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‘Bunch of Thieves’ Steal Office Outraged Underclassmen Refuse to

Panther Shave
National Merit Scholars Suspected Administration Fails to Notice

Kurt Lockhart you can run and tell that, Lee Morrow about that purple thing?”
Freelance Reporter homeboy.” Editor in Chief Netter’s feelings are
“Well, obviously,” com- shared by many. As a matter
The pride of Midway mented Assistant Principal The underclassmen have of fact, a large portion of the
High School, the beloved Allison Smith. “We have started to notice something freshman and sophomore
office panther, was stolen some panther thieves in different about the teachers classes have come together
by a “bunch of thieves,” Midway High School. this year. A majority of the to fight this travesty with a
reported saddened adminis- They’re climbing in our male staff (and some of the protest.
trators. Wild theories as to windows, snatching our female staff too, but that’s “From this day on, none
a different story) seems to of us will shave until this
have an unusual amount of unfair exemption from the
facial hair. rules is changed or we are
This puzzles many who allowed to have facial hair
are used to the usually strict too,” freshman Tyler Cap-
dress code of MHS. For son said.
years, teachers have pas- So far, this protest has
sionately battled against lasted six weeks. The leader,
student facial hair, and the sophomore Brian Salazar,
nurse’s disposable razors believes the fight is going
have always won in the end. well.
After some very skillful “None of us has given in
investigative reporting (we and no one has been disci-
just asked a teacher what plined yet,” Salazar said. “I
the heck is going on), we think they are slowly giving
the identities of the thieves panthers up.” have discovered that there in to our demands.”
range from disgruntled em- As Midway mourns the are new dress code rules for But there is one slight
ployees to our own National loss of its idyllic mascot, teachers. Firstly, as long as problem. The administration
Merit Scholars. “all possible efforts” are it is well groomed, facial hasn’t noticed.
“Whoever you are,” said being undertaken to recover hair on teachers is allowed. “The underclassmen
Principal Dr. Chris Allen, it, said Assistant Principal Secondly, male teachers are aren’t shaving?” asked
“we are looking for you. We Dale Kent. no longer required to wear principal Dale Kent as he
are going to FIND you. So ties. Thirdly, once a week stroked his awesome new
teachers must wear an arti- goatee.
cle of clothing that contains So it looks like this protest
The Underground the color purple, Dr. Allen’s could last quite a while.
favorite color. But that doesn’t phase these
Lee Morrow Editor-in-Chief These new rules do not sit silent fighters.
well with students. “Some day soon someone
Blake Johnson Managing Editor
“This is a total slap in is going to notice,” Sala-
Andrew Chang-Gu Political Correspondent zar said as he stroked his
the face,” sophomore Billy
Kurt Lockhart Freelance Reporter smooth face. “I can just feel
Netter said. “So what if I’ve
Cole Manning Feature Correspondent never shaved a day in my it.”
The Underground is a student publication that informs, entertains and provides a forum for student expression. It is no way affiliated with or sanctioned
by Midway High School. Views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the entire newspaper staff, the student body as a whole, administrators,
life? It’s the principle of
or Midway ISD. This newspaper does not discriminate on the basis of sex, disability, race, color, age or national orgin in its educational programs,
activities or employment as required by Title IX, Section 504 and Title VI. The Underground is free for all students, with production costs offset by the thing. And are you sure
advertisements. Ads are available in business card, 1/4, 1/2 and full size page sizes. Call Lee Morrow at 254-666-0222 for more information.
Midway BPA Seeks Endorsement of Sarah Palin in War Against Eco Club
‘Environmental protection dangerous to economy, American way of life’

Andrew Chang-Gu war though the continued

Political Correspondent use of “unconventional
In the past, these tactics
The Midway BPA is seek- have included raiding BPA’s
ing to turn the tide of battle Strategic Coffee Reserve
with its archrival, the Eco and replacing the Maxwell
Club, through a strategic with organic tofu.
alliance with Sarah Palin, a Eco Club members did
well-known anti-environ- not comment on any spe-
mentalist leader. cific future raids. Neverless, of life…” zation would be allowed
BPA CEO Gernald Fisker security around the Strate- The entire proposal spans to respond to Dr. Okon’s
reached out to the conserva- gic Coffee Reserve has been the length of 19 consecutive generous offer.
tive activist with a series greatly upgraded, including tweets. When asked why Attempts to achieve com-
of written statements on changing entry passwords he used Twitter instead of promise were unsuccessful.
the popular micro-blogging from the default “letmein,” email, Mr. Fisker replied Both BPA and Eco Club
website “Twitter,” asking according to anonymous that BPA needed to be “con- insist that they must have
her to endorse BPA’s fight tipsters within BPA. stantly adapting to today’s the entire windfall.
for “industrial freedom.” BPA’s executive board re- market conditions.” Since then, the situation
The war between BPA and mains confident despite the This includes “using the has deteriorated into an all-
Eco Club has raged for 15 recent embarrassing lapse in most advanced forms of out military conflict. BPA
days, and the hostilities be- security. communication available to has taken out a five hun-
tween our school’s business “Our Competitor Intel- stay relevant and reinforce dred thousand dollar loan
professionals and environ- ligence Division is report- our technical expertise,” to equip all members with
mentalists show no signs of ing that we are out-funding said Fisker. paintball guns and to buy 30
abating. the enemy by a ratio of at The website limits tweets hour-long timeshares on a
Analysts, however, say least 100 to 1, and that ratio to 140 characters each. retired army tank.
that a simple endorsement increases to about 1000 to The conflict between Eco Club has taken simi-
by Sarah Palin could give 1 when we do not account the two sides started when lar measures, including buy-
BPA a decisive victory. for Eco Club’s extensive foreign government official ing, on credit, a pre-fabri-
“Sarah Palin’s powers are resources in illicit con- named Dr. Clement Okon cated trench-bucket as well
vast and formidable. She sumables,” reads a private sent both BPA CEO Fisker as assorted BB firearms. It
could threaten Eco Club memo from a recent board and Eco Club Councilman has been rumored that they
with angry rallies and physi- meeting. Marley an urgent email. are reaching the final stages
cal violence delivered from When questioned, BPA Dr. Okon requested their in the purchase of a minia-
a moving helicopter,” says officials refused to comment help in transferring money ture submarine from the Los
Thomas Agenais of the con- on the exact nature of these from a Nigerian bank ac- Zetas Cartel.
servative Cato Institute. alleged “illicit consum- count, and offered Fisker Expecting victory, Eco
The Eco Club Cooperative ables.” and Marley a 20% share Club has already ordered an
Council, however, seems According to the tweets, of the funds, amounting to onsite paper mulcher and
unfazed by this new threat. “… [Sarah Palin] and Mid- approximately 10 million recycler for the school at a
“When we are faced with way BPA both understand dollars. cost of approximately 7.5
the threat of environmental that environmental protec- When each side found million dollars.
armageddon, we will stop at tion in the form of increased out that the other had also Likewise, BPA has begun
nothing to, uh, stop it,” said government regulation is received the email, an im- construction of a 9 million
Councilman Jack Marley. dangerous to the economy mediate dispute broke out dollar high-frequency stock
They promise to win the as well as the American way concerning which organi- trading facility on campus.
Kid Everyone Cheats Off of Starts Slacking Off
Student Body GPA Drops 23%
Lee Morrow then one hard work, this lack of mo-
Editor in Chief day he just tivation has had a disastrous
stopped ripple effect on GPA.
Midway's tradition of doing it,” a “Since Mr. Macintosh
excellence may soon be a senior said. began to slack off, the
thing of the past. In the re- “I guess I'll entire student body GPA has
cent months a startling trend just have dropped 23 percent,” Dr.
has emerged which effects to fail the Chris Allen said. “This is to-
the entire student body. Due class.” tally unacceptable. He must
to unknown causes, the stu- This cheats off of Kyle," Biology start working again.”
dent everyone cheats off of, problem doesn't only apply teacher, Debbie Watters, Macintosh declined com-
Kyle Macintosh, has begun to math students. Macintosh said. "How else would they ment, but it is speculated
to slack off. has ceased his former dili- pass those quizzes?" that the reason for the new
“I always go to Kyle for gence in every course. For a student populace behavior may lie in family
my math homework, but "Everyone in my class that relies on Macintosh's troubles, illicit substances,
or the realization that he's
probably stuck in Waco af-
Upperclassmen in Uproar Over New Senioritis Vaccine ter graduation anyway. But
Serious Side Effects and Abuse Rampant these explanations haven't
appeased classmates or
Blake Johnson maybe just once, I could be homework done since I was teachers.
Managing Editor loved by my teachers!” given the vaccine.” “It doesn't matter what
Many seniors are expe- HOPE, or Hematically his issues are,” an English
Last Monday, Senior riencing what Megan is Oxidized Procrastination teacher commented. “He
Megan Prado believed that going through. The recently Eradication, has received needs to get his act together
she’d pass her Anatomy test. released and FDA approved nothing but negative re- so my students can pass.”
She also thought she’d have HOPE vaccine was admin- views from the masses. The In order to counteract this
her research paper typed vaccine has since been problem, both students and
and perfected, and her removed from the market, teachers have come to-
Government vocabulary but not before making its gether to form a petition for
done and turned in. She’s mark. Macintosh to stop slacking
a senior though, not to “I used to actually do off. Currently the petition
mention a blonde. For a my schoolwork like a has over 600 signatures,
long overworked senior, good little lad,” Senior including those of principals
these expectations seem Hunter Johnson remarks. and members of the school
absurd. But thanks to a “Now, I’m injecting board.
recent medical break- HOPE 24/7, and life is “If this petition fails
through, we’ve been feeling pretty good.” to work we may have to
told Senioritis is no longer istered to the senior student The FDA, which approved rethink our entire grading
impossible to overcome. body last week, and the this vaccine, offered no system,” a board member
But does this new vaccine effects are nothing short of comment. Due to recent said.
really work? disastrous. abuses stemming from the Only time will tell if this
“I’ve never had the proper “I now have hairless arm- easily developed HOPE solution is effective. But
motivation to do my school pits,” Senior Alec Sanchez dependency, Midway is one thing is certain, unless
work,” Prado said. “But says. “I’ve spent so much now confiscating all HOPE Macintosh ceases to slack
when that new Senioritis time seeking therapy after found on campus, leaving off, grades will continue to
vaccine came out, I was this horrible side effect that many seniors worse off than drop. Macintosh, the ball's
given false hope. I thought, I’ve actually gotten less they were before this fiasco. in your court now.
A Light in the Forest
Goat Man Jared Opens Rehabilitation Center for Magical Creatures

Cole Manning sometimes more. When a fund raising ball at his Fairies: Coming Out of the
Feature Correspondent you’re in that environment house in Odessa, Texas. Wardrobe, which debuts on
it’s hard to quit; there’s The attendants ranged Broadway at the end of the
always a Goat Man or Uni- from all magical creatures month, and I’ll be support-
Goat Man Jared, writer of corn with more.” from all backgrounds. In ing him with that,” he said.
the widely successful self- Now, he’s been sober for the many supporters were “After that the sky’s the
help books, “I’m In Love nine years, but his scars the Gnomes Against Gang limit I suppose.”
With My Sister Who Hap- are still Violence and PCP, Fair- Truly an icon, Jared’s
pens to be a Transvestite, there. ies Who Formerly story is the story of us all.
Now What?” and “Crack “Sure I Abused Mush- Through years of
in Narnia: The White Witch want to go rooms, struggles, rehab,
Kills” has announced the out, find Goblins in and on to
opening of his rehabilitation some uni- Support of great
center in Gatesville, Texas. corns, and Prostitutes things,
The rehab center breaks use some and Their Jared is an
ground with care special- more,” Sobriety, American
ized in all magical creatures Jared patriot.
suffering from drug and sex said. Without
addictions. Gnomes, Goat his blind
People, and the Baldwin kind-
broth- ers are ness and
flocking strength,
from all the magi-
dimen- cal com-
sions to munity
confront their would still be
addictions. bumping around
The center in the wardrobe that is
promises to be addiction and despair, still
nothing short of searching for that hero to
magical. lead them out of the dark-
Jared doesn’t Art by Scotti Geiger ness. Like the true patriot
write from text he is, Jared stands proud
books, he knows what it’s “But I look at my life now and the infamous Winona like Lady Liberty with his
like to be in the clutches and I look at it then, and Rider. The ball raised over call heard worldwide, ‘Give
of addiction. “I’ve been there’s no way I’d go back. 2 million dollars in funds me your Unicorns, your
there,” Jared told Crystal I’m so glad I’ve got Dragon for different charities and Tree Fairies, the Crawling
Ball Magazine. “I started Master Alex for support, he organizations that supported Wardrobe Rats, and lost
using tree turtle fuzz and ent really keeps me grounded.” the sobriety and wellbeing Goat People. I greet you all
bark when I was 16, but that Jared and Alex have been of magical creatures. before my house of hope.’
recreation turned into addic- together for three years So what’s next for Jared? He has reached deep inside
tion when I got involved in and from the looks of it, “I think I’m just going to all of us filling our core and
the Goat Man and Unicorn they will be for many years focus on the rehab center bringing solace to our souls,
scene. Soon I was using more. and my family for now. and for that, Goat Man
pixie dust 18 times a day, Last month, Jared hosted Alex has his play Love and Jared, America thanks you.

Currently looking for a vocalist

Influences: Led Zeppelin, Tool, Nirvana, Soundgarden
For more information contact Hunter Johnson at (254) 855-8039

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