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Monitoring of Aspirational Blocks

Functional Requirement

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Planning Commission CoE, MAP_IT
Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradesh
Functional Requirement Specifications


Document Publication History

Date Description of changes Version Author

6 July, 2018 Initial Draft 1.0 Aseem Gupta


Date Version Reviewer Remarks


Date Version Name Location

Introduction Page 1
Functional Requirement Specifications

Table of Contents
Monitoring of Aspirational Blocks .................................................................................................................... 0

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 3

1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 3

1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 3

1.3 Definition, Acronyms and Abbreviation .............................................................................................. 3

1.4 System Description .............................................................................................................................. 4

1.5 Point of Contact: .................................................................................................................................. 4

2 Overall Description ...................................................................................................................................... 6

2.1 Application Perspective ....................................................................................................................... 6

2.2 User Characteristic .............................................................................................................................. 6

2.3 Assumption .......................................................................................................................................... 6

2.4 Constraints........................................................................................................................................... 6

3 Process Map & Description ......................................................................................................................... 7

3.1 Block Performance Entry ..................................................................................................................... 7

3.2 Performance Score and Delta Ranking ................................................................................................ 8

4 Functional Requirements ............................................................................................................................ 9

4.1 Functional Requirements .................................................................................................................... 9

Introduction Page 2
Functional Requirement Specifications

1 Introduction

‘Transformation of Aspirational Blocks’ programme aims to quickly and effectively transform some of the most
underdeveloped districts/ blocks of Madhya Pradesh.

The broad contours of the programme are Convergence, Collaboration and Competition among districts/
blocks driven by a Mass Movement. With districts as the main drivers, this program will focus on the strength
of each block, identify low-hanging fruits for immediate improvement, measure progress, and rank districts.

The Government is committed to raising the living standards of its citizens and ensuring inclusive growth for

To enable optimum utilization of their potential, this program focusses closely on improving people’s ability
to participate fully in the burgeoning economy. Health & Nutrition, Education, Agriculture & Water Resources,
Financial Inclusion & Skill Development, and Basic Infrastructure are this programme’s core areas of focus.

Government of Madhya Pradesh has created a dashboard for monitoring the real-time progress of the blocks.
81 key performance indicators have been chosen to measure progress of the blocks. blocks are prodded and
encouraged to first catch-up with the best block within their district, and subsequently aspire to become one
of the best in the state, by competing with, and learning from others in the spirit of competitive & cooperative

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this FRS document is to elaborate functional requirements for the development of Monitoring
of Aspirational Blocks, an application being developed for Planning Commission, Madhya Pradesh. The
intended users of this document are

 Client Representatives for Stake Holders

 Development Team
 Validation & Verification Team
 MAP_IT Team
 External Functional Consultants

1.2 Scope
To develop an online platform, this portal will have the following features.

 Block wise Entry of Block Performance.

 Calculation of Block Scores (KPI Wise, Sector Wise & Composite Score).
 Calculation of Delta Ranking of Blocks.
 Monitoring Dashboards to monitor real time progress of blocks.

1.3 Definition, Acronyms and Abbreviation

 OTP: One Time Password.

 Employee: Employee of Horticulture Department posted at Head Office/ Divisional Level / District
Level/ Block level.

Introduction Page 3
Functional Requirement Specifications

 Addl. Director: Additional Director, Horticulture Department.

 DDH: Deputy Director Horticulture.

 ADH : Asst. Director Horticulture

 SHDO : Sr. Horticulture Development Officer

 HDO : Horticulture Development Officer

 RHEO :
 Citizen :
 Reporting Officer :

 Processing Officer :
 Admin :
 Surveyor :

 A/c Activation Authority :

 m-Horticulture Suite :

1.4 System Description

The system will be designed as a web based application which will run on client server architecture. The
application will be hosted on web domain and will be available to access over internet from Desktop / Laptop.
The system will also be designed as a mobile application. The application will be hosted on Google Play Store
and will be available to access over android build phones.
There will be three types of users of this application:

1. Admin Top level user to have all the privileges to manage the application.
This category of users will be given access to monitor the real time progress of
2. Departmental user
aspirational blocks
This user will be allowed to enter achievement against KPIs for their respective
3. CEO-Janpad Users
blocks. This use can also view his block score as well as ranking in the state.
This users will be given access to monitor the real time progress of blocks based
4. Department Users
on KPIs associated with respective department.
This category of users will be given access to monitor the real time progress of
5. District Users
aspirational blocks of respective districts

Data Input: The system will be able to accept manual entry.

1.5 Point of Contact:

For this project following will be list of contacts from Planning Commission:

Introduction Page 4
Functional Requirement Specifications

 Shri Ramesh Shrivastav, Principal Advisor, Planning Commission [Contact No: 9424728078]

Following will be list of contact from MAP_IT

 Shri Vinay Pandey, Additional Director, CoE, MAP_IT [Contact No: 9425180624]

Introduction Page 5
Functional Requirement Specifications

2 Overall Description
2.1 Application Perspective
This application will be primarily used by all CEO-Janpad and Planning Commission Officials. The application
shall always be used in perspective of provide a platform to planning commission officials from where they
can directly monitor real time progress of aspirational blocks.

2.2 User Characteristic

 Departmental Official: A moderate level of computer literacy and would be using the application
mainly from the office.

2.3 Assumption

 It is assumed that internet connectivity is available.

 It is assumed that departmental users as well as CEO-Janpad are well versed in using mobile and web

2.4 Constraints

 Initially Monitoring of blocks shall be limited to 50 Blocks.

Overall Description Page 6

Functional Requirement Specifications

3 Process Map & Description

3.1 Block Performance Entry
The objective of this process to enter the performance of block with respect to KPI so that Score and delta
ranking of block shall be calculated and monitored. Primary stakeholder for this process is CEO-Janpad. This
entry shall be supported by both web and mobile application.

Process Map : Enter Block Performance

New Performance
Open Application & Navigate List of Saved performance get Select New Performance
to Block Performance displayed. Entry


Select and Open Saved Enter KPI wise Performance

Edit, Saved Entry
Submit, saved entry

Edit performance Details Submit Performance Details

N/w Available

Save performance details in

draft mode.
Submit Data

An error message get




A notification get displayed

for successful submission

1. CEO-Janpad would open application and navigate to Block Performance Entry page. A page would
open on which list of all saved and submitted performance details get displayed to him. He would
either enter new performance entry or submit the saved performance details.
2. To enter new performance entry
a. He would select new performance entry from page.
b. Enter the KPI wise performance of block.
c. He submit performance details and proceed further as per point no 5.
3. To edit/ update saved performance entry
a. He would select and open the performance details from list. Performance details would
display to him in editable mode.
b. He would edit / update the details.
c. He submit performance details and proceed further as per point no 5.
4. To Submit saved performance entry
a. He would select and open the performance details from list. Performance details would
display to him in editable mode.
b. He submit performance details and proceed further as per point no 5.
5. Once details are submitted, system would check whether internet connection is available or not. In
case, internet connection is not available, system would store the saved details in draft mode. In
case, internet connection is available, system would store/ submit performance details.

Process Map & Description Page 7

Functional Requirement Specifications

6. Once data is successfully submitted, system shall display a notification for successful submission of
details. In case, data is not submitted, system shall display an error message and save the details in
draft mode.

3.2 Performance Score and Delta Ranking

The objective of this process to calculate the performance score and delta ranking of block. Primary
stakeholder for this process is system.

Process Map : Performance Score & Delta Ranking Calculation.

Find out Maximum value of Find out Minimum value of

Calculate Difference between Apply Formula to calculate KPI
performance entered by block performance entered by block
Max. and Min. performance. score.
against a KPI. against a KPI.

Update Block Ranking as per Apply Formula to Calculate Apply Formula to Calculate Apply Formula to Calculate
Delta Ranking Delta Ranking Composite Score Sector wise Score

1. System shall calculate the maximum value and minimum value of block performance against the KPI.
This calculation would be real time.
2. Once max and min value findout, system shall calculate the difference between them.
3. System shall apply the formula to calculate KPI Score. Following are formula to calculate the KPI
Score :
4. Once KPI Score is calculated by system, system would sum the score of all KPI w.r.t a sector to find
out the sector score.
5. Once sector score is calculated by system, system would sum the score of all sector to calculate
composite score of a block.
6. Once composite score is calculated, system would calculate delta ranking based on current score and
last locked scored. Formula to calculate delta ranking is as follow:

Process Map & Description Page 8

Functional Requirement Specifications

4 Functional Requirements
4.1 Functional Requirements
Following are core functional requirement which need to be fulfil to run the entire system.

Section Id Requirement Definition

FR 1.0 The system shall have a landing page to give introduction about application.
FR 2.0 The system shall be able to access application as per role and rights.
FR 2.1 The system shall be able to Configure Masters.
FR 2.2 The system shall be able to Enter Achievements against KPI
FR 2.3 The system shall be able to calculate KPI wise, Sector Wise and Composite Score
FR 2.4 The system shall be able to calculate delta ranking.
FR 2.5 The system shall be able to monitor real time progress of blocks

Section ID: 1.0

The system shall have a landing page to give introduction about application.
 Landing page will open in web application.
 This page will be a responsive layout which should show project related logo and text content.
 This page will have an image slider to give elaborated details related to project.
 This page will have a link for skip to main content.

Section ID: 2.0

The system shall be able to access application as per role and rights.
 This functionality would be available in both web and mobile application.
 To create users, there is no registration process. All users are created from user management.
 System shall be capable to give the role and rights to user.
 User can access their account to do further actions.
 User has to pass user name and password to access application. .

Functional Requirements Page 9

Functional Requirement Specifications

Section ID: 2.1

The system shall be able to configure masters.

 This functionality would be available in web application.
 System shall be able to define sector and their total weightage. This definition shall be effective
from date.
 System shall be able define key performance indicators along with their weightage.
 System shall be able to map the KPI with sectors.
 System shall validate that total weightage of all KPI mapped to a sector shall not be greater than
sector weightage.
 System shall be able to define Departments.
 System shall be able to map KPI with department.
 System shall be able to define formula to calculate KPI Score.

Section ID: 2.2

The system shall be able to Enter Achievements against KPI

 This functionality would be available in both web as well as mobile application.
 System shall be able to view list of submitted / saved KPI performance.
 System shall be able to search saved performance details.
 System shall be able to enter new performance details.
 System shall be able to save the entered details in draft mode.
 System shall be able to view the saved/ submitted details.
 System shall be able to delete the saved details.
 System shall validate that only those saved details are deleted which are not submitted yet or in
draft mode.
 System shall be able to store the saved details in online and offline mode [for mobile application].
 System shall be able to enter the block wise legacy performance details.

Section ID: 2.3

The system shall be able to calculate KPI wise, Sector Wise and Composite Score.
 This functionality would be available in both web and mobile application.
 User would be able to contact to seller.
 On contact, system would check that user is authenticated or not.
 In case user is not authenticated, system would ask to enter his credential or register himself.
 In case user is authenticated, system would navigate to dial mode in mobile application or display
seller contact number in web application.
 While navigate to dialer mode, system would maintain log for the same.

Functional Requirements Page 10

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