March and Aprilnewsletter

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Stardate: 96857.



In this Issue:
 Updates from
Communications Chair
our XO During this moon cycle, I have been working on
arranging my workspace in my living quarters to assist
 Updates from me in my work, not only as Communications officer,
Communicatio but also in my extracurricular pursuits. Thus far, it has
ns Officer worked out wonderfully.

 Updates from I am hoping to receive more reports from each

department head, as previously requested. Aside from
Computer my thoughts on current changes within the ship and my
Operations workspace changes, I do not have much to report,
much like other department heads, but I believe writing
 Update from something like that is better than nothing.
Chief Engineer
Anyway, I am looking forward to doing more charitable
activities with the ship. This is actually something I
have wanted to do for several years, but oftentimes,
scheduling has been an issue with our group. As it is, I
believe I have a charity we can sponsor in mind. When
the time comes, I will reveal it.

Computer Opera-
tions Proclamations
Updates and tweaks have been added
to the website including an events cal-
endar. The Discord communication
server launched and several members
have already joined. Link forthcoming
on the FB group. I've worked with En-
sign Ennis to update our handbook
design. (PDF forthcoming on the web-
site and FB group). Informationally, the
SF Academy Moodle courses are work-
ing again and I am now OTS certified.
Still gathering assets for the memorial
page(s). I have established an Ops
Executive Officer’s Log email for website feedback/suggestions
and other ship use: and i am
I have been working with several crew members on uniform reachable on the Discord server as
patterns for the Aries' new uniforms. We have had some limited well.
results but I believe we will be successful soon.

We picked up members at the last meeting. And I'm working on

getting them in the Starfleet membership, and renewal of oth-
ers. Chief Engineer’s
Discord was helpful at our last meeting as well. If you haven't
gotten it, I suggest it strongly.
The Aries and several of its members received Region One We are continuing the upgrades and rebuild-
awards. They will be announced at our April meeting. ing Avenue ship learning song

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