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Version 1: December 2008




1.1 Introduction to Tacheometry……………….1

WEEK 2. 1.2 Calibration of Instrument…….…………..7

WEEK 3. 1.3 Sources of error in Stadia

1.4 Application of Stadia


2.1 Theodolites and Uses…………..…. …….17
2.2 Theodolites Resolutions……..……… …17
2.3 Basic Components of an optical


3.1 Introduction G.P.S.…………………….…..23
3.2 Space Segment of the G.P.S……...............24
3.3 G.P.S. Positionning Methods…………….26

WEEK 6. 3.4 How G.P.S. Works…………………..……28

WEEK 7. 3.5 G.P.S. Instrumentation………….……….30

3.6 Application of the G.P.S. ……………….32


4.1 Introduction to Total Station…………….39
4.2 Angle Measurement………… …………..43
4.3 Distance Measurement………………….43
4.4 Power Supply…………………………….45


5.1 Theodolite Traversing……….................46
5.2 Types of Traversing…………….............46
5.3 Traverse Specification
and Accuracy……………………… .......48

WEEK 10. 5.4 Traverse Field Work……………… …...50

5.5 Station Markings…………… …… ……51


6.1 Introduction to Setting Out……………53

6.2 Aims of Setting Out……………...……...53
6.3 Stages in Setting Out……………………54

WEEK 12. 6.4 Equipment for Setting

Out Buildings……………………..….….56
WEEK 13. 6.5 Setting Out a Simple Building
6.6 Setting Out Subsidiary Lines…………...63


7.1 Triangulation and Trilatration………65
7.2 Triangulation and Trilatration Field

WEEK 15. 7.3 Distance Measurement……….………….70

7.4 Angle Measurement……………………..70

Introdution toTachoemetry.

1.1 Tacheometry is a branch of surveying where heights and distances are determined

from the instrumental readings alone; these readings are usually taken with a specially
adopted theodolite known as a Tacheometer. Chaining operation is eliminated and

tacheometry is therefore very useful in broken terrain e.g. land cut by ravines, river

valley, over standing crops etc. where direct linear measurement would be difficult and

inaccurate. All that is needed is that the surveying assistant, who carries a levelling staff

on which the tacheometer is sighted shall be able to reach the various points to be

surveyed and levelled and that a clear line of sight exists between the levelling staff and

the tacheometer must not exceed a maximum, beyond which error due to inaccurate

reading becomes excessive, normally, 50m.

The field work in tachometry is rapid compared with direct levelling and measurement

and it is widely used therefore to give contoured plans of areas, especially for reservoir

and hydro – electric project tipping site, road and railway reconnaissance, housing sites

etc. With reasonable precautions, the results of tachometry obtained can be of the same

order of accuracy as, or even better than the results obtained by direct measurement in

some cases.

In stadia tachometry, a levelling staff is held vertically at one end of the line being

measured and a level or theodolite is set up above or below the other. The staff sighted

and readings taken using lines engraved on the telescope diaphram as shown in figure

below. The vertical angle along the line of sight can be either horizontal or inclined as
shown in the below figure. The vertical compensating system of the theodolite must be

in correct adjustment since vertical angles are read on face only.

Stadia lines



Figure1.0 Inclined line of sight in stadia tacheometry.

With reference to the above figure;

Horizontal distance P x = D = KS cos2 Ø + C cos Ø (i)

Vertical distance V = ½ K S sin 2Ø + C sin Ø (ii)

Reduced level of X = RLX = RL+
P hi ± V – m (iii)


K = the multiplying constant of instrument, usually 100

C = the additive constant of the instrument, usually 0

S = the difference between the two stadia readings

Ø = the vertical angle along the line of sight

hi = the height of trunnion axis above point p

m = the middle staff reading at X

+v = used if there is an angle of elevation

- v = used if there is an angle of depression

Example 1.

A theodolite having a multiplying constant of 100 and additive constant of 0.00was

centred and levelled at a height of 1.48m above a point C, of reduced level 46.87m.

A levelling staff was held vertically at points D and L in turn and the readings shown in

table 1.1 below were taken.



a. The reduced levels of points D and L

b. The horizontal distances; DCD and DCL

Table 1.0 : Stadia readings.

Staff Staff readings Vertical circle Horizontal circle
position (m) readings readings
D 3.240, 3.047, 2.853 020 21’ 07” 560 49’31”
L 2.458, 2.230, 2.002 020 21’36” 980 07’ 18”

02 21 07

02 21 36

VCL 1.48m

m C


Figure 1.2 tacheomeyric Exercise.

(a) The reduced levels of points D and L are obtained as follows;

From equation (ii)

VCD = ½ KS sin 2 Ø + C sin Ø

= ½ (100) (3.240 – 2.853) sin 2(020 21’ 07’’) + 0
= 50 (0.387) sin (4.703890)
= 1.587m

VCL = ½ KS sin 2 Ø + C sin Ø

= (100) (2.458 – 2.002) sin 2(020 21’36’’) + 0
= 50(0.456) sin (4.7200)
= 1.876m

Using equation (iii)

Reduced level at point D = RLD.

RLD = RLC + hi + VCD – m

= 46.87 + 1.48 + 1.587 – 3.047
= 46.89m

RLL = RLC + hi – VCD – m

= 46.87 + 1.48 – 1.876 – 2.230
= 44.24m

(b) The horizontal distance DL = KS cos2 Ø + C cos Ø

From equation (i)

Horizontal distance DCD = 100 (3.240 – 2.853) cos2 (020 21’ 07’’) +0
= 38.7 (0.998315911)
= 38.635m

Horizontal distance = 100 (2.458 – 2.002) cos2 (020 21’36’’)

= 45.60 (0.998304362)
= 45.523m

Slope = Difference in RL = 46.89 – 44.24

Total distance 38.635 + 45.523

= 2.650 = 0.0315
Ø = tan 0.0315 = 1.8040


Figure 2.1 A Theodolite.
Figure 2.2 Observing through the Instrument.

The tacheometer at every time has two constants namely;

The multiplying constant, denoted by K.
Additive constant denoted by C.
These constant can be determined for any instrument whose either are not known or need
to be recalibrated.
Finding K and C for an instrument
The instrument to be calibrated or recalibrated is centred at a point on a horizontal
ground; the eyepiece focusing is used for stadia measurements of two staff positions
placed at different distances away from the instrument say 100m and 200m with the staff
held vertically upright. The staff is sighted with the telescope at a horizontal line of sight.
The lower and upper staff readings are carefully read and recorded as illustrated in the
figure below.
Upper Stadia Upper Stadia
Theodolite reading reading

Lower Stadia Lower Stadia

reading reading


Fiigure: 2.3 Calibration of Equipment

We know that horizontal distance = KS cos2Ø + C cos Ø

Since the line of sight is horizontal, it follows that Ø = 0.This implies that horizontal
distance, D = KS + C ……. (iv)
Equation (iv) is used to determine the constants for any instrument whose readings are
taken as explained previously.
Example 2.

The table below shows the observations (readings) taken to determine the two constants
for an instrument.

Table 2.0 : Stadia readings

Horizontal distance Reading on staff.

(m) ( m)
Lower wire Upper wire

30 1.133 1.433
90 1.452 2.352


Find the values of these constants

Staff 2
Staff 1
Theodolite 1.433




Using equation (iv)

D = KS + C
For staff 1, D1 = KS1 + C
=> 30 = K (0.3) + C ……….. (1)
For staff 2, D2 = KS2 + C
=> 90 = K (0.9) + C ……….. (2)
Subtracting equation (1) from (2)
90 = K (0.9) + C
- 30 = K (0.3) + C
60 = 0.6K + 0
K = /0.6 = 100
K = 100
Substituting the value of K into equation (1)
30 = 100 (0.3) + C
30 – 30 = C
=> C = 0
Hence, the values of these constants are;
K = 100 and C = 0

A theodolite is to be used in tacheometric survey to pick the details of up and down
stream features of a new dam. It was tested on known bases as follows;
Table 2.2 Stadia readings.
Horizontal distance Vertical angle Staff reading
(m) (m)
Upper Lower
30.00 900 00’00’’ 1.433 1.183

89.98 2.247 1.542

0 ’ ’’
90 00 00

Required: Find the multiplier and additive constants of the instrument

The instrument above was used to generate the following data;
Upper stadia reading = 1.330m
Lower stadia reading = 1.100m
What is the horizontal distance between the instrument and the staff?
The instrument height = 1.210m and the reduced level at the instrument position =



The accuracy of basic stadia tacheometry depends on two categories of error;

instrumental and field errors.
An incorrectly assumed value for K, the multiplying constant, caused by an error in the

construction of the diaphragm of the theodolite or level used.

Errors arising out of the assumption that K and C are fixed when strictly, both K and C
are variable.
The possible errors due to 1 and 2 above limit the overall accuracy to distance
measurement by stadia tachometry to 1 in 1000.
These can occur from the following sources.
when observing the staff, incorrect readings may be recorded which result in an error in
the staff intercept S. Assuming K = 100, an error of ± 1mm in the value of S results in an
error of ± 10mm in D.

Since the staff reading accuracy decreases as D increases, the maximum length of a
tachometric sight should be + 50mm.
2. Non – verticality of the levelling staff can be a serious source of error. This
and poor accuracy of staff readings form the worst two sources of error.
The error in distance due to the non – verticality of the staff is proportional to both the
angle of elevation of the sighting and the length of the sighting. Hence, a large error can
be caused by steep sightings, long sighting or a combination of both. It is therefore
advisable not to exceed Ø = ± 100 for all stadia tachometry.
3. A further source of error is in reading the vertical circle of the theodolite. If the
line of sight is limited to ± 100, errors arising from this source will be small. Usually, it is
sufficiently accurate to measure the vertical angle ± 1’ and although it is possible to
improve this reading accuracy, it is seldom worth doing so due to the magnitude of all the
other errors previously discussed.
Considering all the sources of error, the overall accuracy expected for distance
measurement is 1 in 500 and the best possible accuracy is only 1 in 1000.
The vertical component V is subject to the same sources of error described above for
distances and the accuracy expected is approximately ± 50mm.
The precision of stadia tachometry is of paramount importance for best results.


Vertical staff tacheometry is ideally suited for detail surveying by radiation techniques.
This method of survey is best restricted to the production of contoured site plans since the
best possible accuracy obtainable is only 1 in 1000 and should not be used to measure
distances where precision better than this are required.

Example 3.
The following readings were taken on a vertical staff with a tacheometer fitted
with an anallatic lens and having a constant of 100.

Table 3.0 : Stadia readings.

Staff Bearing Stadia Reading (m) Vertical angle
station Lower middle Upper

A. 270 30’00’’ 1.000, 1.515, 2.025 +800 00’ 00’’

0 ’ ’’
B. 207 30 00 1.000, 2.055, 3.110 - 50 00’ 00’’

Required: Calculate the relative levels of the ground at A and B, and the mean slope
between the two points (A & B).


+8 00 00

-5 00 00

V2 hi
Figure 3.0 Tacheo metric Exercise.

From Equation (ii)

VA = ½ KS Sin 2Ø + C sin Ø
= ½ (100) (2.025-1.000) Sin 2(80 00’ 00’’) + 0
= 50(1.025) sin (160 00’ 00’’)
= 14.13m
VB = ½ KS sin 2Ø + C Sin Ø
= ½ (100) (3.110-1.000) sin 2(50 00I 00II)
= 50 (2.110) Sin (100 00’ 00’’)
= 18.32m
For horizontal distances HA and HB, equation (i) is applicable.
Hence, HA = Ks cos2 Ø + C cos Ø
= 100 (1.025) cos2 (80 00’ 00’’) + 0
= 100.51m
HB = Ks cos Ø + C cos Ø
= (2.110) cos2 (50 00’00’’)
= 209.40m
Let x be the height of instrument above datum;
Level of A = 14.12 + x – 1.515
= x + 12.61
Level of B = 18.32 – x – 2.055
= x – 16.27
The difference in level from A and B;
Level of A – level of B
= (x + 12.61) – (x – 16.27)
= x + 12.61 – x + 16.27
= 12.61 + 16.27
= 28.89m
The bearings slow that A, B and the instrument lie on a straight line
(2070 30’00’’ – 270 30’ 00’’ =180 00’00’’)
=> Mean slope = Difference in level
= 28.89
(100.15 + 209.40)

= 28.8
= 0.093220
Ø = tan-1 0.093220 = 5.330


Q1. Tachometric survey conducted to pick the details of the up and down stream
features of a proposed new dam generated the following data;

Table 3.1 :Stadia readings.

Levelling staff Upper stadia Middle stadia Lower stadia Vertical angle
station reading (m) reading(m) reading (m)
A 1.433 1.308 1.183 200 15’ 00’’
B 2.247 1.849 1.452 - 120 30’ 00’’

The instrument has a multiplying constant of 100 and an additive constant of 0, whose

height is 1.47m and centred at point x of reduced level 39.85m.

Calculate the reduced levels of stations A and B.
Determine the horizontal distance from station A to B.
Q2. A theodolite whose height of instrument level is 182.56m has a multiplier
constant of 100 and an additive constant of 1.00
If the angle of elevation is 100 00’ 00’’ and upper, midd le and lower stadia
readings are 5.00, 3.50 and 2.00 respectively.
What is the horizontal distance of the staff from the station of instrument if the
instrument is levelled at 1.42m height?
What is the reduced level at the staff?
Q3. Given the following data, determine the two constants for the instrument used and
distance x
Station of Staff distance Staff reading (m)
Instrument (m) Lower Upper stadia

A 100 3.620 4.610

200 2.980 4.970

X 1.830 2.100

Theodolites are telescopic instruments used basically for measuring both vertical and
horizontal angles. They are also useful in determining horizontal and vertical distances by
stadia prolonging straight lines and low order differential levelling.
Figure 4.0 : Detailed sketch of a Theodolite.

Theodolites are precision instruments used extensively in construction work for

measuring angles in the horizontal and vertical planes.
Many different theodolites are available for measuring angles and they are often
classified according to the smallest reading that can be taken with the instrument known
as the Theodolite Resolution

2.2 Theodolite Resolution.

This can vary from 1’ to 0.1’’ and for example, a 1’’ theodolite is one which can be used
read to 1’’ directly without any estimation.
At this point, it is worth noting that a full circle is 3600 and a reading system capable of
resolving to 1’’directly shows the degree of precision in the manufacture of theodolites.
In order to measure horizontal and vertical angles, the theodolite must be centred over a
point using a plumbing device and must be levelled to bring the angle reading systems of
the instrument into appropriate planes.
All types of optical theodolites are similar in construction and the general features of the
SOKKIA TM20H are shown in figures below.
The various parts of a theodolite and their functions are given as follows;

Figure 4.2 : Parts of a Theodolite.


Alidade level
Transparent tube that contains liquid and an air bubble; it serves as a guide for
positioning the alidade on the vertical axis.

Illumination mirror
Adjustable polished glass surface that reflects light onto the circles so that the angles can

be read.

Leveling head
Platform serving as a support for the theolodite.

Horizontal clamp
Knob that locks the alidade to prevent it from rotating.

Leveling head locking knob

Knob that locks the alidade to the leveling head.

Leveling head level

Transparent tube that contains liquid and an air bubble; it serves as a guide for
positioning the leveling head on the horizontal axis.

Base plate
Plate to which the leveling head is attached by means of three leveling screws.

Leveling screw
Screw that adjusts the theodolite’s leveling head level on the horizontal plane.

Optical instrument composed of several lenses; it can be adjusted in the horizontal and
vertical planes and is used to observe distant objects.
Optical sight
Device with an eyepiece that precisely aims the telescope at the target whose angles are
to be measured.

Adjustment for horizontal-circle image

Knob that adjusts the sharpness of the image of the horizontal circle (graduated from 0°

to 360°) in order to read the angles on the horizontal axis.

Micrometer screw
Knob that adjusts the micrometer to give a very precise reading of the circles’

Adjustment for vertical-circle image

Knob that adjusts the sharpness of the image of the vertical circle (graduated from 0° to
360°) in order to read the angles on the vertical axis.

Part of the theodolite that rotates on a vertical axle to measure angles by means of the

The trivets stage

This forms the base of the instrument and in order to be able to attach the theodolite to
the tripod, most tripods have a clamping screw which locates into a 5/8 inch threaded
centre on the trivet. This enables the instrument to move on the tripod head and allows
the theodolite to be centred. The trivet also carries the feet of three threaded levelling foot

The tripod
This is used to provide support for the theodolite, the tripod may be telescopic i.e. it has
sliding legs or may have legs of fixed lengths.

Figure 4.3 A tripod stand.

The Tribrach

This is the body of the instrument carrying all other parts. It has a hollow slightly conical
shape socket into which fits the reminder of the instrument. The tribrach can be levelled
independently of the trivet stage.
The lower plate

This carries the horizontal circle. The term glass arc has been used to describe optical
theodolites because the horizontal and vertical circles on which the angle graduations are
photographically etched are made of glass. Many types of optical theodolite are available,
varying in reading precision from 1’ to 0.1’’ although 20’’ and 6’’ reading theodolites are
most commonly used in engineering surveying.

The focusing screw

This is fitted concentrically with the barel of the telescope and diaphram can be
illuminated for night or tunnel wok. When the main telescope is rotated in altitude about
the trunnion axis from one direction to face in the opposite direction, it has been
transmitted. The side of the main telescope, viewed from the eyepiece, containing the
vertical circle is called the face.


This is the frame mounted directly on the cover plate carrying the telescope.

Transit axis or trunnion axis

This axis rests on the limbs of the standard and is securely held in position by a lock nut.
Attached to the transit are the telescope and the vertical circle.
Plate Bubble

When this is levelled, that is at the centre of its run, the line of sight is horizontal.

Optical plummet
This assists the centering of the instrument particularly in windy weather.


Theodolites are telescopic instruments used basically for measuring both vertical and
horizontal angles. They are also useful in determining horizontal and vertical distances by
stadia prolonging straight lines and low order differential levelling.

Figure 4.0 : Detailed sketch of a Theodolite.

Theodolites are precision instruments used extensively in construction work for
measuring angles in the horizontal and vertical planes.
Many different theodolites are available for measuring angles and they are often
classified according to the smallest reading that can be taken with the instrument known
as the Theodolite Resolution

2.2 Theodolite Resolution.

This can vary from 1’ to 0.1’’ and for example, a 1’’ theodolite is one which can be used
read to 1’’ directly without any estimation.
At this point, it is worth noting that a full circle is 3600 and a reading system capable of
resolving to 1’’directly shows the degree of precision in the manufacture of theodolites.
In order to measure horizontal and vertical angles, the theodolite must be centred over a
point using a plumbing device and must be levelled to bring the angle reading systems of
the instrument into appropriate planes.
All types of optical theodolites are similar in construction and the general features of the

SOKKIA TM20H are shown in figures below.

The various parts of a theodolite and their functions are given as follows;
Figure 4.2 : Parts of a Theodolite.


Alidade level
Transparent tube that contains liquid and an air bubble; it serves as a guide for
positioning the alidade on the vertical axis.

Illumination mirror
Adjustable polished glass surface that reflects light onto the circles so that the angles can
be read.

Leveling head
Platform serving as a support for the theolodite.
Horizontal clamp
Knob that locks the alidade to prevent it from rotating.

Leveling head locking knob

Knob that locks the alidade to the leveling head.

Leveling head level

Transparent tube that contains liquid and an air bubble; it serves as a guide for
positioning the leveling head on the horizontal axis.

Base plate
Plate to which the leveling head is attached by means of three leveling screws.

Leveling screw
Screw that adjusts the theodolite’s leveling head level on the horizontal plane.

Optical instrument composed of several lenses; it can be adjusted in the horizontal and
vertical planes and is used to observe distant objects.

Optical sight
Device with an eyepiece that precisely aims the telescope at the target whose angles are
to be measured.

Adjustment for horizontal-circle image

Knob that adjusts the sharpness of the image of the horizontal circle (graduated from 0°
to 360°) in order to read the angles on the horizontal axis.

Micrometer screw
Knob that adjusts the micrometer to give a very precise reading of the circles’
Adjustment for vertical-circle image
Knob that adjusts the sharpness of the image of the vertical circle (graduated from 0° to
360°) in order to read the angles on the vertical axis.

Part of the theodolite that rotates on a vertical axle to measure angles by means of the


The trivets stage

This forms the base of the instrument and in order to be able to attach the theodolite to
the tripod, most tripods have a clamping screw which locates into a 5/8 inch threaded
centre on the trivet. This enables the instrument to move on the tripod head and allows
the theodolite to be centred. The trivet also carries the feet of three threaded levelling foot

The tripod

This is used to provide support for the theodolite, the tripod may be telescopic i.e. it has
sliding legs or may have legs of fixed lengths.
Figure 4.3 A tripod stand.

The Tribrach

This is the body of the instrument carrying all other parts. It has a hollow slightly conical
shape socket into which fits the reminder of the instrument. The tribrach can be levelled
independently of the trivet stage.

The lower plate

This carries the horizontal circle. The term glass arc has been used to describe optical
theodolites because the horizontal and vertical circles on which the angle graduations are
photographically etched are made of glass. Many types of optical theodolite are available,
varying in reading precision from 1’ to 0.1’’ although 20’’ and 6’’ reading theodolites are
most commonly used in engineering surveying.

The focusing screw

This is fitted concentrically with the barel of the telescope and diaphram can be
illuminated for night or tunnel wok. When the main telescope is rotated in altitude about
the trunnion axis from one direction to face in the opposite direction, it has been
transmitted. The side of the main telescope, viewed from the eyepiece, containing the
vertical circle is called the face.


This is the frame mounted directly on the cover plate carrying the telescope.

Transit axis or trunnion axis

This axis rests on the limbs of the standard and is securely held in position by a lock nut.
Attached to the transit are the telescope and the vertical circle.
Plate Bubble

When this is levelled, that is at the centre of its run, the line of sight is horizontal.

Optical plummet

This assists the centering of the instrument particularly in windy weather.


3.4 How GPS Works

Figure 6.1 G.PS. Configuration.

When people talk about "a GPS," they usually mean a GPS receiver. The Global
Positioning System (GPS) is actually a constellation of 27 Earth-orbiting satellites (24 in
operation and three extras in case one fails). The U.S. military developed and
implemented this satellite network as a military navigation system, but soon opened it up
to everybody else.

Each of these 3,000- to 4,000-pound solar-powered satellites circles the globe at about
12,000 miles (19,300 km), making two complete rotations every day. The orbits are
arranged so that at any time, anywhere on Earth, there are at least four satellites "visible"
in the sky.,

A GPS receiver's job is to locate four or more of these satellites, figure out the distance to
each, and use this information to deduce its own location. This operation is based on a
simple mathematical principle called trilateration. GPS receiver calculates its position on
earth based on the information it receives from four located satellites. This system works
pretty well, but inaccuracies do pop up. For one thing, this method assumes the radio
signals will make their way through the atmosphere at a consistent speed (the speed of
light). In fact, the Earth's atmosphere slows the electromagnetic energy down somewhat,
particularly as it goes through the ionosphere and troposphere. The delay varies
depending on where you are on Earth, which means it's difficult to accurately factor this
into the distance calculations. Problems can also occur when radio signals bounce off
large objects, such as skyscrapers, giving a receiver the impression that a satellite is
farther away than it actually is. On top of all that, satellites sometimes just send out bad
almanac data, misreporting their own position.

Differential GPS (DGPS) helps correct these errors. The basic idea is to gauge GPS
inaccuracy at a stationary receiver station with a known location. Since the DGPS
hardware at the station already knows its own position, it can easily calculate its
receiver's inaccuracy. The station then broadcasts a radio signal to all DGPS-equipped
receivers in the area, providing signal correction information for that area. In general,
access to this correction information makes DGPS receivers much more accurate than
ordinary receivers.
Figure 7.1 G.P.S. Instrumentation.

*** The weld GPS system 200 from Leica has a 9 - channel dual – frequency
receiver which means that it can track 9 satellites simultaneously and can take
measurements on both L1 and L2 signals. It uses a reconstructed carrier in phase
measurements but should the p – code becomes encrypted, it can switch to the signal
squaring method. The system 200 supports all the measurement modes used for precise
GPS surveying and with their SKI post – processing soft ware, the accuracy quoted by
Leica for baseline measurements is 5mm x 1ppm of the baseline length. For single –
point positioning with pseudo – ranges the accuracy is 15m subject to SA.
*** The 400 SSE Geodetic surveyors from Trimble navigation is also a dual –
frequency of 9 - channel receiver. Normally, it uses p – codes measurements on both L1
and L2 frequencies ambiguity resolution but during periods o f p – code encryption the
receiver measures the cross – correlation of the encrypted by either reconstructing the
srcinal carrier or by using a signal – squaring technique. In order to be able to
reconstruct the srcinal carrier, an exact knowledge of pseudo – random binary codes

(usually the p – code) is required.

Squaring techniques, on the other hand, require no knowledge of codes (this is known as
the codeless approach) and give a carrier with codes eliminated at twice the srcinal
frequency. Because of this, the squaring technique is capable of being more accurate
since phase measurements are taken at half the srcinal wavelength. Unfortunately this
method suffers the disadvantage that the squaring process destroys the data message and
an external ephemeris must be used to obtain satellite positions.
P – Codes in conjunction with the C/A – codes instead. This combination of observables
according to the manufacturer, provides faster ambiguity resolution than squaring
techniques when used for static positioning, the 4000 SSE has a quoted accuracy of 5mm
+ 1ppm times the baseline length and when used in the various kinematic surveying
mode sit has a quoted accuracy of 200mm + 1ppm of the base-line length.Data
processing for the 400 SSE is carried out with a software package known as GPSurvey.

*** The Ashtech Z – 12 is a 12 channel GPS receiver that uses the p – code on
both L1 and L2 frequencies and the C/A code to obtain carrier phase and pseudo – range
measurements. These are all combined to resolve carrier phase ambiguities when anti
spoofing (AS) is turned on, the instrument automatically activates its Z – Tracking mode
which enable the cancellation of the effects of AS. The Z – 12 has an accuracy quoted in
millimetres, the exact figure depending on observation times and operating mode.


The GPS is a rather complex system that can be used in so many ways. For basic point
positioning and navigation, hand held receivers with an accuracy at the 100m level have
found wide spread use while at the other end of the GPS spectrum, geodetic receivers
with a computer and post – processing software are now starting to be used for routine
survey work at the centimetre level.

Although the accuracy of GPS is important, some surveyors feel that the main advantage
of the instrument compared with conventional surveys is that it can be used in any
weather condition day or night. This enables GPS surveying to be carried out over
extended periods at any time of the year without restrictions such as rain, fog and poor
visibility delaying work. Another advantage when surveying with GPS is that inter –
visibility between stations or points surveyed is not necessary. This allows control
stations to be placed where convenient and not at locations which may be difficult to get
to in order to establish lines of sight.
At the moment, the full potentials of GPS has not been realised even though the accuracy
required for engineering surveys can be achieved. One of the reasons for this is the cost
of GPS surveying which can be uneconomical compared with conventional surveying.
These high costs are caused by firstly the receivers which are between five and ten times
more expensive than total stations and secondly the fact that GPS is not fully kinematics
and there are problems with satellite coverage, both of which can result in long
occupation times. Added to these, there are difficulties in defining heights above survey
datums such as mean sea level and with real – time data processing and control.
Despite these draw backs, GPS has been very successfully used for control surveys where
it has joined traversing triangulation and trilateration as a method for coordinating
stations in a network.
The best application identified so far for GPS have been for improving existing national
control networks and for surveys in remote areas. GPS is also used on engineering
projects that extend over large areas, especially where a high degree of precision is
required, e.g. in a tunnel network surveying.
Another application where GPS has been successfully utilised in engineering surveying is
in providing control for a number of major route location and highway maintenance
schemes. In these examples, GPS provided what is known as the primary control or
points with height precision spread out over relatively long distances. These were used as
reference points for providing further control, for example link traversing was carried out
between the GPS reference points using total station or combined theodolite and EDM
systems. This may well be the best use for GPS in future where it is integrated with other
methods of surveying rather than trying to compare with them.
As far as detail survey and setting out are concerned, GPS is not used extensively in Civil
Engineering and construction as it can not compete with conventional large – scale
surveying systems at present, particularly regarding costs. However, the possible
applications in engineering surveying f0r low cost, small – size GPS ‘black box’ capable
of high precision, real time surveys are enormous. Such surveying system would be
integrated with or even replace existing methods for control surveys, detail surveys and
setting out and would completely change surveying as it is known today. Much research
is being carried out to achieve this and developments in receiver technology and
associated software.


The total station otherwise known as electronic tachometer is an instrument used in
surveying which is capable of measuring angles and distances electronically. Just as is
common with other electronic surveying instruments, the total station is operated using a
multi – function key board which is connected to a micro – processor built into the
instrument. The micro processor not only controls both the angle and distance measuring
systems but also used as a small computer that can electronically calculate slope
corrections, vertical components, and rectangular co – ordinates and in some cases, can
also store observations directly using an internal memory.
Figure 8.1: A Detailed sketch of the Total Station.
Below is a figure showing the NIKON DTM – A 5LG, SOKKIA SET3C and the Zeiss
Elta 5, a sample of total station from the extensive range now available.
Figure 8.2 : A KTS-442R-445R-Total-Station.
Figure 8.3 : A 76e%20TotalStation
Figure 8.4 : A TOTAL STATION

The table below shows the technical specifications in summary of the types given
Table 8.1: Specifications of some examples of total station.

Instrument Type. Nikkon DMT – SOKKIA SET 3C ZEISS ELTA 5

Angle measurement

- H accuracy ± 2’’ ± 3’’ ± 5’’

- V accuracy ± 2’’ ± 3’’ ± 5’’
Distance measurement
- to one prism 2.3km 2.2km 1.0km
- to three prisms 3.1km 2.9km 1.5km
Accuracy ± (2mm + 2ppm) ±(3mm + 3ppm) ±(5mm + 3ppm)
Measurement time 3.0 seconds 3.2 seconds 3.4 seconds
Data displayed
- H and V angles Yes Yes Yes
- SD, HD and VD Yes Yes Yes

- X, Y and Z co – ords Yes Yes Yes

- setting out data Yes Yes Yes
Data recording Data recorder field Data recorder field Data recorder field
computer computer memory computer
Compensator battery Single–axis Ni Dual– axis Ni cad Single – axis Ni cad
cad 7.2v 6.0v 4.8v

4.2 Angle measurement

This exercise is done using an electronic theodolite .All features associated with the

electronic theodolite (a theodolite that produces a digital output of direction or angle) is

appliance to all total stations.
Typically, a total station can record angles with resolution of between 1’’ and 20’’ and all
instruments incorporate some form of compensator, the more expensive using dual – axis
and the less sophisticated, single – axis compensator.

4.3 Distance measurement

Currently, most total stations use a Ga As infra – red carrier source and phase comparison
techniques in order to measure distances. However, compared to theodolite mounted
systems nearly all total stations use coaxial optics in which the EDM transmitter and
receiver are combined with the theodolite telescope. This makes the instrument much
more compact and easier to use on site. Normally a total station will measure a slope
distance and the micro processor uses the vertical angle recorded by the theodolite along
the line of sight (line of distance measurement) to calculate the horizontal distance. In
addition, the height difference between the trunnion axis and prism centre is also
calculated and displayed. All instruments use some form of signal attenuations to protect
the receiver.
Three modes are usually available for distance measurement namely;
Standard (or coarse) mode: This has a resolution of 1mm and a measurement time of 1 –
2 seconds.
Precise (or refine) mode: This has a resolution of 1mm but a measurement time of 3 – 4
seconds. This is more accurate than the standard mode since the instrument repeats the
measurement and refines the arithmetic mean value.
Tracking (or fast): Mode in which the distance measurement is automatically replaced at
intervals of less than one second. Normally, this mode has a resolution of 10m and is
used extensively when setting out since readings are updated very quickly and vary in
response to movements of the prism which is usually pole – mounted.
The range of a total station is typically 1 – 3km to a single prism assuming
visibility is good and up to a range of 500m which covers 90 percents of the distance
measured on site, the precision of a typical total station is about 5mm. Most instruments
allow for the input of temperature and pressure which enables the distance readings to be
automatically corrected for atmospheric effects. Also, any value of prism constant can be
entered into the instrument via the alpha numeric key board.
If a code is entered from the key board to define the feature being observed, the data can
be processed much more quickly by downloading it into approximate software.
On numeric key boards codes are represented by numbers and/or letters which give
greater versatility and scope. The alpha- numeric control panel of the Topcon GTS – 6 is
shown in figure below.


F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6

Figure 8.5 A sketch of the Alpha –Numeric key board of the Total

4.4 Power supply

Rechargeable nickel – cadmium (Nicad) batteries are now standard for surveying
instruments and these are connected directly to the total station without using cables. For
angle and distance measurements, between two and ten hours use can be obtained from a
battery, depending on the instrument. Most total stations are capable of giving a battery
power indication and some have an auto – save feature which switches the instrument off
or into some standby mode after it has not been used for a specified time. It is a good
practice, no matter what assurances a manufacturer may give about the life of a battery to
have a fully charged spare with the instrument at all times.
The micro processor of the total station apart from controlling the angle and distance
function, it is also programmed to perform coordinate and other calculations.
Even though a total station can perform many of the calculations often done manually on
site, this does not mean that the surveyor or engineer should lose this ability. Thus, this
opportunity should be seen as a method and not a substitute for other surveying

A traverse is a continuous framework of lines connecting a number of points, lengths of
the lines and their angular relationship to each other being measured. The lines are known
as legs and the points as stations.
A traverse is a means of providing horizontal control in which rectangular co–ordinates
are determined from a combination of angle and distance measurements along lines
joining adjacent stations.

Traverse surveys are used where site conditions make the chain triangulation method
impossible, i.e. a wood, built – up factor blocks, long winding river or where the survey
is of large area and details are required.
The main purpose of theodolite traversing is to establish the bearing and lengths of a
series of adjoining lines which together form the framework for the survey of a particular
area. The bearings and distances are then plotted with protractor or by triangular co –


We have two major types;

Open traverse
Close traverse

A traverse whose starting and finishing stations do not coincide or are not both fixed or
known is called an open traverse. This type of traverse is used to survey rivers, roads or
railway routes.
Open traverse commences at a known point and finishes at unknown point or station and
therefore are not close. Since open traverse are used only in exceptional circumstances,

there is no external check on the measurement.


When a framework form a close figure (or when the traverse connects station which
position are known) it is known as a closed traverse, such a traverse is easily checked, as
a surveying start and finishes at a fixed point or points.
In the figure below, a traverse has been run from station A (of known position) to stations
1, 2, 3 and another known position B. Traverse A ,1, 2, 3,B is therefore; closed at B. This
type of traverse is called a link, connecting or close – route traverse.


Figure 9.1 :Closed Traverse Network.
The figure shown below is a framework of a closed traverse known as a polygon traverse
it started and ended at a common point x.

Figure 9.2 : Closed Traverse Network.


The accuracy of a traverse is governed largely by the type of equipment used and the
observing and measuring techniques employed. These are basically dictated by the
purpose of the survey work.
Many types of traverse are possible but three broad groups can be defined and are given
in table 2.1 below.
The most common type of traverse for general engineering work and site surveys would

be of typical accuracy 1 in 10, 000.

An important factor when selecting traverse equipment is that the various instruments
should produce roughly the same order to precision, that is, it is pointless using a 1’
theodolite to measure traverse angles if the lengths are being measured with a synthetic
Table 9.1 : General traverse specifications
Type Typical Purpose Angular Distance
measurement measurement
Geodetic or 1 in 50, 000 or 1. Major control 0.1 EDM
precise better for mapping

large circles
2. Provision of
very accurate
reference points
for engineering

General 1 in 5, 000 to 1 1. General 1’’ or 2’’ EDM, steel taps

in 50, 000 engineering theodolite
survey that is,
setting out and
site surveys
2. Secondary
control for
mapping large
Low accuracy 1 in 500 to 1 in 1. Small – scale 20’’ or 1’ Synthetic tapes,
5, 000 detail surveys. theodolite stadia
2. Rough large tacheometry
– scale detail
3. preliminary

5.4 Traversing field work: Reconnaissance

This is one of the most important aspects of any survey and must always be undertaken
before any angles or lengths are measured. The main aim of the reconnaissance is to

locate suitable positions for traverse stations and a poorly executed reconnaissance can
result in difficulties at later stages in a survey leading to waste of time and inaccurate
To start a reconnaissance, an over all picture of the area us obtained by walking all over
the site keeping in mind the requirements of the survey. If an existing map or plan of the
area is available, this is a useful aid at this stage.
When sitting station, an attempt should be made to keep the number of stations to a
minimum and the lengths of traverse legs should be kept as long as possible to minimise
the effect of any centring errors.
If the traverse is being run for a detail survey then the method which is to be used for the

subsequent operation must be considered. For most sites a polygon traverse is usually
sited around the area at points of maximum visibility. It should be possible to observe
across checks or lines across the area to enable other points inside the area to be fixed and
also to assist in the location for angular errors. Traverse for read works and pipelines
generally require a link traverse. Since these sites tend to be long and narrow. The shape
of the read or pipe line dictation the shape of the traverse.
If distance measurements are to be carried out using tapes the ground conditions between
stations should be suitable for this purpose, steep slopes or badly broken ground along the
traverse lines should be avoided and it is better if there are as few changes of slopes as
possible. Roads and paths that have been surfaced are usually good for ground

Stations should be located such that they are clearly inter – visible, preferably at ground
level, that is, with a theodolite set up at one point, it should be possible to see the ground
marks at adjacent stations and as many others as possible. This eases the angular
measurement process and enhances its accuracy.
Stations should be placed in firm level ground so that the theodolite and tripod are
supported adequately when observing angles at the stations. Very often stations are used
for a sited survey and at later stage for setting out. Since some time elapse between the
site survey and the start of the construction, the choice of firm ground in order to prevent
the stations moving in any way becomes even more important. It is sometimes necessary
to install semi – permanent stations.
Owing to the effects of lateral refraction and shimmer traverse ,lines of sight should be
well above ground level (greater than 1m) for most of their length to avoid any possible
angular errors due to rays passing close to ground level (grazing rays). These effects are
serious in hot weather.
When are stations have been sited a sketch of the traverse should be prepared
approximately to scale. The stations are given reference letters or numbers. This greatly
assists in the planning and checking of fieldwork.


When a reconnaissance is completed, the stations have to be marked for the duration or
longer of the survey. Station markers must be permanent, not easily disturbed and they
should be clearly visible. The construction and type of station depends on the
requirements of the survey.
For general purpose traverse, wooden pegs are used which are hammered into the ground
until the top of the peg is almost flushed with the ground level (see figure below).

50mm square
wooden peg

Figure 10.1 ; station peg.

If it is not possible to drive the whole length of the peg into hard ground the excess above
the ground should be sawn off. This is necessary since a long length of peg left above the
ground is liable to be knocked down. A nail should be tapped into the top of the peg to
define the exact position of the station as shown in figure above.
Stations in roadways can be marked with 75mm pipe nail driven flush with the surface.
The nail surround should be painted for easy identification. These marks are fairly
permanent, but it is usually prudent to enquire if the road is to be resurfaced in the near

A more permanent station would be normally required on marks set in concrete, typical
station designs are shown in the figure below.

A reference or witnessing sketch of the features surrounding each stations should be

prepared, especially if the stations are to be left for any time before being used, or if they
will be required again at a much later stage.
Measurements are taken from the station to nearby permanent features to enable it to be
relocated. A typical sketch is shown in figure below.

3.4m 3.8m

(Iron Bar in Concrete)

Man hole
Figure 10.2: Witnessing Sketch


The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in their publication ISO/DP
7078 Building construction defines setting out as the establishment of the marks and lines
to define the positions and levels of the elements for the construction work so that works
may proceed with reference of them.
Setting out can also be defined as the process whereby the positions and levels of new
works already recorded on a working plan are transferred to the ground.
A definition often used for setting out is that, it is the reverse of surveying. This
definition means that whereas surveying is the process of producing a plan or map of a
particular area or site, setting out begins with the plan and ends with the various elements
of a particular engineering project correctly positioned on the ground in the area.
However, as in surveying, setting out must be arranged so that the work at hand can be
properly checked. Every peg placed must be proved to be in its correct position as
provided in the plan within allowable limits.


There are two main aims when undertaking setting out operations;
The various elements of the scheme or work must be correct in all three dimensions both
relatively and absolutely, that is each element must be in its correct size, in its correct
position and at its correct deduced level.
Once setting out begins, it must proceed quickly and with little or no delay in order that
the works can proceed smoothly and the costs can be minimized.
In practice, there are many techniques, which can be used to achieve these two aims.
However, they are all based on three general principles
Points of known E, N coordinates must be established within or near the site from which
the design point can be set out in their correct plan positions. This involves horizontal

control techniques
Points of known elevation relative to an agreed datum are required within or near the site
from which the design points can be set out at their correct reduced levels. This involves
vertical control technique.
Accurate methods must be adopted to establish design points from these horizontal and
vertical controls. This involves positioning techniques


As the work proceeds, the setting out falls into two broad stages;

Initially, techniques are required to define the site, to set out the foundations and to
monitor their construction. Once this has been done, emphasis changes to the above –
ground elements of the scheme and methods must be adopted which will ensure that they
are fixed at their correct levels and positions. These two stages are explained as follows

The first stage when setting out any work is to locate the boundaries of the works in their
correct position on the ground surface and to define the major elements. In order to
achieve this, horizontal and vertical control points must be established on or near the site
as explained earlier. These are then used not only to define the perimeter of the site which

enables fences to be erected and site clearance to begin but also to set out critical design
points on the scheme and to define slopes, directions and so on. For example; in a
structural project, the main corners and sites of the building will be located and the
required depths of dig to foundation level will be defined. In a road project, the centre
line and the extent of the embankments and cuttings will be established together with
their required slopes.
When the boundaries and major elements have been pegged out, the top soil is stripped
off and excavation work begins. During this period, it may be necessary to relocate any
peg(s) that are accidentally disturbed by the plant and equipment. Once the formation
level is reached, the foundations are laid in accordance with the drawings and the critical
design points located earlier.
Setting out techniques is used to check that the foundations are in their correct three
dimensional positions. The first stage ends once construction to ground floor level, sub –
base level or similar levels has been completed.



This continues from the first stage, beginning at the ground floor slab, road sub – base
level or similar levels. Up to this point, all the controls will still be outside the main
construction, for example, the pegs defining building corners, centre lines and so on will
have been knocked out during the earth – moving work and only the srcinal control will
be undisturbed. Some off set pegs may remain but these too will be set back from the
actual construction itself.
The purpose of second stage setting out therefore is to transfer the horizontal and vertical
controls used in the first stage into the various elements of the scheme.


The nature and complexity of the building or any engineering work like; bridges, dams,
roads etc. determine the accuracy that need to be achieved, which in turns, defines or
determines which types of equipment will be selected for the task e.g. dumpy level or
theodolite, fibre glass tape or steel tape, plumb bob and line or optical plummet etc.

Figure 12.1 : A MEASURING TAPE.



: These are usually made of two materials;
Figure 12.4 : Wooden Pegs.

i. Timber pegs 50mm section of variable length but having a pointed end to
facilitated driving into the ground by hammering. A timber peg may have a
nail fixed to its top at the centre to locate exactly the station point. All setting
out pegs should be clearly marked with a 50mm deep and red paint and should
have a board of blue paint.
ii. Steel pegs they are usually formed from lengths of steel reinforcement rods,
cut to a suitable lengths and may have one edge sharpened to facilitate careful
driving positions have been checked, they are normally surrounded by
concrete. Identification works may be made into the surface of the concrete
before it sets hard

They are strings, wire, nylon etc. the weather condition plays a very vital role in
selecting which material to be used so that the line is safe from damage, stretch, sag in
prevailing working conditions of the weather. The lines provides straight out lines from a
peg to another. They define straight lines from points or stations.

These are used in conjunction with pegs so that extended lines positions may be marked
by using profile boards, the string or wire lines can be removed in the knowledge that
when they are required again, they can be positioned exactly as they were srcinally.
Normally, a profile boards is erected near each off set peg and used in exactly the same
way as a sight rail, a traveler are being used between profile boards to monitor excavation


This is an optical device used for setting out right angles whereby unskilled labour can
attain an accuracy of ± 5mm in 30m.
The instrument is basically of two telescopes mounted one above the other and with their
lines of sight set at 900 to each other. The site square is supported on a tripod stand,
which can be set over a fixed mark on the ground. The lower telescope is aimed along the
line from which the right angle is to be established being brought to bear on any site mark
in the line by moving the telescope:
In the vertical plane
Laterally by means of a fine – turning screw. Once the adjustment of the lower telescope
is complete, the upper telescope will trace out a line at right angles to the srcinal line and

further site mark can be positioned as required by moving this telescope in the vertical
plane only.
Figure 12.6 : Travelers used in setting out slopping ground


Setting out the base line: The base line adopted in setting out a building is usually the
building line, although on extensive factory layouts are centre lines of buildings are
sometimes runs of machinery. In either case, the location of such lines is reacted to the
physical features of the site. The building line is the line of the front face of the building
as indicated in figure below (line AB).
EXISTING Proposed building (structure)

Figure 13.1 : Setting out a simple building plan.

The position of the building line may be defined on the working plan by measurements
from any of the following;

The property boundary

The edge of the road kerb
The centre line of the road.

It is important to note that

Where there is no indication of the building line, its position must be agreed on site with
the local authority-building inspectors.
Where there is an obvious line of existing building frontages, this line is usually adopted
as the building line.
The building line is first ranged by eye and pegs are placed at the two front corners of the

outer face of the proposed building. Critical measurements are made from the boundary
to the building corners as shown in figure above or defined by local regulations and along
the face of the proposed building by nails hammed into the pegs.
6.6 B. Setting out the subsidiary lines:
From the two front pegs, A and B, angles are set out in accordance with the building plan
to follow the outer face of the flank walls. This could be done with a theodolite, setting
up over each peg in turn and turning off the required angle from the building line in each
case. As the angle of the flank wall is most often 900 this could be set out without a
theodolite using the following;
a. A 3:4:5 taped triangle
b. A builder’s square, which is a 3:4:5-ratio triangle made out of timber
c. An optical square
d. A site square, which is a proprietary instrument consisting of two small
telescopes fixed rigidly at right angles on a small stand.
e. A level incorporating a horizontal circle like a theodolite, but reading by venire
to about 5’only. When the two rear pegs; C and D are placed and nail – marked, they
are checked by measuring between them and by measuring the diagonals.
In a rectangle building, the two diagonals must be equal to prove the positioning
of the pegs.
After the main outline has been pegged ,any minor extensions or returns from the
main figure are pegged and checked, such as the pegs at e, f, g, h, j and k, when the
complete outline of the outer face of the building has been pegged and checked.
Setting out the reference marks: The pegs now placed will be destroyed as the
foundations are excavated and the reference system must be adopted. This can be
achieved by the use of profile boards, illustrated in the above figure.
Profile boards are constructed of 150 – or 200mm by 25mm, boards supported on
50mm square posts hammered firmly into the ground, well clear of the working area. On
well organized sites, the boards are placed at one level, usually finished floor level or
dam – proof course level. The advantages of these are as follows;
They help to keep the tape horizontal when making measurements.
They provide a level datum around the site so that less check leveling is needed
Disturbance of the boards can easily be noted visually.
Levels of work below ground can be controlled by travelers using the profile boards as
sight rails.
Approximate levels can be obtained by direct vertical measurements up or down from
lines strung between the profile boards.
Once all boards have been placed in position, all at one level, lines are strung
some distance above the peg, the peg position must be plumbed upward, using plumb line
in reference to the less accurate brick layer’s spirit level. When the lines have been
accurately strung across the profile boards, positions are marked with a nail or saw – cut
so that they may be replaced at any time. The intersections of the various strung lines will
then define the peg positions when they are removed for excavations. Profile boards for
minor buildings or projections are not always erected or needed. Full foundation width is
marked on the boards and two lines strung between these points to define the width of the
foundation trench to be dug. Once the trench has been started, the lines are removed.
Alternatively, the lines may be temporarily defined along the ground by means of
strips of lime or sand to guide excavation of the trench.


Like traversing, triangulation and trilateration are surveying methods used to

locate control points or stations which form a network.
A triangulation network consists of a series of single or overlapping triangles as
shown below, the points (vertices) of each triangle forming control stations. Position is
determined by measuring all the angles in the network and by measuring the length of
one or more base lines such as XY or IB, with the base line, application of the Sine Rule
in each triangle throughout the network enables the lengths of all triangle sides to be
calculated. These lengths when combined with the measured angles enable the
coordinates of the stations to be computed.
Figure 14.1 : Triangulation Network.
Figure 14.2 A map.



The methods that can be used to establish and observe a combined network vary
considerably with its size and it is emphasized the following sections are concerned
solely with civil engineering and construction sites where distances between control
stations seldom exceed 1km.

A trilateration network is a series of singles or overlapping triangles but in this case,

position is determined by measuring all the distances in the network instead of the angles.
However, to enable station coordinate to be computed, the measured distances are
combined with angle values derived from the side length s of each triangle.
Until the advent of EDM, the measurement of distances in a trilateration scheme with
sufficient accuracy was a very difficult and time consuming process and because of this
trilateration techniques were seldom used for establishing horizontal control. Traversing
techniques were also limited since it was not possible
to maintain a uniformly high accuracy when traversing over long distances. As a
result of that, triangulation was used extensively in the past to provide control for survey
covering large areas.
However, nowadays, because of the high precision, and accuracy of modern
equipment, traversing, triangulation and trilateration can all be used as methods of
establishing horizontal control. Although traversing is the most popular method for
providing control on site, combined triangulation and trilateration is often used; this
involves the measurements of angles and distances through out a network rather than
between selected stations as in traversing. On construction sites, combined network are
used where horizontal control is required to be spread over large areas and they are also
used to provide reference points for control extension, for monitoring and for precise
engineering work.
The reconnaissance for a network is the most important aspect of the survey and is
carried out to determine the positions of the control stations. Since this is linked to the
size and shape of the figure to be used in the scheme and to the number of measurements
to be taken, the reconnaissance will determine the amount of fieldwork that will have to
be undertaken.
To start the reconnaissance, information relevant to the survey area should e
gathered, especially that relating to any previous survey. Such information may include
existing maps, aerial photographs and any site surveys already prepared for the
construction project.
From this information, a network diagram should be prepared, approximately to
scale, showing proposed locations for the stations. It is also important that the survey area
is visited, at which time the final positions for the stations are chosen.
Many guidelines for reconnaissance when traversing are also applicable here, but
particular attention must be paid to the establishing the station points, the layout of
stations in relation to the survey work and the precision and reliability of the network
must be assessed.
Based on the reconnaissance, decisions regarding the measurements to be

taken are made and the instruments to be used for the survey are specified. Most

importantly, a check should be made to ensure that the survey meets its


During the observation of a network, the lengths of as of the triangles sides as possible
are measured using some sort of EDM equipment. When using the EDM equipment, the
meteorological conditions at the time of measurements must be monitored carefully and
suitable corrections made; also, any systematic instrument errors present in the equipment
must be allowed for by careful calibration of the of the equipment. For National Grid
based surveys, the scale factor is applied to each measured distance and, if the distance
has been measured at an appreciable elevation, a height correction must be applied since
mean sea level is the datum height for the National Grid.


The instrument normally required for measurement of the angles in networks is a
0.1’’/0.2’’ or 1’’ double reading optical micrometer theodolite or an electronic theodolite
of similar precision.
The theodolite is set up and angles are observed and booked. Very often, a total station or
theodolite mounted EDM system is used to observe a network and distances and angles
are measured simultaneously at each station.

Figure 15.1 :Distance measuring Instrument.

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