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Cloud Scale Messaging Platform

Real-time Messaging, Network alerts, Connected cars, Industrial IOT, Home Automation

10 Million Devices Transporter

Concurrent connection

Transporter is cloud-scale messaging platform built on

75% open standards, designed and engineered to deliver
very large volume of messages   (excess of 3 Billions
Lower infrastructure foot print
messages/ Hr) across multiple channel to meet the
challenge of millisecond latency ,high throughput and
3+ Billion scale.
Messages per hour

15 MilliSec The platform is implemented using lightweight

messaging protocol   and designed to run on a very
Latency small infrastructure footprint .
* 4KB Message size

Low Latency Scalable & Reliable Low Operating cost

Transporter is architected for Transporter’s lightweight Transporter is fully automated
low latency and high through broker scales more than 10 self serve platform that runs on
put. million connected devices low infrastructure footprint.

Enterprise Integration Any Cloud Easy Governance

Transporter platform is virtualising Transporter is built on Tr a n s p o r t e r ’s i n b u i l t

the messaging infrastructure open standards that monitoring , alerting and self
through APIs which makes it easy allows the platform to be healing mechanism with very
to integrate with any Enterprise deployed to any cloud intuitive dashboard makes it
systems. private, public or hybrid easy to manage the platform.
Use Cases

IOT Solutions: Industrial & Home Automation Automobile : Connected Cars

Transporter can concurrently connect to millions Transporter implemented using MQTT protocol is
of devices publishing messages at milli-seconds rightly designed to move high velocity data
resolution and move data to and fro efficiently between engine management unit of the
across networks and platforms. automobile and back end analytical systems at
real time and reliably.

E commerce Connected Cars

Wearables Industrial

Logistics Notification

Telecom Smart Homes

Real time push Notification & Messaging E commerce & Retail : Real time Campaigns

Transporter can push messages to applications Transporter platform has API’s for integrating
on mobile or any other devices through multiple thousands of click stream events generated
channels like SMS ,mails etc securely. The while users transact online, with enterprise
platform can be extend to serve as a low latency systems and delivering real time campaigns to
and high throughput point-to-point messaging users.
system for chat applications.

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