Ojt Performance Evaluation: Basak, Cebu City

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Republic of the Philippines


Basak, Cebu City


Trainee:__________________________________________ Student ID No. : _____________________
Course:_________________________________________________ Major:_______________________
Name of Company/Agency:______________________________________________________________
Period Covered:___________________________________ Training Hours:______________________
Training Schedule:____________________________________________________________________
Job Assignment/Description:_____________________________________________________________
D i r e c t i o n : This form seeks your objective, honest and fair evaluation of the Student -Trainee's
performance. Please indicate your rating on the different items by checking the appropriate
number using the rating scale indicated herewith.
1 - Poor 2 – Unsatisfactory 4 - Very Satisfactory 5 - Outstanding 3 – Satisfactory

1 2 3 4 5
1 Reports to work on time and regularly
2 Report to work in proper uniform and good grooming
3 Accepts responsibility and volunteer for an assignment
4 Establishes rapport with the personnel he/she is associated with
5 Cooperates with co-trainees with job-related concerns
6 Shows respect to his/her co-trainees, workers and superiors
7 Has a great deal of initiative and enthusiasm to learn the job
8 Learns job details quickly
9 Performs the job without needing close supervision
10 Finds way to do the job better
11 Follows job instructions correctly
12 Performs job with ease and self-confidence
13 Finishes job on time
14 Prepares/submits report accurately/punctually
15 Makes a worthwhile suggestions
16 Courteous and considerate to clients
17 Observes company’s rule and regulations
18 Exhibits orderly and safe working habits
Total :

Average Rating:_________ = Percentage Rating (%):_____________

________________________ _____________________________________
Trainee Signature of Rater over printed name

Noted: Position/Designation
Mr. Englevert P. Reyes, MSPED
TVL – ICT 12 OJT Coordinator
Transmutation of Percentage Rating for OJT Performance Evaluation (OJTPE)
Mean Interval Percentage Rating Mean Interval Percentage Rating
5.00 100 3.24 - 3.34 84
4.89 - 4.99 99 3.13 - 3.23 83
4.78 - 4.88 98 3.02 - 3.12 82
4.67 - 4.77 97 2.91 - 3.01 81
4.56 - 4.66 96 2.80 - 2.90 80
4.45 - 4.55 95 2.69 - 2.79 79
4.34 - 4.44 94 2.58 - 2.68 78
4.23 - 4.33 93 2.47 - 2.57 77
4.12 - 4.22 92 2.36 - 2.46 76
4.01 - 4.11 91 2.25 - 2.35 75
3.90 - 4.00 90 2.14 - 2.24 74
4.34 - 4.44 94 2.58 - 2.68 78
4.23 - 4.33 93 2.47 - 2.57 77
4.12 - 4.22 92 2.36 - 2.46 76
4.01 - 4.11 91 2.25 - 2.35 75
3.90 - 4.00 90 2.14 - 2.24 74
3.79 - 3.89 89 2.03 - 2.13 73
3.68 - 3.78 88 1.92 - 2.02 72
3.57 - 3.67 87 1.81 - 1.91 71
3.46 - 3.56 86 1.70 - 1.80 70
3.35 - 3.45 85 1.00 - 1.69 69

Steps in computing the OJT Trainee's Performance Rating

Sum of the rating in all categories

Average Rating =
Number of performance criteria

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