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Resonance Educating for better tomorrow DATE 4 Sol sol 14-0: PART TEST-5 (PT-5) (JEE ADVANCED PATTERN) TARGET : JEE (ADVANCED) 2014 014 COURSE : VIJETA (JPAD)/ VIJAY (JRAD HINTS & SOLUTIONS (aaa ya ea) Part-I Mathematics i f2+34=min{lz +2), 2 +4i} aft [2 +3{ =minfz +2 fe +i} oe z Wyo3 Leta, b and. are complex numbers and the arta, baat 6 Hfng sent tae Leta a, By be the roots of the equation, then shan asta bpd = laff 1 [ab Br-+ v9 =[a| [2 + fase bp = =|el-[p|-0 gy 0 DY sy ercsayee ox ¥ "a Hind, aaa @ fey 'o, dy 2+ 9My +2), XANES, Vey 42 ix ‘Three identical fair dice are rlied once. The ar wien Pre oral oT Ge ae oT a2 occursin®C)= 6 ways ab occursin 2% abc occursin'Cs ‘The number of ferent out comes is 6+ 30+ 20= 56 ut of which 6 are favourable cases, Required probability = S.3 canta "56 28 aan @ frat, abe # fae'C,= 20088 ae Reif 6+ 30+ 20-56 eaqgs Rett 63 wire sawn S = 5 56” 28 Acanhita target times in 5 shots, 8 twee A the Per Aa 4a Ban Peri A 8 3 aR ae I. Let represents the event “A hit the target, B represents the event °B his the target. C represents the event °C hits the target and E be the event that exactly two of A, 8 and C Int the target. tren Pity = 4 p1@)= Sana rioy= 2 3 rect) P(A)PLB) PC P(A)P(B)P(C®) + P(A)P(B™)P(C) + P(A”) P(B)P(C) 434 5°43 6 “937,412,132 123 543543543 IT oe BTA HTB, St Gest aT A are waite far war 8, sea BB ARM 8, A Tea eT BET veal fea ay * ‘ar, ea aC me BY a eT wh eer eer Fen att Y cays are ay seat, aa : a ax orm Sen vet ay ABC RA thw at a oh we ah e are weft frat ren Resonence - ASS eles SOLIA'PTIO405 14-1 —— 8. Equation of 3 curve passing through (3, 4) and satsfying 4 3 2 PADRE «PEs MPIC)= = « 2 Plctie) fe 4 8 He a8 a sas ee y{ Y) « 5 PLA)P(B)P(C®) ax P(A)P(B)P(C™) +P(A)P(B® IP(C) +P(A® )P(B)P(C) 2 so. (%) + ax) * “ax dy (ay oy (ay 4), (o. vax (S ) ( 6 where oy |) (ay Ws x)(/M 4). bee)(a-)- wrt wham (z-1)"=(2+1)'& ae 81 oe cither yay + xdx = 0 or yoxee since the curves passthrough the polt (3, 4) ay = 25 or x-y+t=0 sot: (2~1)" =(2+1)" lz-f =[2+4" jz-=[e+4] = lies on perpendicular bisector of (1, 0) and (1, 0). Hence, on y-axis = ARGH Z (4, 0) cea (1,0) a Pe ere Resrees o a eee a fa eae are form both the sides aft om fry 8.48 TE soften ac net oe = log 20 P(Evenst) = ¢(1og2 + lg 4+... fog 2m) 8. For the equation x+y #2 + w= 19, the numberof postive =o(n log 2* log nt) sate fe ow ons oa id Pr2IEventim)=¢ log 2iein log2tlog n!) slog 2i(n fog 2 + Tog Sol, Number of postive integral solation = "Gy, = "0s = a Coetciens of In (192 138 oa 41. P. aleap yearis selected at random Number of ways in which 15 identeal things. can be Pat iy ad ay gf QT are lstbuted among 4 persons = **"'Cy Yo Hinds. error Gon woh at BeeT = "Cy = Sol. (A) SM 8 ce OY aT 7 p= 4 «1000 AS Tren gash at said A aed & atte aA Ge = 7 Gg Mowe Mes Ww Resonence SOLIAPTO2 —— 2 Sol 2. Sol sas (©) Sum2ras = 2,3,5,7,11 1,9: 24 2 Net, 4) 23}. 2), (4,1) 1,,6.1 6,5),6.8) Probability uiftrra = = =0.4t66 (©) = 12s ethers head or seats en aah (O)41,2,3.4,5) een cae 10) bast cw ange Re (2, 4) 1+ only one fovourable (2, 4) Pp. f+ kie0 PB Zeb) =i In| ARR fal = O87, th 2=0 IWaj4, thenz?==1 = zest AAR fal =1 a2 oa 350 8) Hence 3 solution @. Forze00 fu, = = Each complex number of form a(t # ) where a. R satifies, Hatt 2 67 oA mets aI He, OE ae Rat sige ae #1 Hence infite solution Reis b8l = a? = 8a = fais Oor fal=8 Watlgi8 = 2964 oa sora wet 2 e-a--§ z 2 eee B22 8,to,-t67 Hence four soliton sit 43 #1 S. Circles [z-2)= 18 |2~1]=2 touch each other at z= 3 hence one solution FR e221 [zt ze 9a ew aR a wea 8) om tea 8) P. The order ofthe diferental equation Pw red Ren ae ae Fy P. The general equation of all such conic is ax + 2hxy + by? += 1, whlch has thee arbtrary constants, ©. The general equation of all such circles fs (hj? + = 2, which has two arbitrary constais, R. The general equation of al such perabolasis x= ay" + by “which has tree arbitrary constants, 'S. The general equation of all such conics is a” + by? = 1, which has two arbitrary constants Resonence Hindi Pe sap ON ee wT TER MFM ax? + hay + bf 218, ret Os efter oe 8 ee mee eo gear eae Gen) + = feat, Greil at aim one 8) Rove mon $ oh seach a aa eho x bye, fect dis etfs ar 1 Soe oR} oh in aT cr een a+ by? = 2, fret eis ore ty fe 14, If w Js any complex number such that zw = (zi? and we ais WoT w ga wOR tf aw = BP wr ‘Sol: zw=|z)? = Zz \z+Z|+|2-Z 4 mie bi=2 which is @ square oh em aft) Area @77S = 6 sq. units. TF TOE 48. Let A= fx: xis a prime number less than 30}, WAS te: 08 20.8 oie mon von ty Sol, Here A= (2,3, 5,7, 11,18, 17, 18,23, 28) Here the set A contain 10 elements, two ferent numbers for numerator and denominater fom these can be obtained in 10 = 9 = 90 ways and one rational number 1 _whose numerator and denominator is Same i. ttal number of required soluton ie $0 +1 = 91 Hind, Te A= 2, 3,5,7, 11,13, 17, 19,23, 29) eye A, 10 sere een 81 2 PARI Seer Fe Se AR 10+ 9 0 asad re Per aT HATE Bea ow Oa eon 1 roy a ge eT a swine eat oh ys een 60+ 1 = 91 a 4 eoxt-y), Y(O)=5, ten the sol, = se lex this is tnear equation wit LF = VIX" 0 a ae ein te Ae Red VTE? yvitx? Jxivitsds+e SOLIAPTIO43 ——

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