Dịch-Clean - Mr. Luong Sua

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Summary: Previous researches on wave force imposed on crown walls of sea dikes mainly
considered influencing factors such as wave height (Hmo) and crest freeboard (Rc). However,
in fact, there are other factors such as wave periods, dike slopes, shapes and positions of crown
walls also affecting the wave force. The effects of these factors on the wave pressure imposed
on the crown walls of sea dikes have been evaluated by means of the results of experimental
data analysis in physical models.
Keywords: wave force; crown wall; structure; sea dike.
Recent researches on the wave-induced pressures imposed on the typical crown walls of sea
dikes in the world can be mentioned such as Koen Van Doorslaer and others (2015), who have
studied the effect of wave height (Hmo) and crest freeboard (Rc) on wave-induced pressures.
However, there are some other factors that affect wave-induced pressures but have not been
considered. In Vietnam, Nguyen Van Dung and Le Xuan Roanh (2017) studied wave-induced
pressures imposed on crown walls of sea dikes, as well as considered the influence of wave-
returning nose. The results have not yet clarified the influence of factors such as wave height,
wave period, the slope of a dike, crest freeboard, width of wall front berm to wave-induced
pressures imposed on crown walls. By means of experiments in the wave flume with physical
models at Thuy Loi University, the acquired data were analyzed and the trend of the above
factors impacting on wave-induced pressures imposed on crown walls of sea dikes was

2.1 Testing equipment
Experiments on physical models of overtopping on sea dikes with low crown walls is conducted
in the integrated hydraulic laboratory at Thuy Loi University. The wave flume has a total length
of 45m, effective length of 42m, height of 1.2m and width of 1.0m. The wave generator is
equipped with automatic reflection wave absorption system (Active Reflection Compensation
- ARC). It can create sine or random waves of some typical spectrum (such as JONSWAP).
The maximum length of random waves can be created in the flume is 0.3m with a corresponding
period of 0.3s (see Figure 1). The incident wave heights generated by the wave generator in this
study are 0.10m, 0.12m, and 0.15m respectively. The coresponding wave periods (Ts) are 1.4s,
1.7s and 2.0s respectively.

Figure 1. Dutch wave flume (Water Resources University)

To study the wave force imposed on the crown wall, the study used three pressure probes PDB-
200KPa mounted in different locations according to the experimental scenarios. PDB-200KPa
is a sensor for hydrodynamic pressure, manufactured and tested by Tokyo Sokki Kenkyujo Co.,
Ltd of Japan (Fig. 2a, b). The measuring probe is 6.5mm and 1mm thick. The signal from the
pressure probes will be captured on the multi-channel SDA-380C equipment and stored on the
computer in the form of a voltage (mV) over time when interactions occur. The probes are
connected to SDA-830C pressure gauges. This is a modern pressure gauge, which can be
compatible with many types of probes such as flowmeters, pressure gauges, and strain gauges,
etc. (Fig. 2c, d). SDA-380C allows acquiring the pressures in the range of measurement period
of T = 0.01s = 10ms (the measurement frequency is f = 100Hz or 0.01s taking 1 value) or
smaller T. In this study, the measurement period is taken as T = 0.01s.

a) PDB-200KPa b) Signal probe


c) Connect the d) Pressure gauge
measuring probe to connected to the
the pressure gauge computer
Figure 2. Connect the PDB probe with pressure gauge and transmit data to the
2.2 Experimental model
The dike in the wave flume has a height of 70cm, the seaward slopes are 1/3 and 1/4, the length
of the foreshore is 24.5m and has a slope i = 1/100. The heights of the crown walls are 6cm,
9cm and 12cm. They are made of separate blocks so that when combined together, the crown
wall height (W) and the front width (S) will satisfy the requirements of the test scenarios. Crown
walls can be moved forward and backward in order to create different wall front widths in the
experiments, which are S = 0cm, 10cm and 25cm respectively (Figure 3, Figure 4).

Figure 3. Experimental model

Table 1. Experimental scenarios

1/m Wave parameters W S (cm)
Hs(m) Ts (s) (cm)
0.10, 0.12, 1.4, 1.7 6, 9, 0, 10,
Figure 4. The wave force imposed on the 1/3
0.15 và 2.0 12 25
crown wall is recorded by means of sensor 0,
0.10, 1.4, 6, 9,
probes 1/4 10,
0.12, 0.15 1.7, 2.0 12
Experimental scenarios are summarized in 25

Table 1:
From the experimental results, the effect of each factor on wave force is analyzed.
- Influence of wave height (Hm0):

Hình 5. Influence of Hmo ( m = 3) Hình 6. Influence of Hmo ( m = 4)

From the experimental data, the relationship between wave force and wave height is shown in
Figure 5 and Figure 6. The results show that the wave force is directly proportional to the wave
height Hm0. This result is consistent with previous research results (EurOtop, 2007).
- Influence of wave period (Tp):
Experimental data assessing the influence of the wave period Tp to wave force is shown in
Figure 6. The results also show that the wave force is proportional to the wave period (Tp). As
can be seen from the graph, longer period waves will impose more pressure on the crown wall
than in short-period waves under the same conditions.

Figure 6. Influence of Tp on the crown wall

- Influence of freeboard (Rc):

Figure 7. Influence of Rc on the crown

From the analytical results Figure 7 shows that when the freeboard (Rc) increases, the wave
force exerted on the wall decreases (the wave force is inversely proportional to Rc).
- Influence of front width of crown wall (S):

Figuer 8: Influence of Width of apron (S) on wave force

From the analysis results, Figure 8 shows that when the Width of apron (S) increases, the
wave force will decrease. This is entirely reasonable because when the slipping wave on the
shelf will lose some of the energy due to friction with the shelf surface and due to friction
between the water layers together. Therefore, the wider the front berm is, the larger wave
energy is attenuated. When colliding with the wall, the forces caused by the waves will be
smaller than that of a narrow front step.
- The influence of the seaward slope (tanα) is shown in Figure 9

Figure 9. Influence of the seaward slope (tanα) on wave force

Figure 9 shows the seaward slope (tanα) has a great influence on the wave force imposed on
the wall. In the same condition, the seaward slope large makes the wave force increase
markedly. This is also explained similarly to the front wall. When the slope is large, the wave
energy gradually lost before reaching the wall leading to the force imposed on the wall is
greater than that when the slope is small.
- Influence of Height of crown-wall (W):

Fugure 9. Influence of height (W) on wave force
From the analysis results (Figure 9) shows that in the same condition when the wall height
(W) increases, the wave force decreases.

The experimental results show that in addition to the wave heights and wave periods, other
factors including crest freeboards, the width of the front berm, the seaward slopes, and the
heights of the crown walls also have impacts on wave-induced pressures imposed on the crown
walls of sea dikes. When determining the wave-induced pressures, it is necessary to fully
consider these factors in order to make the results consistent with reality. As can be seen clearly
from the results, the wave heights, wave periods and seaward slopes are directly proportional
to wave-induced pressures; the crest freeboards, widths of the front berm, and the heights of
the crown walls are inversely proportional to the wave-induced pressures.


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2. Nguyễn Văn Dũng, Lê Xuân Roanh, Thiều Quang Tuấn, “Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của mũi
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3. Nguyễn Văn Dũng, Lê Xuân Roanh, “ Nghiên cứu xác định áp lực sóng lên tường đỉnh đê
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