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Every organization has stakeholders.

Stakeholders are the persons who can affect and

be affected by the organizations’ objectives, policies and actions. They play different

roles for the success and welfare of the organization. The stakeholders that are

connected with the Springdale EarlyON Centre and work directly or indirectly for the

centre are board of directors, funders, partners, donors, manager, staff members,

volunteers, parents/caregivers and children. All these stakeholders play an important

role in and for the centre. Following are the stakeholders that are related to

Springdale EarlyON Centre and their roles:

1. Board Members- The team of board of directors include members that are

responsible for the operations of the centre by ensuring sustainability and excellence

in service. The role that the board members of the organization play is to provide

guidance and support to the Executive director, to make policies, guide the

organization towards a sustainable future by establishing a strategic direction and to

attend monthly board meetings and sub-committee meetings as well (MNS, 2019).

2. Manager- The role of the manager of the centre is to make sure that the programs

and services of the centre run smoothly. She is responsible for keeping the record of

the families who are attending the centre, to convey the requirements of the centre to

higher authorities and to visit the centre whenever there is a need.

3. Program Facilitator- The role of the program facilitator of the centre is to observe the

families and children, facilitate circle time, provide support and information to the
families and to plan different age and developmentally appropriate activities for


4. Funder- Springdale EarlyON centre is funded by the Region of Peel to support the

families of the Springdale community and to provide various programs and services

to the parents, caregivers and children from birth to age six for the healthy

development and learning of children. Therefore, its role is to provide funds to fulfil

the needs of the Springdale families. (MNS, 2019)

(Fig. MNS, 2019)

5. Parents/caregivers- They also play an important role for the success of the centre.

They fill the survey, share their parenting experiences, provide suggestions for the

improvement of the centre and also share their concerns about their children with the

program facilitator to get further support for their children and thus contribute

towards the success of the centre’s mission and goal.

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