Start With Primavera For 1 Time Login We Have To Create The Data Base For Us Called User Profile

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Start with primavera; for 1st time login we have to create the data base for us called user


For 1st time chose 2nd option

and create new database

For redefining old database

choose 1st option
Now restart primavera & Login

After login the following error will appear

Click ok and primavera window will appear

Primavera window will apear and looks like below; Nevigation bar
Name of the project
Title bar
Menu bar
Tool bar

Directory Bar Command bar



Status Bar

To remove error “The appropriate Industry for your org……”

& close


To enlarge DIRECORY, Tool Bar & command bars

Right click anywhere in directory bar = customize = Options = select Large Icons

It will look like as;

Right click anywhere in directory bar = customize, remain this new window open & again Right click anywhere in
directory bar and select Image & text
Now just by placing our cursor on any command it will show its name
Now to show more or less functions in Bottom Bar
Right click on bottom Bar = customize project details = select functions of our choice

To hide details
Right click on bottom bar and select Hide details window

To show again go to View = show on bottom = no bottom layout

Now to change column layout right click in middle of top layout

Close the opened project

To show again either go to directory = project or enterprise = project


“File” function New= create new project

Ctrl+O =

Close ALL =

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