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Role of Public Policy in Development Process Emerging Socioeconomic Scenario . in the Indian Economy Editors Niti MEHTA ANITA ARYA ACADEMIC FOUNDATION NEW DELHI CONTENTS List of Tables and Figures... - . - ene wnt EH .9 About the Editors and Contributors . wearer 21 Foreword by Prof S.P. Kashyap... 0.000005 1. 38 Preface by Shri Mukesh Puri, TAS 2c cee ene 35 Introduction and Overview NITI MEHTA and ANITA ARYA e peewee Ab SECTION 1 Issues in Agriculture Sector Levels of Agricultural Development in India and Policies for Regionally Inclusive Agricultural Growth AJIT KUMAR SINGH ee . . 61 Climate Change and Food Production: A Case of Four North Indian States SURENDER SINGH and SONU MADAN . - . 77 Performance of Agriculture in Tamil Nadu and India: ‘A Macro Perspective with Focus on the Role of Irrigation K. SIVASUBRAMANIYAN ae ‘ 91 first published in 2018 by ACADEMIC FOUNDATION 4772-73 /23 Bhacat Ram Road, (23 Ansari Road), Darya Ganj, New Delhi 110 002 (indi), Phones : 23245001 / 02 Fax: 491-11-23245005 E-mail: Disclaimer: “The findings/views/opinions expressed in this book are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher. © 2016, Sardar Patel Institute of Economic and Social Research (SPIESR). ‘The papers in this book were presented at a seminar that was funded by Indian Counclt of Social Science Reseatch, New Delhi ALLRIGHTS RESERVED, No part of this book shall be veproduced, stored in retrieval system; or transmitted by any means, eléctronic, mechanical, photocopying, record- ing, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright hholder(s) and/or the publishers. Cataloging in Publication Data-DK Courtesy: DK. Agencies (P) Ltd. Seminar on "Role of Public Policy in Development Process” (2016: Ahmedabad, India) Role of public policy in development process / editors, Nit Mehta, Anita Arya pages cm Papers presented ina Seminar on “Role of Public Policy in Development Process” held at the Sardar Patel Insitute of Economic and Social Research (SPIESR), Ahmedabad, during January 45, 2016, ISBN 9789392704213, 1, Economic development-India~Congrenses. Economic policy--Congeesses. 3. India--Social policy-~ Congresses. 1, Mebta, Niti, editor. II. Arya, Anita, 1956- editor, Ill, Sardar Patel nstitute of Economic and Soctal Research, host institution. 1V. Title Lice HC435.3.N38 2016 | DDC938.954 23 typeset, printed and bound by The Book Mint, New Delhi,

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