Data Input Wall Components Proportioning Wall Stability: FOS Against O/T 3.24 OK!

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Data Input Wall Components Proportioning Wall Stability

Stem height 23 ft b 17.00 ft Hz Earth Pressure Ph: 11.40 Kip (Kip/ft)

qa 2.7 Tsf Toe 10.00 ft Overturning Moment Mo 90.33 Kip-ft
Df 1 ft Stem ts 1.00 ft FOS against O/T 3.24 OK!
p soil 120 pcf Base slab th. tb 1.31 ft Check for Sliding
Theta 30 angle heel 6.00 ft Total Hz force = Ph 11.40 Kip
Friction 1 value H 24.00 ft Resisting Force 23.08 Kip
fc' 4 Ksi Counterfort th. tc 1.31 ft FOS against Sliding 2.02 OK!
fy 60 Ksi Give Spacing 9.25 ft Pressure Distribution at Base
Implies spacing req 8.68 ft Net Moment 202.52 Kip-ft
Counterforts c/c req. 7.68 ft x 8.77 ft
L c/c 7.94 ft Eccentricity 'e' -0.27 ft
b/6 2.83 ft
Remarks e < b/6, Compression
Max Pressure at Toe
Pa 1.23 Ksf
q 5.94 Ksf
Remarks Pa < qa, OK!
Minimum Pressure at Heel
Pd 1.49 Ksf Comp
P at junction of Stem with Toe i.e. under B
Pb 1.38 Ksf
P at junction of Stem with Heel i.e. under C
Pc 1.40 Ksf
Design of Toe Slab Design of Stem (Vertical Slab) Design of Horizontal Ties Load Calculations
Pb 1.38 Ksf Earth P at Bot Ph 0.91 Kip/ft Soil Pressure Ph 0.91 Kip/ft Description Loads (Kip/ft) Dist of C.G from T (ft) Moment about T Kip-ft
Load Factor 1.60 Value Load Factor 1.60 Value Spacing C/F c/c 7.94 ft Stem Weight W1 3.40 10.50 35.74
Moment-Soil Pressure 58.73 Kip-ft Clear Spacing L 6.63 ft Ph at base 7.23 Kip Base Slab Weight W2 3.34 8.50 28.39
Moment-Slab Weight 9.83 Kip-ft Mu -ve 9.38 Kip-ft Provide #3@6" c/c Earth wt on Heel W3 16.34 14.00 228.72
Mb 78.25 Kip-ft d 10.00 in Sum: 23.08 292.85
dmin 9.77 in As min 0.17 in2/ft
d 13.72 in As calc 0.23 in2/ft
As min 0.23 in2/ft As 0.23 in2/ft
As calc 1.43 in2/ft Steel: #3 @ 6'' c/c
As 1.43 in2/ft Check for Shear
Steel: #3 @ 1'' c/c Vu max 4.83 Kip/ft
Check for Shear φvVc 11.38 Kip/ft
Pe 1.36 Ksf Remarks OK!
Slab length 8.86 ft Design of Counterfort
Varying Pressure Shear 11.47 Kip/ft Counterfort th. tc 1.31 ft
Downward force Shear 2.25 Kip/ft Spacing C/F c/c 7.94 ft
Net Ultimate Shear Vu 3.61 Kip/ft Soil Pressure Ph 10.47 Ksf
φvVc 15.62 Kip/ft BM at base C 83.17 Kip-ft
Remarks OK! Load Factor 1.60 Value
Design of Heel Slab Mu 133.06 Kip-ft
Dn Soil wt 2.76 Kip/ft Earth Pressure wt 2.76 Kip/ft
Dn heel wt 0.20 Kip/ft Heel Slab wt 0.20 Kip/ft
Up Soil Pressure 1.49 Kip/ft Up Soil Pressure 1.49 Kip/ft
Net Dn Force at D 1.47 Kip/ft Net Dn P on Heel at D 1.47 Kip/ft
Net Dn Force at C 1.56 Kip/ft Net Dn Force at C 1.56 Kip/ft
Counterfort th. tc 1.31 ft Tol Dn Force at D 11.65 Kip
Clear Spacing L 6.63 ft Tol Dn Force at C 12.39 Kip
Mu -ve at C/F 8.60 Kip-ft dmin 11.13 in
As min 0.23 in2/ft d min (ft) 0.93 ft
As calc 0.16 in2/ft Tan theta 3.83 Value
As 0.23 in2/ft Theta degrees 75.39 Degree
Steel: #3 @ 6'' c/c h 5.81 ft
Check for Shear d 66.17 in
Net Dn Force at D 1.47 Kip/ft As min 3.47 in2
Vu max 7.78 Kip/ft As calc 0.50 in2
φvVc 15.62 Kip/ft As 3.47 in2/ft
Remarks OK! Steel: 8 #6

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