec. 2, Rule 14, the ruling therein was guided by the rule of substantial
Rules of Court). compliance. Service of summons upon a "draftsman" was
upheld because the defendant corporation actually received
VIII. Service upon an entity without a juridical personality the summons from the employee served.
1. Under Sec. 15 of Rule 14, when two or more persons not
organized as an entity with juridical personality enter into a - The much later case of Aboitiz International Forwarders,
transaction, they may be sued under the name by which they Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, which upheld service of summons
are generally or commonly known (Sec. 15, Rule 14, Rules of upon a customer service representative of defendant
Court). Thus, if A, B and C enter into a transaction under the corporation and deemed an "agent" for purposes of summons,
name, ABC Corporation, an entity which has actually no was decided in accordance with facts that transpired prior to
juridical personality, A, B, and C may be sued under the July 1, 1997.
name ABC Corporation. How then may summons be served
upon the non-existent corporation or upon those who 3. The liberal interpretation of the rule considered the tenor
compose the "corporation"? of the then Sec. 13 of Rule 14 (now Sec. 11 of Rule 14),

which allowed service of summons, among others upon an

2. Under Sec. 8 of Rule 14, service may be effected upon all "agent" of the defendant juridical entity. This term was
the defendants by serving summons upon (a) any one of broad enough to allow the application of the rule on
substantial compliance. Service upon an agent is no longer for breach of contract and damages at the Regional Trial
permitted under the present rules on summons. Court of Makati. Summons, together with the complaint, was
served upon Villarosa through its branch manager at
4. Finally, in E.B. Villarosa & Partner Ltd. vs. Benito, the Kolambog, Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City. Villarosa filed a
Supreme Court agreed with the petitioner that the Special Appearance with Motion to Dismiss on the ground of
enumeration of persons to whom summons may be served is improper service of summons and lack of jurisdiction. The
"restricted, limited, and exclusive" following the rule on trial court denied the motion and ruled that there was
statutory construction expressio unios est exclusio alterius substantial compliance with the rule, thus, it acquired
and that if the Rules of Court Revision Committee intended jurisdiction over Villarosa. The latter questioned the denial
to liberalize the rule on service of summons, it could have before us in its petition for certiorari. We decided in
easily done so by clear and concise language. It further ruled Villarosa's favor and declared the trial court without
that "Notably, under the new Rules, service of summons upon jurisdiction to take cognizance of the case. We held that
an agent of the corporation is no longer authorized." Hence, there was no valid service of summons on Villarosa as service
the Court, in this case, ruled against the validity of service of was made through a person not included in the enumeration
summons made on a mere branch manager of the defendant in Section 11, Rule 14 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure,
corporation. which revised the Section 13, Rule 14 of the 1964 Rules of
Court. We discarded the trial court's basis for denying the
- In so doing, Villarosa stressed: motion to dismiss, namely, private respondent's substantial
"The designation of persons or officers who are compliance with the rule on service of summons, and fully
authorized to accept summons for a domestic corporation or agreed with petitioner's assertions that the enumeration
partnership is now limited and more clearly specified in under the new rule is restricted, limited and exclusive,
Section 11, Rule 14 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure. The following the rule in statutory construction that expressio
rule now states "general manager" instead of only "manager;" unios est exclusio alterius. Had the Rules of Court Revision
"corporate secretary" instead of"secretary;" and "treasurer" Committee intended to liberalize the rule on service of
instead of "cashier." The phrase "agent, or any of its summons, we said, it could have easily done so by clear and
directors" is conspicuously deleted in the new rule." concise language. Absent a manifest intent to liberalize the
5. Significantly, it must be noted that this rule requiring a we stressed strict compliance with Section 11, Rule 14 of the
strict compliance with the rules on summons is not a novel 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.
policy. Even prior to the effectivity of the 1997 Rules of Civil "Neither can herein petitioners invoke our ruling in
Procedure, strict compliance with the rules has been Millenium to support their position for said case is not on all
enjoined. In the case of Delta Motor Sales Corporation vs. fours with the instant case. We must stress that Millenium
Mangosing, the Court held: was decided when the 1964 Rules of Court were still in force
"A strict compliance with the mode of service is and effect, unlike the instant case which falls under the new
necessary to confer jurisdiction of the court over a rule. Hence, the cases cited by petitioners where we upheld
corporation. The officer upon whom service is made must be the doctrine of substantial compliance must be deemed
one who is named in the statute; otherwise the service is overturned by Villarosa, which is the later case"
insufficient. x x x. (Underscoring supplied).
"The purpose is to render it reasonably certain that
the corporation will receive prompt and proper notice in an
action against it or to insure that the summons be served on
a representative so integrated with the corporation that such XII. Service upon a public corporation
person will know what to do with the legal papers served on 1. When the defendant is the Republic of the Philippines,
him. In other words, `to bring home to the corporation service may be effected on the Solicitor General (Section 13,
notice of the filing of the action.' x x x. Rule 14, Rules of Court).
"The liberal construction rule cannot be invoked and
utilized as a substitute for the plain legal requirements as to 2. When the defendant is a province, city or municipality,
the manner in which summons should be served on a service may be effected on its executive head, or on such
domestic corporation. x x x." (Underscoring supplied) other officer or officers as the law or the court may direct
(Sec. 13, Rule 14, Rules of Court).
6. Villarosa was upheld and confirmed in the subsequent case
of Mason vs. Court of'Appeals. Here, the Court ruled: XIII. Service upon a defendant whose identity or whereabouts
"The question of whether the substantial are unknown
compliance rule is still applicable under Section 11, Rule 14 - Where the defendant is designated as unknown, or
of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure has been settled in whenever his whereabouts are unknown and cannot be
Villarosa which applies squarely to the instant case. In the ascertained despite a diligent inquiry, service may, with prior
said case, petitioner E.B. Villarosa & Partner Co. Ltd. leave of court, be effected upon the defendant, by
(hereafter Villarosa) with principal office address at 102 Juan publication in a newspaper of general circulation. The place
Luna St., Davao City and with branches at 2492 Bay View and the frequency of the publication is a matter for the court
Drive, Tambo, Parafiaque, Metro Manila and Kolambog, to determine (Sec. 14, Rule 14, Rules of Court). Note that
Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City, entered into a sale with the summons by publication applies in any action (Sec. 14,

development agreement with private respondent Imperial Rule 14, Rules of Court). The rule does not distinguish
Development Corporation. As Villarosa failed to comply with whether the action is in personam, in rem or quasi in rem.
its contractual obligation, private respondent initiated a suit The tenor of the rule authorizes summons by publication
whatever the action may be as long as the identity of the 3. There are two ways therefore, by which the court acquires
defendant is unknown or his whereabouts are unknown. jurisdiction over the person of the defendant. The first is by
Under previous rulings, jurisdiction over the defendant in an his voluntary appearance, and where there is no voluntary
action in personam cannot be acquired by summons by appearance, the second mode is by a valid service of
publication. summons.

XIV. Service upon a resident temporarily out of the Philip- 4. An absence of service of summons or an invalid service of
pines summons will not prevent the court from acquiring
1. Service of summons upon a resident of the Philippines who jurisdiction over the defendant as long as he performs acts
is temporarily out of the country, may, by leave of court be that could be construed as a voluntary appearance. This is
effected out of the Philippines as under the rules on because under Sec. 20 of Rule 14, the defendant's voluntary
extraterritorial service in Sec. 15 of Rule 14, i.e., by any of appearance in the action shall be equivalent to service of
the following modes: (a) by personal service as in Sec. 6 of summons.
Rule 14; (b) by publication in a newspaper of general
circulation together with a registered mailing of a copy of 5. Service of summons is not only a means of acquiring
the summons and the order of the court to the last known jurisdiction over the person of the defendant. It is also a
address of the defendant; or (c) by any manner the court means of complying with the due process requirement of
may deem sufficient (Sec. 16, Rule 14, Rules of Court). Like notice under the constitution. Note that the rules do not
in the case of an unknown defendant or one whose require just a mere service of summons. The service must be
whereabouts are unknown, the rule affecting residents who valid.
are temporarily out of the Philippines applies in any action.
Note also, that summons by publication may be effected - Jurisprudence has consistently emphasized the rule that the
against the defendant. modes of service must be strictly followed in order that the
court may acquire jurisdiction over the person of the
2. The defendant may however, also be served by substituted defendant.
service (Montalban vs. Maximo, 22 SCRA 1070). This is
because even if he is abroad, he has a residence in the A. Service in person on the defendant
Philippines or a place of business and surely, because of his 1. In an action strictly in personam, service in person on the
absence, he cannot be served in person within a reasonable defendant is the preferred mode of service. This is done by
time. handing a copy thereof to the defendant in person. If he
refuses to receive and sign for it, the remedy of the server is
XV. Service upon a foreign private juridical entity to tender the summons to the defendant (Sec. 6, Rule 14). If
1. Service upon a foreign private juridical entity which has the defendant refuses the service, the server should not
transacted business in the Philippines may be made on (a) its resort to substituted service. He must "tender" the summons
resident agent designated in accordance with law, or, if to him. Tender of summons is not a separate mode of
there be no such agent, (b) on the government official service. It is a part of service in person.
designated by law to that effect, or (c) on any of its officers
or agents within the Philippines (Sec. 12, Rule 14, Rules of 2. If the defendant cannot be served in person within a
Court). reasonable time, only then may substituted service under
Sec. 7 of Rule 14 be availed of. The sheriff or server must
2. It has been held that when a foreign corporation has first exert all efforts to serve the defendant in person. If this
designated a person to receive summons on its behalf effort fails, then substituted service can be made. This effort
pursuant to the Corporation Code, that designation is must be stated in the proof of service. This is required
exclusive and service of summons on any other person is because substituted service is in derogation of the usual
inefficacious. mode of service.

XVI. Acquisition of jurisdiction over the person of the 3. Only if service in person cannot be made promptly can the
defendant process server resort to substituted service. Moreover, the
1. Acquiring jurisdiction over the person of the defendant is proof of service of summons must (a) indicate the
mandatory in an action in personam. This is the most basic impossibility of service of summons within a reasonable time;
rule to remember. But how is this jurisdiction acquired? (b) specify the efforts exerted to locate the defendant; and
(c) state that the summons was served upon a person of
2. Jurisprudence tells us that the court's jurisdiction over a sufficient age and discretion who is residing in the address,
defendant is acquired either upon a valid service of summons or who is in charge of the office or regular place of business
or the defendant's voluntary appearance in court. Stated of the defendant. It is likewise required that the pertinent
otherwise, without a valid service of summons, the court facts proving these circumstances be stated in the proof of
cannot acquire jurisdiction over the defendant, unless the service or in the officer's return. The failure to comply
defendant voluntarily submits himself to the jurisdiction of faithfully, strictly and fully with all the foregoing
the court. When the defendant does not voluntarily submit to requirements of substituted service renders the service of
the court's jurisdiction or there is no valid service of summons ineffective.
summons, any judgment of the court over the defendant will

be null and void for lack of jurisdiction over the defendant. 4. Failure to find the defendants in their residence on the
first and only attempt to effect service in person, does not
justify the availment of substituted service. There was no
attempt by the sheriff to faithfully comply with the 4. "The Court has set stringent conditions prior to the
requirements of service in person on the defendant. Worse, availment of substituted service. Manotoc thus, stresses: ". .
substituted service was made through a girl who was only 11 . since the defendant is expected to try to avoid and evade
to 12 years old. service of summons, the sheriff must be resourceful,
persevering, canny, and diligent in serving the process on the
5. In a suit in personam, against a resident of the Philippines defendant." For substituted service to be available there
temporarily absent from the country, the defendant may be must be several attempts by the sheriff to personally serve
served by substituted service because a man temporarily out the summons within a reasonable period [of one month]
of the country leaves a definite place of residence or a which eventually resulted in failure to prove impossibility of
dwelling where he is bound to return. He also leaves his prompt service. "Several attempts" means at least three (3)
affairs to someone who protects his interests and tries, preferably on at least two different dates. In addition
communicates with him on matters affecting his affairs or the sheriff must cite why such efforts where unsuccessful. It
business. is only then that impossibility of service can be confirmed or
accepted (Underscoring supplied).
- If the defendant is out of the country, he cannot be
expectedly served within a reasonable time. The fact that 5. "The sheriff must describe in the Return of Summons the
"for justifiable causes, the defendant cannot be served facts and circumstances surrounding the attempted personal
within a reasonable time," constitutes the operative fact that service. The efforts made to find the defendant and the
triggers the application of substituted service. This mode of reasons behind the failure must be clearly narrated in detail
service in the case of a resident temporarily absent from the in the Return. The date and time of the attempts on personal
country is, of course, in addition to the summons by service, the inquiries made to locate the defendant, the
publication authorized by Sec. 16 of Rule 14 in relation to name/s of the alleged occupants of the alleged residence or
Sec. 15 of Rule 14 of the Rules of Court. house of defendant and all other acts done, though futile, to
serve the summons on the defendant must be specified in the
6. An ineffective substituted service has certain adverse Return to justify substituted service. The form on Sheriff's
effects. First, the period to file a motion to dismiss for lack Return of Summons on Substituted Service prescribed in the
of jurisdiction over the defendant's person does not Handbook for Sheriff's published by the Philippine Judicial
commence to run since the court has no jurisdiction to Academy requires a narration of the efforts made to find the
adjudicate the controversy as to him, unless he voluntarily defendant personally and the fact of failure. Supreme Court
submits to the jurisdiction of the court (Laus vs. Court Circular No. 5 dated November 5, 1989 requires that
ofAppeals, 219 SCRA 688). Second, the trial court does not impossibility of prompt service should be shown by stating
acquire jurisdiction over the person of the defendant. the efforts made to find the defendant personally and the
failure of such efforts which should be made in the proof of
B. Substituted service of summons service."
1. The pertinent provision of the Rules of Court (Sec. 7, Rule
14) provides that substituted service may be availed of if "for 6. A mere general claim or statement in the Sheriff's Return
justifiable causes, the defendant cannot be served within a that the server had made "several attempts" to serve the
reasonable time." What exactly is a reasonable time? summons, without making reference to the details of facts
and circumstances surrounding such attempts, does not
2. Within a reasonable time has been interpreted to comply with the rules on substituted service. A Return which
contemplate a period of time longer than that demarcated merely states the alleged whereabouts of the defendants
by the word "prompt" and presupposes that a prior attempt without indicating that such information was verified and
at personal service had failed. without specifying the efforts exerted to serve the summons
is not enough for compliance. So is a mere general statement
3. The case of Manotoc vs. CA is more specific: ". . . that such efforts were made.
Reasonable time is defined as so much time as is necessary
under the circumstances for a reasonably prudent and XVII. How substituted service is made
diligent man to do, conveniently, what the contract or duty 1. On the assumption that substituted service is now
requires that should be done... Under the Rules, the service justified, how then may summons be served by substituted
of summons has no set period... To the plaintiff, "reasonable service? The answer is supplied by Sec. 7 of Rule 14. The rule
time" means no more than seven (7) days since an provides the server with options, to wit: (a) leaving copies of
expeditious processing of the complaint is what the witness the summons at the defendant's residence, or (b) leaving
wants. To the sheriff "reasonable time means 15 to 30 days copies of the summons at the defendant's office or regular
because at the end of the month, it is a practice for the place of business. The rule does not however, allow leaving
branch clerk to require the sheriff to submit a return of the the summons with anyone else other than with those
summons assigned to the sheriff for service. The Sheriff's mentioned therein. Thus, if the summons is left at the
Return provides data to the clerk of Court, which the clerk defendant's residence, the summons must be served by
uses in the Monthly Report of Cases to be submitted to the leaving the same with a person of suitable age and discretion
Office of the Court Administrator within the first ten (10) residing therein. If served in the defendant's office or regular
days of the succeeding month. Thus one month from the place of business, the summons must be left with some
issuance of summons can be considered "reasonable" with competent person in charge thereof.

regard to personal service on the defendant.

2. "A person of suitable age and discretion is one who has
attained the full age of full legal capacity (18 years old) and
is considered to have enough discernment to understand the that I am a sheriff serving the summons to the defendant,
importance of summons. "Discretion is defined as the ability and if the defendant is not around, summons can be received
to make decisions which represent a responsible choice and by any person of suitable age and discretion living in the
for which an understanding of what is lawful, right or wise same house. Despite of all the explanation, the security
may be presupposed. Thus, to be of sufficient age and guard by the name ofA.H. Geroche still refused to let me go
discretion, such person must know how to read and inside the subdivision and served (sic) the summons to the
understand English to comprehend the import of the defendant. The same thing happened when I attempted to
summons, and fully realize the need to deliver the summons serve the summons previously.
and complaint to the defendant at the earliest possible time "Therefore, the summons was served by leaving a
for the person to take appropriate action. Thus, the person copy thereof together with the copy of the complaint to the
must have a "relation of confidence" to the defendant, security guard by the name of A.H. Geroche, who refused to
ensuring that the latter would receive or at least be notified affix his signature on the original copy thereof, so he will be
of the receipt of summons. The sheriff must therefore, the one to give the same to the defendant."
determine if the person found in the alleged dwelling or
residence of defendant is of legal age, what the recipient's - Eventually, the plaintiff filed a motion to declare the
relationship with the defendant is, and whether said person defendant in default for her failure to file an answer
comprehends the significance of the receipt of the summons seasonably despite service of summons. The trial court
and his duty to deliver it to the defendant or at least notify granted respondent's motion declaring petitioner in default
the defendant of said receipt of summon and his duty to and allowing respondent to present her evidence ex parte. A
immediately deliver in to the defendant or at least notify the judgment by default was rendered and upon respondent's
defendant of said receipt of summons. These matters must motion, the trial court issued a writ of execution.
be clearly and specifically described in the Return of
Summons." - The defendant filed with the trial court a petition for relief
from the judgment by default. She claimed that summons
3. A competent person in charge of the office or regular was improperly served upon her, thus, the trial court never
place of business "must be the one managing the office or acquired jurisdiction over her and that all its proceedings are
business of defendant, such as the president or manager; and void. The defendant contended that the service of summons
such individual must have sufficient knowledge to understand upon the subdivision security guard is not in compliance with
the obligation of the defendant in the summons, its Section 7, Rule 14 since he is not related to her or staying at
importance, and the prejudicial effects arising from inaction her residence. Moreover, he is not duly authorized to receive
on the summons. Again, the details must be contained in the summons for the residents of the village. Hence, the
Return. It is not necessary that the person in charge of the substituted service of summons is not valid and that the trial
defendant's regular place of business be specifically court never acquired jurisdiction over her person.
authorized to receive the summons. It is enough that he
appears to be in charge. - The trial court issued a Resolution denying the petition for
relief. Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration, but it
4. Where the substituted service has been validly served, its was denied by the trial court.
validity is not affected by the defendant's failure to actually
receive the summons from the person with whom the - Declared the Supreme Court:
summons had been left. It is immaterial that the defendant "We have ruled that the statutory requirements of
does not in fact receive actual notice. The rule does not substituted service must be followed strictly, faithfully, and
require the sheriff or any authorized server to verify that the fully and any substituted service other than that authorized
summons left in the defendant's residence or office was by the Rules is considered inefIbctive Waluwagan ngBayan
actually delivered to the defendant. Savings Bank vs. King. However, we frown upon an overly
strict application of the Rules It is the spirit, rather than the
5. What if diligent efforts were undertaken by the Sheriff to letter of the procedural rules, that governs.
serve the defendant by substituted service but he was "In his Return, the sheriff declared that he was
prevented from effecting such service by the defendant refused entry by the security guard in the subdivision. The
himself? This question was addressed in Robinson vs. Miralles. latter informed him that petitioner prohibits him from
Here, the plaintiff filed a complaint for a sum of money allowing anybody to proceed to her residence whenever she
against the defendant. Summons was served on the is out. Obviously, it was impossible for the sheriff to effect
defendant at her given address but per return of service of personal or substituted service of summons upon petitioner.
the sheriff it was learned that the defendant no longer We note that she failed to controvert the sheriff's
resided at such address. Later, the trial court issued an alias declaration. Nor did she deny having received the summons
summons to be served at the defendant's new address. through the security guard.
"Considering her strict instruction to the security
- Again, the summons could not be served on the defendant. guard, she must bear its consequences. Thus, we agree with
The Sheriff explained: the trial court that summons has been properly served upon
"The Security Guard assigned at the gate ofAlabang petitioner and that it has acquired jurisdiction over her.
Hills refused to let me go inside the subdivision so that I The summons was therefore, properly served"
could effect the service of the summons to the defendant in (Robinson vs. Miralles, G.R. No. 163584, December 12, 2006).

this case. The security guard alleged that the defendant had
given them instructions not to let anybody proceed to her Illustration (Bar 2006)
house if she is not around. I explained to the Security Guard
Tina Guerrero filed with the Regional Trial Court of reasonable time, substituted service will apply (Sec. 7, Rule
Bifian, Laguna, a complaint for a sum of money amounting to 14, Rules of Court), but not summons by publication which is
P1 Million against Carlos Corro. The complaint alleges, among permissible however, under the conditions set forth in
others, that Carlos borrowed from Tina the said amount as Section 14 of Rule 14 (when the identity or whereabouts of
evidenced by a promissory note signed by Carlos and his wife, the defendant are unknown and in Section 16 of Rule 14
jointly and severally. Carlos was served with summons which (when the defendant is a resident temporarily out of the
was received by Linda, his secretary. However, Carlos failed Philippines).
to file an answer to the complaint within the 15-day 3. Against a non-resident, jurisdiction is acquired over the
reglementary period. Hence, Tina filed with the court a defendant by service upon his person while said defendant is
motion to declare Carlos in default and to allow her to within the Philippines. As once held, when the defendant is a
present evidence ex parte. Five days thereafter, Carlos filed nonresident, personal service of summons in the state is
his verified answer to the complaint, denying under oath the essential to the acquisition of jurisdiction over him.
genuineness and due execution of the promissory note and  This is in fact the only way of acquiring jurisdiction over
contending that he has fully paid his loan with interest at 12% his person if he does not voluntarily appear in the action.
per annum. Summons by publication against a non-resident in an action
1. Was the summons validly served on Carlos? in personam is not a proper mode of service.

Suggested answer: 4. Publication is notice to the whole world that the

The summons was not validly served. The type of proceeding has for its object to bar indefinitely all who might
summons used by the sheriff was obviously a substituted be minded to make an objection of any sort against the right
service. The efficacy of this mode of service is anchored sought to be established. It is the publication of such notice
among others, on the fact that the defendant cannot be that brings in the whole world as a party in the case and
served in person within a reasonable time. The facts do not vests the court with jurisdiction to hear and decide it.
show that the sheriff exerted efforts to effect a service in  Publication is not a mode of service in an action in
person upon the defendant. There is therefore, no basis for a personam except under certain situations mentioned in
substituted service (Sec. 7, Rule 14, Rules of Court, Laus vs. paragraph 2 of this page.
Court ofAppeals, 219 SCRA 688; Manotoc vs. CA, G.R. No
130974, August 16, 2006). XVIII. Extraterritorial service of summons
l. Extraterritorial service of summons in Sec. 15 of Rule 14
Illustration (Bar 2004) applies when the following requisites concur:
Summons was issued by the MM Regional Trial Court (a) the defendant is a nonresident;
and actually received on time by defendant from his wife at (b) he is not found in the Philippines; and
their residence. The sheriff earlier that day had delivered (c) the action against him is either in rem or quasi in rem.
the summons to her at said residence because defendant was  A fundamental concept to be remembered in
not home at the time. The sheriff's return or proof of service extraterritorial service of summons is that it does not apply
filed with the court in sum states that the summons, with the to a defendant who is a resident of the Philippines. It does
attached copy of the complaint, was served on defendant at not also apply to an action in personam.
his residence thru his wife, a person of suitable age and
discretion then residing therein. Defendant moved to dismiss 2. The specific actions, which are either in rem or quasi in
on the ground that the court had no jurisdiction over his rem that will justify the application of extraterritorial
person as there was no valid service of summons on him service of summons in actions involving a nonresident are:
because the sheriff's return does not show that the sheriff (a) actions that affect the personal status of the plaintiff;
first made a genuine attempt to serve summons on defendant (b) actions which relate to, or the subject matter of which
personally before serving his wife. is property within the Philippines, in which the defendant
Is the motion to dismiss meritorious? x x x claims a lien or interest, actual or contingent;
(c) actions in which the relief demanded consists, wholly
Suggested answer: or in part, in excluding the defendant from an interest in
The motion to dismiss is meritorious. The property located in the Philippines; and
application of substituted service presupposes that the (d) when the defendant's property has been attached in
defendant could not be served in person within a reasonable the Philippines.
time. This presupposes in turn that genuine efforts were
undertaken to have the defendant served in person. The 3. If the action is in personam, this mode of service will not
conditions precedent for a substituted service are absent in be available. There is no extraterritorial service of summons
the case at bar. in an action in personam. Hence, extraterritorial service
upon a nonresident in an action for injunction which is in
C. Summons by publication personam is not proper.
l. As a rule, summons by publication is available only in Where the action is in personam, one brought against a
actions in rem or quasi in rem. It is not available as a means person on the basis of his personal liability, jurisdiction over
of acquiring jurisdiction over the person of the defendant in the person of the defendant is necessary for the court to
an action in personam. validly try and decide a case. However, when the defendant
is a nonresident, personal service of summons in the state is

2. Against a resident, the recognized mode of service is essential to the acquisition of jurisdiction over him.
service in person on the defendant under Sect. 6 of Rule 14.
In a case where the defendant cannot be served within a XIX. Modes of extraterritorial service
1. When the conditions for the applicability of Under the rules on extraterritorial service " * * *
extraterritorial service of summons are complied with, the when the defendant is a nonresident and he is not found in
following are the alternative modes of extraterritorial the country, summons may be served extraterritorially.
service, all of which require a prior leave of court: There are only four instances when extraterritorial service
(a) By personal service as provided (br in Sec. 6 of'Rule 14 of summons is proper, namely: (a) when the action affects
governing `service in person on defendant'; the personal status of the plaintiffs; (b) when the action
(b) By publication in a newspaper of general circulation in relates to, or the subject of which is property, within the
such places and for such time as the court may order, in Philippines, in which the defendant claims a lien or
which case a copy of the summons and the order of the interest, actual or contingent; (c) when the relief
court shall be sent by registered mail to the last known demanded in such action consists, wholly or in part, in
address of the defendant; or excluding the defendant from any interest in property
(c) In any manner the court may deem sufficient (Sec. 15, located in the Philippines; and (d) when the defendant's
Rule 14, Rules of Court). property has been attached within the Philippines. In these
instances, service of summons may be effected by (a)
2. The personal service using the procedure in Sec. 6 of Rule personal service out of the country, with leave of court;
14, will not have the effect of acquiring jurisdiction over the (b) publication, also with leave of court; or (c) any other
nonresident defendant even if the summons and the copy of manner the court may deem sufficient.
the complaint are personally received by him in the country "Thus, extrajudicial service of summons applies
where he may be found. This is because of the rule that a only where the action is in rem, that is, an action against
nonresident defendant who refuses to come to the country the thing itself instead of against the person, or in an
voluntarily remains beyond the personal processes of the action quasi in rem, where an individual is named as
court which therefore, cannot acquire jurisdiction over him defendant and the purpose of the proceeding is to subject
(Banco Espanol-Filipino vs. Palanca, 37 Phil. 921; Perkins vs. his interest therein to the obligation or loan burdening the
Dizon, 69 Phil. 186). Besides, in a proceeding in rem or quasi property. The rationale for this is that in in rem and quasi
in rem, jurisdiction over the person of the defendant is not a in rem actions, jurisdiction over the person of the
prerequisite to confer jurisdiction on the court provided that defendant is not a prerequisite to confer jurisdiction on
the court acquires jurisdiction over the res. Nevertheless the court provided that the court acquires jurisdiction over
summons is served upon the defendant not for the purpose of the res.
vesting the court with jurisdiction over the person of the "Where the action is in personam, that is, one
defendant but merely for satisfying the due process brought against a person on the basis of her personal
requirement (Asiavest Limited vs. Court of Appeals, 296 SCRA liability, jurisdiction over the person of the defendant is
539). Compliance with due process is actually the underlying necessary for the court to validly try and decide the case.
purpose of all modes of extraterritorial service. When the defendant is a non-resident, personal service of
summons within the state is essential to the acquisition of
- Example: Mexicano, a tourist in the Philippines, by the jurisdiction over the person. Summons on the defendant
employment of force and intimidation, contracted a marriage must be served by handing a copy thereof to the defendant
with Filipina, a hotel receptionist. When Mexicano left for in person, or, if he refuses to receive it, by tendering it to
Mexico to visit his parents, Filipina filed an action for him. This cannot be done, however, if the defendant is not
annulment of the marriage with damages of P3 million. With physically present in the country, and thus, the court
leave of court, extraterritorial service of summons by cannot acquire jurisdiction over his person and therefore
publication was effected. Mexicano did not appear. The court cannot validly try and decide the case against him."
decreed the annulment of the marriage and awarded
damages after all procedural and substantive requirements CHAP. 6: PROCEEDINGS AFTER SERVICE OF SUMMONS
were complied with. Was the judgment correct? The
judgment was correct in so far as the decree of annulment is I. Preliminary statements
concerned. The action is an action in rem. In this kind of - Recall that the summons served upon the defendant directs
action, jurisdiction over the res is sufficient. Jurisdiction him to answer within the time fixed in the Rules. It is
over the person of the defendant is not essential in this case, coupled with a notice that unless the defendant so answers,
so whether or not there was jurisdiction over Mexicano, this the plaintiff will take judgment by default and may be
fact did not affect the authority of the court to decide on the granted the relief applied for (Sec. 1, Rule 14, Rules of
issue of annulment. However, the judgment of the court Court).
awarding damages to Filipina is void as to the defendant. By
its nature, a claim for damages is in personam. The court is - There are however, countervailing reasons that may
without jurisdiction to award damages unless it has first preclude the plaintiff from filing an answer to the complaint.
acquired jurisdiction over the person of Mexicano. The only These same reasons would actually be the excuses of a
ways by which this type of jurisdiction may be acquired in defendant in not filing an immediate answer to the
the case at bar is either through service in person upon complaint. For instance, there may be allegations or claims
Mexicano in the Philippines or by his voluntary appearance in in the complaint that are not spelled out with sufficient
the action. Neither of these occurred in the case under clarity to enable him to file an intelligent responsive
consideration. pleading. The move of the defendant in a situation like this is
not to file either an answer or a motion to dismiss but to file

3. The Supreme Court summarized the rule on service of a motion for bill of particulars. If on the other hand, the
summons upon anon-resident as follows: complaint's averments are clear enough to allow the filing of
an answer, the defendant is not compelled to file said
answer if a ground for the dismissal of the complaint cause of action or a defense. Without the clarifications
pursuant to Rule 16 is available. In this case, the defendant sought by the motion, the movant may be deprived of the
may file a motion to dismiss the complaint instead of filing opportunity to submit an intelligent responsive pleading.
an answer.
3. Since the purpose of the motion for bill of particulars is to
- Hence, three options are available to the defendant upon allow the movant to properly prepare his own pleading, it
receipt of the complaint, to wit: would be erroneous for the motion to ask the court to order
(a) Filing of a motion for bill of particulars; the adverse party to disclose or to set forth in his pleading
(b) Filing of a motion to dismiss; or the evidences relied upon for his cause of action or defense.
(c) Filing of an answer to the complaint. These are matters obtainable by the various modes of
discovery. Besides under Section 1 of Rule 8, pleadings are
A. MOTION FOR BILL OF PARTICULARS meant to contain only a direct statement of the ultimate
1. Although under the Rules, the defendant is required to facts which constitute the party's claims or defenses. Matters
answer the complaint within fifteen (15) days from service of of evidentiary facts are to be omitted.
summons (Sec. 1, Rule 11, Rules of Court), the defendant
need not file his answer to the complaint within the required 4. It would likewise not be proper for a motion for bill of
period if there are matters in the complaint, which are vague particulars to call for the production of the particulars
or ambiguous or not averred with sufficient definiteness. constituting malice, intent, knowledge or condition of the
Instead, he may file a motion for bill of particulars (Rule 12, mind which, under the Rules (Sec. 5, Rule 8, Rules of Court)
Rules of Court). may be averred generally. To require a pleader to do so
would be to require the statement of evidentiary facts in a
2. As long as the allegations of a complaint make out a cause pleading. It would not however, be incorrect to move for a
of action, the ambiguity in some allegations of the complaint bill of particulars to require the averment of the particular
or the failure to allege facts with sufficient particularity does circumstances of fraud or mistake. Under the Rules (Sec. 5,
not justify the filing of a motion to dismiss. The proper Rule 8, Rules of Court), such matters must be alleged with
remedy is to file a motion for bill of particulars. particularity.

3. It must be made clear that a motion for bill of particulars 5. A motion for bill of particulars to require a pleader to set
is not directed only to a complaint. It is a motion that applies forth matters showing the jurisdiction of a court to render its
to any pleading which in the perception of the movant judgment is Iiol. proper.'fhe provisions of Sec. 6, Rule H are
contains ambiguous allegations. clear: In pleading a judgment it is sufficient to aver the same
I. When to file the motion
1. A motion for bill of particulars is to be filed before, not III. Requirements for the motion
after responding to a pleading (Sec. 1, Rule 12, Rules of - Aside from the requirements for a motion as set forth in
Court). The period to file the motion refers to the period for Rule 15, the motion shall point out the (a) defects
filing the responsive pleading in Rule 11. Thus, where the complained of, (b) the paragraphs wherein they are
motion for bill of particulars is directed to a complaint, the contained, and (c) the details desired (Sec. 1, Rule 12, Rules
motion should be filed within fifteen (15) days after service of Court).
of summons. If the motion is directed to a counterclaim,
then the same must be filed within ten (10) days from service IV. Action of the court
of the counterclaim which is the period provided for by Sec. - Upon receipt of the motion which the clerk of court must
4 of Rule 11 to answer a counterclaim. immediately bring to the attention of the court, the latter
has three possible options, namely, (a) to deny the motion
2. If case of a reply to which no responsive pleading is outright, (b) to grant the motion outright, or (c) to hold a
provided for by the Rules, the motion for bill of particulars hearing on the motion.
must be filed within ten (10) days of the service of said reply
(Sec. 1, Rule 12, Rules of Court). V. Duty of the pleader when the motion is granted
1. If the motion for bill of particulars is granted, the court
shall order the pleader to submit a bill of particulars to the
pleading to which the motion is directed. The compliance
II. Purpose of the motion shall be effected within ten (10) days from notice of the
1. The purpose of the motion is to seek an order from the order, or within the period fixed by the court (Sec. 3, Rule
court directing the pleader to submit a bill of particulars 12, Rules of Court).
which avers matters with "sufficient definiteness or
particularity" to enable the movant to prepare his responsive 2. In complying with the order, the pleader may file the bill
pleading (Sec. 1, Rule 12, Rules of Court), not to enable the of particulars either in a separate pleading or in the form of
movant to prepare for trial. The latter purpose is the an amended pleading (Sec. 3, Rule 12, Rules of Court).
ultimate objective of the discovery procedures from Rules 23
to 29 and even of a pre-trial under Rule 18. 3. The bill of particulars submitted becomes part of the
pleading for which it is intended (Sec. 6, Rule 12, Rules of

2. In less technical terms, a function of a bill of particulars is Court).

to clarify the allegations in the pleading so an. adverse party
may be informed with certainty of the exact character of a
V. Effect of non-compliance with the order of the court or material allegation. Hence, it is not deemed admitted by the
insufficient compliance motion to dismiss.
- If the order is not obeyed or if there is an insufficient
compliance of the order, the court the following options: (a) - If for instance the plaintiff files an action for damages
to order the striking out of the pleading, (b) to order the against the defendant who files a motion to dismiss, the
striking out of the portions of the pleading to which the order defendant in effect says that even assuming the facts to be
was directed, or (c) to make such other order it may deem true as alleged by the plaintiff, the latter has failed to show
just (Sec. 4, Rule 14, Rules of Court). that he has a right to relief because his action has prescribed
or because the court where the action was filed has no
VI. When the movant shall file his responsive pleading jurisdiction over the subject matter of the complaint.
1. A motion for bill of particulars is not a pleading hence, not
a responsive pleading. Whether or not his motion is granted, III. Omnibus motion
the movant may file his responsive pleading. When he files a 1. When a motion to dismiss is filed, all grounds available at
motion for bill of particulars, the period to file the the time the motion is filed must be invoked in the motion.
responsive pleading is stayed or interrupted. After service of This is required under the "omnibus motion rule." Grounds
the bill of particulars upon him or after notice of the denial not so invoked are deemed waived. The grounds not waived
of his motion, he may file his responsive pleading within the however, are lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter,
period to which he is entitled to at the time the motion for litis pendencia, res judicata and prescription (Sec. 8, Rule
bill of particulars is filed. If he has still eleven (11) days 15; Sec. 1, Rule 9).
to.file his pleading at the time the motion for bill of 2. The above rule applies only when a motion to dismiss is
particulars is filed, then he has the same number of days to filed. Where no motion to dismiss is filed, the grounds for a
file his responsive pleading from the service upon him of the motion to dismiss may be availed of as affirmative defenses
bill of particulars. If the motion is denied, then he has the in the answer (Sec. 6, Rule 16, Rules of Court). No defense is
same number of days within which to file his pleading waived because no motion to dismiss was filed. There is
counted from his receipt of the notice of the order denying indeed an unmistakable difference in the legal effects
his motion (Sec. 5, Rule 12, Rules of Court). between filing and not filing a motion to dismiss in relation
to waiver of defenses.
2. If the movant has less than five (5) days to file his
responsive pleading after service of the bill of particulars or 3. If no motion to dismiss has been filed, any of the grounds
after notice of the denial of his motion, he nevertheless has for dismissal provided in the Rules may be pleaded as an
five (5) days within which to file his responsive pleading (Sec. affirmative defense in the answer, and in the discretion of
5, Rule 12, Rules of Court). the court, a preliminary hearing may be had thereon as if a
motion to dismiss had been filed. Based on the foregoing, a
B. MOTION TO DISMISS preliminary hearing undeniably is subject to the discretion of
- Even when the allegations are now clear enough to enable the trial court. The trial court's order granting or dispensing
the defendant to file his responsive pleading because the with the need for a preliminary hearing may not be corrected
adverse party has already submitted a bill of particulars, the by certiorari absent any showing that the trial court had
defendant need not file his answer immediately. He may first acted without jurisdiction or in excess thereof or with such
explore the possibility of filing a motion to dismiss under grave abuse of discretion as would amount to lack of
Rule 16. If there is no ground for a motion to dismiss, he has jurisdiction.
to file his answer.
IV. Contents and form of the motion
I. A motion to dismiss is not a pleading l. The motion to dismiss shall state the relief sought and the
- A motion to dismiss is not a pleading. It is merely a motion. grounds upon which it is based and shall be accompanied by
Under the Rules, a motion is an application for relief other supporting affidavits and papers (Sec. 3, Rule 15, Rules of
than by a pleading (Sec. 1, Mule 15, Rules of Court). The Court).
pleadings allowed under the Rules are: (a) complaint, (b)
answer, (c) counterclaim, (d) cross-claim, (e) third (fourth- 2. The motion shall be set for hearing by the applicant (Sec.
etc.) -party complaint, (f) complaint in intervention (Sec. 2, 4, Rule 15, Rules of Court) and shall contain a notice of
Rule 6, Rules of Court), and (g) reply (Sec. 10, Rule 6, Rules hearing addressed to all parties concerned. Such notice shall
of Court). A motion is not one of those specifically specify the time and date of the hearing which must not be
designated as a pleading under the Rules of Court. later than ten (10) days after the filing of the motion (Sec. 5,
Rule 15, Rules of Court).
II. Hypothetical admissions of a motion to dismiss
- A motion to dismiss hypothetically admits the truth of the 3. The notice requirement in a motion is mandatory and its
factual allegations of the complaint. The admission extends absence renders the motion defective. As a rule, a motion
only to such matters of fact that have been sufficiently without a notice of hearing is considered pro forma and does
pleaded and not to mere epithets charging fraud, allegations not affect the reglementary period for the filing of the
of legal conclusions or erroneous statements of law, requisite pleading.
inferences from facts not stated, matters of evidence or
irrelevant matters. Only deemed hypothetically admitted are V. Time to file the motion

material allegations, not conclusions. An allegation that a 1. Within the time for filing the answer but before filing said
contract is an "equitable mortgage" is a conclusion and not a answer, a motion to dismiss may be filed on any of the
grounds mentioned in Rule 16 (Sec. 1, Rule 16, Rules of is broad enough to include within its ambit the defense of
Court). bar by lathes. However, when a party moves for the dismissal
of the complaint based on lathes, the trial court must, sot a
2. A motion to dismiss that is filed after the answer has been hearing; on the motion where the parties shall submit not
filed, is filed out of time and the defending party is estopped only their arguments on the questions of law but also their
from filing the motion to dismiss. This is only a general rule. evidence on the questions of fact involved. Thus, being
factual in nature, the elements of lathes must be proved or
3. A motion to dismiss may be filed even after the filing of disproved through the presentation of evidence by the
the answer and will not be considered filed out of time if the parties
ground raised in the motion is either of the following:
(a) lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter; VIII. Res judicata as a ground for a motion to dismiss
(b) that there is another action pending between the same 1. Res judicata as a ground for dismissal is based on two
parties for the same cause; grounds, namely:
(c) that the action is barred by a prior judgment; or that (1) public policy and necessity, which makes it to the
the action is barred by the statute of limitations (Sec. 1, interest of the State that there should be an end to
Rule 9, Rules of Court). litigation -republicae ut sit litium; and
(2) the hardship on the individual of being vexed twice for
- Under Sec. 1 of Rule 9, when any of the above grounds the same cause - nemo debet bis vexari et eadem causa. A
appears from the pleadings or from the evidence on record, conflicting doctrine would subject the public peace and
the court shall dismiss the claim. The authority given to the quiet to the will and dereliction of individuals and prefer
court is, from the tenor of the rule, not only mandatory but the regalement of the litigious disposition on the part of
also subject to a motu proprio dismissal. Since the ground for suitors to the preservation of the public tranquility and
dismissal may appear from the evidence, it is obvious that happiness.
the dismissal may be made during the trial and this means,
even after the answer has been filed. 2. Accordingly, courts will simply refuse to reopen what has
been decided. They will not allow the same parties or their
VI. Grounds for motion to dismiss privies to litigate anew a question once it has been
- Under Sec. 1 of Rule 16 of the Rules of Court, a motion to considered and decided with finality. Litigations must end
dismiss may be filed on any of the following grounds: and terminate sometime and somewhere. The effective and
(a) That the court has no jurisdiction over the person of efficient administration of justice requires that once a
the defending party; judgment has become final, the prevailing party should not
(b) That the court hits no jurisdiction over the subject be deprived of the fruits of the verdict by subsequent suits
matter of the claim; on the same issues filed by the same parties
(c) That the venue is improperly laid;
(d) That the plaintiff has no legal capacity to sue; IX. Concepts of res judicata
(e) That there is another action pending between the same 1. Res judicata comprehends two distinct concepts: (1) bar
parties and for the same cause; by a former judgment, and (2) conclusiveness of judgment.
(f) That the cause of action is barred by a prior judgment
or by the statute of limitations; 2. The first concept bars the prosecution of a second action
(g) That the pleading asserting the claim states no cause of upon the same claim, demand or cause of action.
(h) That the claim or demand set forth in the plaintiff's - The second concept - conclusiveness of judgment - states
pleading has been paid, waived, abandoned or otherwise that a fact or question which was in issue in a former suit and
extinguished; was there judicially passed upon and determined by a court
(i) That the claim on which the action is founded is of competent jurisdiction, inconclusively settled by the
unenforceable under the provisions of the statute of judgment therein as far as the parties to that action and
frauds; and persons in privity with them are concerned and cannot be
(j) That a condition precedent for filing the claim has not again litigated in any future action between such parties or
been complied with. their privies, in the same court or any other court of
concurrent jurisdiction on either the same or different cause
VII. Laches as a ground for a motion to dismiss under Rule 16 of action, while the judgment remains unreversed by proper
- In one case, in reversing the RTC's order of dismissal, the authority.
Court of Appeals held that lathes could not be a ground to
dismiss a complaint since it is not one of the grounds for the X. Elements of res judicata
dismissal of a civil action under Sec. 1 of Rule 16 of the Rules - The concept of res judicata has the following elements: (1)
of Court. The Supreme Court categorically held that the the former judgment must be final; (2) the court which
Court of appeals "is not entirely correct." Under paragraph rendered it had jurisdiction over the subject matter and the
(h) of Sec. 1 of Rule 16, one of the grounds for the dismissal parties; (3) the judgment must be on the merits; and (4)
of an action is where a claim or demand set forth in the there must be between the first and the second actions,
plaintiff's pleading has been paid, waived, abandoned, or identity of parties, subject matter and causes of action. The
otherwise extinguished. The Court declared: "The language of application of the doctrine of res judicata does not require

the rule, particularly on the relation of the words absolute identity of parties but merely substantial identity of
"abandoned" and "otherwise extinguished" to the phrase parties. There is substantial identity of parties when there is
"claim or demand deemed set forth in the plaintiff's pleading" community of interest or privity of interest between a party
in the first and a party in the second case even if the first remedy however, is predicated upon an allegation and a
case did not implead the latter. showing that the denial of the motion was tainted with grave
abuse of discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction. Without
XI. Application of res judicata to quasi judicial proceedings such showing, Rule 65 cannot be availed of as a remedy.
- It has been held that the rule of res judica to which forbids
the reopening of a matter once judicially determined by 3. Jurisprudence declares: "An order denying a motion to
competent authority applies as well to the judicial and quasi- dismiss is an interlocutory order which neither terminates nor
judicial acts of public, executive or administrative officers finally disposes of a case, as it leaves something to be done
and boards acting within their jurisdiction as to the by the court before the case is finally decided on the merits.
judgments of courts having general judicial powers. The As such, the general rule is that the denial of a motion to
Director of Lands is a quasi judicial officer. As such officer, dismiss cannot be questioned in a special civil action for
his decisions and orders rendered pursuant to his quasi certiorari which is a remedy designed to correct errors of
judicial authority, have upon their finality, the force and jurisdiction and not errors of judgment. Neither can a denial
binding effect of a final. judgment within the purview of the of a motion to dismiss be the subject of an appeal unless and
doctrine of res judicata. until a final judgment or order is rendered. In order to justify
the grant of the extraordinary remedy of certiorari, the
XII. Pleading grounds as affirmative defenses denial of the motion to dismiss must have been tainted with
1. If no motion to dismiss has been filed, any of the grounds grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
provided for dismissal provided in this Rule may be pleaded jurisdiction"
as an affirmative defense in the answer and, in the discretion
of the court, a preliminary hearing may be had thereon as if XIV. Remedies of the plaintiff if the motion to dismiss is
a motion to dismiss has been filed (Sec. 6, Rule 16, Rules of granted
Court). 1. If the motion is granted, the complaint is dismissed. Since
the dismissal is final and not interlocutory in character, the
2. Implied under Sec. 6 of Rule 16 is the rule that the defendant has several options.
grounds for a motion to dismiss are not waived even if the (a) Depending upon the ground for the dismissal of the
defendant fails to file a motion to dismiss because he may action, the defendant may simply re file the complaint.
still avail of the defenses under Rule 16 as affirmative For instance, if the ground for dismissal was anchored on
defenses in his answer. improper venue, the defendant may file the action in the
proper venue.
3. The preliminary hearing authorized on the affirmative
defenses raised in the answer, applies only if no motion to (b) He may appeal from the order of dismissal where the
dismiss has been filed. As a rule, a preliminary hearing is not ground relied upon is one which bars the refiling of the
authorized when a motion to dismiss has been filed. An complaint like res judicata, prescription, extinguishment
exception previously carved out by the Court is if the trial of the obligation or violation of the statute of frauds (Sec.
court had not categorically resolved the motion to dismiss. 5, Rule 16, Rules of Court). Since the complaint cannot be
Another exception would be justified under the liberal refiled, the dismissal is with prejudice. Under Section 1(h)
construction rule as when it is evident that the action is of Rule 41, it is an order dismissing an action without
barred by res judicata. A strict application of Sec. 6 of Rule prejudice which cannot be appealed from. Conversely,
16 would accordingly lead to absurdity when an obviously where the dismissal is with prejudice, an appeal from the
barred complaint continues to be litigated. order of dismissal is not precluded. However, where the
ground for dismissal for instance, is the failure of the
4. May a ground previously invoked in a denied motion to complaint to state a cause of action, the plaintiff may
dismiss be invoked anew? The ground may still be invoked. " . simply file the complaint anew but since the dismissal is
. . the denial of a motion to dismiss does not preclude any without prejudice to its refiling, the order of dismissal
future reliance on the grounds relied thereupon." cannot be appealed from under the terms of Sec. 1(h) of
Rule 41 of the Rules of Court.
XIII. Remedy of the defendant if the motion is denied Where the ground for dismissal is lack of
1. If the motion to dismiss is denied, the movant shall file his jurisdiction over the subject matter, the dismissal is
answer within the balance of the period prescribed by Rule without prejudice to the refiling of the complaint.
11 to which he was entitled at the time of serving his motion, Following the tenor of Sec. 1(h) of Rule 41, an order
but not less than five (5) days in any event (Sec. 4, Rule 16, dismissing a complaint for lack of jurisdiction over the
Rules of Court). As a rule, the filing of an answer, going subject matter is a dismissal without prejudice and hence,
through the usual trial process, and the filing of a timely no appeal may be had from the order of dismissal. Despite
appeal from an adverse judgment are the proper remedies Sec. 1 of Rule 41, appeal may nevertheless be taken from
against a denial of a motion to dismiss. The filing of an the order in this case because of the effect of Sec. 8 of
appeal from an order denying a motion to dismiss is not the Rule 40 which specifically allows, by necessary implication,
remedy prescribed by existing rules. The order of denial, an appeal from orders dismissing cases on the ground of
being interlocutory is not appealable by express provision of lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter. The tenor of
Sec. 1(c), Rule 41. Sec. 8 of Rule 40 therefore, operates to furnish an
exception to the general rule enunciated in Sec 1 of Rule

2. Where the judgment or final order is not appealable, like 41.

an interlocutory order, Rule 41 declares that the "aggrieved
party may file an appropriate civil action under Rule 65." This
(c) The defendant may also avail of a petition for 1. Under Sec. 11 of Rule 8, material allegations, (except
certiorari. This remedy is available if the court gravely unliquidated damages), not specifically denied are deemed
abuses its discretion in a manner amounting to lack of admitted. If the allegations are deemed admitted, there is
jurisdiction and is the appropriate remedy in those no more triable issue between the parties and if the
instances when the dismissal is without prejudice (Sec. 1, admissions appear i n the answer of the defendant, the
Rule 41, Rules of Court). plaintiff may file a motion for judgment on the pleadings
under Rule 34.
XV. When complaint cannot be refiled
1. An order granting a motion to dismiss shall bar the refiling 2. An admission in a pleading cannot be controverted by the
of the same action or claim if the dismissal is based on any of party making such admission because the admission is
the following grounds (Sec. 5, Rule 16, Rules of Court): conclusive as to him. All proofs submitted by him contrary
(a) The cause of action is barred by a prior judgment (Sec. thereto or inconsistent therewith should be ignored whether
1[f], Rule 16, Rules of Court); an objection is interposed by a party or not (Republic vs.
(b) The cause of action is barred by the statute of Sarabia, G.R. No. 157847, August 25, 2005). Said admission is
limitations (Sec. 1[l, Rule 16, Rules of Court); a judicial admission, having been made by a party in the
(c) The claim or demand has been paid, waived, course of the proceedings in the same case, and does not
abandoned or otherwise extinguished (Sec. 1[h], Rule 16, require proof. A party who desires to contradict his own
Rules of Court); and judicial admission may do so only by either of two ways: (a)
(d) The claim on which the action is founded is by showing that the admission was made through palpable
unenforceable under the provisions of the statute of frauds mistake, or (b) that no such admission was made (Sec. 4,
(Sec. 1[i], Rule 16, Rules of Court). Rule 129, Rules of Court).

2. Where the defendant is barred from refiling the action, III. Purpose of a specific denial
the remedy under the circumstances is to file an appeal - The purpose of requiring the defendant to make a specific
because by the clear language of Sec. 5, Rule 16 the denial is to make him disclose the matters alleged in the
dismissal is subject to the right of appeal. complaint which he succinctly intends to disprove at the
trial, together with the matter which he relied upon to
XVI. Effect of dismissal of complaint on the counterclaim support the denial. The parties are compelled to lay their
- The dismissal of a complaint shall be without prejudice to cards on the table.
the prosecution in the same or a separate action of a
counterclaim pleaded in the answer of the defendant (Sec. 6, IV. Kinds of specific denials
2nd par., Rule 16, Rules of Court). Thus, where the 1. A denial is not specific simply because it is so qualified by
defendant pleads a counterclaim in his answer, and after the the defendant. A general denial does not become specific by
preliminary hearing on his affirmative defenses, the court the use of the word "specifically." Merely uttering "specific
dismisses the complaint, it would be error for the court to denial" is ineffective if the denial does not conform to the
dismiss the counterclaim. Under Sec. 6 of Rule 16, the methods of denial provided for by the Rules of Court. It
dismissal of the main action does not carry with it the amounts to an admission pursuant to Rule 8, Sec. 11 of the
dismissal of the counterclaim. Rules of Court. There is no need for the other party to
present evidence to support its allegations because of
CHAP. 7: ANSWER, OTHER PLEADINGS, DEFAULT, petitioners' implied admission thereof.
2. There are three types of specific denials mentioned in Sec.
A. ANSWER 10 of Rule 8 of the Rules of Court:
(a) The defendant specifies each material allegation of
I. Nature of an answer fact the truth of which he does not admit and, whenever
> answer - a pleading in which a defending party sets forth practicable, sets forth the substance of the matters upon
his defenses (Sec. 4, Rule 6, Rules of Court). This pleading which he relies to support his denial. This kind of denial is
may be an answer to the complaint, an answer to a known an absolute denial (Sec. 10, Rule 8 of the Rules of
counterclaim or an answer to a cross-claim. There is no Court).
answer to a reply but there could be an answer to a third-
party complaint or complaint-in-intervention. - Example: "Defendant denies the truth of the allegations
in par. 7 of the complaint alleging that he owes the
II. Defenses in the answer plaintiff P450,000.00, the truth of the matter being that it
1. An answer contains the defenses of the answering party. is the Plaintiff who owes the defendant the same amount."
These defenses may either be negative or affirmative. A Here the defendant absolutely denies his liability and
defense is negative when the material averments alleged in alleges what to him are the actual facts. In making a
the pleading of the claimant are specifically denied (Sec. 5, specific denial, reference must be made to the paragraph
Rule 6, Rules of Court). A negative defense is stated in the sought to be denied. Since the rule requires that the
form of a specific denial. The kinds of specific denials are defendant must "specify each material allegation of fact,"
described in Sec. 10 of Rule 8. If the denial is not one of a denial of the allegations in each paragraph is required. A
those described, the denial is deemed to be general. A blanket denial which reads: "Defendant specifically denies

general denial is an admission. all the material allegations of the complaint," is not a
specific denial. The use of the word "specific" does not
III. Effect of absence of a specific denial
make it specific. The blanket denial is actually a general Defendant in the amount of P500,000 on July 27, 2006." The
denial which in effect, is an admission. answer is a mere repetition of the allegations made in the
complaint. The answer is vague as to what it really denies. Is
(b) Another type of a specific denial is where the it the existence of a loan that is denied? Is it the amount?
defendant does not make a total denial of the material The date? The place? The effect of this kind of denial is an
allegations in a specific paragraph. He denies only a part admission.
of the averment. If he chooses this type of denial, he
specifies that part the truth of which he admits and denies VI. When a specific denial must be coupled with an oath
only the remainder. This denial known is known as a 1. There are specific denials which must be under oath and in
partial denial. these instances a mere specific denial is not sufficient. These
- Example: In an action for damages, the defendant avers: (a) a denial of an actionable document (Sec. 8, Rule 8,
"Defendant admits the allegations in paragraph 5 of the Rules of Court); and
complaint, that Plaintiff sustained injuries when his car (b) a denial of allegations of usury in a complaint to
collided with the herein Defendant's car, but denies the recover usurious interest (Sec. 11, Rule 8, Rules of Court).
allegation that the collision occurred through Defendant's
fault." 2. If the cause of action in the complaint is founded upon a
promissory note, the said note is the basis of the action.
(c) One type of a specific denial is where the defendant Recall that in a previous discussion of the topic, it was
alleges that he "is without knowledge or information mentioned that the allegation must be done in the following
sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of a material manner: The substance of this promissory note shall be set
averment made in the complaint."This type of specific forth or stated in the pleading and the original or copy
denial called a denial by disvowal of knowledge, must be thereof shall be attached to the pleading as an exhibit. When
made sincerely and in good faith. attached as an exhibit the promissory note shall be deemed a
part of the pleading. The copy of the note may also be set
- When the defendant alleges having no knowledge or forth in the pleading, i.e., it may be copied verbatim (Sec. 7,
information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of Rule 8, Rules of Court). When the manner of alleging the
the allegations of the other party but such matters are document is done in accordance with the Rules, the
plainly and necessarily within the defendant's knowledge, a document becomes an `actionable document'. The adverse
claim of "ignorance or lack of information" will not be party who desires to deny the genuineness and the due
considered as a specific denial. execution of the document must do two things:
(a) to specifically deny the document, set forth what he
- Example: Mr. D signs a promissory note in favor of Mr. P claims to be the facts, and
Because Mr. D failed to pay despite demand, suit was (b) deny the document under oath.
brought against him. The complaint duly pleaded the
promissory note as an actionable document. Mr. D denies - If he does not specifically deny the document under oath,
the alleged promissory note by averring lack of knowledge he is deemed to have admitted the `genuineness and due
of the note. This averment is clearly one in bad faith and execution' of the promissory note. Because of this admission,
shall be considered as an admission because it is absurd for he can no longer deny that the note was forged or that he
Mr. D not to know of the promissory note he himself signed had no authority to execute the instrument. These defenses
(Bar 1993; Bar 1978). are barred by the admission. May he however, still defend by
showing that the note was executed by fraud, or that the
- In an action to foreclose a mortgage, a denial that the note has prescribed or was already paid? Yes, he can because
defendant is without any knowledge of his having signed a these defenses are not barred by the admission.
deed of mortgage when the facts and the actionable
document forming the basis of the claim incontrovertibly - The failure to deny the genuineness and due execution of
show that he so executed the document denied, is a denial an actionable document does not preclude a party from
in bad faith. This denial amounts to an admission (Bar arguing against it by evidence of fraud, mistake,
2005; Bar 2004). While a pleader is allowed to allege that compromise, payment, statute of limitations, estoppel, and
he is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a want of consideration.
belief as to the truth of a material averment made in the
complaint, this rule shall not apply where the fact as to 3. The allegations of usury which requires a specific denial
which a lack of knowledge is asserted is, to the knowledge under oath must be (a) allegations of usury in a complaint
of the court, so plainly within the defendant's knowledge (not allegations of usury in the answer), and (b) the
that his averment of ignorance must be palpably untrue. complaint is filed to recover usurious interests (Sec. 11, Rule
8, Rules of Court).
V. Negative pregnant VII. Matters not deemed admitted by the failure to make a
- A negative pregnant does not qualify as a specific denial. It specific denial
is conceded to be actually an admission. - The provisions of Sec. 11 of Rule 8 establish the rule that
material allegations in the complaint not specifically denied
- Example: A complaint alleges: "Plaintiff extended a loan to are deemed admitted. The following are nevertheless, not

Defendant in the amount of P500,000 on July 27, 2006 in deemed admitted by the failure to make a specific denial in
Baguio City." The defendant in his answer alleges: "Defendant a party's responsive pleading:
specifically denies that Plaintiff extended a loan to
(a) The amount of unliquidated damages (Sec. 11, Rule 8,
Rules of Court). 4. A counterclaim is not intrinsically a part of the answer
(b) Conclusions in a pleading which do not have to be because it is a separate pleading. It may however, be
denied at all because only ultimate facts need be alleged in included in the answer. This inclusion is merely a matter of
a pleading (Sec. 1, Rule 8, Rules of Court). form and does not have the effect of fusing the two separate
(c) Non-material allegations are not deemed admitted pleadings into a single pleading. Thus, it is not uncommon for
because only material allegations have to be denied (Sec. lawyers to denominate these two pleadings as: "Answer With
11, Rule 8, Rules of Court). A Counterclaim." Note however, that a "Motion To Dismiss
With A Counterclaim" is not sanctioned by both the Rules of
VIII. Affirmative defenses Court and by common usage (Bar 1992).
l. A defense is affirmative when it alleges new matters
which, while hypothetically admitting the allegations of the II. Compulsory counterclaim
pleading of the claimant, would, nevertheless, prevent or bar 1. To be compulsory, the counterclaim must have the
recovery by the claiming party (Sec. 5, Rule 6, Rules of following elements:
Court). (a) It arises out of, or is necessarily connected with the
transaction or occurrence which is the subject matter of
2. An affirmative defense is one which is not a denial of an the opposing party's claim;
essential ingredient in the plaintiff's cause of action, but one (b) It does not require for its adjudication the presence of
which, if established, will be a good defense - i.e., an third parties over whom the court cannot acquire
"avoidance" of the claim. An affirmative defense includes jurisdiction; and
fraud, statute of limitations, release, payment, illegality, (c) The court has jurisdiction to entertain both as to the
statute of frauds, estoppel, former recovery, discharge in amount and nature (Sec. 7, Rule 6, Rules of Court).
bankruptcy, and any other matter by way of confession and .
avoidance. 2. One compelling test of compulsoriness is the logical
relation between the claim alleged in the complaint and that
- Allegations presented in the answer as affirmative defenses in the counterclaim.
are not automatically characterized as such. Before an
allegation qualifies as an affirmative defense, it must be of 3. A counterclaim is compulsory under the following facts:
such nature as to bar the plaintiff from claiming on his cause Aya sues Lea for recovery of a tract of land. Lea seeks in turn
of action. to be reimbursed the value of the improvements she has
introduced in the same land and the payment of damages she
- An answer may allege affirmative defenses which may strike has sustained as a consequence of the suit. The claim of Lea
down the plaintiff's cause of action. When the answer asserts arises out of, or is necessarily connected with the subject
affirmative defenses, there is proper joinder of issues which matter of the complaint (Bar 1994; Bar 1985). It has been
must be ventilated in a full-blown trial on the merits and held that a claim for compensation for improvements on land
cannot be resolved by mere judgment on the pleadings. partakes of the nature of a compulsory counterclaim.

B. COUNTERCLAIM - The most common compulsory counterclaim filed by the

defendant in the absence of any other counterclaim is to
I. Nature of a counterclaim (Bar 1999) claim in the same suit his expenses in the suit for being
1. > counterclaim - any claim, which a defending party may forced to litigate in the face of an allegedly unfounded and
have against an opposing party (Sec. 6, Rule 6, Rules of baseless complaint. Added to these expenses are the alleged
Court). It partakes of a complaint by the defendant against damages he sustained as a consequence of the unfounded
the plaintiff. complaint.

2. A counterclaim is described by the Rules of Court as any 4. The logical connection between the complaint and the
claim. This may refer to a claim for (a) money, or (b) some counterclaim will not give rise to a compulsory counterclaim
other relief against an opposing party. A counterclaim is where the latter is not within the jurisdiction of the court. If
permitted by the Rules as a way of preventing multiplicity of the counterclaim exceeds the jurisdiction of the court, the
suits by allowing in one action the determination of the counterclaim should be deemed permissive, not compulsory.
entire controversies between the parties Thus, a counterclaim for P500,000.00 in the Metropolitan
Trial Court of Manila cannot be considered a compulsory
3. When the defendant files a counterclaim against the counterclaim since the amount exceeds the court's
plaintiff, the defendant becomes the plaintiff in the jurisdiction even if assuming, it is intimately connected with
counterclaim while the original plaintiff becomes the the subject matter of the complaint.
defendant. The filing of a counterclaim gives rise to two
complaints, namely, the one filed by the plaintiff by way of 5. Despite the lack of jurisdiction of the court to adjudicate
an original complaint and the one filed by the defendant by on the counterclaim, the same may nevertheless, be pleaded
way of a counterclaim. To illustrate: PP files a complaint for in the same action, not to obtain affirmative relief because
unlawful detainer against DD. The latter files an answer the court, for want of jurisdiction, cannot do so. The purpose
together with a claim for reimbursement of all the expenses would merely be to weaken the plaintiff's claim.

he incurred in repairing the building subject of the lease, the  If the counterclaim in excess of the jurisdiction of the
claim for reimbursement is a counterclaim and is in the court is interposed in the same action, and the court finds
nature of a complaint by the defendant against the plaintiff. both the complaint and the counterclaim meritorious, it will
not grant the relief in the complaint on the ground that the Rules of Court) because a the complaint.
defendant has a bigger claim. If the defendant desires to compulsory counterclaim not
have affirmative relief on his counterclaim, he may waive set up shall be barred (Sec.
the amount in excess of the jurisdiction of the court. 2, Rule 9, Rules of Court).

6. There may be instances when the court has to dismiss the b. not an initiatory pleading. b. considered an initiatory
counterclaim for lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter. pleading.
If the counterclaim for instance, interposed in the Regional
Trial Court is one for unlawful detainer, the same cannot be c. does not require the c. should be accompanied by
invoked as a counterclaim in the same action even if the certificates mentioned a certification against forum
amount of rentals or damages is within the jurisdiction of the shopping and whenever
Regional Trial Court. A Regional Trial Court cannot required by law, also a
adjudicate upon an unlawful detainer case. Also, a certificate to file action
counterclaim for illegal dismissal cannot be entertained by issued by the Lupong
regular courts for want of jurisdiction. The subject matter of Tagapamayapa. (The
the counterclaim is within the jurisdiction of Labor Arbiters. certificates mentioned are
required to be attached
7. The absence of jurisdiction to entertain a counterclaim because a permissive
because of the amount thereof appropriately applies to a counterclaim is an initiatory
Municipal Trial Court and equivalent courts. Hence, a pleading).
Municipal Trial Court in Bulacan will not have the jurisdiction
to take cognizance of a counterclaim in excess of d. Such fees are not paid for d. The docket and other
P300,000.00 and a Metropolitan Trial Court of Makati City a compulsory counterclaim lawful fees should be paid
cannot assume jurisdiction over a counterclaim in excess of for a permissive
P400,0000.00. The result will differ however, when the counterclaim. (The docket
original action is filed with the Regional Trial Court. In this fees are required to be paid
court, the counterclaim may be deemed compulsory because a permissive
regardless of the amount (Sec. 7, Rule 6, Rules of Court). counterclaim is considered
Hence, a counterclaim of P350,000.00 filed in the Regional an initiatory pleading.)
Trial Court of Manila is still a compulsory counterclaim even
if the court would have no jurisdiction over the amount e. Failure to answer a e. must be answered by the
claimed if it is filed as an original complaint. compulsory counterclaim is party against whom it is
not a cause for a default interposed otherwise, he
III. Permissive counterclaim declaration. may be declared in default
1. Generally, a counterclaim is permissive if any of the  A compulsory as to the counterclaim
elements of a compulsory counterclaim discussed previously, counterclaim that merely
is absent. But the most commonly treated feature of a reiterates special defenses
permissive counterclaim is its absence of a logical connection are deemed controverted
with the subject mater of the complaint, i.e., it does not even without a reply, or
arise out of, or is not connected with the plaintiff's cause of raises issues which are
action. deemed automatically
joined by the allegations of
2. A counterclaim for damages based on culpa aquiliana in a the complaint, need not be
complaint for collection of a loan is a permissive counter- answered. In such a case,
claim for not having connection with the plaintiff's claim. failure to answer a
compulsory counterclaim
3. A counterclaim for damages based on a quasi-delict cannot may not be a cause for a
be pleaded as a compulsory counterclaim in an action for declaration of default.
unlawful detainer. The counterclaim is permissive.
- Thus, if the plaintiff files an action to recover possession of
4. A counterclaim for the payment of the price of the car is real property against the defendant who interposed a
not a compulsory counterclaim in an action to recover a counterclaim for damages and attorney's fees arising from
piece of land (Bar 1996). the filing of the complaint, the counterclaim need not be
answered by the plaintiff. A motion to declare him in default
IV. Distinctions between a compulsory and a permissive for failure to answer the counterclaim must be denied
counterclaim because the counterclaim is compulsory (Bar 1996). On the
- The following are the most significant distinctions between other hand, if the counterclaim is for damages arising from
the two counterclaims: the alleged tortious conduct of the plaintiff in an action to
Compulsory counterclaim Permissive counterclaim collect a sum of money, the defendant may file a motion to
a. the compulsory a. not subject to the above declare the plaintiff' in default if he fails to file an answer to
counterclaim which a party rule. Hence, it may be set up

the counterclaim which is permissive.

has at the time the answer is as an independent action and
filed shall be contained in will not be barred if not V. How to set up an omitted compulsory counterclaim
the answer (Sec. 8, Rule 11, contained in the answer to
- A compulsory counterclaim not initially set up because of same or separate action notwithstanding the dismissal of the
the pleader's oversight, inadvertence, excusable neglect or complaint, and without regard as to the permissive or
when justice requires, may be set up, by leave of court by compulsory nature of the counterclaim. With the aforestate(I
amendment of the pleadings before judgment (Sec. 10, Rule rules in effect since July l, 1997 previous jural
11, Rules of Court). If not set up in the action, the pronouncements in conflict with the same, like that of BA
compulsory counterclaim shall be barred (Sec. 2, Rule 9, Finance Corporation vs. Co, abandoned.
Rules of Court). The bar of course refers to a counterclaim
that a defending party has at the time he files the answer, C. CROSS-CLAIM
i.e., a counterclaim already existing at the time the answer
is filed (Sec. 8, Rule 11, Rules of Court). I. Nature of a cross-claim
1. > cross-claim - any claim by one party against a coparty
VI. How to set up a counterclaim arising after the filing of arising out of the transaction or occurrence that is the
the answer subject matter either of the original action or of a
- A counterclaim, which either matured or was acquired by a counterclaim therein. The cross-claim may include a claim
party after serving his pleading, may, with the permission of that the party against whom it is asserted is liable or maybe
the court, be presented as a counterclaim by supplemental liable to the cross-claimant for all or part of a claim asserted
pleading before judgment (Sec. 9, Rule 11, Rules of Court). in the action against the cross-claimant (Sec. 8, Rule 6, Rules
of Court).
VII. Period to answer a counterclaim
- If a counterclaim is to be answered, the same must be 2. While a counterclaim is asserted by a defending party
made within ten (10) days from service (Sec. 4. Rule 11, against a claimant, a cross-claim is asserted by a defending
Rules of Court). This rule has more relevance to a permissive party against a co-defending party so that the latter may be
counterclaim which has to be answered. held liable for the claim which the claimant seeks to recover
from the cross-claimant. If XYZ Bank sues A and B for the
VIII. Effect of the dismissal of a complaint on the counter- collection of a loan, A, who turned over to B all the proceeds
claim already set up of said loan, may file a cross-claim against his co-defendant,
1. There are three significant situations involving the B by asserting that it is B who is the actual and true debtor
dismissal of a complaint and the effect of such dismissal on and hence, should be ultimately liable for the payment of
the counterclaim already pleaded by the defending party. the loan.
(a) The first is the situation contemplated under the last
paragraph of Sec. 6 of Rule 16. Here, the defendant does 3. B and C borrowed P400,000 from A. B, who received the
not file a motion to dismiss. Instead, he files an answer money from A, gave the P200,000 to C. In an action filed by A
and utilizes certain grounds for a motion to dismiss as against B and C, B may file a cross-claim against C for
affirmative defenses. Included in the answer is a P200,000 (Bar 1997).
counterclaim. He then asks for a preliminary hearing on
the affirmative defenses set up, a request granted by the 4. A cross-claim that a party has at the time the answer is
court. During the hearing on the affirmative defenses, the filed shall be contained in said answer (Sec. 8, Rule 11, Rules
court decides to dismiss the complaint. If the complaint is of Court). Broadly, this means that the cross-claim must be
dismissed, the counterclaim, compulsory or permissive is set up in the same action. If through oversight, inadvertence,
not dismissed. Sec. 6 of Rule 16 is explicit: "The dismissal or excusable negligence, it is not asserted, it may still be set
of the complaint under this section shall be without up with leave of court, by amendment of the pleadings (Sec.
prejudice to the prosecution in the same or separate 9, Rule 11, Rules of Court). It has to be set up in the action
action of a counterclaim pleaded in the answer." because if' not set up it shall be barred (Sec. 2, Rule 9, Rules
of Court). Note however, that the cross-claim that shall be
(b) The second situation is covered by Sec. 2, of Rule 17. barred if not asserted is the cross-claim already existing at
Under this provision, the plaintiff himself files a motion to the time the answer is filed, not the cross-claim that may
dismiss his complaint after the defendant has pleaded his mature or may be acquired after service of the answer. As to
answer with a counterclaim. The motion is granted by the the latter, Sec. 9 of Rule 11 declares that it may, by leave of
court. "x x x the dismissal shall be limited to the court, be set up by way of a supplemental pleading.
complaint. The dismissal shall be without prejudice to the
right of the defendant to prosecute his counterclaim in a II. Distinctions between a counterclaim and a cross-claim
separate action unless within fifteen (15) days from notice (Bar 1999)
of the motion he manifests his preference to have his
counterclaim resolved in the same action." Cross-claim Counter-claim
(c) The third situation is covered by Sec. 3 of Rule 17. Here a. a claim against a co-party; a. a claim against an
the complaint is dismissed through the plaintiff's fault and opposing party; and
at a time when a counterclaim has already been set up.
Like the first two situations, the dismissal is "without b. must arise from the b. may or may not arise out
prejudice to the right of the defendant to prosecute his transaction or occurrence of the subject matter of the
counterclaim in the same or separate action.' that is the subject matter of complaint.
the original complaint or

2. The above described situations have a common thread counterclaim (Sec. 8, Rule 6,
running through them. The rules cited recognize the right of Rules of Court).
the defending party to prosecute the counterclaim in the
III. Period to answer a cross-claim respect of the plaintiff's claim. The third-party complaint is
- A cross-claim must be answered within ten (10) days from actually independent of and separate and distinct from the
service (Sec. 4, Rule 11, Rules of Court). plaintiff's complaint. Were it not for this provision of the
Rules of Court, it would have to be filed independently and
D. THIRD (FOURTH, ETC.) -PARTY COMPLAINT separately from the original complaint by the defendant
against the thirdparty. But the Rules permit defendant to
I. Nature of a third-party complaint bring in a third-party defendant or so to speak, to litigate his
1. This pleading is a claim which a defending party may, with separate cause of action in respect of plaintiff's claim against
leave of court, file against a person who is not yet a party to a third party in the original and principal case with the
the action for contribution, indemnity, subrogation or any object of avoiding circuitry of action and unnecessary
other relief, in respect of his opponent's claim (Sec. 11, Rule proliferation of lawsuits and of disposing expeditiously in one
6, ' Rules of Court). There could also be a fourth, etc. -party litigation the entire subject matter arising from one
complaint with the same function as a third-party complaint. particular set of facts. Prior leave of Court is necessary, so
that where the allowance of a third-party complaint would
2. A third-party complaint is actually a complaint delay the resolution of the original case, such as when the
independent of, and separate and distinct from, the thirdparty defendant cannot be located or where matters
plaintiff's complaint. Were it not for the above rule, such extraneous to the issue of possession would unnecessarily
third-party complaint would have to be filed independently clutter a case of forcible entry, or the effect would be to
and separately from the original complaint. The purpose is to introduce a new and separate controversy into the action,
avoid circuitry of action and unnecessary proliferation of the salutary object of the rule would not be defeated, and
lawsuits and of disposing expeditiously in one litigation all the court should in such cases require the defendant to
the matters arising from one particular set of facts. institute a separate action.

- Be that as it may, trial courts are not especially enjoined by II. Leave of court
law to admit a third-party complaint. They are vested with - The filing of a third party complaint requires leave of court
discretion to allow or disallow a party to an action to (Sec. 11, Rule 6, Rules of Court) and hence, its admission is
implead an additional party. Thus, a defendant has no vested subject to judicial discretion. Leave of court is not required
right to file a third-party complaint. in filing a counterclaim or a cross-claim.

3. It is not proper to file a third-party complaint against one III. Answer to a third-party complaint
who is already a party to the action such as against the - The time to answer a third-party complaint shall be
plaintiff or a co-defendant. A claim against the plaintiff is governed by the same rule as the answer to the complaint
asserted by way of a counterclaim. A claim by the defendant (Sec. 5, Rule 6, Rules of Court).
against his co-defendant is set up by way of a cross-claim.
Thus, if Mr. S sells a car to Mr. B, and later, the real owner of E. INTERVENTION
the car, Mr. O files an action against Mr. B to recover the
car, Mr. B may file a third-party complaint against Mr. S to I. Nature of intervention
require the latter to answer for the breach of warranty 1. > Intervention - a legal proceeding by which person who is
against eviction (Art. 1558, Civil Code of the Philippines). not a party to the action is permitted by the court to become
a party by intervening in a pending action after meeting the
- Also if the passenger of a taxicab sues the operator for conditions and requirements set by the Rules of Court. This
breach of contract of carriage because of injuries sustained third person who intervenes is one who is not originally
by him in a mishap, the operator may file a third-party impleaded in the action.
complaint against the negligent driver for reimbursement.
2. Intervention is never an independent proceeding but is
4. B and C borrowed P400,000 from A. B, who received the ancillary and supplemental to an existing litigation. Its
money from a, gave C P200,000. C in turn gave by way of purpose is to enable a stranger to an action to become a
loan, P100,000 to D. C, if sued can file a third-party party to protect his interest.
complaint against D (Bar 1997).  An intervention cannot alter the nature of the action and
the issues already joined.
- A assembles an owner-type jeep for B who in turn rents it
to X. Due to faulty brakes, X figures in a vehicular accident 3. Intervention in an action is neither compulsory nor
causing him severe injuries. If X files an action for damages mandatory but only optional and permissive. Hence, the
against A and B, B cannot file a third-party complaint against court has the full measure of discretion in permitting or
A because both are already parties to the action. B should disallowing the same. This discretion however, must be
instead, file a cross-claim against A (Bar 1996). exercised judiciously and only after consideration of all the
circumstances obtaining in the case. Thus, where the
5. Explains the Court in no uncertain terms: "The thirdparty substantial interest of the movant in the subject matter is
complaint, is a procedural device whereby athird party' who undisputed, a denial of a motion to intervene is an injustice.
is neither a party nor privy to the act or deed complained of
by the plaintiff, may be brought into the case with leave of II. Requisites for intervention (Bar 2000)

court, by the defendant, who acts as third-party plaintiff to - The following requisites must be complied with before a
enforce against such third-party defendant a right for non-party may intervene in a pending:
contribution, indemnity, subrogation or any other relief, in
(a) There must be a motion for intervention filed before 1. > reply - a pleading, the function of which is to deny, or
rendition of judgment by the trial court (Sec. 1, Rule 19). A allege facts in denial or avoidance of new matters alleged by
motion is necessary because leave of court is required before way of defense in the answer and thereby joins or makes
a person may be allowed to intervene (Sec. 1, Rule 19). issue as to such new matters (Sec. 10, Rule 6, Rules of
(b) The movant must show in his motion that he has a:
(1) legal interest in (a) the matter in litigation, (b) the 2. A reply is the responsive pleading to an answer. It is not a
success of either of the parties in the action, or (c) against responsive pleading to a counterclaim or a cross-claim. The
both parties, proper response to a counterclaim or a cross-claim is an
(2) that the movant is so situated as to be adversely answer to the counterclaim or answer to the cross-claim.
affected by a distribution or other disposition of property n
the custody of the court or of an officer thereof (Sec. 1, 3. As a rule, the filing of a reply to the answer is not
Rule 19, Rules of Court), and mandatory and will not have an adverse effect on the
(3) that the intervention must not unduly delay or prejudice defendant.
the adjudication of the rights of the original parties and Under Sec. 10 of Rule 6, if a party does not file such reply,
that the intervenor's rights may not be fully protected in a all the new matters alleged in the answer are deemed
separate proceeding. controverted or denied. No admission follows from the
failure to file a reply. Hence, if the answer to the complaint
III. Meaning of legal interest alleges as a defense the prescription of the action, the
l. The legal interest must be one that is direct anti o`' an failure of the plaintiff to specifically deny the prescription
immediate character, not merely contingent or expectaiA will not amount to an admission that the debt has prescribed
pit; that the intervenor will either gain or lose by the direct because the rule already denies the matter of prescription
legal operation of the judgment. Thus, when the title to the without the plaintiff making a specific denial. It is already,
property had been already declared void by final judgment, as the rule says, "deemed controverted" (Bar 1996; Bar 1977).
intervention will not revive or reinstate the inovant's title
derived from the title declared void. - Contrast this with the rule that the failure to specifically
deny the material allegations of the complaint shall mean
2. The assignee of a property who assumed payment of` the implied admission of such material allegations (Sec. 11,
whatever amount may be finally adjudged against the Rule 8, Rules of Court). Thus, the gist of the rule is: The
assignor may intervene in a proceeding involving the material allegations of a complaint must be specifically
execution of the property pursuant to a judgment. denied but the allegations of new matters or material
3. In an action for foreclosure of mortgage, the alleged allegations of the answer need not be denied because they
owners of the land sought to be foreclosed may intervene. are deemed denied by the Rules for the plaintiff.

IV. Procedure for intervention G. DEFAULT

1. The intervenor shall file a motion for intervention
attaching thereto his pleading-in-intervention. The pleading I. Nature of default
to be filed depends upon the purpose of the intervention. If 1. > Default - a procedural concept that occurs when the
the purpose is to assert a claim against either or all of the defending party fails to file his answer within the
original parties, the pleading shall be called a complaint-in- reglementary period (Bar 1999). It does not occur from the
intervention; If the pleadings seek to unite with the failure of the defendant to attend either the pre-trial or the
defending party in resisting a claim against the latter, he trial.
shall file an answer-inintervention (Sec. 3, Rule 19, Rules of
Court); - The failure of the defendant to appear at the pre-trial shall
be cause for the court to order the plaintiff to present his
2. The motion and the pleading shall be served upon the evidence ex parte and for the court to render judgment on
original parties; the basis thereof Under the Rules, this consequence is not to
be called a declaration of default (Sec. 5, Rule 18, Rules of
3. The answer to the complaint-in-intervention shall be filed Court). The failure of the defendant to appear in the trial
within fifteen (15) days from notice of the order admitting will be construed as a waiver to assail the evidences against
the same, unless a different period is fixed by the courts him or a waiver of the right to adduce evidence in his
(Sec. 4, Rule 9, Rules of Court). behalf.]

V. Time for intervention 2. It is error to declare a defendant in default where an

1. The motion to intervene may be filed at any time before answer has already been filed.
rendition of judgment by the trial court (Sec. 2, Rule 189,
Rules of Court). II. Requisites before a party may be declared in default (Bar
2. Intervention after trial and decision can no longer be 1999)
permitted. l. The following are the requisites before a party may be
declared in default:
F. REPLY (a) There must be a motion to declare the defending party

in default filed by the claiming party; and

I. Nature of a reply (b) Summons has been validly and previously served upon
(c) The defending party must have failed to file his answer 1.Under the Rule on Summary Procedure, the defendant who
within the reglementary period or within the period fixed fails to file an answer within the reglementary period is not
by the court; supposed to be declared in default. Instead, the court motu
(d) There must be proof of the failure to file the answer; proprio, or on motion of the plaintiff, shall render judgment,
(e) The defending party must be notified of the motion to (not to declare the defendant in default) as may be
declare him in default (Sec. 3, Rule 9, Rules of Court); and warranted by the facts alleged in the complaint and limited
(f) There must be a hearing of the motion to declare the to what is prayed for (Sec. 6, II, 1991 Rule on Summary
defendant in default. Procedure). This represents a principal distinction between
default in regular civil proceedings and default under a
- Section 3, Rule 9 of the Rules of Court provides: summary procedure (Bar 1988).

- The required hearing of the motion is mandated by Sec. 4 2. Also, under the Rule on Summary Procedure, the plaintiff
of Rule 15 which specifically provides: is prohibited from filing a motion to declare the defendant in
"Sec. 4. Hearing of motion. - Except for motions default (Sec. 19[h], 1991 Rule on Summary Procedure). This
which the court may act upon without prejudicing the rights is another significant departure from the regular rule (Bar
of the adverse party, every written motion shall be set for 1988).
hearing by the applicant" (Underscoring ours).
V. Effect of a declaration/order of default
2. "Prior to the present rule on default introduced by the 1. The party declared in default loses his standing in court.
1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, as amended, Section 1 of the The loss of such standing prevents him from taking part in
former Rule 18 on default is silent on whether or not there is the trial (Sec. 3[a], Rule 9, Rules of Court).
need for a notice of a motion to declare defendant in
default. The Court then ruled that there is no need. 2. While the defendant can no longer take part in the trial,
However, the present rule expressly requires that the motion he is nevertheless entitled to notices of subsequent
of the claiming party should be with notice to the defending proceedings (Sec. 3[a], Rule 9, Rules of Court). It is
party. The purpose of a notice of a motion is to avoid submitted that he may participate in the trial, not as a party
surprises on the opposite party and to give him time to study but as a witness.
and meet the arguments. The notice of a motion is required
when the party has the right to resist the relief sought by the 3. A declaration of default is not an admission of the truth or
motion and principles of natural justice demand that his right the validity of the plaintiff's claims.
be not affected without an opportunity to be heard.
V. Action of the court after the declaration/order of default
- "Therefore, as the present rule on default requires the 1. Under the rules, when a party is declared in default, the
filing of a motion and notice of such motion to the defending court may do either of two things:
party, it is not enough that the defendant failed to answer (a) to proceed to render judgment, or
the complaint within the reglementary period to be a (b) to require the plaintiff to present his evidence ex
sufficient ground for declaration in default. The motion must parte.
also be heard."
2. The choice of which action to take is a matter of judicial
3. There is no justification for the trial judge for not hearing discretion (Sec. 3, Rule 9, Rules of Court). Under the
the motion and for hastily granting the motion to declare the previous rule, the court had no power to render judgment
defendant in default prior to the scheduled hearing of the immediately after the declaration or order of default. It had
motion on the ground that it had found the motion to be to require the reception of evidence by the plaintiff but done
impressed with merit. The error of the trial judge is without the participation of the defendant who has already
compounded by his having ignored the opposition of the lost his standing. The court, under current rules may, at its
defendant to the motion to declare him in default and the discretion, select between the options granted to by the
denial of his motion to admit answer filed prior to the Rules of Court.
3. The court need not personally receive the evidence if it
- Indeed, in totally disregarding the purpose for which the decides to hear the evidence of the plaintiff. The reception
filing of a motion and notice to defending party are required of the evidence may be delegated to the clerk of court (Sec.
by the Rules, the trial court had acted in a despotic manner 3, Rule 9, Rules of Court).
that is correctly assailed through a petition for certiorari
which petitioners have seasonably filed with the CA. VI. Remedies of a defending party declared in default (Bar
III. No motu proprio declaration of default 1. The following are the remedies of a party declared in
- The court has no authority to motu propio declare the default:
defendant in default. A motion to declare the defending (a) Remedy after notice of order and before judgment -
party must be filed by the claiming party before a The defendant must file a motion under oath to set aside
declaration of default is made by the court. The rule is clear. the order of default and show that (a) the failure to
Sec. 3 of Rule 9 provides ". . . upon motion of the claiming answer was due to fraud, accident, mistake, or excusable

party." negligence (FAMEN), and that (b) the defendant has a

IV. Failure to file an answer under the Rule on Summary meritorious defense, i.e., there must be an affidavit of
Procedure merit (Sec. 3[b], Rule 9, Rules of Court).
(a) If a party refuses to obey an order requiring him to
(b) Remedy after judgment but before its finality - The comply with the various modes of discovery (Sec. 3[c],
defendant may file a motion for new trial under Rule 37. Rule 29, Rules of Court); or
He may also appeal from the judgment as being contrary (b) If a party or officer or managing agent of a party
to the evidence or the law. willfully fails to appear before the officer who is to take
his deposition (Sec. 5, Rule 29, Rules of Court).
(c) Remedy after the judgment becomes final and
executory - The defendant may file a petition for relief H. JUDGMENT ON THE PLEADINGS (Bar 1999; 1993; 1978)
from judgment under Rule 38.
I. Nature of judgment on the pleadings
- The current judicial trend is to avoid defaults and thus, 1. The concept of a judgment on the pleadings will not apply
courts are enjoined to be liberal in setting aside orders of when no answer is filed. It will come into operation when an
default. answer is served and filed but the same fails to tender an
 The issuance of orders of default should be the exception issue or admits the material allegations of the adverse party's
rather than the rule and to be allowed only in clear cases of pleading (Sec. 1, Rule 34, Rules of Court, Bar 1999).
obstinate refusal by the defendant to comply with the orders
of the trial court, because suits should as much as possible, 2. An answer fails to tender an issue when the material
be decided on the merits and not on technicalities. allegations of the other party are admitted or not specifically
 Thus, in practice, an answer under oath containing the denied by the pleader. Under the rules, material allegations
defenses of the defendant, may under the rules on liberal of the complaint are deemed admitted (Sec. 11, Rule 8,
interpretation, be deemed as the equivalent of an affidavit Rules of Court).
of merit.
II. Motion required
2. Where the defendant has however, been wrongly or - A judgment on the pleadings cannot be rendered by the
improvidently declared in default, the court can be court motu proprio. It can be done only where there is a
considered to have acted with grave abuse of discretion prior motion to the effect filed by the appropriate party
amounting to lack of jurisdiction and when the lack of (Sec. 1, Rule 34, Rules of Court; Bar 1999).
jurisdiction is patent in the face of the of the judgment or
from the judicial records, he may avail of the special civil
action of certiorari under Rule 65. III. Cases where judgment on the pleadings will not apply
l. In the following cases, a judgment on the pleadings will not
VII. Extent of relief in a judgment by default lie:
- If the complaint seeks to recover P1 million but the (a) actions for the declaration of nullity of a marriage;
evidence of the plaintiff shows a right to recover P1.5 (b) actions for annulment of marriage; and
million. The court has no authority to grant the latter (c) actions for legal separation (Sec. 1, Rule 34, Rules of
amount despite the evidence. This is because under the Court).
Rules, "A judgment rendered against a party in default shall
not exceed the amount or be different in kind from that 2. In the above cases, the material facts alleged in the
prayed for nor award unliquidated damages" (Sec. 3[d], Rule complaint shall always be proved (Sec. 1, Rule 34, Rules of
9, Rules of Court). Court).

VIII. Cases where a declaration/order of default cannot be I. SUMMARY JUDGMENT (Bar 1989)
1. Default is not allowed in the following actions: I. Nature of summary judgment (Bar 1986;1989;1996;1999)
(a) annulment of marriage; 1. A summary judgment, also called accelerated judgment, is
(b) declaration of nullity of marriage; proper where, upon a motion filed after the issues had been
and joined and on the basis of the pleadings and papers filed, the
(c) legal separation (Sec. 3[e], Rule 9). court finds that there is no genuine issue as to any material
fact except as to the amount of damages.
2. If no answer is filed in any of the above actions, the court  Under the Rules, when there is no genuine issue as to any
shall order the prosecuting attorney to investigate whether material fact, other than for instance, the amount of
or not collusion exists between the parties. If there is no damages, and the moving party is entitled to a judgment as a
collusion, the court shall order said prosecuting attorney to matter of law, a summary judgment may be rendered.
intervene for the State in order to see to it that the evidence
submitted is not fabricated (Sec. 3[e], Rule 9, Rules of 2. What triggers a summary judgment is the absence of a
Court). genuine factual issue. It is not proper where there are
factual issues to be resolved by the presentation of evidence.
IX. Judgment by default for refusal to comply with the modes Even if there is a complicated question of law if there is no
of discovery issue as to the facts, a summary judgment is not barred.
- The rule is that a default order and consequently a default
judgment is triggered by the failure of the defending party to 3. In an action for foreclosure of mortgage for example, the

file the required answer (Sec. 3, Rule 9, Rules of Court). By material issues are the existence of the debt and its
way of exception, a judgment by default may be rendered in demandability. When the defendant admits the existence of
the following cases despite an answer having been filed: the debt and raises an issue as to the demandability of the
debt or the interest rate involved because of an alleged Judgment on the pleadings Summary judgment
contemporaneous agreement between the parties, the issue a. there is an absence of a a. involves an issue, but the
tendered is sham, fictitious, or patently unsubstantial. A factual issue in the case issue is not genuine.
summary judgment would be proper because there is no because the answer tenders
genuine issue. no issue at all

- Where only the genuineness and the due execution of the b. A motion for judgment on b. A motion for summary
promissory are the matters deemed admitted for the failure the pleadings is fled by a judgment may be filed by
of the defendant to deny the same under oath, a summary claiming party like a plaintiff either the claiming or the
judgment is not proper (Bar 1986). or a counterclaimant (Sec. 1, defending party (Sets. 1, 2,
Rule 34, Rules of Court). Rule 35, Rules of Court).
- In an action for a sum of money, where the debt and the
fact of its nonpayment is admitted and the only issue raised c. based on the pleadings c. based on the pleadings,
is the rate of interest and the damages payable, there is no alone (Sec. 1, Rule 34, Rules affidavits, depositions and
genuine issue and a summary judgment maybe rendered upon of Court). admissions (Sec. 3, Rule 35,
proper motion. Rules of Court). "

4. The Court, in Asian Development and Construction d. Only a three-day notice is d. A ten-day notice is
Corporation vs. Philippine Commercial and Industrial Bank required prior to the date of required in a motion for
reiterated the principles governing summary judgment as hearing in a motion for summary judgment (Sec. 3,
follows: judgment on the pleadings Rule 35, Rules of Court).
". . . Under the Rules, summary judgment is based on the regular rules on
appropriate when there are no genuine issues of fact which motions (Sec. 4, Rule 15,
call for the presentation of evidence in a full-blown trial. Rules of Court).
Even if on their face the pleadings appear to raise issues,
when the affidavits, depositions and admissions show that
such issues are not genuine, then summary judgment as
prescribed by the Rules must ensue as a matter of law. The CHAP. 8: PRE-TRIAL AND MODES OF DISCOVERY
determinative factor, therefore, in a motion for summary
judgment, is the presence or absence of a genuine issue as to A. PRE-TRIAL
any material fact.
I. Nature and purpose of a pre-trial
> "genuine issue" - an issue of fact which requires the 1. > pre-trial - a procedural device held prior to the trial for
presentation of evidence as distinguished from a sham, the court to consider the following purposes:
fictitious, contrived or false claim. (a) The possibility of an amicable settlement or a
 When the facts as pleaded appear uncontested or submission to alternative modes of dispute resolution;
undisputed, then there is no real or genuine issue or question (b) The simplification of the issues;
as to the facts, and summary judgment is called for. The (c) The necessity or desirability of amendments to the
party who moves for summary judgment has the burden. of pleadings;
demonstrating clearly the absence of any genuine issue of (d) The possibility of obtaining stipulations or admissions of
fact, or that the issue posed in the complaint is patently facts and of documents to avoid unnecessary proof;
unsubstantial so as not to, constitute a genuine issue for (e) The limitation of the number of witnesses;
trial. Trial courts have limited authority to render summary (f) The advisability of a preliminary reference of issues to a
judgments and may do so only when there is clearly no commissioner;
genuine issue as to any material fact. When the facts as (g) The propriety of rendering judgment on the pleadings,
pleaded by the parties are disputed or contested, or summary judgment, or of dismissing the action should a
proceedings for summary judgment cannot take the place of valid ground therefore be found to exist;
trial. (h) The advisability or necessity of suspending the
proceedings; and
5. The trial court cannot motu proprio decide that summary (i) Such other matters as may aid in the prompt disposition
judgment on an action is in order. Under the applicable of the action (Sec. 2, Rule 18, Rules of Court).
provisions of Rule 35, the defending party or the claimant, as
the case may be, must invoke the rule on summary judgment 2. The pre-trial is mandatory in civil cases (Sec. 2, Rule 18)
by filing a motion. The adverse party must be notified of the
motion for summary judgment and furnished with supporting 3. In all criminal cases cognizable by the Sandiganbayan,
affidavits, depositions or admissions before hearing is Regional Trial Court, Metropolitan Trial Court, Municipal Trial
conducted. More importantly, a summary judgment is Court in Cities, Municipal Trial Court, and Municipal Circuit
permitted only if there is no genuine issue as to any material Trial Courts, pre-trial is also mandatory (Sec. 1, Rule 118,
fact and a moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter Rules of Court).
of law (Pineda vs. Heirs of Eliseo Guevara, G.R. No. 143188, 4. A pre-trial conference is likewise mandatory in both civil
February 14, 2007).

and criminal cases under the Rules on Summary Procedure

(Sec. 7, Sec. 14, 1991 Rule on Summary Procedure).
II. Distinctions between a judgment on the pleadings and a
summary judgment (Bar 1989)
5. Under the former rule (Sec. 3, Rule 20), the court was
authorized to render a judgment on the pleadings or a 3. Notice is so important that it would be grave abuse of
summary judgment if at the trial the court finds that facts discretion for the court for example, to allow the plaintiff to
exist to warrant the rendition of said judgments. The court present his evidence ex parte for failure of the defendant to
under the old rule may do so on its own motion. Under the appear before the pre-trial who did not receive through his
current rule (Sec. 2[d], Rule 18), the court's authority is counsel a notice of pre-trial. Accordingly, there is no legal
confined to a mere determination of the propriety of basis for a court to consider a party notified of the pre-trial
rendering a judgment on the pleadings or a summary and to consider that there is no longer a need to send notice
judgment. The requisite motion should be filed and heard of pretrial merely because it was his counsel who suggested
pursuant to Rule 34 (Judgment on the Pleadings) and Rule 35 the date of pre-trial.
(Summary Judgments).
V. Appearance in the pre-trial (Bar 1992)
II. How pre-trial is called (Bar 1999) - It shall be the duty of both the parties and their counsels to
1. In a civil case, it is not the court which initiates the appear at the pre-trial (Sec. 4, Rule 18, Rules of Court).
setting of the case for a pre-trial. It is set at the instance of
the plaintiff. Under the Rules, it shall be the duty of the VI. Effect of failure to appear by the plaintiff (Bar 1989;
plaintiff, not of the defendant, to promptly file a motion to 1981;1980)
set the case for pre-trial. This motion is an ex parte motion. 1. The failure of the plaintiff to appear shall be cause for the
This means that the motion need not be the subject of a dismissal of the action. This dismissal shall be with prejudice
hearing (Sec. 1, Rule 18, Rules of Court). except when the court orders otherwise (Sec. 5, Rule 18,
Rules of Court). The former rule (Sec. 2, Rule 20) provides
2. The ex parte motion to set the case for pre-trial is to be that the plaintiff who fails to appear in the pre-trial may be
made by the plaintiff after the last pleading has been served 'non-suited'.
and filed (Sec. 1, Rule 18, Rules of Court). Specifically, the
motion is to be filed within five (5) days after the last 2. Since the dismissal of the action shall be with prejudice,
pleading joining the issues has been served and filed unless otherwise provided, the same shall have the effect of
(Administrative Circular No. 399, January 15, 1999). If the an adjudication on the merits thus, final. The remedy of the
plaintiff fails to file said motion within the given period, the plaintiff is to appeal from the order of dismissal. An order
branch clerk of court shall issue a notice of pre-trial (A.M. dismissing an action with prejudice is appealable. Under the
No. 03-109-SC, July 13, 2004). Rules, it is only when the order of dismissal is without
prejudice, that appeal cannot be availed of (Sec. l[h], Rule
III. The meaning of `last pleading' 41, Rules of Court). Since appeal is available, certiorari is not
1. The last permissible pleading that a party can file is the the remedy because the application of a petition for
reply to the answer to the last pleading asserting a claim. certiorari under Sec. 65 of the Rules of Court is conditioned
The claim could be the original complaint, the counterclaim, upon the absence of appeal or any plain, speedy and
the cross-claim or the third-party complaint. If an answer is adequate remedy (Sec. 1, Rule 65, Rules of Court).
filed and served in response to these claims, the pleading in
response to these answers is the reply which is to be filed VII. Effect of failure to appear by the defendant
within ten (10) days from the service of the pleading 1. The failure of the defendant to appear shall be cause to
responded to (Sec. 6, Rule 11, Rules of Court). allow the plaintiff to present his evidence ex parte and for
the court to render judgment on the basis of the evidence
2. Where the last pleading has not yet been served and filed, presented by the plaintiff (Sec. 5, Rule 18, Rules of Court).
the case is not yet ready for pre-trial. The former rule (Sec. 2, Rule 20) provided that the
However, the `last pleading' need not be literally defendant who fails to appear in the pre-trial may be
construed as one having been served and filed. For purposes considered "as in default."
of the pre-trial, the expiration of the period for filing the last
pleading without it having been served and filed is sufficient. 2. The order of the court allowing the plaintiff to present his
evidence ex parte does not dispose of the case with finality.
IV. Notice of pre-trial (Bar 1977) The order is therefore, merely interlocutory hence, not
1. The notice of pre-trial shall be served on the counsel of appealable. Under Sec. 1(c) of Rule 41, no appeal may be
the party if the latter is represented by counsel. Otherwise taken from an interlocutory order. The defendant who feels
the notice shall be served on the party himself. The counsel aggrieved by the order may move for the reconsideration of
is charged with the duty of notifying his client of the date, the order and if the denial is tainted with grave abuse of
time and place of the pre-trial (Sec. 3, Rule 18, Rules of discretion, he may file a petition for certiorari.
VIII. How non-appearance is excused
2. The old rule required that the notice be served not only 1. The non-appearance of a party may be excused only if a
upon the counsel but also upon the party and where no valid cause is shown for such non-appearance or a
separate notice to the party is sent, it was then the rule that representative shall appear in his behalf fully authorized in
all the proceedings at the pre-trial and subsequent thereto writing to enter into any of the following matters: (a) an
are null and void. amicable settlement, (b) alternative modes of dispute

The present rule simplifies the procedure because the resolution, and (c) stipulations and admissions of facts (Sec.
notice of pretrial is served on the counsel, and service is 4, Rule 18, Rules of Court). The phraseology of the provision
made on the party only if he has no counsel. suggests that it is not sufficient for the written authority to
give to the representative the power to enter into one of the 1. This order of the court is issued by the court upon the
matters mentioned in Sec. 4 of Rule 18, as when the only termination of the pre-trial. This order recites in detail the
authority granted is to enter into an amicable settlement. following:
The authority must also confer upon the representative the (a) The matters taken up in the conference;
power to enter into alternative modes of dispute resolution (b) The action taken thereon;
and stipulations and admissions of fact. An incomplete (c) The amendments allowed to the pleadings; and
authority does not satisfy the requirements of the Rules and (d) The agreements or admissions made by the parties as
should be deemed the equivalent of having no authority at to any of the matters considered (Sec. 7, Rule 18, Rules of
all. Court). These admissions embodied in the pre-trial order
are binding upon the parties and conclusive upon them.
2. Although Sec. 4 uses the disjunctive "or," the logical
meaning of the rule dictates that the written authority given 2. Should the action proceed to trial, the pre-trial order (a)
to the representative be coupled with an explanation defines and limits the issues to be tried, and (b) controls the
showing a valid cause for a party's non-appearance. Common subsequent course of the action except if it is modified
reason suggests that having a written authority but without a before trial to prevent manifest injustice (Sec. 7, Rule 18,
justification for a party's absence or vice versa, would not be Rules of Court).
in accord with the spirit of the Rules.
XII. Pre-trial in civil cases compared to pre-trial in criminal
3. The written authority must be in the form of a special cases (Bar 1997)
power of attorney. Entering into an amicable settlement for 1. The pre-trial in a civil case is set when the plaintiff moves
a client who is the principal in the attorney-client ex parte to set the case for pre-trial (Sec. 1, Rule 18, Rules
relationship involves entering into a compromise. Substantive of Court). The pre-trial in a criminal case is ordered by the
law (Art. 1878[31 of the Civil Code of the Philippines) is court and no motion to set the case for pre-trial is required
explicit: "Special power(s) of attorney are necessary * * *To from either the prosecution or the defense (Sec 1, Rule 118,
compromise, to submit questions to arbitration * * *". Rules of Court).
Procedural rules (Sec. 23, Rule 138) likewise prohibit an
attorney to compromise his client's litigation without a 2. The motion to set the case for pre-trial in a civil case is
"special authority." made after the last pleading has been served and filed (Sec.
1, Rule 18, Rules of Court). In a criminal case, the pre trial is
IX. Filing and contents of pre-trial briefs ordered by the court after arraignment and within thirty (30)
1. The parties shall file with the court their respective pre- days from the date the court acquires jurisdiction over the
trial briefs which shall be received at least three (3) days person of the accused (Sec. 1, Rule 118, Rules of Court).
before the date of the pre-trial. This pre-trial brief shall be
served on the adverse party (Sec. 6, Rule 18, Rules of Court). 3. The pre-trial in a civil case considers the possibility of an
amicable settlement as an important objective (Sec. 2[a],
2. The pre-trial brief shall contain the following matters: Rule 118, Rules of Court). The pre-trial in a criminal case
(a) A statement of their willingness to enter into an does not include the considering of the possibility of
amicable settlement or alternative modes of dispute amicable settlement of criminal liability as one of its
resolution, indicating the desired terms thereof; purposes (Sec. 1, Rule 118, Rules of Court).
(b) A summary of admitted facts and proposed stipulation
of facts; 4. In a civil case, the agreements and admissions made in the
The issues to be tried or resolved; pretrial are not required to be signed by the parties and their
(d) The documents or exhibits to be presented, stating the counsels. They are to be contained in the record of pre-trial
purposes thereof; and the pre-trial order (Sec. 7, Rule 18, Rules of Court). In a
(e) A manifestation of their having availed of or their criminal case, all agreements or admissions made or entered
intention to avail of the discovery procedures or referral to during the pretrial conference shall be reduced in writing and
commissioners; and signed by the accused and counsel, otherwise, they cannot
be used against the accused (Sec. 2, Rule 118, Rules of
- The number and names of the witnesses, and the substance Court).
of their respective testimonies (Sec. 6, Rule 18, Rules of
Court). 5. The sanctions for non-appearance in a pre-trial are
imposed upon the plaintiff or the defendant in a civil case
X. Effect of failure to file a pre-trial brief (Sec. 4, Rule 18, Rules of Court). The sanctions in a criminal
- The failure to file the pre-trial brief shall have the same case are imposed upon the counsel for the accused or the
effect as failure to appear at the pre-trial (Sec. 6, Rule 18, prosecutor (Sec. 3, Rule 118, Rules of Court).
Rules of Court). Hence, if it is the plaintiff who fails to file a
pre-trial brief, such failure shall be cause for dismissal of the XIII. Preliminary conference under the Revised Rules on
action. If it is the defendant who fails to do so, such failure Summary Procedure
shall be cause to allow the plaintiff to present his evidence 1. Under the Revised Rules on Summary Procedure, a
ex parte. Note: A pre-trial brief is not required in a criminal preliminary conference shall be held not later than thirty
case. (30) days after the last answer is filed. Here, the rules on

pre-trial in ordinary cases shall apply except when

XI. Pre-trial order inconsistent with the rules on summary procedure (Sec. 7,
11, Rules on Summary Procedure).
Rule 23. If it is to perpetuate a testimony for use in future
2. The failure of the plaintiff to appear in the preliminary proceedings as when it is sought before the existence of an
conference shall be cause for dismissal of his complaint and action, or for cases on appeal, it is called a deposition in
the defendant who appears in the absence of the plaintiff perpetuam rei memoriam.
shall be entitled to judgment on his counterclaim. All cross-
claims shall be dismissed (Sec. 7, 11, Rules on Summary V. When leave of court is required and not required for
Procedure). taking a deposition pending action
1. Leave of court is not required after an answer has been
3. Within five (5) days from the termination of the served but leave of court is required before the service of an
preliminary conference, the court shall issue an order stating answer but after jurisdiction has been acquired over the
the matters taken up in the conference (Sec. 8, 11, Rules on defendant or over the property subject of the action (Sec. 1,
Summary Procedure). Rule 23, Rules of Court).

- Note: Please refer to Appendix 1J for the guidelines on 2. When it is the deposition of a prisoner that is to be taken,
enhanced pre-trial proceedings. his deposition may be taken only with leave of court and
upon such terms as the court may prescribe (Sec. 1, Rule 23,
B. MODES OF DISCOVERY Rules of Court).

I. Meaning of discovery 3. In one case, petitioners contend they have not yet served
- In general, an answer to respondents because the answers that they
> discovery -a device employed by a party to obtain have filed with the trial court were made ex abudanti
information about relevant matters on the case from the cautela. In other words, they do not consider the answers
adverse party in preparation for the trial. As contemplated they filed in court and served on respondents as answers
by the Rules, the device may be used by all the parties to the contemplated by the Rules of Court on the ground that same
case. were filed ex abudanti cautela. They contend that since they
had not yet filed an answer, any deposition must be made
II. Purpose of discovery with leave of court.
- The modes of discovery are designed to serve as an
additional device aside from a pre-trial, to narrow and clarify - The court in finding the contention untenable ruled:
the basic issues between the parties, to ascertain the facts "We find petitioners' contention to be untenable. Ex
relative to the issues and to enable the parties to obtain the abudanti cautela means "out of abundant caution" or "to be
fullest possible knowledge of the issues and facts before civil on the safe side." An answer ex abudanti cautela does not
trials and thus prevent the said trials to be carried on in the make their answer less of an answer. A cursory look at the
dark. It is intended to make certain that all issues necessary answers filed by petitioners shows that they contain their
to the disposition of a case are properly raised. Thus, to respective defenses. An answer is a pleading in which a
obviate the element of surprise, parties are expected to defending party sets forth his defenses and the failure to file
disclose at a pre-trial conference all issues of law and fact one within the time allowed therefore may cause a defending
that they intend to raise at the trial, except such as may party to be declared in default. Thus, petitioners, knowing
involve privileged or impeaching matters. fully well the effect of the non-filing of an answer, filed their
answers despite the pendency of their appeal with the Court
III. Modes of discovery under the Rules of Court (Bar 2000) of Appeals on the denial of their motion to dismiss.
- The following are the modes of discovery under the Rules of "Petitioners' argument that the issues of the case
Court: have not yet been joined must necessarily fail in light of our
(a) Depositions pending action (Rule 23); ruling that petitioners have filed their answers although the
(b) Depositions before action or pending appeal (Rule 24); same were made ex abudanti cautela. Issues are joined when
(c) Interrogatories to parties (Rule 25); all the parties have pleaded their respective theories and the
(d) Admission by adverse party (Rule 26); terms of the dispute are plain before the court. In the
(e) Production or inspection of documents and things (Rule present case, the issues have, indeed, been joined when
27); and petitioners, as well as the other defendants, filed their
(f) Physical and mental examination of persons (Rule 28). answers. The respective claims and defenses of the parties
have been defined and the issues to be decided by the trial
IV. Depositions (Rules 23-24) court have been laid down.
1. A deposition is the taking of the testimony of any person, "We cannot also sustain petitioners' contention that
whether he be a party or not, but at the instance of a party the lower court erred when it said that the joinder of issues
to the action. This testimony is taken out of court. It may be is not required in order that Section 1, Rule 23 of the 1997
either by (a) an oral examination, or by (b) a written Rules of Civil Procedure may be availed of. Under said
interrogatory (Sec. 1, Rule 23, Rules of Court). section, a deposition pending action may be availed of (1)
with leave of court when an answer has not yet been filed
2. A deposition may be sought for use in a future action (Rule but after jurisdiction has been obtained over any defendant
24,) during a pending action (Rule 23) or for use in a pending or property subject of the action, or (2) without leave of
appeal (Rule 24). court after an answer to the complaint has been served. In

the instant case, the taking of the deposition may be availed

- If the deposition is for use during a pending action, it is of even without leave of court because petitioners have
commonly called a deposition benne esse and is governed by already served their answers to the complaint.
is objected to shall still be taken but subject to the objection
VI. Deposition of a prisoner (Sec. 17, Rule 23, Rules of Court).
- When it is the deposition of a prisoner that is to be taken,
his deposition may be taken only with leave of court and IX. Use of depositions pending action
upon such terms as the court may prescribe (Sec. 1, Rule 23, 1. Any part or all of the deposition, so far as admissible
Rules of Court). under the rules of evidence, may be used (a) against any
party who was present or represented at the taking of the
VII. Before whom taken (depositions pending action) deposition, or (b) against one who had due notice of the
1. Within the Philippines, a deposition need not be taken deposition (Sec. 4, Rule 23, Rules of Court).
before a judge, although it may be taken before one. It may
also be taken before a notary public (Sec. 10, Rule 23, Rules 2. The deposition may be used for the following purposes:
of Court) or before any person authorized to administer oaths (a) For contradicting or impeaching the testimony of the
if the parties so stipulate in writing (Sec. 14, Rule 23, Rules deponent as a witness;
of Court). (b) For any purpose by the adverse party where the
deponent is a party;
2. Outside the Philippines, a deposition may be taken before (c) For any purpose by any party, where the deponent is a
(a) a secretary of an embassy or legation; consul general, witness if the court finds that:
consul, vice-consul, or consular agent of the Republic of the (i) the witness is dead,
Philippines; (b) such person or officer as may be appointed (ii) that the witness resides more than one hundred(100)
by commission or letters rogatory; or (c) a person authorized kilometers from the place of trial or hearing, or is out of
to administer oaths by written stipulation of the parties (Sec. the Philippines, unless it appears that his absence was
17, Rule 23, Rules of Court). procured by the party offering the deposition; or
(iii) that the witness is unable to attend or testify
3. No deposition shall be taken before a person who is a because of age, sickness, infirmity, or imprisonment; or
relative within the sixth degree of consanguinity or affinity, (iv) that the party offering the deposition has been
or employee or counsel of any of the parties; or who is a unable to procure the attendance of witnesses by
relative within the same degree, or employee of such subpoena; or (v) when exceptional circumstances exists
counsel; or who is financially interested in the action (Sec. (Sec. 4, Rule 23, Rules of Court).
13, Rule 23, Rules of Court).
X. Deposition upon written interrogatories
VIII. Examination of the deponent - A deposition need not be conducted through an oral
1. A party desiring to take the deposition of any person upon examination. It may be conducted through written
oral examination shall give reasonable notice in writing to interrogatories which shall be served upon every other party.
every party to the action stating the time and place for The party served may also serve cross-interrogatories upon
taking the deposition and the name and address of each the party proposing to take the deposition within ten (10)
person to be examined (Sec. 15, Rule 23, Rules of Court). days from service of the written interrogatories. The latter
After the notice is served, the court may make any order for may, within five (5) days serve re-direct interrogatories and
the protection of the parties and the deponents (Sec. 16, within three (3) days the other party may serve re-cross
Rule 23, Rules of Court). interrogatories (Sec. 25, Rule 23, Rules of Court). Copies of
all these interrogatories shall be delivered to the officer
2. The attendance of witnesses may be compelled by the use before whom the deposition is taken and who shall take the
of subpoenas (Sec. 1, Rule 23, Rules of Court). responses and prepare the record (Sec. 26, Rule 23, Rules of
3. The deponent may be examined or cross examined
following the procedures for witnesses in a trial. He may be XI. Perpetuation of testimony before action or pending
asked questions on direct, cross, re-direct or re-cross. He has appeal
the same rights as a witness and may be impeached like a 1. The perpetuation of a testimony, is done by filing a
court witness because Secs. 3 to 18 of Rule 132 apply to a verified petition in the place of the residence of any
deponent (Sec. 3, Rule 23, Rules of Court). expected adverse party. This petition is filed by a person who
desires to perpetuate his own testimony or that of another
4. Unless otherwise provided by the court, the deponent may regarding any matter that may be cognizable in any court of
be examined regarding any matter not privileged, which is the Philippines (Sec. 1, Rule 24, Rules of Court).
relevant to the pending action, whether relating to the claim
or defense of any party, including the existence, description, 2. Notices shall be sent in accordance with the Rules (Sec. 3,
nature, custody, condition and location of any books, Rule 24, Rules of Court) and if the court is satisfied that the
documents, or other tangible things and the identity and perpetuation of the testimony may prevent a failure or delay
location of persons having knowledge of relevant facts (Sec. of justice, it shall make the appropriate order for the taking
3, Rule 23, Rules of Court). of the deposition (Sec. 4, Rule 24, Rules of Court).

5. The officer before whom the deposition is taken has no 3. The deposition taken under this Rule is admissible in
authority to rule on the objections interposed during the evidence in any action subsequently brought involving the

course of the deposition although any objections shall be same subject matter (Sec. 6, Rule 24, Rules of Court).
noted by the officer upon the deposition. Any evidence that
4. A deposition for the perpetuation of testimony in a case 1. A party not served with written interrogatories may not be
pending appeal may likewise be availed of under the same compelled by the adverse party to give testimony in open
rules as those followed in perpetuation of testimony pending court, or to give deposition pending appeal, unless allowed
action and those prescribed for depositions pending action by the court or to prevent a failure of justice (Sec. 6, Rule
(Sec. 7, Rule 29, Rules of Court). 25, Rules of Court).

Interrogatories to Parties (Rule 25) 2. This provision encourages the use of written
interrogatories and although a party is not compelled to use
XII. Purpose of interrogatories to parties this discovery procedure, the rule imposes sanctions for his
- This mode of discovery which is availed of by a party to the failure to serve written interrogatories by depriving him of
action is for the purpose of eliciting material and relevant the privilege to call the adverse party as a witness or to give
facts from any adverse party (Sec. 1, Rule 25, Rules of a deposition pending appeal.
Admission by Adverse Party (Rule 26)
XIII. Distinguished from a bill of particulars
Bill of particulars Interrogatories to parties XVII. Purpose of admission by adverse party
designed to clarify not directed to a particular - The purpose of this mode of discovery is to allow one party
ambiguities in a pleading or pleading. Instead, they seek to request the adverse party in writing to admit certain
to state with sufficient to disclose all material and material and relevant matters which most likely will not be
definiteness allegations in a relevant facts from a party disputed during the trial. To avoid unnecessary
pleading. A bill of (Sec. 1, Rule 23, Rules of inconvenience to the parties in going through the rigors of
particulars therefore, is Court). proof, before the trial, a party may request the other to:
directed to a pleading (Sec. (a) admit the genuineness of any material and relevant
1, Rule 12, Rules of Court). document described in and exhibited with the request; or
(b) admit the truth of any material and relevant matter of
XIV. Distinguished from written interrogatories in a depo- fact set forth in the request.
Written interrogatories Interrogatories to parties XVIII. Filing of written request for admission
not served upon the adverse interrogatories to parties are - A party, although not compelled by the Rules, is advised to
party directly. They are served directly upon the file and serve a written request for admission on the adverse
instead delivered to the adverse party (Sec. 1, Rule party of those material and relevant facts at issue which are,
officer before whom the 23, Rules of Court). or ought to be, within the personal knowledge of said
deposition is to be taken adverse party. The party who fails to file and serve the
(Sec. 26, Rule 23, Rules of request shall not be permitted to present evidence on such
Court). facts (Sec. 5, Rule 26, Rules of Court).

XV. Procedure XIX. Filing and service of a sworn statement of admission or

1. The mode of discovery is availed ofby filing and serving denial; effect of failure to file and serve
upon the adverse party written interrogatories to be 1. It is advisable for the party to whom the written request is
answered by the party served. If the party is a juridical directed to file and serve upon the party requesting the
entity, the written interrogatories shall be answered by any admission a sworn statement either (a) specifically denying
of its officers competent to testify in its behalf (Sec. 1, Rule the matters of which admission is requested, or (b) if he does
25, Rules of Court). not deny the same, to set forth in detail the reasons why he
cannot truthfully admit or deny those matters. This sworn
2. No party may, without leave of court, serve more than one statement shall be filed and served within the period
set of interrogatories to be answered by the same party (Sec. designated in the request but which shall not be less than
4, Rule 25, Rules of Court). fifteen (15) days from the service of such request, or within
such further time as the court may allow (Sec. 2, Rule 26,
3. The interrogatories shall be answered fully in writing and Rules of Court).
shall be signed and sworn to by the person making them.
The party upon whom the interrogatories have been served 2. If the party to whom the written request for admission
shall file and serve a copy of the answers on the party does not file the required sworn statement each of the
submitting the interrogatories within fifteen (15) days after matters of which an admission is requested shall be deemed
service thereof. This time may, upon motion, be extended or admitted (Sec. 2,, Rule 26, Rules of Court).
shortened by the court (Sec. 1, Rule 25, Rules of Court).
3. Any admission etude by a party as a consequence of the
4. The party against whom it is directed may make objections failure to comply with the request is only for the purpose of
to the interrogatories. If he does so, said objections shall be the pending action and shall not be deemed an admission for
presented to the court within ten (10) days after service of any other purpose. Likewise, the admission cannot be used
the interrogatories. The filing of the objections shall have against the admitting party in any other proceeding (Sec. 3,
Rule 26, Rules of Court).

the effect of deferring the filing and service of the answer to

the interrogatories (Sec. 3, Rule 25, Rules of Court).
XX. Deferment of compliance
XVI. Effect of failure to serve written interrogatories
- To avoid the implied admission, the party requested may examination and by the person or persons by whom it is made
have the compliance of the filing and service of the sworn (Sec. 2, Rule 28, Rules of Court).
statement deferred. This deferment may be effected by the
filing with the court objections to the request for admission. 2. The party examined may request the party causing the
Compliance shall be deferred until such objections are examination to be made to deliver to him a copy of a
resolved by the court (Sec. 2, par. 2, Rule 26, Rules of detailed written report of the examining physician setting
Court). out his findings and conclusions. After such request and
delivery, the party causing the examination to be made shall
XXI. Withdrawal of admission be entitled upon request to receive from the party examined
- Admissions made under this mode of discovery, whether a like report of any examination, previously or thereafter
express or implied are not final and irrevocable. The court made, of the same mental or physical condition. If the party
may allow the party making the admission to withdraw or examined refuses to deliver the report, the court may make
amend the admission upon such terms as may be just (Sec. 4, an order requiring the delivery on such terms as are just. If it
Rule 26, Rules of Court). To effect the withdrawal, the is the physician who fails or refuses to make a report, the
admitting party should file a motion to be relieved of the court may exclude his testimony (Sec. 3, Rule 28, Rules of
effects of his admission. Court).

Production or Inspection of Documents or Things (Rule 27) XXVI. Waiver of privilege

- By requesting and obtaining a report of the examination or
XXII. Purpose by taking the deposition of the examiner, the party examined
- The purpose of this mode of discovery is to allow a party to waives any privilege he may have in that action or any other
seek an order from the court in which the action is pending involving the same controversy, regarding the testimony of
to: every other person who has examined or may thereafter
(a) order any party to produce and permit the inspection examine him in respect of the same mental or physical
and copying or photographing, by or on behalf of the examination (Sec. 4, Rule 28, Rules of Court).
moving party, of any designated documents, papers,
books, accounts, letters, photographs, objects or tangible XXVII. Refusal to comply with the modes of discovery (Rule
things, not privileged, which constitute or contain 29)
evidence material to any matter involved in the action and - The sanctions for refusal to comply with the modes of
which are in his possession, custody or control; discovery may be summarized as follows:
(b) order any party to permit entry upon designated land A. Refusal to answer any question
or other property in his possession or control for the (a) The court may upon proper application, compel a
purpose of inspecting, measuring, surveying, or deponent who refuses to answer an oral examination. The
photographing the property or any designated relevant same applies to a witness who refuses to answer an
object or operation thereon. interrogatory submitted (Sec. 1, Rule 29, Rules of Court). A
refusal to answer after being directed by the court may be
XXIII. Filing of a motion; order of the court considered as a contempt of court (Sec. 2, Rule 29, Rules of
1. A motion must be filed by the party seeking the production Court).
or inspection of documents and things and the motion must
show good cause supporting the same (Sec. 1, Rule 27, Rules - The court may order the deponent, a party, or the counsel
of Court). advising the refusal, or both of them, to pay the proponent
the amount of reasonable expenses incurred in obtaining the
2. The order shall specify the time, place and manner of order, including attorney's fees (Sec. 1, Rule 29, Rules of
making the inspection and taking copies and photographs, Court).
and may prescribe such terms and conditions as are just (Sec.
1, Rule 27, Rules of Court). (b) If the application for an order to compel a deponent to
answer is denied because of the absence of a substantial
XXIV. Physical and Mental Examination of Persons (Rule 28) justification, the court may require the proponent or the
Applicability counsel advising the application, or both of them, to pay to
- This mode of discovery applies to an action in which the the refusing party or deponent the amount of reasonable
mental or physical condition of a party is in controversy (Sec. expenses incurred in opposing the application, including
1, Rule 28, Rules of Court). Examples of this action would be: attorney's fees (Sec. 1, Rule 29, Rules of Court).
(a) An action for annulment of a contract where the ground
relied upon is insanity or dementia; B. Refusal to answer designated or particular
(b) A petition for guardianship of a person alleged to be questions or refusal to produce documents or things or to
insane; submit to physical or mental examination
(c) An action to recover damages for personal injury where (a) The court may order that the matters regarding which the
the issue is the extent of the injuries of the plaintiff. questions were asked shall be taken as established for
purposes of the action in accordance with the claim of the
XXV. Procedure party obtaining them (Sec. 3[a], Rule 29, Rules of Court).
1. A motion must be filed showing good cause for the

examination, with notice to the other parties as well aside (b) The court may issue an order refusing to allow the
from the party to be examined. The motion shall likewise disobedient party to refuse or support designated claims or
specify the time, place, manner, conditions and scope of the defenses or prohibiting him from introducing in evidence
designated documents or things or items of testimony, or each case and to make their considered determination
from introducing evidence of physical or mental condition thereafter.
(Sec. 3[b], Rule 29, Rules of Court).

(c) The court may issue an order striking out pleadings or CHAP. 9: TRIAL, DEMURRER TO EVIDENCE AND JUDGMENT
parts thereof, or staying further proceedings until the order
is obeyed, or dismissing the action or proceeding or any part A. TRIAL
thereof, or rendering a judgment by default against the
disobedient party (Sec. 3[c], Rule 29, Rules of Court). I. Nature of `trial'
> trial - the judicial process of investigating and determining
(d) The court may direct the arrest of any party or agent of a the legal controversies, starting with the production of
party for disobeying any of the orders of the court, except an evidence by the plaintiff and ending with his closing
order to submit to a physical examination. arguments.

C. Refusal to be sworn II. Trial and hearing

- A refusal of a party to be sworn after being directed by the - The terms `trial' and `hearing' are sometimes inter-
court may be considered as contempt of court (Sec. 2, Rule changeably used. There is however, a marked difference
29, Rules of Court). between these terms. A hearing is a broader term. It is not
confined to the trial and presentation of the evidence
D. Refusal to admit because it actually embraces several stages in the litigation.
- If a party refuses to admit the genuineness of any document It includes the re-trial and the determination of granting or
or the truth of any matter of fact and serves a sworn denial denying a motion.
thereof and if the other party later on proves the
genuineness of the document or the truth of such matter of III. When trial is unnecessary (Bar 1996)
fact, the court upon proper application, may order the - A civil case may be adjudicated upon without the need for a
former to pay the reasonable expenses in making such proof, trial (Bar 1996) in any of the following cases:
including attorney's fees (Sec. 4, Rule 29, Rules of Court). (a) Where the pleadings of the parties tender no issue at all,
a judgment on the pleadings may be directed by the court
E. Failure to attend depositions or to serve answers (Rule 34, Rules of Court).
to interrogatories
1. The court may (a) strike out all or any part of the pleading (b) Where from the pleadings, affidavits, depositions and
of that party, or dismiss the action or proceeding or any part other papers, there is actually no genuine issue, the court
thereof, or (b) enter a judgment by default against may render a summary judgment (Rule 35, Rules of Court).
that party, and in its discretion, (c) order him to pay
reasonable expenses incurred by the other, including (c) Where the parties have entered into a compromise or an
attorney's fees (Sec. 5, Rule 29, Rules of Court). amicable settlement either during the pre-trial or while the
trial is in progress (Rule 18, Rules of Court, Art. 2028, Civil
2. The consequences under Sec. 5 of Rule 29 will apply if a Code of the Philippines).
party refuses to answer the whole set of written interro-
gatories, and not just a particular question. Where the party (d) Where the complaint has been dismissed with prejudice
upon whom the written interrogatories is served, refuses to (Sec. 5, Rule 16; Sec. 3, Rule 17; Sec. 5, Rule 7, Rules of
answer a particular question in the set of written Court).
interrogatories and despite an order compelling him to
answer the particular question, still refuses to obey the (e) Where the case falls under the operation of the Rules on
order, Sec. 3(c) of Rule 29 will apply. Summary Procedure.
(f) Where, the parties agree in writing, upon the facts
- The following are the consequences provided for in Sec. involved in the litigation, and submit the case for judgment
3(c) of Rule 29: on the facts agreed upon, without the introduction of
(a) The court may issue an order striking out pleadings or evidence. If however, there is no agreement as to all the
parts thereof; facts in the case, trial may be held only as to the disputed
(b) The court may issue an order staying further facts (Sec. 6, Rule 30, Rules of Court).
proceedings until the order is obeyed; or
(c) The court may issue an order rendering a judgment by IV. Notice of Trial
default against the disobedient party. - Upon entry of the case in the trial calendar, the clerk of
court shall notify the parties of the date of trial in such
3. The matter of how, and when,: the above sanctions should manner as to ensure its receipt at least five (5) days before
be applied is one that' primarily rests on the sound discretion such date (Sec. 1, Rule 30, Rules of Court).
of the court where the case is pending, having always in mind
the paramount and overriding interest of justice. For while V. Calendaring of cases
the modes of discovery are intended to attain the resolution - In Calendaring cases, the clerk of court shall give
of litigations with great expediency, they are not preference to habeas corpus cases, election cases, special

contemplated, however, to be ultimate causes of injustice. It civil actions and those so required by law to be preferred
behooves trial courts to examine well the circumstances of (Sec. 1, Rule 20, Rules of Court).
VI. Session hours - The judge of the court where the case is pending shall
1. The session hours of trial courts shall be from 8:30 A.M. to personally receive the evidence to be adduced by the
noon and from 2:00 I? M. to 4:30 P .M. from Monday to parties. Reception of the evidence may nevertheless be
Friday. The hours in the morning shall be devoted to the delegated to the clerk of court who is a member of the bar,
conduct of the trial, while the hours in the afternoon shall be in any of the following cases:
utilized for the conduct of (1) pre-trial conferences; (2) (a) in default hearings;
writing of decisions, resolutions, or orders; or (3) the (b) in ex parte hearings; or
continuation of the trial on the merits, whenever rendered (c) in any case by written agreement of the parties (Sec. 9,
necessary as may be required by the Rules of Court, statute, Rule 30, Rules of Court).
or circulars in specified cases. This schedule may be modified
upon request of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines in XIII. Issues in the trial
multi-sala courts in places where there are few practicing - The trial shall be limited to the issues stated in the pretrial
lawyers. order. This is the general rule unless the court so directs for
special reasons (Sec. 5, Rule 30, Rules of Court).
2. Unless the docket of the court requires otherwise, not
more than four (4) cases shall be scheduled for trial daily B. DEMURRER TO EVIDENCE
(Administrative Circular No. 3-39, January 15, 1999). 1. The regular order of trial requires the plaintiff to adduce
evidence in support of his complaint. During the trial the
VII. Adjournments and postponements plaintiff presents all the evidences available to him - object,
- The general rule is that a court may adjourn a trial from documentary and testimonial.
day to day, and to any stated time, as the expeditious and
convenient transaction of business may require (Sec. 2, Rule 2. After the plaintiff has completed the presentation of his
30, Rules of Court). evidence, the defendant shall then adduce evidence in
support of his defense, counterclaim or third-party complaint
VIII. Limitation on the authority to adjourn as the case may be. The defendant however, may sincerely
- The court has no power to adjourn a trial for a period feel that the plaintiff has not lived up to his burden of
longer than one month from each adjournment, nor more proving the material allegations of his claim and is therefore,
than three (3) months in all, except when authorized in not entitled to the relief sought for in his complaint.
writing by the Court Administrator (Sec. 2, Rule 30, Rules of
Court). A motion for postponement should not be filed on the 3. Instead of presenting his evidence, the defendant may
last hour especially when there is no reason why it could not move for dismissal on the ground that upon the facts and the
have been presented earlier. law the plaintiff has shown no right to relief (Sec. 1, Rule 33,
Rules of Court). This motion for dismissal is called a
IX. Postponement on the ground of illness demurrer to evidence. A demurrer is a specie of a motion to
- Trial may be postponed on the ground of illness of either dismiss but is not the motion to dismiss under Rule 16.
party or counsel by complying with the following:
(a) A motion for postponement must be filed; I. Effect of denial of the demurrer to evidence
(b) The motion must be supported by an affidavit or sworn 1. If the demurrer is denied, the defendant shall have the
certification showing that (1) the presence of the party or right to present his evidence (Sec. 1, Rule 33, Rules of
counsel at the trial is indispensable, and (2) that the Court). This means that the denial of the demurrer to
character of his illness is such as to render his non- evidence does not deprive the defendant to adduce evidence
attendance excusable (Sec. 4, Rule 30, Rules of Court). in his behalf.

2. Where a court denies a demurrer to evidence, it should set

X. Postponement on the ground of absence of evidence (Bar the date for the reception of the defendant's evidence in
1975) chief. It should not proceed to grant the relief demanded by
1. Trial may be postponed on the ground of absence o(' the plaintiff.
evidence upon compliance with the following:
(a) A motion for postponement must be filed; 3. An order denying a demurrer to the evidence is inter-
(b) The motion must be supported by an affidavit or sworn locutory and is therefore, not appealable. It can however, be
certification showing the (1) materiality or relevancy of the the subject of a petition for certiorari in case of grave abuse
evidence, and (2) that due diligence has been used to of discretion or an oppressive exercise of judicial authority.
procure it (Sec. 3, Rule 30, Rules of Court).
4. A party who files a demurrer to evidence in an election
2. If the adverse party admits the facts given in evidence, case cannot insist on the right to present evidence. The
the trial shall not be postponed even if he reserves the right provision of the Rules of Court; governing demurrer to
to object to the admissibility of the evidence (Sec. 3, Rule evidence does not apply to an election case.
30, Rules of Court). II. Effect of granting of the demurrer to evidence
1. If the demurrer is granted, the case shall be dismissed.
XI. Postponement is not a matter of right However, if on appeal the order granting the motion is
- A postponement is not a matter of right. It is addressed to reversed, the defendant loses his right to present evidence.

the sound discretion of the court

2. It is not correct for the appellate court reversing the order
XII. Reception of evidence granting the demurrer to remand the case to the trial court
for further proceedings. The appellate court should, instead (e) The judgment must be in writing, personally and
of remanding the case, render judgment on the basis of the directly prepared by the judge; A verbal judgment is, in
evidence submitted by the plaintiff. contemplation of law, not in esse, therefore, ineffective
(f) The judgment must state clearly the facts and the law
III. Demurrer as distinguished from a motion to dismiss under on which it is based, signed by the judge and filed with the
Rule 16 clerk of court (Sec. 1, Rule 36, Rules of Court; Sec. 14,
Motion to dismiss Demurrer Art. VIII, Constitution of the Philippines). This requirement
a. usually filed before the a. made after the plaintiff refers to decisions and final orders on the merits, not to
service and filing of the rests his case. those resolving incidental matters.
b. anchored on many grounds b. anchored on one ground - 2. Decisions, no matter how concisely written, must
plaintiff' has no right to distinctly and clearly set forth the facts and the law upon
relief. which they are based. This rule however, does not require
c. If a motion to dismiss is c. the defendant may that the court shall state in its decision all the facts found in
denied, the defendant may present his evidence. the records.
file his responsive pleading
3. A decision need not be a complete recital of the evidence
IV. Demurrer in a civil case as distinguished from a demurrer presented. So long as the factual and legal basis is distinctly
in a criminal case and clearly set forth, the judgment is valid.
Demurrer in a civil case Demurrer in a criminal case
a. leave of court is not a. leave of court is filed with 4. A decision that does not clearly and distinctly state the
required before filing a or without leave of court facts and the law on which it is based leaves the parties in
demurrer. (Sec. 23, Rule 119, Rules of the dark as to how it was reached and is specially prejudicial
Criminal Procedure). to the losing party, who is unable to pinpoint the possible
b. if the demurrer is b. the order of dismissal is errors of the court for review by a higher tribunal. A decision
granted, the order of not appealable because of with nothing to support it is a patent nullity.
dismissal is appealable (Sec. the constitutional policy A void judgment has no legal and binding effect, force or
1, Rule 33, Rules of Court). against double jeopardy. efficacy for any purpose.
c. if the demurrer is denied, c. the accused may adduce
IV. Orders granting or denying a motion to dismiss
the defendant may proceed his evidence only if the
1. It is not only judgments which must distinctly and clearly
to present his evidence. demurrer is filed with leave
state the facts and the law upon which they are based. Under
of court. He cannot present
Sec. 3, Rule 16 of the Rules of Court, as amended, it is
his evidence if he filed the
required that resolutions disposing of a motion to dismiss
demurrer without leave of
shall state clearly and distinctly the reasons therefore. This
court (Sec. 23, Rule 119,
requirement proscribes the common practice of perfunctorily
Rules of Court).
dismissing a motion to dismiss for lack of merit. Such cavalier
dispositions can often pose difficulty and misunderstanding
on the part of the aggrieved party in taking recourse
therefrom and likewise on the higher court called upon to
I. Meaning of a judgment
resolve the same, usually on certiorari.
> judgment - the final ruling by a court of competent
jurisdiction regarding the rights or other matters submitted
2. An example of an order violative of the Rules of Court is
to it in an action or proceeding.
one which reads: "This Court finds that the grounds stated in
 A judgment is the court's official and final consideration
the Motion to Dismiss are without merit, hence, denied".
and determination of the respective rights and obligations of
the parties.
V. Denials of a petition for review or of a motion for
II. Judgment and decision
- The Constitution of the Philippines also requires that the
"Judgment" is normally synonymous with "decision."
refusal to give due course to or the denial of a petition for
review or of a motion for reconsideration must state the
III. Requisites of a valid judgment
legal basis therefor (Sec. 14, Art. VIII).
1. For a judgment to be valid, the following requisites must
VI. Conflict between the dispositive portion and body of the
(a) The court or tribunal must be clothed with authority to
hear and determine the matter before it;
1. A judgment has two parts, namely, (a) the body of the
(b) The court must have jurisdiction over the parties and
judgment or the ratio decidendi, and (b) the dispositive
the subject matter;
portion of the judgment or the fallo.
(c) The parties must have been given an opportunity to
adduce evidence in their behalf;
- The body of the decision called the ratio decidendi is not
(d) The evidence must have been considered by the
the part of the judgment that is subject to execution but the

tribunal in deciding the case

fallo because it is the latter which is the judgment of the
2. The importance of the fallo or dispositive portion of a X. Memorandum decisions
decision cannot be gainsaid - the disposition should state 1. A memorandum decision is one rendered by an appellate
whether the complaint or petition is granted or denied, the court and incorporates by reference the findings of fact and
specific roliel' Araritod, and the costs. It is the dispositive conclusions of law contained in the decision or order under
part of the judgment that actually settles and declares the review. The reason for allowing the findings of facts and
rights and obligations of the parties, finally, definitively, and conclusions of law to be incorporated by reference is to avoid
authoritatively the cumbersome reproduction and repetition of the decision
of the lower court in the decision of the higher court. To be
3. The general rule is that where there is a conflict between valid however, such decision must not simply incorporate the
the dispositive portion or fallo of the decision and the body findings of facts and the conclusions of law of the lower
of the decision, the fallo controls. This rule rests on the court by reference. It must also provide direct access to the
theory that the fallo is the final order while the opinion in facts and the law being adopted, which must be contained in
the body is merely a statement ordering nothing. Where the a statement attached to Ow decision and made an
inevitable conclusion from the body of the decision is so indispensable part of the decision.
clear that there was a mere mistake in the dispositive
portion, the body of the decision will prevail. 2. Memorandum decisions are authorized by BP 129 and Rule
51 of the Rules of Court. Both provide: "Every decision or
VII. Ambiguity in the judgment; clarificatory judgment. final resolution of a court in appealed cases shall clearly and
- Where the judgment is difficult to execute because of distinctly state the findings of facts and the conclusions of
ambiguity in its terms, the remedy of a party is to have the law on which it is based, which may be contained in the
court remove the ambiguity by the filing of a motion for a decision or final resolution itself, or adopted by reference
clarificatory judgment and not to assail the judgment as from those set forth in the decision, order, or resolution
void. appealed from (Sec. 40, BP 129; Sec. 5, Rule 51, Rules of

VIII. Resolutions of the Supreme Court 3. Although a memorandum decision is permitted, it cannot
l. Resolutions of the Supreme Court denying petitions to merely refer to the conclusions of law of the lower court.
review decisions of the Court of Appeals, are not "decisions" The appellate court must make full findings of fact and
within the purview of the Constitution. conclusions of law of its own for the decision not to be a
nullity (Ong Chia Kwan vs. Court ofAppeals, 345 SCRA 586).
2. Minute resolutions are likewise not decisions falling within As long as a memorandum decision states the nature of the
the constitutional requirement. case, summarizes the facts with references to the record and
contains a statement of the applicable laws and
3. When a minute resolution is issued by the Supreme Court jurisprudence and the tribunal's assessment and conclusions
denying or dismissing a petition or a motion for on the case, the constitutional requirement of a valid
reconsideration for lack of merit, it is understood that the judgment will not be transgressed.
challenged decision or order, together with all its findings of
fact and legal conclusions are deemed sustained.
XI. Meaning of rendition of judgment
IX. Interlocutory orders 1. > Rendition of a judgment - the filing of the same with the
- Interlocutory orders are not decisions within the clerk of court. It is not the pronouncement of the judgment
constitutional definition (Amargo vs. Court ofAppeals, 53 in open court that constitutes the rendition. It is not the
SCRA 64). Interlocutory orders are those that determine writing of the judgment or its signing which constitutes
incidental matters that do not touch on the merits of the rendition of the judgment.
case or put an end to the proceedings. Examples: An order
denying a motion to dismiss, an order granting an extension 2. Even if the judgment has already been put in writing and
of time to file a pleading, or one authorizing an amendment signed, it is still subject to amendment if it has not yet been
thereof, or granting or denying applications for filed with the clerk of court and before its filing does not yet
postponement or inspection of documents, are interlocutory constitute the real judgment of the court.
XII. Period within which to render a decision
- The word interlocutory refers to something intervening 1. All cases filed must be decided or resolved by the Supreme
between the commencement and the end of the suit which Court within twenty-four (24) months from the date of their
decides some point or matter but is not a final decision of submission for decision, and unless reduced by the Supreme
the whole controversy. Court, within twelve (12) months for all lower collegiate
courts and three (3) months for all other lower courts (Art.
- The proper remedy to question an improvident VIII, Sec. 15, Constitution of the Philippines).
interlocutory order is a petition for certiorari under Rule 65,
not Rule 45. A petition for review under Rule 45 is the proper 2. A case is deemed submitted for resolution upon the filing
mode of redress to question only final judgments. of the last pleading, brief or memorandum required by the

One cannot appeal from an interlocutory order. Permitting Rules of Court or by the court (Art. VIII, Sec. 15, Constitution
appeals on such an order may result in multiplicity of appeals of the Philippines).
in a single action thus, prolonging the action.
3. The ninety (90) day period for deciding the case stenographic notes are complete and available for
commences from the submission of the case for decision consideration by the former.
without memoranda. In case the court requires or allows its
filing, the case shall be considered submitted for decision 3. It is well-settled that, to be binding, a judgment must be
upon the filing of the last memorandum, or the expiration of duly signed and promulgated during the incumbency of the
the period to do so, whichever is earlier. In cases where the judge whose signature appears thereon (People vs. So, 101
court allows the filing of memoranda, no further orders Phil. 1257) A decision is void if promulgated after the judge
announcing the submission of the case for decision is who rendered it had ceased to be a judge of the court.
necessary before they are deemed submitted for decision.
XVI. Judgment penned by a judge who was transferred
XIII. Extension of the period to render a decision - A judge who was permanently transferred to another court
- An extension of the period may be set by the Supreme of equal jurisdiction before the case heard by him was
Court within which to decide a case upon request by the decided may validly prepare and sign his decision on the said
judge concerned on account of heavy caseload or by other case and send the same to the court where he was originally
reasonable excuse. Without an extension granted by the assigned (Valentin vs. Sta. Maria, 55 SCRA 40). The judge who
court, a delay in the disposition of cases is tantamount to pens the decision of a case heard by him before he was
gross inefficiency on the part of the judge. assigned or transferred to another district or branch of the
court of equal jurisdiction is considered an incumbent Judge,
XIV. Judgment penned by a judge who did not hear the albeit assigned to a different branch at the time the decision
evidence was promulgated.
1. It is not necessary that the judge who heard the evidence
be the same judge who shall pen the decision. The judge XVII. Judgments of the Supreme Court
trying the case may die, resign, be disabled or transferred to 1. The decisions of the Supreme Court form part of the legal
another court. In such an eventuality, another judge has to system.
continue and finish the trial. The succeeding judge can Hence, every court must take cognizance of the decisions
examine and evaluate the evidence already presented by the of the Supreme Court. Said decisions are proper subjects of
simple expedient of going over the transcripts of the mandatory judicial notice. Members of the bench have a
testimony of the witnesses in the same manner as appellate responsibility to know and to apply the latest holdings of the
courts review the evidences on record. Supreme Court.

2. The fact alone that the judge who penned the decision 2. It is the duty of lower courts to obey the decisions of the
was not the same judge who heard the case and received the Supreme Court and render obeisance to its status as the apex
evidence therein would not render the findings in the said of hierarchy of courts.
decision erroneous and unreliable. While the conduct and
demeanor of witnesses may sway a trial court judge in XVIII. Rule of stare decisis
deciding a case, it is not, and should not be, his only 1. Common usage of the concept of stare decisis tells us that
consideration. Even more vital for the trial court judge's the rule holds that when the Supreme Court has laid down a
decision are the contents and substance of the witnesses' principle of law applicable to a certain state of facts, it will
testimonies, as borne out by the transcript of stenographic adhere to that principle and apply it to all future cases
notes, as well as the object and documentary evidence where the facts are substantially the same.
submitted and made part of the records of the case.  In other words, the principle enjoins adherence to judicial
precedents and requires courts to follow the rule established
XV. Judgment penned by a judge who had ceased to be a in a decision of the Supreme Court. That decision becomes a
judge judicial precedent to be followed in subsequent cases by all
1. A decision penned by a judge after his retirement cannot courts in the land. It is based on the principle that once a
be validly promulgated and cannot acquire a binding effect. question of law has been examined and decided, it should be
In like manner, a decision penned by a judge during his deemed settled and closed to further argument.
incumbency cannot be validly promulgated after his
retirement. When a judge retires, all his authority to decide 2. In the words of the Court: "The doctrine of stare decisis
any case, i.e., to write, to sign and promulgate the decision embodies the legal maxim that a principle or rule of law
has also "retired" with him. which has been established by the decision of a court of
controlling jurisdiction will be followed in other cases
2. What deserves stressing is that, in this jurisdiction, there involving a similar situation. It is founded on the necessity for
exists a disputable presumption that the RTC decision was securing certainty and stability in the law and does not
rendered by the judge in the regular performance of his require identity of or privity of parties. This is unmistakable
official duties. While the said presumption is only disputable, from the wordings of Article 8 of the Civil Code. It is even
it is satisfactory unless contradicted or overcame by other said that such decisions "assume the same authority as the
evidence. Encompassed in this presumption of regularity is statute itself and, until authoritatively abandoned,
the presumption that the RTC judge, in resolving the case necessarily become, to the extent that they are applicable,
and drafting his decision, reviewed, evaluated, and weighed the criteria which must control the actuations not only of

all the evidence on record. That the said RTC judge is not the those called upon to decide thereby but also of those in duty
same judge who heard the case and received the evidence is bound to enforce obedience thereto." Abandonment thereof
of little consequence when the records and transcripts of must be based only on strong and compelling reasons,
otherwise, the becoming virtue of predictability which is
expected from this Court would be immeasurably affected - Litigation must end and terminate sometime and
and the public's confidence in the stability of the solemn somewhere, and it is essential to an effective administration
pronouncements diminished. of justice that once a judgment has become final, the issue
XIX. Obiter dictum or cause involved therein should be laid to rest. The basic
1.> obiter dictum - an opinion expressed by a court, which is rule of finality of judgment is grounded on the fundamental
not necessary to the decision of the case before it. principle of public policy and sound practice that at the risk
 It is neither enforceable as a relief nor a source of a of occasional error, the judgment of courts and the award of
judicially actionable claim. quasi judicial agencies must become final at some definite
date fixed by law.
2. ". . . It is a remark made, or opinion expressed by a judge
in his decision upon a cause... that is, incidentally or 3. Once a judgment has become final and executory, it can
collaterally, and not directly upon the question before him, no longer be disturbed, altered or modified (Industrial
or upon a point not necessarily involved in the determination Timber Corporation vs. Ababon, GR. No. 164518, January 25,
of the cause, or introduced by way of illustration, or analogy 2006) except for clerical errors or mistakes, all the issues
or argument. Such is not binding as a precedent." between the parties being deemed resolved and laid to rest
(Ram's Studio and Photographic Equipment, Inc. vs. Court of
XX. When a judgment becomes final Appeals, 346 SCRA 691). The court loses jurisdiction over the
1. The term "final" when used to describe a judgment may be judgment to amend (except for clerical errors) or alter the
used in two senses. In the first, it refers to a judgment that same but it retains jurisdiction to execute it during its
disposes of a case in a manner that leaves nothing more to be lifetime.
done by the court in respect thereto. In this sense, a final 4. Public policy and sound practice demand that at the risk of
judgment is distinguished from an interlocutory order which occasional errors, judgments of courts should become final
does not finally terminate or dispose of the case. and irrevocable at some definite date fixed by law. This is
better observed if the court executing the judgment would
- Since the finality of a judgment has the effect of ending the refrain from creating further controversy by effectively
litigation, an aggrieved party may then appeal from the modifying and altering the dispositive portion of the decision,
judgment. Under Rule 41 (Sec. 1) of the Rules of Court, an thus further delaying the satisfaction of the judgment. No
appeal may be taken from a judgment or final order that matter how just the intention of the trial court, it cannot
completely disposes of the case. Under the same rule, an legally reverse what has already been settled.
appeal cannot be taken from an interlocutory order (Sec.
I[c], Rule 41, Rules of Court). 5. Once a case is decided with finality, the controversy is
settled and the matter is laid to rest. The prevailing party is
2. In another sense, the word "final" may refer to a judgment entitled to enjoy the fruits of his victory while the other
that is no longer appealable and is already capable of being party is obliged to respect the court's verdict and to comply
executed because the period for appeal has elapsed without with it.
a party having perfected an appeal or if there has been an
appeal, it has already been resolved by a highest possible XXII. Res judicata effect of a final judgment or final order
tribunal. 1. The judgment or final order has the effect of res judicata
In this sense, the judgment is commonly referred to as one between the parties. Res judicata has two aspects, namely:
that is "final and executory." (a) bar by a prior judgment -the judgment or final order is
a bar to the prosecution of a subsequent action based on
XXI. Conclusiveness of judgments (immutability of the same claim or cause of action; and
judgments) (b) conclusiveness of judgment - the judgment or final
1. Under the doctrine of conclusiveness or immutability of order precludes the relitigation of particular issues or facts
judgments, a judgment that has attained finality can no on a different demand or cause of action
longer be disturbed. The doctrine which is sometimes
referred to as "preclusion of issues" or "collateral estoppel," 2. By force of res judicata, a final judgment is conclusive not
holds that issues actually and directly resolved in a former only on the matters or issues directly or actually determined
suit cannot again be raised in any future case between the by the decision but also on all issues that could have been
same parties. raised in relation thereto.

2. Nothing is more settled in law than that once a judgment 3. A significant effect of a final judgment or order is its being
attains finality it thereby becomes immutable and appealable (Sec. 1, Rule 41, Rules of Court).
unalterable. It may no longer be modified in any respect,
even if the modification is meant to correct what is > final judgment or order - one that which disposes of the
perceived to be an erroneous conclusion of fact or law, and whole subject matter or terminates a particular proceeding
regardless of whether the modification is attempted to be or action, leaving nothing to be done but to enforce by
made by the court rendering it or by the highest court of the execution what has been determined.
land. Just as the losing party has the right to file an appeal
within the prescribed period, the winning party also has the 4. In case of a judgment or final order against a specific

correlative right to enjoy the finality of the resolution of his thing, the judgment or final order is conclusive upon the title
case. to the thing; in respect to the probate of a will or the
administration of the estate of the deceased person, it is
conclusive upon the will or administration but shall be prima
facie evidence only of the death of the testator or intestate.
With respect to the personal, political, or legal condition or XXV. Several judgment
status of a particular person or his relationship to another, 1. > several judgment - one rendered by a court against one
the judgment or final order is conclusive upon the condition, or more defendants, but not against all, leaving the action to
status or relationship of the person (Sec. 47[a], Rule 39, proceed against the others (Sec. 4, Rule 36, Rules of Court).
Rules of Court).
2. A several judgment is proper when the liability of each
XXIII. Exceptions to the rule of immutability of judgments party is clearly separable and distinct from that of his co-
- The exceptions to the general rule are: parties.
(a) the correction of clerical errors; Debtors under a joint obligation have distinct and
(b) the so-called nunc pro tunc entries which cause no separable interests. In a joint obligation, the credit or debt is
prejudice to any party and void judgments divided into as many equal shares as there are creditors and
(c) whenever circumstances transpire after the finality of the debtors, the credits or debts being distinct from one another
decision rendering its execution unjust and equitable. (Art. 1208, Civil Code of the Philippines).
(d) in cases of special and exceptional nature as when facts
and circumstances transpire which render the judgment's XXVI. Separate judgment
execution impossible or unjust, when necessary in the > separate judgment  presupposes that there are several
interest of justice to direct its modification to harmonize the claims for relief presented in a single action. Aside from the
disposition with prevailing circumstances. original complaint for instance, the defendant may have
interposed a counterclaim or a cross-claim or a third-party
XXIV. Judgment on the merits complaint. The court may, after determining the issues
1. A judgment is "on the merits" when it amounts to a legal relative to a claim and considering other circumstances, may
declaration of the respective rights and duties of the parties, render separate judgment let us say, on the cross-claim or
based upon the disclosed facts. "Merits" has been as a matter the counterclaim. The judgment will terminate the action
of substance in law, as distinguished from a matter of form with respect to that claim and the action shall proceed as to
refers to the real or substantial grounds of action or defense, the remaining claims. Despite the rendition of a separate
as contrasted with some technical or collateral matter raised judgment, the court may, stay the execution of the separate
in the course of the suit. There could be a judgment on the judgment until the rendition of a judgment on all the other
merits even if there is no trial. A ruling based on a motion to claims (Sec. 5, Rule 36, Rules of Court).
dismiss, without any trial or formal presentation of evidence,
can still be a judgment on the merits. A judgment ruling that XXVII. Conditional judgment
the defense was substantial enough to overcome the relief > conditional judgment - one the effectivity of which
sought is a judgment on the merits. depends upon the occurrence or the non-occurrence of an
- Dismissal on the ground of failure to state a cause of action
is still a judgment on the merits and operates as res judicata - Such a judgment is generally void because of the absence of
on a subsequent case involving the same parties, subject a disposition.
matter and cause of action as long as the dismissal ruled on
the issues raised. What appears to be essential to a judgment XXVIII. Judgment sin perjuicio
on the merits is that it be a reasoned decision, which clearly 1. A judgment sin perjuicio is traditionally understood to be
states the facts and the law on which it is based. Thus, a brief judgment containing only the dispositive portion,
where the court for example, ruled on the right of the without prejudice to the making of a more extensive
petitioner to foreclose the property, that the debtor was in discussion of the findings of fact and law to support it. This is
default and that the foreclosure was valid by looking into the not actually a final decision, should be avoided and should
law and the facts and pleadings and applied the law not be looked with favor.
accordingly, the judgment settled the controversy between 2. Its current use may also refer to a dismissal of an action
the parties. without prejudice to its being refiled on a later date as in a
dismissal in Sec. 1 of Rule 17 and Sec. 5 of Rule 7.
2. Jurisprudence does not require that a judgment on the
merits be one rendered after a full blown trial. In Perez vs. XXIX. Judgment nunc pro tunc (literally, "now for then")
Court ofAppeals, an order of the trial court that the 1. judgment nunc pro tunc - a judgment intended to enter
complaint does not state a cause of action is a determination into the record acts which had already been done, but which
of the case on the merits. In Luzon Development Bank vs. do not yet appear in the record.
Conquilla, the Court similarly ruled that a dismissal for  It is a judgment which orders the entry of something
failure to state a cause of action is still a judgment on the which was actually previously done. Its purpose is not to
merits. supply an omitted action by the court but to enter into the
record an action previously done but which was not reflected
- It has been held however, that a judgment dismissing an in the record by reason of inadvertence or mistake.
action for want of jurisdiction cannot operate as res judicata
on the merits. Also, where the dismissal was on the ground of 2. The function of a judgment nunc pro tunc is not to render

the failure of the petitioner to furnish a copy of her formal a new judgment or to correct a judicial error but to make the
offer of evidence, the decision does not constitute an records show what the judicial action really was but was
adjudication on the merits, but only a resolution of an omitted from the records. A motion for clarificatory
interlocutory matter. judgment that seeks the inclusion of matters that were not
parts of the judicial action is beyond the scope of a nunc pro
tunc judgment. 8. There is jurisprudence holding that if such motion is
denied, appeal may be taken from the order of denial of the
XXX. Judgment upon a compromise (Bar 1996) motion to set aside the compromise agreement.
1. > judgment upon a compromise - a judgment rendered by  This ruling must be deemed superseded or modified by
the court on the basis of a compromise agreement entered Sec. 1(e) of Rule 41 which declares as non-appealable an
into between the parties to the action. order denying a motion to set aside a judgment by. . .
compromise on the ground of fraud, mistake or duress, or
2. A compromise has upon the parties the effect of'res any other ground vitiating consent.
judicata, and under the principle of'res judicata, an issue
which had already been laid to rest by the parties themselves 9. A motion to set aside the compromise on a ground vitiating
can no longer be relitigated. consent applies only to a judgment upon a compromise.
When the compromise is not judicial and is a result ofthe
3. Substantive law does not require a court approval for the contract between the parties, the proper remedy is an action
res judicata effect of a compromise agreement to attach. to annul the compromise. A compromise agreement obtained
However, there shall be no execution of the compromise by mistake, fraud, violence, intimidation, undue influence,
agreement except in compliance with a judicial compromise or falsity of documents is subject to the provisions of Art.
(Art. 2037, Civil Code of the Philippines). A compromise is 1330 of the Civil Code. This provision declares the contract
perfected by mere consent, manifested by the meeting of as voidable. A voidable contract under Art. 1390 of the Civil
the offer and the acceptance upon the thing and the cause Code is subject to annulment.
which constitutes the contract. It is perfected upon the
meeting of the minds and does not need a judicial approval XXXI. Judgment upon a confession (cognovit actionem)
for its perfection. > judgment upon a confession (cognovit actionem) –
a judgment rendered by the court when a party expressly
4. > compromise - a contract whereby the parties, by making agrees to the other party's claim or acknowledges the validity
reciprocal concessions, avoid a litigation or put an end to one of the claim against him.
already commenced (Art. 2028, Civil Code of the Philippines)
but once approved by the court, a judicial compromise is not XXXII. Doctrine of law of the case
appealable and it thereby becomes immediately executory. - According to this principle, whatever is once irrevocably
This rule must be understood to refer and apply only to those established as the controlling legal rule or decision between
who are bound by the compromise and, on the assumption the same parties in the case continues to be the law of the
that they are the only parties to the case, the litigation case, whether correct on general principles or not, so long as
comes to an end except only as regards to its compliance and the facts on which such decision was predicated continue to
the fulfillment by the parties of their respective obligations be the facts of the case before the court. This principle
thereunder. The reason for the rule, said the Court in generally finds application in cases where an appellate court
Domingo vs. Court ofAppeals, is that when both parties so passes on a question and remands the case to the lower court
enter into the agreement to put a close to a pending for further proceedings. The question there settled becomes
litigation between them and ask that a decision be rendered the law of the case upon subsequent appeal. Consequently,
in conformity therewith, it would only be "natural to presume the court reviewing the succeeding appeal will not re-litigate
that such action constitutes an implicit waiver of the right to the case but instead apply the ruling in the previous appeal.
appeal" against that decision. The order approving the This enables the appellate court to perform its duties
compromise agreement thus becomes a final act, and it satisfactorily and efficiently which would be impossible if a
forms part and parcel of the judgment that can be enforced question, once considered and decided by it, were to be
by a writ of execution unless otherwise enjoined by a litigated anew in the same case and upon any and subsequent
restraining order. appeal.

5. In any event, the compromise agreement cannot bind a XXXIII. Entry of judgment; date thereof
party who did not voluntarily take part in the settlement 1. The entry of judgment refers to the physical act
itself and give specific individual consent. It must be performed by the clerk of court in entering the dispositive
remembered that a compromise agreement is also a portion of the judgment in the book of entries of judgment
contract; it requires the consent ol the parties, and it is only after the same has become final and executory. The record
then that the agreement may be considered as voluntarily shall contain the dispositive portion of the judgment or final
entered into. order and shall be signed by the clerk of court, with a
certificate by said clerk that the judgment has already
6. If one of the parties refuses to abide by the compromise, become final and executory (Sec. 2, Rule 36, Rules of Court).
the other party may either enforce the compromise or regard
it as rescinded and insist upon his original demand (Art. 2041, 2. Under the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure (Sec. 2, Rule 36)
Civil Code of the Philippines). the date of the entry of judgment is the date when the
judgment becomes final and executory regardless of the date
7. To assail a judgment by compromise, there must be a when the physical act of entry was done. Thus, if the

proper motion to set aside the compromise on the ground judgment becomes final and executory on March 15, because
that the compromise agreement was obtained either by no appeal, motion for new trial or motion for reconsideration
fraud, violence, intimidation, falsity of documents or some has been filed, the judgment is deemed entered
other vices of consent. simultaneously on March 15 by operation of the rule even if
the actual physical act of entry of the judgment was done on
another date like March 30. This new rule eliminates 2. The period for appeal is within fifteen (15) days after
confusion in determining the date of entry of a judgment. notice to the appellant of the judgment or final order
Prior to this rule, the date when a judgment becomes final appealed from (Sec. 2, Rule 40; Sec. 3, Rule 41; Sec. 2, Rule
and executory was not necessarily the date of its entry. 45, Rules of Court). Where a record on appeal is required,
the appellant shall file a notice of appeal and a record on
XXXIV. Relevance of knowing the date of the entry of a appeal within thirty (30) days from notice of the judgment or
judgment final order (Sec. 3, Rule 41). A record on appeal shall be
- There are some proceedings the filing of which is reckoned required only in special proceedings and other cases of
from the date of the entry of judgment. Examples: (a) The multiple or separate appeals (Sec. 3, Rule 40, Rules of
execution of a judgment by motion is within five (5) years Court).
from the entry of the judgment (Sec. 6, Rule 39, Rules of
Court); (b) The filing of a petition for relief has, as one of its 3. The abovementioned fifteen (15)-day period begins to run
periods, not more than six (6) months from the entry of the upon receipt of notice of the decision or final order appealed
judgment or final order (Sec. 3, Rule 38, Rules of Court). from. Such period has been considered to begin upon receipt
of notice by the counsel of record, which is considered notice
to the parties. Service of judgment on the party is prohibited
CHAP. 10: POST JUDGMENT REMEDIES and is not considered the official receipt of the judgment.
- To reiterate, service upon the parties' counsels of record is
I . REMEDIES BEFORE A JUDGMENT BECOMES FINAL AND tantamount to service upon the parties themselves, but
EXECUTORY service upon the parties themselves is not considered service
upon their lawyers. The reason is simple - the parties,
I. Available remedies to the aggrieved party generally, have n() formal education or knowledge of the
- The remedies against a judgment may refer to those rules of procedure, specifically, the mechanics of an appeal
remedies before a judgment becomes final and executory or availment of legal remedies; thus, they may also be
and those remedies after the same becomes executory. unaware of the rights and duties of a litigant relative to the
receipt of a decision. More importantly, it is best for the
1. Before a judgment becomes final and executory, the courts to deal only with one person in the interest of orderly
aggrieved or losing party may avail of the following procedure - either the lawyer retained by the party or the
remedies: party himself if he does not intend to hire a lawyer.
(a) Motion for reconsideration;
(b) Motion for new trial; and III. Effect of the filing of the motion on the period to appeal
(c) Appeal. - The filing of a timely motion for reconsideration interrupts
the period to appeal (Sec. 2, Rule 40; Sec. 3, Rule 41, Rules
- A judgment becomes final and executory upon the of Court).
expiration of the period to appeal therefrom and no appeal
has been perfected (Sec. 1, Rule 39, Rules of Court). IV. Grounds for a motion for reconsideration
1. The motion for reconsideration must be in writing, a
2. After the judgment becomes executory, the losing party written notice of which must be served on the adverse party,
may avail of the following: and may be anchored on any of the following grounds:
(a) Petition for relief from judgment; (a) that the damages awarded are excessive;
(b) Action to annul a judgment; (b) that the evidence is insufficient to justify the decision
(c) Certiorari; and or final order; or
(d) Collateral attack of a judgment. (c) that the decision or final order is contrary to law (Sec.
1, Rule 37, Rules of Court).
A. Motion for Reconsideration (Rule 37)
2. It is not sufficient to mention the ground relied upon. It is
I. Object of the motion necessary for the motion for reconsideration to point out
1. The motion for reconsideration under Rule 37 is one that is specifically the findings or conclusions of the judgment or
directed against a judgment or a final order. It is not the final order which are not supported by the evidence or which
motion for reconsideration of an interlocutory order which are contrary to law, making express reference to the
for instance, precedes a petition for certiorari. testimonial or documentary evidence or to the provisions of
law alleged to be contrary to such findings or conclusions
2. Be it noted that a motion for reconsideration of a (Sec. 2, Rule 39, Rules of Court). Non-compliance with this
judgment is a prohibited motion in a case that falls under requirement would reduce the motion to a mere pro forma
summary procedure (Sec. 19[c], IV, Rules on Summary motion. Under the explicit provisions of the rule (Sec. 2, Rule
Procedure; Bar 1989, 1990). 37), a pro forma motion for reconsideration shall not toll the
reglementary period of appeal.
II. When to file
l. A motion for reconsideration of a judgment or a final order V. Pro forma motion

is filed within the period for appeal (Sec. 1, Rule 37, Rules of 1. > pro forma motion - one which does not satisfy the
Court). No motion for extension of time to file a motion for requirements of the rules and one which will be treated as a
reconsideration shall be allowed (Sec. 2, Rule 40; Sec. 3, motion intended to delay the proceedings.
Rule 41, Rules of Court).
2. A motion for reconsideration is deemed pro forma if the also jurisdictional. The rule is also founded on deep-seated
same does not specify the findings or conclusions in the considerations of public policy and sound practice that, at
judgment which are not supported by the evidence or risk of occasional error, the judgments and awards of courts
contrary to law, making express reference to the pertinent must become final at some definite time fixed by law.
evidence or legal provisions. It is settled that although a
motion for reconsideration may merely reiterate issues 3. The Court in Neypes explains: "The Supreme Court may
already passed upon by the court that by itself does not promulgate procedural rules in all courts. It has the sole
make it pro forma and is immaterial because what is prerogative to amend, repeal or even establish new rules for
essential is compliance with the requisites of the Rules. a more simplified and inexpensive process, and the speedy
disposition of cases. In the rules governing appeals to it and
3. In the cases where a motion for reconsideration was held to the Court of Appeals, particularly Rules 42, 43, and 45,
to be pro forma, the motion was so held because (1) it was a the Court allows extensions of time, based on justifiable and
second motion for reconsideration, or (2) it did not comply compelling reasons, for parties to file their appeals. These
with the rule that the motion must specify the findings and extensions may consist of 15 days or more.
conclusions alleged to be contrary to law or not supported by
the evidence, or (3) it failed to substantiate the alleged - "To standardize the appeal periods provided in the Rules
errors, or (4) it merely alleged that the decision in question and to afford litigants fair opportunity to appeal their cases,
was contrary to law, or (5) the adverse party was not given the Court deems it practical to allow a fresh period of 15
notice thereof. days within which to file the notice of appeal in the Regional
Trial Court, counted from receipt of the order dismissing a
- Where the circumstances of a case do not show an intent on motion for a new trial or motion for reconsideration.
the part of the pleader to merely delay the proceedings, and
his motion reveals a bona fide effort to present additional - "Henceforth, this "fresh period rule" shall also apply to Rule
matters or to reiterate his arguments in a different light, the 40 governing appeals from the Municipal Trial Courts to the
courts should be slow to declare the same outright as pro Regional Trial Courts; Rule 42 on petitions for review from
forma. The doctrine relating to pro forma motions has a the Regional Trial Courts to the Court of Appeals; Rule 43 on
direct bearing upon the movant's valuable right to appeal. It appeals from quasi judicial agencies to the Court of Appeals
would be in the interest of justice to accord the appellate and Rule 45 governing appeals by certiorari to the Supreme
court the opportunity to review the decision of the trial court Court. The new rule aims to regiment or make the appeal
on the merits than to abort the appeal by declaring the period uniform, to be counted from receipt of the order
motion pro forma, such that the period to appeal was not denying the motion for new trial, motion for reconsideration
interrupted and had consequently lapsed. (whether full or partial) or any final order or resolution.
VI. Resolution of the motion
- The motion shall be resolved within thirty (30) days from - "* * * This pronouncement is not inconsistent with Rule 41,
the time it is submitted for resolution (Sec. 4, Rule 37, Rules Section 3 of the Rules which states that the appeal shall be
of Court). taken within 15 days from notice of judgment or final order
appealed from. The use of the disjunctive word "or" signifies
VII. Denial of the motion; the "fresh period" rule disassociation and independence of one thing from another.
1. If the motion is denied, the movant has a "fresh period" of It should, as a rule, be construed in the sense in which it
fifteen (15) days from receipt or notice of the order denying ordinarily implies. Hence, the use of "or" in the above
or dismissing the motion for reconsideration within which to provision supposes that the notice of appeal may be filed
file a notice of appeal. This new period becomes significant within 15 days from the notice of judgment or within 15 days
if either a motion for reconsideration or a motion for new from notice of the "final order," * * * denying the motion for a
trial has been filed but was denied or dismissed. This "fresh new trial or reconsideration.
period" rule applies not only to Rule 41 governing appeals
from the Regional Trial Courts but also to Rule 40 governing - "Neither does this new rule run counter to the spirit of
appeals from the Municipal Trial Court to the Regional Trial Section 39 of BP 129 which shortened the appeal period from
Court; Rule 42 on petitions for review from the Regional Trial 30 days to 15 days to hasten the disposition of cases. The
Courts to the Court ofAppeals; Rule 43 on appeals from quasi original period of appeal * * * remains and the requirement
judicial agencies to the Court of Appeals and Rule 45 for strict compliance still applies. The fresh period of 15 days
governing appeals by certiorari to the Supreme Court. becomes significant only when a party opts to file a motion
Accordingly, this rule was adopted to standardize the appeal for new trial or motion for reconsideration. In this manner,
periods provided in the Rules and to afford fair opportunity the trial court which rendered the assailed decision is given
to appeal their cases and to give the trial court another another opportunity to review the case and, in the process,
opportunity to review the case and, in the process, minimize minimize and/or rectify any error of judgment. While we aim
any error of judgment. to resolve cases with dispatch and to have judgments of
courts become final at some definite time, we likewise aspire
2. Prior to Neypes, if a party filed a motion for new trial or a to deliver justice fairly.
motion for reconsideration, he only had the remaining time
of the 15-day appeal period to file the notice of appeal. - In this case, the new period of 15 days eradicates the

This rule has been consistently applied in numerous cases confusion as to when the 15-day appeal period should be
and this interpretation was premised on the long-settled counted - from receipt of notice of judgment ... or from
doctrine that the perfection of an appeal in the manner and receipt of notice of "final order" appealed from...
within the period permitted by law is not only mandatory but
- "To recapitulate, a party litigant may either file his notice
of appeal within 15 days from receipt of the Regional Trial 2. If the court finds that a motion affects the issues of the
Court's decision or file it within 15 days from receipt of the case as to only a part, or less than all of the matters in
order (the "final order") denying his motion for new trial or controversy, or only one, or less than all, of the parties to it,
motion for reconsideration. Obviously, the new 15-day period the order may grant a reconsideration as to such issues if
may be availed of only if either motion is filed; otherwise, severable without interfering with the judgment or final
the decision becomes final and executory after the lapse of order upon the rest (Sec. 7, Rule 37, Rules of Court).
the original appeal period provided in Rule 41, Section 3.
XI. The "single motion" rule
4. The Neypes ruling shall not be applied where no motion - A party shall not be allowed to file a second motion for
for new trial or motion for reconsideration has been filed in reconsideration of a judgment or a final order (Sec. 5, Rule
which case the 15-day period for appeal shall run from notice 37, Rules of Court). Be reminded that the prohibition on a
of the judgment. second motion does not apply to a motion for reconsideration
of an interlocutory order.
5. In affirming the Neypes rule, a subsequent case held: "In
Neypes, et al. vs. Court of Appeals, we standardized the B. Motion For New Trial (Rule 37)
appeal period provided in the Rules of Court. In Neypes, we
granted a "fresh period" of 15 days within which to file the I. When to file
notice of appeal, counted from receipt of the order 1. A motion for new trial is filed within the period for appeal
dismissing a motion for a new trial or motion for (Sec. 1, Rule 37, Rules of Court). No motion for extension of
reconsideration or any final order or resolution." time to file a motion for new trial shall be allowed (Sec. 2,
Rule 40; Sec. 3, Rule 41, Rules of Court; Bar 1975).
VIII. Order of denial, not appealable
- The "fresh period" rule does not refer to the period within 2. The period for appeal is within fifteen (15) days after
which to appeal from the order denying the motion for notice to the appellant of the judgment or final order
reconsideration but to the period within which to appeal the appealed from (Sec. 2, Rule 40; Sec. 3, Rule 41; Sec. 2, Rule
judgment itself. An order denying a motion for 45, Rules of Court). Where a record on appeal is required,
reconsideration is not appealable under Sec. 9 of Rule 37. the appellant shall file a notice of appeal and a record on
The non-appealability of the order of denial is also confirmed appeal within thirty (30) days from notice of the judgment or
by Sec. 1(a) of Rule 41: which provides that no appeal may final order (Sec. 3, Rule 41). A record on appeal shall be
be taken from an order denying a motion for new trial or a required only (a) in special proceedings, and (b) other cases
motion for reconsideration. of multiple or separate appeals (Sec. 3, Rule 40, Rules of
IX. Remedy when motion is denied
1. The remedy from an order denying a motion for II. Effect of the filing of the motion on the period to appeal
reconsideration is not to appeal from the order of denial. - The filing of a timely motion for new trial interrupts the
Again, the order is not appealable. The remedy is to appeal period to appeal (Sec. 2, Rule 40; Sec. 3, Rule 41, Rules of
from the judgment or final order itself subject of the motion Court).
for reconsideration (Sec. 9, Rule 37, Rules of Court).
III. Form of a motion for new trial
2. May the order denying the motion for reconsideration be - Like a motion for reconsideration, the motion for new trial
assailed? It can be assailed but not through an appeal from shall be made in writing, stating the ground or grounds
the order. Sec. 1 of Rule 41 clearly provides for the proper therefore, 4 written notice of which shall be served by the
remedy against the order: "In all instances where the movant on the adverse party (Sec. 2, Rule 37, Rules of
judgment or final order is not appealable, the aggrieved Court).
party may file an appropriate special civil action under Rule
65." Note that the application of Rule 65 particularly IV. Grounds for a motion for new trial
certiorari, requires a showing that the court acted "without l. The aggrieved party may move the trial court to set aside
or in excess of its jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of the judgment or final order and grant a new trial for one or
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction." more of the following causes materially affecting the
substantial rights of said party:
(a) Fraud, accident, mistake or excusable negligence which
ordinary prudence could not have guarded against and by
X. Effect of granting a motion for reconsideration reason of which such aggrieved party has probably been
1. If the court grants the motion, i.e., it finds that excessive impaired in his rights; or
damages have been awarded or that the judgment or final (b) Newly discovered evidence, which he could not, with
order is contrary to the evidence or law, it may amend such reasonable diligence, have discovered and produced at the
judgment or final order accordingly (Sec. 3, Rule 37, Rules of trial, and which if presented would probably alter the
Court). result (Sec. 1, Rule 37, Rules of Court; Bar 1988).

- The amended judgment is in the nature of a new judgment V. Gross negligence of counsel not a ground for new trial
which supersedes the original judgment. It is not a mere 1. Petitioner's argument that his counsel's negligence was so
supplemental decision which does not supplant the original gross that he was deprived of due process fails to impress.
but only serves to add something to it. Gross negligence is not one of the grounds for a motion for a
new trial. We cannot declare his counsel's negligence as gross appeal may be taken from an order denying a motion for new
as to liberate him from the effects of his failure to present trial or a motion for reconsideration.
countervailing evidence. The Court does not consider as gross
negligence the counsel's resort to dilatory schemes, such as X. Remedy when motion is denied
(1) the filing of at least three motions to extend the filing of - The remedy from an order denying a motion for new trial is
petitioner's Answer; (2) his nonappearance during the not to appeal from the order of denial. Again, the order is
scheduled pretrials; and (3) the failure to file petitioner's not appealable. The remedy is to appeal from the judgment
pretrial brief, even after the filing of several motions to or final order itself subject of the motion for new trial (Sec.
extend the date for filing. 9, Rule 37, Rules of Court).

2. A motion for the cause mentioned in paragraph "a" shall be - May the order denying the motion for new trial be assailed?
supported by affidavits of merit. A motion based on the Like a denial of a motion for reconsideration it can be
ground in letter "b" shal I be supported by affidavits of the assailed but not through an appeal from the order. Sec. 1 of
witnesses by whom such evidence is expected to be given, or Rule 41 clearly provides for the proper remedy against the
by duly authenticated documents which are proposed to be order: "In all instances where the judgment or final order is
introduced in evidence (Sec. 2, Rule 37, Rules of Court). Non- not appealable, the aggrieved party may file an appropriate
compliance with this requirement would reduce the motion special civil action under Rule 65. Note that the application
to a mere pro forma motion. Under the explicit provisions of of Rule 65 particularly certiorari, requires a showing that the
the rule (Sec. 2, Rule 37, Rules of Court), a pro forma motion court acted "without or in excess of its jurisdiction, or with
for reconsideration shall not toll the reglementary period of grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
appeal. jurisdiction."

VI. Affidavit of merit XI. Effect of granting the motion for new trial
1. The affidavits of merits, must be one showing the facts 1. If the court grants the motion, the original judgment or
(not mere conclusions or opinions) constituting the valid final order shall be vacated, and the action shall stand for
cause of action or defense which the movant may prove in trial de novo. Tho recorded evidence taken upon the former
case a new trial is granted, because a new trial would serve trial shall be used at the new trial without retaking the same
no purpose and would just waste the time of the court as if the evidence is material and competent (Sec. 6, Rule 37,
well as the parties if the complaint is after all groundless or Rules of Court).
the defense is nil or ineffective.
2. If the court finds that a motion affects the issues of the
2. Under the Rules, the moving party must show that he has a case as to only a part, or less than all of the matters in
meritorious defense. The facts constituting the movant's good controversy, or only one, or less than all, of the parties to it,
and substantial defense, which he may prove if the petition court may grant a new trial as to such issues if severable
were granted, must be shown in the affidavit which should without interfering with the judgment or final order upon the
accompany the motion for a new trial. Mere allegations that rest (Sec. 7, Rule 37, Rules of Court). The effect of this order
one has a "meritorious defense" and a "good cause" are mere is a partial new trial.
conclusions which do not provide the court with any basis for
determining the nature and merit of the case. An affidavit of 3. When there is an order for a partial new trial, i.e., less
merit should state facts, and not mere opinion or conclusions than all of the issues are ordered retried, the court may
of law. Petitioner's motion for new trial and affidavit of merit either enter a judgment or final order as to the rest, or stay
did not mention the evidence which he was prevented from the enforcement of such judgment or final order until after
introducing, nor did it allege that such evidence would the new trial (Sec. 8, Rule 37, Rules of Court).
change the outcome of the case.
XII. Second motion for new trial
VII. Resolution of the motion - A motion for new trial shall include all grounds then
- The motion shall be resolved within thirty (30) days from available. Those not so included are deemed waived.
the time it is submitted for resolution (Sec. 4, Rule 37, Rules However, when a ground for a new trial was not existing or
of Court). available when the first motion was made, a second motion
for new trial may be filed (Sec. 5, Rule 37, Rules of Court).
VIII. Denial of the motion; the "fresh period" rule
- If the motion is denied, the movant has a "fresh period" of APPEALS
fifteen (15) days from receipt or notice of the order denying I. Nature of an appeal
or dismissing the motion for new trial within which to file a 1. The right to appeal is not part of due process but a mere
notice of appeal for the same reasons and grounds as the statutory privilege that has to be exercised only in the
"fresh period" rule governing a denial of a motion for manner and in accordance with the provisions of law. The
reconsideration. right to appeal is not a natural right.

IX. Order of denial, not appealable 2. The general rule is that the remedy to obtain reversal or
- The "fresh period" rule does not refer to the period within modification of judgment on the merits is appeal. This is true

which to appeal from the order denying the motion for new even if the error, or one of the errors, ascribed to the court
trial because the order is not appealable under Sec. 9 of Rule rendering the judgment is its lack of jurisdiction over the
37. The non-appealability of the order of denial is also subject matter, or the exercise of power in excess thereof,
confirmed by Sec. 1(a) of Rule 41: which provides that no
or grave abuse of discretion in the findings of facts or of law prejudice. An order dismissing an action without prejudice
set out in the decision. is not appealable under Sec. 1(h) of Rule 41.
 The general rule is that the remedy to obtain a reversal or
modification of a judgment on the merits is appeal. A (d) In one case, a party filed a petition for relief from
subsequent case similarly held that a party is not allowed to judgment. From the order denying the petition, the
question the decision on the merits and also invoke the petitioner filed a petition for review on certiorari under
extraordinary remedy of certiorari under Rule 65 and an Rule 45. It is obvious that the petitioner availed of the
ordinary appeal under Rule 41 cannot be allowed since one wrong remedy. A petition under Rule 45 is a mode of
remedy would necessarily cancel out the other. appeal. Under Section 1(b) of Rule 41 of the Rules of
Court, the denial of a petition for relief from judgment is
3. An appeal maybe taken only from judgments or final subject only to a special civil action for certiorari under
orders that completely disposes of the case (Sec. 1, Rule 41, Rule 65 and not through a petition for review on certiorari
Rules of Court). An interlocutory order is not appealable until under Rule 45.
after the rendition of the judgment on the merits.
III. Remedy in case the judgment or final order is not appeal-
II. Judgments or orders that are not appealable able
- Certain judgments and orders are specifically declared as 1. In those instances where the judgment or final order is not
not appealable. Thus, no appeal may be taken from: appealable, the aggrieved party may file the appropriate
(a) An order denying a motion for new trial or a motion for special civil action under Rule 65 (Sec. 1, Rule 41, Rules of
reconsideration; Court).
(b) An order denying a petition for relief or any similar
motion seeking relief from judgment; 2. Rule 65 refers to the special civil actions of certiorari,
(c) An interlocutory order; prohibition and mandamus. Practically, it would be the
(d) An order disallowing or dismissing an appeal special civil action of certiorari that would be availed of
(e) An order denying a motion to set aside a judgment by under most circumstances. The most potent remedy against
consent, confession or compromise on the ground of fraud, those judgments and orders from which appeal cannot be
mistake or duress, or any other ground vitiating consent; taken is to allege and prove that the same were issued
(f) An order of oxecution; without jurisdiction, with grave abuse of discretion or in
(g) A judgment or final order for or against one or more of excess of jurisdiction, all amounting to lack of jurisdiction.
several parties or in separate claims, counterclaims, cross-
claims, and third-party complaints, while the main case is IV. Issues that may be raised on appeal
pending, unless the court allows an appeal therefrom; and 1. It is already well-settled in this jurisdiction that a party
(h) An order dismissing an action without prejudice. may not change his theory of the case on appeal. Such a rule
has been expressly adopted in Rule 44, Section 15 of the 1997
- Examples: Rules of Civil Procedure, which provides -
(a) Plaintiff received an adverse judgment in a suit for SEC. 15. Qrcurstions that may be raised on appeal. -
damages filed against Defendant. Alleging extrinsic fraud, Whether or not the appellant has filed a motion for new trial
he filed a motion for new trial. The court denied the in the court below, he may include in his assignment of
motion. Plaintiff cannot appeal from the order denying his errors any question of law or fact that has been raised in the
motion for new trial. An appeal is not allowed by Sec. 1(a) court below and which is within the issues framed by the
of Rule 41. The result would be the same if instead of parties.
filing a motion for new trial Plaintiff filed a motion for
reconsideration. An order denying a motion for 2. Also, defenses not pleaded in the answer may not be
reconsideration of a judgment is also prohibited under Sec. raised for the first time on appeal. A party cannot, on
1(a) of Rule 41. appeal, change fundamentally the nature of the issue in the
case. When a party deliberately adopts a certain theory and
(b) Defendant filed a motion to dismiss based on improper the case is decided upon that theory in the court below, he
venue. The motion was denied. The denial of the motion will not be permitted to change the same on appeal, because
does not completely dispose of the case, hence, the order to permit him to do so would be unfair to the adverse party.
denying the motion is merely interlocutory. An Accordingly, "courts of justice have no jurisdiction or power
interlocutory order is not appealable under the clear terms to decide a question not in issue." Thus, a judgment that
of Sec. 1(c) of Rule 41. goes beyond the issues and purports to adjudicate something
Jurisprudence explains the rationale of the rule: "An on which the court did not hear the parties, is not only
interlocutory order is not appealable until after the irregular but also extrajudicial and invalid. The rule rests on
rendition of the judgment on the merits for a contrary rule the fundamental tenets of fair play.
would delay the administration of justice and unduly
burden the courts." 3. Payment of docket fees and other legal fees within the
prescribed period is both mandatory and jurisdictional,
(c) The RTC upon proper motion and hearing dismissed a noncompliance with which is fatal to an appeal. The full
complaint for violation of the rule requiring a certification amount of the appellate court docket and other lawful fees

against forum shopping. The order dismissing the must be paid to the clerk of the court which rendered the
complaint is generally not appealable. Under Sec. 5 of Rule judgment or final order appealed from. Without the payment
7, a dismissal of this nature is as a rule, a dismissal without of docket fees the appeal is not perfected and the appellate
court does not acquire jurisdiction to entertain the appeal,
thereby rendering the decision sought to be appealed final whether it was made the subject of assignment of errors or
and executory. Nonpayment of the appellate court docket not."
and other lawful fees within the reglementary period is a
ground for the dismissal of an appeal. VI. Material data (date) rule
- Section 3 of Rule 46 of the Rules of Court provides that
V. Issues that the appellate court decides on appeal there are three material dates that must be stated in a
l. A reading of the terms of Sec. 8 of Rule 51 discloses a basic petition for certiorari brought under Rule 65: (1) the date
appellate rule with respect to unassigned errors: The when notice of the judgment or final order or resolution was
appellate court shall consider no error unless stated in the received; (2) the date when a motion for new trial or for
assignment of errors. reconsideration when one such was filed; and (3) the date
when notice of the denial thereof was received. This
- Accordingly, a question that was never raised in the courts requirement is for the purpose of determining the timeliness
below cannot be allowed to be raised for the first time on of the petition.
appeal without offending basic rules of fair play, justice and
due process. For an appellate court to consider a legal VII. Payment of docket fee
question, it should have been raised in the court below. l. Time and again, this Court has consistently held that
It would be unfair to the adverse party who would have no payment of docket fee within the prescribed period is
opportunity to present evidence in contra to the new theory, mandatory for the perfection of an appeal. Without such
which it could have done had it been aware of it at the time payment, the appellate court does not acquire jurisdiction
of the hearing before the trial court. It is true that this rule over the subject matter of the action and the decision sought
admits of exceptions as in cases of lack of jurisdiction, where to be appealed from becomes final and executor.
the lower court committed plain error, where there are
jurisprudential developments affecting the issues, or when 2. In the exercise of its impartial jurisdiction, the Court
the issues raised present a matter of public policy. allows a liberal construction of the rules on the manner and
periods for perfecting appeals in order to serve the demands
2. The above rule however, is only the general rule because of substantial justice.
Sec. 8 of Rule 51 precludes its absolute application allowing
as it does certain errors which even if not assigned may be - The established rule is that the payment in full of the
ruled upon by the appellate court. Hence, the court may docket fees within the prescribed period is mandatory.
consider an error not raised on appeal provided the same Nevertheless, this rule must be qualified, to wit: First, the
falls within any of the following categories: failure to pay appellate court docket fee within the
(a) It is an error that affects the jurisdiction over the reglementary period allows only discretionary dismissal, not
subject matter; automatic dismissal, of the appeal; Second, such power
(b) It is an error that affects the validity of the judgment should be used in the exercise of the Court's sound discretion
appealed from; "in accordance with the tenets of justice and fair play and
(c) It is an error which affects the proceedings; with great deal of circumspection considering all attendant
(d) It is an error closely related to or dependent on an circumstances."
assigned error and properly argued in the brief;
(e) It is a plain and clerical error (Sec. 8, Rule 51, Rules of A. Appeal from Municipal Trial Courts to the Regional Trial
Court). Courts (Rule 40)

- The fact that the appellant's brief did not raise the lack of I. General principles governing an appeal
jurisdiction of the trial court should not prevent the Court of 1. Nature of an appeal
Appeals from taking up the issue o{' lack of jurisdiction.
(a) The right to appeal is neither a natural right nor a part of
3. Jurisprudence likewise provides another exception to the due process. It is merely a statutory privilege and may be
rule. Declares the Highest Court: "The Supreme Court is exercised only in the manner and in accordance with the
clothed with ample authority to review matters, even if they provisions of law. Thus, one who seeks to avail of the right to
are not assigned as errors on appeal, if it finds that their appeal must comply with the requirements of the Rules.
consideration is necessary in arriving at a just decision of the Thus, one who seeks to avail of the right to appeal must
case. strictly comply with the requirements of the rules, and
failure to do so leads to the loss of the right to appeal.
- In one case, although petitioners did not raise as issue the Because an appeal is neither a natural right nor a part of due
appellate court's reversal of the award of damages in their process, an appeal may be taken from a judgment or final
favor, the Court has the discretion to pass upon this matter order only when allowed by law.
and determine whether or not there is sufficient justification
for the award of damages. (b) A question that was never raised in the court below
4. In a criminal case, an appellate court appears to enjoy cannot be allowed to be raised for the first time on appeal
wide latitude in deciding an appealed case. Thus: "In criminal without offending basic rules of fair play, justice and due
cases, it is axiomatic that where an accused appeals the process. Points of law, theories, issues and arguments not

decision against him, he throws open the whole case for brought to the attention of the lower court need not be, and
review and it then becomes the duty of the Supreme Court to ordinarily will not be, considered by the reviewing court, as
correct any error as may be found in the appealed judgment, they cannot be raised for the first time at that stage. Basic
considerations of due process impel this rule.
lower court. The appellee may, if his so desires, file his
II. Where to appeal from a judgment or final order of a memorandum within fifteen (15) days from receipt of the
Municipal Court appellant's memorandum (Sec. 7[b], Rule 40, Rules of Court).
- An appeal from a judgment or final order of a Municipal
Trial Court may be taken to the Regional Trial Court 5. The case shall be considered submitted for decision upon
exercising jurisdiction over the area to which the former the filing of the memorandum of the appellee, or the
pertains (Sec. 1, Rule 40, Rules of Court). expiration of the period to do so. The Regional Trial Court
shall decide the case on the basis of the entire record of the
III. When to appeal proceedings had in the court of origin and such memoranda
1. An appeal maybe taken within fifteen (15) days after as are filed (Sec. 7[c], Rule 40, Rules of Court).
notice to the appellant of the judgment or final order
appealed from (Sec. 2, Rule 40, Rules of Court; Bar 1991). V. Appeal from an order dismissing a case for lack of juris-
2. Where a record on appeal is required, the appellant shall - A case may be dismissed in the Municipal Trial Court
file a notice of appeal and a record on appeal within thirty without a trial on the merits. This occurs when a motion to
(30) days after notice of the judgment or final order (Sec. 2, dismiss is filed and granted in accordance with Rule 16 of the
Rule 40, Rules of Court). Rules of Court. If an appeal is taken from the dismissal by the
lower court, the Regional Trial Court may affirm or reverse
3. A record on appeal shall be required only in special it. If the order of dismissal is reversed, the case shall be
proceedings and in their cases of multiple or separate remanded to the lower court for further proceedings. If the
appeals (Sec. 3, Rule 40, Rules of Court). order is affirmed, then it is a declaration of the merits of the
dismissal. However, if the dismissal is made on the ground of
IV. How to appeal lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter, and the Regional
l. The appeal is taken by (a) filing a notice of appeal with the Trial Court affirms the dismissal, the action of the latter
court that rendered the judgment or final order appealed court shall not be confined to a mere affirmation of the
from and by (b) serving a copy of the notice to the adverse dismissal. Instead, the rule obligates the Regional Trial Court
party (Sec. 3, Rule 40, Rules of Court). Thus, if it is the to try the case on the merits as if the case was originally
Regional Trial Court which rendered the judgment appealed filed with it.
from, the notice shall be filed with the same Regional Trial
Court and not with the Court of Appeals. In the same vein, if - The same rule prevails if the case was tried on the merits in
the judgment was rendered by the Metropolitan Trial Court, the lower court without jurisdiction over the subject matter
the notice of appeal must be filed with said court (Sec. 3, and was subsequently dismissed on such ground. On appeal,
Rule 40, Rules of Court). the Regional Trial Court, if it has original jurisdiction shall
not dismiss the case, but shall decide the case in the same
2. Within the period for taking an appeal, the appellant shall manner as a case dismissed by the lower court without trial
pay to the clerk of the court which rendered the judgment or on the merits. The Regional Trial Court may allow
final order appealed from the full amount of the appellate amendment of the pleadings and may receive additional
court docket and other lawful fees (Sec. 5, Rule 40, Rules of evidence in the interest of justice (Sec. 8, Rule 40, Rules of
Court). Court).

3. Within fifteen (15) days from the perfection of the appeal, B. Appeal from The Regional Trial Courts to the Court of
the clerk of court of the lower court shall transmit the Appeals (Rule 41)
original record or the record on appeal, together with
transcripts and exhibits, which he shall certify as complete, I. Application of Rule 41
to the proper Regional Trial Court (Sec. 6, Rule 40, Rules of - Rule 41 applies to appeals from the judgment or final order
Court). of the Regional Trial Court in the exercise of its original
jurisdiction (Sec. 2[a], Rule 41, Rules of Court). This appeal
- A party's appeal by notice of appeal is deemed perfected as is called an "ordinary appeal" (Sec. 2[a], Rule 41, Rules of
to him upon the filing of the notice of appeal in due time. A Court).
party's appeal by record on appeal is deemed perfected as to Example: If a judgment by the Regional Trial Court in an
him with respect to the subject matter thereof upon the action for specific performance is to be appealed from, Rule
approval of the record on appeal filed in due time (Sec. 4, 41 will govern the appeal. This is because an action for
Rule 40 in relation to Sec. 9, Rule 41, Rules of Court; Bar specific performance is filed with the Regional Trial Court in
1999). the first instance, the action being within the original
jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Court. Any judgment
4. Upon receipt of the complete record or the record on rendered by it on the case would then be a judgment
appeal, the clerk of court of the Regional Trial Court shall rendered in the exercise of its original jurisdiction.
notify the parties of such fact (Sec. 7[a], Rule 40, Rules of
Court). Within fifteen (15) days from such notice, it shall be II. When to appeal
the duty of the appellant to submit a memorandum, copy of - The appeal shall be taken within fifteen (15) days from

which shall be furnished the appellee. For the appellant, the notice of the judgment or final order appealed from. Where
filing of a memorandum is vital to his appeal. Failure to so a record on appeal is required, the appellant shall file a
file shall be a ground for the dismissal of the appeal. The notice of appeal and a record on appeal within thirty (30)
memorandum shall briefly discuss the errors imputed to the
days from notice of the judgment or final order (Sec. 3, Rule below and is within the issues framed by the parties (Sec. 15,
41, Rules of Court). Rule 44, Rules of Court).

III. How to appeal V. Residual jurisdiction

1. The appeal to the Court of Appeals in cases decided by the 1. > residual jurisdiction  refers to the authority of a trial
Regional Trial Court in the exercise of its original jurisdiction court to issue orders for the protection and preservation of
shall be taken by (a) filing a notice of appeal with the court the rights of the parties which do not involve any matter
which rendered the judgment or final order appealed from, litigated by the appeal, approve compromises, permit
and (b) serving a copy thereof upon the adverse party (Sec. appeals of indigent litigants, order execution pending appeal
2[a], Rule 41, Rules of Court; Bar 1988). A record on appeal in accordance with Sec. 2 of Rule 39, and allow withdrawal
shall be required in special proceedings and other cases of of the appeal provided these are done prior to the
multiple or separate appeals when so required by law or the transmittal of the original record or the record on appeal
Rules (Sec. 2[a], Rule 41, Rules of Court). even if the appeals have already been perfected or despite
the approval of the record on appeal (Sec. 9, Rule 41) or in
- Where both parties are appellants, they may file a joint case of a petition for review under Rule 42, before the Court
record on appeal (Sec. 8, Rule 41, Rules of Court). of appeals gives due course to the petition (Sec. 8, Rule 42,
Rules of Court).
2. Within the period for taking an appeal, the appellant shall
pay to the clerk of the court which rendered the judgment or 2. The concept of residual jurisdiction of the trial court is
final order appealed from, the full amount of the appellate available at a stage in which the court is normally deemed to
court docket fee (Sec. 4, Rule 41, Rules of Court). have lost jurisdiction over the case or the subject matter
involved in the appeal. There is no residual jurisdiction to
- A party's appeal by notice of appeal is deemed perfected as speak of where no appeal or petition has even been filed.
to him upon the filing of the notice of appeal in due time. A
party's appeal by record on appeal is deemed perfected as to C. Petition for Review from the Regional Trial Courts to
him with respect to the subject matter thereof upon the the Court of Appeals (Rule 42)
approval of the record on appeal filed in due time (Sec. 9,
Rule 41, Rules of Court). I. Application of Rule 42
- Rule 42 applies to an appeal from the judgment or final
3. Within thirty (30) days after perfection of all the appeals, order of the Regional Trial Court to the Court of Appeals in
the clerk of court shall verify the correctness and cases decided by the former in the exercise of its appellate
completeness of the records and if incomplete, to take such jurisdiction (Bar 1998; Bar 1990; Bar 1979).
measures to complete such records, certify to the
correctness of the records, to transmit the same to the - Example: The plaintiff received an adverse judgment in a
appellate court, and to furnish the parties with copies of his suit for collection of P350,000.00 filed with the Metropolitan
letter of transmittal of the records to the appellate court Trial Court of Manila. He appealed from the judgment of the
(Sec. 10, Rule 41, Rules of Court). lower court with the appropriate Regional Trial Court and
4. Upon receiving the original record on appeal and the lost again. The judgment of the Regional Trial Court is a
accompanying documents transmitted by the lower court, as judgment rendered by it in the exercise of its appellate
well as the proof of payment of the docket and other lawful jurisdiction. If he desires to appeal from this judgment, he
fees, the clerk of court of the Court of Appeals shall docket should avail of a petition for review under Rule 42.
the case and notify the parties (Sec. 4, Rule 44, Rules of
Court). II. When to appeal
- The appeal shall be made within fifteen (15) days from
5. Within forty-five (45) days from receipt of the notice of notice of the decision sought to be reviewed or of the denial
the clerk of court, the appellant shall file a brief with proof of petitioner's motion or new trial or reconsideration filed in
of service upon the appellee (Sec. 7, Rule 44, Rules of due time after judgment. The court may grant an additional
Court). Failure to file the appellant's brief is a ground for the period of fifteen (15) days only provided the extension is
dismissal of the appeal (Sec. 9, Rule 44, Rules of Court). sought (a) upon proper motion, and (b) there is payment of
Within forty-five days from the receipt of the appellant's the full amount of the docket and other lawful fees and the
brief, the appellee shall file his own brief with proof of deposit for costs before the expiration of the reglementary
service to the appellant (Sec. 8, Rule 44, Rules of Court). period. No other extension shall be granted except for the
Within twenty (20) days from receipt of the appellee's brief, most compelling reason and in no case to exceed fifteen (15)
the appellant may file a reply brief answering points in the days (Sec. 1, Rule 42, Rules of Court).
appellee's brief not covered in his main brief (Sec. 9, Rule
44, Rules of Court). Extension of time for the filing of briefs II. How to appeal
will not be allowed, except for good and sufficient cause and 1. The appeal is made by filing a verified petition for review
only if the motion for extension is filed before the expiration with the Court of Appeals, paying at the same time to the
of the time sought to be extended (Sec. 12, Rule 44, Rules of clerk of said court the corresponding docket and other lawful
Court). fees, depositing the amount of P500.00 for costs, and

furnishing the Regional Trial Court and the adverse party

IV. Questions that may be raised on appeal with a copy of the petition (Sec. 1, Rule 42, Rules of Court).
- The appellant may include in his assignment of errors any
question of law or fact that has been raised in the court
- The appeal is perfected as to the petitioner upon the timely exercised prior to the transmittal of the original record or
filing of a petition for review and the payment of the the record on appeal.
corresponding docket and other lawful fees (Sec. 6, Rule 42,
Rules of Court). IV. Stay of judgment
- The appeal, as a rule, shall stay the judgment or final
2. The petition shall be filed in the proper form required in order, unless the Court of Appeals, the law or the rules shall
Sec. 2 of Rule 42 stating among others, a concise statement provide otherwise. Civil cases decided under the Rules on
of the matters involved, the issues raised, the specification Summary Procedure shall not be stayed (Sec. 8[b], Rule 42,
of errors of law or fact, or both, allegedly committed by the Rules of Court).
trial court and the reasons or arguments relied upon for the
allowance of the appeal. The petitioner shall likewise D. Appeal by Certiorari to the Supreme Court (Rule 45)
indicate the specific material dates showing that the petition
was filed on time (Sec. 2, Rule 42, Rules of Court). The I. Application of Rule 45
requirement to indicate the relevant dates is commonly 1. Appeal by certiorari to the Supreme Court, also commonly
called the material data rule and applies also to Rule 42, not known as petition for review on certiorari applies in the
only to a petition for certiorari under Rule 65. This petition following cases:
also requires a certification against forum shopping, it being (a) Appeals from a judgment or final order of the Regional
an initiatory pleading. Trial Court in cases where only questions of law are raised
or are involved (Sec. 2[c], Rule 41, Rules of Court; Bar
- The failure to comply with any of the requirements in Sec. 1984);
2 of Rule 42 regarding the payment of the docket and other (b) Appeals from the judgment, final order, or resolutions
lawful fees, the deposit for costs, proof of service of the of the Court ofAppeals and the Sandiganbayan where the
petition, and the contents of and the documents which petitions shall raise only questions of law distinctly set
should accompany the petition shall be sufficient ground for forth (Sec. 1, Rule 45, Rules of Court);
the dismissal of the petition (Sec. 3, Rule 42, Rules of Court). (c) Appeals from the decision or ruling of the Court of Tax
Appeals en bane (Sec. 11, Republic Act 9282).
3. The Court of Appeals may dismiss the petition if it finds
the same to be patently without merit, prosecuted merely 2. The mode of appeal prescribed under Rule 45 shall be
for delay, or that the questions raised are too unsubstantial applicable to both civil and criminal cases, except in criminal
to require consideration (Sec. 4, Rule 42, Rules of Court). cases where the penalty imposed is death, reclusion
perpetua or life imprisonment (Sec. 9, Rule 45, Rules of
- If the court does not dismiss the petition, it may require Court).
the respondent to file a comment on the petition within ten
(10) days from notice. The respondent shall file a comment, II. Not a matter of right
not a motion to dismiss (Sec. 4, Rule 42, Rules of Court). 1. An appeal or a review under Rule 45 is not a matter of
right, but of sound judicial discretion, and will be granted
4. If the Court ofAppeals finds prima facie that the lower only when special and important reasons could justify the
court has committed an error of fact or law that will warrant petition.
a reversal or modification of the appealed decision, it may
accordingly give due course to the petition (Sec. 6, Rule 42, 2. The following are examples of reasons which the court
Rules of Court). may consider in allowing the petition:
(a) when the court below has decided a question of
- If the petition is given due course, the Court of Appeals may substance not yet determined by the Supreme Court;
set the case for oral argument or require the parties to (b) when the court below decided a matter of substance in
submit memoranda within a period of fifteen (15) days from a way that is not in accord with law or with the applicable
notice. The case shall be deemed submitted for decision decisions of the Supreme Court;
upon the filing of the last leading or memorandum required (c) when the court below has departed from the accepted
(Sec. 9, Rule 42, Rules of Court). and usual course of judicial proceedings, or so far
sanctioned such departure by a lower court, as to call for
III. Residual jurisdiction the exercise of the power of supervision of the Supreme
- The doctrine of residual jurisdiction also applies to Rule 42. Court (Sec. 6, Rule 45, Rules of Court).
The Regional Trial Court loses jurisdiction over the case upon
the perfection of the appeals filed in due time and thv 3. Every appeal to the Supreme Court is not a matter of right
expiration of the time to appeal of the other parties. but of sound judicial discretion with the exception of cases
However, the Regional Trial Court despite the perfection of where the penalty of death or reclusion perpetua where an
the appeals may still issue orders for the protection and appeal is a matter of right leaving the reviewing court
preservation of the rights of the parties which do not involve without any discretion.
any matter litigated by the appeal, approve compromises,
permit appeals of indigent litigants, order execution pending III. Questions of law
appeal in accordance with Sec. 2 of Rule 39, and allow 1. The petition shall raise only questions of law (Sec. 1, Rule

withdrawal of the appeal provided these are done before the 45, Rules of Court). The rule is that before the Supreme
Court of Appeals gives due course to the petition (Sec. 8, Court, only legal issues may be raised in a petition for review
Rule 42, Rules of Court). Recall that in an ordinary appeal on certiorari (appeal by certiorari). The Supreme Court is not
the residual jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Court may be a trier of facts, and is not to review or calibrate the evidence
on record. Moreover, the findings of facts of the trial court, V. Certiorari under Rule 45 is not the certiorari under Rule 65
as affirmed on appeal by the Court of Appeals, are conclusive (Bar 1998;1999)
on the Court. - The following are the principal distinctions between a
 It has to be emphasized that it is not the duty of the petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 and a petition
Supreme Court to review, evaluate, and weigh the probative for certiorari under Rule 65:
value of the evidence adduced before the lower courts. (a) Certiorari under Rule 45 is a mode of appeal (Sec. 2[c],
Rule 41, Rules of Court), while certiorari under Rule 65 is a
2. A review of the findings of facts of the trial court affirmed special civil action that is an original action and not a
by the Court of Appeals is a course of action proscribed by mode of appeal (Rule 65, Rules of Court). Certiorari under
Section 1, Rule 45. Firm is the rule that findings of fact of Rule 45 is but a continuation of the appellate process over
the Court of Appeals are final and conclusive and cannot be the original case. Certiorari under Rule 65 is not a part of
reviewed on appeal to this Court provided they are supported the appellate process but an independent action (Fortune
by evidence on record or substantial evidence. Guarantee and Insurance Corp., 379 SCRA 7). It must be
noted that while both Rules 45 and 65 are petitions for
3. Indeed, the general rule is that findings of facts of the certiorari, the former is a petition for review while the
trial court will not ordinarily be disturbed by an appellate latter is an original special civil action for certiorari.
court absent any clear showing that the trial court has (b) Because it is a mode of appeal, certiorari under Rule 45
overlooked, misunderstood or misapplied some facts or seeks to review final judgments or final orders while
circumstances of weight or substance which could very well certiorari under Rule 65 may be directed against an
affect the outcome of the case. It is the trial court that had interlocutory order or matters where no appeal may be
the opportunity to observe the witnesses' manner of taken from (Sec. 1, Rule 41, Rules of Court).
testifying, their furtive glances, calmness, sighs or their (c) Certiorari under Rule 45 raises only questions of law
scant or full realization of their oaths. Nevertheless, the (DMA Shipping Philippines, Inc. vs. Cabilar, 452 SCRA 551,
higher court is not entirely precluded from reviewing and February 28, 2005) while certiorari under Rule 65 raises
reversing these findings if it is not convinced that they questions of jurisdiction because a tribunal, board or
conform to the evidence on record and to its own impressions officer exercising judicial or quasijudicial functions has
of the credibility of the witnesses. acted without jurisdiction or in excess of jurisdiction or
with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack of
IV. Exceptions to the rule jurisdiction (Sec. 1, Rule 65, Rules of Court).
1. Remember the general rule that the Supreme Court,
cannot pass upon in a petition for review on certiorari (Rule (d) An appeal by certiorari under Rule 45 shall be filed
45) factual findings of a lower court, since its jurisdiction is within fifteen (15) days from notice of judgment or final
limited to reviewing errors of law. Hence, factual findings of order appealed from (Sec. 2, Rule 45, Rules of Court),
the trial court, alllr-nied J)y the Court ol'Appeals are final while a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 shall be filed
and conclusive and may not be reviewed on appeal. The issue not later than sixty (60) days from notice of judgment,
of negligence for instance, is factual in nature. Whether a order or resolution sought to be assailed and in case a
person is negligent or not is a question of fact which, as a motion for reconsideration or new trial is timely filed,
general rule, cannot be passed upon by the Supreme Court. whether such motion is required or not, the sixty (60) day
period shall be counted from notice of denial of said
2. The rule proscribing the raising of questions of fact is not motion (Sec. 4, Rule 65, Rules of Court; A.M. No. 00-2-03
an absolute one. Questions of fact may be raised in an appeal amending Sec. 4 of Rule 65 effective September 1, 2000).
under Rule 45 provided the petition shows any, some or all of
the following: (e) Certiorari under Rule 45 does not require a prior
(a) The conclusion of the Court of Appeals is grounded motion for reconsideration while certiorari under Rule 65
entirely on speculations, surmises and conjectures; requires as a general rule, a prior motion for
(b) The inference made is manifestly mistaken, absurd or reconsideration before resorting to certiorari.
(c) There is a grave abuse of discretion; (f) Certiorari under Rule 45 stays the judgment appealed
(d) The judgment is based on misapprehension of facts; from while certiorari does not stay the judgment or order
(e) The findings of facts are conflicting; subject of the petition unless enjoined or restrained.
(f) The Court of Appeals, in making its findings went
beyond the issues of the case and the same is contrary to (g) In certiorari under Rule 45, the parties are the original
the admissions of both appellant and appellee; parties with the appealing party as the petitioner and the
(g) The findings are contrary to those of the trial court; adverse party as respondent without impleading the lower
(h) The findings of fact are conclusions without citation of court or its judge, while in certiorari under Rule 65, the
specific evidence on which they are based; tribunal, board, officer exercising judicial or quasijudicial
(i) The facts set forth in the petition as well as in the functions is impleaded as respondent (Sec. 5, Rule 65,
petitioner's main and reply briefs are not disputed by the Rules of Court). In an appeal by certiorari under Rule 45,
respondents; or the petitioner and respondent are also the original parties
(j) The findings of fact of the Court of Appeals are to the action in the lower courl, In certiorari as an original

premised on the supposed absence of evidence and action, the parties are the aggrieved party against the
contradicted by the evidence on record. lower court or quasijudicial agency and the prevailing
parties, who thereby respectively become the petitioner
and respondents.
(h) Certiorari as a special civil action is filed with the - The failure of the petitioner to comply with any of the
Regional Trial Court (Sec. 21, BP 129 as amended), the foregoing requirements regarding the payment of the docket
Court of Appeals Sec. 9, BP 129 as amended) or with the and other lawful fees, deposit for costs, proof of service of
Supreme Court (Sec. 5[11, Art. VIII, Constitution of the the petition, and the contents of and the documents which
Philippines) whereas certiorari as a mode of appeal is filed should accompany the petition shall be sufficient ground for
with the Supreme Court (Sec. 1, Rule 45, Rules of Court). its dismissal (Sec. 5, Rule 45, Rules of Court).

- As a general rule, a party cannot file a petition both under 3. The Supreme Court, may on its own initiative, deny the
Rules 45 and 65 of the Rules of Court because said procedural petition on the ground that (a) the appeal is without merit,
rules pertain to different remedies and have distinct (b) is prosecuted manifestly for delay, or (c) that the
applications. The remedy of appeal under Rule 45 and an questions raised therein are too unsubstantial to require
original action for certiorari under Rule 65 are mutually consideration (Sec. 5, Rule 45, Rules of Court).
exclusive and not alternative or cumulative. Thus, a party
should not join both petitions in one pleading. When a party - For purposes of determining whether the petition should be
adopts an improper remedy his petition may be dismissed denied or given due course, the Supreme Court may require
outright. the filing of such pleadings, briefs, memoranda or the
submission of documents it may deem necessary (Sec. 7, Rule
- However, the Court may set aside technicality for 45, Rules of Court).
justifiable reasons as when the petition before the court is
clearly meritorious and filed on time both under Rules 45 and - If the petition is given due course, the Supreme Court may
65. In accordance with the liberal spirit which pervades the require the elevation of the complete record of the case or
Rules of Court and in the interest of justice, the Court may specified parts thereof within fifteen (15) days from notice
treat the petition as having been filed under Rule 45. (Sec. 8, Rule 45, Rules of Court).

VI. When to appeal VIII. Appeals from quasi judicial bodies

1. The appeal which shall be in the form of a verified 1. Appeals from judgments and final orders of quasijudicial
petition shall be filed within fifteen (15) days from notice of bodies/agencies are now required to be brought to the Court
the judgment, final order or resolution appealed from, or of Appeals under the requirements and conditions set forth in
within fifteen (15) days froln notice of'tho denial of the Rule 43. This rule was adopted precisely to provide a uniform
petitioner's motion for new trial or motion 6or rule of appellate procedure from quasi judicial bodies.
reconsideration filed in due time (Sec.2, Rule 45, Rules of
Court). 2. The appeal under Rule 43 may be taken to the Court of
Appeals whether the appeal involves a question of fact, a
2. The Supreme Court may, for justifiable reasons, grant an question of law, or mixed questions of fact and law (Sec. 3,
extension of thirty (30) days only within which to file the Rule 43). The appeal shall be taken by filing a verified
petition provided (a) there is a motion for extension of time petition for review with the Court of Appeals (Sec. 5, Rule
duly filed and served; (b) there is full payment of the docket 43, Rules of Court).
and other lawful fees and the deposit for costs; and (c) the
motion is filed and served and the payment is made before 3. The appeal shall not stay the award, judgment, final order
the expiration of the reglementary period (Sec. 2, Rule 45, or resolution sought to be reviewed unless he Court of
Rules of Court). Appeals shall direct otherwise upon such terms as it may
deem just (Sec. 12, Rule 43, Rules of Court).
VII. How to appeal
1. The petitioner shall file a verified petition with the IX. Appeals from the NLRC (Bar 2006)
Supreme Court within the reglementary period raising therein 1. The remedy of a party aggrieved by the decision of the
only questions of law (Sec. 1, Rule 45, Rules of Court). National Labor Relations Commission is to promptly move for
the reconsideration of the decision and if denied to timely
2. The petitioner shall pay to the clerk of court of the file a special civil action oi'certiorari under Rule 65 within
Supreme Court the docket and other lawful fees as well as sixty (60) days from notice of the decision. In observance of
the deposit in the amount of P500.00 for costs. Proof of the doctrine of hierarchy of courts, the petition for certiorari
service of a copy of the petition on the lower court should be filed in the Court of Appeals.
concerned and the adverse party shall be submitted together
with the petition (Sec. 3, Rule 45, Rules of Court). 2. Because of St. Martin, all special civil actions arising out of
any decision or final resolution or order of the National Labor
- The petition shall contain all the matters mentioned in Sec. Relations Commission filed with the Supreme Court after
4 of Rule 45 including compliance with the material data rule June 1, 1999 shall be dismissed instead of referring the
which requires the petitioner to indicate the material dates action to the Court of Appeals.
showing when notice of the judgment, final order or
resolution subject of the petition was received and when a X. Appeals from the Sandiganbayan

motion for new trial or motion for reconsideration, if any, - Decisions and final orders of the Sandiganbayan shall be
was filed and when notice of the denial was received. Among appealable to the Supreme Court by way of certiorari under
others, the petition must also be accompanied by a Rule 45 raising pure questions of law. Certiorari under Rule
certification against forum shopping. 65 is not the remedy (Sec. 1, Rule 45, Rules of Court).
2. Sec. 11 of the same Act further provides that a party
XI. Appeals from the rulings of the Ombudsman (Bar 2006) adversely affected by a decision or ruling of the CTA en banc
1. In administrative disciplinary cases, the ruling of the may file with the Supreme Court a verified petition for
Office of the Ombudsman are appealable to the Court of review on certiorari pursuant to Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of
Appeals. Sec. 27 of R.A. No. 6770 (The Ombudsman Act of Civil Procedure.
1987) insofar as it allowed a direct appeal to the Supreme
Court was declared unconstitutional in Fabian vs. Desierto XIII. Appeals from judgments of the Commission on Elections
because the statute, being one which increased the appellate - A judgment, resolution or final order of the Commission on
jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, was enacted without the Elections may be brought by the aggrieved party to the
advice and concurrence of the Court. Sec. 30 of Art VI of the Supreme Court on certiorari under Rule 65 (Sec. 2, Rule 64,
Constitution of the Philippines provides that "No law shall be Rules of Court) by filing the petition within thirty (30) days
passed increasing the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme from notice (Sec. 3, Rule 64, Rules of Court).
Court as provided in this Constitution without its advice and
concurrence". Instead, appeals from decisions of the XIV. Appeals from judgments of the Commission on Audit
Ombudsman in administrative disciplinary actions should be - A judgment, resolution or final order of the Commission on
brought to the Court of Appeals under Rule 43. Audit may be brought by the aggrieved party to the Supreme
Court on certiorari under Rule 65 (Sec. 2, Rule 64, Rules of
(a) The Court of Appeals has jurisdiction over orders, Court) by filing the petition within thirty (30) days from
directives and decisions of the Office of the Ombudsman in notice (Sec. 3, Rule 64, Rules of Court).
administrative disciplinary cases only. It cannot, therefore,
review the orders, directives or decisions of the Office of XV. Appeals from judgments of the Civil Service Commission
the Ombudsman in criminal or non-administrative cases. - A judgment, final order or resolution of the Civil Service
Commission may be taken to the Court of Appeals under Rule
(b) Although as a consequence of Fabian appeals from the 43 of the Rules of Court (Sec. 1, 3, Rule 43, Rules of Court).
Ombudsman in administrative cases are now cognizable by Note the difference between the mode of appeal from a
the Court of Appeals, nevertheless in cases in which it is judgment of the Civil Service Commission and the mode of
alleged that the Ombudsman has acted with grave abuse of appeal from the judgments of other constitutional
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction, a commissions.
special civil action of certiorari under Rule 65 may be filed
with the Supreme Court to set aside the Ombudsman's XVI. Appeals from judgments of the Office of the President
order or resolution - The judgments, resolutions, or final orders of the Office of
the President may be taken to the Court of Appeals (Sec. 1,
2. In criminal cases, the ruling of the Ombudsman shall be 3, Rule 43, Rules of Court).
elevated to the Supreme Court by way of Rule 65. The
Supreme Court's power of review over resolutions and orders II. Remedies After A Judgment Has Become Final and
of the Office of the Ombudsman is restricted only to executory
determining whether grave abuse of discretion has been 1. The 1997 Rules o€ Civil Procedure provides the following
committed by it. The Court is not authorized to correct every remedies for aggrieved parties against a judgment that is
error or mistake of the Office of the Ombudsman other than already final and executory, namely:
grave abuse of discretion. (a) Petition for relief from judgment under Rule 38; and
 The remedy is not a petition for review on certiorari under (b) Petition for annulment of a judgment under Rule 47.
Rule 45.
2. In addition to the above, jurisprudence has likewise
- In any event, jurisprudence now holds that where the recognized an additional relief through (a) a direct action of
findings of the Ombudsman on the existence of probable certiorari, and (b) a collateral attack of a judgment that is
cause in criminal cases is tainted with grave abuse of void on its face.
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction, the
aggrieved party may file a petition for certiorari with the Illustration (Bar 1995)
Supreme Court under Rule 65. May a judgment that has become final and
executory still be questioned, attacked or set aside?
XII. Appeals from judgments of the Court of Tax Appeals (Bar
2006) Suggested answer.
1. Under Sec. 11 of Republic Act No. 9282, March 30, 2004 no Please refer to the immediately preceding
civil proceeding involving matters arising under the National paragraphs.
Internal Revenue Code, the Tarill'and Customs Code or the
Local Government Code shall be maintained, except as A. Petition for relief or relief from judgments, orders or
herein provided, until and unless an appeal has been other proceedings (Rule 38)
previously filed with the CTA and disposed of in accordance
with the provisions of this Act. I. Nature of the petition
1. It is a legal remedy whereby a party seeks to set aside a

- A party adversely affected by a resolution of a Division of judgment rendered against him by a court whenever he was
the CTA on a motion for reconsideration or new trial, may unjustly deprived of a hearing or was prevented from taking
file a petition for review with the CTA en banc. an appeal because of fraud, accident, mistake or excusable
assailed judgment is rendered. In fact, it has been held that
2. A petition for relief from judgment is an equitable remedy a person who was never a party to the case, or even
that is allowed only in exceptional cases when there is no summoned to appear therein, cannot avail of a petition for
other available or adequate remedy. When a party has relief from judgment.
another remedy available to him, which. may be either a
motion for new trial or appeal from an adverse decision of IV. When to file
the trial court, and he was not prevented by fraud, accident, - The petition shall be filed within sixty (60) days after the
mistake or excusable negligence from filing such motion or petitioner learns of the judgment, final order or proceeding
taking such appeal, he cannot avail himself of this petition. and not more than six (6) months after such judgment or
final order was entered, or such proceeding was taken (Sec.
II. Preliminary injunction pending the petition for relief 3, Rule 38, Rules of Court).
- Remember that a petition for relief is a remedy available
after the judgment or final order has become final and - Section 3 of Rule 38 reads:
executory. Hence, the judgment could be the subject of a SEC. 3. Time for filing petition; contents and verifi-
writ of execution. There is nothing in the Rules that cation. -A petition provided for in either of the preceding
precludes the execution of the judgment that is already sections of this Rule must be verified, filed within sixty (60)
executory upon proper application of the prevailing party days after the petitioner learns of the judgment, final order,
during the pendency of the petition. The petitioner or other proceeding to be set aside, and not more than six
therefore, would be interested in the preservation of the (6) months after such judgment or final order was entered,
status quo as well as the preservation of the rights of the or such proceeding was taken; and must be accompanied
parties before the petition is resolved. Hence, the petitioner with affidavits, showing the fraud, accident, mistake or
may avail of the remedy allowed him under Sec. 5 of Rule 38. excusable negligence relied upon and the facts constituting
Under this provision, the court in which the petition is filed, the petitioner's good and substantial cause of action or
may grant such preliminary injunction to preserve the rights defense, as the case may be.
of the parties upon the filing of a bond in favor of the
adverse party. The bond is conditioned upon the payment to -Thus, it is clear that a petition for relief from judgment
the adverse party of all damages and costs that may be must be filed within: (a) 60 days from knowledge of
awarded to such adverse party him by reason of the issuance judgment, order or other proceedings to be set aside; and (b)
of the injunction (Sec. 5, Rule 38, Rules of Court). six (6) months from entry of such judgment, order or other
proceeding. These two periods must concur. Both periods are
III. Grounds for a petition for relief; proper court also not extendible and never interrupted. Strict compliance
1. A petition for relief may be filed on the following grounds: with these periods stems from the equitable character and
(a) When a judgment or final order is entered into, or any nature of the petition for relief. Indeed, relief is allowed
other proceeding is taken against the petitioner in any only in exceptional cases as when there is no other available
court through fraud, accident, mistake, or excusable or adequate remedy. As it were, a petition for relief is
negligence (Sec. 1, Sec. 38, Rules of Court); or actually the "last chance" given by law to litigants to question
(b) When the petitioner has been prevented from taking an a final judgment or order. And failure to avail of such "last
appeal by fraud, mistake, or excusable negligence (Sec. 2, chance" within the grace period fixed by the Rules is fatal
Rule 38, Rules of Court). (Quelnan vs. VHF Philippines, G.R. No. 138500, September
16, 2005). While `strict interpretation' is the norm in
2. In letter "a," the petition shall be filed in the same court applying the periods mentioned, such rule is always subject
(not in another or higher court) which rendered the judgment to the power of the Supreme Court to effect a liberal
and in the very same case. The petition shall pray that the interpretation when dictated by the circumstances.
judgment, order or proceeding be set aside (Sec. 1, Rule 38,
Rules of Court). V. Form of the petition
- The petition must be verified and must be accompanied
- In letter "b,." the petition shall likewise be filed in the same with affidavits showing fraud, accident, mistake or excusable
court (not in another or higher court) and in the same case negligence relied upon, and the facts constituting the
but the prayer this time is that the appeal be given due petitioner's good and substantial cause of action or defense,
course (Sec. 2, Rule 38, Rules of Court). as the case may be (Sec. 3, Rule 38, Rules of Court).

- Hence, a petition for relief under Rule 38 cannot be availed VI. Order to answer
of in the appellate court. Under the present Rules, petitions - If the petition is sufficient in form and substance, to justify
for relief from a judgment, final order or other proceeding relief, the court in which it s filed, shall issue an order
rendered or taken should be filed in and resolved by the requiring the adverse parties to answer the same within
court in the same case from which the petition arose. Thus, fifteen (15) days from the receipt thereof (Sec. 4, Rule 38,
petition for relief from a judgment, final order or proceeding Rules of Court).
involved in a case tried by a municipal trial court shall be
filed in and decided by the same court in the same case, or VII. Hearing of the petition
in the Regional Trial Court if the case was decided by it. After the filing of the answer or the expiration of the period

to file the answer, the court shall hear the petition (Sec. 6,
3. A petition for relief from judgment together with a motion Rule 38, Rules of Court).
for new trial and a motion for reconsideration are remedies
available only to parties in the proceedings where the VIII. Action of the court
- After the hearing and the court finds that the allegations
therein are not true, it shall dismiss the petition. If the court 2. A petition for annulment of judgment is an extraordinary
finds the allegations to be true, it shall set aside the action. By virtue of its exceptional character, the action is
judgment, final order or other proceeding complained of. restricted exclusively to the grounds specified in the rules,
The case then shall stand as if such judgment, final order or namely, (1) extrinsic fraud; and (2) lack of jurisdiction The
proceeding had never been rendered, issued or taken. The remedy may not be invoked where the party has availed
court shall then proceed to hear and determine the case as if himself of the remedy of new trial, appeal, petition for relief
a motion for a new trial or reconsideration had been granted or other appropriate remedy and lost, or where he has failed
by it (Sec. 6, Rule 38, Rules of Court). This action of the to avail himself of those remedies through his own fault or
court applies to a petition for relief praying that the negligence (Republic vs. "G" Holdings, Inc., 475 SCRA 608).
judgment, final order or proceeding be set aside having been The rationale for the restriction is to prevent the
entered or taken against petitioner by fraud, accident, extraordinary action from being used by a losing party to
mistake or excusable negligence (Sec. 1, Rule 38, Rules of make a complete farce of a duly promulgated decision that
Court). has long become final and executory.

- Where the prayer of petitioner is to give due course to his III. Extrinsic fraud
appeal because he was prevented from taking an appeal 1. An action to annul a judgment on the ground of fraud lies
through fraud, accident, mistake or excusable negligence, only if the fraud is extrinsic or collateral in character. Fraud
and the court finds the allegations of the petition to be true, is regarded as extrinsic where it prevents a party from having
the court shall set aside the previous denial of the appeal a trial or from presenting his entire case to the court, or
and shall give due course to the said appeal. It shall then where it operates upon matters pertaining not to the
elevate the records of the appealed case as if a timely and judgment itself but to the manner in which it is procured.
proper appeal had been made (Sec. 7, Rule 38, Rules of The overriding consideration when extrinsic fraud is alleged
Court). is that the fraudulent scheme of the prevailing litigant
prevented a party from having his day in court.
B. Annulment of judgments or final orders
or resolutions (Rule 47) 2. Stated in another way, extrinsic fraud exists when there is
a fraudulent act committed by the prevailing party outside of
I. Nature of the action the trial of the case, whereby the defeated party was
1. > action for annulment of judgment - a remedy in law prevented from presenting fully his side of the case by
independent of the case where the judgment sought to be deception practiced on him by the prevailing party.
annulled was rendered. The purpose of such action is to have  Fraud employed during within the trial is not covered by
the final and executory judgment set aside so that there will the concept of extrinsic fraud. Hence, the offer in evidence
be a renewal of litigation. It is resorted to in cases where the of spurious documents, although fraudulent, is not the fraud
ordinary remedies of new trial, appeal, petition for relief that would sustain an action for annulment.
from judgment, or other appropriate remedies are no longer
available through no fault of the petitioner, and is based on IV. Lack of jurisdiction
only two grounds: extrinsic fraud, and lack of jurisdiction or - Lack of jurisdiction as a ground for annulment of judgment
denial of due process. refers to either lack of jurisdiction over the person of the
defending party or over the subject matter of the claim.
2. This remedy is available only where the ordinary remedies Where the court has jurisdiction over the defendant and over
of new trial, appeal, petition for relief or appropriate the subject matter of the case, its decision will not be voided
remedies are no longer available through no fault of the on the ground of absence of jurisdiction.
petitioner. Hence, if such remedies were not availed of due  The petitioner must show not a mere grave abuse of
to the petitioner's fault, the petition will be dismissed. discretion but an absolute lack of jurisdiction.
 A claim of grave abuse of discretion will support a petition
3. Like a petition for relief, an action for the annulment of a for certiorari under Rule 65 but it will not support an action
judgment is a recourse equitable in character, allowed only for annulment of a judgment.
in exceptional cases as where there is no available or
adequate remedy. V. Period for filing the action
- If based on extrinsic fraud, the action must be filed within
4. The action is commenced by the filing of a verified four (4) years from its discovery. If based on lack of
petition with the proper court. If it is the judgment or final jurisdiction, the action must be brought before the action is
order of a Regional Trial Court which is sought to be barred by laches or estoppel (Sec. 2, Sec. 4, Rule 47).
annulled, then the action shall be filed in the Court of
Appeals (Sec. 1, Rule 47, Rules of Court). If it is that of a VI. Who may file the action
Municipal Trial Court, the verified petition shall be filed in - The petitioner need not be a party to the judgment sought
the Regional Trial Court having jurisdiction over the former to be annulled. What is essential is that the petitioner is one
(Sec. 10, Rule 47, Rules of Court). who can prove his allegation that the judgment was obtained
by the use of fraud and collusion and that he was affected

II. Grounds for annulment thereby.

1. The grounds for annulment of a judgment are:
(a) extrinsic fraud; and VII. Basic procedure
(b) lack of jurisdiction (Sec. 2, Rule 47, Rules of Court).
1. A petition for annulment of judgment filed in the Court of the former. This action shall be treated as an ordinary civil
Appeals shall observe the procedure in ordinary civil cases. action (Sec. 10, Rule 47, Rules of Court).
Should the Court of Appeals find a trial necessary, the
reception of evidence may be referred to a member of the V. Annulment of judgments of quasi judicial bodies
court or to a judge of a Regional Trial Court (Sec. 6, Rule 47, 1. In Macalalag vs. Ombudsman, the Court ruled that Rule 47
Rules of Court). A petition filed in the Regional Trial Court of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure on annulment of
shall also be treated as an ordinary civil action (Sec. 10, Rule judgments or final orders and resolutions covers annulment
47, Rules of Court). of the judgments of Regional Trial Courts by the Court of
2. Except under Sec. 4 of the 1991 Rules on Summary
Procedure where the court is clearly authorized to dismiss a - The silence of B.P. B1g.129 on the jurisdiction of the Court
complaint outright even before summons is served, an of Appeals to annul judgments or final orders and resolutions
outright dismissal is not the usual procedure in ordinary civil of quasi judicial bodies like the DARAB indicates its lack of
actions. In ordinary civil actions, the clerk of court first such authority.
issues the corresponding summons to the defendant upon the
filing of the complaint and the payment of the requisite legal 2. A party aggrieved by a judgment or resolution of a quasi
fees (Sec. 1, Rule 14, Rules of Court). The defendant may judicial body enumerated under Rule 43 may avail of a
then file a motion to dismiss pursuant to Rule 16 or the court petition for review to the Court of Appeals under said rule
may make a motu proprio dismissal on certain grounds as and not an action to annul the judgment or resolution.
when it finds from the examination of the complaint that it
has no jurisdiction over the subject matter. An action for C. Certiorari (Rule 65)
annulment of a judgment, although treated as an ordinary
civil action, departs from the usual norm because the court, I. Nature of the remedy
upon the filing of the petition may make an outright dismissal l. > certiorari - called a "supervisory or superintending writ,"
of the petition as long as it has specific reasons for its this remedy is availed of to annul or modify the proceedings
dismissal. This dismissal may be made even before summons of a tribunal, board or officer exercising judicial or extra
is served. It is only when the court finds a prima facie merit judicial functions which has acted without or in excess of
in the petition shall summons be served on the respondent jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of discretion amounting to
(Sec. 5, Rule 47, Rules of Court). lack of jurisdiction. For this petition to prosper, it is
necessary to allege and show that there is no more appeal, or
III. Effect of a judgment of annulment any other plain, speedy, and adequate remedy in the
1. A judgment of annulment based on lack of jurisdiction ordinary course of law. As a rule, where appeal is available,
shall have the effect of setting aside the questioned certiorari cannot be availed of unless it can be shown that
judgment or final order and rendering the same null and void appeal is not speedy, or adequate. Hence, the basic question
but the judgment of annulment is without prejudice to the to be considered is: Does the petitioner have the remedy of
refiling of the original action in the proper court (Sec. 7, appeal or any other remedy? If the answer is in the
Rule 47, Rules of Court). The prescriptive period for the affirmative, certiorari is not available, as a n4le. However,
refiling of the original action shall be deemed suspended even if appeal is available, if it is not adequate, speedy or
from the filing of such original action until the finality of the equally beneficial as certiorari, a petition for certiorari may
judgment of annulment. This prescriptive period shall not be availed of.
however, be suspended where the extrinsic fraud is
attributable to the plaintiff in the original action (Sec. 8, 2. The task of a court in a certiorari proceeding is to
Rule 47, Rules of Court). determine whether the lower court committed grave abuse
of' discretion. It is a remedy narrow in scope. It is not a
2. Where the judgment or final order is set aside and general utility tool in the legal workshop. Its function is to
annulled on the ground of extrinsic fraud, the court, upon raise only questions of jurisdiction and no other. It cannot be
motion, may order the trial court to try the case as if a used for any other purpose. Do not file certiorari if your
motion for new trial was granted (Sec. 7, Rule 47, Rules of purpose is to raise a factual issue or to ask for a re-
Court). evaluation of the facts and the evidence.

3. Aside from the setting aside of the judgment or final order 3. The sole object of the writ is to correct errors of
and other effects, the judgment of annulment may include jurisdiction or grave abuse of discretion. The phrase `grave
the award of damages, attorney's fees and other relief (Sec. abuse of discretion' has a precise meaning in law, denoting
9, Rule 47, Rules of Court). abuse of discretion "too patent and gross as to amount to an
evasion of a positive duty, or a virtual refusal to perform the
IV. Application of Rule 47 duty enjoined or act in contemplation of law, or where the
1. Rule 47 governs the annulment by the Court of Appeals of power is exercised in an arbitrary and despotic manner by
judgments or final orders and resolutions in civil actions of reason of passion and personal hostility." It does not
Regional Trial Courts (Sec. 1, Rule 47, Rules of Court). encompass an error of law. Nor does it include a mistake in
the appreciation of the contending parties' respective

2. Sections 2, ,l, 4, 7, 8 and 9 of ltulc 47 shall likewise apply evidence or the evaluation of their relative weight.
to annulment of judgments or final. orders of a Municipal The Court cannot be tasked to go over the proofs presented
Trial Court by the Regional Trial Court having jurisdiction of by the parties and analyze, assess and weigh them all over
again to ascertain if the trial court or quasi judicial agency
and the appellate court were correct in according superior III. Certification against forum shopping
credit to this or that piece of evidence of one party or the - Rule 65 also requires the pleader to submit a certification
other. The sole office of a writ of certiorari is the correction against forum shopping.
of errors of jurisdiction including the commission of grave
abuse of discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction, and IV. Observance of hierarchy of courts
does not include the review of public respondent's evaluation - In filing for a petition for certiorari, the hierarchy of courts
of the evidence and the factual findings based thereon. must be observed. Hence, even though the Supreme Court
has concurrent jurisdiction with the Court of Appeals and the
4. The petition shall be filed not later than 60 days from Regional Trial Court to issue a writ of mandamus, prohibition
notice of the judgment, order or resolution. In case a motion or certiorari, litigants are advised against taking direct
for reconsideration was filed, the 60-day period starts not recourse to the Supreme Court without initially seeking
from the notice of judgment but from notice of the denial of proper relief from the lower courts.
the motion for reconsideration.
D. Collateral Attack of a Judgment
II. Motion for reconsideration
1. A petitioner must first exhaust all other remedies available I. Distinction between a direct from a collateral attack
before resorting to certiorari. For example, if he can file a  A direct attack of a judgment  made through an action
motion for reconsideration, then he must do so instead of or proceeding the main object of which is to annul, set
certiorari. aside or enjoin the enforcement of such judgment if not
 Certiorari is not a substitute for a lost appeal. The yet carried into effect; or if the property has been
remedies of appeal and certiorari are mutually exclusive and disposed of, the aggrieved party may sue for recovery.
not alternative or successive because they do not have  collateral attack  made when, in another action to
identical elements and requisites. obtain a different relief, an attack on the judgment is
made as an incident in said action. This is proper only
2. The general rule is that before filing a petition for when the judgment, on its face, is null and void, as
certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, the petitioner where it is patent that the court which rendered said
is mandated to comply with a condition precedent: the filing judgment has no jurisdiction .
of a motion for reconsideration of the assailed order, and the  Examples: A petition for certiorari under Rule 65 is a
subsequent denial of the court a quo. It must be stressed direct attack. It is filed primarily to have an order
that a petition for certiorari is an extraordinary remedy and annulled. An action for annulment of a judgment is
should be filed only as a last resort. The filing of a motion for likewise a direct attack on a judgment. A motion to dismiss
reconsideration is intended to afford the public respondent a complaint for collection of a sum of money filed by a
an opportunity to correct any actual error attributed to it by corporation against the defendant on the ground that the
way of re-examination of the legal and factual issues. plaintiff has no legal capacity to sue is a collateral attack
However, the rule is subject to the following recognized on the corporation. A motion to dismiss is incidental to the
exceptions: main action for a sum of money. It is not filed as an action
(a) where the order is a patent nullity, as where the court intended to attack the legal existence of the plaintiff.
a quo has no jurisdiction;
(b) where the questions raised in the certiorari proceeding
have been duly raised and passed upon by the lower court, CHAP. 11: EXECUTION OF JUDGMENTS
or are the same as those raised and passed upon in the
lower court; I. Meaning of execution
(c) where there is an urgent necessity for the resolution of > Execution - the remedy afforded for the satisfaction of a
the question and any further delay would prejudice the judgment. It is the fruit and end of the suit.
interests of the Government or of the petitioner or the
subject matter of the action is perishable; II. Part of the judgment to be executed
(d) where, under the circumstances, a motion for 1. The dispositive portion (also called "fallo") of the judgment
reconsideration would be useless; is that part which is subject to execution (Sec. 8, Rule 39,
(e) where petitioner was deprived oi' due process and Rules of Court).
there is extreme urgency for relief;
(f) where, in a criminal case, relief from an order of arrest 2. Jurisprudence considers this portion of the judgment as
is urgent and the granting of such relief by the trial court that which finally invests rights upon the parties, sets
is improbable; conditions for the exercise of those rights, and imposes the
(g) where the proceedings in the lower court are a nullity corresponding duties and obligations. Hence, if there is a
for lack of due process; conflict between the dispositive portion of the decision and
(h) where the proceedings was ex paste or in which the the body thereof, the dispositive portion controls irrespective
petitioner had no opportunity to object; and of what appears in the body.
(i) where the issue raised is one purely of law or public
interest is involved. III. When execution shall issue
1. Execution is a matter of right upon the expiration of the

- For example, if the trial court issues a writ of preliminary period to appeal and no appeal was perfected from a
injunction despite the absence of proof of a legal right and judgment or order that disposes of the action or proceeding
the injury sustained by the plaintiff, the writ is a nullity. (Sec. 1, Rule 39, Rules of Court). Once a judgment becomes
final and executory, the prevailing party can have it
executed as a matter of right, and the issuance of a writ of 2. If for whatever reason, execution cannot be had with
execution becomes the ministerial duty of the court. Once a dispatch in the court of origin, the new rules likewise afford
decision becomes final and executory, it is the ministerial the judgment obligee a remedy. He may file a motion with
duty of the presiding judge to issue a writ of execution the appellate court to direct the court of origin, in the
except in certain cases, as when subsequent events would interest of justice, to issue the writ of execution (Sec. 1,
render execution of judgment unjust. Rule 39, Rules of Court).

2. The above principles have been consistently applied. Thus, VI. No appeal from an order of execution
in a subsequent ruling the Court declared: "Once a judgment - No appeal may be taken from an order of execution (Sec.
becomes final, it is basic that the prevailing party is entitled 1[f, Rule 39, Rules of Court; Reliance Surety and Insurance
as a matter of right to a writ of execution the issuance of Co., Inc. vs. Amante, Jr., 462 SCRA 399). While it may be
which is the trial court's ministerial duty, compellable by argued that an order of execution is in essence a final order,
mandamus." the order may not be appealed from by express provisions of
the Rules. A party desiring to assail an order of execution
3. Judgments and orders become final and executory by may instead file an appropriate special civil action under
operation of law and not by judicial declaration. The trial Rule 65 of the Rules of Court (Sec. 1, Rule 41, Rules of
court need not even pronounce the finality of the order as Court).
the same becomes final by operation of law. Its finality
becomes a fact when the reglementary period for appeal VII. Nature of writ of execution
lapses, and no appeal is perfected within such period. 1. The writ of execution is issued in the name of the Republic
of the Philippines and shall state (a) the name of the court
IV. How execution shall issue which granted the motion, (b) the case number, (c) the
1. "Execution shall issue. . . on motion" as clearly set forth dispositive portion of the judgment or order subject of the
under Sec. 1 of Rule 39. There is therefore, a need to file a execution, and (d) shall require the sheriff or other proper
motion for the issuance of a writ of execution. In Lou vs. officer to whom it is directed to enforce the writ according
Siapno, it was ruled that even in judgments which are to its terms (Sec. 8, Rule 39, Rules of Court).
immediately executory, "there must be a motion to that
effect and a hearing called for the purpose." Also, "under 2. The writ of execution should conform to the dispositive
Supreme Court Circular No. 24-94, a motion for the issuance portion of the decision to be executed and the execution is
of a writ of execution must contain a notice to the adverse void if it is in excess of and beyond the original judgment or
party." award for it is a settled general principle that a writ of
execution must conform strictly to every essential particulars
2. A motion for the issuance of a writ of execution shall of the judgment promulgated.
contain a notice to the adverse party. A motion which does
not contain a notice of hearing of the time and place for the 3. The writ may not vary the terms of the judgment to be
hearing of the motion as required by Sees. 4 and 5 of ltule 15 executed. Thus, if the judgment does not provide for the
of the Rules of Court, is a worthless piece of paper which the payment of interest, the writ of execution cannot modify the
clerk has no right to receive and which the court has no judgment by requiring the judgment obligor to pay interest.
authority to act upon. That part of the writ imposing interest is void. An order of
Because of the present phraseology of Sec. 1 of Rule 39, execution which does not substantially conform to the
rulings like those made in De Mesa vs. Court ofAppeals to the dispositive portion of the decision sought to be executed or
effect that where execution is a matter of right, the which varies or goes beyond the terms of the judgment it
judgment debtor need not be given an advanced notice of seeks to enforce is null and void.
the application for execution nor be afforded a prior hearing
thereon, must necessarily be deemed abandoned. 4. "That a writ of execution must conform to the judgment
V. Where application for execution made which is to be executed, substantially to every essential
1. Execution shall be applied for in the court of origin. If an particular thereof, it is settled. It may not thus vary the
appeal has been duly perfected and finally resolved, the terms of the judgment it seeks to enforce, nor go beyond its
execution may be applied for also in the court of origin on terms. Where the execution is not in harmony with the
motion of the judgment obligee (Sec. 1, Rule 39, Rules of judgment which gives it life and exceeds it, it has no validity.
Court). In filing a motion for execution of an appealed
decision, there is no need to wait for the records of the case - Thus, in the above cited case, where a contract has been
to be remanded to the court of origin. All that is required is declared by final judgment by the Supreme Court as
for the appeal to have been duly perfected and finally perfected and valid yet is still unimplementable because of
resolved before execution may be applied for. This is the absence of approval by the President of the Philippines, a
because when the judgment obligee files a motion for writ of execution directing the implementation of the
execution in the court of origin, all he has to do is to attach contract is void.
the certified true copies of (a) the judgment of the appellate
court, and (b) the entry of the said judgment (Sec. 1, Rule - Said the Court: "In issuing the writ of execution, the trial
39, Rules of Court) even if the records have not as yet been court in effect ordered the enforcement of the contract

remanded to the court of origin. This procedure prevents despite the High Court's unequivocal pronouncement that
needless delays in the execution of the judgment. albeit valid and perfected, the contract shall become
effective only upon approval by the President." Indubitably,
the alias writ of execution varied the tenor of this Court's
judgment, went against essential portions and exceeded the (h) When refusal to execute the judgment has become
terms thereof. imperative in the higher interest of justice

- "The execution directed by the trial court being out of X. Quashal of a writ of execution
harmony with the judgment, legal implications cannot save it - A writ of execution may be quashed on certain grounds such
from being found to be fatally defective. as:
(a) when the writ of execution varies the judgment;
5. After a final judgment has been rendered by the Supreme (b) when there has been a change in the situation of the
Court, or even by a trial court for that matter, it is the duty parties making execution inequitable or unjust;
of the court to enforce the judgment according to its terms. (c) when execution is sought to be enforced against
In other words, where the judgment of an appellate court property exempt from execution;
has become final and executory and is returned to the lower (d) when it appears that the controversy has never been
court, the only function of the latter is the ministerial act of submitted to the judgment of the court;
carrying out the decision and issuing the writ of execution. (e) when the terms of the judgment are clear enough and
there remains room for interpretation thereof;
VIII. Lifetime of the writ of execution (Bar 1995) (f) when it appears that the writ of execution has been
- The writ shall continue in effect during the period within improvidently issued;
which the judgment may be enforced by motion (Sec. 14, (g) when it appears that the writ of execution is defective
Rule 39, Rules of Court). Hence, the writ is enforceable in substance, or is issued against the wrong party, or that
within the five-year period from entry of judgment as the judgment debt has been paid or otherwise satisfied, or
provided for in Sec. 6 of Rule 39 because within that period, die writ was issued without authority.
the writ may be enforced by motion. Under the former Sec.
11 of Rule 39 of the old Rules, the lifetime of the writ was XI. Duty of sheriff
sixty (60) days from the receipt of the writ by the officer - Well-settled is the rule that a sheriff's duty in the execution
required to enforce it. of the writ is purely ministerial; he is to execute the order of
the court strictly to the letter. He has no discretion whether
IX. When execution will be denied to execute the judgment or not. When a writ is placed in the
1. After a judgment has become final and executory, the rule hands of the sheriff, it is his duty, in the absence of any
is that execution becomes the ministerial duty of the court. instructions to the contrary, to proceed with reasonable
celerity and promptness to implement it in accordance with
2. The rule however is far from absolute. The trial court may its mandate. For it is only by doing so that he could ensure
refuse to have the judgment executed in certain cases, as: that the order is executed without undue delay. It cannot be
(a) When the judgment has already been executed by the overemphasized that sheriffs play an important part in the
voluntary compliance thereof by the parties administration of justice, because they are tasked to execute
the final judgments of courts. If not enforced, such decisions
- Note: The parties, despite the existence of a judgment, are empty victories on the part of the prevailing parties.
are at liberty to novate a judgment by entering into a Indeed, the execution of a final judgment is "the fruit and
compromise. A compromise is a contract recognized by end of the suit and is the life of the law."
substantive law (Art. 2028, Civil Code of the Philippines).
XII. Modes of execution of a judgment (Bar 1982; 1987; 1997)
(b) When the judgment has been novated by the parties. 1. There are two modes of executing a final and executory
judgment, to wit:
- Note: The parties, despite the existence of a judgment, (a) execution by motion if the enforcement of the
are at liberty to novate a judgment by entering into a judgment is sought within five (5) years from the date of
compromise. A compromise is a contract recognized by its entry; and
substantive law. (b) execution by independent action if the five-year period
has elapsed and before it is barred by the statute of
(c) When a petition for relief is filed and a preliminary limitations (Sec. 6, Rule 39, Rules of Court).
injunction is granted in accordance with Sec. 5 of Rule 38;
2. A writ of execution issued by motion of the prevailing
(d) When the judgment sought to be executed is party after five (5) years from the date of entry of the
conditional (Co Unjieng vs. Hijos Mabalacat Sugar judgment is null and void. There is then a need for the
Company, 70 Phil. 605) or when the judgment sought to be prevailing party to file an independent action for the revival
executed is incomplete of the judgment before the action is barred by the statute of
(e) When facts and circumstances transpire which would
render execution inequitable or unjust 3. It was held that if the writ of execution was issued and the
levy made within five years from the entry of the judgment,
(f) When execution is sought more than five (5) years from the auction sale may be made even after the fiveyear period.
its entry without the judgment having been revived The sale of the property and the application of the proceeds

are merely the means to carry out the writ of execution and
(g) When execution is sought against property exempt from a levy already validly made. Accordingly, the levy is the
execution under Sec. 13 of Rule 39; or essential act by which the property is set apart for the
satisfaction of the judgment. The sale must however, be
made within ten years during which the judgment can be judgment and not from the date of finality of the old,
enforced. The ten-year period commences to run from the original judgment."
finality of the judgment which is the period within which the
judgment can be enforced (Art. 1152 in relation to Art. 4. An action to revive a judgment is an action incapable of
1144[31, Civil Code of the Philippines). Because under the pecuniary estimation and should be filed with the Regional
Rules, the date of the finality of the judgment or final order Trial Court even if the judgment to be revived was rendered
shall be deemed to be the date of its entry, (Sec. 2, Rule 36, by a Municipal Trial Court.
Rules of Court) the period shall run also from the date of
entry of the judgment. Illustration (Bar 1.997)
A, a resident of Dagupan City, secured a favorable
XIII. Revival of judgment (Bar 1997) judgment in an ejectment case against X, a resident of
1. The action to revive a judgment must be filed within ten Quezon City, from the Metropolitan Trial Court of Manila.
(10) years from the date the judgment became final. An The judgment entered on June 15, 1991, had not as yet been
action to enforce a judgment prescribes in ten (10) years executed.
from (a) In July 1996, A decided to enforce the judgment of the
the finality of the judgment (Art. 1144[31 in relation to Art. Metropolitan Trial Court of Manila. What is the procedure to
1152, Civil Code of the Philippines). This action mentioned in be followed by A in enforcing the judgment?
Sec. 6 of Rule 39 presupposes that the judgment was not (b) xxx
executed on motion by the prevailing party despite the lapse
of five years from the entry of the judgment hence, the need Suggested answer.
for the enforcement of the judgment by action. A may file an action to revive the judgment. Under
the Rules, a judgment may be executed by mere motion only
- Caveat: This action to revive a judgment in Sec. 6 of Rule within five (5) years from the entry ofjudgment. Since the
39 is not the "revival of judgment" referred to in Sec. 34 of five-year period has elapsed, an action to revive the
Rule 39 where the terms are actually used in the Rules. In judgment is the proper remedy (Sec. 6, Rule 39, Rules of
the latter rule, the revival of judgment is not sought for by Court).
the judgment obligee or the prevailing party. It is sought for
by the purchaser of a real property that was sold in an XIV. When the five-year period is interrupted (Bar 1993)
execution sale. Despite being the purchaser, he was not able 1. While the rule is that the execution of a judgment can no
to acquire possession of the property bought by him or She longer be effected by mere motion after five (5) years from
ever did acquire possession, he was evicted therefrom for the date of entry of the judgment, the Court in certain
one reason or another as when the judgment under which the instances, allowed execution of the judgment by mere
sale was conducted was reversed, or the property sold to him motion despite the lapse of the five-year time line. In many
was actually exempt from execution, or there was a rightful instances, the delays in the execution of the judgment were
claimant to the property. The purchaser, under such through causes clearly attributable to the judgment debtor
situation is allowed by the Rules to file a motion in the same as when he employs legal maneuvers to block the
action or in a separate action for the purpose of recovering enforcement of the judgment. Delays attributable to the
from the judgment obligee the price he paid, (including defendant have the effect of suspending the running of the
interest) for the property in the execution sale. He may as an prescriptive period for the enforcement of the judgment.
option also file a motion to revive the judgment in his name
to recover the price with interest. 2. The period may also be interrupted by the agreement of
the parties to suspend the enforcement of the judgment.
- In Sec. 34, the judgment has actually been executed unlike
in Sec. 6 where the judgment has not been executed on XV. When the five and ten-year periods do not apply
motion within the five-year period set by the Rules. Sec. 34 - The periods do not apply to (a) special proceedings, such as
seeks to revive the judgment that was already executed not land registration and cadastral cases, wherein the right to
by filing an independent action unlike the procedure required ask for a writ of possession does not prescribe (Rodil vs.
to enforce a judgment by action under Sec. 6. Benedicto, 95 SCRA 137); (b) judgments for support which do
not become dormant and which can always be executed by
2. When a judgment is revived such revived judgment may motion despite lapse of the five-year period because the
also be enforced by motion within five (5) years from the obligation is a continuing one and the court never loses
date of its entry and thereafter by action also before it is jurisdiction to enforce the same.
barred by the statute of limitations (Sec. 6, Rule 39, Rules of
Court). XVI. Stay of execution of a judgment; exceptions
l. As a rule, an appeal perfected in due time stays the
3. Be it remembered that a revived judgment is deemed a execution of a judgment. There are however, judgments, the
new judgment separate and distinct from the original execution of which is not stayed by a pending appeal. These
judgment. It is not a continuation of the original judgment. judgments may be classified into two general categories,
- Jurisprudence declares: "The action to revive the judgment (a) Those judgments which by express provision of the rules

is a new action and results in a new judgment constituting a are immediately executory and are not stayed by an appeal
new cause of action with a new period of limitations. Hence, (Sec. 4, Rule 39, Rules of Court); and
the ten (10) year period to revive the revived judgment shall (b) Those judgments that have become the object of
commence to run from the date of the finality of the revived discretionary execution (Sec. 2, Rule 39, Rules of Court).
XX. Discretionary execution is to be strictly construed
XVII. Judgments not stayed by appeal 1. A discretionary execution like an execution pending appeal
1. The following judgments by express provision of the Rules must be strictly construed because it is an exception to the
are immediately executory, enforceable upon their rendition general rule. It is not meant to be availed of routinely
and shall not be stayed by an appeal taken therefrom: because it applies only in extraordinary circumstances.
(a) judgment for injunction; It should be interpreted only insofar as the language
(b) judgment for receivership; thereof fairly warrants, and all doubts should be resolved in
(c) judgment for accounting; and favor of the general rule.
(d) judgment for support (Sec. 4, Rule 39, Rules of Court).
2. Where the execution is not in conformity with the rules,
2. The rule however, that the above judgments are the execution is null and void.
immediately executory and not stayed by an appeal, is not
absolute because the court is authorized to order otherwise. XXI. Good reasons
Also on appeal therefrom, the appellate court in its 1. The existence of good reasons as justifications for
discretion nmy lnlrke rlrl order, suspending, modifying, discretionary execution is essential. The good reasons are
restoring or granting the iniunction, receivership, accounting what confer discretionary power upon the court to issue a
or award of' support (Sec. 4, Rule 39, Rules of Court). writ of execution pending appeal.

3. Under Rule 70, a judgment rendered against the defendant 2. Certiorari will lie against an order granting execution
in an action for forcible entry and unlawful detainer is pending appeal where the same is not founded upon good
likewise immediately executory upon motion (Sec. 19, Rule reasons.
70, Rules of Court).
3. Sec. 2 of Rule 39 does not cite examples of the good
4. Even if the above judgments are immediately executory, reasons that would justify a discretionary execution. What
"there must be a motion to that effect and a hearing called constitutes a good reason therefore, is left to the sound
for the purpose." exercise of judicial discretion. The following, among others,
have been given by jurisprudence as good reasons:
XVIII. Discretionary execution (Bar 1991; 1995) (a) The proven insolvency of the judgment debtor
1. The concept of discretionary execution constitutes an (b) The purpose of preventing irreparable injury to the
exception to the general rule that a judgment cannot be consumers of an electric cooperative which needs the
executed before the lapse of the period for appeal or during amount of the judgment for its operations and the repair
the pendency of an appeal. Under Sec. 1 of Rule 39, of its transmission lines, electric posts, transformers,
execution shall issue only as matter of right upon a judgment accessories, towers, and fixtures within its coverage area
or final order that finally disposes of the action or proceeding (c) The fact that the goods subject of the judgment will
upon the expiration of the period to appeal therefrom if no perish or deteriorate during the pendency of the appeal, a
appeal has been duly perfected. fact which would render the judgment in favor of the
prevailing party ineffective
2. A discretionary execution is called "discretionary" precisely (d) The failure in an unlawful detainer case to make the
because it is not a matter of right. The execution of a required periodic deposits to cover the amount of rentals
judgment under this concept is addressed to the due under the contract or for payment of the reasonable
discretionary power of the court. value of the use and occupation of the premises, or the
Unlike judgments that are final and executory, a judgment failure to post a supersedeas bond may be good reasons to
subject to discretionary execution cannot be insisted upon allow execution pending appeal (Sec. 19, Rule 70, Rules of
but simply prayed and hoped for because a discretionary Court).
execution is not a matter of right.
Illustration (Bar 1995)
3. Be it noted that discretionary execution does not require a In an illegal detainer case, the Municipal Trial Court
final and executory judgment but simply a "final" judgment ruled in favor of the plaintiff-lessor who, not being satisfied
or order. with the increase of rentals granted him by the court,
appealed praying for further increase thereof. Defendant-
XIX. Requisites for discretionary execution lessee did not appeal.
- Under Sec. 2 of Rule 39, for the court to allow an execution (a) Can the plaintiff-lessor as appellant, move for execution
even before the expiration of the period for appeal or pending appeal?
pending appeal there must be compliance of the following
requisites: Suggested answer:
(a) there must be a motion filed by the prevailing party He can move for execution pending appeal. To
with notice to the adverse party; justify the motion it must be shown that the defendant failed
(b) there must be a hearing of the motion for discretionary to make the required periodic deposits to cover the amount
execution; of rentals due under the contract or for payment of the
(c) there must be good reasons to justify the discretionary reasonable value of the use and occupation of the premises,

execution; and or failed to post a supersedeas bond. These are good reasons
(d) the good reasons must be stated in a special order to allow execution pending appeal (Sec. 19, Rule 70, Rules of
(Sec. 2, Rule 39, Rules of Court). Court).
XXII. Frivolous appeal as reason for discretionary execution XXVII. Execution in case the judgment obligee dies
l. Where the sole reason given by the trial court in - The death of the judgment obligee will not prevent the
disallowing an appeal is that the appeal is frivolous and execution of the judgment. In case the judgment obligee
dilatory, execution pending appeal cannot be justified dies, execution may issue upon the application of his
because the authority to disapprove an appeal pertains to executor, administrator or successor in interest (Sec. 7[a]
the appellate court. Rule 39, Rules of Court).
 Mere allegation that the appeal is dilatory is not a good
reason to merit discretionary execution. XXVIII. Execution in case the judgment obligor dies
- The death of the judgment obligor will not likewise prevent
2. The rule has been subsequently reiterated in a case of execution of the judgment. In case the judgment obligor
recent vintage. The Court stressed that the trial court is not dies, execution shall still go on because under the Rules,
justified to order execution pending appeal, on its assertion execution shall issue against his executor or administrator, if
that the appeal of the respondent is a dilatory tactic. It is the judgment be for the recovery of real or personal property
not for the trial judge to determine the merit of a decision (Sec. 7[b], Rule 39, Rules of Court). If the death occurs after
he rendered as this is the role of the appellate court. Hence, execution is actually levied upon any of his property, the
it is not within the competence of the trial court, in resolving same may be sold for the satisfaction of the judgment
a motion for execution pending appeal, to rule that the obligation. If there be any surplus after the sale, the officer
appeal is patently dilatory and rely on the same as basis for making the sale shall account to the corresponding executor
finding good reasons to grant the motion. Only an appellate or administrator (Sec. 7[c], Rule 39, Rules of Court).
court can appreciate the dilatory intent of an appeal as an
additional good reason in upholding an order for execution XXIX. How to execute judgments for money
pending appeal. - In executing a judgment for money, the sheriff shall follow
the following steps:
XXIII. Posting of bond as reason for discretionary execution (a) Demand from the judgment obligor the immediate
(Bar 1991) payment of the full amount stated in the judgment
l. The rule is now settled that the mere filing of a bond by including the lawful fees in cash, certified check payable
the successful party is not in itself a good reason for ordering to the judgment obligee or any other form of payment
execution pending appeal, because it is the combination of acceptable to him (Sec. 9[a], Rule 39, Rules of Court). In
circumstances which is the dominating reason that would emphasizing this rule, the Supreme Court held that in the
justify immediate execution, the bond being only an execution of a money judgment, the sheriff is required to
additional factor. first make a demand on the obligor for the immediate
payment of the full amount stated in the writ of execution
2. If the mere posting of a bond is sufficient to justify
immediate execution pending appeal, judgments would be (b) If the judgment obligor cannot pay all or part of the
executed immediately, as a matter of course, once rendered, obligation in cash, certified check or other mode of
if all that the prevailing party needed was to post a bond. payment, the officer shall levy upon the properties of the
Immediate execution will then become the general rule judgment obligor. The judgment obligor shall have the
rather than the exception. option to choose which property or part thereof may be
levied upon. If the judgment obligor does not exercise the
XXIV. Financial distress as reason for discretionary execution option, the officer shall first levy on the personal
- The fact that the prevailing party is in financial distress is properties, if any, and then on the real properties if the
also not in itself a good reason to justify execution pending personal properties are insufficient to answer for the
appeal. personal judgment but the sheriff shall sell only so much of
the property that is sufficient to satisfy the judgment and
XXV. Where to file an application for discretionary execution lawful fees (Sec. 9[b], Rule 39, Rules of Court).
- The motion for discretionary execution shall be filed with
the trial court while (a) it has jurisdiction over the case and (c) The officer may levy on the debts due the judgment
while (b) it is in possession of either the original record or debtor including bank deposits, financial interests,
the record on appeal. After the trial court has lost royalties, commissions and other personal property not
jurisdiction, the motion for execution pending appeal may be capable of manual delivery in the possession or control of
filed in the appellate court (Sec. 2, Rule 39, Rules of Court). third parties. The process of effecting this form of levy is
called garnishment.
XXVI. Remedy where the judgment subject to discretionary
execution is reversed or annulled XXX. Garnishment of debts and credits
- Where the executed judgment is reversed totally or - Garnishment shall be made by (a) serving notice upon the
partially, or annulled, on appeal or otherwise, the trial court third person having in possession or control of the credits in
may, on motion, issue such orders of restitution or reparation favor of the judgment obligor; (b) the third person or
of damages as equity and justice may warrant under the garnishee shall make a written report to the court within five
circumstances (Sec. 5, Rule 39, Rules of Court). There is no (5) days from service of the notice of garnishment stating
need of specifying in the judgment that there should be whether or not the judgment obligor has sufficient funds to

restitution because restitution is expressly provided for in the satisfy the judgment. If sufficient, the garnishee shall deliver
Rules. Said rule should apply in the absence of a disposition the amount in cash or certified check shall be delivered
to the contrary in the judgment of the appellate court. directly to the judgment obligee within ten (10) working days
from service of notice on said garnishee. The lawful fees
shall be directly paid to the court. If the amount is manner disturb the possession of the judgment creditor, then
insufficient, the garnishee shall make a report as to the and only then may he be punished for contempt.
amount he holds for the judgment obligor (Sec. 9, Rule 39,
Rules of Court). XXXIV. Removal of improvements on the property subject of
XXXI. Execution of a judgment for the performance of a - When the property subject of execution contains
specific act improvements constructed thereon by the judgment obligor
1. If the judgment requires a person to perform a specific or his agent, the officer shall not demolish, destroy or
act, said act must be performed but if the party fails to remove them. These acts may only be done by the officer
comply within the specified time, the court may direct the upon a special order by the court which will be issued upon
act to be done by someone at the cost of the disobedient motion by the judgment obligee and after hearing and only
party and the act when so done shall have the effect as if after the judgment obligor fails to remove them within a
done by the party (Sec. 10[a], Rule 39, Rules of Court). reasonable time fixed by the court (Sec. 10[e], Rule 39, Rules
of Court).
2. If the judgment directs a conveyance of real or personal
property, and said property is in the Philippines, the court in XXXV. Property exempt from execution (Bar 1981)
lieu of directing the conveyance thereof, may by an order 1. There are certain properties exempt from execution
divest the title of any party and vest it in others, which shall enumerated under Sec. 13 of Rule 39, to wit:
have the force and effect of a conveyance executed in due (a) The judgment obligor's family home as provided by law,
form of law (Sec. 10[a], Rule 39, Rules of Court). or the homestead in which he resides, and the land
necessarily used in connection therewith;
XXXII. Execution for a judgment for the delivery or restitution (b) Ordinary tools and implements personally used by him
of real property (Bar 1995) in his trade, employment, or livelihood;
1. An example of this kind of judgment is one rendered in an (c) Three horses, or three cows, or three carabaos, or
action for ejectment. In such a case, the officer shall other beasts of burden, such as the judgment obligor may
demand from the judgment obligor to vacate peaceably select necessarily used by him in his ordinary occupation;
within three (3) working days, and restore possession of the (d) His necessary clothing and articles for ordinary personal
property to the judgment obligee (Sec. 10[c], Rule 39, Rules use, excluding jewelry;
of Court). Note that in both the Rules and jurisprudence, the (e) Household furniture and utensils necessary for
writ of execution in ejectment cases cannot be enforced on housekeeping, and used for that purpose by the judgment
the same date the sheriff receives the writ. The three (3)- obligor and his family, such as the judgment obligor may
day notice is required even if judgment against the select, of a value not exceeding one hundred thousand
defendant is immediately executory under Sec. 19 of Rule 70. pesos (Bar 1981);
(f) Provisions for individual or family use sufficient for four
2. Immediacy of execution does not mean instant execution. months;
When a decision is immediately executory it does not mean (g) The professional libraries and equipment of judges,
dispensing with the required three (3)-day notice. A sheriff lawyers, physicians, pharmacists, dentists, engineers,
who enforces the writ without the required notice is running surveyors, clergymen, teachers, and other professionals,
afoul with the rules. not exceeding three hundred thousand pesos in value;
(h) One fishing boat and accessories not exceeding the
3. After the lapse of the period given and the judgment total value of one hundred thousand pesos owned by a
obligor refuses to vacate, then the sheriff may enforce the fisherman and by the lawful use of which he earns his
writ by ousting the judgment obligor and all the persons livelihood;
claiming a right under him, with the assistance, if necessary, (i) So much of the salaries, wages, or earnings of the
of appropriate peace officers, and employing such means as judgment obligor for his personal services within the four
may be reasonably necessary to retake possession and place months preceding the levy as are necessary for the support
the judgment oblige in possession of such property (Sec. of his family;
10[c], Rule 39, Rules of Court). This provision authorizes the (j) Lettered gravestones;
bodily removal of the defendant and his belongings. (k) Monies, benefits, privileges, or annuities accruing or in
any manner growing out of any life insurance;
XXXIII. Contempt is not a remedy (1) The right to receive legal support, or money or
- The mere refusal or unwillingness of the judgment debtor property obtained as such support, or any pension or
to vacate the property is not a sufficient ground to hold him gratuity from the government; and
in contempt. The writ of possession was not directed to the (m) Properties specially exempted by law (Sec. 13, Rule
judgment debtor but to the sheriff who was directed to 39, Rules of Court).
deliver the property to the prevailing party. As the writ did
not command the judgment debtor to do anything, he cannot 2. The rule provides that no other property is exempt from
be guilty of the acts described in Rule 71 which is execution (Sec. 13, Rules of Court). The enumeration
"disobedience of or resistance to a lawful writ, process, therefore, is exclusive.
order, judgment or command of any court." The proper

procedure is not for the court to cite the debtor in contempt. XXXVI. When the property mentioned is not exempt from
What the officer should do is to dispossess him of the execution
property and if after the dispossession, the judgment debtor - If the property mentioned in Sec. 13 of Rule 39 is the
should execute acts of ownership or possession or in any subject of execution because of a judgment for the recovery
of the price or upon a judgment of foreclosure of a mortgage 3. Other remedies may also be availed of by the thirdparty
upon the property, the property is not exempt from claimant because nothing contained in the Rules "shall
execution (Sec. 13, Rule 39, Rules of Court). prevent the claiming third person from vindicating his claim
to the property in a separate action. . ." (Sec. 16, Rule 39,
XXXVII. Proceedings when property levied upon is claimed by Rules of Court; Bar 1982, 1983; 1984; 1993).
third persons; terceria (Bar 1982; 1984; 1993)
1. A person claiming a property levied upon may execute an - "The second paragraph of Section 16, Rule 39 of the Rules
affidavit of his title or right of possession over the property. of Court provides:
Such affidavit must state the grounds of such right or title. x x x Nothing herein contained shall prevent such
The affidavit shall be served upon the officer making a levy claimant or any third person from vindicating his claim to the
and a copy thereof must also be served upon the judgment property in a separate action, or prevent the judgment
obligee (Sec. 16, Rule 39, Rules of Court). This remedy of the obligee from claiming damages in the same or separate
claiming party is also called "terceria." action against a third-party claimant who filed a frivolous or
plainly spurious claim.
- The officer served with the affidavit of the claiming third
person shall not be bound to keep the property subject of the - "Clearly, a third-party claimant or any third person may
claim, unless the judgment obligee, on demand of the vindicate his claim to his property wrongfully levied by filing
officer, files a bond approved by the court to indemnify the a proper action which is distinct and separate from that in
claimant in a sum not less than the value of the property which the judgment is being enforced. Such action would
levied upon. No claim for damages for the taking or keeping have for its object the recovery of the possession of the
of the property may be enforced against the bond unless the property seized by the sheriff, as well as damages resulting
action therefor is filed within one hundred twenty ( 120) days from the allegedly wrongful seizure and detention thereof
from the date of the filing of the bond (Sec. 16, Rule 39, despite the third-party claim; and it may be brought against
Rules of Court). The officer shall not be liable to any third- the sheriff, of course, and such other parties as may be
party claimant for damages for the taking or keeping of the alleged to have colluded with the sheriff in the supposedly
property, if such bond is filed (Sec. 16, Rule 39, Rules of wrongful execution proceedings, such as the judgment
Court). creditor himself.

2. Said the Supreme Court in Ching vs. Court ofAppeals: - "The same paragraph also provides a remedy to a judgment
". . . the sheriff may attach only those properties of obligee when a frivolous and plainly spurious claim was filed
the defendant against whom a writ of attachment has been by a third-party claimant, i.e., to file his claim for damages
issued by the court. When the sheriff erroneously levies on in the same court where the third-party claimant filed his
attachment and seizes the property of a third person in thirdparty claim or to file a separate action. Thus,
which the said defendant holds no right or interest, the petitioners' claim for damages must be filed in the trial
superior authority of the court which has authorized the court, whether in the same case where a third-party claim
execution may be invoked by the aggrieved third person in has been filed or in a separate action for damages which
the same case. Upon application of the third person, the petitioners may institute. This is so in order to require the
court shall order a summary hearing for the purpose of filing of proper pleadings and to hold trial so as to give the
determining whether the sheriff has acted rightly or wrongly parties the chance to submit their respective evidence (Caps
in the performance of his duties in the execution of the writ vs. Court ofAppeals, G.R. No. 160082, September 19, 2006;
of attachment, more specifically if he has indeed levied on Underscoring supplied).
attachment and taken hold of property not belonging to the
plaintiff. If so, the court may then order the sheriff to Illustration (Bar 1993)
release the property from the erroneous levy and to return In a decision in Civil Case No. 93-1000 entitled
the same to the third person. In resolving the motion of the "Beta, Inc. vs. Jaime de la Cruz," having become final and
third party, the court does not and cannot pass upon the executioy, the RTC of Manila (Branch 21) issued a writ of
question of the title to the property with any character of execution for its enforcement. The sheriff levied upon
finality. It can treat the matter only insofar as may be certain chattels and scheduled the auction sale thereof.
necessary to decide if the sheriff has acted correctly or not. However, Jacinto Santamaria filed a third-party
If the claimant's proof does not persuade the court of the claim with the sheriff asserting that the chattels levied upon
validity of the title, or right of possession thereto, the claim by the later belong to him and not to the judgment debtor
will be denied by the court. The aggrieved third party may (Jaime de la Cruz). Because the judgment creditor (Beta,
also avail himself of the remedy of "terceria" by executing an Inc.) posted an indemnity bond in favor of the sheriff, the
affidavit of his title or right of possession over the property latter refused to release the chattels and threatened to
levied on attachment and serving the same to the office proceed with the auction sale.
making the levy and the adverse party. Such party may also Consequently, Jacinto Santamaria filed an action
file an action to nullify the levy with damages resulting from against Beta, Inc., and the sheriff in the RTC of Bulacan
the unlawful levy and seizure, which should be a totally (Branch 8), docketed as Civil Case No. 93-487, laying claim to
separate and distinct action from the former case. The the levied chattels and seeking to enjoin the sheriff from
above-mentioned remedies are cumulative and any one of proceeding with the auction sale thereof. As prayed for, the

them may be resorted to by one third- party claimant court in Civil Case No. 93-487 issued a temporary restraining
without availing of the other remedies. order, followed by a writ of preliminary injunction, by way of
enjoining the sheriff from implementing the writ of
execution in Civil Case No. 93-1000 against the levied
chattels pending determination of Jacinto Santamaria's claim highest bidder and the court may require such purchaser to
thereto. pay unto the court the amount of whatever loss, with costs
Beta, Inc. and the sheriff filed a motion to dismiss occasioned by his refusal to pay and if he disobeys the order,
Civil Case No. 93-487 on the ground that the court has no may punish him for contempt. Any subsequent bid by such
power to interfere with the judgment of the RTC of Manila purchaser may be refused by the officer conducting the
(Branch 21), a coordinate court. bidding (Sec. 20, Rule 39, Rules of Court);
How should the motion to dismiss be resolved?
Explain. 5. The judgment obligee may bid and if said party is the
purchaser and there is no third party claim, he need not pay
Suggested answer. the amount of the bid if it does not exceed the amount of his
The motion to dismiss should be denied. Where a judgment. If it does, he shall only pay the excess (Sec. 21,
property levied upon is claimed by a third party, nothing in Rule 39, Rules of Court);
the Rules "shall prevent such claimant or any third person
from vindicating his claim against to the property n a 6. If the purchaser of personal property capable of manual
separate action" (Sec. 16, Rule 39, Rules of Court). Clearly, a delivery pays the purchase price, the officer making the sale
third party claimant is allowed to vindicate his claim to his must deliver the property to the purchaser and, if desired,
property wrongfully levied by filing a proper action which is shall execute a certificate of sale. The sale conveys to the
distinct and separate from that in which the judgment is purchaser all the rights which the judgment obligor had in
being enforced. such property as of the date of the levy on execution or
The action filed cannot be considered as preliminary attachment (Sec. 23, Rule 39, Rules of Court);
interference with the judgment of another court. The
separate action filed is not, directed against the court but 7. When the purchaser of any personal property not capable
against the unlawful acts of the sheriffand the prevailing of manual delivery pays the price, the officer making the sale
party. must execute and deliver to the purchaser a certificate of
sale. Such certificate conveys to the purchaser all the rights
XXXVIII. Miscellaneous principles to be remembered in which the judgment obligor had in such property as of the
execution sales date of the levy on execution or preliminary attachment
1. A notice of sale is required before the property levied is (Sec. 24, Rule 39, Rules of Court).
sold on execution (Sec. 15, Rule 39, Rules of Court). All sales
of property under execution must be made at public auction XXXIX. Sale and redemption of real property
to the highest bidder (Sec. 19, Rule 39, Rules of Court) but l. Upon a sale of real property, the officer must give to the
the execution sale must be preceded by a valid levy which is purchaser a certificate of sale. Such certificate must be
indispensable for a valid execution sale. registered in the registry of deeds of the place where the
property is situated (Sec. 25, Rule 39, Rules of Court).
> levy - the act whereby the sheriff sets apart or
appropriates a part of the whole of the properties of the 2. The real property sold may be redeemed from the
judgment obligor to satisfy the command of the writ. purchaser, at any time within one (1) year from the date of
the registration of the certificate of sale. If there are other
- A levy is necessary only if the obligor cannot satisfy the creditors having a lien on the property, the property so
judgment in cash, certified check or any other mode of redeemed may again be redeemed within sixty (60) days
payment acceptable to the judgment creditor (Sec. 9[b], from the last redemption. The property may again, and as
Rule 39, Rules of Court). often as a redemptioner is so disposed, be redeemed from
any previous redemptioner within sixty (60) days after the
- A levy upon real property is made by the officer by last redemption (Sec. 28, Rule 39, Rules of Court).
performing two specific acts: (a) filing with the Register of
Deeds a copy of the order, description of the attached 3. The property may be redeemed by the judgment obligor,
property and notice of attachment; and (b) leaving with the or his successor in interest or by a creditor having a lien by
occupant of the property copy of the same order, description virtue of an attachment, judgment or mortgage on the
and notice. Noncompliance with any of these requisites is property sold, subsequent to the lien under which the
fatal because a special statutory provision respecting the property was sold. Such redeeming creditor is called a
manner of carrying out levy of attachment must be strictly redemptioner (Sec. 27[b], Rule 39, Rules of Court).
complied with and departure therefrom shall invalidate the
levy. 4. Note that the right of redemption under the Rules of Court
has reference only to real, not personal property (Sec. 27,
2. After sufficient property has been sold to satisfy the Rule 39, Rules of Court).
execution, no more shall be sold (Sec. 19, Rule 39, Rules of
Court); XXXX. Effect if no redemption is made
1. If no redemption is made within one (1) year from the
3. Any excess property or proceeds of the sale shall be date of the registration of the certificate of sale, the
delivered to the judgment obligor (Sec. 19, Rule 39, Rules of purchaser is entitled to a conveyance and possession of the

Court); property; or if so redeemed whenever sixty (60) days have

elapsed and no other redemption has been made, and notice
4. If the purchaser at the auction refuses to pay the amount thereof given, the last redemptioner is entitled to the
bid by him, the officer may again sell the property to the
conveyance and possession of the property (Sec. 33, Rule 39,
Rules of Court). III. Court which grants provisional remedies
- The court which grants or issues a provisional remedy is the
2. Upon the expiration of the right of redemption, the court which has jurisdiction over the main action. Even an
purchaser or redemptioner shall be substituted to and inferior court may grant a provisional remedy in an action
acquire all the rights, title, interest and claim of the pending with it and within its jurisdiction.
judgment obligor to the property as of the time of the levy
(Sec. 33, Rule 39, Rules of Court). - For instance, a Municipal Trial Court has the jurisdiction to
issue a writ of preliminary mandatory injunction, a provi-
XXXXI. Rents, income and earnings of the property pending sional remedy available as ancillary to the main action of
the redemption forcible entry and unlawful detainer (Sec. 15, Rule 70, Rules
- The purchaser or a redemptioner shall not be entitled to of Court). Where the main action is for support, the
receive the rents, earnings and income of the property sold provisional remedy of support pendente lite may not be
on execution, or the value of the use and occupation thereof granted by a Municipal Trial Court because the main action
when such property is in the possession of a tenant. All rents, which is incapable of pecuniary estimation is within the
earnings and income derived from the property pending jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Court or the Family Court.
redemption shall belong to the judgment obligor until the
expiration of his period of redemption (Sec. 32, Rule 39, IV. Kinds of provisional remedies (Bar 1999)
Rules of Court). 1. The provisional remedies specified under the rules are:
(a) Preliminary attachment (Rule 57);
XXXXII. Remedy when the judgment is unsatisfied (Bar 1983; (b) Preliminary injunction (Rule 58);
2002) (c) Receivership (Rule 59);
1. When the return of the writ of execution shows that the (d) Replevin (Rule 60); and
judgment is unsatisfied, the judgment obligee is entitled to (e) Support pendente lite (Rule 61).
an order from the court which rendered the judgment,
requiring the judgment obligor to appear and be examined 2. The enumeration is not exclusive. For example, in the
concerning his property and income before the court or a special proceeding of custody of minors, the court may grant
commissioner appointed by the court. This remedy has a a parent visitation rights and or temporary custody of the
limitation because the judgment obligor cannot be required child (Sec. 6, Rule 99, Rules of Court), both of which partake
to appear before a court or commissioner outside the of the nature of provisional remedies even if not among those
province or city in which such obligor resides or is found specifically enumerated as provisional remedies.
(Sec. 36, Rule 39, Rules of Court). Thus, if the court is RTC
Bulacan and the obligor is a resident of Quezon City, he V. Deposit as a provisional remedy
cannot be required to appear and be examined. - In one case, an action to annul a contract of sale of a land,
the buyer moved for the court to order the seller to deposit
2. It is not only the judgment debtor who may be examined. in court the amount initially given to the seller as
A person, corporation, or other juridical entity, indebted to consideration for the land to prevent the dissipation of the
the judgment debtor may be required to appear before the amount paid. The seller opposed the motion arguing that a
court or a commissioner appointed by it, at a time and place deposit is not among the provisional remedies enumerated in
within the province or city where such debtor resides or is the Rules of Court. The Court nevertheless granted the
found, and be examined concerning the same (Sec. 37, Rule motion. The Court considered the case as one that clearly
39, Rules of Court). showed a hiatus in the Rules of Court and in the law because
deposit is not so provided under the Rules as a provisional
CHAP. 12: PROVISIONAL REMEDIES remedy. If the hiatus is left alone, it will result in unjust
enrichment in favor of the seller tat the oxpenme of the
I. Nature of provisional remedies buyer. It may also imperil the obligation of restitution, a
1. The term "provisional" means temporary, preliminary or precondition to the annulment of a contract. This is a case of
tentative. insufficiency of the law and Article 9 of the Civil Code
mandates a ruling despite the "silence, obscurity or
2. > Provisional remedies - temporary, auxiliary, and insufficiency of the laws." This calls for the application of
ancillary remedies available to a litigant for the protection equity, which fills the open spaces of the law. In ordering the
and preservation of his rights while the main action is deposit, the court exercised its "equity jurisdiction."
pending. They are writs and processes which are not main
actions and they presuppose the existence of a principal I. Preliminary Attachment (Rule 57)
I. Nature of preliminary attachment
II. Purpose of provisional remedies (Bar 1996) 1. > Preliminary attachment - a provisional remedy issued
- Provisional remedies are resorted to by litigants for any of upon order of the court where an action is pending to be
the following reasons: levied upon the property of the defendant so the property
(a) To preserve or protect their rights or interests while the may be held by the sheriff as security for the satisfaction of

main action is pending; whatever judgment may be rendered in the case.

(b) To secure the judgment;
(c) To preserve the status quo; or 2. There is no separate action called preliminary attachment.
(d) To preserve the subject matter of the action. It is not a distinct proceeding and is availed of within a
principal action. For instance, if the plaintiff files an action the judgment as security for the satisfaction of any judgment
to collect a sum of money, the action may be coupled with a that may be recovered in the cases provided for by the rules.
prayer for the issuance of a writ of preliminary attachment Here the court takes custody of the property of the party
directed against the property of the defendant in order to against whom the attachment is directed.
prevent him from further disposing of his property during the
pendency of the litigation. 3. > Garnishment - a kind of attachment in which the
plaintiff seeks to subject either the property of the
3. Attachment places the property under the custody of the defendant in the hands of a third person called the
court (custodia legis). The property is held by the court for garnishee, to his claim or the money which said third person
the satisfaction of whatever award which may be obtained by owes the defendant. By means of garnishment, the plaintiff
the plaintiff in his favor. reaches credits belonging to the defendant and owing to him
from a third person who is a stranger to the litigation.
4. Attachment has been referred to as an action in rem or an
action quasi in rem. When availed of and is granted in an - Garnishment does not involve the actual seizure of the
action purely in personam, it converts the action to one that property which remains in the hands of the garnishee.
is quasi in rem. It will be recalled that in an action in Garnishment simply impounds the property in the garnishee's
personam, jurisdiction over the defendant is mandatory. possession and maintains the status quo until the main action
However, with attachment, the action becomes one in quasi is finally decided. Thus, if pursuant to a court order, the
in rem. This transformation of the nature of the action defendant's credit with a stockbroker is garnished, the sheriff
dispenses with the need for acquiring jurisdiction over the cannot order that said balance be surrendered to the
defendant. Since attachment is directed against the property plaintiff or the sheriff upon the garnishment. It is only after
of the defendant, the court may validly proceed with the the judgment against the defendant has become final and
action as long as jurisdiction over the property is acquired. In executory that the delivery is to be made (Bar 1980; Sec.
an action in rem or quasi in rem, jurisdiction over the res is 15[c], Rule 57).
sufficient. Jurisdiction over the person of the defendant is
not required. - Jurisdiction over the garnishee is acquired by the mere
service upon him of the copy of the writ of garnishment with
5. Attachment is a purely statutory remedy. It cannot exist a notice that his debt to the defendant or other personal
without a statute granting it. Its legal basis for application is property of the defendant under his control or possession is
not only a direct provision in the Rules of Court (Rule 57) but attached pursuant to the writ (Sec. 7[b], Rule 57, Rules of
also the Civil Code of the Philippines (Art. 1177, Civil Code) Court). Service of summons is not required to bind the
which authorizes a creditor to pursue the property of the garnishee. By virtue of the writ, the garnishee will be
debtor. required to hold the property or the funds in his hands during
the pendency of the litigation and at the appropriate time,
6. It is not only the plaintiff who may apply for a writ of to deliver the same not to the defendant but to the new
preliminary attachment. A defendant who asserts a creditor who is the plaintiff in the litigation. Garnishment
counterclaim, a cross-claim or a third-party claim may also therefore, results into a forced novation through a change in
avail of the remedy. the creditor.

7. The attachment is preliminary only when resorted to - Garnishment proceedings are usually directed to personal
before the finality of the judgment to secure the property of property, tangible or intangible and whether capable of
the adverse party and to prevent its dissipation. Once the manual delivery or not.
judgment has become final and executory, the attachment
becomes a final one and is issued in order to satisfy the 4. > Levy on execution - the writ issued by the court after
judgment. judgment by which the property of the judgment obligor is
taken into the custody of the court before the sale of the
II. Purpose of preliminary attachment property on execution for the satisfaction of a final
- Preliminary attachment is designed to: judgment. It is the preliminary step to the sale on execution
(a) seize the property of the debtor before final judgment of the property of the judgment debtor.
and put the same in custodia legis even while the action is
pending for the satisfaction of a later judgment; or IV. Cases in which preliminary attachment is proper
(b) to enable the court to acquire jurisdiction over the res 1. One cannot secure preliminary attachment in every
or the property subject of the action in cases where situation. The rules governing preliminary attachment
service in person or any other service to acquire enumerate specific situations in which the remedy can be
jurisdiction over the defendant cannot be effected. availed of (Sec. 1, Rule 57, Rules of Court). The enumeration
should be deemed exclusive.
III. Kinds or attachmentM; distinctions (Bar 1878; 1989)
1. There are three types of attachments, to wit: 2. Example: A borrowed money from B. A failed to pay
(a) preliminary attachment, despite demand. B sued A in the proper court. Is preliminary
(b) garnishment, and attachment available to B if he can show that A is already

(c) levy on execution. insolvent at the time the action is filed? Answer: Preliminary
attachment is not available. A mere action to collect a sum
2. > Preliminary attachment - one issued at the of money is not one of those cases enumerated in Sec. 1,
commencement of the action or at anytime before entry of Rule 57 of the Rules of Court which would justify the
issuance of a writ of preliminary attachment. Common thereof has been concealed, removed, or disposed of to
reason suggests that the mere inability of the debtor to fulfill prevent its being found or taken by the applicant or an
his obligation to pay a debt is not synonymous with a authorized person (Sec. 1[c], Rule 57, Rules of Court).
fraudulent intent not to honor an obligation.
- In this cause of action, the property unjustly or fraudulently
3. In the immediately preceding set of facts, may B taken, detained and converted by the defendant may also be
successfully ask for preliminary attachment if it can be a real property, not just personal property.
shown that A is about to depart from the Philippines? Answer:
B cannot successfully ask for preliminary attachment by 6. Preliminary attachment is also available in an action
merely proving that the debtor is about to depart from the against a defendant guilty of fraud in either contracting or
Philippines. There must also be a showing that the departure performing an obligation (Sec. 1, Sec. 1[d], Rule 57, Rules of
is with intent to defraud B. Court).

- The provisions of the Rules of Court are clear: One of the - There are two kinds of frauds contemplated here. First,
cases in which preliminary attachment is proper is "In an dolo causante (causal fraud) and second, dolo incidente
action for the recovery of a specified amount of money or (incidental fraud).
damages, other than moral and exemplary, on a cause of > Dolo causante - fraud used to induce another to enter into
action arising from law, contract, quasi-contract, delict or a contract (Art. 1338, Civil Code of the Philippines). It is the
quasi-delict against a party who is about to depart from the fraud employed in contracting an obligation and renders a
Philippines with intent to defraud his creditors (Sec. 1[a], contract annullable or voidable (Art. 1330;Art.1390, Civil
Rule 57, Rules of Court; italics supplied). Code of the Philippines).
> Dolo incidente - the fraud employed by a party in the
- Under the above provision, the cause of action is for money fulfillment of his obligation or after the obligation has been
or damages, the amount of which must be "specified." The contracted. This kind of fraud only obliges the person
cause of action need not arise from a contract alone as it was employing it to pay damages (Art. 1344, Civil Code of the
in the old rule. It may arise also from any of the sources of Philippines).
obligations under Art. 1157 of the Civil Code like law,
contract, quasicontract, delict or quasi-delict. However, - Under the former rule, the fraud that justified a writ of
where the action is for the recovery of moral damages or preliminary attachment was only the fraud committed in
exemplary damages alone, preliminary attachment will not contracting an obligation (dolo causante). It did not include
lie. the fraud committed subsequent to contracting the
obligation (dolo incidente).
- A writ of preliminary attachment cannot be issued for moral
and exemplary damages and other unliquidated and - Example: Mr. X induced his rich friend, Mr. Y to grant him a
contingent claims. loan using a spurious land title. Without the security, Mr. Y
would not have extended the loan to him. If Mr. Y later
- Thus, a mere allegation that the defendant is a foreigner learns of the fraud and files an action to recover the amount
without alleging that he intends to depart from the loaned to Mr. X, Mr. Y may apply for a writ of preliminary
Philippines to defraud his creditor is not sufficient for attachment. The fraud committed by Mr. X is a fraud in
preliminary attachment to be successfully availed of. contracting the obligation or dolo causante.

4. Preliminary attachment is also available in an action for 7. Preliminary attachment is also a remedy available in an
money or property embezzled, fraudulently misapplied or action against a person who has removed or disposed of his
converted to his own use by the defendant. Here, the property with intent to defraud his creditors (Sec. 1[e], Rule
defendant may be a public officer, a corporate officer, an 57, Rules of Court).
attorney, a factor, a broker, an agent, a clerk or any other
person acting in a fiduciary capacity. He may also be a - The mere removal or disposal of the property is not
person who acted in a manner as to willfully violate his duty sufficient to support a prayer for the issuance of a writ of
not to embezzle, fraudulently misapply, or not to convert preliminary attachment. The act must be shown to have been
money or property for his own use. (Sec. 1[b], Rule 57, Rules done with the intent to defraud the plaintiff/creditor.
of Court).
8. In an action against a defendant who is a non-resident and
- Thus, in an action against a public officer who who is at the same time not found in the Philippines,
misappropriated funds entrusted to him by virtue of his attachment may be availed of in order to reach his property
office, the issuance of a writ of preliminary attachment is in the Philippines and to dispense with the need for acquiring
proper. Preliminary attachment is also proper in an action jurisdiction over his person (Sec. 1[f], Rule 57, Rules of
against an officer of a private corporation who converted the Court).
corporate funds to his personal use.
- Here, the attachment is intended to enable the court to
5. Preliminary attachment is also available in an action to acquire jurisdiction over the res and thus, justifying summons

recover property unjustly or fraudulently taken, detained or by publication. When the property of a non-resident located
converted by the defendant. Note however, that preliminary in the Philippines is attached, the court acquires jurisdiction
attachment under this provision will be granted if it is over the res and in that event, the jurisdiction over the
alleged and shown that the property involved or any part person of said defendant is not essential.
Atty. Castillo should file an action against Daniel
Illustration (Bar 1981) Chan for collection of a sum of money with an application for
Y" is a stockholder of a local corporation. "Y" owns a writ of preliminary attachment. Since the action is one in
20% of the shares of the said corporation. "Y» defaults on a personam, jurisdiction over the person of the defendant is
manufacturing contract with "Z." "Z" sues for specific required but this jurisdiction cannot be obtained against one
performance and damages and, on the ground that "Y" is who is not a resident of the Philippines in an action in
fleeing from the country to avoid his creditors, seeks to personam. The writ of attachment is required in order to
attach 20% of a parcel of land that belongs to the convert the action in personam into an action quasi in rem.
corporation. In this kind of action jurisdiction over the person of the
Can "Z" secure such an attachment granting that the defendant is not required. What is required is jurisdiction
averments of his petition are sufficient? Reasons. over the res which could be obtained by the attachment.
Summons by publication would then be served or by the
Suggested answer: other modes of extraterritorial service (Sec. 1[f, Rule 57,
The attachment cannot be obtained. The property Rules of Court).
sought to be attached is actually the property of the
corporation while the defendant is "Y," not the corporation. Illustration (Bar 1990)
The corporation has a personality separate and distinct from On June 18, 1989, Mario Reyes executed a
that of its stockholders. promissory note for P50,000 payable to Norma Alajar not
later than June 18, 1990. Mario Reyes defaulted in the
Illustration (Bar 1982) payment of the promissory note and a collection suit was
Edward filed a complaint for accounting against filed against him before the Regional Trial Court of Quezon
LIZA for accounting of the money received by her as City.
administratrix of Edward's hacienda. In his complaint, Edward After the complaint has been filed, Norma Alajar
prayed for preliminary attachment, alleging that Liza was discovered that Mario Reyes' petition for the issuance of an
about to depart from the Philippines. Attached to the immigrant visa was approved by the United States Embassy,
complaint was an affidavit executed by Marilyn to the effect and that Mario Reyes has been disposing of his properties.
that Liza told her that she, Liza, was planning to leave for What remedy may be availed of by Norma Alajar to
Singapore in a few days. If you were the judge, would you protect her interest? Explain your answer.
grant the prayer for preliminary attachment? Why?
Suggested answer.
Suggested answer. Norma Alajar should file an application for the
I would not grant the prayer for preliminary issuance of a writ of preliminary attachment. The acts of
attachment. The application should show that the Mario Reyes are sufficient to vest upon Norma Alajar a
defendant's departure from the Philippines must be with the ground for the remedy. The disposal of his properties clearly
corresponding intent to defraud the creditors (Sec. 1, Rule indicates an intent to defraud his creditor (Sec. 1, Rule 57,
57, Rules of Court). This fact was not alleged in the Rules of Court).
application for the issuance of the writ of preliminary
attachment. V. When to apply for preliminary attachment
1. It may be applied for (a) at the commencement of the
Illustration (Bar 1983) action, or (b) at any time before entry of judgment (Sec. 1,
Daniel Chan owns a house and lot at Forbes Park, Rule 57, Rules of Court).
Makati, where his wife and children reside. He is the Chief 2. If it is applied for at the commencement of the action, the
Executive Officer of various family corporations where he application may be incorporated in the verified complaint
owns 20% of the respective capital stocks. These family alleging all the grounds and complying with all the requisites
corporations owe several banks the total sum of P2.5 billion, for the grant of the application.
with Chan as a solidary co-debtor.
After Chan has carefully manipulated the finances VI. By whom applied for
of the family corporations and diverted their funds to his - It is not only the plaintiff who may apply for the issuance of
account in a Swiss bank, he flees from. the Philippines and a writ of preliminary attachment. The pertinent provisions of
now resides at 127 Rue Duphine, Zurich, Switzerland. The Sec. 1 of Rule 57 provide that "a plaintiff or any proper party
banks concerned now retains the services of Atty. Ramon may have the property of the adverse party attached "* * *".
Castillo for the purpose of filing a suit in the Philippines This term, proper party is broad enough to refer also to a
against Daniel Chan on his obligations as a solidary codebtor defendant who filed a counterclaim, a cross-claim or a third-
on the loans of the family corporations. One of the party complaint. What is important is the applicant can
procedural problems facing Atty. Castillo is the method of satisfy the requirements of the rules for the grant of the
effecting a valid service of summons upon Daniel Chan, now writ.
residing in Switzerland, to enable the Philippine courts to
acquire jurisdiction over his person. VII. Ex parte issuance of the writ (Bar 2005; 2001;1996;1993;
Describe the remedies and procedure, and the 1991)
supporting grounds thereof that Atty. Castillo should follow 1. The writ of preliminary attachment may be granted upon

as would enable him to effect a valid service of summons on motion and notice and hearing by the court in which the
Daniel Chan. action is pending and may even be issued by the Court of
Appeals or the Supreme Court (Sec. 2, Rule 57, Rules of
Suggested answer. Court).
A writ of preliminary attachment may be issued ex
2. It may also be issued ex party and even before summons is parte although it may be also issued upon notice and hearing
served upon the defendant. However, the writ may not be (Sec. 2, Rule 57, Rules of Court). An ex parte issuance of the
enforced and may not be validly implemented unless writ is intended to preempt any possible disposition of
preceded by a service of summons upon the defendant, or property by the adverse party to the detriment of the
simultaneously accompanied by service of summons, a copy attaching creditor and thus defeat the very purpose of
of the complaint, the application for attachment, the order attachment (Mindanao Savings & Loan Association, Inc. vs.
of attachment and the attachment bond. CA, 172 SCRA 480).
 Implementation of the writ of attachment without the
required jurisdiction over his person is null and void. Illustration (Bar 1996)
1. xxx
Illustration (Bar 2005) 2. xxx
Katy filed an action against Tyrone for collection of 3. xxx
the sum of Pl million in the Regional Trial Court, with an ex 4. In a caso for it sum of rnoney, the trial court granted ex
parte application for a writ of preliminary attachment. Upon parte the prayer for issuance of a writ of preliminary
posting of an attachment bond, the court granted the attachment. The writ was immediately implemented by the
application and issued a writ of preliminary attachment. sheriff. The defendant filed a motion to discharge the writ of
Apprehensive that Tyrone might withdraw his preliminary attachment on the ground that it was issued and
savings deposit with the bank, the sheriff immediately served implemented prior to the service of summons. Plaintiffs
a notice of garnishment on the bank to implement the writ of opposed arguing that under the Rules of Court, the writ can
preliminary attachment. The following day, the sheriff be applied for and granted at the commencement of the
proceeded to Tyrone's house and served him the summons, action or at any time thereafter. In any event, plaintiff
with copies of the complaint containing the application for argues that the summons, which was eventually served cured
writ of preliminary attachment, Katy's affidavit, order of whatever irregularities that might have attended the
attachment, writ of preliminary attachment and attachment enforcement of the writ.
bond. How would you rule on the conflicting contentions
Within fifteen (15) days from service of summons, of the parties?
Tyrone filed a motion to dismiss and to dissolve the writ of
preliminary attachment on the following grounds: (1) the Suggested answer:
court did not acquire jurisdiction over his person because the The writ can be applied for at the commencement
writ was served ahead of the summons: (ii) the writ was of the action (Sec. 1, Rule 57, Rules of Court). It can be
improperly implemented; and (iii) Said writ was issued ex parte (Sec. 2, Rule 57, Rules of Court). However,
improvidently issued because the obligation in question was the enforcement of the writ may not be done and may not be
already fully paid. validly implemented unless preceded by a service of
Resolve the motion with reasons. summons upon the defendant, or simultaneously
accompanied by service of summons, a copy of the
Suggested answer. complaint, the application for attachment, the order of
(i) The jurisdiction of the court over the subject matter over attachment, and the attachment bond.
the person of the defendant was acquired when he was
served with summons. This jurisdiction was not affected by Illustration (Bar 1993)
the fact that the writ was served ahead of the summons. On May 2, 1992, Precision, Inc., filed a verified
What was affected was the enforceability of the writ. Under complaint for the recovery of a sum of money against
the Rules of Court, no levy on attachment pursuant to the Summa, Inc. The complaint contained an ex parte application
writ shall be enforced unless it is preceded, or for a writ of preliminary attachment.
contemporaneously accompanied, by service of summons, On May 3, 1992, the Trial Court issued an order
together with a copy of the complaint, the application for granting the ex parte application and fixing the attachment
attachment, the applicant's affidavit and bond, and the order bond at P2 million.
and writ of attachment, on the defendant within the On May 8, 1992, the attachment bond having been
Philippines (Sec. 5, Rule 57, Rules of Court). submitted by Precision, Inc., the writ of preliminary
attachment was issued.
(ii) The writ was improperly implemented because it was On May 9, 1992, summons together with a copy of
served prior to the service of summons (Sec. 5, Rule 57, the complaint, the writ of preliminary attachment and a copy
Rules of Court). of the attachment, was served on Summa, Inc., and pursuant
to the writ, the sheriff attached properties belonging to
(iii) The defense of payment to support a motion to discharge Summa, Inc.
the attachment is not proper. Such defense should have been On July 6, 1992, Summa, Inc. filed a motion to
invoked either in a ground for motion to dismiss or as an discharge the attachment for alleged lack of jurisdiction to
affirmative defense in the answer. issue the same because, at the time the order of attachment
and the writ of preliminary attachment were issued, the
Illustration (Bar 2001) court had not yet acquired jurisdiction over the person of

May a writ of preliminary attachment be issued ex Summa, Inc. It argued that a writ of preliminary attachment
parte? Briefly state the reasons for your answer. may not issue ex parte against a defendant before acquisition
of jurisdiction over the latter's person by service of summons
Suggested answer. or his voluntary submission to the court's authority.
Should the motion be granted? may dispose of his property or abscond before the writ is
Suggested answer.
The motion should not be granted. A writ of 2. It is not the notice to the defendant that is sought to be
preliminary attachment may be granted at the avoided but the time which such hearing would take because
commencement of the action and even before jurisdiction the defendant may delay the hearing to be able to dispose of
has been acquired over the person of the defendant (Sec. 1, his properties.
Rule 57, Rules of Court). It may be issued ex parte (Sec. 2,
Rule 57, Rules of Court). IX. Stages in the grant of preliminary attachment
- The grant of the provisional remedy of attachment has
Illustration (Bar 1991) three stages: first, the court issues the order granting the
Upon failure of X to pay the promissory note for application; second, the writ of attachment issues pursuant
P100,000 which he executed in favor of Y, the latter filed the to the order granting the writ; and third, the writ is
complaint for a sum of money with application for the implemented. Jurisdiction over the person of the defendant
issuance of a writ of preliminary attachment alleging therein is not necessary in the first two stages. In the third stage,
that X is about to dispose of his properties in fraud of his when the writ is to be implemented, the court must have
creditors. acquired jurisdiction over the person of the defendant.
(a) May the court issue the writ immediately upon filing of Without such jurisdiction having been obtained, the court has
the complaint and before service of summons? no power and authority to act in any manner against the
(b) If service of summons is indispensable before the writ is defendant (Mangila vs. Court of Appeals, GR. No. 125027,
issued, is hearing on the application necessary? August 12, 2002). Hence, no levy on attachment pursuant to
(c) If the writ is issued and X filed a motion to quash the the writ of preliminary attachment shall be enforced unless it
attachment, may the motion be granted ex parte? is preceded, or contemporaneously accompanied, by the
service of summons, together with a copy of the complaint,
Suggested answers: the application for attachment, the applicant's affidavit and
(a) The writ may be issued upon the filing of the complaint bond, and the order and writ of attachment, on the
and even before the service of summons upon the defendant defendant within the Philippines.
(Sec. 1, Rule 57, Rules of Court).
X. When contemporaneous service is not required
(b) A hearing on the application is not necessary. The - The requirement of prior or contemporaneous service of
application for the writ need not be heard. It may be issued summons shall not however, apply in the following instances:
ex parte. The issuance of summons is not even indispensable (a) Where the summons could not be served personally or
before the writ is issued (Sec. 1, Rule 57, Rules of Court). by substituted service despite diligent efforts;
(b) The defendant is a resident of the Philippines who is
(c) The motion to quash may not be granted ex paste. A temporarily out of the country;
hearing is necessary. (c) The defendant is a non-resident; or
(d) The action is one in rem or quasi in, rem (Sec. ,5, Rule
Illustration (Bar 1978) 57, Rules of Court).
X filed a complaint in the Court of First Instance of
Manila (now RTC) against Y for the recovery of a sum of XI. Requisites for the issuance of an order/writ of preliminary
money. X at the same time also prayed for the issuance of an attachment
order of preliminary attachment against Y, and included in l. The issuance of an order/writ of execution requires the
his affidavit, among others, that Y was disposing of his following:
properties with intent to defraud X. The court immediately (a) The case must be any of those where preliminary
issued the writ of preliminary attachment ex paste. Y moved attachment is proper;
to discharge the attachment on the ground that it was (b) The applicant must file a motion (ex parte or with
irregularly issued, in that Y was not notified at all of such notice and hearing);
application or about the time and place of the hearing (c) The applicant must show by affidavit (under oath) that
thereof, in gross violation of the Rules and his right to due there is no sufficient security for the claim sought to be
process of law. enforced; that the amount claimed in the action is as much
As counsel for X prepare an opposition to Y's motion as the sum of which the order is granted above all
to discharge the attachment. counterclaims; and
(d) The applicant must post a bond executed to the
Suggested answer. adverse party. This is called an attachment bond (Sec. 3,
Y's motion to discharge the attachment must be Rule 57, Rules of Court). This bond answers for all damages
denied. A writ of preliminary attachment may be issued at incurred by the party against whom the attachment was
the commencement of the action (Sec. 1, Rule 57, Rules of issued and sustained by him by reason of the attachment.
Court) and can be issued ex parte (Sec. 2, Rule 57, Rules of
Court). 2. Since Sec. 3 of Rule 57 requires that there must be a
showing that there is no sufficient security for the claim

VIII. Why ex parte grant of the writ is allowed sought to be enforced by the applicant, the writ will not be
1. An application for an order and writ of execution may be issued if a real estate mortgage exists to secure the
granted ex paste because it is possible that during the course obligation even if instead of filing an action for foreclosure,
of the hearing, the party against whom the writ is sought an action for a sum of money was instead filed.
To justify the issuance of the writ of preliminary discharge of attachment that the same is properly
attachment, it must be shown that the security is insufficient discharged.
to cover the claim.
2. Attachment may likewise be discharged without the need
3. The bond executed in favor of the adverse party is for filing of a counter-bond. This is possible when the party
conditioned upon the payment of all costs which the adverse whose property has been attached files a motion to set aside
may be adjudged as entitled to and all damages which he or discharge the attachment and during the hearing of the
may sustain by reason of the attachment, if it shall be finally motion, he proves that (a) the attachment was improperly or
adjudged that the party applying for attachment was not irregularly issued or enforced (Sec. 13, Rule 57, Rules of
entitled thereto (Sec. 4, Rule 57, Rules of Court). The bond Court); or (b) that the bond of the attaching creditor is
shall not answer for damages sustained which do not arise by insufficient, or (b) that the attachment is excessive and must
reason of the attachment. This is clear from the tenor of Sec be discharged as to the excess (Sec. 13, Rule 57, Rules of
4 of Rule 57. For the liability under the bond to apply, there Court), or (c) that the property is exempt from execution,
must also be a final judgment that the attaching party was and as such is also exempt from preliminary attachment (Sec.
not entitled to an attachment. 2, Rule 57, Rules of Court).

XII. Grant of preliminary attachment, discretionary 3. A discharge of the attachment must be made only after
- The grant of the remedy is addressed to the discretion of hearing. It has been held that an ex parts discharge is a
the court. Whether or not the application shall be given full disservice to the orderly administration of justice.
credit is discretionary upon the court. In determining the
propriety of the grant, the court also considers the principal XVI. Damages for a wrongful attachment
case upon which the provisional remedy depends. l. Damages may be awarded on account of improper,
irregular or excessive attachment. The application for
XIII. Strict construction of the rule damages must be filed (a) before the trial, or (b) before
1. The rule on the issuance of a writ of attachment must be appeal is perfected, or (c) before the judgment becomes
strictly construed in favor of the defendant. If all the executioy. There must be notice to the attaching party and
requisites for the issuance of the writ do not exist, the court his surety or sureties (Sec. 20, Rule 57, Rules of Court).
which issues the writ acts without jurisdiction.
2. The writ must be granted only on concrete and specific - Where there is wrongful attachment, the attachment
grounds and not merely on general averments quoting the defendant may recover actual damages even without proof
words of the rules. that the attachment plaintiff acted in bad faith in obtaining
the attachment. However, if it is alleged and established
XIV. How to prevent the attachment that the attachment was not merely wrongful but also
- If the attachment has not yet been effected, the party malicious, the attachment defendant may recover moral
whose property is sought to be attached, may prevent the damages and exemplary damages as well.
attachment by doing either of two things: (1) By depositing
with the court from which the writ was issued an amount 2. The damages may be awarded only upon `proper hearing'
equal to the value of the bond fixed by the court in the order (Sec. 20, Rule 57, Rules of Court). No judgment for damages
of attachment or an amount equal to the value of the may be entered and executed against the surety without
property to be attached, exclusive of costs, or (2) by giving a giving it an opportunity to be heard as to the reality or
counter-bond executed to the applicant, in an amount equal reasonableness of the damages resulting from the wrongful
to the bond posted by the latter to secure the attachment or issuance of the writ.
in an amount equal to the value of the property to be 3. To merit an award of actual damages arising from a
attached, exclusive of costs (Sec. 5, Rule 57; Sec. 2, Rule 57, wrongful attachment, the attachment defendant must prove,
Rules of Court). with the best evidence obtainable, the fact of loss or injury
suffered and the amount thereof. Such loss or injury must be
XV. How to have the attachment discharged of the kind which is not only capable of proof but must
l. If the attachment has already been enforced, the party actually be proved with a reasonable degree of certainty. As
whose property has been attached may file a motion to to its amount, the same must be measurable based on
discharge the attachment. This motion shall be with notice specific facts, and not on guesswork or speculation. In
and hearing. After due notice and hearing, the court shall particular, if the claim for actual damages covers unrealized
discharge the attachment if the movant makes a cash deposit profits, the amount of unrealized profits must be estalished
or files a counter-bond executed to the attaching party with and supported by independent evidence.
the clerk of court where the application is made in an
amount equal to that fixed by the court in the order of - The judgment for damages shall be included in the
attachment, exclusive of costs (Sec. 12, Rule 57, Rules of judgment of the main case (Sec. 20, Rule 57, Rules of Court).
Court). Counter-bonds are replacements of the property This means that the application for damages cannot be setup
formerly attached, and just as the latter, may be levied upon independent of the main action and the recovery of damages
after final judgment. is in the same, not in a separate action.

- Note that the mere posting of the counterbond does not 4. if however, the case is on appeal and the judgment of the
automatically discharge the writ of attachment. It is only appellate court is favorable to the party against whom the
after the hearing and after the judge has ordered the attachment was issued, he must file in the appellate court a
claim for damages he sustained and with due notice to the
attaching party and his surety or sureties. The application for XVIII. Proceedings where property attached is claimed by a
damages has to be filed before the judgment of the appellate third person
court becomes executory. Although the application is filed in - Certain remedies are available to a third person, not party
the appellate court, the hearing of the application may be to the action but whose property is the subject of execution.
allowed by the appellate court to be heard by the trial court. 1. He may avail of the remedy called terceria by making an
If the applicant for damages prevails and the attachment affidavit of his title thereto or his right to possession thereof,
bond is not sufficient to cover the amount of the damages stating the grounds of such right or title. The affidavit must
awarded, he may have recourse against the property of the be served upon the sheriff and the attaching party (Sec. 14,
attaching party in the same action as long as the property is Rule 57, Rules of Court).
not exempt from execution (Sec. 20, Rule 57, Rules of
Court). - Upon service of the affidavit upon him, the sheriff shall not
be bound to keep the property under attachment except ii'
5. It must also be noted that the tenor of Sec. 20 of Rule 57 the attaching party files a bond approved by the court. The
does not prevent the judgment obligor from recovering sheriff shall not be liable for damages for the taking or
damages on account of improper attachment even if the keeping of the property, if such bond shall be filed.
judgment is adverse to him.
2. The third party-claimant may also invoke the court's
- Even a party who loses in the main case but is able to authority in the same case and move for a summary hearing
establish a right to damages by reason of improper, irregular on his claim. Upon application of the third person through a
or excessive attachment may be entitled to damages. motion to set aside the levy on attachment, the court shall
order a summary hearing for the purpose of determining
Illustration (Bar 1999) whether the sheriff has acted rightly or wrongly in the
May damages be claimed by a party prejudiced by a performance of his duties in the execution of the writ of
wrongful attachment even if the judgment is adverse to him? attachment. The court may order the sheriff to release the
property from the erroneous levy and to return the same to
Suggested answer. the third person. In resolving the application, the court
Damages may be claimed even by the losing party cannot pass upon the question of title to the property with
where the attachment caused him damage where the any character of finality but only insofar as may be necessary
attachment was improper, irregular or excessive (Carlos vs. to decide if the sheriff has acted correctly or not.
Sandoval, 471 SCRA 266). An improper, irregular or excessive
attachment is not validated by the fact that the attaching - This remedy is akin to an intervention but the court, in its
party prevailed in the main action. discretion, may allow the intervention of a party claimant at
this stage for the purpose of invoking the authority of the
XVII. Attachment of property in custodia legis court in vindication of his claim. A person who has a legal
- Property in custodia legis may be subject to a writ of interest in the property attached is not barred from seeking
preliminary attachment. If the property attached is in redress in the same court that issued the writ of preliminary
custodia legirt, the rule require that a copy of the writ of attachment because at this stage, no judgment has yet been
attachment shall be filed with the proper court or quasi- rendered. A motion for intervention is possible because no
judicial agency, and notice of the attachment served upon judgment has yet been rendered and under the rules, a
the custodian of said property (Sec. 7, last par., Rule 57, motion for intervention may be filed any time before the
Rules of Court). The attachment on a property already in rendition of the judgment by the trial court (Sec. 2, Rule 19,
custodia legis merely operates as a lien and does not mean Rules of Court). On the other hand, it would not be
that the attaching court will wrest custody of the property procedurally possible for a third party claimant during the
from another court. In the same vein, there is likewise no execution stage of the judgment under Rule 39 to intervene
rule which prohibits the attachment of a property previously because by then a judgment has already been rendered.
attached. What will arise in this event will be a priority in Intervention is permitted only before the rendition of
the liens which means that the first attachment will have judgment by the trial court (Sec. 2, Rule 19, Rules of Court).
priority over subsequent attachments.
3. The third-party claimant is not precluded by Sec. 14 of
Illustration (Bar 1999) Rule 57 from vindicating his claim to the property in the
(a) xxx same or in a separate action. Thus, he may file a separate
(b) x x x action to nullify the levy with. damages resulting from the
(c) x x x unlawful levy and seizure. This action may be a totally
(d) In a case, the property of an incompetent under distinct action from the former case Ching vs. Court
guardianship was in custodia legis. Can it be attached? ofAppeals, 423 SCRA 356).
- The above remedies are cumulative and any one of them
Suggested answer. may be resorted to without availing of the other remedies.
The property may be attached provided that a copy
of the writ of attachment shall be filed with the court and Illustration (Bar 2000)

the notice of attachment shall be served upon the custodian JK's real property is being attached by the sheriff in
of the property (Sec. 7, last par., Rule 57, Rules of Court). a civil action for damages against LM. JK claims that he is not
a party to the case; that his property is not involved in the
said case; and that he is the sole or registered owner of the
said property. Under the Rules of Court, what must JK do to
prevent the sheriff from attaching his property? - However, to establish the essential requisites for a
Suggested answer. preliminary injunction, the evidence to be submitted by the
Please refer to the immediately preceding topic. plaintiff need not be conclusive and complete. The plaintiffs
are only required to show that they have an ostensible right
II. Preliminary Injunction (Rule 58) to the final relief prayed for in their complaint. A writ of
preliminary injunction is generally based solely on initial or
I. Nature of preliminary injunction incomplete evidence. Such evidence need only be a sampling
1. > Preliminary injunction - an ancillary or preventive intended merely to give the court an evidence of justification
remedy where a court requires a person, a party or even a for a preliminary injunction pending the decision on the
court or tribunal either to refrain (prohibitory) from or to merits of the case, and is not conclusive of the principal
perform (mandatory) particular acts during the pendency of action which has yet to be decided.
an action. It is merely a temporary remedy subject to the
final disposition of the principal action. It is issued by the - "It bears stressing that findings of the trial court granting or
court to prevent threatened or continuous irreparable injury denying a petition for a writ of preliminary injunction based
to parties before their claims can be thoroughly studied and on the evidence on record are merely provisional until after
adjudicated. Its sole objective is to preserve the status quo the trial on the merits of the case shall have been
until the merits of the ease can be heard fully. concluded."

2. Preliminary injunction is a preservative remedy for the - "The trial court, in granting or dismissing an application for
protection of substantive rights or interests. It is not a cause a writ of preliminary injunction based on the pleadings of the
of action in itself but merely a provisional remedy, an parties and their respective evidence must state in its order
adjunct to a main suit is resorted to by a litigant to protoct the findings and conclusions based on the evidence and the
or proserve his rights or interests and for no other purpose law. This is to enable the appellate court to determine
during the pendency of the principal action. whether the trial court committed grave abuse of its
discretion amounting to excess or lack of jurisdiction in
3. Section 3, Rule 58 of the Rules of Court provides that a resolving, one way or the other, the plea for injunctive
preliminary injunction may be granted when the following relief. The trial court's exercise of its judicial discretion
have been established: whether to grant or deny an application for a writ of
(a) That the applicant is entitled to the relief demanded, preliminary injunction involves the assessment and
and the whole or part of such relief consists in restraining evaluation of the evidence, and its findings of facts are
the commission or continuance of the act or acts ordinarily binding and conclusive on the appellate court and
complained of, or in requiring the performance of an act this Court.
or acts, either for a limited period or perpetually;
(b) That the commission, continuance or nonperformance II. Main action for injunction distinguished from a preliminary
of the act or acts complained of during the litigation would injunction (Bar 2006)
probably work injustice to the applicant; or 1. The main action for injunction is distinct from the
(c) That a party, court, agency or a person is doing, provisional remedy of preliminary injunction. The former is
threatening, or is attempting to do, or is procuring or an independent action. The latter can only exist as an
suffering to be done, some act or acts probably in violation incident to a principal action. The provisional remedy is
of the rights of the applicant respecting the subject of the called preliminary injunction and does not refer to injunction
action or proceeding, and tending to render the judgment as a primary action. Preliminary injunction as a provisional
ineffectual. remedy is not a cause of action in itself but merely an
adjunct to a main suit.
4. "A petition for a writ of preliminary injunction rests upon
an alleged existence of an emergency or of a special reason 2. The main action for injunction seeks a judgment
for such a writ before the case can be regularly tried. By embodying a final injunction. A preliminary injunction seeks
issuing a writ of preliminary injunction, the court can to preserve the status quo until the merits can be heard. The
thereby prevent a threatened or continued irreparable injury purpose of the action for injunction is to enjoin the
to the plaintiff before a judgment can be rendered on the defendant from the commission or continuance of a specific
claim. act, or to compel a particular act in violation of the rights of
the applicant.
- "The plaintiff praying for a writ of preliminary injunction
must further establish that he or she has a present and 3. An example of a main action for injunction is the action
unmistakable right to be protected; that the facts against authorized under Art. 26 of the Civil Code of the Philippines
which injunction is directed violate such right, and there is a against one prying into the privacy of another's residence,
special and paramount necessity for the writ to prevent meddling with or disturbing the private life or family
serious damages. In the absence of proof of a legal right and relations of another and other similar acts.
the injury sustained by the plaintiff, an order for the
issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction will be nullified. III. Purpose of preliminary injunction

Thus, where the plaintiff's right is doubtful or disputed, a 1. As a provisional remedy, the purpose of preliminary
preliminary injunction is not proper. The possibility of injunction is to preserve the status quo or to prevent future
irreparable damage without proof of an actual existing right wrongs in order to preserve and protect certain interests or
is not a ground for a preliminary injunction. rights during the pendency of the action.
VI. Prohibitory injunction distinguished from prohibition
- The status quo is the last, actual, peaceable and uncon- Prohibitory injunction Prohibition
tested situation which precedes a controversy. It is the - a provisional remedy that is - a special civil action
situation existing at the time of the filing of the case. The directed to a litigant, not to seeking a judgment
injunction should not establish a new relations between the a tribunal and is issued to commanding a tribunal,
parties, but merely should maintain or re-establish the pre- require said party to refrain corporation, board or officer
existing relationship between them. from a particular act (Sec. 1, to desist form further
Rule 58, Rules of Court). proceeding in the action
2. When the injunction sought is mandatory, a writ of because it has no
preliminary injunction tends to do more than to maintain the jurisdiction, is acting in
status quo because it commands the performance of specific excess of jurisdiction or has
acts and is issued only in cases of extreme urgency and gravely abused its discretion
where the right of the applicant is clear. amounting to lack of
jurisdiction (Sec. 2, Rule 65,
Illustration (Bar 1978) Rules of Court).
The NAWASA cut off its water service to X's
residence for the latter's alleged failure to pay his water bills VII. Mandatory injunction distinguished from mandamus
for six months. X claims that he had paid all his water bills as Mandatory injunction Mandamus
evidenced by receipts. NAWASA claims the receipts to be - directed to a party litigant, - a special civil action
fake and so refused to restore its water service to X's not to a tribunal and is seeking a judgment
residence. issued to require a party to commanding a tribunal,
As counsel for X, what action will you take and why? perform an act to restore board, officer or person to
the last peaceable perform a ministerial duty
Suggested answer. uncontested status preceding required to be performed by
As counsel for X I would file an action for specific the controversy. law (Sec. 3, Rule 65, Rules of
performance and damages against NAWASA and apply for a Court).
writ of preliminary mandatory injunction. Here, the action
for specific performance and damages is the main action and VIII. Stage of proceedings when granted
the preliminary mandatory injunction is the provisional - Preliminary injunction is granted at any stage of the
remedy pending the judgment on the main action. proceedings prior to the judgment or final order (Sec. 1, Rule
58, Rules of Court).
IV. Preliminary injunction distinguished from a final
injunction IX. Court that issues preliminary injunction
Preliminary injunction Final injunction 1. Preliminary injunction must be applied for and issued by
- refers to the writ secured - when it is issued as a the court where the action is pending (Sec. 2, Rule 58, Rules
before the finality of the judgment making the of Court). The term "court" includes a Municipal or a Metro-
judgment (Sec. 1, Rule 58, injunction permanent.  It politan Trial Court. Where the main action is within the
Rules of Court). perpetually restrains a jurisdiction of the Municipal Trial Court, then it is this court
person from the continuance which shall issue the preliminary injunction.
or commission of an act and
confirms the previous - Example: Under Sec. 15 Of Rule 70 of the Rules of Court,
preliminary injunction (Sec. the plaintiff in a forcible entry and unlawful detainer case,
9, Rule 58, Rules of Court). may, within five (5) days from the filing of the complaint,
secure from the court a preliminary mandatory injunction to
restore him in his possession. Since a forcible entry case is
cognizable by the Municipal Trial Court, the preliminary
V. Prohibitory and mandatory injunctions injunction sought for in this action must be applied for in the
Prohibitory injunction Mandatory injunction Municipal Trial Court.
1. Injunction is prohibitory 1. It is mandatory when its
when its purpose is to purpose is to require a 2. If the main action is one for injunction, the Municipal Trial
prevent a person from the person to perform a Court cannot grant the preliminary injunction. This is
performance of a particular particular act. because an action for injunction is one incapable of
act. pecuniary estimation and hence, is cognizable by the
2. the act has not yet been 2. the act has already been Regional Trial Court.
performed. performed and this act has
violated the rights of 3. If the action is pending in the Court of Appeals, the
another. application must be made with the Court of Appeals. If it is
3. the status quo is 3. the status quo is restored pending in the Supreme Court, then the application must be
preserved and this refers to the last made in such court. The preliminary injunction applied for in
peaceable, uncontested, the Court of Appeals may be issued by the said court or any

status prior to the member thereof. If applied for in the Supreme Court, it may
controversy??? be issued by the Supreme Court or any member thereof (Sec.
2, Rule 58, Rules of Court). This is a situation where a
member of the court may issue a writ of preliminary
injunction without the participation of other members of the
court. XI. Quantum of evidence required
1. To establish the essential requisites for a preliminary
X. Requisites for issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction injunction, the evidence to be submitted by the plaintiff
(Bar 2006) or temporary restraining order need not be conclusive and complete. The plaintiffs are only
1. The applicable provisions of the Rules of Court enumerate required to show that they have an ostensible right to the
the following requisites for the issuance of a writ of final relief prayed for in their complaint. A writ of
preliminary injunction or a temporary restraining order: preliminary injunction is generally based solely on initial or
(a) There must be a verified application (Sec. 4, Rule 38, incomplete evidence. Such evidence need only be a sampling
Rules of Court). Absence of a verification makes an intended merely to give the court an evidence of justification
application or petition for preliminary injunction patently for a preliminary injunction pending the decision on the
insufficient both in form and substance. merits of the case, and is not conclusive of the principal
action which has yet to be decided.
(b) The applicant must establish that he has a right to
relief, a right in esse or a right to be protected and the act 2. At the hearing, mere prima facie evidence is needed-to
against which the injunction is directed is violativo of such establish the applicant's rights or interests in the subject
right. matter of the main action because the applicant is required
to show only that he has an ostensible right to the final relief
(c) The applicant must establish that there is a need to prayed for in his complaint.
restrain the commission or continuance of the acts
complied of and if not enjoined would work injustice to 3. It bears stressing that findings of the trial court granting or
the applicant denying a petition for a writ of preliminary injunction based
on the evidence on record are merely provisional until after
(d) The applicant must post a bond, unless exempted by the trial on the merits of the case shall have been concluded.
the court. This bond, which shall be in an amount to be The trial court, in granting or dismissing an application for a
fixed by the court, is executed in favor of the party writ of preliminary injunction based on the pleadings of the
enjoined to the effect that the applicant shall pay to the parties and their respective evidence must state in its order
party enjoined all damages which he may sustain by reason the findings and conclusions based on the evidence and the
of the preliminary injunction or the restraining order if the law. This is to enable the appellate court to determine
court should finally decide that the applicant was not whether the trial court committed grave abuse of its
entitled to the writ or order (Sec. 4, Rule 58, Rules of discretion amounting to excess or lack of jurisdiction in
Court; Bar 2006). resolving, one way or the other, the plea for injunctive
relief. The trial court's exercise of its judicial discretion
(e) When an application or a writ of preliminary injunction whether to grant or deny an application for a writ of
or a temporary restraining order is included in a complaint preliminary injunction involves the assessment and
or any initiatory pleading, the case if filed in a multi-sala evaluation of the evidence, and its findings of facts are
court, shall be raffled only after notice to and in the ordinarily binding and conclusive on the appellate court and
presence of the party sought to be enjoined. The notice this Court.
shall be preceded or contemporaneously accompanied by
service of summons upon the defendant. Together with the XII. Notice and hearing (Bar 2001; 1998)
summons shall be a copy of the complaint and the 1. A writ of preliminary injunction cannot be issued without a
applicant's affidavit and bond (Sec. 4, Rule 58, Rules of prior notice and hearing. Under the Rules, "No preliminary
Court). injunction shall be granted without hearing and prior notice
to the party or person sought to be enjoined (Sea 5, Rule 58,
- However, where the summons could not be served upon Rules of Court). It cannot be issued ex parte (Bar 2001).
the defendant either in person or by substituted service or
when the defendant is temporarily out of the Philippines or 2. Subject to the rules governing matters of extreme urgency
when he is a non-resident, the requirement of prior or (Sec. 5, 2nd par., Rule 58, Rules of Court), the application
contemporaneous service shall not apply (Sec. 4, Rule 58, for a temporary restraining order shall be acted upon only
Rules of Court). after all parties are heard in a summary hearing. This hearing
shall be conducted within twenty-four (24) hours after the
(f) The plaintiff praying for a writ of preliminary injunction sheriff's return of service and/or the records are received by
must further establish that he or she has a present and the branch selected by raffle and to which the records shall
unmistakable right to be protected; that the facts against be transmitted immediately (Sec. 4, last par., Rule 58, Rules
which injunction is directed violate such right; and there is of Court).
a special and paramount necessity for the writ to prevent
serious damages. In the absence of proof of a legal right - Where the case is raffled, the period within which to
and the injury sustained by the plaintiff, an order for the conduct a summary hearing in an application for a temporary
issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction will be restraining order is not 24 hours after the case has been
nullified. Thus, where the plaintiff's right is doubtful or raffled but 24 hours after the records are transmitted to the

disputed, a preliminary injunction is not proper. The branch to which it is raffled.

possibility of irreparable damage without proof of an
actual existing right is not a ground for a preliminary XIII. Temporary restraining order (Bar 2006)
l. If it shall appear from facts shown by affidavits or by the 6. It is improper for a judge to order a hearing on the
verified application that great or irreparable injury would issuance of a temporary restraining order where it was not
result to the applicant before the matter can be heard on prayed for in the complaint.
notice, the court in which the application for preliminary
injunction was made may issue a temporary restraining order 7. A status quo order is not a temporary restraining order. It
(TRO) ex parte for a period not exceeding 20 days from is more in the nature of a cease and desist order, has no
service to the party sought to be enjoined. Within the said specified duration and does not specifically direct the
twenty day period, the court must order said party to show performance of an act. It lasts until it is revoked. Its duration
cause why the injunction should not be granted. Also within may even be subject to agreement of the parties. No bond is
the same period, the court shall determine whether or not required for its issuance (Bar 2006).
the preliminary injunction shall be granted and then shall
issue the corresponding order (Sec. 5, Rule 59, Rules of Illustration (Bar 1998)
Court). (a) What is a temporary restraining order (Bar 2006)
(b) How does it differ from a writ of preliminary injunction.
2. The applicant shall file a bond, unless exempted by the
court (Sec. ON, Rule 58, Rules of Court). The rule grants the Suggested answers:
court the discretion on the matter of the posting of a bond. (a) A temporary restraining order (TRO) is an order to
This grant of discretion to require a bond before granting a maintain the status quo between or among the parties until
temporary restraining order, is not however, intended to give the determination of the prayer for a writ of preliminary
the judge the license to exercise such discretion arbitrarily injunction.
to the prejudice of the defendant. Unless it appears that the
enjoined party will not suffer any damage, the presiding (b) A writ of preliminary injunction cannot be granted
judge must require the applicant to post a bond, otherwise without notice and hearing. A temporary restraining order
the courts could become instruments of oppression and may be granted ex parte if it shall appear from facts shown
harassment. by affidavits or by the verified application that great or
irreparable injury would result to the applicant before the
3. If the matter is of extreme urgency, the executive judge matter can be heard on notice, the court in which the
of a multi-sala court or the presiding judge of a singlesala application for preliminary injunction was made may issue a
court may issue a TRO effective for only 72 hours from TRO ex parte for a period not exceeding 20 days from service
issuance, not service. Within this period the executive judge to the party sought to be enjoined (Sec. 5, Rule 58, Rules of
shall conduct a summary hearing to determine whether or Court).
not the TRO can be extended to 20 days. The 72 hours shall
be included in the maximum 20 day period set by the Rules Illustration (Bar 2001)
(Sec. 5, Rule 58, Rules of Court). When the court is a multi- An application for a writ of preliminary injunction
sala court, the TRO is not to be issued by any other judge with a prayer for a temporary restraining order is included in
other than the executive judge of said court (Bar 2006). a complaint and filed in a multi-sala Regional Trial Court
consisting of Branches 1, 2, 3, and 4. Being urgent in nature,
- With the exceptions of those provisions that apply the Executive Judge, who was sitting in Branch 1, upon the
necessarily to multi-sala courts, the same rules shall apply to filing of the aforesaid application immediately raffled the
single-sala stations especially with regard to immediate case in the presence of the judges of Branches 2, 3 and 4.
notice to all parties of all applications for TRO (Sec. 4, The case was raffled to branch 4 and the judge thereof
Administrative Circular 2095, September 12, 1995). immediately issued a temporary restraining order.
Is the temporary restraining order valid?
4. A temporary restraining order is issued to preserve the
status quo until the hearing of the application for Suggested answer:
preliminary injunction. The judge may issue a temporary The temporary restraining order is not valid for two
restraining order with a limited life of twenty (20) days from reasons (a) The facts show a multi-sala court. In this kind of
date of issue. If before the expiration of the twenty (20) day court, it is only the Executive Judge who can issue the
period, the application for preliminary injunction is denied, temporary restraining order ex parte (Sec. 5, Rule 58 Rules of
the temporary restraining order would be deemed Court); and (b) There is no showing that the matter is of
automatically vacated. If no action is taken by the judge extreme urgency and that the applicant would suffer from
within the twenty (20) day period, the temporary restraining grave or irreparable injury if the desired temporary
order would automatically expire on the 20th day by the restraining order would not be issued.
sheer force of law, no judicial declaration to that effect
being necessary. Illustration (Bar 2001)
(a) xxx
5. The rule against the non-extendibility of the twenty (20) (b) May a writ of preliminary attachment be issued ex parte?
day effectivity of a temporary restraining order is absolute if
issued by a Regional Trial Court. The failure of the trial court Suggested answer:
to fix a period in the temporary restraining order does not A writ of preliminary injunction cannot be issued ex

convert it to a preliminary injunction. Where there is an parte. The rule is clear. It provides that a preliminary
omission to fix the period, the twenty (20) day period is injunction cannot be issued without a prior notice and
deemed incorporated in the order. hearing (Sec. 5, Rule 58, Rules of Court).
XIV. Issuance of temporary restraining order by the Court of period. The Municipal Trial Court, if it grants the motion,
Appeals (Bar 2006) and the Supreme Court cannot be considered to have committed a procedural error.
1. A temporary restraining order (TRO) may be issued by the This is because the period to answer was not interrupted by
Court of Appeals or any member thereof. If so issued, it shall the filing of the petition. The defendant should have
be effective for 60 days from notice to the party sought to be obtained a preliminary injunction or a temporary restraining
enjoined. order.

- A temporary restraining order issued by the Court of Illustration (Bar 2003)

Appeals cannot exist indefinitely; it has a lifetime of a non- A filed with the Metropolitan Trial Court of Manila
extendible period of sixty days and automatically expires on an action for specific performance against B, a resident of
the sixtieth day. No judicial declaration that it has expired is Quezon City, to compel the latter to execute a deed of
necessary, and, the lower courts, including the Court conveyance covering a parcel of land situated in Quezon City
ofAppeals, have no discretion to extend the same. A second having an assessed value of P19,0000. B received the
TRO by the Court of Appeals after the expiration of the sixty summons and a copy of the Complaint on 02 January 2003.
day period is a patent nullity. On 10 January 2003, B filed a Motion to Dismiss the
Complaint on the ground of lack of jurisdiction contending
2. A temporary restraining order (TRO) may also be issued by that the subject matter of the suit was incapable of
the Supreme Court or a member thereof. If so issued, it shall pecuniary estimation. The court denied the motion, In due
be effective until further orders (Sec. 5, Rule 58, Rules of time, B filed with the Regional Trial Court a Petition for
Court). Certiorari praying that the said Order be set aside because
the Metropolitan Trial Court had no jurisdiction over the
Illustration (Bar 1988) case.
What is the duration of a temporary restraining On 13 February 2003, A filed with the Metropolitan
order (TRO) issued by a (i) Regional Trial Court, (ii) the Court Trial Court a motion to declare B in default. The motion was
of Appeals, and (iii) the Supreme Court? opposed by B on the ground that his petition for certiorari
was still pending.
Suggested answer. (a) xxx
Please refer to the immediately preceding topic. (b)Resolve the motion to declare the defendant
in default.
XV.Nature of an order granting a preliminary injunction
1. The issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction rests Suggested answer:
entirely within the discretion of the trial court and is (b) The motion to declare B in default should be granted. B
generally not interfered with except in cases of manifest failed to file his answer within the period prescribed by the
abuse. The assessment and the evaluation of evidence in its Rules (Sec. 3, Rule 9, Rules of Court). The filing of a petition
issuance involve findings of facts ordinarily left to the trial for certiorari did not have the effect of suspending the
court for its conclusive determination. proceedings in the case and the running of the reglementary
period. B should have obtained a writ of preliminary
2. An order granting a writ of preliminary injunction is an injunction or a temporary restraining order from the Regional
interlocutory order, not a final order. An interlocutory order Trial Court when he filed the petition for certiorari.
does not dispose of a case completely but leaves something
to be done (Bar 2006). The grant of the writ is therefore not Illustration (Bar 1984)
appealable. The special civil action of certiorari is therefore, A, a grocery owner, sued B, before a Regional Trial
the correct remedy. for the payment of some merchandise. When the sheriff
failed to effect service of summons on B at Morong, Rizal,
XVI. Examples of cases justifying the issuance of a writ of the address stated in the complaint, the Court ordered the
preliminary injunction publication of the summons and a copy of the complaint in a
1. The provisional remedy may be availed of when a petition newspaper of general circulation in Rizal.
for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court is filed. The
filing of a petition does not interrupt the principal case As B was actually no longer residing in Rizal and
unless a temporary restraining order or a writ of preliminary consequently did not become aware of the collection suit
injunction has been issued against the respondent tribunal or against him, he failed to f.le-his answer in court. He was
officer (Sec. 5, Rule 65, Rules of Court). Settled is the rule therefore declared in default and a judgment was in due
that to arrest the course of the principal action during the time rendered against him.
pendency of certiorari proceedings, there must be a One year after the date of judgment, a levy on
restraining order or a writ of preliminary injunction from the execution was made on B's properties.
higher court directed to the lower court. (a) xxx
(b) What remedies, including provisional ones, if
- Illustration: Defendant filed a petition for certiorari alleging any, would be available to B and to what forum should he go
that the Metropolitan Trial Court gravely abused its for relief? Explain.
discretion in denying his motion to dismiss and the

subsequent motion for reconsideration. During the pendency Suggested answer:

of the petition in the Regional Trial Court, the plaintiff filed (b) An action for annulment of the judgment should. be filed
a motion to declare the defendant in default for failure to with the Regional Trial Court, the action being one incapable
file an answer to the complaint within the reglementary of pecuniary estimation. To enjoin the , execution sale, the
action for annulment must be coupled with a prayer for the
issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction or a temporary 2. Under RA No. 8735 and PD 1818, there is a prohibition on
restraining order. the issuance of temporary restraining orders, preliminary
injunctions, or preliminary mandatory injunctions against the
2. Preliminary injunction may be availed of when a petition execution or implementation of government infrastructure
for relief under, Rule 38 of the Rules of Court is filed. projects, essential government projects, including arrastre
Remember that the petition is filed after a judgment has and stevedoring operations.
already become final and executory. Assuming that the
prevailing party has not yet filed a motion for an order of 3. A restraining order or a preliminary injunction may not be
execution, the pendency of a petition for relief will not issued by any court against the Presidential Agrarian Reform
prevent the execution of the judgment. To stay its Council (PARC) or any of its duly authorized agencies in any
execution, a preliminary injunction would be advisable. case connected with the application, implementation or
Common reason however, dictates that when the petition for enforcement of the CARP.
relief is dismissed, the injunction which may have been
obtained to stay the enforcement of the judgment is 4. An injunction cannot be issued against the Asset
necessarily dissolved. Privatization Trust (Sec. 31-A, Proclamation No. 50-A.
Note: The functions of the Asset Privatization Trust have
- The availmentof preliminary injunction should also apply been taken over by the Privatization and Management Office
when an action to annul a judgment is filed under Rule 47 to of the Department of Finance (E.O. No. 323, 2000).
prevent the execution of the judgment.
5. A court may not interfere by injunction with the orders of
Illustration (Bar 2002) another court of co-equal rank or decrees of a court with
A default judgment was rendered by the RTC concurrent or coordinate jurisdiction.
ordering D to pay P a sum of money. The judgment became
final, but D filed a petition for relief and obtained a writ of 6. The Regional Trial Court may not issue injunction against
preliminary injunction staying the enforcement of the quasi judicial bodies of equal rank such as the Social Security
judgment. After hearing, the RTC dismissed the D's petition, Commission, Securities and Exchange Commission.
whereupon P immediately moved for the execution of the
judgment in his favor. Should P's motion be granted? Why? 7. The Regional Trial Court may not issue injunction against
the Intellectual Property Office, Commission on Elections, or
Suggested answer. Workmen's Compensation Commission.
P's motion should be granted. The dismissal of the
petition has the effect of dissolving the writ of preliminary 8. No court shall have authority to grant an injunction to
injunction (Golez vs. Leonidas,107 SCRA 187). There is no restrain the collection of any national internal revenue tax,
more injunction that stays the execution of the judgment fee, or charge imposed by the Code (RA No. 8424, §218).
that has already become final and executory.
- Trial courts are enjoined from issuing orders releasing
3. A preliminary mandatory injunction may be availed of to imported articles impounded by the Bureau of Customs. It is
restore the plaintiff in his possession in a complaint for settled jurisprudence that the Collector of Customs has
forcible entry or unlawful detainer (Sec. 15, Rule 70, Rules of exclusive jurisdiction over seizure and forfeiture
Court). proceedings, and regular courts cannot interfere thereof or
stifle and put it to naught.
XVII. Examples of cases in which injunction/preliminary
injunction will not be issued 9. An injunction cannot be issued against consummated acts
1. Under BP Blg. 227 amending the Labor Code of the like against a judgment that has already been executed for
Philippines a court cannot issue a temporary or permanent the purpose of stopping its execution.
injunction in cases growing out of a labor dispute. Under Art.
218 of the Labor Code of the Philippines, it is the National 10. An injunction cannot be issued to transfer possession or
Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) that issues an injunction control of a property to another when the legal title is still in
in labor disputes (See. 1, Rule X, 2005 Revised Rules of dispute between the parties and whose legal title has not
Procedure of the NLRC). been clearly established.

- No temporary or permanent injunction or restraining order 11. An injunction cannot be issued for the purpose of
in any case involving or growing out of labor disputes shall be establishing new relations between the parties.
issued by any court or other entity except as otherwise
provided in Articles 218 and 264 of the Labor Code. It is the 12. A preliminary injunction cannot be issued where there is
NLRC which may grant injunctive relief under Art. 218 of the a lack of a clear and unmistakable right on the party of the
Labor Code. applicant as when the complainant's right is doubtful or
disputed. Granting the application constitutes grave abuse of
- The prohibition against issuance of injunction or restraining discretion.

order in any case growing out of a labor dispute does not

apply when the injunction is sought by a third person whose 13. Courts should also avoid issuing injunctions which in
property is sought to be levied upon to satisfy the liability of effect would dispose of the main case without trial.
another person.
14. Injunction will not lie to restrain a criminal prosecution, 17. A writ of preliminary injunction will not issue if the act
except: sought to be enjoined is already consummated or is a fait
(a) to afford adequate protection to the constitutional accompli.
rights of the accused;
(b) when necessary for the orderly administration of XVIII. How to dissolve a writ of preliminary injunction or
justice or to avoid oppression or multiplicity of actions; restraining order
(c) when double jeopardy is clearly apparent; - A writ of preliminary injunction or temporary restraining
(d) where the charges are manifestly false and motivated order may be dissolved. The party enjoined may file a motion
by the lust for vengeance; or to dissolve the injunction or TRO with notice and hearing of
(e) where there is clearly no prima facie case against the the motion upon showing by affidavits that the person
accused and a motion to quash on that ground has been enjoined would suffer irreparable damage while the
denied. applicant can be fully compensated for such damages as he
may suffer. The movant must also file a bond conditioned
15. No temporary restraining order or writ of preliminary upon the payment of al damages which the applicant may
injunction against the extrajudicial foreclosure of mortgage suffer by the dissolution of the injunction or restraining
shall be issued on the allegation that the loan has been paid order. If it appears that the extent of the preliminary
or is not delinquent unless the application is verified and injunction or restraining order granted is too great, it may be
supported by evidence of payment. If the ground is that the modified (Sec. 6, Rule 57, Rules of Court).
interest is unconscionable, no TRO or writ of preliminary
injunction shall be issued unless the debtor pays the III. Receivership (Rule 59)
mortgagee at least 12% interest per annum on the principal
obligation as stated in the application for foreclosure sale, I. Nature of a receivership
which shall be updated monthly while the case is pending 1. The purpose of a receivership as a provisional remedy is to
(A.M. 9910-5-0, Rules on Extrajudicial and Judicial protect and preserve the rights of the parties during the
Foreclosure of Real Estate Mortgage, effective March 10, pendency of the main action, during the pendency of an
2007). appeal or as an aid in the execution of a judgment when the
writ of execution has been returned unsatisfied (Sec. 1, Rule
Illustration (Bar 1999) 59, Rules of Court). Receivership is aimed at preservation of,
Will injunction lie to restrain the commencement of and at making more secure, existing rights. It cannot be used
a criminal action? as an instrument for the destruction of those rights.

Suggested answer: - Examples: (a) In an action to foreclose a mortgage when

Please refer to the immediately preceding topic. the property is in danger of being wasted or dissipated or
materially injured and that its value is in danger of not being
Illustration (Bar 1996) able to cover the mortgage debt, the mortgagee may ask for
1. xxx a receiver to preserve the property, (b) If the judgment
2. xxx obligor refuses to apply his property to the satisfaction of the
3. ABC Cattle Corporation is the holder of a pasture lease judgment, receivership may be availed of.
agreement since 1990 covering 1,000 hectares of pasture
land surrounded with fences. In 1992, D was issued a pasture 2. The receivership provided in Rule 59 is directed to the
lease agreement covering 930 hectares of land adjacent to property which is the subject of the action and does not
ABC's. A relocation survey showed that the boundaries of D's refer to the receivership authorized under the banking laws
land extended 580 hectares into ABC's pasture land. As ABC and other rules or laws. Rule 59 presupposes that there is an
persistently blocked D's advances into its property, D filed a action and that the property subject of the action requires
complaint with preliminary injunction to enjoin ABC from its preservation.
restraining him in the exercise of his lease rights.
If you were the judge, would you issue a Illustration (Bar 2001)
preliminary injunction? Explain. Joaquin filed a complaint against Jose for the
foreclosure of a mortgage of a furniture factory with a large
Suggested answer. number of machinery and equipment. During the pendency of
(3) I would not issue a writ of preliminary the foreclosure, Joaquin learned from reliable sources that
injunction. The writ will not be issued to take property out of Jose was quietly and gradually disposing of some of his
the possession of another whose right has not been clearly equipment and machinery to a businessman friend who was
established also engaged in furniture manufacturing such that from
confirmed reports Joaquin gathered, the machinery and
16. Under Sec. 25 of the New Central Bank Act (R.A. 7653), equipment left with Jose were no longer sufficient to answer
no restraining order or injunction shall be issued by the court for the latter's mortgage indebtedness. In the meantime,
enjoining the BSP from examining any institution subject to judgment was rendered by the court in favor of Joaquin but
its supervision or examination, unless there is convincing the same' is not yet final.
proof that the action of the BSP is plainly arbitrary and made Knowing what Jose has been doing, if you were

in bad faith and the petitioner or plaintiff files a bond Joaquin's lawyer, what action would you take to preserve
executed in favor of BSP, in an amount to be fixed by the whatever remaining machinery and equipment are left with
court. Jose? Why?
Suggested answer. 4. To collect debts due to himself as receiver or to the
If I were the lawyer of Joaquin, I would apply for fund, property, estate, person, or corporation of which he
the appointment of a receiver. Under the Rules, in an action is the receiver;
for the` foreclosure of a mortgage, the court may appoint a 5. To compound for and to compromise the same;
receiver if it can be shown that the property mortgaged is in 6. To make transfers;
danger of being wasted and dissipated or materially injured, 7. To pay outstanding debts; to divide the money and the
and that its value is probably insufficient to discharge the property that shall remain among the persons legally
mortgage debt (Sec. 1, Rule 59, Rules of Court). The case at entitled to receive the same; and
bar falls squarely under the applicable provision. 8. Generally to do such acts respecting the property as the
court may authorize (Sec. 6, Rule 59, Rules of Court).
Illustration (Bar 1995)
In a suit for the collection of a sum of money, the V. Investment of funds by receiver
plaintiff applied for the appointment of a receiver of the - A receiver may not invest funds without an order from the
defendant's property to assure the payment of the obligation. court and without the written consent of the parties to the
Should the court grant the application? action (Sec. 6, Rule 59, Rules of Court).

Suggested answer. VI. Suits against a receiver

The court should deny the application. Receivership - No action may be filed against a receiver without leave of
is not available in a mere suit for collection of a sum of the court which appointed him (Sec. 6, Rule 59, Rules of
money. It is available when the property of fund that is the Court).
subject of the litigation is in danger of being lost, removed or
materially injured which in not so in the case at bar (Sec. 1, VII. Appointment of a party as a receiver
Rule 59, Rules of Court). - A party to a litigation is supposed to be a disinterested
person hence, neither party to the litigation should be
3. Receivership, like injunction may also be a principal action appointed as a receiver without the consent of the other.
as the one referred to in Sec. 4 of Rule 39. Rule 59 is a
receivership that is ancillary to a main action. IV. Replevin (Sec. 60)
1. Replevin may be a main action or a provisional remedy. As
a principal action its ultimate goal is to recover personal
II. Court that can grant receivership property capable of manual delivery wrongfully detained by a
- Receivership may be granted by the court in which the person. Used in this sense, it is a suit in itself.
action is pending, by the Court ofAppeals or the Supreme
Court, or any member thereof (Sec. 1, Rule 59, Rules of 2. The main action for replevin action is primarily possessory
Court). in nature and generally determines nothing more than the
right of possession. For instance, if the plaintiff claims that
III. Procedure for appointment of a receiver the defendant is in possession of his car without lawful
1. A verified application must be filed by the party cause, he may file an action for replevin. While the action is
applying for the appointment of a receiver (Sec. 1, Rule pending, the plaintiff may ask the court to allow him to have
59, Rules of Court); possession of the car in the meantime because he uses the
2. The applicant must have an interest in the property or same as an economic tool and the continued possession of
funds subject of the action (Sec. 1, Rule 59, Rules of the car by the defendant deprives him of a vital source of
Court); income. The plaintiff may then apply for replevin as a
3. The applicant must show that the property or funds is in provisional remedy. Seeking to have possession of the
danger of being lost, wasted or dissipated (Sec. 1, Rule 59, property prior to the determination of the action is the
Rules of Court); provisional remedy of replevin and not the main action for
4. The application must be with notice and must be set for replevin. Also, when the debtor defaults and the creditor
hearing; decides to foreclose the mortgage but the debtor refuses to
5. Before issuing the appointment of a receiver, the court yield possession of the personal property, the creditor may
shall require the applicant to post a bond in favor of the obtain a writ of replevin as a preliminary step for the
adverse party. When the receiver is appointed, the foreclosure.
receiver shall take his
oath but before doing so, he shall file a bond. There are Illustration (Bar 1999)
two bonds: the applicant's bond and the receiver's bond What is replevin?
(Sec. 2, Rule 59);
6. Before entering upon his duties, the receiver must be Suggested answer.
sworn to perform his duties faithfully (Sec. 4, Rule 59). Please refer to the immediately preceding topic.

IV. Powers of a receiver I. Procedure for the application for replevin

1. To bring and defend, actions in his own name in his 1. A party praying for the provisional remedy of replevin
capacity as receiver; must file an application for a writ of replevin. His application

2. To keep arid take possession of the property subject of for the writ must be filed at the commencement of the
the controversy; action or at any time before the defendant answers (Sec. 1,
3. To receive rents; Rule 60, Rules of Court).
2. The application must contain an affidavit where the The remedy of replevin may be granted. The
applicant particularly describes the property that he is the defendant may be deemed to be wrongfully detaining the
owner of the property or that he is entitled to the possession goods from the plaintiff. Upon the filing of the requisite
thereof. affidavit and bond, the writ of replevin may be granted (Sec.
2, Rule 60, Rules of Court).
- The applicant need not be the owner of the property. It is
enough that he has a right to its possession. II. Undertaking of the replevin bond
- The bond which is double the value of the property involved
3. The affidavit must state that the property is wrongfully is for the payment to the adverse party of such sum as he
detained by the adverse party, alleging therein the cause of may recover from the applicant in the action (Sec. 2, Rule
the detention. 60, Rules of Court).

4. The affidavit must state that the property has not been III. Order of the court and duty of sheriff
distrained or taken for tax assessment or a fine pursuant to 1. When the court approves the application, the court shall
law, or seized under a writ of execution or preliminary issue an order and the corresponding writ of replevin
attachment, or otherwise placed in custodia legis. If it has describing the property alleged to be wrongfully detained.
been seized, then the affidavit must state that it is exempt This order shall require the sheriff to take the property into
from such seizure or custody. his custody (Sec. 3, Rule 60, Rules of Court).
Replevin cannot be available when the property is in custodia
legis, is under attachment or has been seized pursuant to 2. Upon the receipt of the court order, the sheriff must (a)
law. serve a copy of the order on the adverse party, together with
 Contrast this principle with the rule that a property in a copy of the application, affidavit and bond; and (b) take
custodia legis may be attached. custody of the property (Sec. 4, Rule 60, Rules of Court).

5. The affidavit must state the actual market value of the 3. After the sheriff has taken custody of the property, he
property, and must keep it in a secure place (Sec. 4, Rule 60, Rules of
6. The applicant must give a bond, executed to the adverse Within five (5) days From the taking of the property, the
party and double the value of the property (Sec. 2, Rule 60, sheriff shall wait for the move of the adverse party. If the
Rules of Court). latter does not object to the sufficiency of the bond after
said period or performs acts to effect the return to him of
Illustration (Bar 1976) the property taken by the sheriff, the property shall be
Pending final judgment in an action for recovery of delivered to the applicant (Sec. 6, Rule 60, Rules of Court).
personal property: (1) May the plaintiff apply for immediate
delivery of the property in question? (2) In the affirmative, IV. How adverse party can seek the return of the property
what requisites must the plaintiff comply with in order to 1. If within five (5) days from the taking of the property by
make this remedy available to him? (3) What is this ancillary the sheriff, the adverse party decides to have the property
remedy called? (4) May this remedy be availed of in the back, he may require the return thereof by (a) filing with the
Municipal Courts? court where the action is pending a bond (called a redelivery
bond) executed to the applicant, in double the value of the
Suggested answer. property conditioned upon the payment of such sum as may
(1) The plaintiff may apply for immediate delivery of the be recovered against the adverse party, and (b) by serving a
personal property because under the Rules, said remedy may copy of such bond on the applicant (Sec. 5, Rule 60, Rules of
be applied for at the commencement of the action or at any Court).
time before the answer of the defendant (Sec. 1, Rule 60,
Rules of Court). (2) Please refer to the immediately 2. If the bond is sufficient and in the proper form, the
preceding topic for the answer. (3) This ancillary remedy is adverse party gets the property back (Sees. 5, 6, Rule 60,
called replevin. (4) This remedy may be available in Rules of Court).
Municipal courts provided the value of the property involved
is within its jurisdiction. 3. Where the adverse party did not object to the other
party's bond nor posted a redelivery bond to recover the
Illustration (Bar 1996) possession of the property taken under the writ of replevin,
A sold five thousand piculs of sugar to B, payable on the sheriff is under obligation to deliver the property to the
demand. Upon delivery of the sugar to B, however, the latter applicant.
did not pay its purchase price. After the lapse of some time
from the date of delivery of the sugar to B, A brought an V. Replevin distinguished from preliminary attachment
action for the rescission of the contract of sale and as
incident of this action, asked for the manual delivery Replevin Prelimiinary attachment
(replevin) of the sugar to him. 1. The purpose is to recover 1. The purpose is not to
May the remedy of replevin prayed for by A be personal property capable of recover any property but

granted? Explain. manual delivery from the simply to have the property
defendant. put in the custody of the
Suggested answer. court to secure the
satisfaction of the judgment
that may be rendered in If you were the lawyer of Virginia, what action
favor of the plaintiff at some should you take to help Virginia in the meantime especially
future time. with the problem of feeding the child?
2. the property either 2. the property does not
belongs to the plaintiff' or belong to the plaintiff but to Suggested answer:
one over which the plaintiff' the defendant. If I were the lawyer of Virginia, I would apply for
has a right of possession. support pendente lite in accordance with Sec. 6 of Rule 61
3. can be availed of only 3. can be availed of even if which provides that in a criminal action where civil liability
when the defendant is in the property is in the includes support for the offspring support pendente lite may
actual or constructive custody of third persons. be obtained provided the civil aspect thereof has not been
possession of the personal waived, reserved or instituted prior to its filing (Sec. 6, Rule
property. 61, Rules of Court).
4. extends only to personal 4. extends to all kinds of
property capable of manual property, real or personal or Illustration (Bar 1999)
delivery. even incorporeal property. Before the RTC, A was charged with rape of his 16-
5. may be availed of without 5. To be availed of the party year old daughter. During the pendency of the case, the
showing that the property is applying for a writ of daughter gave birth to a child allegedly as a consequence of
being concealed or disposed preliminary attachment need the rape. Thereafter she asked the accused to support the
of to the prejudice of the to show that the property is child, and when he refused, the former filed a petition for
plaintiff. being removed, concealed or support pendente lite. The accused however, insists that he
disposed of. cannot be made to give much support arguing that there are
6. Property under custodia 6. Preliminary attachment yet no findings as to his guilt. Would you agree with the trial
legis cannot be the object of can be availed of even if the court if it denied the application for support pendente lite?
replevin. property is in custodia legis.
Suggested answer:
V. "Support Pendente Lite" (Rule 61) I would not agree with the trial court. The remedy
is available in a criminal action for rape and may be granted
1. Support pendente lite is an amount of support provi- where the civil liability includes support for the offspring and
sionally fixed by the court in favor of the person or persons the civil aspect has not been waived, reserved or instituted
entitled thereto during the pendency of an action for support prior to its filing (Sec. 6, Rule 61, Rules of Court).
Here, the main action is for support and support pendente
lite is the provisional remedy. I. Procedure for application for support "pendente lite"
l. The application for support pendente lite may be filed at
2. In one case, temporary support was granted in an action (a) the commencement of the action, or (b) at anytime prior
for habeas corpus filed by the mother in behalf of a minor to the judgment or final order (Sec. 1, Rule 61, Rules of
child against the father, where the father has recognized the Court).
child as his and has not been given support by the father
pending the fixing the amount of support in another action 2.The application must be verified, stating the grounds for
for support. the claim and the financial conditions of both parties. It shall
be accompanied by affidavits, depositions or other authentic
3. Support pendente lite may be granted in rape cases for documents in support thereof (Sec. 1, Rule 61, Rules of
the offspring of the accused as a consequence of the rape Court).
(Sec. 6, Rule 61). It has been ruled that if the right to support is put in issue in
the pleadings or the fact from which the right to support
4. Support pendente lite may hence, be availed of in either arises has not been established, the court cannot grant
of two instances: support pendente lite.
(a) In an action for support; or
(b) In a criminal action where civil liability includes 3. The adverse party shall be asked to comment on the
support for the offspring provided the civil aspect thereof application within five (5) days from service upon him of a
has not been waived, reserved or instituted prior to its copy of the application and supporting documents to it. This
filing (Sec. 6, Rule 61, Rules of Court). comment shall be verified (Sec. 2, Rule 61, Rules of Court).

Illustration (Bar 2001) 4. The application shall be set for hearing and a hearing shall
Modesto was accused of seduction by Virginia, a be conducted (Sec. 3, Rule 61, Rules of Court).
poor, unemployed young girl, who has a child by Modesto.
Virginia was in dire need of pecuniary assistance to keep her 5. If the application is granted, the court shall issue an order
child, not to say of herself, alive. The criminal case is still where it shall fix the amount of money to be provisionally
pending in court and although the civil liability aspect of the paid as support. If the application is denied, the principal
crime has not been waived or reserved for a separate civil case shall be tried and decided as early as possible (Sec. 4,
action, the trial for the case was foreseen to take two long Rule 61, Rules of Court).

years because of the heavily clogged court calendar before

the judgment may be rendered. - The amount fixed in the order is only provisional. It is not
final in character and can be modified depending on the
changing conditions affecting the ability of the obligor to pay (a) An ordinary civil action must be based on a cause of
the amount fixed for support. action (Sec. 1, Rule 2, Rules of Court). This means that the
defendant must have performed an act or omitted to do an
Illustration (Bar 1981) act in violation of the rights of another (Sec. 2, Rule 2,
"VX" and her son, Mario, are plaintiffs in a case Rules of Court). These definitions do not fit the
against "WX" for support. A month after the filing of her requirements of a cause of action in certain special civil
complaint, plaintiffs asked the Court for support pendente actions.
lite. "WV opposes the petition on the ground that Mario is not This rule does not appear relevant to the special
his son but the issue of "V)C" as a result of an adulterous civil action of declaratory relief which is brought before
relationship. "WX"asks that he be given an opportunity to there is any breach of a deed, will contract, statute,
prove his defense. The court, ruling that this defense is a executive, order or regulation ordinance, or any other
matter of the main case, denies "WX" the opportunity to governmental regulation. In short, the cause of action as
prove his defense at that stage of the case and grants defined and required of an ordinary civil action finds no
support pendente lite. application to the special civil action of declaratory relief.
Is the granting of such support pendente lite correct It finds no application also in a complaint for interpleader.
or not? Give your reasons. In this action, the plaintiff may file a complaint even if he
has sustained no actual transgression of his rights. In fact,
Suggested answer: he actually has no interest in the subject matter of the
The granting of support pendente lite without a action. This is not so in an ordinary civil action.
hearing is not correct. Under the Rules, the application shall
be set for hearing and a hearing shall be conducted (Sec. 3, (b) The venue in ordinary civil actions is determined by
Rule 61, Rules of Court). either the residence of the parties where the action is
personal or by the location of the property where the
II. Enforcement of the order action is real. This dichotomy does not always apply to a
- The adverse party has to comply with the order to give special civil action. For instance, the venue in a petition
support pendente lite. If he does not, an order of execution for quo warranto is where the Supreme Court or the Court
shall be issued by the court either motu proprio or upon of Appeals sits if the petition is commenced in any of these
motion. He may likewise be held liable for contempt (Sec. 5, courts and without taking into consideration where the
Rule 61, Rules of Court). parties reside. It is only when the petition is lodged with
the Regional Trial Court that residence is considered in
III. Restitution venue analysis. Again, while in ordinary civil actions the
- When the judgment finds that the person giving support is residences of both the plaintiff and the defendant are
not liable therefore, the court shall order the recipient to factored in the determination, a petition for quo warranto
make a restitution of what has been received with legal filed in the Regional Trial Court merely looks into the
interest from the date of actual payment. Should the residence of the respondent, not that of the petitioner.
recipient fail to do so, the person who gave the support may But if it is the Solicitor General who commences the
file an action against the person legally obliged to give such action, another special rule is followed because the
support (Sec. 7, Rule 61, Rules of Court). petition may only be commenced in a Regional Trial Court
in Manila, in the Court of Appeals or in the Supreme Court.

(c) Ordinary civil actions may be filed initially in either the

CHAP. 13: SPECIAL CIVIL ACTIONS Municipal Trial Court or the Regional Trial Court depending
upon the jurisdictional amount or the nature of the action
I. Preliminaries involved. On the other hand, there are special civil actions
l. A civil action is of two types, namely: which can only be filed in a Municipal Trial Court like the
(a) ordinary civil actions, and actions for forcible entry and unlawful detainer. There are
(b) special civil actions (Sec. 3[a], Rule 1, Rules of also special civil actions which cannot be commenced in
Court). the Municipal Trial Court foremost of which are the
petitions for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus.
2. Since a civil action in general is one by which a party sues
another for the enforcement or protection of a right, or the 4. The special civil actions under the Rules are the following:
prevention or redress of a wrong (Sec. 3[a], Rule 1, Rules of (a) Interpleader (Rule 62);
Court), a special civil action is generally brought or filed for (b) Declaratory relief and similar remedies (Rule 63);
the same purpose. (c) Review of judgments and final orders or resolutions of
the Commission on Elections and the Commission on Audit
3. Although both types of actions are governed by the rules (Rule 64);
for ordinary civil actions, there are certain rules that are (d) Certiorari, Prohibition and Mandamus (Rule 65);
applicable only to specific special civil actions (Sec. 3[a], (e) Quo warranto (Rule 66);
Rule 1, Rules of Court). The fact that an action is subject to (f) Expropriation (Rule 67);
special rules other than those applicable to ordinary civil (g) Foreclosure of real estate mortgage (Rule 68);

actions is what makes a civil action special. (h) Partition (Rule 69);
(i) Forcible Entry and unlawful detainer (Rule 70); and
- Examples: (j) Contempt (Rule 71).
- Rule 64 is a new special civil action and applies to 4. Another usual example is the case of a lessee who may
judgments, final orders or resolutions of two constitutional commence a complaint for interpleader when he is
commissions, the Commission on Elections and the confronted with adverse claimants on the rentals due and he
Commission on Audit. The Civil Service Commission, another is in doubt as to which of them should be the rightful
constitutional commission is not treated in Rule 64. recipient.

5. While ordinary civil actions when filed are denominated as - Recall that under the Civil Code of the Philippines, a
`complaints', some special civil actions are not denominated cardinal principle to be observed for the validity of payment
as such but as `petitions' . While the terminology used does or performance is that payment must be made "to the person
not go into the substance of the action, it is advisable to in whose favor the obligation was constituted" (Art. 1240,
remember those special civil actions which are initiated by Civil Code of the Philippines). This means that as a rule,
the filing of a petition, namely: payment to the wrong person is not a valid payment and does
1. Declaratory relief and other similar remedies; not extinguish the obligation. Where two or more persons
2. Review of adjudications of the COMELEC and COA; who do not represent the same interests claim the right to
3. Certiorari, prohibition and mandamus; collect, the debtor will have to file an action for interpleader
4. Quo warranto; and to effect the extinguishment of his obligation.
5. Contempt.
Illustration (Bar 1988)
- The following special civil actions are initiated by the filing LTA, Inc. is the lessee of a building owned by Mr.
of a complaint: Tenorio paying rental of P10,000.00 a month. The owner died
1. Interpleader; on May 10, 1988 and since then, LTA has not paid the
2. Expropriation; monthly rentals, now amounting to P40,000.00 because two
3. Foreclosure of real estate mortgage; women are both claiming to be widows of Tenorio and are
4. Partition; and demanding rental payments.
5. Forcible entry and unlawful detainer. What legal action may LTA's counsel take, before
what court and against whom to protect LTA's interest?
I. Interpleader (Rule 62)
Suggested answer.
I. Meaning of interpleader (Bar 1998) LTAs counsel should file an action for interpleader
1. > interpleader - a special civil action filed by a person against the two women and pray that the court resolve their
against whom two conflicting claims are made upon the same conflicting claims. The action should be filed in the Municipal
subject matter and over which he claims no interest, to Trial Court because the subject of the action is an amount
compel the claimants to interplead and to litigate their within the jurisdiction of said court. Note: When the question
conflicting claims among themselves (Sec. 1, Rule 62, Rules was asked, jurisdiction was with the Regional Trial Court. At
of Court; Bar 1998). that time the jurisdictional amount for the RTC was an
amount exceeding P10,000.00.
2. As gleaned from the Rules, an action for interpleader
requires that: Illustration (Bar 1996)
(a) There must be two or more claimants with adverse or A lost the cashier's check she purchased from XYZ
conflicting interests to a property in the custody or Bank. Upon being notified of the loss, XYZ Bank immediately
possession of the plaintiff; issued a "STOP PAYMENT" order. Here comes B trying to
(b) The plaintiff in an action for interpleader has no claim encash the same cashier's check but XYZ Bank refused
upon the subject matter of the adverse claims or if he has payment.
an interest at all, such interest is not disputed by the As precautionary measure what remedy may XYZ Bank avail
claimants; of with respect to the conflicting claims of A and B over the
(c) The subject matter of the adverse claims must be one cashier's check? Explain.
and the same.
Suggested answer:
3. A classic example is that of a warehouseman who has XYX Bank should file a complaint for interpleader
custody of goods claimed to be owned by two or more and leave unto the court the resolution of the conflicting
persons who do not have the same interests. He may file an claims of A and B. Note: The examiner made reference to
action for interpleader for the court to determine the "conflicting claims." This is a clue as to what the examiner
rightful owner. The basis of the need to file an interpleader desires as an answer. The examinee should therefore, refrain
in the case of a warehouseman is actually the substantive law from making assumptions or unnecessary analysis.
provisions of the Warehouse Receipts Law. Under said law,
where a warehouseman delivers the goods to one who is not Illustration (Bar 1978)
in fact entitled to possession, the warehouseman shall be H insured his life with X Insurance Co. and
liable for conversion (Sec. 10, Warehouse Receipts Law). He designated W as beneficiary. The policy provided that the
may also be sued for damages for non-delivery if he refuses beneficiary could be changed by a written notice designating
to deliver the goods. Hence, Sec. 17 of the same law the new beneficiary sent by the insured and received by X

authorizes the warehouseman to require all known claimants Insurance Co. before the death of the insured. After the
to interplead to shield him from liability. death of H, Q demanded from X Insurance Co. the proceeds
of the policy, claiming that she had been designated as the
beneficiary by H as may be seen from a copy of a written
notice signed by H and allegedly received by X Insurance Co. movant may file his answer within the remaining period to
before X's death. W who is also demanding from X Insurance answer, but which shall not be less than five (5) days in any
Co. the proceeds of the policy, claims that the signature of H event, reckoned from the notice of denial of the motion
appearing on the written notice is forged. (Sec. 4, Rule 62, Rules of Court).
As counsel for X Insurance Co., what advice would
you give to your client and why? 5. The answer shall be filed within fifteen (15) days from the
service of summons upon him. The answer shall set forth the
Suggested answer: claim of the claiming party and shall be served upon each of
I would advice my client not to pay either of the the conflicting claimants. If any of the claimants fail to file
claimants in the meantime and instead file a complaint for his answer within the reglementary period, the court may,
interpleader against them and let the court resolve their upon motion, declare the non-answering claimant in default.
conflicting claims (Sec. 1, Rule 63, Rules of Court). A judgment shall then be rendered barring him from any
claim in respect to the subject matter of the action (Sec. 5,
II. Basic procedure Rule 62, Rules of Court).
1. A complaint for interpleader is filed by the person against
whom the conflicting claims are made (Sec. 1, Rule 62, Rules 6. A reply to the answer of the other may be filed by each of
of Court). The person who files the complaint shall pay the the conflicting claimants (Sec. 5, Rule 62, Rules of Court).
docket and other lawful fees and shall bear the costs and The parties may also file counterclaims, cross-claims, third-
other litigation expenses even if he has no interest in the party complaints and responsive pleadings thereto in
subject matter of the action. Recovery of such fees and accordance with the Rules of Court, i.e., the rules governing
expenses may nevertheless, be recovered later on because ordinary civil actions (Sec. 5, Rule 62, Rules of Court).
under Sec. 7 of Rule 62, they shall constitute a lien or charge 7. A pre-trial shall be conducted also in accordance with the
upon the subject matter of the action, unless the court shall Rules of Court (Sec. 6, Rule 62, Rules of Court).
order otherwise.
8. After the pleadings shall have been filed, and pretrial has
2. In an ordinary civil action, upon the filing of the complaint been conducted in accordance with the Rules, the court shall
and the payment of the requisite legal fees, the clerk of proceed to determine their respective rights and adjudicate
court shall forthwith issue the corresponding summons to the their several claims (Sec. 6, Rule 62, Rules of Court).
defendant (Sec. 1, Rule 14, Rules of Court). In interpleader,
upon the filing of the complaint, the court shall issue an III. Court with jurisdiction
order requiring the conflicting claimants to interplead with - The court with jurisdiction over an action for interpleader
one another (Sec. 2, Rule 62, Rules of Court). This order shall shall depend upon the following:
however, be served upon the conflicting claimants together 1. If the subject matter of the action is personal property,
with the summons and a copy of the complaint (Sec. 3, Rule valued at not more than P300,000.00 outside Metro Manila,
62, Rules of Court). and in Metro Manila, at not more than P400,000.00, the
Municipal Trial Court has jurisdiction.
- In that same order requiring the claimants to interplead
with one another, the court may include an order directing 2. If the subject matter is real property with an assessed
that the subject matter of the action be paid or delivered to value at not more than P20,000.00 outside Metro Manila, and
the court. Such direction shall be made if the interest of in Metro Manila, at not more than P50,000.00, the Regional
justice so requires (Sec. 2, Rule 62, Rules of Court). Trial Court has jurisdiction.

3. Within the time for filing an answer, each claimant may Illustration (Bar 1997)
file a motion to dismiss. The ground to be relied upon may be What courts have jurisdiction over the following
any of the grounds for dismissal of an action specified in Rule cases filed in Metro Manila?
16. In addition, another ground is provided for in Rule 62 - xxx
impropriety of the action for interpleader (Sec. 4, Rule 62, (d) An action for interpleader to determine who between the
Rules of Court). This ground is not found in Rule 16 of the defendants is entitled to receive the amount of P190, 000.00
Rules of Court. from the plaintiff.

- It is believed that where the allegations of the complaint do Suggested answer.

not show conflicting claims between or among the persons (d) The action shall be filed in the Metropolitan Court in
required to interplead, the complaint for interpleader is Metro Manila. The amount of P190, 000.00 not being in
subject to dismissal on the ground of impropriety of the excess of P400, 000.00, is within the jurisdiction of said
interpleader, not a failure to state a cause of action under court.
Rule 16 because the meaning of a cause of action in ordinary
civil actions cannot apply to an interpleader. Besides, for an IV. Distinctions between interpleader and intervention
interpleader to be proper such conflicting claims must exist - The following are the well-recognized distinctions between
(Sec. 1, Rule 62, Rules of Court). Conversely, there is interpleader and intervention:
impropriety where no such adverse claims can be found from Interpleader Intervention

the reading of the complaint. 1. a special civil action, 1. not an original action but
independent and original. merely ancillary and depends
4. The period to file an answer is interrupted or tolled by the upon the existence of a
filing of the motion to dismiss. If the motion is denied, the previous pending action.
2. commenced by the filing 2. commenced by a motion court cannot refuse to render a judgment. This is plain from
of a complaint, it being an to intervene filed in a the phraseology of Sec. 5 of Rule 63.
original action. pending case attaching
thereto the pleading-in- II. Subject matter in a petition for declaratory relief
intervention. 1. The subject matter in a petition for declaratory relief is
3. filed by a person who has 3. filed by a person who has any of the following:
no interest in the subject a legal interest in any of the (a) a deed;
matter of the action or if he following: (a) the subject (b) a will;
has an interest, the same is matter of the litigation; (b) (c) a contract or other written instrument;
not disputed by the the success of either of the (d) a statute;
claimants. parties; (c) the success of (e) an executive order or regulation;
both of the parties; or (b) he (f) an ordinance; or
may be adversely affected (g) any other governmental regulation (Sec. 1, Rule 63,
by the disposition or Rules of Court).
distribution of property in
the judgment. 2. The enumeration of the subject matter is exclusive.
4. the defendants are 4. if a complaint-in- Hence, an action not based on any of the enumerated
brought into the action only intervention is filed, the subject matters cannot be the proper subject of declaratory
because they are impleaded defendants are already relief.
as such in the complaint. parties to an existing suit not (a) An action for declaratory relief to ask the court to
because of the intervention declare his filiation and consequently his hereditary rights
but because of the original is improper. The action is not based on a deed, a will,
suit. statute or any of those enumerated as the subject matter
of the petition
II. Declaratory Relief and other Similar Remedies (Rule 63) (b) An action for declaratory relief to seek judicial
declaration of citizenship to correct a previous unilateral
I. Preliminaries registration by petitioner as an alien is improper, the
1. Rule 63 covers two types of actions: (a) petition for action not being founded on a deed, contract or any
declaratory relief, and (b) similar remedies. ordinance (Obiles vs. Republic, 92 Phil. 864). An action for
declaratory relief is not proper to resolve doubts
2. The similar remedies are: (a) action for reformation of an concerning one's citizenship.
instrument; (b) action to quiet title; and (c) action to (c) A petition for declaratory relief is not proper for the
consolidate ownership, under Article 1607 of the Civil Code. purpose of seeking enlightenment as to the true import of
a judgment. The remedy is to move for a clarificatory
3. These types of actions are treated differently by the judgment.
Rules. In declaratory relief, "the court, motu proprio or upon (d) A petition for declaratory relief is not proper to assail a
motion, may refuse to exercise the power to declare rights judgment. A party could appeal and employ other
and to construe instruments in any case where a decision remedies under the Rules of Court before or after the
would not terminate the uncertainty or controversy which judgment has become final and executor.
gave rise to the action, or in any case where the declaration
or construction is not necessary and proper under the 3. Even if the subject is one enumerated under the Rules,
circumstances" (Sec. 5, Rule 63, Rules of Court). In where the contract or statute is clear in its terms and there
declaratory relief, the court is given the discretion to act or is no doubt as to its meaning and validity, a petition for
not to act on the petition. It may therefore, choose not to declaratory relief is improper. There would be no need for
construe the instrument sought to be construed or could construction or a declaration of rights thereunder.
refrain from declaring the rights of the petitioner under the
deed or the law. A refusal of the court to declare rights or Illustration (Bar 1998)
construe an instrument is actually the functional equivalent A student files an action for declaratory relief
of the dismissal of the petition but on any of the two grounds against his school to determine whether he deserves to
not found in either Rule 16 or Rule 17 of the Rules of Court, graduate with Latin honors. Is this action tenable?

(a) Where a decision on the petition would not terminate

the uncertainty or controversy which gave rise to the Suggested answer:
action, or The action is not tenable. To be the proper subject
(b) Where the declaration or construction is not necessary of a petition for declaratory relief, the subject of the
and proper under the circumstances as' when the petition must be a deed, will, contract, written instrument,
instrument or the statute has already been breached. statute, executive order, regulation, ordinance, or any other
governmental regulation. Whether or not the student is to be
4. On the other hand, the court does not have the discretion conferred Latin honors is not a proper subject of the

to refuse to act with respect to actions described as `similar petition.

remedies'. Thus, in an action for reformation of an
instrument, to quiet title or to consolidate ownership, the III. Court with jurisdiction
- The subject matter of a petition for declaratory relief 1. If the subject matter is a deed, will, contract or other
raises issues which are not capable of pecuniary estimation written instrument, the petitioner is the person interested in
and must be filed with the Regional Trial Court (Sec. 19[11, the same (Sec. 1, Rule 63, Rules of Court). Those who may
BP 129; Sec. 1, Rule 63, Rules of Court). It would be error to sue under the contract should be those with interest under
file the petition with the Supreme Court which has no the contract like the parties, the assignees and the heirs as
original jurisdiction to entertain a petition for declaratory required by substantive law (Art. 1311, Civil Code of the
relief. Philippines).

IV. Purpose of the petition 2. If it be a statute, executive order, regulation or

1. An action for declaratory relief is brought to secure an ordinance, the petitioner is one whose rights are affected by
authoritative statement of the rights and obligations of the the same (Sec. 1, Rule 63, Rules of Court).
parties under a contract or a statute for their guidance in the
enforcement or compliance with the same. 3. The other parties are all persons who have or claim any
The purpose of the petition is to ask the court to interest which would be affected by the declaration (Sec. 2,
determine any question of construction or validity arising Rule 63, Rules of Court). The rights of persons not made
from the subject matter, and for the declaration of rights parties to the action do not stand to be prejudiced by the
and duties therein (Sec. 1, Rule 63, Rules of Court). Thus, declaration (Sec. 2, Rule 63, Rules of Court). Since their
the purpose is to seek for a judicial interpretation of an rights are not to be prejudiced by their non-inclusion, the
instrument or for a judicial declaration of a person's rights failure to implead such persons does not therefore, affect
under a statute and not to ask for affirmative reliefs like the jurisdiction of the court over the petition.
injunction, damages or any other relief beyond the purpose
of the petition as declared under the Rules. It is not brought 4. Where the action involves the validity of a local
to settle issues arising from a breach because after the government ordinance, the corresponding `prosecutor or
breach of the contract or statute, the petition can no longer attorney of the local government unit involved shall be
be brought. similarly notified and entitled to be heard. If such ordinance
is alleged to be unconstitutional, the Solicitor General shall
2. It has been held that in an action for declaratory relief, also be notified and entitled to be heard (Sec. 4, Rule 63,
the question raised is a question of "construction" or "validity" Rules of Court).
arising under an instrument or statute. The object is to
terminate uncertainties in an instrument or statute and the VI. Filing before any breach or violation; justiciable
judgment of the court cannot extend beyond a declaration of controversy
the rights and duties of the parties to the action and cannot 1. The petition for declaratory relief is filed before there
provide corrective reliefs occurs` any breach or violation of the deed, contract,
statute, ordinance or executive order or regulation. It will
3. It is the absence of allegations seeking material or not prosper when brought after a contract or a statute has
affirmative reliefs in a petition for declaratory relief that it already been breached or violated (Sec. 1, Rule 63, Rules of
has been held that when the main case is for declaratory Court). If there has already been a breach, the appropriate
relief, a third-party complaint is inconceivable. The relief ordinary civil action,' not declaratory relief, should be filed.
sought in this kind of pleading is contribution, indemnity,
subrogation or other relief from the third-party defendant in - Where the law or contract has already been contravened
respect of the claim of the plaintiff against him. Accordingly, prior to the filing of the action for declaratory relief, the
this relief cannot be granted because in a declaratory relief, court can no longer assume jurisdiction over the action for
the court is merely interpreting the terms of the contract. It declaratory relief if its subject, i.e., the statute, deed or
has also been held however, that a petition for declaratory contract, etc. has already been infringed or transgressed
relief may entertain a compulsory counterclaim as long as it before the institution of the action. Under such
is based on or arising from the same transaction, subject circumstances, inasmuch as a cause of action has already
mater of the petition. accrued in favor of one or the other party, there is nothing
more for the court to explain or clarify short of a judgment
4. Since the objective of the petition is merely an or final order.
interpretation of a deed or a contract or for a definitive
pronouncement of rights under a particular law, rule or 2. However, when the breach occurs not before the filing of
order, there is nothing to execute in the judgment of the the petition for declaratory relief but after the action has
court the way judgments in ordinary civil actions are been constituted and during its pendency, the action is not
executed. This is because the judgment in a declaratory to be dismissed but may be converted into an ordinary action
relief is confined either to an interpretation of a deed or a and the parties shall be allowed to file such pleadings as may
declaration whether or nor the petitioner has or does not be necessary or proper (Sec. 6, Rule 63, Rules of Court).
have rights under the law. As a general principle therefore,
the judgment in a declaratory relief is said to stand by itself 3. The traditional concept of cause of action in ordinary civil
and no executory process follows as of course. It is unlike the actions, as earlier mentioned does not apply to a declaratory
judgment in an ordinary civil action which is coercive in relief where no specific right of the plaintiff has as yet been

character and enforced by execution. violated because the action is brought before a breach of the
deed or law occurs.
V. The petitioner and other parties
4. The absence of a breach should not however, be taken to brought, the action must be for the purpose of reforming
mean that the petition need not involve a controversy. A the instrument.
justiciable controversy is in fact indispensable for the
propriety of the petition. It need not be a controversy (b) An instrument may be reformed if the instrument does
consisting of an actual violation of a right by another but one not express the true intention of the parties because of
with the "ripening seeds" of a controversy. The controversy lack of skill of the person drafting the instrument (Art.
must be one that is not merely imagined or one that is 1363, Civil Code of the Philippines).
academic or theoretical.
(c) If the parties agree upon the mortgage or pledge of
5. A justiciable controversy is required because the court, in property, but the instrument states that the property is
a petition for declaratory relief is not called upon to render a sold absolutely or with a right of repurchase, reformation
mere `advisory opinion' which unlike a judicial proceeding, of the instrument is proper (Art. 1365, Civil Code of the
has no res judicata effect and requires no controversy of Philippines).
whatever degree.
3. Where the consent of a party to a contract has been
6. Courts are not called upon to resolve questions as a "pure procured by fraud, inequitable conduct or accident, and an
academic exercise." instrument was executed by the parties in accordance with
the contract, what is defective is the contract itself because
- For example, a person who impugns a statute must be one of vitiation of consent. The remedy is not to bring an action
who could show that he will sustain a direct injury as a result for reformation of the instrument but to file an action for
of the enforcement of a statute (Cabarle vs. Tagle, G.R. No. annulment of the contract (Art. 1359, Civil Code of the
113475, February 15, 1994). An actual injury is not Philippines). A contract where one party's consent is vitiated
necessary. In declaratory relief, all that is required is an is voidable or annullable (Art. 1330, Civil Code of the
impending violation of the plaintiff's rights. Philippines; Art. 1390[21, Civil Code of the Philippines).

VII. Summary of requisites for the petition 4. Reformation of the instrument cannot be brought to
- Jurisprudence has laid down the following as requisites for reform any of the following:
the petition: (a) Simple donations inter vivos wherein no condition is
(a) There must be a justiciable controversy; imposed;
(b) The controversy must be between persons whose (b) Wills; or
interests are adverse; (c) When the agreement is void (Art. 1666, Civil Code of
(c) The party seeking the relief must have a legal interest the Philippines).
in the controversy; and
d) That the issue is ripe for judicial determination. IX. Consolidation of ownership
1. The concept of consolidation of ownership under Art. 1607
VIII. Reformation of an instrument of the Civil Code has its origins in the substantive provisions
1. An action for reformation is not an action brought to of the law on sales. Under the law, a contract of sale may be
reform a contract but to reform the instrument evidencing extinguished either by legal redemption (Art. 1619, Civil
the contract. The action for reformation presupposes that Code of the Philippines) or conventional redemption (Art.
there is nothing wrong with the contract itself because there 1601, Civil Code of the Philippines).
is a meeting of minds between the parties (Art. 1359, Civil
Code of the Philippines). A contract does not refer to a deed 2. Legal redemption also called retracto legal, is a statutory
or an instrument but to a meeting of the minds of the parties mandated redemption of a property previously sold. For
(Art. 1305, Civil Code of the Philippines). Art. 1359 of the instance, a co-owner of a property may exercise the right of
civil code does not in fact refer to a reformation of the redemption in case the shares of all the other co-owners or
contract but of the `instrument'. any of them are sold to a third person (Art. 1620, Civil Code
of the Philippines). The owners of adjoining lands shall have
2. The contract is to be reformed because despite the the right of redemption when a piece of rural land with a size
meeting of minds of the parties as to the object and cause of of one hectare or less is alienated (Art. 1621, Civil Code of
the contract, the instrument which is supposed to embody the Philippines).
the agreement of the parties does not reflect their true
agreement by reason of mistake, fraud, inequitable conduct 3. > Conventional redemption – (also called pacto de retro
or accident. The action is brought so the true intention of sale) one that is not mandated by the statute but one which
the parties may be expressed in the instrument (Art. 1359, takes place because of the stipulation of the parties to the
Civil Code of the Philippines). sale.

- Examples: - The law provides: "Conventional redemption takes place

(a) The parties have agreed on the size of the land subject when the vendor reserves, the right to repurchase the thing
of the sale. By an act of fraud of the seller who prepared sold * * *" (Art. 1601, Civil Code of the Philippines). The
the deed of sale, a smaller area is indicated in the deed. period of redemption may be fixed by the parties in which

There is nothing defective in the contract which is the case the period cannot exceed ten (10) years from the date
meeting of the minds. The defect is in the deed of sale, of the contract. In the absence of any agreement, the
which is the instrument. If an action for reformation is redemption period shall be four (4) years from the date of
the contract (Art. 1606, Civil Code of the Philippines).
1. A party aggrieved by the judgment, final order or
4. Where redemption is not made within the period agreed resolution of the Commission on Elections or the Commission
upon, in case the subject matter of the sale is real property, on Audit may file a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 with
Art. 1607 provides that the "consolidation of ownership in the the Supreme Court (Sec. 2, Rule 64, Rules of Court).
vendee * * * shall not be recorded in the Registry of Property
without a judicial order, after the vendor has been duly - The mode of review under Rule 64 is starkly different from
heard." the mode applicable to the judgment, final order or
resolution of another constitutional body, the Civil Service
5. The action brought to consolidate ownership is not for the Commission. The judgment of the Civil Service Commission
purpose of consolidating the ownership of the property in the cannot be assailed by a petition for certiorari to the Supreme
person of the vendee or buyer but for the registration of the Court but by appeal. This appeal shall be taken by filing a
property. The lapse of the redemption period without the verified petition for review to the Court of Appeals (Republic
seller a retro exercising his right of redemption, consolidates Act 7902) in accordance with Rule 43 of the Rules of Court.
ownership or title upon the person of the vendee by
operation of law. Art. 1607 requires the filing of the petition - Certiorari is an independent action unlike the petition for
to consolidate ownership because the law precludes the review under Rule 43 which actually is a mode of appeal
registration of the consolidated title without a judicial order. although usually called a petition for review.

X. Quieting of title 2. If the mode of review is a petition for certiorari under

1. This action is brought to remove a cloud on title to real Rule 65, the petitioner must anchor the petition, on
property or any interest therein. The action contemplates a jurisdictional grounds, i.e., that the commission concerned
situation where an instrument or a record is apparently valid committed a grave abuse of discretion or acted in excess of
or effective but is in truth and in fact invalid, ineffective, jurisdiction in a manner amounting to lack of jurisdiction.
voidable or unenforceable, and may be prejudicial to said
title to real property. This action is then brought to remove a - The petition cannot question the findings of fact of the
cloud on title to real property or any interest therein. It may commission involved where such findings are supported by
also be brought as a preventive remedy to prevent a cloud substantial evidence. Such findings when so supported by the
from being cast upon title to real property or any interest requisite quantum of evidence are final and non-reviewable
therein (Art. 476, Civil Code of the Philippines). (Sec. 5, Rule 64, Rules of Court).

2. The plaintiff need not be in possession of the real party 3. The petition for certiorari referred to in Rule 64 shall be
before he may bring the action as long as he can show that filed within thirty (30) days from notice of the judgment,
he has a legal or an equitable title to the property which is final order or resolution of the Commission on Elections and
the subject mater of the action (Art. 477, Civil Code of the the Commission on Audit (Sec. 2, Rule 64, Rules of Court).
Philippines). While Rule 64 makes reference to the certiorari under Rule
65, the period for filing of the petition for certiorari assailing
the judgment ofthe Commission on Elections and the
Commission on Audit is shorter than that provided for under
Rule 65. Under the latter Rule (Sec. 4, Rule 65, Rules of
Court), the petition for certiorari shall be filed not later than
sixty (60) days from notice of the judgment, order or
resolution, or from notice of the denial of a motion for
III. Review of Judgments and Final Orders or Resolutions reconsideration or motion for new trial, whether such motion
of the Commission on Elections and the Commission on is required or not. Under Rule 64, the petition shall be filed
Audit (Rule 64) within thirty (30) days only.

I. Preliminaries 4. The period of thirty (30) days has express reference to the
- Rule 64 is a new rule and has the Constitution of 1987 as its judgment or a final order of the commission concerned. It is
basis. Section 7 of Art. IX-A (Constitutional Commissions), believed that when the petition for certiorari is directed
provides: against an interlocutory order of the commission the period
" * * *. Unless otherwise provided by the Constitution in Rule 65 should apply.
or by law, any decision, order or ruling of each commission
may be brought to the Supreme Court on certiorari by the
aggrieved party within thirty days from receipt of a copy
thereof." III. Motion for new trial or motion for reconsideration
- Whether or not a party may file a motion for a new trial or
- The provision was interpreted by the Supreme Court to a motion for reconsideration of the judgment, final order or
refer to certiorari under Rule 65 and not appeal by certiorari resolution of the commission concerned is dependent upon
under Rule 45. To implement the above constitutional the procedural rules of the commission concerned. If such
provision, the Supreme Court promulgated Rule 64 of the motions are allowed, the filing of either shall interrupt the

Rules of Court. period for the filing of the petition for certiorari. If the
motion is denied, the aggrieved party may file the petition
II. Remedy of the aggrieved party within the remaining period, but which shall not be less than
five (5) days in any event, reckoned from notice of denial
(Sec. 3, Rule 64, Rules of Court). The interruption of the referred to together with other supporting papers. Copy shall
period for the filing of the petition assumes that the motion be served to the petitioner (Sec. 7, Rule 64, Rules of Court).
for reconsideration or new trial is not pro forma. If the
motion is pro forma, the period for fling the petition is not
VI. Filing of petition does not stay execution
IV. Basic requirements for the petition - While the filing of a motion for reconsideration or a motion
- The following basic requirements must be complied with: for new trial shall interrupt the period for the filing of the
1.The petition shall be verified and filed in eighteen (18) petition (Sec. 3, Rule 64, Rules of Court), the filing of the
copies. petition itself, on the other hand, shall not have the effect of
2. It must be accompanied by clearly legible duplicate staying the judgment, final order or resolution of the
original or certified true copy of the judgment, final order Commission on Elections or of the Commission on Audit,
or resolution subject thereof, together with certified true unless the Supreme Court shall direct otherwise (Sec. 8, Rule
copies of such material portions of the record and other 64, Rules of Court). To prevent the execution of the
documents relevant and pertinent to the petition. The judgment, the petitioner should obtained a temporary
requisite number of copies of the petition shall contain restraining order or obtain a writ of preliminary injunction
plain copies of all documents attached to the original copy because the mere filing of the petition does not interrupt the
of the petition. course of the principal case.
3. The petition shall name the aggrieved party as
petitioner and shall join as respondent the commission VII. Oral arguments; memoranda; submission for decision
concerned and all the persons interested in sustaining the - Upon the filing of the comments on the petition, or upon
judgment, final order or resolution. the expiration of the period to do so, the case shall be
4. The petition shall state the facts with certainty, present deemed submitted for decision except if the Court decides to
clearly the issues involved, set forth the grounds and brief set the case for oral argument or requires the parties to
arguments relied upon for review. submit memoranda (Sec. 9, Rule 64, Rules of Court).
5. The petition shall state the specific material dates
showing that it was filed within the period fixed by the IV. Certiorari, Prohibition and Mandamus (Rule 65)
6. The petition shall be accompanied by proof of service of A. Certiorari
a copy thereof on the commission involved and on the
adverse party, and of the timely payment of docket and I. Nature and purpose of the remedy
other lawful fees (Sec. 4, Rule 64, Rules of Court). 1. A petition for certiorari under Rule 65 is a special civil
7. The petition shall contain a sworn certification against action. It is not a mode of appeal. It is an original action
forum shopping. independent from the principal action which resulted in the
8. The petition shall pray for a judgment annulling or rendition of the judgment or order complained of (Rule 65,
modifying the questioned judgment, final order or Rules of Court).
2. Certiorari is not intended to review the errors of judgment
- The failure of the petitioner to comply with any of the of the trial court. In certiorari, judicial review does not go as
foregoing requirements shall be sufficient ground for the far as to examine and assess the evidence of the parties and
dismissal of the petition (Sec. 5, Rule 64, Rules of Court). to weigh the probative value thereof. Raising errors of
judgment is proper only in an appeal.
V. Order to comment; outright dismissal
1. The Court has two options upon receipt of the petition - to 3. Certiorari is a remedy for the correction of errors of
deny the petition outright or to order the filing of a jurisdiction, not errors of judgment. It is an original and
comment. independent action that was not part of the trial that had
resulted in the rendition of the judgment or order
- The court may dismiss the petition outright if (a) the complained of. More importantly, since the issue is
petition is not sufficient in form and substance; (b) the jurisdiction, an original action for certiorari may be directed
petition is filed manifestly for delay; or (c) the question against an interlocutory order of the lower court prior to an
raised is too unsubstantial to warrant further proceedings. appeal from the judgment.

- The court shall order the respondents to file their 4. The rule is well-recognized that an appeal to the Supreme
comments within ten (10) days from notice if it finds the Court may be taken only by petition for review on certiorari
petition sufficient in form and substance (Sec. 7, Rule 64, (Sec. 3, Rule 56, Rules of Court). This is not the certiorari
Rules of Court). under Rule 65 but under Rule 45. Any party desiring to appeal
by certiorari from a judgment or final order or resolution of
- No other pleading may be filed by any party unless required the Court of Appeals, the Sandiganbayan, or the Regional
or allowed by the court (Sec. 7, Rule 64, Rules of Court). Trial Court or other courts whenever authorized by law, may
file with the Supreme Court a verified petition for review on

- The comments of the respondents shall be filed in eighteen certiorari and which shall raise only questions of law (Sec. 1,
(18) legible copies and the original shall be accompanied by Rule 45, Rules of Court).
certified true copies of the material portions of the records
Illustration (Bar 2005)
May the aggrieved party file a petition for certiorari jurisdiction. The court denied the motion and denied also a
in the Supreme Court under Rule 65 of the 1997 Rules of Civil subsequent motion for reconsideration. A petition for
Procedure, instead of filing a petition for review on certiorari certiorari was filed in the RTC to nullify and set aside the
under Rule 45 thereof for the nullification of a decision of order of the MTC. While the petition for certiorari was
the Court ofAppeals in the exercise either of its original or pending, the plaintiff filed a motion to declare the defendant
appellate jurisdiction? Explain. in default for failure to file an answer within the
reglementary period. The MTC could not be faulted if it
Suggested answer. grants the motion to declare the defendant in default. The
The aggrieved party may not, as a rule. The proper running of the period to answer was not interrupted because
remedy is to file a petition for review on certiorari under the defendant did not avail of a writ of preliminary
Rule 45. Availment of certiorari under Rule 65 would be on injunction when he filed the petition for certiorari.
the hnHIH of'oxceptional circurnstances which would juHti(y
the Supremo Court in suspending the rules pro hac vice in the V. No petition for certiorari in a summary proceeding
interest of justice. 1. In a summary proceeding, petitions for certiorari,
prohibition or mandamus against an interlocutory order of
the court are not allowed (Sec. 19, 1991 Revised Rule on
Summary Procedure).
II. Correction of errors of jurisdiction
1. A petition for certiorari is a remedy designed for the Illustration (Bar 2004)
correction of errors of jurisdiction and not errors of judgment (a) xxx
as when a court or body acted with grave abuse of discretion (b) Charged with the offense of slight physical
amounting to lack of jurisdiction. If the court has jurisdiction injuries under an information duly filed with the McTC in
and in the process committed an error in the exercise of its Manila which in Lho niountimo had duly issued an order
jurisdiction which errors is only one of judgment, such error declaring Lhat the case. shall bo governed by the Revised
is reviewable only by appeal and not by certiorari. .Rule on Summary Procedure, the accused filed with said
 Verily, the writ of certiorari is granted to keep an inferior court a rnotion to quash on the sole ground that the officer
court within the bounds of its jurisdiction or to prevent it who filed the information had no authority to do so. The
from committing such a grave abuse of discretion amounting McTC denied the motion on the ground that it is a prohibited
to lack or excess of jurisdiction. motion under the said Rule.
The accused thereupon filed with the RTC in Manila
2. A petition for certiorari is an extraordinary remedy that is a petition for certiorari in sum assailing and seeking the
adopted to correct errors of jurisdiction committed by the nullification of the McTC's denial of his motion to quash. The
lower court or quasi judicial agency, or when there is grave RTC in due time issued an order denying due course to the
abuse of discretion on the part of such court or agency certiorari petition on the ground that it is not allowed by the
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction. Where the error said Rule.
is not one of jurisdiction, but of law or fact which is a Was the RTC order denying due course to the
mistake of judgment, the proper remedy should be appeal. petition x x x correct? Reason.
Hence, if there was no question of jurisdiction involved in
the decision and what was being questioned was merely the Suggested answer:
findings in the decision of whether or not the practice of the (b) The denial of the petition for certiorari was
other party constitutes a violation of the agreement, the correct. A petition for certiorari of an interlocutory order of
matter is a proper subject of an appeal, not certiorari. the McTC is a prohibited pleading under Sec. 19(g) of the
Rules on Summary Procedure.
III. Certiorari distinguished from appeal
- Among other distinctions, the primary element which sets 2. Although a petition for certiorari is prohibited in cases
these remedies apart is: The writ of certiorari is proper to subject to summary procedure, the Court in one case allowed
correct errors of jurisdiction committed by the lower court, the petition because the trial court gravely abused its
or grave abuse of discretion which is tantamount to lack of discretion by indefinitely suspending the proceedings in
jurisdiction. Appeal is proper whore the error is not one of ejectment cases thus, acting contrary to the purposes of the
jurisdiction but an error of law or fact which is a mistake of Rules on Summary Procedure. The Supreme Court recognized
judgment that because the order of the trial court cannot be appealed
from it being interlocutory and since the proceedings are
IV. Necessity for a writ of injunction; certiorari not sufficient covered by the Rules on Summary Procedure, a'procedural
- The filing of a petition for certiorari does not interrupt the void' exists. Invoking its power to suspend the rules to
course of the principal action nor the running of the promote substantial justice, the Supreme Court gave due
reglementary periods involved in the proceeding, unless an course to the petition pro hac vice because of the
application for a restraining order or a writ of preliminary extraordinary circumstances of the case. The Court observed
injunction to the appellate court is granted (Sec. 7, Rule 65, that allowing the petition would avoid the mischiefs sought
Rules of Court). It does not interrupt the reglementary period to be curbed by the Rules and would give spirit and life to
for the filing of an answer. It does not interrupt the course of the Rules on Summary Procedure.

the case where there is no writ of injunction.

VI. Certiorari not substitute for lost appeal
- To illustrate: In a case filed before the MTC, the defendant 1. The filing of a petition for certiorari as a substitute for a
filed a motion to dismiss a complaint on the ground of lack of lost appeal would be erroneous. Certiorari is not and cannot
be made a substitute for an appeal where the latter remedy the period to appeal had already lapsed. Certiorari is not a
is available but was lost through fault or negligence. The substitute for a lost appeal.
remedy to obtain a reversal of judgment on the merits is (b) xxx
appeal. This holds true even if the error ascribed to the (c) An order denying a motion to dismiss is an interlocutory
lower court is its lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter, order, and hence, not appealable (Sec. 1, Rule 41, Rules of
or the exercise of power in excess thereof, or grave abuse of Court). Ordinarily, when a motion to dismiss is denied, the
discretion. The existence and availability of the right to defendant should file an answer to the complaint, proceed to
appeal prohibits the resort to certiorari because one of the trial and await judgment before making an appeal (Sec. 4,
requirements for certiorari is that "there is no appeal." Rule 16, Rules of Court). However, as long as it can be shown
that the trial court acted without or in excess of jurisdiction
2. The remedies of appeal and certiorari are mutually or with grave abuse of discretion, a civil action for certiorari
exclusive and not alternative or successive. The antithetic under Rule 65 may prosper (Sec. 1, last par., Sec. 41, Rules
character of appeal and certiorari has been generally of Court). While an order denying a motion to dismiss is
recognized and observed save only in those rare instances interlocutory and non-appealable, however, if the denial is
when appeal is satisfactorily shown to be an inadequate attended by a grave abuse of discretion, certiorari and
remedy. Thus, a petitioner must show valid reasons why the prohibition are proper remedies from such order of denial.
issues raised in his petition for certiorari could not have been
raised on appeal. Certiorari cannot be used as a substitute VII. When certiorari is available despite the loss of appeal
for appeal. - While ordinarily, certiorari is not available when the period
for appeal has lapsed, certiorari may still be invoked when
3. Certiorari cannot be allowed when a party to a case fails appeal is lost without the appellant's negligence. Other
to appeal a judgment despite the availability of that remedy, exceptions are: (a) when public welfare and the
certiorari not being a substitute for lost appeal. advancement of public policy dictates; (b) when the broader
Consequently, if the complaint is dismissed through a motion interest of justice so requires; (c) when the writs issued are
to dismiss, the normal remedy of the plaintiff is to appeal, null and void, and (d) when the questioned order amounts to
not to file a petition for certiorari. Appeal is the remedy an oppressive exercise of judicial authority.
because an order dismissing a complaint is final in character.
If the period for appeal lapses without an appeal having been VIII. Essential requisites for a petition for certiorari
filed, certiorari cannot take the place of the lost appeal. - A petition for certiorari requires the concurrence of the
Illustration (Bar 1991) (a) The petition is directed against a tribunal, board or
On 3 January 1991, the Mayon Corporation filed a officer exercising judicial or quasi judicial functions;
complaint for foreclosure of real estate mortgage against one (b) The such tribunal, board or officer has acted without or
of its sales agents, A, who was discovered to have incurred a in excess of jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion;
shortage in his accounts. Tho mortgage was executed to (c) There is neither appeal nor any plain, speedy and
guarantee faithful compliance with his duties and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law for the
responsibilities as a sales agent. Impleaded in the complaint purpose of annulling or modifying the proceeding. There
as co-defendants were A's co-mortgagors, B and C. must be capricious, arbitrary and whimsical exercise of
power for it to prosper
Acting on defendant's motion to dismiss, the court
dismissed the complaint in an Order dated 15 February 1991, IX. Respondent must exercise judicial or quasi judicial
a copy of which was received by Mayon Corporation on 18 functions
February 1991. On March 15, 1991, and definitely within a 1. A petition for certiorari is directed against a tribunal,
reasonable period from receipt of the dismissal order, Mayon board or officer exercising judicial or quasi judicial functions
Corporation filed with the Supreme Court a special civil (Sec. 1, Rule 65, Rules of Court). Thus, if the board, tribunal
action for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court or officer does not exercise either a judicial or quasi judicial
alleging therein that the trial court acted without or in function, certiorari will not lie against its acts. A quasi
excess of jurisdiction or with grave abuse of discretion judicial act refers to the acts of public administrative
amounting to lack of jurisdiction in granting the motion to officers or bodies required to investigate facts or ascertain
dismiss. the existence of facts, hold hearings, and draw conclusions
(a) Should the Supreme Court give due course to from them, as a basis for their official actions, and to
the petition? exercise discretion of a judicial nature.
(c) May a special civil action for certiorari - Specifically, the tribunal, board or officer exercising
prosper in case of a denial of a motion to dismiss or a motion judicial or quasi judicial function must be clothed with power
to quash? and authority to pass judgment or render a decision on the
controversy construing and applying the laws to that end.
Suggested answers: Simply stated, where the function is merely investigative and
(a) The Supreme Court should not give due recommendatory with no power to pronounce judgment on
course to the petition. An order granting a motion to dismiss the controversy, the designation as investigator, therefore,
is final in character. The remedy therefore of the aggrieved does not involve the exercise of judicial or quasi judicial

party is to appeal from the order granting the motion to power. Hence, the acts may not be challenged in a petition
dismiss. It should have appealed within the period for for certiorari under Rule 65.
appeal, i.e., within fifteen days from February 18, 1991, the
date it received the notice of dismissal. By March 15, 1991,
2. "A respondent is said to be exercising judicial function jurisdiction. Lack of jurisdiction means just what the term
where he has the power to determine what the law is and says it is. It is an absence of power or authority to perform a
what the legal rights of the parties are, and then undertakes particular act.
to determine these questions and adjudicate upon the rights XII. Grave abuse of discretion
of the parties. Quasi judicial function is a term which applies 1. Certiorari will not lie when there is a mere abuse of
to the action, discretion, etc., of public administrative cIiscretion by the tribunal, board or officer exercising
officers or bodies, which are required to investigate facts or judicial or quasi-judicial functions. Such kind of abuse does
ascertain the existence of facts, hold hearings, and draw not amount to lack or excess of jurisdiction. For certiorari to
conclusions from them as a basis for their official action and lie, the abuse must be "grave" (Sec. 1, Rule 65, Rules of
to exercise discretion of a judicial nature. Ministerial Court).
('unction is one which an officer or tribunal performs in the
context of a given set of facts, in a prescribed manner and 2. In a special civil action for certiorari, there must be proof
without regard to the exercise of his own judgment upon the that the act of the tribunal or court emanated from the
propriety or impropriety of the act done. capricious and whimsical exercise of judgment. Likewise, the
use of discretion should have been arbitrary due to passion,
- "In the issuance of the assailed Wage Order, respondent prejudice or personal hostility so patent and gross that it
Regional Tripartite Wage Productivity Board (RTWPB) did not amounts to evasion to perform a positive duty under the law.
act in any judicial, quasi judicial capacity, or ministerial In the case at bar, the records do not reveal nor does
capacity. petitioner allege malice or prejudice on the part of the CA in
It was in the nature of subordinate legislation, promulgated reinstating private respondent's appeal.
by it in the exercise of delegated power under R.A. No. 6727.
It was issued in the exercise of quasi-legislative power. 3. There is a grave abuse of discretion where the power is
Quasi-legislative or rule-making power is exercised by exercised in an arbitrary and despotic manner by reason of
administrative agencies through the promulgation of rules passion or hostility. The abuse is patent and gross if it
and regulations within the confines of the granting statute amounts to an evasion of a positive duty or to a virtual
and the doctrine of non-delegation of certain powers flowing refusal to perform the duty or to act at all in contemplation
from the separation of the great branches of the of law. The phrase "grave abuse of discretion" amounting to
government." lack or excess of jurisdiction means such capricious and
whimsical exercise of judgment by the tribunal exercising
3. A committee on the ratings of students for honor whose judicial or quasi judicial functions as to amount to lack of
actions in proclaiming the honor students of a graduating power.
class are questioned is not the "tribunal, board or officer"
against whom an action may lie under Sec. 1 of Rule 65. 4. A mere denial of an application for an ex parte order for
the seizure of evidence is not indicative of a grave abuse of
X. Jurisdictional issue discretion where petitioner failed to point out specific
1. A petition for certiorari must be based on jurisdictional instances where grave abuse of discretion was allegedly
grounds because as long as the respondent acted with committed and how the respondent court supposedly
jurisdiction, any error committed by him or it in the exercise exercised its power in a despotic, capricious or whimsical
thereof will amount to nothing more than an error of manner.
judgment which may be reviewed or corrected by appeal.
5. A judge gravely abuses his discretion when he extends by
2. In one case, the Supreme Court defined errors of twenty (20) days the 72-hour restraining order he initially
jurisdiction as one where the act complained of was issued issued because in no case shall the total period of effectivity
by the court, officer or a quasi judicial body without or in of the temporary restraining order exceed 20 days (Sec. 5,
excess of jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of discretion Rule 58, Rules of Court).
which is tantamount to lack or in excess of'jurisdiction.
6. There is a grave abuse of discretion where the trial court
XI. Excess of jurisdiction distinguished from absence of fails to determine a factual controversy before issuing a writ
jurisdiction of demolition. Failure to do so is to disregard basic principles
> Excess of jurisdiction – (as distinguished from absence of of due process because before demolition could be effected,
jurisdiction)  an act, though within the general power of a the parties concerned must be heard. Such error may be
tribunal, board or officer, is not authorized and invalid with corrected by a writ of certiorari.
respect to the particular proceeding because the conditions
which alone authorize the exercise of the general power in 7. There is a grave abuse of discretion if a judge hears a
respect of it are wanting. Without jurisdiction means lack or motion on the same day it was filed.
want of legal power, right, or authority to hear and
determine it cause or causes, considered either in general or 8. It is a grave abuse of discretion on the part of a court to
with reference to a particular matter. It means lack of power order immediate execution of a final order without awaiting
to exercise authority. the expiration of the period to appeal therefrom and without
even a motion having been filed for execution pending

- In essence, acting in excess of jurisdiction does not connote appeal.

it total absence of jurisdiction. It signifies an act authorized
by law but performed beyond the bounds of that authority. 9. By considering the motion for execution of the petitioner
Under our judicial system such act is equivalent to lack of abandoned and ordering the payment of separation pay
instead of reinstatement even if petitioner did not abandon (j) where the issue raised is one purely of'law or where
his claim for reinstatement, the Executive Labor Arbiter public interest is involved.
committed a grave abuse of discretion.
Illustration (Bar 1989)
10. Rendering a decision in favor of complainants against the (1) xxx
alleged employer without first determining the existence of (2) Well-settled is the rule that before a petition for
an employer-employer relations and the failure to express certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court may be filed, a
the factual and legal basis of a decision is an evasion of a motion for reconsideration must be filed to give an
constitutional duty which constitutes a grave abuse of discre- opportunity to the judge to correct an error, if any. An
tion. omission to comply with this procedural requirement justifies
a denial of the writ applied for. When may a motion for
11. While an order denying a motion to dismiss is reconsideration be dispensed with?
interlocutory and non-appealable, however, if the denial is
attended by a grave abuse of discretion, certiorari and Suggested answer.
prohibition are proper remedies from such order of denial. (2) Please refer to the immediately preceding topic.

XV. Absence of appeal or any plain, speedy and adequate

XIII. Necessity for a motion for reconsideration remedy (Bar 1999)
1. Settled is the rule that, except in some recognized 1. The settled rule is that certiorari is not available where
exceptions, the filing of a motion for reconsideration is a the aggrieved party's remedy of appeal is plain, speedy and
condition sine qua non to the filing of a petition for certiorari adequate in the ordinary course of law the reason being that
to allow the court an opportunity to correct its imputed certiorari cannot co-exist with an appeal these remedies
errors. being mutually exclusive.

2. The mere fact that a petitioner fails to move for the 2. It bears emphasis that the special civil action for certiorari
reconsideration of the court a quo's order denying his motion is a limited form of review and is a remedy of last recourse.
is sufficient cause for the outright dismissal of a petition for It cannot be allowed when a party to a case fails to appeal a
certiorari. Certiorari as a special civil action will not lie judgment despite the availability of that remedy, certiorari
unless a motion for reconsideration is first filed before the not being a substitute for a lapsed or lost appeal. Where an
respondent court to allow it an opportunity to correct its appeal is available, certiorari will not prosper, even if the
errors. To warrant a deviation from this rule, one must ground therefore is grave abuse of discretion.
proffer a compelling reason. - Exception: Although the extraordinary remedy of certiorari
is not proper when an appeal is available, it may be allowed
XIV. Exceptions to the requirement of a motion for when it can be shown that appeal would be inadequate,
reconsideration (Bar 1989) slow, insufficient, and will not promptly relieve a party from
1. Although the filing of a motion for reconsideration is a the injurious effects of the order complained of.
condition sine qua non for certiorari to lie, the rule is subject
to certain well recognized exceptions. 3. Examples:
(a) Under the 2000 National Prosecution Service Rules on
2. The recognized exceptions where the special civil action Appeal, the resolution of the Justice Secretary affirming,
for certiorari will lie even without first filing a motion for modifying or reversing the resolution of the Investigating
reconsideration includes: Prosecutor is final. The remedy of the aggrieved party is to
(a) where the order is a patent nullity, as where the court file a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of
a quo has no jurisdiction; Court since there is no more appeal or other remedy
(b) where the questions raised in the certiorari proceeding available in the ordinary course of law. To file an appeal with
have been duly raised and passed by the lower court, or the Court of Appeals by way of a petition for review under
are the same as those raised and passed upon in the lower Rule 43. is to resort to an improper remedy. A petition for
court; certiorari under Rule 65 should be filed instead.
(c) where there is an urgent necessity for the resolution of
the question and any further delay would prejudice the (b) An order dismissing a complaint for failure to comply with
interests of the government or of the petitioner; the rules on certification against forum shopping is a
(d) where the subject matter of the action is perishable; dismissal without prejudice. Under Sec. 1(h) of Rule 41, such
(e) where under the circumstances, a motion for dismissal is not appealable, the remedy being the
reconsideration would be useless; appropriate special civil action under Rule 65 and one
(f) where petitioner was deprived of due process and there remedy under said rule is certiorari.
is extreme urgency for relief;
(g) where in a criminal case, relief from order of arrest is (c) An order denying a petition for relief is not appealable
urgent and the granting of such relief by the trial court is under the terms of Sec. 1(b) of Rule 41. The remedy is
improbable; likewise the appropriate special civil action under Rule 65
(h) where the proceedings in the lower court are a nullity and one remedy under said rule is certiorari.

for lack of due process;

(i) where the proceedings was ex parte or in which the Illustration (Bar 2002)
petitioner had no opportunity to object; and The defendant was declared in the default in the
RTC for his failure to file an answer to a complaint for a sum
of money. On the basis of the plaintiff's ex party presentation consists of certified true copies of the judgment, order or
of'evidence, judgment by default was rendered against the resolution subject of the petition. Duplicate originals or
defendant. The default judgment was served on the certified true copies thereof must be appended to enable the
defendant on October 1, 2001. On October 10, 2001, he filed reviewing court to determine whether the court, body or
a verified motion to lift the order of default and to set aside tribunal, which rendered the same committed grave abuse of
the judgment. In his motion, the defendant alleged that discretion. The second set consists of the pleadings, portions
immediately upon receipt of the summons, he saw the of the case record and other documents which are material
plaintiff and confronted him with his receipt evidencing his and pertinent to the petition. In this second set mere
payment and that the plaintiff assured him that he would photocopies thereof may be attached to the petition. The
instruct his lawyer to withdraw the complaint. The trial court requirement for certified true copies refcr-H to the
denied the defendant's motion because it was not judgment, order or resolution (Air Philippines vs. /wiu.ora,
accompanied by an affidavit of merit. The defendant filed a GR. No. 148247, August 7, 211116) and are the documents
special civil action for certiorari under Rule 65 challenging mentioned in the first set. The use of mere pho~l,ocopies of
the denial order. certified true copies of judgments or orders subject matter
(a) Is certiorari under Rule 65, the proper remedy? of a petition renders that petition deficient and subject to
(b) xxx dismissal.

Suggested answer. - A petition is procedurally flawed if this provision is not

(a) Certiorari is the proper remedy to challenge the denial of complied with because these are documents important for
the motion. While ordinarily, the remedy against a judgment the court's appraisal, evaluation and judicious disposition of
by default is to file a motion for new trial, appeal or a the case. Non-observance of the rule is a sufficient cause for
petition for relief as the case may be (Talsan Enterprises, the dismissal of the petition and cannot be merely brushed
Inc. vs. Baliwag Transit, Inc., 310 SCRA 156), these remedies aside as a mere technicality.
are not speedy and adequate in the case at bar where it can
be shown that the court, in denying the motion, committed a XVII. When to file
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction. 1. The petition is to be filed within sixty (60) days from
The court committed a grave abuse of discretion when it notice of the judgment, order or resolution. In case a motion
denied the motion on the basis of the alleged absence of an for reconsideration or a motion for a new trial is timely filed,
affidavit of merit because the meritorious defense of the whether such motion is required or not, the sixty (60) day
defendant was already alleged in his verified motion. There period shall be counted from notice of the denial of said
was then no need for a separate affidavit of merit, the motion.
incorporation of the defense in the motion being a
substantial compliance with the rule. 2. No extension of time to file the petition shall be granted
except for compelling reasons and in no case exceeding
Illustration (Bar 1999) fifteen (15) days (Sec 4, Rule 65 as amended by A.M. No. 00-
May a party resort to certiorari when appeal is still 203 effective September 1, 2000).
XVIII. Certification against forum shopping
Suggested answer: - A certification against forum shopping must accompany the
The general rule precludes the filing of a petition petition because certiorari is an independent action in itself
for certiorari when appeal is still available. It is however, and the petition filed is an initiatory pleading.
implied from the Rules that certiorari may be allowed when
it is be shown that appeal does not appear to be a plain, XIX. Material dates in the petition; `material date' rule
speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law Under the material date rule, three material dates must be
and will not promptly relieve a party from the injurious stated in the petition (a) the date when the judgment or
effects of the order complained of (Sec. 1, Rule 65, Rules of final order or resolution was received, (b) the date when a
Court) motion for new trial or a motion for reconsideration when
one was filed, and (c) the date when notice of the denial
XVI. How to avail of the remedy of certiorari thereof was received (Sec. 3, Rule 46, Rules of Court; Great
1. The person aggrieved may file a verified petition in the Southern Maritime Services Corporation vs. Acuna, 452 SCRA
proper court alleging the facts with certainty and praying 422, February 28, 2005).
that judgment be rendered annulling or modifying the
proceedings of the tribunal, board or officer, and granting XX. Court where petition is filed
such incidental reliefs as law and justice may require (Sec. 1, 1. If the petition relates to the acts or omissions of a lower
Rule 65, Rules of Court). court or of a corporation, board, or officer or person, then
the petition shall be filed in the Regional Trial Court
2. The petition shall be accompanied by (a) a certified true exercising jurisdiction over the territorial area as defined by
copy of the judgment, order or resolution subject of the the Supreme Court (Sec. 4, Rule 65, Rules of Court; Sec. 29,
petition, (b) copies of all relevant pleadings and documents, BP 129).
and (c) a sworn certification of non-forum shopping (Sec. 1,

Rule 65, Rules of Court). 2. The petition may also be filed in the Court of Appeals
whether or not the same is in aid of its appellate jurisdiction.
- Observe that the foregoing rule speaks of two sets of If it involves the acts or omissions of a quasi judicial agency,
documents to be attached to the petition. The first set the petition shall be filed in and cognizance only by the
Court of Appeals, unless otherwise provided by law or by the nominal parties. However, unless otherwise specifically
Rules of Court (Sec. 4, Rule 65, Rules of Court). directed by the court, they shall not appear or participate in
the proceedings therein (Sec. 5, Rule 65, Rules of Court).
3. The petition may be filed in the Sandiganbayan if it is in
aid of its appellate jurisdiction (Sec. 4, Rule 65, Rules of
XXIII. Injunctive relief
4. The petition may be filed with the Supreme Court (Sec. 4, - Be it remembered that the filing of a petition for certiorari
Rules of Court). This is subject to the doctrine of `hierarchy against the lower court or tribunal or any other public
of courts' and the Supreme Court will refrain from taking respondent does not interrupt the course of the proceedings.
cognizance of the petition unless a compelling reason exists It is necessary to avail of either a temporary restraining order
for not filing the same with the lower courts. or a writ of preliminary injunction to be issued by a higher
court against the public respondent so it may, during the
XXI. Observance of the `hierarchy of courts' principle pendency of the petition, refrain from further proceedings
- The Supreme Court's original jurisdiction to issue writs of (Sec. 7, Rule 65, Rules of Court).
certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, quo warranto, habeas
corpus and injunction is not exclusive. It is shared by the XXIV. Order to comment
Supreme Court with the Regional Trial Court and the Court of 1. Unlike an ordinary civil action where the issuance and
Appeals. This concurrence of jurisdiction however, should not service of summons follows the filing of the complaint, no
be taken to mean that the parties have an absolute, summons is issued in a petition for certiorari.
unrestrained freedom of choice of the court to which they
willfile their application or petition. There is tin ordained 2. Instead of summons the court shall issue an order requiring
sequence of recourse to courts vested with concurrent the respondent/s to comment on the petition within ten (10)
jurisdiction, beginning from the lowest, on to the next days from receipt of a copy thereof. The order to comment
highest, and ultimately to the highest. This hierarchy is shall be made only if the court finds that the petition is
determinative of the venue of appeals, and is likewise sufficient in form and substance (Sec. 6, Rule 65, Rules of
determinative of the proper forum for petitions for Court). The inevitable implication is that the petition may be
extraordinary writs. A direct invocation of the Supreme outrightly dismissed if found not to be sufficient in both
Court's original jurisdiction to issue these writs should be substance and form.
allowed only when there are special and important reasons
therefore, clearly and specifically set out in the petition. - In petitions for certiorari before the Supreme Court and the
This is established policy. It is a policy that is necessary to Court of Appeals, the respondent/s may also be required to
prevent inordinate demands upon the Court's time and file a comment to the petition and not a motion to dismiss.
attention which are better devoted to those matters within Thereafter, the court may require the filing of a reply and
its exclusive jurisdiction, and to prevent the further clogging such other responsive or other pleadings as it may deem
of the Court's docket. necessary and proper (Sec. 6, Rule 65, Rules of Court).

XXII. Parties to the petition XXV. Proceeding after comment; judgment

1. The petition shall be filed by the "person aggrieved" (Sec. 1. After the comment or other pleadings are filed, the court
1, Rule 65, Rules of Court). The person aggrieved under Sec. I may hear the case or require the parties to submit
of Rule 65 is not to be construed to mean that any person memoranda. If after such hearing or submission of
who feels injured by the lower court's order or decision can memoranda, the court finds the allegations of the petition
question the said court's disposition by certiorari. It pertains are true, it shall render judgment for the relief prayed for or
to the person who was a party in the proceedings before the to which the petitioner is entitled (Sec. 8, Rule 65, Rules of
lower court. Court). Observe that the court need not conduct a hearing.
Instead, it may require the filing of memoranda, unless of
2. Where the petition relates to the acts or omissions of a course, it finds a hearing necessary.
judge, court, quasi judicial agency, tribunal, corporation,
board, officer or person, the petitioner shall join as private 2. If the court finds the petition to be patently without
respondent/s with the public respondent/s, the person or merit, prosecuted manifestly for delay, or that the question
persons interested in sustaining the proceedings in the court raised therein are too unsubstantial to require consideration,
(Sec. 5, Rule 65, Rules of Court). The private respondent/s the court may dismiss the petition (Sec. 8, Rule 65, Rules of
should appear and defend not only in his or their own behalf Court).
but also in behalf of the public respondent/s affected by the
proceedings. If costs are awarded in favor of the petitioner, XXVI. Service of copy of judgment to public respondent
such costs shall be against the private respondent/s only and - A certified copy of the judgment rendered in the certiorari
not against the public respondent/s (Sec. 5, Rule 65, Rules of proceedings shall be served upon the public respondent
Court). concerned. Disobedience to the judgment or order shall be
punished as contempt (Sec. 9, Rule 65, Rules of Court). It is
3. The public respondent/s shall not appear in or file an understood that all private parties shall be also served with a

answer or comment to the petition or any pleading therein, copy of the judgment.
unless specifically directed by the court where the action is
pending. If the case is elevated to a higher court by either XXVII. Relief
party, the public respondents shall be included therein as
- The primary relief will actually be the annulment or impleading the lower court Court).
modification of the judgment, order or resolution or or its judge - In certiorari as an original
proceeding subject of the petition. It may also include such - In an appeal by certiorari action, the parties are the
other incidental reliefs as law and justice may require (Sec. under Rule 45, the petitioner aggrieved party against the
1, Rule 65, Rules of Court). The court, in its judgment may and respondent are also the lower court or quasi judicial
also award damages and the execution of the award for original parties to the action agency and the prevailing
damages or costs shall follow the procedure in Sec. 1 of Rule in the lower court. parties, who thereby
39 of the Rules of Court (Sec. 9, Rule 65, Rules of Court). respectively become the
petitioner and respondents
XXVIII. Distinctions between certiorari under Rule 45 and
certiorari under Rule 65 (Bar 1999; 1998; 1991) (h) Certiorari as a special civil action is filed with the
- There are well-settled distinctions between these two Regional Trial Court (Sec. 21, BP 129 as amended), the Court
rules, among which are the following: of Appeals Sec. 9, BP 129 as amended) or with the Supreme
Certiorari under Rule 45 Certiorari under Rule 65 Court (Sec. 5[I], Art. VIII, Constitution of the Philippines) or
a. (although called a petition a. a special civil action that with the Sandiganbayan, whereas certiorari as a mode of
for review on certiorari) a is an original action and not appeal is filed with the Supreme Court (Sec. 1, Rule 45, Rules
mode of appeal (Sec. 2[c], a mode of appeal (Rule 65, of Court).
Rule 41, Rules of Court) Rules of Court).
- not a part of the appellate Illustration (Bar 1991)
process but an independent (b) Distinguish certiorari as a special civil action under Rule
action. 65 from certiorari as a mode of appeal under Rule 45 of the
b. Because it is a mode of b. certiorari under Rule 65 Rules of Court.
appeal, certiorari under Rule may be directed against an
45 seeks to review final interlocutory order or Suggested answer.
judgments or final orders matters where no appeal (b) Please refer to immediately preceding topic.
may be taken from (Sec. 1,
Rule 41, Rules of Court). XXIX. Distinctions between certiorari under Rule 64 and
c. raises only questions of c. raises questions of certiorari under Rule 65
law jurisdiction because a 1. The certiorari in Rule 64 is directed only to the judgments,
tribunal, board or officer final orders or resolutions of the Commission on Elections and
exercising judicial or quasi- the Commission on Audit (Sec. 1, Rule 64, Rules of Court).
judicial functions has acted The certiorari in Rule 65 is directed to any tribunal, board or
without jurisdiction or in officer exercising judicial or quasi judicial functions (Sec. 1,
excess of jurisdiction or with Rule 65, Rules of Court).
grave abuse of discretion
amounting to lack of 2. The certiorari in Rule 64 is filed within thirty (30) days
jurisdiction from notice of the judgment (Sec. 3, Rule 64, Rules of
d. An appeal by certiorari d. petition for certiorari Court); that in Rule 65 is filed within sixty (60) days from
under Rule 45 shall be filed under Rule 65 shall be filed notice of the judgment (Sec. 4, Rule 65, Rules of Court).
within fifteen (15) days from not later than sixty (60) days
notice of judgment or final from notice of judgment, 3. In Rule 64, the filing of a motion for reconsideration or a
order appealed from (Sec. 2, order or resolution sought to motion for new trial if allowed, interrupts the period for the
Rule 45, Rules of Court), be assailed and in case a filing of the petition for certiorari. If the motion is denied,
motion for reconsideration the aggrieved party may file the petition within the
or new trial is timely filed, remaining period, but which shall not be less than five (5)
whether such motion is days reckoned from the notice of denial (Sec. 3, Rule 64,
required or not, the sixty Rules of Court). In Rule 65, the period within which to file
(60) day period shall be the petition if the motion for reconsideration or new trial is
counted from notice of denied, is sixty (60) days from notice of the denial of the
denial of said motion motion (Sec. 4, Rule 65, Rules of Court).
e. does not require a prior e. requires as a general rule,
motion for reconsideration a prior motion for B. Prohibition (Rule 65)
f. stays the judgment f. does not stay the I. Nature and purpose of the remedy
appealed from judgment or order subject of 1. > Prohibition - an extraordinary writ commanding a
the petition unless enjoined tribunal, corporation, board or person, whether exercising
or restrained (Sec. 7, Rule functions that are judicial, quasi judicial or ministerial, to
65, Rules of Court). desist from further proceedings when said proceedings are
g. the parties are the g. the tribunal, board, without, or in excess of its jurisdiction, or with grave abuse
original parties with the officer exercising judicial or of its discretion, there being no appeal or any other plain,

appealing party as the quasi judicial functions is speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law
petitioner and the adverse impleaded as respondent (Sec. 2, Rule 65, Rules of Court).
party as respondent without (Sec. 5, Rule 65, Rules of
2. The purpose of prohibition is to secure an order to prohibition is to command the respondent to desist from
command the respondent tribunal, board, corporation or further proceedings (Sec. 2, Rule 65, Rules of Court).
officer to desist from further proceedings in the action (Sec.
2, Rule 65, Rules of Court). Stated in another way, the V. Basic requirements of both certiorari find prohibition
purpose of prohibition is to prevent an encroachment, - There are certain basic requirements shared by bath special
excess, usurpation or assumption of jurisdiction on the part civil fictions. Certiorari as a special civil. action is available
of tribunal, corporation, board or officer. It is granted when if the following essential requisites concur: (1) it must, be
it is necessary for the orderly administration of justice, or directed against a tribunal, board, or officer exercising;
prevent the use of the strong arm of the law in an oppressive judicial or quasi judicial functions; (2) the tribunal, board, or
or vindictive manner, or multiplicity of actions. officer must have acted without or in excess of jurisdiction or
with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
3. A special civil action of prohibition is an original and jurisdiction; and (3) there is no appeal nor any plain, speedy,
independent action and not merely a continuation or a part and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law.
of the trial resulting in the rendition of the judgment or
order complained of. Neither is such an action ancillary or - On the other hand, prohibition as a special civil action is
substitute to the action which the supervisory authority of available only if the following essential requisites concur: (1)
the appellate court is sought and directed. It bears stressing it must be directed against a tribunal, corporation, board,
that an action for prohibition or certiorari, for that matter, officer, or person exercising functions, judicial, quasi-
does not divest the inferior or trial court of its jurisdiction judicial, or ministerial; (2) the tribunal, corporation, board
validly acquired over the case pending before it; it is merely or person has acted without or in excess of its jurisdiction, or
an invocation for the exercise of its supervisory power over with grave abuse of discretion amounting lack or excess of
the lower court to insure that the lower court acts within its jurisdiction; and (3) there is no appeal or any other plain,
jurisdiction. speedy, and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law.
Note the absence of the term `ministerial' in Sec. 1 of Rule
II. Requisites for a writ of prohibition 65.
- For a party to be entitled to a writ of prohibition, he must
establish the following requisites: Examples:
(a) The petition must be directed against a tribunal, (a) In an action for a sum of money, the defendant moved to
corporation, board or person exercising judicial, quasi- dismiss the complaint for improper venue it being obvious
judicial, or ministerial functions; that the venue was improperly laid, the complaint having
(b) The tribunal, corporation, board or person must have been filed in a place which was neither the residence of the
acted without or in excess of jurisdiction or with grave plaintiff nor that of the defendant. The motion was denied
abuse of discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction; and a subsequent motion for reconsideration of the order of
(c) There is no appeal or any other plain, speedy, and denial was also denied. The court could be deemed to have
adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law acted with grave abuse of discretion. To prevent the court
(d) Like a petition for certiorari, the petition for from proceeding with the case, a petition for prohibition
prohibition shall be accompanied by a certified true copy would be proper to command the court from further
of the judgment or order subject of the petition, copies of proceeding.
all pleadings and documents relevant and pertinent
thereto, and a sworn certification of nonforum shopping as (b) Where a motion to dismiss is wrongfully denied under
provided in Sec. 3 of Rule 46 (Sec. 2, Rule 65, Rules of circumstances attended by a grave abuse of discretion
Court). amounting; to lack of jurisdiction, prohibition is a proper
remedy to prevent the court from proceeding with the
III. Prohibition distinguished from injunction action.
- An injunction is directed against a party to the action.
Prohibition is directed to the court or tribunal directing it to (c) Prohibition, not mandamus is the proper remedy when a
refrain from the performance of acts which it has no motion to dismiss is wrongfully denied
jurisdiction to perform.
Illustration (Bar 1980)
IV. Prohibition distinguished from certiorari Antonio, a resident of Pampanga, filed a suit in the
1. A writ of certiorari seeks to annul a judicial or a quasi- CFI of Manila (now RTC) on a promissory note executed by
judicial act. A writ of prohibition is directed not only to a Andres, a resident of Cavite. The latter moved to dismiss on
judicial or a quasi judicial act but even to a ministerial act the ground "that venue is improperly laid." The motion was
(Sees. 1 and 2, Rule 65, Rules of Court). denied and Andres wants to question the denial before the
higher court. If you were Andres' lawyer, should your petition
2. A writ of certiorari is directed to the action of the court be for certiorari, prohibition or mandamus?
which is sought to be annulled. A writ of prohibition is
directed to the court itself to restrain it from further Suggested answer.
proceeding with the case. If the impropriety of the venue is timely raised, the
remedy is prohibition where the purpose of petitioner is to

3. The purpose of certiorari is to annul or modify the prevent the court from further exercising a power committed
judgment, order, resolution or proceedings of the public with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack of
respondent (Sec. 1, Rule 65, Rules of Court). The purpose of jurisdiction (Sec. 2, Rule 65, Rules of Court). Certiorari may
also be available to annul the order of the court.
7. Mandamus will lie to compel execution of a judgment,
C. Mandamus (Rule 65) because execution of a final and executory judgment is a
matter of right (Sec. 1, Rule 39, Rules of Court). However,
I. Nature and purpose of mandamus for a writ of mandamus to be issued, it is essential that
1. > Mandamus - an extraordinary writ commanding a petitioner should have a clear legal right to the thing
tribunal, corporation, board or person, to do an act required demanded and it must be the imperative duty of the
to be done: respondent to perform the act required.
(a) When it or he unlawfully neglects the performance of
an act which the law specifically enjoins as a duty, and 8. Mandamus will not lie to compel the performance of an
there is no other plain, speedy and adequate remedy in illegal act.
the ordinary course of law II. Discretionary acts not compellable by mandamus
(b) It is also available when one unlawfully excludes l. Mandamus does not lie to compel the performance of a
another from the use and enjoyment of a right or office to discretionary duty. Mandamus will not issue to control or
which much other is ontitlod review the exercise of discretion of a public officer where
the law imposes upon said public officer the right and duty to
- For a writ of mandamus to be issued, it is essential that exercise his judgment in reference to any matter in which he
petitioner should have a clear legal right to the thing is required to act. It is his judgment that is to be exercised
demanded and it must be the imperative duty of the and not that of the court.
respondent to perform the act required.
2. Reconstitution is not a ministerial act. It involves the
2. The principal function of mandamus is to command, not to exercise of discretion in the evaluation of the evidence
inquire, expedite or to adjudicate. presented before it. How to rule on the admission of the
evidence cannot be compelled by mandamus.
II. Ministerial act or duty
1. It is a writ that commands the performance of a purely 3. Mandamus therefore, is not proper when the act against
ministerial duty imposed by law (Black's Law Dictionary, 5th which it is directed is one addressed to the discretion of the
Ed., 866). tribunal or officer. A court for instance, may be compelled
A duty is ministerial when it demands no special judgment, by mandamus to act on a particular complaint filed before it,
discretion or skill. It is one in which nothing is left to but it will not lie to order the court to decide in a particular
discretion and is a simple and definite duty imposed by law manner and for or against a litigant. Deciding for the plaintiff
(Black's, 5th Ed., 899). Hence, mandamus will not be or a defendant requires the use of discretion.
available to compel the performance of a discretionary act.
- Mandamus is not available to direct the exercise of a
2. For mandamus to lie, the act must not only be ministerial judgment or discretion in a particular way
but must also be a duty enjoined by law, a duty which the
tribunal or person unlawfully neglects to perform (Sec. 3, Illustration (Bar 1991)
Rule 65, Rules of Court). Mandamus applies only to acts After reviewing the record of a preliminary
required by law to be done. The tenor of the rule therefore, investigation of a homicide case, the Secretary of Justice
excludes from its operation the performance of a contractual reversed the resolution of the Provincial Prosecutor and
duty. directed the latter to move for the dismissal of the
Information which had been filed in the Regional Trial Court
3. Mandamus is an appropriate remedy to compel the of Pasig. The provincial Prosecutor thus filed such motion.
payment of the benefits to which an employee is entitled (a) xxx
under the law such as holiday pay. (b) If the judge refuses to grant the Provincial
Prosecutor's motion to dismiss, may a special civil action
4. Mandamus is not proper against a school or an official with for mandamus lie to compel the judge to grant the
a duty that involves the exercise of discretion like on matters motion?
of admission of students. Mandamus will not also lie to
compel an academic institution to allow the graduation of a Suggested answer:
student who has failed to comply with the academic rules of (b) Mandamus will not lie. The act of the judge in
the school. granting or denying the motion is a discretionary act, not
 Mandamus is not available to compel a school to confer ministerial.
upon a graduate his degree with honors.
III. Contractual duties not compellable by mandamus
5. As rule, mandamus requires the exhaustion of - Mandamus cannot be availed of as a remedy to enforce the
administrative remedies available to the petitioner. performance of contractual obligations. No rule of law is
 Prior resort to exhaustion of administrative remedies better settled than that mandamus does not lie to enforce
however, is not required where the questions raised are the performance of contractual obligations. It was not
purely legal or when the respondent is estopped from intended to aid a plaintiff in the enforcement of a mere
invoking the rule of exhaustion of administrative remedies. contract right, or to take the place of the other remedies

provided by law for the adjudication of disputed claims. To

6. Mandamus will not lie to compel a prosecutor to file an permit the writ of mandamus to be used for the purpose of
information. enforcing a mere contract right would be a wide departure
from the settled practice in respect to the character of cases (c) The defendant unlawfully neglects the performance of
in which relief by mandamus may be obtained. the duty enjoined by law;
(d) The act to be performed is ministerial, not dis-
IV. Mandamus distinguished from injunction cretionary; and
- There are certain distinctions between mandamus and (e) There is no appeal or any other plain, speedy and
injunction. adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law (Sec. 3,
(a) > Mandamus - a special civil action while injunction is an Rule 65, Rules of Court).
ordinary civil action;
(b) Mandamus is directed against a tribunal, corporation Illustration (Bar 1978)
board, or officer while injunction is directed against a X filed a complaint against Y in the CFI of Manila
litigant; (now RTC) for annulment of a deed of mortgage, its
(c) The purpose of mandamus is for the tribunal, corporation, extrajudicial foreclosure and the certificate of title issued in
board or officer to perform a ministerial and legal duty while consequence thereof. Y filed an answer and after trial, the
the purpose of injunction is for the defendant either to complaint was dismissed. Within thirty days from notice of
refrain from an act or to perform not necessarily a legal and such dismissal, X filed his notice of appeal, his record on
ministerial duty; and appeal and appeal bond, and duly served Y with a copy
(d) The purpose of mandamus is to perform a positive legal thereof. Y filed a motion to dismiss the appeal on the ground
duty and not to undo what has been done. The purpose of that the same was manifestly dilatory and this was granted
injunction is to prevent an act to maintain the status quo by the trial court. As counsel for X, what action will you take
between the parties. and why?

V. Mandamus distinguished from quo warranto Suggested answer.

- Recall that mandamus also is available when one is I would file a petition for mandamus to compel the
unlawfully excluded from the use or enjoyment of an office. court of origin to allow the appeal. Where all the
This is similar to it quo warranto proceeding in this respect, requirements for the perfection of an appeal have been
although in mandamus, the suit is brought against the person complied with, the duty to give due course to the same is not
who is responsible for excluding the petitioner from office. discretionary. Denying the appeal constitutes an unlawful
The respondent does not have to usurp, intrude into or hold failure to perform a ministerial duty (Sec. 3, Rule 65, Rules
the office. of Court). Whether or not the appeal is dilatory is a
 Quo warranto is brought against the holder of the office, determination to be made by the appellate court and not the
who is the person claiming the office as against the court of origin.
petitioner, not necessarily the one who excludes the
petitioner. V. Quo Warranto (Rule 66)

Illustration (Bar 2001) I. Nature and purpose of the action

Petitioner Fabian was appointed Election Registrar 1. > Quo warranto - literally means `by what authority' and
of the Municipality of Sevilla supposedly to replace the the object is to determine the right of a person to the use or
respondent Election Registrar Pablo who was transferred to exercise of a franchise or office and to oust the holder from
another municipality without his consent and who refused to its enjoyment, if his claim is not well-founded, or if he has
accept his aforesaid transfer, much less to vacate his position forfeited his right to enjoy the office.
in Bogo town as Election Registrar, as in fact he continued to
occupy his aforesaid position and exercise his functions 2. Under the Rules of Court, it is a special civil action
thereto. Petitioner Fabian then filed a petition for mandamus commenced by a verified petition against the following:
against Pablo but the trial court dismissed the petition (a) a person who usurps a public office, position or franchise;
contending that quo warranto is the proper remedy. (b) a public officer who performs an act constituting
Is the court correct in its ruling? forfeiture of a public office; or
(c) an association which acts as a corporation within the
Suggested answer. Philippines without being legally incorporated or without
The court is correct. The facts do not indicate that lawful authority to do so (See. 1, Rule 66, Rules of Court).
Pablo has excluded Fabian from his office. He is the holder of
the office and continues to do so believing he has a right to II. The petitioner
the same and continues to exercise the functions of the 1. While as a rule, a quo warranto proceeding is commenced
office as against the petitioner. The proper remedy is a quo by a verified petition brought in the name of the Government
warranto proceeding. of the Republic of the Philippines (Sec. 1, Rule 55, Rules of
Court) by the Solicitor General (Sec. 2, Rule 66), or in some
VI. Requisites for mandamus instances, by a public prosecutor (Sec. 3, Rule 66, Rules of
- Before the writ of mandamus is issued, the following Court), the petition may be commenced by a private person
requisites must be complied with: in his own name where he claims to be entitled to the public
(a) The plaintiff has a clear legal right to the act office or position alleged to have been usurped or unlawfully
demanded. It will never be issued in doubtful cases. Note: held or exercised by another (Sec. 5, Rule 66, Rules of

Mandamus does not establish a legal right, but merely Court).

enforces one that is already clearly established.
(b) It must be the duty of the defendant, to perform the 2. Accordingly, the private person as petitioner may maintain
act because the same is mandated by law; the action without the intervention of the Solicitor General
and without need for any leave of court. In bringing a arose. A quo warranto proceeding is one of the instances
petition for quo warranto, he must show that he has a clear where exhaustion of administrative remedies is not required.
right to the office allegedly being held by another. It is not
enough that he merely asserts the right to be appointed to V. Right to damages
the office. He must assert that he is entitled to the office - If the petitioner is adjudged to be entitled to the office, he
allegedly usurped or unlawfully held by another. may sue for damages against the alleged usurper within one
(1) year from the entry of judgment establishing his right to
3. The Solicitor General or the public prosecutor may the office in question (Sec. 11, Rule 66, Rules of Court).
commence the action at the instance of another person. In
this case, leave of court is necessary (Sec. 3, Rule 66, Rules VI. Quo Warranto under the Omnibus Election Code
of Court). 1. Under the Omnibus Election Code, a quo warranto
proceeding may be instituted with the Commission on
III. Jurisdiction and venue Elections by any voter contesting the election of any member
1. The petition may be brought in the Supreme Court, Court of Congress, regional, provincial or city officer within then
of Appeals or in the Regional Trial Court which has (10) days after the proclamation of the results of the
jurisdiction over the territorial area where the respondent or election. The ground relied upon shall be (a) ineligibility to
where any of the respondents resides (Sec. 7, Rule 66, Rules the position; or (b) disloyalty to the Republic of the
of Court). The petition may be brought in the Sandiganbayan Philippines (Sec. 253, Omnibus Election Code).
in certain cases but when in aid of its appellate jurisdiction
(PD 1606, § 4 as amended by R.A. No. 8249, § 4). 2. If the petition is brought against a municipal official, the
petition for quo warranto must be brought in the appropriate
2. When the action is commenced by the Solicitor General, Regional Trial Court (Se(.-. 2.5:1, Omnibus Election Code;
the petition may be brought in the Regional Trial Court of Sec. 1, Rule 36, COMELEC Rules of Procedure). If it be against
the City of Manila, the Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court any barangay official, the petition must be brought before
(Sec. 7, Rule 66, Rules of Court). the appropriate Metropolitan Trial Court, Municipal Trial
Court, or Municipal Circuit Trial Court (Sec. 253, Omnibus
Illustration (Bar 2001) Election Code; Sec. 1, Rule 38, COMELEC Rules of
A group of businessmen formed an association in Procedure).
Cebu City calling itself Cars Co. to distribute/sell cars in said
city. It did not incorporate itself under the law nor did it VII. Quo warranto in an elective office against quo warranto
have any government permit or license to conduct its in an appointive office distinguished
business as such. The Solicitor General filed before a Quo warranto in Quo warranto in
Regional Trial Court in Manila a verified petition for quo an elective office an appointive office
warranto questioning and seeking to stop the operations of a. the governing law is the a. the rules that govern
Car Co. The latter filed a motion to dismiss the petition on election law are the provisions of the
the ground of improper venue claiming that its main office Rules of Court.
and operations are in Cebu City and not in Manila. b. the issue is the eligibility of b. the issue is the legality
Is the contention of Cars Co. correct? the person elected of the occupancy of the
office by virtue of a legal
Suggested answer. appointment.
The contention of Car Co. is not correct. While as a c. the petition is filed within c. it is within one (1) year
rule, a petition for quo warranto filed before the RTC should ten (10) days after the from the time the cause of
be brought in the place where the respondent resides, this proclamation of the results of ouster, or the right of the
rule shall not apply when the petition is filed by the Solicitor the election petitioner to hold the
General who is given the prerogative to file the petition in office or position, arose.
the Regional Trial Court of Manila. d. the petition is brought in d. the petition is brought
the COMELEC, the Regional in the Supreme Court, the
IV. Period for filing Trial Court or the Municipal Court of Appeals or the
- An action for quo warranto in relation to a public office Trial Court as the case may be; Regional Trial Court.
must be filed within one (1) year after the cause of the e. the petitioner may be any e. the petitioner is the
ouster, or the right of the petitioner to hold such office or voter even if he is not entitled person entitled to the
position arose (Sec. 11, Rule 66). to the office office.
f. when the tribunal declares f. the court has to declare
Illustration (Bar 1980) the candidate-elect as who the person entitled to
If the principal of a public high school is illegally ineligible, he will be unseated the office is if he is the
replaced by another, is it a requirement that before he can but the person occupying the petitioner
go to court on a quo warranto, he should first exhaust second place will not be
administrative remedies? declared as the one duly
elected because the law shall
Suggested answer. consider only the person who,

No. There is no such requirement under Rule 66. having duly filed his certificate
The action has to be brought within one (1) year from the of candidacy, received a
cause of ouster from office or the right to hold the office plurality of votes
construed as a conferment of the power but a recognition of
VIII. Quo warranto proceedings and election protests a power that already exists.
1. A quo warranto proceeding in an election of public
officials should not be confused with an election protest. - The power of eminent domain in particular, has been
Their distinctions have been explained as far back as the described as a right to take or reassert dominion over
early stages of Philippine jurisprudence. property within the state for public use or to meet a public
exigency and is said to be an essential part of governance
- The cause of action in the first is based on the eligibility or even in its most primitive form and thus inseparable from
lack of it of the candidate or his being loyal or disloyal to the sovereignty.
Republic (Sec. 253, Omnibus Election Code). The cause of  But while the power of eminent domain does not owe its
action in an election protest is the irregularity in the conduct existence from the Constitution, certain restraints may be
of the elections. set to it by the Constitution for the protection of the
citizenry against state encroachment into fundamental and
2. As a general rule, the proper remedy after the equally inherent individual rights. Thus, the provisions of
proclamation of the winning candidate for the position Sec. 9, Art. III (Bill of Rights) of the Constitution lay down
contested would be to file a regular election protest or quo specific limits to its exercise by requiring that the taking of
warranto. private property can be done only for public use and upon
the payment of just compensation.
IX. Quo warranto against corporations
1. Although a quo warranto proceeding may be brought 2. Other constitutional provisions on eminent domain
against an association which acts as a corporation within the describe the uses to which the power may be put to use. For
Philippines without being legally incorporated or without example, Sec. 18 of Art XII (National Economy and
lawful authority so to act (Sec. 1[c], Rule 66, Rules of Court), Patrimony) recognizes the authority of the state to transfer
the petition may be brought only against a de facto to public ownership and operation, privately owned
corporation, not a de jure corporation. The latter enterprises and utilities upon the payment of just
corporation has no defect in its incorporation and exercises compensation, when required by national welfare and
corporate powers because it was organized in full compliance defense. The state may also expropriate idle or abandoned
with the laws (Black's, 5th Ed., 382). There is therefore, no agricultural lands for distribution to the beneficiaries of the
reason to attack its existence and its exercise of corporate agrarian reform program (Sec. 22, Art. XVIII, Transitory
powers. Provisions, Philippine Constitution).

2. A de facto corporation is one which in good faith claims to 3. The scope of the power of eminent domain, as exercised
be a corporation, was organized in accordance and pursuant by Congress is plenary and is as broad as the police power.
to a valid law, and assumes corporate powers because it was Such power however, may also be delegated to local political
issued a certificate of incorporation. Traditionally, it has subdivisions and public utilities.
been referred to as a corporation which exists in fact but not
in law. Under the law, its right to exercise corporate powers, - Describing the delegation of the power, the Supreme Court
shall be inquired into by a collateral attack in a private suit declared:
to which such corporation may be made a party (Sec. 20, " * * * While such power may be validly delegated to
Corporation Code of the Philippines). Hence, its exercise of local government units, other public entities, and public
corporate powers may be inquired into and its corporate utilities, the exercise of such power by the delegated entities
existence attacked by a quo warranto proceeding. is not absolute. In fact, the scope of delegated legislative
power is narrower than that of the delegating authority and
- Observe that under the Securities and Regulations Code of such entities may exercise the power to expropriate private
2000 (R.A. 8799), that all the powers of the Securities and property only when authorized by Congress and subject to its
Exchange Commission enumerated under Sec. 5 of control and restraints imposed through the law conferring the
Presidential Decree No. 902-A were transferred to the courts power or in other legislations. Indeed, local government units
of general jurisdiction (RTC) and the same law also themselves have no inherent power of eminent domain.
enumerates as one of the powers of the Securities and Thus, strictly speaking, the power of eminent domain
Exchange Commission the power to "suspend, revoke * * * the delegated to local government units is in reality not eminent
franchise, or certificate of registration of corporations * * * but "inferior" since it must conform to the limits imposed by
upon any of the grounds provided by law (Sec. 5.1[m], R.A. the delegation and thus, partakes only of a share in eminent
8799). domain. The national legislature is still the principal of the
local government units and the latter cannot go against the
VI. Expropriation (Rule 67) principal's will or modify the same.
"Indeed, despite the existence ol' legislative grant in favor of
I. Preliminaries local governments, it is still the duty of the courts to
1. Together with the police power and the power of taxation, determine whether the power of eminent domain is being
the power of eminent domain is one of the inherent powers exercised in accordance with the delegating law (Beluso vs.
of a state. Because they are inherent in every sovereign Municipality of Panay Capiz, GR. No. 153974, August 7,

state, these powers need not be conferred by law or by the 2006).

Constitution and any provision in the fundamental law
making reference to any of these powers should not be II. Exercise of eminent domain by local government units
l. Sec. 19 of R.A. No. 7160, which delegates to local - There are two stages in the expropriation process, namely;
government units the power of eminent domain expressly 1. The first stage is the determination of the authority of the
provides: plaintiff' to expropriate. This determination includes an
SEC. 19. Eminent Domain. -A local government unit inquiry into the propriety of the expropriation - its necessity
may, through its chief executive and acting pursuant to an and the public purpose.
ordinance, exercise the power of eminent domain for public
use, or purpose, or welfare for the benefit of the poor and - The first stage will end in the issuance of an order of
the landless, upon payment of just compensation, pursuant expropriation if the court finds for the plaintiff or in the
to the provisions of the Constitution and pertinent laws: dismissal of the complaint if it finds otherwise.
Provided, however, That the power of eminent domain may
not be exercised unless a valid and definite offer has been 2. The second stage is the determination of just
previously made to the owner, and such offer was not compensation through the court-appointed commissioners.
accepted: Provided, further, That the local government unit
may immediately take possession of the property upon the IV. How expropriation is commenced
filing of the expropriation proceedings and upon making a - There is no reason for the exercise of the power of eminent
deposit with the proper court of at least fifteen percent domain through court action when the owner is willing to
(15%) of the fair market value of the property based on the part with his property. The commencement of a complaint
current tax declaration of the property to be expropriated: for expropriation is necessary only when the owner does not
Provided, finally, That, the amount to be paid for the agree to sell his property or if he is willing to sell but does
expropriated property shall be determined by the proper not agree with the price offered.
court, based on the fair market value at the time of the
taking of the property. 1. An expropriation proceeding is commenced by the filing of
a verified complaint which shall:
2. The above provision (Sec. 19 of R.A. No. 7160 otherwise (a) state with certainty the right of the plaintiff to
known as the Local Government Code), lays down the expropriation and the purpose thereof,
requisites that must concur before a local government unit (b) describe the real or personal property sought to be
can exercise the power of eminent domain, to wit: expropriated, and
(a) An ordinance is enacted by the local legislative council (c) join as defendants all persons owning or claiming to
authorizing the local chief executive, in behalf of the local own, or occupying, any part of the property or interest
government unit, to exercise the power of eminent domain therein showing as far as practicable the interest of each
or pursue expropriation proceedings over a particular defendant. If the plaintiff cannot with accuracy identify
private property; the real owners, averment to that effect must be made in
(b) The power ol'erninerit domain is exercised for public the complaint (Sec. 1, Rule 67, Rules of Court).
use, purpose or welfare, or for the benefit of the poor and
the landless; 2. The defendant shall be served with summons (Sec. 3, Rule
(c) There is payment of just compensation, as required 67, Rules of Court).
under Section 9, Article III of the Constitution, and other
pertinent laws; 3. Note that under both Rule 67 and Rep. Act No. 8974, the
(d) A valid and definite offer has been previously made to law governing expropriation of private property for national
the owner of the property sought to be expropriated, but government infrastructure projects, the Government
said offer was not accepted. commences expropriation proceedings through the filing of a
complaint. Unlike in the case of local governments which
3. The Court in no uncertain terms has pronounced that a necessitate an authorizing ordinance before expropriation
local government unit cannot authorize an expropriation of may be accomplished, there is no need under Rule 67 or Rep.
private property through a mere resolution of its lawmaking Act No. 8974 for legislative authorization before the
body. R.A. No. 7160 otherwise known as the Local Government may proceed with a particular exercise of
Government Code expressly requires an ordinance for the eminent domain.
purpose and a resolution that merely expresses the sentiment
of the municipal council will not suffice. V. Answer of the defendant
1. The defendant shall serve an answer if he has an objection
- Said the Court in one case: "A resolution will not suffice for to the complaint or if he has a defense to the taking of his
a local government unit to be able to expropriate private property. The answer is required to specifically designate or
property; and the reason for this is settled because a identify the property in which he claims to have an interest,
municipal ordinance is different from a resolution. An and to state the nature and extent of the interest claimed.
ordinance is a law, but a resolution is merely a declaration of He must allege all his objections and defenses to the taking
the sentiment or opinion of a lawmaking body on a specific of his property because those objections or defenses not
matter. An ordinance possesses a general and permanent adduced are deemed waived. Notice that this is the same
character, but a resolution is temporary in nature. principle observed in the omnibus motion rule under Sec. 8 of
Additionally, the two are enacted differently - a third Rule 15 governing ordinary civil actions.
reading is necessary for an ordinance, but not for a

resolution, unless decided otherwise by a majority of all the - If the answer omits some defenses, the remedy, in order to
Sanggunian members." prevent a waiver of those not alleged, is to seek leave to
amend the answer within ten (10) days from the filing
III. Stages in the expropriation process
thereof. Leave is required because of the tenor of the rule 2. The deposit having been made, the court shall order the
which provides " sheriff or other proper officer to place the plaintiff in
* the court, in the interest of justice, may permit possession of the property involved and to promptly submit a
amendments to the answer * * * " (Sec. 3, Rule 67, Rules of report to the court. Copies of the report are to be served to
Court; Italics supplied). In ordinary civil actions this the parties (Sec. 2, Rule 67, Rules of Court).
amendment would have been a matter of right as long as the
amendment is made before the service of a reply which is 3. The deposit requirement serves as an advanced payment
the responsive pleading to the answer (Sec. 2, Rule 10, Rules to the owner of the property should the court decide in favor
of Court). of the plaintiff and should it be otherwise the deposit shall
serve as indemnity against any damage which the owner may
2. In ordinary civil actions, the defendant may file an answer have sustained.
with a counterclaim, cross-claim or with leave of court, file a
third-party complaint. Under Sec. 3 of Rule 67, none of these VII. Sec. 2 of Rule 67 deemed modified by R.A. 8974
pleadings shall be alleged or allowed in the answer or in any 1. "Republic Act No. 8974 (Rep. Act No. 8974), otherwise
subsequent pleadings (Sec. 3, Rule 67, Rules of Court). known as "An Act to Facilitate the Acquisition of Right-of-
Way, Site or Location for National Government Infrastructure
3. If the defendant does not have any objection to the Projects and For Other Purposes" and its Implementing Rules
complaint or does not have a defense to the taking of his and Regulations (Implementing Rules) had modified Sec. 2 of
property, he need not even file an answer. Instead, he may Rule 67 in many respects.
file and serve a notice of appearance and a manifestation to
the fact that he has no objections or defenses to the taking - "There are at least two crucial differences between the
of the property. 1n the manifestation, he shall likewise respective procedures under Rep. Act No. 8974 and Rule 67.
specifically designate or identify the property in which he Under the statute, the Government is required to make
claims to have an interest. Thereafter, he shall be entitled to immediate payment to the property owner upon the filing of
notices of all proceedings affecting the property even if he the complaint to be entitled to a writ of possession, whereas
has no objections or defenses (Sec. 3, Rule 67, Rules of in Rule 67, the Government is required only to make an
Court). initial deposit with an authorized government depositary.
Moreover, Rule 67 prescribes that the initial deposit be
4. While it is the rule that the failure to answer or to equivalent to the assessed value of the property for purposes
interpose objections in the answer will have the effect of the of taxation, unlike Rep. Act No. 8974 which provides, as the
waiver of the defenses of the defendant to the complaint for relevant standard for initial compensation, the market value
expropriation, the defendant who does not file an answer of the property as stated in the tax declaration or the
will not lose his standing in court unlike the defaulted current relevant zonal valuation of the Bureau of Internal
defendant in an ordinary civil action who cannot appear in Revenue (BIR), whichever is higher, and the value of the
the trial. In expropriation proceedings the waiver of the improvements and/or structures using the replacement cost
objections or even the failure to file an answer will not bar method.
the defendant from presenting evidence later on as to the
amount of the compensation to be paid for his property and - "The relevant provision of R.A. 8974 states:
to share in the distribution of the award (Sec. 3, Rule 67, SEC. 4. Guidelines for Expropriation Proceedings. -
Rules of Court). Whenever it is necessary to acquire real property for the
right-of'-way, site or locution fur tiny national govornment
VI. Entry upon the property or possession thereof infrastructure project through expropriation, there are
1. The recognition of the requirements of the public good appropriate proceedings before the proper court under the
allows the expropriator to take possession of the property following guidelines:
upon the filing of the complaint although the mere filing of a) Upon the filing of the complaint, and after due notice to
the complaint does not entitle the plaintiff to take or enter the defendant, the implementing agency shall immediately
upon the possession of the real property subject of the pay the owner of the property the amount equivalent to the
complaint. Under Sec. 2 of Rule 67, in order to be entitled to sum of (1) one hundred percent (100%) of the value of the
the possession of the property subject of the complaint for property based on the current relevant zonal valuation of the
expropriation, the plaintiff upon the filing of the complaint Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR); and (2) the value of the
or at any time thereafter, must deposit with the proper improvements and/or structures as determined under Section
government authority an amount equivalent to the assessed 7 hereof,
value of the property for purposes of taxation. The deposit
shall be in money, unless the court authorizes a deposit in - "In contrast, the first paragraph of Section 2 of Rule 67
the form of a certificate of deposit of a government bank of provides:
the Republic of the Philippines payable on demand to the SEC. 2. Entry of plaintiff upon depositing value with
authorized depositary. If personal property is involved, its authorized government depository. - Upon the filing of the
value shall be provisionally ascertained and the amount to be complaint or at any time thereafter and after due notice to
deposited shall be promptly fixed by the court. Notice is the defendant, the plaintiff shall have the right to take or
required to be sent to the defendant before placing the enter upon the possession of the real property involved if he

plaintiff in possession of the property (Sec. 2, Rule 67, Rules deposits with the authorized government depositary an
of Court). amount equivalent to the assessed value of the property for
purposes of taxation to be held by such bank subject to the
orders of the court. Such deposit shall be in money, unless in
lieu thereof the court authorizes the deposit of a certificate
of deposit of a government bank of the Republic of the 2. If on appeal, the appellate court determines that the
Philippines payable on demand to the authorized government plaintiff has no right of expropriation, judgment shall be
depositary. rendered ordering the Regional Trial Court to enforce the
restoration of the property to the defendant and the
2. "While Rule 67 merely requires the Government to deposit determination of the damages which the defendant may
with an authorized government depositary the assessed value recover by reason of the possession taken by the plaintiff
of the property for expropriation for it to be entitled to a (Sec. 11, Rule 67, Rules of Court).
writ of possession, Rep. Act No. 8974 requires that the
Government make a direct payment to the property owner X. Ascertainment of compensation
before the writ may issue. Moreover, such payment is based l. The order of expropriation merely declares that the
on the zonal valuation of the BIR in the case of land, the plaintiff has the lawful right to expropriate the property but
value of the improvements or structures under the contains no ascertainment of the compensation to be paid to
replacement cost method, or if no such valuation is available the owner of the property. So upon the rendition of the order
and in cases of utmost urgency, the proffered value of the of expropriation, the court shall appoint not more than three
property to be seized. (3) commissioners to ascertain the just compensation for the
property. Objections to the appointment maybe made within
- "Rep. Act No. 8979, which provides for a procedure ten (10) days from service of the order of appointment (Sec.
eminently more favorable to the property owner than Rule 5, Rule 67, Rules of Court). The commissioners are entitled
67, inescapably applies in instances when the national to fees and their fees shall be taxed as part of the costs of
governmen L expropriates property "for national government the proceedings, and all costs shall be paid by the plaintiff
infrastructure projects." Thus, if expropriation is engaged in except those costs of rival claimants litigating their claims
by the national government for purposes other than national (Sec. 12, Rule 67, Rules of Court).
infrastructure projects, the assessed value standard and the
deposit mode prescribed in Rule 67 continues to apply. The - It has been ruled that the appointment of commissioners to
intent of R.A. 8974 to supersede the system of deposit under ascertain just compensation for the property sought to be
Rule 67 with the scheme of "immediate payment" in cases taken is a mandatory requirement in expropriation cases.
involving national government infrastructure projects is Where the principal issue is the determination of just
indeed very clear. compensation, a hearing before the commissioners is
indispensable to allow the parties to present evidence on the
3. Under Sec. 19 of the Local Government Code, the amount issue of just compensation. While it is true that the findings
of deposit shall be at least fifteen percent (15%) of the fair of commissioners may be disregarded and the trial court may
market value of the property based on the current tax substitute its own estimate of the value, the latter may only
declaration of the property to be expropriated. do so for valid reasons, that is, where the commissioners
have applied illegal principles to the evidence submitted to
VIII. Order of expropriation them, where they have disregarded a clear preponderance of
1. An order of expropriation (also referred to as order of evidence, or where the amount allowed is either grossly
condemnation) will be issued declaring that the plaintiff has inadequate or excessive. Thus, trial with the aid of the
a lawful right to take the property for the public use or commissioners is a substantial right that may not be done
purpose described in the complaint upon the payment of just away with capriciously or for no reason at all. Where no trial
compensation in the event the objections of the defendant or hearing was conducted to afford the parties the
are overruled or when no party appears to object to or to opportunity to present their own evidence, the court should
defend against the expropriation (Sec. 4, Rule 67, Rules of disregard the commissioners' findings. The absence of such
Court). trial or hearing constitutes a violation of the right of due
2. After the rendition of the order of expropriation, the
plaintiff shall not be permitted to dismiss or discontinue the 2. The parties may introduce their evidence before the
proceeding except upon such terms as the court deems just commissioners and they may argue their case either by
and equitable (Sec. 4, Rule 67, Rules of Court). themselves or by counsel. In ascertaining the compensation,
the commissioners shall assess the consequential damages to
3. The order of expropriation, as far as the court is the property not taken and deduct from such consequential
concerned, settles the issue as to the right to expropriate, damages the consequential benefits to be derived by the
the issue of public purpose. The next vital issue in the owner from the public use or purpose of the property taken
proceedings is the determination of just compensation. but in no case shall the consequential benefits assessed
exceed the consequential damages or shall the owner be
IX. Appeal from the order of expropriation deprived of the actual value of his property so taken (Sec. 6,
1. The final order sustaining the right to expropriate the Rule 67, Rules of Court).
property may be appealed from by any party aggrieved by
such order (Sec. 4, Rule 67, Rules of Court). The appeal shall 3. As a rule, the commissioners shall make their report,
not however, prevent the court from determining the just within sixty (60) days from the date they were notified of

compensation to be paid. This should be taken to mean that their appointment. This period may be extended in the
despite the appeal from the order of expropriation, the court discretion of the court. Upon the filing of such report, the
may proceed to the second stage of the expropriating clerk of court shat I serve copies thereof on all interested
process, the determination of just compensation. parties, with notice that, they are allowed to file their
objections to the findings of the report, if they so desire,
within ten (10) days (Sec. 7, Rule 67, Rules of Court). 2. If the compensation is not paid when the property is
taken, but is postponed to a later date, the interest awarded
XI. Judgment as to compensation is actually part of just compensation which takes into
- The court, after hearing, may either accept the report or account such delay.
set aside the same or accept the report in part or reject the
same in part. If it accepts the report, it shall render judgmen 3. At what point should compensation for the property taken
I in accordance with the report. If it sets aside the report, it be determined? Is it as of the filing of the complaint for
may appoint new commissioners or recommit the same to the expropriation or as of the time the plaintiff takes possession
commissioners for further report of facts. Whatever other of' the property?
orders the court may make shall always consider the interest (a) Sec. 4 of Rule 67 provides that the just compensation
of all the parties to the case (Sec. 8, Rule 67, Rules of'Court). shall be determined as of the date of the taking of the
property or the filing of the complaint, whichever came
XII. Appeal from the judgment as to compensation first.
1. The judgment rendered by the court as to the just (b) A relatively recent case where the taking preceded,
compensation may be appealed from but the appeal shall not the filing of the complaint for expropriation, held that
have the effect of delaying the right of the plaintiff to enter compensation for property expropriated must be
upon the property and to appropriate the same for public use determined at the time the expropriating authority takes
or purpose. But if the appellate court determines that the possession thereof and not as of the institution of the
plaintiff has no right of expropriation, judgment shall be proceedings. Explaining the reason for the ruling, and
rendered ordering the Regional Trial Court to restore the citing a long line of cases, the Court explained in Sarabia:
property to the defendant and to determine the damages "The value of the property should be fixed as of
which he may have sustained by reason of the possession the date when it was taken and not the date of the filing
taken by the plaintiff (Sec. 11, Rule 67, Rules of Court). of the proceedings. For where property is taken ahead of
the filing of the condemnation proceedings, the value
2. If the judgment is affirmed, the costs of the appeal shall thereof may be enhanced by the public purpose for which
be paid not by the plaintiff but by the owner of the property it is taken; the entry by the plaintiff upon the property
who appealed the judgment (Sec. 12, Rule 67, Rules of may have depreciated its value thereby; or, there may
Court). have been a natural increase in the value of the property
3. Be it remembered that it is not only the judgment of the from the time it is taken to the time the complaint is
court as to the compensation which is appealable. The filed, due to general economic conditions. The owner of
previous order of expropriation is also appealable. Hence, in private property should be compensated only for what he
expropriation proceedings multiple appeals are permitted actually loses; it is not intended that his compensation
and the reglementary period for appeal is thirty (30) days. shall extend beyond his loss or injury. And what he loses
is only the actual value of his property at the time it is
XIII. Meaning of just compensation taken. This is the only way the compensation to be paid
1. As to what just compensation is, the Supreme Court's can be truly just; i.e., "just" not only to the individual
ruling in a case is enlightening: whose property is taken, "but to the public, which in to
"> Just compensation - the full and fair equivalent pay for it."
of the property sought to be expropriated. The measure is
not the taker's gain but the owner's loss. The compensation, (c) In a case of more recent vintage where the filing of the
to be just, must be fair not only to the owner but also to the complaint preceded the plaintiffs entry into' the property
taker. Even as undervaluation would deprive the owner of his it was held: " * * * Where the institution of the action
property without due process, so too would its overvaluation precedes entry into the property, the just compensation is
unduly favor him to the prejudice of the public. to be ascertained as of the time of the filing of the
"To determine just compensation, the trial court complaint.
should first ascertain the market value of the property, to
which should be added the consequential damages after (d) Under Sec. 19 of the Local Government Code the
deducting therefrom the consequential benefits which may amount to be paid for the expropriation of the
arise from the expropriation. If the consequential benefits expropriated property shall be determined based on the
exceed the consequential damages, these items should be fair market value at the time of the taking of the property.
disregarded altogether as the basic value of the property
should be paid in every case. XIV. Payment of just compensation
"The market value of the property is the price that 1. The payment shall involve the amount fixed in the
may be agreed upon by parties willing but not compelled to judgment and shall include legal interest from the taking of
enter into the contract of sale. Not unlikely, a buyer possession of the property (Sec. 10, Rule 67, Rules of Court).
desperate to acquire a piece of property would agree to pay
more, and a seller in urgent need of funds would agree to 2. If the defendant declines to receive the amount tendered,
accept less, than what it is actually worth. x x x the same shall be ordered deposited in court and such
"Among the factors to be considered in arriving at deposit shall have the same effect as actual payment thereof

the fair market value of the property are the cost of to the defendant or to the person ultimately adjudged or
acquisition, the current value of like properties, its actual or entitled thereto (Sec. 10, Rule 67, Rules of Court).
potential uses, and in the particular case of lands, their size,
shape, location, and the tax declarations thereon.
3. If there are conflicting claims to the property or the 3. A mortgage contract may have a provision in which the
ownership thereof is uncertain, the court may order that the mortgage is a security for past, present and future
sum due as compensation be paid to the court for the benefit indebtedness. This clause known as a dragnet clause or
of the person who shall be later on adjudged entitled to blanket mortgage clause has its origins in American
payment (Sec. 9, Rule 67, Rules of Court). jurisprudence. The Supreme Court ruled that mortgages
given to secure future advancements are valid and legal
XV. Right of plaintiff after payment contracts.
- After payment of the just compensation as determined in
the judgment, the plaintiff shall have the right to enter upon 4. If the debt is not paid and the debtor defaults, the
the property expropriated and to appropriate the same for creditor cannot ipso facto appropriate the mortgaged
the public use or purpose defined in the judgment or to property despite a stipulation to that effect because of the
retain possession already previously made in accordance with policy against, a pactum commissorium, an agreement that is
Sec. 2 of Rule 67 (Sec. 10, Rule 67, Rules of Court). legally infirm. Art. 2088 of the Civil Code of the Philippines
expressly prohibits the creditor from appropriating the things
XVI. Recording of the judgment and its effect given by way of pledge or mortgage and any stipulation to
- The judgment entered in expropriation proceedings shall the contrary is null and void. This appropriation to be null
state definitely, by an adequate description, the particular and void has been interpreted to refer to an automatic
property or interest therein expropriated, and the nature of appropriation granted by contract to the creditor in case of
the public use or purpose for which it is expropriated. When non-payment of the obligation.
real estate is` expropriated, a certified copy of such
judgment shall be recorded in the registry of deeds of the 5. The mortgagor need not be the debtor and the latter need
place in which the property is situated, and its effect shall not be the mortgagor. The mortgagor who is not the debtor
be to vest in the plaintiff the title to the real estate so in the principal obligation is referred to as an
described for such public use or purpose (Sec. 13, Rule 69, accommodation mortgagor. This situation is not prohibited by
Rules of Court). law and has in fact, a legal basis. The law provides: "Third
persons who are not parties to the principal obligation may
XVII. Nonpayment of just compensation; effect secure the latter by pledging or mortgaging their own
- Non payment of just compensation does not entitle the property" (Art. 2085, Civil Code of the Philippines).
private landowner to recover possession of the expropriated
lots. I-lowever, in cases where the government lailed to pay - Since the accommodation mortgagor is ordinarily not the
just compensation within live (5) years from the finality recipient of the loan, his liability extends only up to the loan
ofjudgment in the expropriation proceedings, the owners value of the mortgaged property and not to the entire loan
concerned shall have the right to recover possession of their itself.
6. There can be several mortgages over the same property
XVIII. When title passes since there is neither a law nor a rule prohibiting the
- Title to the property expropriated passes from the owner to existence of more than one encumbrances over a property.
the expropriator only upon full payment of just These encumbrances have no effect on the ownership of the
compensation. property and are treated merely as liens, the first one
normally being treated as more superior over subsequent
VII. Foreclosure of Real Estate Mortgage (Rule 68) encumbrances. However, even a junior encumbrancer may
initiate foreclosure proceedings ahead of a prior
I. Preliminaries encumbrancer in case the debt in his favor matures earlier.
l. A real estate mortgage is an accessory contract executed
by a debtor in favor of a creditor as security for the principal - If the second mortgagee for instance, files a complaint for
obligation. This principal obligation is a simple loan or foreclosure, there is also no rule prohibiting the former from
mutuum described in Art. 1953 of the Civil Code of the impleading the first mortgagoo (/)(, /.a Riva us. Reynoso, 61
Philippines. To be a real estate mortgage, the contract must Phil. 734). If he is not ,joined, lie may intervene in the action
be constituted on either immovables (real property) or if he desires and if the obligation in his favor is already due
inalienable real rights. If constituted on movables, the and payable. This intervention is not however, indispensable
contract is a chattel mortgage (Art. 2124, Civil Code of the because his lien remains to exist over the mortgaged
Philippines). property.

2. A real estate mortgage creates a real right which follows 7. While Art. 2125 of the Civil Code of the Philippines
the property whoever the owner may become after the provides that "in order for a mortgage to be validly
constitution of the mortgage. Hence, the new owner who constituted, * * * the document in which it appears * * * be
knows of the mortgage (or if registered), is bound by the recorded in the Registry of Property." The same provision
mortgage even if he is not a party to the contract of also provides that if the instrument is not recorded, "the
mortgage. Art. 2126 of the Civil Code of the Philippines is mortgage is nevertheless binding between the parties." The
explicit: "The mortgage directly and immediately subjects registration of the mortgage is necessary for the purpose of

the property upon which it is imposed, whoever the possessor binding third persons.
may be to the fulfillment of the obligation for whose security
it was constituted." 8. An action to foreclose a mortgage is one incapable of
pecuniary estimation and should be filed in the Regional Trial
Court. It stands in the same footing as actions for specific Illustration (Bar 1999)
performance, support, annulment of a judgment, actions A purchased a lot from B for P1,5000,000. He gave a
questioning the validity of marriage, actions to annul a deed downpayment of P5000,000.00, signed a promissory note
of sale or conveyance, and an action for rescission which is a payable thirty days after date, and as security for the
counterpart of specific performance. settlement of the obligation, mortgaged the same lot to B.
When the note fell due and A failed to pay, B commenced
9. An action for foreclosure of mortgage of real property is suit to recover to recover from A the balance of P1 million.
an action affecting interest in real property and is hence, a After securing a favorable judgment on his claim, B brought
real action (Sec. 1, Rule 4, Rules of Court). The venue of real another action against A in the same court to foreclose the
actions is the place where the real property involved, or a mortgage. A now files a motion to dismiss the second action
portion thereof, is situated (Sec. 1, Rule 4, Rules of Court). It on the ground of bar by a prior judgment. Rule on the
has been held that if several parcels of land located in motion.
different provinces are covered by a single mortgage
contract, the action may be filed in any of the provinces Suggested answer:
where any of the parcels of land is located. The judgment of The motion of A should be granted. The failure to
the court of the province where the action is filed may be pay a debt secured by a mortgage constitutes but a single
executed in all the other provinces. cause of action. The creditor cannot file an action to collect
the debt and thereafter file another action to foreclose the
II. Alternative remedies of a creditor mortgage. The filing of the second action violates the rule
1. Because of the prohibition against pactum commissorium, against splitting a single cause of action.
in case of default of the debtor, the creditor has the
following alternative remedies: IV. Modes of foreclosure of real estate mortgage
(a) To file an action for collection of a sum of money; or 1. (a) Judicial foreclosure pursuant to Rule 68 of the Rules of
(b) To foreclose the mortgage, ifone has been constituted. Court; and
(b) Extra judicial foreclosure pursuant to Act. No. 3135 as
- An election of one operates as a waiver of the other. For amended by Act No. 4118.
this purpose, a remedy is deemed chosen upon the filing of
the complaint for collection or upon the filing of the 2. Extra judicial foreclosure is the mode to be used if there is
complaint for foreclosure of mortgage. As to an extra judicial a special power inserted in or attached to the real estate
foreclosure, such mode is deemed elected by the filing of the mortgage contract allowing an extra judicial foreclosure sale
application for foreclosure with the Office of the Sheriff of (Sec. 1, Act No. 3135 as amended). Where there is no such
the Province where the sale is to be made. The mere act of special power, the foreclosure shall be done judicially
filing an action for collection is a waiver of the remedy to following the procedure set under Rule 68. When there is no
foreclose the mortgage. No final judgment in the collection such authority under a special power of attorney, the
suit is required for the rule on waiver to apply. By instituting foreclosure must be made judicially.
a civil action to recover on the promissory note, the plaintiff
is considered to have abandoned his mortgage lien on the V. Applicability of Rule 68
property. - Rule 68 applies only to judicial foreclosures of real estate
mortgage (Sec. 1, Rule 68, Rules of Court).
2. The death of the mortgagor does not extinguish his debt
and does not preclude the foreclosure of any real estate VI. Complaint for foreclosure
mortgage he may have executed prior to his death. When the - The complaint for foreclosure of real estate mortgage shall
mortgagor dies, the following remedies may be availed of by set forth the following:
the mortgagee: (a)The date and due execution of the mortgage;
(a) He may abandon or waive the mortgage or security and (b) The assignments of the mortgage if any;
claim the entire debt from the estate of the mortgagor in (c) The names and residences of the mortgagor and
accordance with Rule 86 by sharing in the general mortgagee;
distribution of the estate;
(b) To foreclose the mortgage judicially and claim any - The mortgagor, being a contracting party is deemed
deficiency in accordance with Rule 86; or indispensable to the suit. Without him being impleaded,
(c) To rely upon the mortgage or other security exclusively there would be no final determination of the action. If there
and foreclose the same at anytime before it is barred by are junior encumbrancers it would be procedurally more
prescription without the right to file a claim for any advisable to implead them so complete relief could be had in
deficiency as creditor of the estate and without a right to the action. The junior lien holders or mortgagees are merely
share in the distribution of the other assets of the estate necessary parties. Being merely necessary parties, the
(Sec. 7, Rule 86, Rules of Court). mortgage may nevertheless be foreclosed even without them
being impleaded although the plaintiff under Sec. 9 of Rule 3
III. Splitting of a single cause of action is obligated to state their names in the complaint, if known
- A creditor cannot file a civil action against the debtor for and shall state why they are omitted.
collection of the debt and subsequently file an action to

foreclose the mortgage. This is an example of'splitting of a

single cause of action, a practice that is vexatious and
the foreclosure sale provided it is made before the sale is
(d) A description of the mortgaged property; confirmed by order of the court.
(e) A statement of the date of the note and other
documentary evidence of the obligation secured by the - The equity of redemption may also exist in favor of other
mortgage; encumbrancers. If subsequent lien holders are not impleaded
(f) The amount claimed to be unpaid thereon; and as parties in the foreclosure suit, the judgment in favor of
(g) The names and residences of all persons having or the foreclosing mortgagee does not bind the other lien
claiming an interest in the property subordinate in right holders. In this case, their equity of redemption remains
to that of the holder of the mortgage, all of whom shall unforeclosed (unforeclosed equity of redemption). A separate
be made defendants in the action (Sec. 1 Rule 68, Rules foreclosure proceeding has to be brought against them to
of Court). These include persons who may now own the require them to redeem from the first morgagee or from the
property rriortgaged. Under Art. 2130 of the Civil Code party acquiring the title to the mortgaged property.
of the Philippines, the mortgagor may sell the property
despite the mortgage over it because a "stipulation X. Right of redemption
forbidding the owner from alienating the immovable 1. The right of redemption is a right granted to a mortgagor
mortgaged shall be void." Also included are the junior to repurchase the property even after the confirmation of
encumbrancers earlier referred to, the persons who may the sale and even after the registration of the certificate of
have, under the contract, obligated to pay the mortgage sale.
debt or those who may have control of the property 2. There is no right of redemption in a judicial foreclosure of
mortgaged. mortgage under Rule 68. This right of redemption exists only
in extra judicial f'oreclosures whore Chore is always a right of
VII. Procedure redemption within one year from the date of sale.
- A foreclosure suit proceeds like an ordinary civil action.
When a complaint is filed, summons is issued and served - This period of redemption in extra judicial foreclosures is
upon the defendant who also files his answer to the shortened by the General Banking Act of 2000 (Sec. 47, 2nd
complaint for foreclosure. After the filing of the answer, a paragraph) when the mortgagor is a juridical person. The
pre-trial is held and then the trial is conducted. period of redemption is "until, but not after" the registration
of the certificate of sale with the Register of Deeds," "which
VIII. Judgment on foreclosure in no case shall be more than three (3) months after
1. If after the trial, the court finds that the matters set forth foreclosure, whichever is earlier" Since the law mandates
in the complaint are true, it shall render a judgment that the registration should be effected not more than (3)
containing the following matters: months after the foreclosure, the redemption cannot be
(a) an ascertainment of the amount due to the plaintiff made after the lapse of three (3) months from the
upon the mortgage debt or obligation, including interest foreclosure of the mortgaged property.
and other charges as approved by the court, as well as
costs; 3. In judicial foreclosures there is only an equity of
(b) a judgment of the sum found due; redemption which can be exercised prior to the confirmation
(c) an order that the amount found due be paid to the of the foreclosure sale. This means that after the foreclosure
court or to the judgment obligee within a period of not sale but before its confirmation, the mortgagor may exercise
less than ninety (90) days nor more than one hundred (120) his right to pay the proceeds of the sale and prevent the
days from the entry of judgment; confirmation of the sale. This is the well-recognized general
(d) and an admonition that in default of such payment the rule.
property shall be sold at public auction to satisfy the
judgment (Sec. 2, Rule 68, Rules of Court). - This rule however, has an exception. There is a right of
redemption if the foreclosure is in favor of banks as
2. The judgment of the court on the above matters is mortgagees, whether the foreclosure be judicial or
considered a final adjudication of the case and hence, is extrajudicial. This right of redemption is explicitly provided
subject to challenge by the aggrieved party by appeal or by in Sec. 47, par. 1, of the General Banking Law of 2000. While
other postjudgment remedies. the law mentions the redemption period to be "one year
after the sale of the real estate," this has been construed to
3. The period granted to the mortgagor for the payment, of be "one year counted from the date of registration of the
the amount found due by the court is not just a procedural certificate of sale in the Registry of Property".  Hence, if
requirement but a substantive right given by law to the the mortgagee is a bank, the mortgagor may exercise a right
mortgagee as his first chance to save his property from final of redemption and this rule applies even if the foreclosure is
disposition at the foreclosure sale (De Leon vs. Ibanez, 95 judicial in accordance with Rule 68 of the Rules of Court.
Phil. 119). This is a substantial requirement which cannot be
omitted. Illustration Bar (2000)
AB mortgaged his property to CD. AB failed to pay
IX. Equity of redemption his obligation and CD filed an action for foreclosure of
- The period mentioned in the judgment of the court is the mortgage. After trial, the court issued an Order granting CD's

period within which the mortgagor may start exercising his prayer for foreclosure of mortgage and ordering AB to pay CD
"equity of redemption," which is the right to extinguish the the full amount of the mortgage debt including interest and
mortgage and retain ownership of the property by paying the other charges not later than 120 days from date of receipt of
debt. The equity of redemption may be exercised even after the Order. AB received the Order on August 10, 1999. No
other proceeding took place thereafter. On December 20, required and the mortgagor was not notified of the hearing,
1999, AB tendered the full payment adjudged by the court to the subsequent confirmation of the sale is vitiated and
CD but the latter refused to accept it on the ground that the consequently it is as if no confirmation ever took place. The
amount was tendered beyond the 120-day period granted by mortgagor may therefore, still insist on his right to exercise
the court. AB filed a motion in the same court praying that his equity of redemption even after the alleged confirmation
CD be directed to receive the amount tendered by him on which is in fact of no effect.
the ground that the Order does not comply with the
provisions of Sec. 2, Rule 68 which gives AB 120 days from 2. After the hearing and the court finds valid grounds for its
entry of judgment, and not from date of receipt of the confirmation, it shall issue an order confirming the
Order. The court denied his motion on the ground that the foreclosure sale. This order confirming the sale is a judgment
Order had already become final and can no longer be in itself' and is deemed a final adjudication on the propriety
amended to conform to Sec. 2 of Rule 68. Aggrieved, AB files and merits of the sale. It is hence, also appealable.
a petition for certiorari against the Court and CD. Will the
petition for certiorari prosper? Illustration (Bar 1984)
In an action for foreclosure of real estate mortgage,
Suggested answer. judgment was rendered against A, the mortgagor-debtor. As
The petition will prosper. The period for payment is A failed to pay the mortgage, debt plus interest thereon
reckoned from the date of entry of judgment, not from the within the period stated in the judgment, the mortgaged
receipt of the Order of the court. Since no appeal was taken property was sold at public auction on October 1, 1984 at a
from the judgment when AB received the notice of the Order price less than the amount of the judgment.
on August 10, 1999, the Order became final on August 25, On October 3,198, A was able to raise enough
1999 or 15 days thereafter. Under Sec. 2 of Rule 36, the date money to fully satisfy the judgment, including all expenses of
of the finality of the judgment or final order is also the date the sale of the mortgaged property.
of its entry. The Order then was deemed entered on August Assuming that the mortgagor has no right of
25, 1999. The 120-day period would have ended on December redemption under the law, what steps should A take to
24, 1999. The tender of payment by AB on December 20, protect his interest under the circumstances?
1999 is well within the period set under Sec. 2 of Rule 68.
Suggested answer.
XI. Sale of the mortgaged property A should deposit the entire amount with the court
1. If the mortgagor fails to pay the sum due within the period for the satisfaction of the judgment and all the expenses for
(90-120 days) stated by the court in its judgment, it soul d be the sale before the court confirms the foreclosure sale. The
good practice for the mortgagee to file a motion for the sale equity of redemption of the mortgagor may be exercised
of the mortgaged property because under the Rules, thecourt prior to the confirmation of the sale. After its confirmation
shall order the sale of the property only “upon motion of the no further redemption may be made.
mortgagee” (Sec. 3, Rule 68, Rules of Court). The motion will
be granted as a matter of course, no notice thereof upon the XIII. Effect of confirmation of the sale
mortgagor being required. 1. The confirmation of the sale shall divest the rights in the
property of all the parties to the action and shall vest their
- It has been held that the motion for the sale of the rights in the purchaser, subject to such rights of redemption
mortgaged property is non-litigable and may be made ex as may be allowed by law (Sec. 3, Rule 68, Rules of Court).
- It is said that title vests in the purchaser upon a valid
2. The manner of sale shall follow the rules governing confirmation of the sale and retroacts to the date of sale.
execution sales under Rule 39 (Sec. 3, Rule 68, Rules of
Court). In addition, the rules under Rule 39 governing the use 2. The import of Sec. 3 of Rule 68 includes one vital effect:
of the property during the period of redemption (Sec. 31, The equity of redemption of the mortgagor or redemptioner
Rule 39), the disposition of the rents, earnings and income of is cut-off and there will be no further redemption, unless
the property pending redemption (Sec. 32, Rule 39), and the allowed by law (as in the case of banks as mortgagees). The
recovery of the price of the sale by the purchaser and the equity of redemption starts from the ninety-day period set in
rules on revival of the judgment (Sec. 34, Rule 39), shall the judgment of the court up to the time before the sale is
likewise be applicable to judicial foreclosures insofar as they confirmed by an order of the court. Once confirmed, no
are not inconsistent with Rule 68 (Sec. 8, Rule 68, Rules of equity of redemption may further be exercised.
XIV. Effect of the finality of the confirmation of the sale
XII. Confirmation of the sale 1. The order of confirmation is appealable and if not
l. After the foreclosure sale has been effected, the appealed within the period for appeal becomes final.
mortgagee should file a motion for the confirmation of the
sale (Sec. 3, Rule 68, Rules of Court). Unlike the motion for 2. Upon the finality of the order of confirmation or upon the
the sale of the mortgaged property which is a motion ex expiration of the period of redemption when allowed by law,
parte, the motion for the confirmation of the sale requires a the purchaser at the auction sale or last redemptioner, if

notice and a hearing. In this hearing the mortgagor will be any, shall be entitled to the possession of the property and
allowed the opportunity to show cause why the sale should he may secure a writ of possession, upon motion, from the
not be confirmed an(? to inform them when the his right will court which ordered the foreclosure unless a third party is
be cut off (Tglao vs. Boto a t2 s, 90 Phil. 275). If a hearing is
actually holding the same adversely to the judgment obligor
(Sec. 3, Rule 68, Rules of Court). 2. No independent action need be filed to recover the
deficiency from the mortgagor. The deficiency judgment
- Be it noted that the writ of possession shall be issued upon shall be rendered upon motion of the mortgagee.
motion. Hence, the purchaser or last redemptioner must file
a motion for the issuance of a writ of possession in the court - The motion must be made only after the sale and after it is
which ordered the foreclosure (Sec. 3, Rule 68, Rules of known that a deficiency exists. Before that, any court order
Court). The writ of possession is a means of enforcing and to recover the deficiency is void.
recognizing rights of the purchaser emphasized in Sec. 3 of
Rule 68 which provides that the confirmation of the sale - It has been held that the mortgagor who is not the debtor
operates to divest all parties to the action of their respective and who merely executed the mortgage to secure the
rights and vest them in the purchaser. principal debtor's obligation, is not liable for the deficiency
3. It was ruled that a pending suit for annulment of the unless he assumed liability for the same in the contract.
mortgage or annulment of the foreclosure proceedings does Since a deficiency judgment cannot be obtained against the
not defeat the right of the purchaser to a writ of possession mortgagor who is not the debtor in the principal obligation,
to which the purchaser is entitled as a matter of right. mortgagee may have to file a separate suit against the
principal debtor.
XV. Registration of the sale
1. A certified copy of the order confirming the sale is 3. Where the debtor-mortgagor is a non-resident and who at
necessary for the sale to be' registered in the registry of the time of the filing of the action for foreclosure and during
deeds. If there is no right of redemption, the certificate of the pendency of the proceedings was outside the Philippines,
title in the name of the mortgagor shall be cancelled and a it is believed that a deficiency judgment under Sec. 6 would
new one issued in the narne of the purchaser (Sec. 7, Rule not be procedurally feasible. A deficiency judgment is by
68, Rules ol'Court). nature in personam and jurisdiction over the person is
mandatory. Having been outside the country, jurisdiction
2. When a right of redemption exists, the certificate of sale over his person could not have been acquired.
and the order confirming the sale shall be registered and a
brief memoranda thereof shall be made by the register of XVIII. Rule in case there is a surplus instead of a deficiency
deeds upon the certificate of title. The certificate of title - It is the duty of the mortgagee to return to the mortgagor
however, in the name of the mortgagor shall not be any surplus in the selling price during the foreclosure sale.
cancelled. In the event the property is redeemed, the deed
of redemption shall be registered with the register of deeds XIX. Summary of distinctions between judicial foreclosure
and a brief memorandum thereof shall likewise be made and extra judicial foreclosure of real estate mortgage.
upon the certificate of title (Sec. 7, Rule 68, Rules of Court). - Judicial and extrajudicial foreclosures may be distinguished
from each other as follows:
3. If the property is not redeemed, the final deed of sale (a) A judicial foreclosure is governed by the Rules of*
executed by the sheriff in favor of the purchaser at the Court; an extrajudicial foreclosure is governed by Ad, No.
foreclosure sale shall be registered with the register of 31,35 as amended.
deeds. The certificate of title in the name of the mortgagor (b) A judicial foreclosure involves the filing of an
shall then be canceled and a new one issued in the name of independent action; an extrajudicial judicial foreclosure
the purchaser (Sec. 7, Rule 68, Rules of Court). does not require filing of an action.
(c) There is an equity of redemption in a judicial
XVI. Disposition of the proceeds of the foreclosure sale foreclosure and no right of redemption except when the
- The proceeds of the sale of the mortgaged property shall, mortgagee is a banking institution; there is a right of
after deducting the costs of the sale, be paid to the person redemption in extrajudicial foreclosure of mortgage.
foreclosing the mortgage, and when there shall be any (d) In a judicial foreclosure of judgment there could be a
balance or residue after paying off the mortgage debt due, deficiency judgment rendered by the court; there can be
the same shall be paid to junior encumbrancers in the order no judgment for a deficiency in an extrajudicial
of their priority. If there be any further balance after paying foreclosure because there is no judicial proceeding,
them or if there be no junior encumbrancers, the same shall although recovery of the deficiency is allowed.
be paid to the mortgagor or any person entitled thereto (Sec. (e) In a judicial foreclosure, recovery of the deficiency can
4, Rule 68, Rules of Court). be done by mere motion for a deficiency judgment; in an
extrajudicial foreclosure, the recovery of the deficiency is
XVII. Deficiency judgment through an independent action and although nothing about
1. If there be a balance due to the plaintiff after applying the recovery of the deficiency is provided in Act No. 3135,
the proceeds of the sale, the court, upon motion, shall there is no prohibition either.
render judgment against the defendant for any such balance.
Execution may issue immediately if the balance is all due at VIII. Partition (Rule 69)
the time of the rendition of the judgment. If not due, the
plaintiff shall be entitled to execution at such time as the I. Preliminaries

remaining balance shall become due and such due date shall 1. > Partition - the separation, division and assignment of a
be stated in the judgment (Sec. 6, llule 68, Rules of Court). thing held in common among those to whom it may belong.
Note that the deficiency judgment is in itself' a judgment
hence, also appealable.
2. Partition presupposes the existence of a co-ownership over of both real and personal property (Sec. 13, Rule 69, Rules of
a property between two or more persons. The rule allowing Court).
partition originates from a well-known principle embodied in
the Civil Code of the Philippines that no co-owner shall be 2. The plaintiff is a person who is supposed to be a coowner
obliged to remain in the co-ownership. Because of this rule, of the property or estate sought to be partitioned. The
he may demand at any time the partition of the property defendants are all the co-owners.
owned in common (Art. 494, Civil Code of the Philippines).
- All the co-owners must be joined. Accordingly, an action
3. There are nevertheless instances when a co-owner may will not lie without the joinder of all co-owners and other
not demand partition at any time as when: persons having interest in the property. All the co owners
(a) There is an agreement among the co-owners to keep therefore, are indispensable parties.
the property undivided for a certain period of time but not
exceeding ten years (Art. 494, Civil Code of the 3. The plaintiff shall state in his complaint, the nature and
Philippines); extent of his title, an adequate description of the real estate
(b) When partition is prohibited by the donor or testator of which partition is demanded, and shall join as defendants
for a period not exceeding twenty years (Art. 494; Art. all other persons interested in the property (Sec. 1, Rule 69,
1083, Civil Code of the Philippines); Rules of Court). He must also include a demand for the
(c) When partition is prohibited by law (Art. 494, Civil accounting of the rents, profits and other income from the
Code of the Philippines); property which he may be entitled to (Sec. 8, Rule 69, Rules
(d) When the property is not subject to a physical division of Court). These cannot be demanded in another action
and to do so would render it unserviceable for the use for because they are parts of the cause of action for partition.
which it is intended (Art. 495, Civil Code of the They will be barred if not set up in the same action pursuant
Philippines); or to the rule against splitting a single cause of action.
(e) When the condition imposed upon voluntary heirs
before they can demand partition has not yet been 4. Because of the absence of special procedural rules in Rule
fulfilled (Art. 1084, Civil Code of the Philippines). 69, it is presumed that the rules in ordinary civil actions shall
be used. Hence, after the complaint is filed, the defendants
4. An important principle to note is that prescription does shall be served with summons and shall file and serve their
not run in favor of a co-owner or co-heir against his co-owner answers. After the last pleading has been filed, the rule on
or co-heirs as long as there is a recognition of the co- pretrial will follow. A trial will likewise be held before the
ownership expressly or impliedly (Art. 494, Civil Code of the court renders its judgment.
5. When the allegations of the complaint allege that the
5. Also, the action for partition cannot be barred by plaintiff asserts exclusive ownership of the party sought to be
prescription as long as the co-ownership exists. partitioned, the nature of the action is not one for partition.
- But while the action to demand partition of a co-owned It is an action for the recovery of property.
property does not prescribe, a co-owner may acquire
ownership thereof by prescription where there exists a clear IV. Order of partition
repudiation of the co-ownership and the co-owners are 1. During the trial, the court shall determine whether or not
apprised of the claim of adverse and exclusive ownership. the plaintiff is truly a co-owner of the property, that there is
indeed a co-ownership among the parties, and that a
II. Modes of partition partition is not legally proscribed thus, may be allowed. If
1. Partition may be made in either of two ways: the court so finds that the facts are such that a partition
(a) By agreement of the parties; or would be in order, and that the plaintiff has a right to
(b) By judicial proceedings under the Rules of Court (Art. demand partition, the court will issue an order of partition.
496, Civil Code of the Philippines). 2. The settlement of the issue of ownership is the first stage
in an action for partition, and the action will not lie if the
2. The right of the co-owners to opt for an agreement of claimant has no rightful interest in the property in dispute.
partition in lieu of a judicial partition is recognized by the
Rules of Court. Sec. 12 thereof provides that "Nothing in this - Because the issues to be determined by the court are
Rule * shall be construed * * * as to restrict or prevent incapable of pecuniary estimation, the action shall be filed in
persons holding real estate jointly or in common from making the Regional Trial Court and since it is an action which
an amicable partition thereof by agreement and suitable involves interest in real property, it shall be brought in the
instruments of conveyance without recourse to an action" place where the property is situated.
(Sec. 12, Rule 69, Rules of Court).
- It has been held that actions for partition should be filed in
3. If the co-owners cannot agree on the partition of the the Court of First Instance (now Regional Trial Court) of the
property, the only recourse is the filing of an action for province where the property is situated.
- The rule is clear: "The court shall order the partition of the

III. Action for partition property among all the parties in interest, if after trial it,
1. The action shall be brought by the person who has a right finds that the plaintiff has the right to partition (Sec. 2, Ruh,
to compel the partition of real estate (Sec 1, Rule 69, Rules 69, Rules of Court). It was held that this order of partition
of Court) or of an estate composed of personal property, or including an order directing an accounting is final and not.
interlocutory and hence, appealable thus, revoking previous 2. The court, may, upon hearing, accept the report and
contrary rulings (Vda. De Zaldarriaga vs. Enriquez,1 SCRA render judgment in accordance with the same. The court
1188) on the matter. may., instead of accepting the report, recommit the same to
the commissioners for further report of facts. It may also
- Worthy of note is the present rule that a final order accept the report in part or reject the report in part or it
decreeing (a) partition and (b) accounting may be appealed may render such judgment that shall effectuate a fair and
by any party aggrieved thereby (Sec. 2, Rule 69, Rules of just partition of the real estate (Sec. 7, Rule 69, Rules of
Court). Court). Under Sec. 7; the court cannot render judgment on
the report forthwith upon its receipt of the same. The rule
V. Partition by agreement mandates that a hearing must be conducted before a
1. Observe that the order of partition is one that directs the rendition of a judgment.
parties or co-owners to partition the property and the parties
may make the partition among themselves by proper VIII. Judgment of partition
instruments of conveyance, if they agree among themselves. 1. The proceedings had before the commissioners shat: not
If they do agree, the court shall then confirm the partition so bind the parties or pass title to property until the court shall
agreed upon by all of the parties, and such partition, have accepted the report of the commissioners and rendered
together with the order of the court confirming the same, judgment thereon (Sec. 6, Rule 69, Rules of Court).
shall be recorded in the registry of deeds of the place in
which the property is situated (Sec. 2, Rule 69, Rules of 2. A certified copy of the judgment shall be recorded in the
Court). registry of deeds of the place in which the real estate is
situated (Sec. 11, Rule 69, Rules of Court).
2. There always exists the possibility that the co-owners are
unable to agree on the partition. If they cannot partition the 3. A reading of the Rules will reveal that there are actually
property among themselves, the next stage in the action will three (3) stages in the action each of which could be the
follow, the appointment of commissioners. subject of appeal, to wit: (a) the order of partition where
the propriety of the partition is determined; (b) the
VI. Partition by court-appointed commissioners judgment as to the accounting of the fruits and income of
1. If the parties are unable to agree upon the partition, the the property; and (c) the judgment of partition.
court shall appoint not more than three (3) commissioners
who are competent and disinterested persons, to make the - The action hence, admits multiple appeals and would
partition for the parties (Sec. 3, Rule 69, Rules of Court). The require a record on appeal.
appointment of commissioners which is a mandatory under
the circumstances, presupposes that the parties cannot agree IX. Rule when there are expenses to be paid from the estate
on the partition among themselves. - In a situation where there remains an issue as to the
expenses chargeable to the estate, partition is inappropriate.
- Observe that the provision authorizes the commissioners The determination of the expenses like those related to the
merely to make or effect the partition. Nothing in the deceased's final illness and burial which are chargeable to
provision grants them the authority to rtdjudicttto on the estate cannot be done in an action in partition. Thus, the
cluosLiorrs of title or ownership of the property hence, Sec. heirs have to first submit their father's estate to settlement
12 of Rule 69 emphasizes that the partition of the property because in estate settlement proceedings, there is a proper
under Rule 69 is not meant to prejudice, defeat, or destroy procedure for the accounting of all expenses for which the
the rights of any person holding a title paramount to the title estate must answer. If it is any consolation at all to
of the parties among whom the partition shall have been petitioner, the heirs or distributees of the properties may
made (Sec. 12, Rule 69, Rules of Court). take possession thereof even before the settlement of
accounts, as long as they first file a bond conditioned on the
2. If the commissioners determine that the property cannot payment of the estate's obligations.
be divided without prejudice to the interests of the parties,
the court may order that the property be assigned to one of IX. Forcible Entry and Unlawful Detainer (Rule 70)
the parties willing to take the same, provided he pays to the
other parties such amounts as the commissioners deem I. Actions to recover possession of real property
equitable. Instead of being so assigned, an interested party - Under existing law and jurisprudence, there are thr kinds of
may ask that the property be sold, in which case the court actions available to recover possession of real property;
shall order the commissioners to sell the property at a public (a) action interdictal; (b) action publiciana; and (c) action
sale (Sec. 3, Rule 69, Rules of Court). reivindicatoria.

VII. Report of the commissioners II. Action interdictal

1. The commissioners shall make a full and accurate report 1. The actions of forcible entry and unlawful detainer belong
to the court of all their proceedings as to the partition. Upon to the class of actions known by the generic name action
the filing of such report, copies thereof shall be served by interdictal (ejectment) where the issue is the right of
the clerk of court upon all interested parties with notice that physical or material possession of the subject real property

they are allowed ten (10) days within which to file objections independent of any claim of ownership by the parties
to the findings of the report, if they so desire (Sec. 6, Rule involved.
69, Rules of Court).
2. Action interdictal comprises two distinct causes of action, damages or unpaid rentals sought to be recovered (Sec. 3,
namely, forcible entry (detentacion) and unlawful detainer Rule 70, Rules of Court).
(desahuico). In forcible entry, one is deprived of physical
possession of real property by means of force, intimidation, VI. Real and in personam actions
strategy, threats, or stealth whereas in unlawful detainer, 1. Forcible entry and unlawful detainer actions are actions
one illegally withholds possession after the expiration or affecting possession of real property hence, are real actions.
termination of his right to hold possession under any The venue of these actions therefore, is the place where the
contract, express or implied. The two are distinguished from property subject of the action is situated (Sec. 1, Rule 4,
each other in that in forcible entry, the possession of the Rules of Court).
defendant is illegal from the beginning, and that the issue is
which party has prior de facto possession while in unlawful 2. Forcible entry and unlawful detainer actions are not only
detainee, possession of the defendant is originally legal but real actions. They are also actions in personam because the
became illegal due to the expiration or termination of the plaintiff seeks to enforce a personal obligation to vacate the
right to possess. property subject of the action and restore physical possession
thereof the plaintiff.
3. The jurisdiction of these two actions, which are summary
in nature, lies in the proper Municipal Trial Court or Illustration (Bar 1991)
Metropolitan Trial Court. Both actions must be brought within For failure of the tenant to pay rentals, A, the
one year from the date of actual entry on the land, in case of courtappointed administrator of the estate of Henry Datu
forcible entry, and from the date of last demand, in case of decides to file an action against the former for the recovery
unlawful detainer. The issue in said cases is the right to of possession of the leased premises located in Davao City
physical possession. and for the payment of the accrued rentals in the total
amount of P25,000.00.
III. Action publiciana and action reivindicatoria (a) xxx
1. Action interdictal is not to be confused with other real (b) What is the court of proper jurisdiction and
actions like action publiciana and action reivindicatoria. venue of the intended action?

2. > Accion publiciana - the plenary action to recover the Suggested answer:
right of possession which should be brought when (b) The court with jurisdiction over the action is
dispossession has lasted for more than one year. It is an the Municipal Trial Court of Davao City. The cause is
ordinary civil proceeding to determine the better right of obviously an unlawful detainer case which is within the
possession of realty independently of title. In other words, if jurisdiction of said court (Sec. 33, BP 129). The action is a
at the time of the filing of the complaint more than one year real action and must be filed in the place where the property
had elapsed since defendant had turned plaintiff out of is located which is Davao City (Sec. 2, Rule 4, Rules of
possession or defendant's possession had become illegal, the Court).
action will be, not one of the forcible entry or illegal
detainer, but an accion publiciana. VII. Jurimdiction of the M'l.'C; summary procedure
1. The actions of forcible entry and unlawful detainer me
- An accion reivindicatoria, unlike the remedies previously within the exclusive and original jurisdiction of the Municipal
discussed, involves not only possession, but ownership of the Trial Court, Municipal Circuit Trial Court and the
property. Under Article 434 of the Civil Code, two things Metropolitan Trial Court (Sec. 33[21, BP 129; R.A. 7691) and
must be alleged and proven in an accion reivindicatoria: (1) shall be governed by the rules on summary procedure i
the identity of the property; and (2) plaintiff's title to it. rrespective of the amount of damages or rentals sought to be
recovered (Sec. 3, Rule 70, Rules of Court). Note: Please
IV. Possession as the issue refer to discussions on Summary Procedure in Chapter III.
1. Possession in the eyes of the law does not mean that a
man has to have his feet on every square meter of the ground 2. The decision in an ejectment case does not bind the title
before he is deemed to be in possession. to or ownership of the land or building. It does not also bar
an action between the same parties respecting title to the
2. Where the basic issue is not possession but interpretation, property.
enforcement and/or rescission of the contract, the same is
no longer an ejectment suit. 3. In actions for forcible entry, it may be stressed, two
iiIlegations are mandatory for the municipal court to acquire
3. Where there is a claim of ownership and the action seeks jurisdiction. First, the plaintiff must allege his prior physical
to recover ownership from the defendant including the possession of the property. Second, he must also allege that
possession of the property, the action is no longer interdictal he wits deprived of his possession by any of the means
but an accion reivindicatoria or accion de reivindicacion. provided lirr in Section 1, Rule 70 of the Rules of Court,
namely, force, intimidation, threat, strategy, and stealth. If
V. Summary nature of the actions the alleged dispossession did not occur by any of these
- Forcible entry and unlawful detainer actions are summary means, the proper recourse is to file not an action for

in nature designed to provide for an expeditious means of forcible entry but a plenary rwtion to recover possession.
protecting actual possession or the right to possession of the
property involved actions both fall under the coverage of the VIII. Effect of the pendency of an action involving ownership
Rules on Summary Procedure irrespective of the amount of can the action for forcible entry and unlawful detainer
- A pending action involving ownership of the subject terminology of the law. The phrase "unlawfully withholding"
property does not bar the filing of an ejectment suit, nor has been held to imply possession on the part of the
suspend the proceedings of one already instituted. The defendant, which was legal in the beginning, having no other
underlying reason is to prevent the defendant from trifling source than a contract, express or implied, and which later
with the summary nature of an ejectment suit by the simple expires as a right and is being withheld by defendant.
expedient of asserting ownership over the disputed property.
- In order to constitute force that would justify a forcible
IX. Examples of cases in the RTC which do not bar an action entry case, the trespasser does not have to institute a state
for forcible entry or unlawful detainer of war. The act of going to the property and excluding the
- The following are examples of cases in the Regional Trial lawful possessor from the property necessarily implies
Court which do no abate or prevent the filing of an action for exertion of force over the property. The words "by force,
forcible entry and unlawful detainer are: intimidation, threat, strategy or stealth" include every
(a) An injunction suit filed in the RTC by the defendant in situation or condition under which one person can wrongfully
the ejectment suit; enter upon real property to exclude another, who has prior
(b) An `accion publiciana" in another court between the possession.
same parties in the ejectment suit;
(c) An action for quieting of title involving the same 2. In forcible entry, the plaintiff must allege and prove his
property and the same parties; prior physical possession of the property. This allegation is
(d) Suit for specific performance with damages like an not required in unlawful detainer.
action to compel the renewal of a lease contract;
(e) An `accion" reivindicatoria in another court between 3. In forcible entry, a demand to vacate is not required
the same parties over the same property; before the filing of the action because the occupancy is
(f) An action for reformation of the instrument; or illegal from the very beginning. In unlawful detainer, demand
(g) An action for annulment of sale or title between the to vacate is necessary as a rule.
same parties involving the same property.
4. In forcible entry, the one-year period within which to file
Illustration (Bar 2000) the action is counted generally from the date of actual entry
BB files a complaint for ejectment in the by the defendant, i.e., from the time of possession.
Metropolitan Trial Court on the ground of non-payment of However, when the entry is by stealth, the period must be
rentals against JJ. After two days, JJ files in the Regional counted from the demand to vacate upon learning of the
Trial Court a complaint against BB for specific performance stealth. In unlawful detainer, it is counted from the date of
to enforce the option to purchase the parcel of land subject the last demand in case of non-payment of rentals or
of the ejectment case. What is the effect of JJ's action on violation of the conditions of the lease.
BB's complaint?
XI. When defendant occupies premises by mere tolerance
Suggested answer. 1. If the defendant stays in the premises by mere tolerance
The action for specific performance in the Regional of the owner, the possession becomes unlawful upon failure
Trial Court has no effect on the ejectment case and shall to comply with the demand to vacate made by the owner.
proceed irrespective of the outcome of the RTC case. The The unlawful withholding of possession is to be counted from
issues in the ejectment case is mere possession while the the date of the demand to vacate
issue in the specific performance case is the validity as well
as the enforceability of the option to purchase. 2. To categorize the cause of action as one for unlawful
detainer, the tolerance must exist at the start of possession
X. Distinctions between forcible entry and unlawful detainer by the defendant. The rule as to tolerance does not hold true
1. In forcible entry the possession of the defendant is illegal in a case where there was forcible entry at the start.
from the very beginning having deprived the actual possessor
of his possession by force, intimidation, threat, strategy or 3. It is settled that one whose stay is merely tolerated
stealth (Sec. 1, Rule 70, Rules of Court, Tirona vs. Alejo, 367 becomes a deforciant illegally occupying the land the
SCRA 17). In unlawful detainer, the possession by the moment he is required to leave. It is essential in unlawful
defendant is legal in the beginning which however, detainer cases of this kind, that plaintiff's supposed acts of
subsequently becomes illegal because of the expiration or tolerance must have been present right from the start of the
the termination of the right to have possession, by virtue of possession which is later sought to be recovered. if the
any contract, express or implied (Sec. 1, Rule 70, Rules of possession of the defendanf, was illegal at the inception and
Court). not merely tolerated because the defendant started to
 It is the nature of defendant's entry into the land which occupy the subject lot and then built a house thereon
determines the cause of action, whether it is forcible entry without the permission and consent of the owner orrightful
or unlawful detainer. If the entry is illegal, then the action possessor, the defendant's entry into the land was effected
which may be filed against the intruder is forcible entry. If, clandestinely, without the knowledge of the owners. It is
however, the entry is legal but the possession thereafter therefore, a possession by stealth which is forcible entry. As
becomes illegal, the case is unlawful detainer. explained in Sarona vs. Villegas, cited in Munoz vs. Court

ofAppeals, tolerance must be present right from the start of

- In unlawful detainer cases, an allegation that the defendant possession sought to be recovered, to categorize a cause of
is unlawfully withholding possession from the plaintiff is action as one of unlawful detainer, not of forcible entry x x x
deemed sufficient, without necessarily employing the
4. A person who occupies the land of another at the latter's XIII. Form of demand
tolerance or permission, without any contract between them, 1. The demand may be in the form of a written notice served
is necessarily bound by an implied promise that he will upon the person found in the premises. The demand may also
vacate upon demand, failing which, a summary action for be made by posting a written notice on the premises if' no
ejectment is the proper remedy against him. person can be found thereon (Sec. 2, Rule 70, Rules of
XII. Demand in unlawful detainer cases
1. Unless there exists a stipulation to the contrary, an 2. It has been ruled however, that the demand upon it tenant
unlawful detainer case shall be commenced only after may be oral (Jakihaca us. Aquino, 181 SCRA 67). Sufficient
demand to pay or comply with the conditions of the lease evidence must be adduced however, to show that there was
and to vacate is made upon the lessee (Sec. 2, Rule 70, Rules indeed a demand like testimonies from disinterested and
of Court). unbiased witnesses.

2. To understand the manner of the demand required by the XIV. Effect of non-compliance with the demand
Rules for an unlawful detainer case, attention need be given - If the demand is not complied with after fifteen (15) days i
to the phraseology of Sec. 2 of Rule 70. n the case of land or five (5) days in the case of buildings,
the I essor may now proceed against the lessee (Sec. 2, Rule
- Where the suit is based on the defendant's failure to pay 71, Rules of Court).
the rentals agreed upon, the proper demand should be "to
pay and to vacate". It should not be "to pay or to vacate." Illustration (Bar 1990)
The latter demand which is in the alternative does not make Juan Santos, who is leasing an apartment unit in
out a case for unlawful detainer since it is not in accordance Antipolo, Rizal from Maria Cruz, a resident of Quezon City,
with the required tenor of the demand prescribed by Sec. 2 under a five (5) year contract expiring on October 15, 1991,
of Rule 70. Thus, a demand to pay P500,000 by way of unpaid is in arrears in his rent for three months as of August 15,
rentals or to vacate if not paid within five days does not 1990. Maria Cruz, through counsel, sends a demand letter to
make out an action for unlawful detainer but merely one for Juan Santos.
collection of a sum of money and must be filed with the Suppose that Juan Santos, upon receipt of the letter of
Regional Trial Court (Sec. 2, Rules of Court). demand to pay and vacate the apartment unit, immediately
pays the rentals in arrears. He claims that he was so busy
- Where the suit is predicated upon the defendant's with his business that he neglected to pay his rent. May Maria
noncompliance with the conditions of the lease contract, the Cruz still file an unlawful detainer case against Juan Santos?
proper demand should be "to comply. . . and to vacate" and Discuss with reasons.
not "to comply.. or to vacate. The latter type of demand
gives rise to an action for specific performance, not unlawful Suggested answer.
detainer. Maria Cruz may still file an unlawful detainer case.
The failure to vacate after a demand to pay and vacate gave
3. In Barrazona vs. RTC of Baguio, in an action for a sum of rise to a cause of action in favor of the lessor. The
money in the Regional Trial Court, defendant filed with the subsequent payment did not cure his unlawful withholding of
RTC a Motion to Dismiss on the ground, among others, that possession of the premises.
the RTC has no jurisdiction over the complaint because the
allegations of the complaint clearly indicate that the action XV. When demand is not required in unlawful detainer cases
is one for ejectment (illegal detainer) which is under the 1. Demand is not required, when (a) there is a stipulation
exclusive jurisdiction of MTC. A perusal of the allegations dispensing with a demand (Art. 1169, Civil Code of the
indeed shows that plaintiff made several demands upon Philippines), or (b) when the ground for the suit is based on
petitioner to pay her overdue rentals and to vacate the the expiration of the lease because when the lease expires
premises. These allegations make out a case of unlawful the cause of action for unlawful detainer immediately arises.
detainer and not of an action for a sum of money even if the Hence the lessor can now file an action for ejectment. As a
alleged arrears is over P900,000.00. rule, demand is required only when the ground for ejectment
is failure to pay rent or to comply with the condition of the
4. A demand in the alternative either to pay the increased lease.
rental or otherwise to vacate the land is not the demand that
gives rise to a cause of action for unlawful detainer. If the 2. Demand to vacate is, however, required when the lease is
lessee decides to stay in the premises, he thereby merely on a month-to-month basis to terminate the lease upon the
agrees to pay and to assume the new rental and cannot be expiration of the month in order to prevent the application
ejected until he' defaults in said obligation and necessary of the rule of tacita reconduccion or implied new lease.
demand is first made
Illustration (Bar 1997)
5. The requirement for a demand implies that the mere On 10 January 1990, X leased the warehouse of A
failure of the occupant to pay rentals or his failure to comply under a lease contract with a period of five (5) years. On 08

with the conditions of the lease does not ipso facto render June 1996, A filed an unlawful detainer case against X
his possession of the premises unlawful. It is the failure to without a prior demand for X to vacate the premises.
comply with the demand that vests upon the lessor a cause (a) Can X contest his ejectment on the ground that there was
of action. no prior demand for him to vacate the premises?
(b) xxx 2. When the defendant raises the issue of ownership, the
court may resolve the issue of ownership but only under the
Suggested answer: following conditions:
(a) X cannot successfully contest his ejectment (a) when the issue of possession cannot be resolved
on the ground of absence of a demand. By the time the without resolving the issue of ownership; and
action was filed, the lease had already expired. Demand to (b) the issue of ownership shall be resolved only to
vacate is not required when the ground for the suit is based determine the issue of possession (Sec. 16, Rule 70, Rules
on the expiration of the lease because when the lease of Court, Duran vs. Court ofAppeals). Such judgment would
expires the cause of action for unlawful detainer not bar an action between the same parties respecting
immediately arises. title to the land or building. The resolution of the McTC on
the ownership of the property is merely provisional or
XVI. Tacita reconduccion interlocutory. Any question involving the issue of
1. Under Art. 1670 of the Civil Code of the Philippines, if at ownership should be raised and resolved in a separate
the end of the lease, the lessee continues to enjoy the action brought specifically to settle the question with
property leased for fifteen days with the consent of the finality.
lessor, and no notice to the contrary hart been given, it is
understood that there is an implied new lease, not fir the 3. It bears stressing that in unlawful detainer cases, the only
period in tlw original contract, but for the time established issue for resolution, independent of any claim of ownership
in Articles 1682 and 1687 of the same code. by any party litigant, is: who is entitled to the physical and
material possession of the property involved? The mere fact
2. The terms of the contract which are revived in the implied that defendant raises the defense of ownership of the
new lease are those terms which are germane to the lessee's property in the pleadings does not deprive the MTC of its
right of continued enjoyment of the property leased. jurisdiction to take cognizance of and decide the case.. In
 The option to buy the property in the original lease is not cases where defendant raises the question of ownership in
germane to possession of the premises and is not deemed the pleadings and they question of possession cannot be
revived. resolved without deciding the issue of ownership, the court
may proceed and resolve the issue of ownership but only for
3. When there is tacita reconduccion, the lessee cannot be the purpose of determining the issue of possession. However,
deemed as unlawfully withholding the property. There is no the disposition of the issue of ownership is not final, as it
unlawful detainer. may be the subject of separate proceeding; specifically
brought to settle the issue. Hence, the bare fact that
XVII. Defense of tenancy petitioners, in their answer to the complaint, raised the issue
1. Jurisdiction is determined by the allegations of the of whether they owned the property as trustors of a
complaint. Hence, the defenses in the answer do not constructive trust did not divest the MTC of its jurisdiction to
determine jurisdiction. take cognizance of the case and decide the same on its
2. If the defendant raises the issue of tenancy as a defense
and alleges lack of jurisdiction as a defense because a 4. The summary nature of the action is not changed by the
tenancy case falls within the jurisdiction of the Department claim of ownership of the property of the defendant. The
of Agrarian Reforms Adjudicatory Board (DARAB), it would be McTC is not divested of its jurisdiction over the unlawful
error for the court to dismiss the complaint on that ground detainer action simply because the defendant asserts
alone. The mere raising of the issue of tenancy does not ownership over the property.
automatically divest the court of jurisdiction because as
earlier pointed out, the jurisdiction of the court is XIX. How to obtain possession of the premises during the
determined by the allegations of the complaint and is not pendency of the action
dependent upon the defenses set up by the defendant. 1. When the action is filed, the plaintiff in an ejectment case
is not in possession of the property. To obtain possession,
- In an ejectment case, the jurisdiction of the court is Sec. 15 of Rule 70 permits the plaintiff to present a motion,
determined by the allegations of the complaint. within five (5) days from the filing of the complaint, for the
issuance of a writ of preliminary mandatory injunction to
3. Where tenancy is raised as a defense, the court must restore him in his possession. This motion shall be resolved
conduct a preliminary hearing on the matter to determine within thirty (30) days from its filing (Sec. 15, Rule 70, Rules
the veracity of the allegations of tenancy. If during the of Court).
hearing, it is shown that tenancy is the real issue, then the
court shall dismiss the case for lack of jurisdiction. 2. If the judgment of the MTC is appealed, the Regional Trial
Court may issue a writ of preliminary mandatory injunction
XVIII. Defense of ownership to restore the plaintiff in his possession, upon motion of the
1. The assertion by the defendant of ownership over the plaintiff filed within ten (10) days from the perfection of the
disputed property does not serve to divest the inferior court appeal, if the court is satisfied that the defendant's appeal is
of its jurisdiction. frivolous or dilatory or that the plaintiff's appeal is prima

The defendant cannot deprive the court of jurisdiction by facie meritorious (Sec. 20, Rule 70, Rules of Court).
merely claiming ownership of the property involved.
XX. Judgment not binding on ownership
1. If an issue of ownership is raised in an action for forcible bond covers only back rentals declared in the judgment of
entry or unlawful detainer and the court makes a the Municipal Trial Court. The bond does not answer for
determination of ownership, such determination is only rentals that accrue during the appeal process.
initial and is made merely for the purpose of settling the
issue of possession. The lower court's adjudication of 2. The supersedeas bond shall be equivalent to the unpaid
ownership in the ejectment case is only provisional and rentals, damages and costs which accrued down to the time
would not bar any action between the same parties involving of the judgment (Sec. 19, Rule 70, Rules of Court). In other
title to the property, if and when such action is brought words, the supersedeas bond covers the monetary judgment
seasonably before the proper forum. of the lower court. If the judgment does not make any
pronouncement the pecuniary liability of the defendant, the
2. The decision in an ejectment case does not bind the title bond should not be required. Attorney's fees are not covered
to or ownership of the land or building. It does not also bar by a supersedeas bond.
an action between the same parties respecting title to the
property. Illustration (Bar 1997)
On 10 January 1990, X leased the warehouse of A
3. The judgment rendered in an action for forcible entry or under a lease contract with a period of five (5) years. On 08
unlawful detainer shall be conclusive with respect to the June 1996, A filed an unlawful detainer case against X
possession only and shall in no wise bind the title or affect without a prior demand for X to vacate the premises.
the ownership of the land or building. Such judgment shall (a)
not bar an action between the same parties respecting title (b) In case the Municipal Trial Court renders
to the land or building (Sec. 18, Rule 70, Rules of Court). judgment in favor of A, is the judgment immediately
XX. Damages recoverable
- The damages recoverable in a case of forcible entry and Suggested answer:
unlawful detainer are those corresponding to the "sum justly (b) The judgment in favor of A, the plaintiff is
due as arrears of rent or as reasonable compensation for the immediately executory. In no uncertain terms, the rule
use and occupation of the premises." The court may also provides that if judgment is rendered against the defendant,
award attorney's fees and costs (Sec. 17, Rule 70, Rules of execution shall issue immediately unless an appeal is
Court). perfected, a supersedeas bond when applicable is posted and
XXI. Immediate execution of judgment the required periodic deposits are made (Sec. 19, Rule 70,
1. A judgment on a forcible entry and detainer action is Rules of Court).
immediately executory to avoid injustice to a lawful
possessor, and the court's duty to order the execution is Illustration (Bar 1990)
practically ministerial. While the ejectment suit was pending before the
Municipal Court, Juan Santos religiously deposits all current
2. The rule mandating the immediate execution in an rentals. In due time, the judge ordered Juan Santos to pay all
ejectment case, applies when the judgment is against the rents until he vacates the premises as well as attorney's fees
defendant. It does not apply when it is the defendant that in the amount of P5,000.000. Maria Cruz moves for
prevails. Under Sec. 19 of Rule 70, execution shall issue immediate execution on the ground that Juan Santos did not
immediately upon motion "If judgment is rendered against deposit the attorney's fees of P5,000.00 and he did not put a
the defendant. . ." supersedeas bond for the award.
Should the court grant immediate execution? Decide
- If the judgment is in favor of the defendant, obviously, the with reasons.
judgment is not immediately executory. Suggested answer:
The court should not grant immediate execution. A
XXII. How to stay immediate execution of the judgment supersedeas bond covers rentals in arrears up to the time of
1. The defendant must take the following steps to stay the the judgment. Since there are no unpaid rentals, there is no
execution of the judgment: reason for the bond. Also, the Rules do not require a deposit
(a) perfect an appeal; for attorney's fees so execution may be stayed.
(b) file a supersedeas bond to pay for the rents, damages
and costs accruing down to the time of the judgment XXIII. Where to appeal
appealed from; and 1. The judgment or final order of the court shall be
(c) deposit periodically with the Regional Trial Court, appealable to the appropriate Regional Trial Court which
during the pendency of the appeal, the adjudged amount shall decide the same in accordance with Sec. 22 of BP 129.
of rent due under the contract or if there be no contract, The decision of the Regional Trial Court shall be immediately
the reasonable value of the use and occupation of the executory, without prejudice to a further appeal (Sec. 21,
premises. Rules on Summary Procedure; Sec. 21, Rule 70, Rules of
- The periodic deposits are designed to cover all rentals
from the judgment of the MTC until the final judgment of 2. The mode of appeal is the same as in ordinary civil actions

the appellate court. Thus, even if an appeal has been under Rule 40 of the Rules of Court where a notice of appeal
perfected but the required periodic deposits are not made, is filed with and the docket fee paid in the court of origin,
execution may be obtained upon proper motion with notice which is the Municipal Trial Court.
despite the posting of a supersedeas bond because said
XXIV. Persons bound by the judgment in ejectment cases 2. > Criminal contempt - "conduct directed against the
1. As a rule, the judgment in an ejectment case is binding authority and dignity of the court or a judge acting judicially;
only upon the parties properly impleaded and given an it is an obstructing the administration of justice which tends
opportunity to be heard. This is because an ejectment suit is to bring the court into disrepute or disrespect."
an action in personam. However, the judgment becomes
binding on anyone who has not been impleaded in certain 3. On the other hand, > civil contempt - the failure to do
instances as in the following: something ordered to be done by a court or a judge for the
(a) A sublessee is bound by the judgment against the benefit of the opposing party therein and is therefore, an
lessee because his right to the premises is merely offense against the party in whose behalf the violated order
subsidiary to that of the lessee was made. If the purpose is to punish, then it is criminal in
(b) A guest or a successor in interest, the members of the nature; but if to compensate, then it is civil.
family of the lessee or his servants and employees are
likewise bound by the judgment even if not impleaded in 4. The distinction between criminal and civil contempt is so
the suit for ejectment. thin as to be almost imperceptible. But it does exist in law. It
(c) Trespassers, squatters or agents of the defendant is criminal when the purpose is to vindicate the authority of
fraudulently occupying the property to frustrate the the court and protect its outraged dignity. It is civil when
judgment; and there is failure to do something ordered by a court to be
(d) Transferees pendente lite and other privies of the done for the benefit of a party.
5. Criminal contempt proceedings should be conducted in
X. Contempt (Rule 71) accordance with the principles and rules applicable to
criminal cases, in so far as such procedure is consistent with
I. Meaning of contempt the summary nature of contempt proceedings. Hence, the
1. > Contempt of court - disobedience to the court by acting strict rules that govern criminal prosecutions apply to
in opposition to its authority, justice and dignity. It signifies prosecutions for criminal contempt that the accused is to be
not only a willful disregard or disobedience of the court's afforded many of the protections provided in regular criminal
orders but also conduct tending to bring the authority of the cases and that proceedings under statutes governing them
court and the administration of law into disrepute or, in are to be strictly construed. However, criminal proceedings
some manner to impede the due administration of justice. are not required to take any particular form as long as the
substantial rights of the accused are preserved.
2. The power to declare a person in contempt of court and in
dealing with him accordingly is an inherent power lodged in 6. Civil contempt proceedings on the other hand, are
courts ofjustice, to be used as a means to protect and generally held to be remedial and civil in nature, that is, for
preserve the dignity of the court, the solemnity of the the enforcement of some duty, and essentially a remedy
proceedings therein, and the administration of justice from resorted to, to preserve and enforce the rights of a private
callous misbehavior, offensive personalities, and party to an action and to compel obedience to a judgment or
contumacious refusal to comply with court orders. decree intended to benefit such a party litigant. The rules of
procedure governing contempt proceedings or criminal
3. Contempt of court is a defiance of the authority, justice or prosecutions, ordinarily are inapplicable to civil contempt
dignity of the court; such conduct as tends to bring the proceedings.
authority and administration of the law into disrespect or to
interfere with or prejudice parties litigants or their witnesses IV. Kinds of contempt according to the manner of commission
during litigation. It is defined as disobedience to the Court by - There are two kinds of contempt under this classification:
acting in opposition to its authority, justice, and dignity. It (a) direct, and
signifies not only a willful disregard or disobedience of the (b) indirect.
court's orders, but such conduct as tends to bring the
authority of the court and the administration of law into V. Direct contempt
disrepute or in some manner to impede the due - Direct contempt in general is committed in the presence of
administration of justice. or so near the court or judge as to obstruct or interrupt the
proceedings before the same. Indirect contempt is one not
II. Functions of contempt committed in the presence of the court. It is an act done at a
- Contempt proceedings has a dual function: distance which tends to belittle, degrade, obstruct or
(1) vindication of public interest by punishment of embarrass the court and justice
contemptuous conduct; and
(2) coercion to compel the contemnor to do what the law VI. Acts constituting direct contempt
requires him to uphold the power of the Court, and also to 1. Any of the following acts constitutes direct contempt:
secure the rights of the parties to a suit awarded by the (a) Misbehavior in the presence of or so near the court as
Court. to obstruct or interrupt the proceedings befor-J the same;
(b) Disrespect toward the court;
III. Kinds of contempt according to nature (c) Offensive personalities towards others;

l. Contempt may be civil or criminal depending on the nature (d) Refusal to be sworn as a witness or to answer as a
and effect of the contemptuous act. witness;
(e) Refusal to subscribe an affidavit or deposition when
lawfully required to do so (Sec. 1, Rule 71, Rules of Court).
(c) any improper conduct tending, directly or indirectly, to
2. The acts of a party or a counsel which constitute willful impede, obstruct or degrade the administration of justice.
and deliberate forum shopping constitute direct contempt
(Sec. 5, Rule 7, Rules of Court). XI. Examples of specific acts constituting indirect contempt
1. A person guilty of the following acts may be punished for
3. Unfounded accusations or allegations or words tending to indirect contempt:
embarrass the court or to bring it into disrepute have no (a) Misbehavior of an officer of a court in the performance
place in a pleading. If a pleading containing derogatory, of his official duties or in his official transactions;
offensive and malicious statements is submitted in the same (b) Disobedience of or resistance to a lawful writ, process,
court or judge in which the proceedings are pending, it is order, or judgment of a court, including the act of a
direct contempt, equivalent as it is to a misbehavior person who, after being dispossessed or ejected from any
committed in the presence of or so near a court or judge as real property by the judgment or process of any court of
to interrupt the administration of justice. competent jurisdiction, enters or attempts or induces
 A finding of contempt on the part of a lawyer does not another to enter into or upon such real property, for the
preclude the imposition of disciplinary sanctions against him purpose of executing acts of ownership or possession, or in
for his contravention of the ethics of the legal profession. any manner disturbs the possession given to the person
adjudged to be entitled thereto (Bar 1995);
VII. No formal proceeding required (c) Any abuse of or any unlawful interference with the
- No formal proceeding is required to cite a person in direct processes or proceedings of a court not constituting direct
contempt. The court may summarily adjudge one in direct contempt;
contempt (Sec. 1, Rule 71, Rules of Court). (d) Any improper conduct tending, directly or indirectly, to
impede, obstruct, or degrade the administration of justice;
VIII. Penalty (e) Assuming to be an attorney or an officer of a court, and
1. The penalty for direct contempt depends upon the court acting as such without authority;
against which the act was committed. (f) Failure to obey a subpoena duly served;
(a) If the act constituting direct contempt was committed (g) The rescue, or attempted rescue, of a person or
against a Regional Trial Court or a court of equivalent or property in the custody of an officer by virtue of an order
higher rank, the penalty is a fine not exceeding two or process of a court held by him (Sec. 3, Rule 71, Rules of
thousand pesos or imprisonment not exceeding ten (10) Court).
days, or both.
2. The failure by counsel to inform the court of the death of
(b) If the act constituting direct contempt was committed his client constitutes indirect contempt within the purview of
against a lower court, the penalty is a fine not exceeding Sec. 3 of Rule 71 since it constitutes an improper conduct
two hundred pesos or imprisonment not exceeding one (1) tending to impede the administration of justice. It also is a
day, or both (Sec. 1, Rule 71, Rules of Court). ground for disciplinary action under Sec. 16 of Rule 3 of the
Rules of Court.
2. If the contempt consists in the refusal or omission to do an
act which is yet within the power of the respondent to Illustration (Bar 1995)
perform, he may be imprisoned by order of the court Suppose that by virtue of an execution_ of the
concerned until he performs it (Sec. 8, Rule 71, Rules of judgment in an ejectment case, defendant was successfully
Court). ousted from the property in litigation and plaintiff was
lawfully placed in possession thereof, but seven (7) years
IX. Remedy of a person adjudged in direct contempt later defendant re-entered the property and forcibly took
l. A person adjudged in direct contempt may not appeal over possession, can plaintiff move that defendant be
therefrom. His remedy is a petition for certiorari or declared in indirect contempt? Explain.
prohibition directed against the court which adjudged him in
direct contempt (Sec. 2, Rule 71, Rules of Court). Suggested answer.
The defendant may be declared in contempt. The
2. Pending the resolution of the petition for certiorari or act of the defendant constitutes indirect contempt defined in
prohibition, the execution of the judgment for direct Sec. 3(b) of Rule 71 of the Rules of Court.
contempt shall be suspended. The suspension however, shall However, unless the charge is initiated by the
take place only if the person adjudged in contempt files a court, the defendant may be declared in contempt only after
bond fixed by the court which rendered the judgment. This a verified petition is filed and heard in the proper court. A
bond is conditioned upon his performance of the judgment mere motion under the present rules is not a mode of
should the petition be decided against him (Sec. 2, Rule 71, initiating indirect contempt.
Rules of Court). Note: It has been ruled that contempt by re-entry
upon the land is punishable even if no party litigant has been
X. Indirect contempt in general is committed by a person adversely affected because the act is an open defiance of the
who commits any of the following acts: authority of the court.
(a) disobedience or resistance to a lawful writ, process,

order or judgment of a court; Illustration (Bar 1993)

(b) any abuse of or any unlawful interference with the In an action for injunction and damages, the
processes or proceedings of a court not constituting direct plaintiff applied for a temporary restraining order (or "TRO")
contempt; and and preliminary injunction. Upon filing of the complaint, the
court issued a TRO and set the application for preliminary be complied with only by the judgment obligor or by the
injunction for hearing. officer so directed by the judgment and not by anyone else.
As the 20-day lifetime (January 3 to 23) of the TRO This kind of judgment is specifically directed to the person
was about to expire, the court issued an order dated January required to obey the same and against whom the judgment
21, 1993 extending the effectivity of the TRO for another was rendered. If he disobeys the judgment, he may be
twenty days (January 24, 1993 to February 13, 1993). punished for contempt (Sec. 11, Rule 39, Rules of Court). The
On March 5, 1993, the court, after hearing, denied refusal would constitute a violation of a writ or order
the application for preliminary injunction. directed to the party required to obey the same and falls
Supposing that on January 28, 1993, the defendant squarely within the purview of Sec. 3(b) of Rule 71 in relation
committed an act in violation of the TRO, is he guilty of to Sec. 11 of Rule 39. Thus, an officer against whom a writ of
indirect contempt? Explain. certiorari, prohibition and mandamus was issued who
disobeys the writ may be punished for contempt (Sec. 9, Rule
Suggested answer. 65, Rules of Court). Also, a litigant against whom a
The defendant is not guilty of indirect contempt temporary restraining order was issued may be liable for
because on January 28, 1993, there was no TRO that could be indirect contempt if he defies the order.
legally violated. The court (which under the facts is impliedly
a Regional Trial Court because injunction is incapable of XIII. How a proceeding for indirect contempt is commenced
pecuniary estimation), had no authority to extend the TRO 1. Unlike direct contempt which is summary, an act
for another twenty days. The extension was null and void. constituting an indirect contempt is to be punished only after
Sec. 5 of Rule 38 is explicit. ". . . The effectivity of a a charge in writing and a hearing (Sec. 3, Rule 71, Rules of
temporary restraining order is not extendible without need Court). The requirement of a written charge and a hearing
for any judicial declaration to that effect and no court shall shall not however, be construed to prevent the court from
have authority to extend or renew the same on the same issuing process to bring the respondent into court, or from
ground for which it was issued." holding him in custody pending the proceedings (Sec. 3, last
paragraph, Rule 71, Rules of Court).
XII. Contempt in relation to execution of judgments
1. Generally, contempt is not a means of enforcing a 2. The procedural requisites before the accused may be
judgment. For example, the mere refusal or unwillingness of punished for indirect contempt: (1) a charge in writing to be
the judgment debtor to vacate the property is not a filed; (2) an opportunity for the person charged to appear
sufficient ground to hold him in contempt. The writ of and explain his conduct; and (c) to be heard by himself or
possession was not directed to the judgment debtor but to counsel.
the sheriff who was directed to deliver the property to the
prevailing party. As the writ did not command the judgment 3. There are only two ways a person can be charged with
debtor to do anything, he cannot be guilty of the acts indirect contempt, namely: (a) through a verified petition;
described in Rule 71 which is "disobedience of or resistance and (b) by order or formal charge initiated by the court motu
to a lawful writ, process, order, judgment or command of proprio (Sec. 4, Rule 71, Rules of Court).
any court." The proper procedure is not for the court to cite (a) If the charge is initiated motu proprio by the court
the debtor in contempt. What the officer should do is to against which the contempt was committed, it is
dispossess him of the property but if after the dispossession, commenced by an order of the same court or any formal
the judgment debtor should execute acts of ownership or charge requiring the respondent to show cause why he
possession or in any manner disturb the possession of the should not be punished for contempt.
judgment creditor, then and only then may he be punished (b) If initiated by someone other than the court, the
for contempt. charge is commenced by a verified petition. This petition
shall be accompanied by supporting particulars and
- It is not the refusal to vacate which constitutes contempt certified true copies of documents or papers involved
but the act of re-entry after the ouster. The contempt pro- therein. It shall likewise comply with the requirements or
ceedings in this case will be pursuant to Sec. 3(b) of Rule 71. the filing of initiatory pleadings for civil actions in the
court concerned (Sec. 4, Rule 71, Rules of Court). Since it
2. If the judgment is one for the payment of money, the is considered an initiatory pleading and must comply with
sheriff shall demand from the judgment obligor the the requirements for the filing of initiatory pleadings, the
immediate payment of the full amount stated in the writ of petition must hence, contain a certification against forum
execution (Sec. 9, Rule 39, Rules of Court). If the judgment shopping described
obligor does not comply with the demand, it is believed that
no contempt charges could lie against the judgment obligor 4. The provisions of the Rules are worded in very clear and
because the writ is not directed to the obligor but to the categorical language. In case where the indirect contempt
sheriff. If the obligor is unable to pay in cash, certified check charged is not initiated by the courts, the filing of a verified
or any acceptable mode of payment, the remedy of the petition which fulfills the requirements on initiatory
sheriff is not to initiate contempt proceedings but to levy pleadings is a prerequisite. Beyond question is the mandatory
upon the properties of the obligor for the satisfaction of the requirement of a verified petition in initiating an indirect
judgment. contempt proceeding. Prior to the 1997 amendment of the

Rules, a mere motion was tolerated by the courts in initiating

3. When the subject of execution is a special judgment which indirect contempt proceedings. At the onset of the 1997
directs the performance of an act other than the payment of Revised Rules on Civil Procedure, however, such practice can
money or the sale or delivery of property, the judgment can no longer be countenanced and a conviction for indirect
contempt by mere motion suffers from a serious procedural (b) Where the act was committed against a lower court, he
defect. may be punished by a fine not exceeding five thousand
pesos or imprisonment not exceeding one (1) month or
5. If the contempt charges arose out of or are related to a both.
principal action pending in the court, the petition for Aside from the applicable penalties, if the contempt
contempt shall allege such fact but the petition shall be consists in the violation of a writ of injunction, temporary
docketed, heard and decided separately from the principal restraining order or status quo order, he may also be
action. The court however, in the exercise of its discretion ordered to make complete restitution to the party injured
may order the consolidation of the contempt charge and the by such violation of the property involved or such amount
principal action for joint hearing and decision (Sec. 4, Rule as may be alleged and proved (Sec. 7, Rule 71, Rules of
71, Rules of Court). Court).
(c) Where the act was committed against a person or
XIV. Necessity for hearing entity exercising quasi judicial functions, the penalty
1. A respondent in a contempt charge must be served with a imposed shall depend upon the provisions of the law which
copy of the petition. Unlike in civil actions, the court does authorizes a penalty for contempt against such persons or
not issue summons on the respondent. While the respondent entities.
is not required to file a formal answer similar to that in
ordinary civil actions, the court must set the contempt XVII. Imprisonment
charge for hearing on a fixed date and time on which the 1. Sec. 8 of Rule 71 of the Rules of Court provides for
respondent must make his appearance to answer the charge. indefinite incarceration in contempt proceedings to compel a
On the date and time of the hearing, the court shall proceed party to comply with the order of the court. "When the
to investigate the charges and consider such answer or contempt consists in the refusal or omission to do an act
testimony as the respondent may make or offer. which is yet in the power of the respondent to perform, he
may be imprisoned by order of the court concerned until he
2. If he fails to appear on that date after due notice without performs it." This may be resorted to where the attendant
justifiable reason, the court may order his arrest, just like circumstances are such that the noncompliance with the
the accused in a criminal case who fails to appear when so court order is an utter disregard of the authority of the court
required. The court does not declare the respondent in which has then no other recourse but to use its coercive
default. power. When a person or party is legally and validly required
by a court to appear before it for a certain purpose, and
3. If the hearing is not ordered to be had forthwith, the when that requirement is disobeyed, the only remedy left for
respondent may be released from custody upon the filing of a the court is to use force to bring such person or party before
bond for his appearance at the hearing (Sec. 6, Rule 71, it.
Rules of Court).
2. The punishment is imposed for the benefit of a
XV. Court where the charge for indirect contempt is to be complainant or a party to a suit who has been injured aside
filed from the need to compel performance of the orders or
- Where the charge for indirect contempt is to be filed decrees of the court, which the contemnor refuses to obey
depends upon the level of the court against which the although able to do so. In effect, it is within the power of the
contempt was committed. person adjudged guilty of contempt to set himself free.
(a) Where the act was committed against a Regional Trial
Court or a court of equivalent or higher rank, or against an 3. It is only the judge who orders the confinement of a
officer appointed by it, the charge may be filed with such person for contempt of court who could issue the Order of
court. Release.
(b) Where the act was committed against a lower court,
the charge may be filed with the Regional Trial Court in XVIII. Remedy of a person adjudged in indirect contempt
which the lower court is sitting. It may also be filed in the - The person adjudged in indirect contempt may appeal from
lower court against which the contempt was allegedly the judgment or final order of the court in the same manner
committed. The decision of the lower court is subject to as in criminal cases. The appeal will not however, have the
appeal to the Regional Trial Court (Sec. 5, Rule 71, Rules effect of suspending the judgment if the person adjudged in
of Court; En Bane Resolution, SC, July 21, 1998). contempt does not file a bond in an amount fixed by the
(c) Where the act was committed against persons or court from which the appeal is taken. This bond is
entities exercising quasi-judicial functions, the charge conditioned upon his performance of the judgment or final
shall be filed in the Regional Trial Court of the place order if the appeal is decided against him (Sec. 11, Rule 71,
wherein the contempt was committed (Sec. 12, Rule 71, Rules of Court).
Rules of Court).
XVI. Punishment for indirect contempt XIX. Contempt against quasi judicial entities
- The punishment for indirect contempt depends upon the 1. The rules on contempt under Rule 71 apply to contempt
level of the court against which the act was committed. committed against persons or entities exercising quasi
(a) Where the act was committed against a Regional Trial judicial functions or in case there are rules for contempt

Court or a court of equivalent or higher rank, he may be adopted for such bodies or entities pursuant to law, Rule 71
punished by a fine not exceeding thirty thousand pesos or shall apply suppletorily (Sec. 12, Rule 71, Rules of Court).
imprisonment not exceeding six (6) months, or both.
2. Quasi judicial bodies that have the power to cite persons
for indirect contempt pursuant to Rule 71 of the Rules of
Court can only do so by initiating them in the proper Regional
Trial Court. It is not within their jurisdiction and competence
to decide the indirect contempt cases. These matters are
still within the province of the Regional Trial Courts. The
requirement for a verified petition must also be complied
with. The DARAB for example, has no power to decide the
contempt charge filed before it.
3. The Regional Trial Court of the place wherein the
contempt has been committed shall have jurisdiction over
the charges for indirect contempt that may be filed (Sec. 12,
Rule 71, Rules of Court).


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