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What Has Happened to Lulu?

Stanza Meaning
The persona wants to know why his mother is saying that the
____________ and the roar of an _____________ he heard are
just a dream. The roar of an engine implies that his sister, Lulu was
driven away in a ____________.

The persona, a young boy is asking his mother where his sister, Lulu
is. He says there is nothing on her bed except an 1) ____________
and a ___________by its side

The persona heard somebody crying _________or anger but his

mother tells him that it must have been the wind.

The persona is asking his mother why Lulu's ____________ is

open and her ____________is missing.

The persona asks his mother why she is turning her head away and
___________. He asks her again why she crumples and throws the
_____________ into the fire and tells him that nothing is wrong.

The persona wants his mother to explain why she is

____________ and what has happened to his older sister, Lulu.

Summary of the Poem


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