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Third, the Classroom Compact helps

students to realize that they have a

team of support in their parents and
teacher who both want them to
succeed in school and life. Knowing
that they have people in their corner Mrs. Bowler
cheering them on will encourage
them to work harder to reach or Math 7
exceed those important grade-level
standards. Hughes Middle School
Working together as partners in your
child’s education, we can help him/her to
achieve great things. Let’s make the

commitment to all do our part to help
your child reach their ultimate potential
and find academic success!
And last, the Classroom Compact
will help parents to understand that
they play such a huge role in their What is it, and why
child’s education. By engaging in the
classroom and school as a whole, is it important?
parents can participate in decision-
making that affects their child’s
education. What an empowering
realization for parents and children
alike. YOU are the biggest
influence on your child’s
life . . . use that influence to
put your child on the
pathway to success!
The Classroom Compact also shares
strategies that parents can use at home
to assist and encourage their child to
help them succeed.
A Classroom Compact is an
agreement between a student, their
parent/guardian, and their teacher The Classroom Compact is important for
that outlines how all three parties will so many reasons. First, it encourages
share in the responsibility and work involvement and engagement of parents
together to improve the student’s in their child’s education.
academic achievement as he/she
works toward reaching or exceeding Research has shown that students are
grade-level standards. much more successful when their parents
are involved in their schooling. Students
tend to have better school attendance
and are more consistent in homework
completion which leads to higher grades
Just as home involvement is critical to a and test scores.
The Classroom Compact gives a child’s success, parents’ involvement in
detailed blueprint of the the classroom and school can be very Other benefits of parent involvement
responsibilities expected of each party beneficial too. The Classroom include better behavior and more
(student, parent, and teacher), and by Compact describes a number of ways positive attitude of students, higher
signing, each pledges their that parents can become more graduation rates, and greater enrollment
commitment to uphold their in post-secondary education.
individual responsibilities. involved in their child’s school life by
observing, volunteering and
participating in the classroom and

Second, the Classroom Compact

promotes accountability for not only the
The Classroom Compact student, but the parent and teacher as
also explains how the well. This is such an important life lesson
teacher and parent will for students to learn! It also helps them to
communicate about student progress, take ownership of their education as they
issues that may arise, or any other realize that by fulfilling their
matters or concerns. responsibilities, they can achieve greater
academic success.

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