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From the story entitled “Araby” by James Joyce, vivid imagery was used to convey

emotions and situations. The author uses images of light and darkness in explaining how the boy
in the story attempted but not achieved the inaccessible. This particular image makes me unhappy
for the boy as he cannot get his desired item. Another imagery include the illustration of the sound
in the street where the protagonist is walking along with his aunt : “jostled by drunken men and
bargaining women , amid the courses of laborers, the shrill litanies of shop-boys who stood on
guard by the barrels of pigs’ cheeks, the nasal chanting of street-singers”. This means the boy
wants to get out from a loud place which makes him feel uncomfortable. The two imagery
mentioned appeal to sense of see and hear. Moreover, my reactions to the imagery in the story
contribute by intensifying its interpretation to an extent.
Symbolic images of the story include religion, church, decay, and death. One object with
symbolic meaning in the story is a fence which serves as a barrier to the happiness of many. The
aspects of the story's setting seem symbolic since most of the symbols are used throughout the

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