A Generation of Incorrect Talent Agencies Act Decisions

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A Generation of Incorrect Talent Agencies Act Rulings

By Rick Siegel

In a recent Talent Agencies Act enlarge or impair its scope are void and
determination, the labor commissioner courts not only may, but it is their obligation
voided the contractual rights of a to strike down such regulations.'" Dyna-Med
transactional attorney for not having a talent Inc. v. Fair Employment & Housing Comm.,
agency license or involving a licensed talent 43 Cal. 3d 1385, 1388 (1987) (quoting
agent to help renegotiate a sportscaster's Morris v. Williams, 67 Cal 2d 733, 748
talent deals. Solis v. Blancarte, TAC-27089 (1967)) (internal citations omitted).  
(Sept. 30, 2013). "Entertainment lawyers are "[I]n order for a consequence to be
not above the law," seems to be the message implied from a statute there must be greater
at first glance.   justification for its inclusion than a
An examination of the arguments being consistency or compatibility with the act from
forwarded by the National Conference of which it is implied. A necessary implication
Personal Managers (NCOPM) in its lawsuit within the meaning of the law is one that is so
alleging the TAA is unconstitutional on its strong in its probability that the contrary
face and as applied (NCOPM v. Brown, No. thereof cannot reasonably be supposed."
13-55545 (9th Cir., filed Oct. 8, 2013)) may Grubb & Ellis Co. v. Bello, 19 Cal. App. 4th
suggest something else: Is, as the NCOPM 231 (1993) (emphasis in original).  
alleges, the labor commissioner creating and The Solis determination - quoting
enforcing laws that do not exist, and if so, is Buchwald v. Superior Court, 254 Cal. App.
it above the law?   2d 347, 351 (1967), as is standard with TAA
The act "is silent - completely silent - on determinations that find violations for
the subject of the proper remedy for illegal unlicensed procurement - states that, "Since
procurement." Marathon v. Blasi, 42 Cal. 4th the clear object of the Act is to prevent
974, 990 (2008). The Marathon court improper persons from becoming [talent
believed that silence "offer[ed] no assistance" agents] and to regulate such activity for the
in determining "the proper remedy" and protection of the public, a contract between
ultimately concluded that the voidance of an unlicensed [talent agent] and the artist is
management contracts is proper when void."  
severance is not appropriate.   This holding has been the basis of five
NCOPM argues the lack of statutory decades of determinations where personal
remedy leaves courts no choice but to leave managers - and now transactional attorneys -
contractual rights untouched: "An lose the benefit of their labors. It is also
administrative agency cannot by its own legally unsupportable: It is wrong about the
regulations create a remedy which the act's "clear object," and all four state
Legislature has withheld. 'Administrative Supreme Court precedents Buchwald cites in
regulations that alter or amend the statute or its holding conflict with the Buchwald
conclusion.   employment for an artist without obtaining a
There is no evidence that the state ever talent agent's license from the Labor
worried about "improper persons" becoming Commissioner." Report of the California
talent agents. You cannot just decide to be an Entertainment Commission, at 15.  
attorney: You first have to have the overall An analysis of the five precedents the
academic qualifications and test scores to be Buchwald holding references to conclude that
accepted to a law school. After this post- procuring without a license is even more
graduate schooling, which includes intensive damning to the current enforcement:  
study regarding the legality of contracts, Wood v. Krepps, 168 Cal. 382, 386
attorneys must pass a famously detailed test, (1914), refused to void a contract because the
and each year thereafter participate in ordinance did not "declare that a contract
continuing education seminars. Much of this made by any one in the conduct of the
is codified in the State Bar Act.   various businesses for which licenses are
If the Legislature wanted to put provided to be procured ... be invalid; nor is
qualifications of competence, experience or there any provision therein indicating in the
education as a barrier to licensure, as it does slightest that this failure was intended to
for lawyers, contractors, doctors, etc., to affect in any degree the right of contract." As
ensure "improper persons" did not become the TAA has no ordinance declaring the
agents, it would have codified similar contracts of unlicensed people to be invalid
provisions into the TAA. It did not, and there or such failures are to in any way affect the
is no evidence the Legislature ever right of contract, Buchwald's voiding the
considered such barriers to becoming or personal manager's contractual rights
remaining a talent agent. Applicants must fill misinterprets Wood.  
in a couple of forms, mainly about contact Loving & Evans v. Blick, 33 Cal. 2d 603,
information, get a couple of associates to 608-09 (1949), holds, "it has been repeatedly
make personal recommendations, remit a declared in this state that 'a contract madeÂ
$250 fee (which, argues the NCOPM, makes contrary to the terms of a law designed for
the act violative of the Commerce Clause of the protection of the public and prescribing a
the U.S. Constitution) and send in some penalty for the violation thereof is illegal and
fingerprints. The fingerprints do not have to void, and no action may be brought to
be notarized, so they may not even be from enforce such contract." As the TAA does not
the applicants. So the only real barrier to a prescribe a penalty making unlicensed
talent agency license is one's ability to remit procurement "illegal and void," Buchwald
the $50,000 bond, and improper cannot be misinterprets Loving.  
defined as "not able to afford something."   Smith v. Bach, 183 Cal. 259, 262, holds,
It is uniformly accepted the act was created "The imposition by statute of a penalty
to keep employers from masquerading as implies a prohibition of the act to which the
employment counselors, to stop owners of penalty is attached, and a contract founded
burlesque halls and bordellos from fronting upon such act is void." With no statute
as talent representatives to lure ingenues to imposing a penalty" and thus no implication
work for them. But even after three years of of prohibition, Buchwald misinterprets Smith.  
studying the act, the California Entertainment Severance v. Knight-Counihan Co., 29
Commission issued a report saying they Cal. 2d 561, 568 (1847), follows Smith, and
could find "no clear legislative intent" as to therefore Buchwald misinterprets Severance.  
the state's stance as to whether "anyone other Albaugh v. Moss Constr. Co., 125 Cal.
than a licensed talent agent [may] procure App. 2d 126, 131-32 (1954), is a Contractors
Act dispute. That act expressly prohibits the detriment of the artist; but as interpreted,
nonlicensees from engaging in the activities an artist who wants this benefit must also add
of a contractor and expressly prohibits the financial burden of engaging an agent.  
compensation for unlicensed work. As the The Solis decision is important. Not, as
TAA has no such provisions, Buchwald it might initially seem, because the
misinterprets Albaugh.   determination stands as a warning that
Thus the current enforcement cannot attorneys must get their talent agency
pass the rational basis test of constitutionality. licenses or stop negotiating entertainment
Attorneys specialize in creating and industry contracts, but rather because it will
negotiating contracts, skills that benefit lead to the legal community to finally and
artists. The TAA was created to protect rightfully galvanize against the labor
artists, not to give a commercial and commissioner's compromising enforcement
protectionist advantage for talent agents to policies.

Rick Siegel is a former personal manager who is often engaged as an expert

witness on the history, construction and application of the Talent Agencies Act.

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