Customer Satisfaction Towards Nestle Products

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Nestle Products

Chapter 1


Customer Satisfaction Towards Nestle Products


Nestlé was founded in 1866 by Henri Nestlé and is today the world's biggest food and beverage
company. Sales at the end of 2005 were CHF 91 bn, with a net profit of CHF 8 bn. Nestlé
employ around 250,000 people from more than 70 countries andhave factories or operations in
almost every country in the world. The history of Nestlé began in Switzerland in 1867 when
Henri Nestlé, the pharmacist, launched his product Farine Lactée Nestlé, a nutritious gruel for
children. Henri used his surname, which means ’little nest’, in both the company name and the
logotype. The nest,which symbolizes security, family and nourishment, still plays a central role
in Nestlé’s profile. Since it began over 130 years ago, Nestlé’s success with product innovations
and business acquisitions has turned it into the largest Food Company in the world. As the years
have passed, the Nestlé family has grown to include chocolates, soups, coffee, cereals, frozen
products, yoghurts, mineral water and other food products. Beginning in the 70s, Nestlé has
continued to expand its product portfolio to include pet foods, pharmaceutical products and
cosmetics too. Today, Nestlé markets a great number of products, all with one thing in common:
the high quality for which Nestlé has become renowned throughout the world. The Company's
strategy is guided by several fundamental principles. Nestlé's existing products grow through
innovation and renovation while maintaining a balance in geographic activities and product lines.
Long-term potential is never sacrificed for short-term performance. The Company's priority is to
bring the best and most relevant products to people, wherever they are, whatever their needs,
throughout their lives.Taste of Nestlé in each of the countries where Nestlé sell products. Nestlé
is based on the principle of decentralization, which means each country is responsible for the
efficient running of its business - including the recruitment of its staff.

Customer Satisfaction Towards Nestle Products

That's not to say that every operating company can do as it wishes. Headquarters inVevey sets
the overall strategy and ensures that it is carried out. It's an approach that is best summed up as:
'centralize what you must, decentralize what you can'. Nestlé is a company which is present in all
over the world but It has difference and unique motto to deal in all over the world. Nestlé
believes that they should think abouttheir organizations globally but they deal with people by
interacting with them locally.

Vision of Nestlé

Nestlé's vision of making good food central to enjoying a good healthy life for consumers
everywhere. This implies gaining a deeper understanding in many areas of nutrition and food
research and transforming the scientific advances into applications for the company. Having a
broad vision the company is doing its best for their consumers to show the great sense of

Customer Satisfaction Towards Nestle Products

High quality and collaboration

Our objectives are to deliver the very best quality in everything we do, from
primary produce, choice of suppliers and transport, to recipes and packaging materials. Our oper
ations and collaboration in the Nordic countries gives us greater opportunities to be efficient and
strategic and to function well as an organization, both when it comes to the distribution chain and
to concentrating on joint product launches and campaigns.

Focus on e-business and websites

Increased investments in the sphere of e-business give us swifter business and direct contact with
trade. Our website is a forum for consumers, students, future employees and the media. We hope
that through a sincere approach and by conducting dialogues, we will be able to improve, change
and satisfy the demands and wishes of the people of today.

Customer Satisfaction Towards Nestle Products


•In 1866, Charles Page (US to Switzerland) and George Page, brothers from Lee County,Illino
is, USA, established the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company in Cham, Switzerland. Their
First British operation was opened at Chippenham, Wiltshire, in 1873.

•The company grew significantly during the First World War and again following the Second
World War, expanding its offerings beyond its early condensed milk and in fant formula

•The company has made a number of corporate acquisitions, including Crosse & Blackwell in
1950; Find us in 1963, Libby's in 1971, Rown tree Mack in tosh in 1988, and Gerber in 2007.

•The first half of the 1990s proved to be favorable for Nestlé. Trade barriers crumbled, and
World markets developed in tomoreor less in targeted trading areas.

•Since 1996, there have been various acquisitions. In April 2007, returning to its roots, Nestlé
bought US baby-food Manufacturer Gerber for US $5.5 billion.

•In December 2007, Nestlé entered in to a strategic partnership with a Belgian chocolate.

•In July 2011, Nestlé SA agreed to buy 60 percent of HsuFuChi International Ltd for about US
$1.7 billion.

•In January 2018, Nestlé USA announced it is selling its U.S. confectionary business to Ferrero,
an Italian chocolate and candy maker. The company was sold for a total of an estimated

Customer Satisfaction Towards Nestle Products

Company Profile

Food processing

1866; 152 years ago (as Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company)
1867; 151 years ago (as FarineLactée Henri Nestlé)
1905; 113 years ago (as Nestlé and Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company)

Henri Nestlé, Charles Page, George Page

Vevey, Vaud, Switzerland

•Area served

•Key people
Paul Bulcke (Chairman)
Ulf Mark Schneider (CEO)

 Products
Baby food, coffee, dairy products, breakfast cereals, confectionery, bottled water, ice cream, Pet

•Number of employees


Customer Satisfaction Towards Nestle Products

Customer Satisfaction Towards Nestle Products

Strengths Weaknesses

1. Nestle is a highly-diversified 1. Much of its sales depend upon a

company operating in many different few well-recognized brands. This makes
markets and sectors of those markets. the company able to any sudden changes
in consumer behavior.
2. The variety of brands gives Nestle
a strong ability to weather economics 2. Grocery sales in some major
because it serves many different market share increasingly concentrated
segments of the market. in the hands of a few giant retailers such
as Walmart and Kroger in the United
3. It has strong research and States and Tesco in the United
development capabilities that are Kingdom.
3. Some of its brands, such as
4. Nestle has strong relationships Carnation milk, are not tailored to
with retailers. modern life styles and are seen as old-
fashioned by some customers.
5. It includes well-established
brands with a large amount of market 4. The company is heavily
share in some of the largest national dependent upon advertising to shape
economies, including Europe and the consumer opinion and drive traditional
United States. sales. This can lead to high marketing
costs with a questionable return on

5. There is a high cost for launching

new brands to supplement older, less-
fashionable food products.

Threats Opportunities

1. Retailers such as Wall mart, 1. Growth in online retail could

Kroger and Aldiare increasingly open up new distribution channels such
promoting house brands, which are as Amazon Prime that can bypass
more profitable for them. traditional retailers.

2. Growing middle classes in

Customer Satisfaction Towards Nestle Products

2. There is pressure from large nations such as China and India create
retailers such as Wal-Mart cut prices. larger and broader markets for Nestlé’s
3. The growing use of new retail
channels such as Amazon Prime and 3. Increased disposable income in
dollars to may not favor traditional retail countries like China could increase the
products. demand for luxury items like bottled
water, ice cream and pet food.
4. They have experienced disruption
of the traditional grocery industry in 4. Changes in life style, such as
countries like the United States by new longer work hours, more women in the
players such as Whole Foods Market work force, and more single-person
and online retailers. households, increase the demand for pre
packaged foods.
5. There is a growing in
effectiveness of traditional advertising 5. Increased mobility and car
as new technologies such as Streaming ownership increase the demand for
video supplant traditional broad cast and candy, bottled water and snack foods in
print media. nations like China..

Customer Satisfaction Towards Nestle Products



Breakfast cereals
Honey Cheerios
Oat Cheerios
Cookie Crisp
Honey Oats & More

Chilled and frozen foods

a) Chilled meats
Herta Frankfurters
Herta Chicken Frankfurters
Herta Jumbo Frankfurters

b) Ice cream After Eight ice cream

Fruit Crunch lollies
Milky Bar ice cream
Nobbly Bobbly lollies

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Nestle Products

Yogurts and desserts

Aero Bubbly Chocolate Dessert

Kit Kat Split Pot
Milky bar White Chocolate Dessert
Munch Bunch Drink


a) Coffee

Nescafé Original
Nescafé Alta Rica
Nescafé Black Gold

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Nestle Products

b) Hot chocolate

Areo hot chocolate

Skinny Cow hot chocolate

c)Milks and creams

Carnation Caramel
Carnation Condensed Milk
Carnation Evaporated Milk
Carnation Extra Thick Cream

d) Milkshake

Nesquik magic straws

Nesquick milk shake syrup

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Aqua Panna



Kit Kat
Kit Kat Caramel
Kit Kat Dark
Ptit Biscuit
Kit Kat Mini

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b)Boxed chocolates

Black Magic
Dairy Box
Quality Street

c) Cakes and doughnuts

Jelly tots Cup Cakes

Rolo Valentines Cake
Smarties Cake Bars
Smarties Cup Cakes
Rolo Doughnuts

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d) Cake mixes

Smarties Funny Faces Cup Cake

Smarties Party Cake

e) Chocolate bars

Aero Bubbles
Animal Bar
Crunch Milk Chocolate
Heaven Milk Chocolate
Milky Bar

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f)Sugar Confectionary

Fruit Gums
Juicy Jellies
Polo Sugar Free

Baby Food


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Nutritional supplements

Build-up Milkshake
Build-up Nutrition Soup
Resource Dessert Fruit

Pet Food

Bakers Complete

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Nestle Products

Consumer Behavior –

 It is defined as all psychological, social and physical behavior of potential customers as they
become aware, evaluate, purchase, consume, and tell to other about product and services.
 Buying behavior involves both individual (psychological) and group process.
 Buyer behavior is reflected from awareness right through post purchase
evaluation indicating satisfaction, from purchaser.
 Buyer behavior includes communication, purchasing and consumption
 Consumer behavior is basically social in nature hence the social factors
play important roles in shaping buying behavior.

Diversity of Consumer Behavior;-

Customer and consumer words are referred as synonyms but the difference exists
 Customer - the purchaser of product or service, may or may not be the end user
 Consumer –the end user, may or may not be the purchaser
 New age of business demands differentiation of customer by individual difference in
consumer expectations, preference and influences.
 Firms need to go into deep of consumer behavior to analyze and act to achieve objectives.

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Nestle Products

Concept & Need for Studying Consumer Behavior;-

Consumer behavior can be said to be the study of how individual make decision on how to spend
their available resources (time, money, effort) on various consumption related items. This simple
definition of consumer behavior tells the markets to resolve every activity around the ultimate
consumers & gauge their behavior by specially focusing on:

 Who buys products or services?

 How do they buy products or services?
 Where do they buy them?
 How often they buy them?
 Why do they them?
 How often they use them?

These questions will help in understanding better what factors influences better what factors
influences the decision making process of the customer.

Consumer Decision Making Process:-

 Stimuli- need, reasons, influences, gathering information

 Information processing-process, analysis information about product
 Decision making – on the basis of analysis, decision to go for
 Response- response to buy without any prejudice

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Factor Influencing Buying Behavior:-

 Individual factors
 Cognitive thinking process – perception, attitude, needs/motives
 Personal characteristics – demography, lifestyles, personal traits
 Environment factors
 Culture- values, beliefs, sub culture / cross cultural factors
 Social class- social class, society
 Influence groups- family, opinion leaders, reference group
 Situational variables – purchase occasion, market communication, shopping
behavior, price, sales influence, product position.

Consumer Research:-

Consumer research is the methodology used to study consumer behavior research offer set
diverse to identify consumer needs it is used to identify both felt & stores. What their attitudes
are before and after promotional campaigns & how & why they makes their consumption

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Nestle Products

Consumer Satisfaction:-

All business firms have realized that marketing is a core element of management philosophy &
the key to its success lies in focusing more & more on the consumer satisfaction. That is, it will
be the customer is to ensure that they should satisfy every customer. Satisfaction is an important
element in the evaluating stages, satisfaction refer to the buyers state of being adequately
rewarded in a buying situation for the sacrifices he has made one the customer purchase & use
the product they may then become either satisfy or dissatisfied. Satisfied customer are people
who are happy with the product & services & are willing to come back & pay for it again.

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Broadly one can classify buyer behavior models into four broad categories namely economic,
learning, psychoanalytical and sociological.

 The Economic Model

 Learning Model
 The Psychoanalytical Model
 Sociological Model

I. The Economic Model: According to this economic model of buyer behavior, the buyer
is a rational animal and his buying decisions are totally governed by the concept of
utility. It leads us to the four important predictions about the buyer behavior. 1Lowerthe
‘price effect’. 2 Higher the purchasing power, the higher will be the quantity that will be
bought which is known as ‘income effect’. 3 Lower the price of a substitute product; the
lower quantity will be bought of the original product which is known as ‘substitute
effect’. 4 Higher the provisional expenditure, the higher the sales which is most
commonly known as ‘communication effect’.

II. Learning Model: Learning process involves three steps namely, Drive-a strong internal
stimulus which impels action. A drive-need-thus motivates a person for action to satisfy
the need. Cues are weak stimuli. Cues determine when the buyer will respond. Say, we
have cues such as a product advertisement relevant to the situation and existing in our
environment. Response is the final stage which is need to fulfill the drive or a need
which was action as a strong stimulus. Thus, the thirst, can be quenched by a soft-drink
supported by an add.

III. The Psychoanalytical Model: The psychoanalytical model draws from Freudian
psychology. According to this model, the individual consumer has a complex set of deep
seated motives which drive him towards certain buying decisions. The buyer has a private

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world with all his hidden fears, suppressed desires and totally subjective longing. His
buying action can be influenced by appealing to these desire and longings.

IV. Sociological Model: According to the sociological model, the individual buyer behavior
is influenced by society, by intimate groups as well as social classes.

Here “Input” covers purchasing power, marketing unit, intrapersonal influences and
other environmental factors. Inter-personal influences are motivation, perception,
learning, attitude and the buyer’s personality.

The “Output” covers the buyer’s attitudes, opinions, feelings, and the preferences as
influenced by buying process and buyer’s action such as patronage, brand and store
loyalty, positive or negative influence up on other potential buyer.

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Nestle Competitors in the World

 Keurig
 Nigeria Breweries
 Starbucks
 Magi products
 Unilever
 Amul
 Baker Hostetler
 Engro Foods
 Walmart
 Heinz
 Euro Africa
 Glencore
 Groupe DANONE
 Mars
 Yinlu Foods
 Mother Dairy

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Nestle Competitor in India

 ADF Food Ltd

 Amrita Corp. Ltd.
 Britannia Industry Ltd
 Energy Products (India) Ltd.
 Euro India Fresh Foods Ltd.
 Himalaya Food International Ltd.
 Hindustan Foods Ltd.
 Indo Asian Foods and Commodities Ltd.
 Lotte India Corporation Ltd.
 Mlkfood Ltd.
 Oceanic Foods Ltd
 Samper Nutritions Ltd.
 Super Bakers (India) Ltd.
 Tasty Bite Eatables Ltd.
 Vadilal Dairy International Ltd.

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Threat of New Entrants

 The food processing industry is very large and competitive; it is not uncommon for firms
within the industry to do quite well.

 As a result, many companies enter into the market every year in an attempt to gain a
portion of the profitable market. Luckily for Nestle, the company has been around in
china for decades and boasts a long history of quality products and consumer satisfaction,
which has allowed the company to obtain a considerable share of the market.

 As a result, new entrants into the industry must attempt to seize a portion of Nestlé’s
market share in order to survive.

 Essentially, Nestle is constantly a target, and so the threat of new entrants is relatively

Competitive Rivalry within the Industry

 Competition if healthy would bring huge success but if negative would destroy the whole
industry is it should be critically analyzed for better future of the company.

 Nestle has a very strong position in the food processing industry but few major rivals do
exist in the industry like Kraft Foods and Group Danone.

 About mentioned companies are fighting continuously to get on to each other and avoid
any sort of competition but I is still there.

 If we about marketing and advertising these companies have spent hell of their
expenditures for the purpose of effective marketing and advertising and in competition
they have always but performed each other.

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Nestle Products

Customer Satisfaction on Nestle

Nestle has been done a lot of things to full fill the customer satisfaction needs like food quality,
safety and reliability, health, wellness & nutrition, perception of foods, customer future
expectation and promotion. 3 Justification The writer’s undergraduate course will be ‘marketing
and management. The course is about monitoring the marketplace, organizing and analyzing the
results of data collection, and developing strategies for future marketing activities. As a global
food business, the top priority to Nestle is quality-One of the examples is coffee farming and
production. Nestle has been trained the farmer for new technology to minimize water usage in
the coffee production process because many of the coffee farmer are smallholders bad they did
not have enough resources of clean water. This technology had been improved the coffee quality,
water saving and also increase profit for coffee farmer 7 4. Safety and reliability To guarantee its
food safety, Nestle uses five systems quality management system, from farm to fork to Hazard
Analysis to minimize food hazards.

However, maintaining high standards of food safety and reliability is of utmost importance
because customers, in general, are unforgiving with companies with stained records. In this
aspect, Nestle has done very well by having only 3 major food incidents (Wisped – Nestle) since
the company’s founding in 1866. 5. 0 Health, wellness and nutrition More than 220 million
people around the globe suffer from diabetes and approximately 18 million people have
Alchemies due to poor dietary consumption and lifestyles. In 2005, Nestle recognized that the
food consumption habits of the world’s population were changing. The founder then began to
move away from selling processed food and confectionery, and started to move towards
becoming a producer of food with health and nutrition benefits and ultimately, a provider of a
wide range of products and services in the nutrition, health and wellness business-Nestle planned
to invest $500 million in the next 10 years to improve its health and wellness products to ensure
customers could eat their food without worrying about getting fat or diabetes. As part of Nestles
health policy since 1999, Nestle has been committed to not exceeding the level of TFAA in their
products by 3% of the total fat in their foods and 1% for daily total energy intake.

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Nestle Products

Research Methodology

The process used to collect information and data for the purpose of making business
decisions. The methodology may include publication research, interview, survey and
other technique, and could include both present and historical information.

Research Methodology is the systemic, theoretical analysis of the method applied to a

field of study. It comprises the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles
associated with a branch of knowledge.

Scope of Study

 The study is restricted to Mandi Gobindgarh and its surrounding areas.

 Convenience sampling & simple random sampling techniques are following.
 The sample size was restricted to 100 respondents only.

Objective of the Study

 To study the consumer perception towards nestle products.

 It also tries to study the company on different customer values attributes and
analysis its product quality gap (expectation – perception) for Nestle.
 To study the growth of Nestle products.

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Research Design

Concussive research design is more formal and structured than the exploratory design. It is use to
test the hypotheses and examine the relationship. Descriptive research design is the part of the
conclusive design and it describes the market characteristics or functions. It describes the
characteristics of relevant groups such as consumers, organizations etc. The collection of the
information from the sample population is drawn only once so it is cross sectional design.

I. Type of Research:
Descriptive Research:- The description studies is used in the project due to fact that the
descriptive studies attempt to obtain a complete and accurate description of a situation
that is it covers, the all phase required and provide the ways to collect the data from
various sources of information (sample design), ensure minimum bias in the collection of
data, hold costs to a minimum and reduce the errors in interpreting the data collected.

II. Data Collection Method:

Primary data:- Primary data are those collected specifically by or for the data user, by
different methods such as:

 Field Survey
 Personal Interview
 Questionnaire
 Telephone interview

Secondary data:- Secondary data has been collected from products magazines, books related to
consumer behavior, from Internet sites like (,

 Internet
 Advertisements
 Social media
 Newspapers

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III. Tools for Analyze Data:

Sample Size:-
 Approx. 100 Respondents

Area Covered:- In Mandi gobindgarh, specific areas surveyed are sham nagar, subash
nagar, Gandhi nagar, shastri nagar, New model colony.

 Bar Charts
 Percentage
 Questioner

Limitation of survey

 The extent of the survey was Mandi Gobindgarh only.

 Stipulated short span of time for service.
 Sample size used for the study is small.
 The behavior of the customer is unpredictable which may result in the
lacking of accuracy in the data.

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Question-1) Age Wise Classification



1 Between 5-10 20 20%
2 Between 10-20 34 34%
3 Between 20-30 36 36%
4 Above 30 10 10%
Total 100 100%








According to the above analysis it is conclude that I have100 respondents out of which 20%,
34%, 36%, 10% belong to age group of 5-10, 10-20, 20-30, above 30 respectively.

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Question-2) Which Brand of Noodles do you prefer ?


Count of
Brand Brand
Maggi 127
Ramen 55
Others 18


Count of Brand




60 Count of Brand



Maggi Top Ramen Others


Nestle Maggi is more preferable brand into the market other than top ramen. More than 63.5%
customer likes to purchase Maggi. The market share covered by Top- Ramen is 27.5%. the
market share covered by other companies is 9%.

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Question-3) Which brand of chocolate do you prefer?



1 Cadbury 74 74%
2 Nestle 26 26%
Total 100 100%







There are many brands available in the market. But the market leader in India is Cadbury and
Nestle. According to survey-

-76% of the respondents prefer Cadbury brand chocolate.

-24% of the respondents prefer Nestle brand chocolate.

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Question-4) Where do you normally buy nestle products from ?



1 store 20 20%
2 market 42 42%
3 Retailer 30 30%
4 other 8 8%
TOTAL 100 100%








According to the above analysis it is conclude that-

- 20 of the respondents buy nestle products from Department store.

- 42 of the respondents buy nestle products from Super Market.
- 30 of the respondents buy nestle products from Retailer.
- 8 of the respondents buy nestle products from others.

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Question-5) Which sub-brand of Nestle Chocolate you have preferred more?


1 Munch 26 26%
2 Kit Kat 32 32%
3 Milkybar 29 29%
4 Toffee Crisp 13 13%
Total 100 100%








From above data analysis of sample of 100 respondents who eat Nestle chocolate it is concluded

-26% of respondents have preferred Munch Chocolate more.

-32% of respondents have preferred Kit Kat Chocolate more.

-29% of respondents have preferred Milkybar Chocolate more.

- 13% of respondents have preferred Toffee Crisp Chocolate more.

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Question-6) Are you satisfied with Nestle Products?


Satisfaction Number of Respondents Percentage

Yes 68 68%
No 10 10%
Average 22 22%


Number of Respondents




From above data analysis of sample of 100 respondents who satisfied with nestle product it is
concluded that-

- 68% respondents have preferred Yes.

- 10% respondents have preferred No.
- 22% respondents have preferred Average.

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Question-7) Which form of Chocolate do you like?


SR NO OPTIONS No. of Responds Percentage

1 Hard 10 10%
2 Nutties 20 20%
3 Crunchy 40 40%
4 chew 30 30%




30% 1 Hard
2 Nutties
3 Crunchy
4 chew



From above data analysis of sample of 100 respondents for which chocolate do you like it is
concluded that-

- 10% respondents have preferred to hard.

- 20% respondents have preferred to Nutties.
- 40% respondents have preferred to Crunchy.
- 30% respondents have preferred to chew.

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Question-8) Which brand according to you is giving the most competition to Nestle in India?


Most Competition to Number of

Nestle Respondents Percentage
Cadbury 48 48%
Amul 37 37%
Mother Diary 15 15%


Number of Respondents


Mother Diary


From above data analysis of sample of 100 respondents for the competitors of Nestle in India is
concluded that-

- 48% respondents have preferred to Cadbury.

- 37% respondents have preferred to Amul.
- 15 % respondents have preferred to Mother Diary.

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Question-9) What about Quality of Nestle Products?


Quality Number of Respondents Percentage

High Quality 48 48%
Average Quality 37 37%
Low Quality 15 15%





Number of Respondents


High Quality Average Quality Low Quality


From above data analysis of sample of 100 respondents for the Quality of Nestle Products is
concluded that-

- 48% respondents have preferred to High Quality.

- 37% respondents have preferred to Average Quality.
- 15 % respondents have preferred to Low Quality.

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Question-10) What about the Brand of coffee do you prefer?


Brand Number of Respondents Percentage

Nestle 47 47%
Tata coffee 8 8%
Bru 32 32%
Narasu's Coffee 13 13%


Number of Respondents


47% Tata coffee
Narasu's Coffee



From above data analysis of sample of 100 respondents for the Quality of Nestle Products is
concluded that-

- 47% respondents have preferred to Nestle.

- 8% respondents have preferred to Tata coffee.
- 32 % respondents have preferred to Bru.
- 13% respondents have preferred to Narasu’s Coffee.

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Question-11) What about the Brand of Baby Food do you prefer?


Brand Number of Respondents Percentage

Nestle 48 48%
Farex 37 37%
Grainylac 15 15%


Number of Respondents




From above data analysis of sample of 100 respondents for the Quality of Nestle Products is
concluded that-

- 48% respondents have preferred to Nestle.

- 37% respondents have preferred to Farex.
- 15 % respondents have preferred to Grainylac.

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Question-12) What about the Brand of Hot Chocolate do you prefer?


Number of
Brand Respondents Percentage
Nestle 22 22%
Ovaltine 19 19%
Hershey’s Special Dark 40 40%
Swiss Miss 19 19%


Number of Respondents

19% 22%
0 Nestle
Hershey’s Special Dark
Swiss Miss


From above data analysis of sample of 100 respondents for the Quality of Nestle Products is
concluded that-

- 22% respondents have preferred to Nestle.

- 40% respondents have preferred to Hershey’s Special Dark.
- 19% respondents have preferred to Swiss Miss.
- 19% respondents have preferred to Ovaltine.

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Based on the data gathered by administrating schedules to customers the following observations
are made

i. Nestle Products has excellent percentage of customer satisfaction according to the data
shown in table 6 of the data analysis and Interpretation topic.
ii. Its Quality and Taste satisfy most of the people.
iii. Based on Chocolate, Noodles, Baby Food, Pet Food, Coffee or much more most of the
people are satisfied with it.
iv. It can be seen that more percentage of respondents has purchase nestle products from
super market.
v. It can be observed that most of the respondents are satisfied by the packaging of chocolate
and milk products of nestle.
vi. It can be observed that most percentage of respondents are satisfied by the Nestle Coffee
as compare the BRU coffee.
vii. It can be observed that Teen Agers and Adults are consume more nestle product as
compare to other products.
viii. Most of the respondents believe that Nestle has been more successful.
ix. Most of the respondents satisfied with the prices of the Nestle Products.
x. It can be seen that more percentage of respondents has satisfied with nestle Yogurt,
Breakfast Cereal, powdered Milk or baby food as compare to other brands of this

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Nestle Products



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Customer Satisfaction Towards Nestle Products


Nestle Company has large market share in India.

The company is offering good quality of products, which is reflected on the satisfaction of the

Majority of the customer are satisfied with the packaging design of the products.

The customer is also satisfied with their price of the products.

Nestle brand also work on the market schemes to increase our market share in the India.

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Nestle Products


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Customer Satisfaction Towards Nestle Products

Suggestions and Recommendations

 Most of the respondents are of the opinion that Nestle should improve its brand image,
launch new products schemes and improve quality to increase its market share.
 A significant amount of respondents also give importance to concentration on distribution
and having advertising appeal and message for the same.
 The overall effectiveness of the Cadbury products has been rated higher than that of
Nestle products. So Nestle launch chocolate products to compete the products of
 Nestle also increase out Supply to complete the demand of the consumers. That step
helps the company to stop their customers from shifting from their brand to another

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Customer Satisfaction Towards Nestle Products

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