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“You must seek for scholarliness,

need be there, go to China.”


China Re- discovered?


Imamuddin Muhammad Toaha Bin Habeeb


Liu San Zhen
Ref: Our discussion on 15thAugust at your Office.

Dear Mr. Liu San Zhen,

This is an intent intuited urged gesture from sunken Bangladesh to

“Rising China.” The de-shaped globe is to be reshaped by the light and dictate of
vision Confucius gestured. Truth is not Dogma. Confucius was not a dogmatist, but
a pragmatic of Divine Vision. The Truth is divine. It unites. Dogmatic religions
divide. Divided nations, nationalities and their religions divide, Because, their gods
are the gods of dogmas. Satan is their master. The Sovereign God is caring, and
love is His exposure.

The academic religions the contemporary world, Judaism, Christianity and Islam
are outlived, because of dogma, Jews, Christians and Arabs have abandoned
Moses, Jesus and Muhammad with their scriptures, and reversed their message.
Now their trident triangle is strangulating the humanity all over the world. Greed
and need are the master and the slave. Rich sucks the life potentials of the poor.
Greedy rich are 10% of world population. They hold and consume 80% of the
resource. While the 90% needy trail on with 10% of the resources only to diminish.
Did Moses ,Jesus and Mohamed came to teach this? Or did Confucius came to
preach the Chinese to open up to compete With west for the same?

It is God or the nature who has brought the perpetrators from far flanged
continents to Middle Eastern theatre, and locked them in war only to die their own
death and bury themselves in the desert!

Do China Korea, Japan and Russia realize this? Korean war, Vietnam war, Russian
invasion of Afghanistan, and of late the Afghan invasion by Bush do give a
dimension t the China of Confucius? The Answer must be affirmative.

As the genealogy and genesis say, that the people of China, Japan and Indo-China,
origin to the early progeny of Noah, while Arabs, Indians and others belong to later
branches of Noah‟s grand grand children.

The people of Asia are the original children of Adam living in the original land of
their ancestors. The people of nowadays developed Europe and America are
migrants and colonialists. So with that mindset, they have occupied others lands of
other parts of human habitat.

But the people of Asia did not invade the people of other continents like the
Here lies the difference between the eastern and the westerns.

Now the western colonialists with their superior technology and its gains are out to
enslave their ancestral people with lands and the resources by permissive culture,
devoid of family bounds and respect to elders.
This phenomenon is the destruction of human species before the deluge, the
Resurrection. That has to be thwarted. But who would do this? How would he do it?
Axis of Evil cannot thwart another axis of evil. Because they constitute vicious
circle. Devil cannot resist devil. Only the divine can drive away and undo the
devil‟s onslaught.

God is the refuge. Jews, Christians and Arabs are fighting in the name of their
dividing gods, Judas, Jesus and Mohammad! They claim to the holders of academic
major faiths. Others are gentile like.

The truth is indivisibly singular. False and falsehood are innumerable. God is for
truth, and His truthful can unite His east, west, north and south. The universe does
not need new God to reform the broken world. Nor needs a new faith. It is there
too. All that is needed is a Godly man who manifests Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus
and Mohammad in a single religion of singular truth. Exactly they were the
messengers of God‟s singular Religion to keep and maintain the progeny f Adam a
joint family with justice of love and care.

Now who can come forward for the job?! The Jews have failed by becoming Zionist
and branding others as gentiles, racist and prejudiced. The Christens have proved
to be twins with Jews as their Twin Towers. Arabs with their Arabianism have
made the final massage of Muhammad, for ultimate union of mankind, seeds of
disunity and bloody infight as it is in the Middle East. They have agreed to
disagree, and never to agree again, and they are the curse for global humanity.

We find a manifest well in advance in Confucius of China, whom the China of

yesterday has banished, and the China of today is in a dilemma, whether to
rehabilitate and remembrance him as messiah or not. Here China is on the cross

The Confucius‟s and Mao Zedong‟s China has gone global with her products in the
global free market, with her regimented Communist governing structure. The
Democratic west wants to destabilize China in the name of Democracy. But the
fact remains that the China with her Communistic frame has 80% peoples‟
representation and participation against western unbridle 30%-40% uncommitted

Mao Zedong during his last days expressed his willingness to introduce Roman and
Latin letter to write Chinese language. But Cultural Revolution had frustrated his
attempt. Had he succeeded in his innovation, to day China would have faced an
upheaval task to thwart the onrush of western media invasion deep into the heart
of Chinese society. God‟s blessing came in disguise to protect and prepare China to
save the world humanity from the catastrophic immorality, and gave China a
respite to stand as vanguard and put forward the model of family –based eastern
values for ultimate human salvation.
Confucius did not claim to be a prophet to introduce a new cult or a dogma. But he
has very simply reradiated the divine teachings and moral values all messengers of
divinity. The stories of Confucius mother s devotion, the miraculous events at the
night of his birth, his orphan hood, his archery, angling and agrarian life and skill
prove beyond doubt that he bore the legacy of divine ancestry. Universal human is
divine. Satanic influence causes deviation in men, and deviated men to become
imperial, feudal. They exploit their fellow being. Such exploitations compel
oppressed people to react. The action and reaction are the father and mother of
Capitalism and Marxism. Now both are tires and exhausted. A clarion Confucius call
can persuade both to come again to human fold for peaceful co-existence.

Now the unipolar capitalist west wants to overrun the east after breaking Soviet
Union in Afghanistan. China is the only potential adversary. Now should China go
full fledged capitalist or fight as maoist Leninist!? Or stand neither? Madding
western axis want to shield India to fix up China after they cut Soviet Russia to its

The clock is running faster. The adversary has hooked Afghanistan and Japan in
western and eastern-most ends of China, with what end in mind? Pakistan‟s
brokered U.S. China relation by secretly smuggling Henry Kissinger to Beijing did
not help Pakistan from disintegration in 1971. Such is the nefarious design of the
Judo-Christian western axis. Disintegration of other nations fro their hegemony is
their ultimate goal.

Culture of a great nation is not mere dancing, singing, painting, and sculpting skill
only. The real culture is masterly behavioral exposure which rises with the might
of rising sun that cleans the horizons from all stalactites and stalagmite of human
mind and mindset. Such cultural radiation is the ultimate warrant of the time to
launch a global CULTURAL REVOLUTION to unite and free the progeny of Adam to
be godly for the rest of the creation for whose celebration angels and dragons
descend on the earth.

The world of today, particularly the oppressed people of all faiths, irrespective of
ethnicity, heart and soul prayingly waiting for a global liberator-Messiah. Not the
petty messiah of Zion, Christian, Indian and Mohamedan cults. Their dogmas are
condemned not to show up again.

When there are the Sun and the Moon in the sky with stars to follow, there are
sunning and mooning souls on the earth also to be discovered by the starring
searchers to be crowned on divine peak-Summit Destiny.

The five stars of Chinese national flag are significant. The master star shines over
four followers? Like five masters of academic faith, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus
and Muhammad. The Gneisses reads that Noah‟s son Yafith is the fore father of
Mongoloids and Chinese. Other son is the forefather of Abraham, the origin of
Judaism, Christianity and Islam. But they have corrupted the teachings of
Abraham‟s unity. There is a categorical mention in the Holy Quran that ultimately
God will curse them and would raise leadership from a new nation to harmonize
the world as heaven on earth.
For that glorious destiny remain India and China stretching Japan to Russia as
major nations. Nut India is torn by caste fragmentations to unite the human onus.
The Japanese have imperial design that disqualifies her for divine leadership.
Soviet Russia has lost its
credibility by collaborating with western imperialist and colonialist which has
made her broken glass to see things intact.

Of all, China remains lone for the job! But she is some how shy to reclaim the
virtue once she ridiculed! Though she has got the gene to turn back, she lacks the
courage to proclaim. Here spirituality and intuition is supreme. Now she needs a
Confucius to consecrate her. But Confucius is no more. If there is, or there are re-
incarnated like followers of Confucius exist in great China, people at the helm of
affairs must bring them forward without lapse of a day further. The time is
greatest factor. Today is not like yesterday, and tomorrow will not appear like

Long march is no more the way to conquer or overrun the territories, nor is the
nuclear pile is the scale of supremacy. The attitude of morality shall be ultimate
zenith. The arsenals and war games to be maintained only as deterrent to

The gear of morality should go on tightening more and more on higher from
bottom to top. General masses are to be fashioned by the life of ruling elites.
Master Confucius and Chairman Mao Zedong are to be manifested in one figure to
depict divine morality and statesmanship of world vision.

China of today is in pendulous fix between prostitution of market economy in the

global market abroad, and in massage parlor at home, and constitutional dream of
morality of prophetic Confucius. This state is of both suicidal and revival. To
suicide, China needs no aide within and without. Her opportunist or confused
rulers are enough to make the heritage of China a history of the past. To rise from
the eastern horizon as the Sun of Resurrection to thwart and to remove the
darkness of eastern hemisphere, China needs, right at this moment, a Confucius, if
a Noah or Abraham is not at sight.

The children of Adam, the world humanity, devastated by devils axis need an
iconoclast Noah or Abraham to reintegrate the disintegrated globe for re-
emergence heavenly “The Paradise Lost”. Confucius of Noah The grand father of
Chinese would rouse the general masses of Jewish, Christian, and Islam to forge
one nation relinquishing their ruling “Vicious Circle”. That would be the
emergence of “The promised Messiah”, the believers of all academic faiths are
anxiously waiting for. In that Noah‟s Deluge, the despotic rulers of all divided
nation states would disappear as the salt melts in water. Is it Dogma? If so, what is
the motive behind opening an institute in the name of Confucius, leaving San Yat
Sen and Chairman Mao?! I do pray and bless, that the present leaders of transition
in China become believer in their creator, sustainer, and be loving God, since, I
hope no one in Chinese
hierarchy claims that he or she claims that he or she has, or both have created
them as man and woman. Not the sovereign He??!! Name what He be! Allah, Ishwar
or God!
If governing Juna do not believe in sovereign Allah, they cannot claim obedience
and subordination from their fellow beings. Because they all are equals! The barrel
of gun cannot keep the equals subdued for good. Only the godly care and love can
maintain fellows devotedly obedient. Like children remain obedient to parents for
their heavenly love and care.

There is an irony. The neighbor and native general people do not value and obey
the neighboring saints and supermen. They look for distant light though it is dim,
like firefly and glow-worm, rather then being attracted to immediate sun-like
shine. Like the proverbial “They are more fascinated towards distant dog then
local god.” Due to this psyche and psychic, perhaps the prophets and the epoch
makers migrate, and the people from far flung area benefit, not the people of
native vicinity! The genesis and history witness that the messengers of God and
their true followers have migrated from their homeland, and distant-landers were
the luky! Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, all went through the
process, and the Master Confucius too was not exception!

In and on the earth, in the kingdom of animals, the uniqueness of human proves
the existence of sovereign God. Those who treat human equally, they are to be
chosen to lead the universe on behalf of God. Good and evil in practice and
behavior only classifies men, goods are to be recorded and bads are to be
accounted for correction and punishment. So the world does not go pandemic for
the sins of sinners. Other than this, strictly, there must not be any discrepancies.
If done, is unpardonable apartheid and prejudice.

As mentioned above, the west, Europe and America, are the occupied colonies by
the migrants, who have made their continents a slum of race color and blood
prejudices. Their richness and development are the stories of colonial robbery,
exploitation and extortion. So, their skyscrapers and beautiful cities are the slums
of criminals.

History witnesses that nations minus India and main China, others committed
crimes on fellow human brethren as imperialists and colonialists. So the world is
torn hundreds of nationalities and states. But mankind are members of one family
of their father Adam.

This human family united on love and justice is haven on earth. And disintegrated
like now, due to hatred and injustice is hell on earth. To turn, hell again into
heaven, the world needs a fatherly son of Adam with some obedient pious brothers
to reunite the family for ultimate destiny.

To initiate that gesture, India and China remain options. India with claim of divine
faith has no character for the supreme job because of her caste prejudice. Like
Japan is disqualified for her imperialistic stigma, and Russia for her Asian and half
European amphibian dilemma. The nation of China and Bangladesh are twins in
ethos and ethic. There is no caste and ethnic division in the people of Bangladesh.
140 million people are one nation with one seventh population of China.
Bangladesh is a country of only 54 thousand square mile of land. Every inch of it is
fertile, rich in resources.

The lands and people of all the Muslim countries are the best on the surface of
earth, treasures of mines and minerals of Gods gift. Because, the people are God-
fearing, pious and simple. They practice Islam. But their rulers are the worst of the
worst. They are the dirtiest example of the most cleaning divine faith. They are
the adversary of their tax payers and their faith. People are peace loving of global
mindset, whereas the ruling cliques are on the payroll of axis of evil.

Bangladesh is on the top of the list in corruption, political anarchy and dirty
quotary. The reason is the proxy of the western colonial masters in the name of
democracy by the legacy of colonial imperialists. This new colonial imperialism is
more heinous then direct occupation. The Muslim countries are worst sufferers of
the phenomenon. Because their past masters were crusaders against Muslims and
their religion Islam.

These western crusaders are haunted by a nightmare, that if China and broken
Soviet Russia turn from ethism towards Islam and Muslim for social justice and
welfare state on divine bonds of real Islam, which is completely absent now, that
will be a holocaust annihilation of western colonial imperialists, who perpetrates
all crimes for centuries against the nations of eastern hemisphere, particularly in
Asia and Africa. Colonialization, occupation, exploitation and enslavement of the
people of Asia and Africa, is the genealogy of the present day western equation.
They are not a homogenous family of love and affection. To concede the truth and
reality, whatever bitter is it, the European and American allies are a composite
cluster of people, whose forefathers are deserters and migrants from Asia, who set
for unknown destinations to hunt the fortune or were banished as criminals and
unwanted persons of their origins. That is why their built-in mindset is to grab and
colonize others for their vicious self aggrandizement. Reducing and cleansing
aborigines in South and North America, Australia and new Zealand are the
testimony. What the “Roots” by Alex Hailey say?

A full circle of their disservice to humanity they have completed by their colonial
imperialism. Now they are out for more dangerous mission to uproot the roots,
debase the origin by fake, to turn the East, west, and to change the horizon to
raise then sun from the west. Thus to eclipse then sun for perpetual Dark Age??!!

That raise of sun from the west shall not materialize. A nation from Asia shall
emerge to initiate the push against the doom of western sky, behind an all time
great son of the Earth, who would rise for the glory of Zenith with simplistic two
hands indicators. The right hand and the left hand. The Leftist hand with five black
fingers of “Don‟ts” and the Rightists hand with shining five fingers of “Dos”. The
people behind him shall have to sacrifice their everything only to rewarded with
God‟s everything.
The fingers of leftists black hand shall read: I –Don‟t conceive partner of your God
in your soul. 2-Don‟t share your body with prostitutes. 3-Don‟t make your home a
rental prostitute. 4-Don‟t let your lands for feudal prostitution. 5-Don‟t lend your
money for prostitutely usury.

The fingers of rightists hand shall beam with: I-Be one with your only God. 2-Be
faithful to your legal partners, husband and wife. 3-keep your home sacred for
living worshipping and hosting the guests. 4- Preserve your land for growers;
agrarian cultivators, and 5- money is for exchange and investment.

Left hand and its fingers have created injustices; corruption, exploitation etc that
has resulted in rich and poor hatred, the father and the mother of today‟s
terrorism, which is making the life hell on the earth. Originally the right hand and
its fingers were the masters, and the left hand with its fingers were obedient
subservient. Once the virtue slept for a respite, vice rose and got on the helm, and
since then the vicious circle has taken over us. The west is on that course under W.
Bush and his allies.
Now, the enough is enough. The virtue is to retake its lost role and to rule again.
The usurper is nearly spent up and fatigue, because of its over aggressive hunger.

Now whose turn is to awake with 5-Don‟ts and 5-Dos? These briefing pages are few
coins of he treasure the Master is putting in the bag of His beggar for last 60 years.
This destitute beggar had none to rear and look after him since his father died and
his home was washed away by river erosion. But this orphan destitute looked after
his mother, three brothers and a sister with 10 children. Now they all are well off.
This poor took care of his family and spouse selflessly, and they grew selfishly.
Because, I measured them by my standard, and they measured me by their scale.
My scale was of kilometer and theirs is centimeter!

Confucius‟s Master took me Mecca to show the path of Noah, Abraham, Moses,
Jesus and Muhammad, the track of destiny, to the desert Arabia, perhaps, to
promote His slave, so that I can serve as the tracker of divine foot prints foot
prints for the ultimate return journey of mankind to their salvation. The final
messenger of Islam Muhammad reportedly asked his followers to go to China to
seek knowledge. During the days of Confucius, the Chinese merchants used to visit
Mecca frequently, and Arabs came to know about Confucius‟s thought from them.
The infamous silk route of China also was known to them. I earned pure money in
Mecca to bring my family on puritan track. So they grew pious. But my youngest
brother went to U.S.A as a medical doctor for higher study. There he came in
contact of crucifiers of Jesus, the Judeo-Christian axis. That made him derailed,
and instead of specialization as a physician, he found the way to earn illegal
dollars, and fled away, when the authority sensed the crime, with his amassed
dirty wealth. Knowing the story from his mouth, I informed my mother about the
heinous act. But mother went with him for money, so the family followed her, and
the entire family got derailed. Thus tragedies have followed one after another. I
alone withdrew from them, and waiting to see the end.

Now my younger brother is an industrialist. Very recently he went to China on a

business trip. On return on my query he told me that he has seen many bad things
in China with a very few good remnants. Though I was watching China affairs for
long period, and preparing for this kind of letter, my brother‟s account prompted
me not to delay further.

Like purity of soul, purity of money is essential for supreme job, the job, the job
of leading mankind for destiny. Bad money destroys the soul and body irreparably.
All God-sent messengers urged their people to earn in legal way and spend in legal
way. Jews, Christians and Arabs of Holy Scriptures, all have gone astray from the
teachings of their messengers Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, peace be on all of
them, and are counting their days for extinction. The Sovereign God, seems, has
brought them from far away three continents to the deserts of Middle East, the
land of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, to bury them, and raise a new nation for the
supreme job as stated in the Holy Quran. Every words of this letter is spelled and
written in this message is dedicated to show the path for that Zenith.

The human is the family –based super creature of God. They live at home under
patriarchal blessings. The mode of social interaction and relation is of host and
guest. Mutual hospitality is the passport and visa of human race thought out the
planet. But the colonial

stigma has given ways to commercial and rental chain. This has taken the name of
Hotel, and these Hotels paved the ways to brothel, and consequently Hotel and
Brothel have become synonym, This hotel-brothel or brothel –hotel business has
cursed the human society that prostitution has got the name “Sex Industry”,
Prostitutes “Sex Workers” and Tourism is the globalization of Fast Food!? Then
where remains the marriage institution, family kitchen and dining room and dining

Thus far, no further. The east has to rise to re-introduce and re-establish the
Eastern Tradition of Heaven, the family life and joint family. Brothel chain of
commercial Hotels must be dine away with, by re introducing Host and Guest
hospitality, and making travels and tours, a pilgrimage to meet and mix with the
family of God. The Colonial imperialists had been able to rob all valuable resources
but failed in robbing Easter family values. Because, they did not know it before,
nor they know it till now as they were and are the composite clusters of families.

The invaders conquered east by their brute force to plunder the resources. The
East can now conquer them by Heavenly family life and love. Because the west is
materially rich and richer, but still they are poor in serene family love and ethical

After captive Japan‟s economic rise, the sudden surge of China and India as
economic Dragon and Elephant, has remarkably shaken the western monopolists.
They want to either destabilize both or create enmity against each other.

In this particular situation China‟s role would play supreme and decisive. Of Caste
ridden India, the Caste Dewta is in further apprehension of his feudal future.
Agriculture, Commerce and Industry have remained mostly if the hands of higher
castes and privileged minority. The majority people are too poor and the minority
rich are too rich. Moreover the caste cult is of medieval cruelty in India. This
ground sufferings are grinding the poors, specially deprived and have- nots.
Thought, it seems, that in changed circumstances, China is not interested in armed
Maoist upsurge, rather the socio-political emancipation struggle may have China‟s
support on simple humanitarian ground, the Indian Dewota‟s along their new
partner U.S. are fearful of Maoist under-current like that of Nepal. There is already
a real existence of mindset set from eastern Indian Seven Sisters to Western most
Andhra to liberate India‟s poor majority by Mao like revolution. If China is blessed
with the Panacea to cure the ailing world, China has to test it in her giant neighbor
India. The Indians have the claim of Divine faith without leadership of moulding
character. Whereas China has moulding leadership without a Divine model. Now
when China earns trillions from free market, she gets suicidal venoms in the wake.

The half hearted or hypo critic lectures and talks of morality are nothing but the
mock of sandy dam in the face of a deluging Tsunami. The fragments of
Confucius‟s philosophy along with some spreads of Buddhism and Taoism shall not
be of any avail. Rather it shall boomerang with ridicule for China‟s cool, silent and
sober leadership, which has to be maintained against any dent of opportunism and
immaturity. At such a stage of reshaping the flattened globe, and that too by
human despotism, the light is to be begged from the Inceptor. If not, one has to
rise with the claim that he is the Inceptor! Would any one come up??

A united nations of dogmas, Zionism, Christianity and al-Qaeda shall pharmacise

the panacea?! Corruptions only add corruption. God is there. Confucius, Tao and
Buddha have spelled the blessing of God without naming Him, like Noah, Abraham,
Moses, Jesus and Muhammad named. But imposters lied in the name of God to
divide His united kingdom to be demigods. Their days are gone for good. Had there
been no God, demigods would have continued to further disintegrate us. God has
started the process of remitting the trillions to its original treasury, plundered by
the invading colonial imperialists. Now He is seeing what the recipients do with
remittance. China is on the top of watching list.
In the soul-denied materialistic world, it is very, very difficult to revive the soul in
human. That is why Masters like Buddha and Confucius have told many things about
the soul and morality, but did not indulge in divulging the secrecy of God. But the
grand father of Mongoloids, Noah and his descendent, the Caucasoid messengers
Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad finally preached universal morality in the
name of God exponently. God is one. He says: “Has there been more than He, in
the heaven and earth, both would have been ruined.” Like the many politician of
many nations have made the world unlivable. The final messenger of God,
Muhammad was for entire mankind. After conquest of Mecca from the hands of
Arabs, he made his final pilgrimage, and declared that Mecca shall remain open for
all people of God, and the Arabs must not monopolize Mecca for Arabs. If they do
so, they shall be severely punished. He advised his followers: Go to China to seek
wisdom. But Meccans disobeyed him, like Jews did with Abraham, Moses and Jesus,
and left Muhammad unburied for three days, and finally he was buried by others
without funeral service he preached. After his death “A GANG OF FOUR” of
Mecccan had established the Arabian imperialism in his name. That transgressing
Arsbianism is counting its last days in Arabian Peninsula with their co-transgressors,
Jews and Christians.
The most revealing of the Holy Quran I am intuited to convey to the dilemma fixed
Chinese leadership is that God has said to Muhammad: Your people shall not
accept your message until the Chinese army Gog and Magog overrun the world.

The irony is, that the commentators of these verses of the Holy Quaran
misinterpreted the message on the payroll of their imperialist masters. Where as,
God has categorically said in the Holy Quran: I have sent you to promote the
oppressed masses of the world through your message, and make them rulers over
their oppressors so they taste the wrath of their perpetration.

The jews, Christians and Arabs have connived fir thousands of years to enslave
their fellow beings on transgressed pretend in the name of God. Now, God has
started His process of reducing the circle of imperialism on the globe to punish the
imperialists for their uncontainable transgressions. It seems He has brought them
to the border of China, Pakistan and Afghanistan, to test and taste them like the
haughty naughty Soviet Unionists defeat! Perhaps to repay the offenders by their
own coin!

At this critical juncture I would humbly remind the Mongoloid China of today that
God has mentioned you in the Holy Quran in two characters. As the progeny of Gog
and magog, the grand children of Noah, and Mongoloid Mughals who were invaders
like Arabs, and God destroyed Arabian despots in Banghdad and Damascus in the
hands of

Changheez and Taimoor. But later their children met the same fate in India in the
hands of British imperialists, as Mughals copied the Arabs in misrule and met the
tragedy that their last man did not get a piece of land in India to die and be
buried, and rather ironically, had to die to be buried in captivity in Myanmar. That
was the mischievous chapter of Mongols as mentioned in the holy Quran.

Now I vision that China is set for second and finally destined role the role of global
march. Not Mao‟s Long March. This march is the march of salvation of the people
throughout the world who are reduced to modern slavery by the new colonial

According to Holy Quran, the final march of Mongoloid China would be of Gog and
Magog‟s conquest over all Axis of Evil, who have exploited the children of Adam in
the name of God‟s scripture for Devil. The now-engaged Zionists, Christians. Sunnis
and Shiites in Middle East-are the axis of Anti-Christ in the false outfit of Moses,
Jesus and Muhammad.

In the past, the Mongolian monarchs in India, the Mughal emperors built Taj Mahals
and Shish Mahals for dead beloveds by pubic money they extorted tyrannically
from starving millions only to be a chapter of cursed history.
This time China is destined to expiate its past mistake by sacrificing her 9% land
and 21% of world population, to win the entire earth with its total population and
resources to establish justice on the globe devastated devastated by human
perpetration. For that glory China is to mobilize her all gene and genius with Mao‟s
proletariat present leadership, Confucius‟s morality, Jesus‟s spirituality and
Muhammad‟s universality. Muhammad has made special reference to China needs
all unhabited land s of world for Agro-based revolution to clean the surface from
the curse of pandemic Industrialization. Agronomy makes the world a heaven of
host and guest, and industrialization makes the world a hell of hotels and brothels.

Almighty God is all knowing. All unseen secrecy is in His hand. He opens His
secrecy whenever He wishes to His blessed. All messengers and divine human being
like Buddha and Confucius etc were blessed with some gleans of God‟s knowledge
and secrecy. They divulged what their Lord permitted. They remain strictly
obedient within God‟s limit. Never indulge in any thing that God disapproves. That
is why we find that the Prophets said things at length and breadth, like Noah,
Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, while the follower reformers like
Mahavira, Krishna, Buddha and Confucius seen they have simply revived the
forgotten, and corrected the corrupted virtues of life.

Now the world is fully mature, to be full of virtue or plunge in deluging vice. At
this stage. the emergence of a unitary human son is due. God is one. His system is
Unitary. Not Confederating Federal. The emerging great man shall unify human
world into one family, freeing the world from the clutches of Federating and
confederating devils of division and disunity.

At this concluding juncture of human life on Earth, there are three major camps.
Two of them are destined to disappear like melting salts in water, under the
unitary system of God. They are: I – Feudal Imperialist Capitalists, known as
Democratic World. They are the most heinous. They have, and are exploiting the
progeny of Adam in innumerable
creeds and colors of dogma. They have reduced the finest creature of God, His
vicegerent on earth, most rotten of all, destroying all heavenly fiver and fabrics of
mankind. Their transgression has contaminated the rest of the world morally,
ethically and environmentally to list the least. 2-Defeated Soviet Block. Raised
from the debris of the First World War, Marxist Leninist Soviet Union stood to
liberate oppressed people from the shackle for social justice and equality. But
because of lack of divine base, they slipped out of track. As a result, consequently
they rose as second monster with their imperialist ally in the wake of the defeat of
Germany, Italy and Japan in World War II. There, they became the second
imperialist, who shared war gains with their European –America partners.

The has made Soviet Union to come on Contact with slow-killing virus of diseased
Eastern Europe and Ottoman Ottoman Turks, especially in Balkan and central Asia.
By unscrupulous act, USSR became a partner, a member of the vicious circle, an
equal expansionist aggressor and conspirator with new colonial imperialist axis.
They made WARSAW pact and NAM etc to interfere in other countries like
colonialists did and do for expansion. KREMLIN became the palace of events
narrated by Svetlana about her father Josef Stalin. And of late in an adventure in
Afghanistan, the Soviet Union is reduced to Saint Petersburg, to sell their mothers,
sisters and daughters to global markets of Hotels and Brothels! The horrendous
medieval exploitation of the poverty stricken girls of broken Soviet Union in the
hells of Europe, America and oil rich Arabian barbarians has made me sick. These
two camps are equally condemned for same perpetration. Bush and Putin are twins
in this carnage unless Russia turns about, with China to Re-destine her
resurrection. 3- The present New China was born in 1948 when Soviet Union was
about 30 years aged. So the Marxist China is 30 years junior to mindset of Socialist
Kremlin bosses. That complexity was always playing in the undercurrent relation
between the two Marxist-Leninist Socialists. This has added Maoism in furtherance
of Marxism and Leninism in new China. Unlike in the USSR, the new China has all
through a difference and distinction. Unlike USSR, China under Mao Zedong did not
go to make friends and enemies. Did not go for pacts like QARSAW. Nor went to
ally with opposites like Soviets did with imperialists during world wars. This
immunized Mao‟s China from the stigma of opportunism. Whereas, Moscow is
tinted with many spots of anti ideological opportunism. When it became sort of
naked, during sixties of last century, Mao hinted his resentment and branded
Moscowvites as “Revisionists” The big brothers of Kremlin rebuked their junior as
“Ultra Extremist”

Instead, to get a footage outside China, Mao ventured a Maoist attempt under
Sukarno in Indonesia through comrades Subandrio, Idit and Untung etc. But CIA
made it unsuccessful with Suharto led junta resulting in the loss of three million
pro-Mao Indonesians. It is suspected that KGB helped CIA agent US Ambassador
Farland to frustrate Mao for his disloyalty to Kremlin.

This Failure of Mao in Indonesia in the second half of sixties of 19 century has
proved to be a blessing of God, that Mao thought it opium, but Confucius reminded
it as the protection and savior for China forever. Mao‟s abortive adventure in
Indonesia proved the existence of One God beyond doubt. That event made Mao to
be single minded to concentrate his gene within boundary of China, unlike
Kremlin, to fix up the priority of China‟s infrastructure, which led China of today‟s
global focus. The haughty naughty Kremlin met the consequences of lacking what
Mao was blessed miraculously.

Many hands with single minded soul is monotheist God‟s domain. Many men with
many minds are the polytheists gods, demigods, the Democrats. Many men with
many hands communely dedicated behind a single minded soul, are the hands of
Tao, Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, Moses, Abraham and Noah. Social doctrine of Marx
and Lenin with divine bond of morality, the Final Message of God, Muhammad was
sent for entire humanity. This message of Muhammad in the hands of Godless
atheist, produces Carl Marx, Lenin and Joseph Stalin, and consequently ends in the
vicious circle of gang of four and tens of Politburo, like both in Moscow and

Exactly such circle grew after Moses and Jesus from greedy, corrupt Jews, and just
at the death bed of Muhammad, the Gang of Four, and vicious circle of ten, who
completely reversed the virtue into vice and the Sun into Black Hole. The Arabian
Umayyad, Abbasid dynastical imperialism in Baghdad, Syria and Spain, and the
stalactite and stalagmite of their dark cave rule are Mughals tyrannical occupation
and exploitation in India and Euro-Arabian barbarity of Ottoman Turks, Ironically,
the later two, the Mughals and Turks have originated from Chengezian Tartars of
Chianese Mongolia. Two cavemen, Bin Laden and his Afghan host Molla Omer are
two remnants of Arabian –Mughal legacy promoted by Bush-Blair axis to break
Soviet Union are kept by the Destiner, perhaps, to witness the doom of their
promoters who have come all the way from far off, to dig their grave in the
mountainous Afghanistan and Iraqi-Arabian desert! The Sunni-Shiite sects have no
business with the Message of Islam and Muhammad, like Maoism and Marxism-
Leninism have no relation with Buddha, Tao and Confucius.

Yet another bad stance is in the offing. The ominous talk “The Asia is to dominate
the world in the 21 century, like the west dominated Asia in 20 century”

This is again repetition of evil after evil. Replacement of vice by virtue is the
remedy, and transition of one wrong by anew wring is never an improvement. It is
further deterioration of than yesterday.

The stance must be “The Asia shall not lead the world in 21 century like the
western imperialists did to Asia in 20 century. Rather Asia shall globalize the world
with justice and equality that the colonialists failed.” That is Godly gesture.

Full God, the Only God of Noah, Tao, Buddha, and Confucius unites. Demigods
divide, like dogs divide the frontier of their masters, and bark at outsiders as
foreigner. How a man can be a foreigner to another human of one origin, Adam
and Eve?

Full God is God. Demigods are dogs. Full truth is Truth. Half truth is worst lie. Like
full marriage is heaven‟s pleasure, and the adultery and prostitution is half
marriage of dastardly sin.

The world of God has to come back to the refuge of its Kind Master, Who would
forgive us if we turn to Him whole hearted repentant. It is His absolute kind that
we are alive on this planet. Otherwise the demigods, the dogs of divided
nationhood, nation states and nationalities, the imperialist, colonialist, feudalist
and of late, the nuclear proliferists and their industrial warming and pollution
would have made us extinct. Those dog-like demigods made their statues to leave
immortal images against God. But their towering statues are hauled to ground in
disgrace after their fall, and some of them saw, and seeing their fallen broken
marble before their own eyes.

But Buddha, Tao or Confucius did not erect their own statues themselves, during
their lifetime, nor their images were ever desecrated. Rather they are, during
their lifetime or after their death, hundreds and thousands of years, streams to
wash our dirt of hearts, hands and faces with repentance to show up our faces to
God for His kind forgiveness.

Practically Marx and Lenin are dead by fall of Kremlin and her allies in Eastern
Europe, and their burial is in progress by fading Mao‟s era in China. Here I have an
intuited plead for clemency in favor of Mao Zedong, unlike the over-actors of
Soviet Union. Mao was cool, sober and etiquetted with steadfastness, Moscow was
devoid of these, with heartless cruelty. If today‟s China goes Confucian, Tao or
Buddhist, Mao‟s contribution shall remain in the fossil. Human souls are maintained
regimented in God‟s domain. God and bad are kept segregated. Good souls
sometimes communicate! “Great men think alike” is intuitive, and Confucius, Tao
and Buddha‟s teachings are transcription of divinity.


To do the greatest service to the human life on earth, China is to rise like the
major of her national flag with her four neighbors like other four stars of the flag,
to beam like unitary sun to hunt for “Bushman and Caveman” Bush and Laden in
Afghanistan and Iraq. The Moment China rise to the occasion with Confucius-Tao
morality and Mao‟s sight and speed, both Bushman and Caveman will be hunted
with single stone to Liberate the world for the oppressed. Today kofi Annan has
voiced the withdrawal of Bushman‟s axis from both Afghanistan and Iraq, quoting
Middle Eastern axis‟s accusation that Bushman‟s invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq is
the mother of all evils, and U.S. people in majority urge Bush for immediate
withdrawal. Adding to that further Iran expresses her good offices to help U.S. bail

But that is not going to happen. God of Confucius has brought both Bushman and
Caveman together, to either bless or destroy China. raises Noah and Confucius like
Muhammad, the Messenger, China would Champion the Mission of God on Earth
Otherwise, the doom is too for China.

If China stands pragmatic divine against dogmatic confusers of corrupt Jews,

Christians and Shiite-Sunni conglomeration, the planet will head to celebrate her

In no way, the Bushman and Caveman are to be let for escape. If Bush is made to
withdraw, Caveman will turn Asia a Chechnya, and jubilate run over the world for
their terrorist heaven! That is not going to happen.
If Bushman wins over Caveman in Afghanistan and the Middle East, the axis of
Bushman will only stop in Japan Asia. That too cannot be dreamt!

The planet is the abode of mankind, God‟s family. Nobody can claim imperial
feudal or colonial
lordship here on others legally. God has stored all resources of human need and
necessity, to meet the needs for all time.

Human needs resources to lead family as hosts and guests. There is no dearth of
essentials needed to born, grow, breed and live and let others to live heavenly.
Greed is a sin. God has forbidden greed. Because, greed is the mother of all vices.
This greed cuts the fibers and fabrics of bond and love. This greed opens eyes of
lust which makes the mothers, sisters and daughters prostitutes and brothers and
sons rapists. Greedies lend money for usury, making money the currency of
prostitution, to wine, dine and woman. The world of greeds and greedies are the
world of hotels and brothels.

To limit and fortify the human heaven of earth, the family bond of host and guest,
God has formulated 5 positives:
1. One God without any partner, in the soul.
2. Chastity in life pure from adultery.
3. Home for living, praying and hospitality.
4. Right of land for agrarian cultivation and,
5. Money for exchange, investment and charity.
For this Host and Guest one world administration and enforcement of equal
opportunity for all, Abraham was institutionalized conspicuously, whom Jews,
Christians and Mohamedans own till today, who was and upright follower of Noah,
the grand father of mongoloids.

Disobeying Abraham, Jews have introduced all exploiting and oppressive crimes
which promoted racialism, capitalism, feudalism, slavery, usury and prostitution
etc. that the world is yet to get rid of these curses.

Jesus was sent to bring back the Jews to their original virtue. But they conspired
Jesus‟s crucification. Muhammad was dent to raise non Jew and non Christian
Arabs to shoulder Abrahamic legacy anew finally. But after the death of
Muhammad Arabs became the third partner of Jewry, “The Trident Cursed” whom,
God seems to have taken in His Custody, in Middle East for His destined justice!.

As inspired, I see it as a test case for those who do not believe in Almighty God,
and they think there can be lasting social justice without belief in God, on Marx
and his comrades prompted. They identified the justice and injustice in the society
materially and wrote godly reforms without God. They introduced God‟s gifted
reforms in their names assuming God‟s seat Whom they denied. Absent God came
to throw them to hell, and comrade, Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin did His without
naming Him. So the house of Marx, the house of cards with European flatterers was
blown by a single whirlpool. During late sixties their main job was to ridicule Mao
because of his warnings before the whirlpool.

Now, Mao is not more. China is alone in Asia, like Fidel in the Gulf of Mexico. His
days are too waning. Half hearted Confucius Institute or supporting Iran‟s stand
with Moscow on “Enemy‟s enemy is friend” like ping pong diplomacy is dilemmic
and sheer waste of tome. Aging Fidel is on his concluding days to disappear behind
the statue of Jesus in Havana. Demons of U.S are waiting to ridicule Fidel‟s such
end. Likewise, China‟s pundit‟s plea to shield behind the statues and images of
Confucian, Tao and Buddhist dogma is abortive. Jackals of Formosa and South
Korea are in rehearse to chorus with their surrogate masters in the event of
China‟s fall. So the destiny lies in the Sovereign God, Master of Jesus and
Confucius. After the full circle of transgression of Jews, Christian and Arabs, the
final and ultimate era of God‟s full blessing is ready for crowning. This letter and
its writer is a beckon to be wisest to rise to win all. Or to be dullest to lose all, as
master Confucius said, „Wisest of the wise and dullest of the dull never change‟.
Are the writer and written wisest of dullest??

Immigrants and pirates turned-colonial imperialist all over the continents save Asia
have traveled all the way to Iraq and Afghanistan, and experimenting their teeth
and claws on defending innocents. If they succeed to quell the insurgency in Iraq
and Afghanistan, next, finally they would feast with China, Vietnam, and North
Korea. South Korea and Taiwan are counting drop of leaves. Imperialist Japan is no

Governments of new imperialism under the umbrella of UN are the proxy of

unipolar super, super Bushman. Their people are simple believers in Jesus who was
sent to bring back the corrupting Jews to the original of Abrahamic unitary faith.
But their government are the vicious circle of Judeo-Christian corruption and
transgressors of Abrham, Moses and Jesus.

The recent comment of Pope benedict about Islam and Prophet Muhammad is the
proof of his utter ignorance if not intended lie. Neither Jesus nor Muhammad was
the pleaders of war of attrition to introduce Christianity or Islam. Muhammad only
defended his right, after his life was threatened by Meccans, and had to migrate to
Medina with his life, and had to resort to defensive armed encounter. But after the
death of Muhammad, apostates waged aggressive wars to establish empire in the
name of Muhammad and Islam, and consequently they enslaved the men and
women of the fallen territories, which Muhammad did never do, like Judeo-
Christians waged crusades and enslaved the fallen people plundering their
resources to build their Europe and America of today! and of late, Bushman has
invaded Iraq and Afghanistan as crusade in the name of Jesus declaring and
pursuing Jesus‟ Crusade forming coalition with all Christian countries including
newly re-converted Christians of Warsaw countries who were godless communists
till yesterday! And that is too in the birth place of Abraham: Iraq the base land of
emergence of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad! Thank God, thus the Jewish Rabbi,
Christian Pope and Arabian custodians of Islam, all are ignorant about Moses, Jesus
and Muhammad, if not liars? And it is overdue that God would bless some one on
His behalf to reveal His Truth about His messengers, to unmask the real faces of
opium traders in the name of divine faith, so that the cheated people of Christian
world can overthrow their governments, the co-perpetrators with only super power
U.S like the fall of Soviet union, the other super power of yesterday with her east
European accomplices. So the dawn of ultimate destiny is due. Pope Benedict‟s
ignorant and arrogant remark has fueled further malice in war zones in Afghanistan
and Middle East. God of Confucius has brought misnomer Christians from Australia
to Canada, to separate the followers of Judas, the
Muhammad‟s journey to the Sublime Height and his assembly with the elder
prophets in the sky, offering his respect to them and their love and affection for
him is the unique of all uniqueness one can dream of. That is the reflection of
heaven on earth indeed! All messengers pleaded for the well being of their
contemporary people. But it is only Muhammad, by whom Almighty God has
completed the summit civility and divine human civilization and sealed the
process. There is no need of further code of conduct, as there is not need of new
god, as there is the sovereign God, who has completed frontiers along with their
provocateur stooges Ladenians and Saddamides

Westerners say, they would take three years to cleanse Afghanis, And how much to
cleanse Arabs? They are in constant attempt to hook Myanmar. Bangladesh is
nearly concubinaged due to filthy tricks of two quarrelling woman. Caste master
Indian rulers are in a fix! Opportunists or Catalysts?! Whereas, the Indian people
are concerned for Afghanis and Iraqis, and India is longing for a liberator! Caste-
ridden India is a major obstacle in the way of human emancipation since the

China needs land for its people, Russia needs people for its land. Her population is
in serious decline. Arabian deserts are empty-quarter of the Earth destined for
over runners to develop for agrarian heaven of Adam and Confucius. China cannot
sustain with one child in a family for long. Its suicidal.

All messengers of God, save Muhammad, came to speak to their people and time.
Only Muhammad came for all of us, for all time. declared Mecca open to, and for
all with equal rights, except those evils who transgress the law of God‟s globality.
The most astonishing miracle God has revealed in the Holy Quran, and Muhammad
recited it to be read by all till the last day of the planet is: Arabs are the worst in
rejecting the truth and hypocrisy and most fitted to be ignorant of the limits which
God has sent down to His Messenger. And God is Al-Knowing All-wise.

According to the above verse of the holy Quran the messenger said that Arabs
would betray his teaching after him, and would defeat the then Roman and Persian
Empire, and then they themselves turn to be biting imperialists. And exactly they
became so. Arrogant and hypocritically they changed the very fundamental of
Arabic grammar and said “ Arabs” in the verse of Holy Quran, men “Nomads” not
“Urbane”. Like “Chinese are Godless, except the dwellers in cities”! Arabian rulers
of today are remnants of that hypocrisy, whereas their oppressed people are
mostly simple like the era of the messenger of God. They are to be liberated now
by Confucius of Naoh, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. Iraq is the sacred
soil of Noah and Abraham. These two sons of Adam were, and are the two arms of
compass, encompass all virtues of mankind, Moses and Jesus are the two half-
moons of the circle, while Muhammad is the Full circle. Muhammad was born
orphan, and Confucius became orphan at the age of four.

It is the destiny that God has gathered the culprits of cults, Jewish, Christians,
Sunnis and Shiites in a vicious circle between Iraq and Afghanistan to clean the
globe from the curse of dogs of dogmas. They have poisoned the entire human
body. Here one thing should be in mind to decide priority. Christians are
comparatively soft hearted and cool than cruel Jews, like Shiites to Sunnis and
Maoist Stalin!

During the days Soviet Union was breaking in Afghanistan, late Ayatullah Khomeini
wrote a letter to Mikhail Gorbachev to enter into divine faith from Godless
socialism to God‟s social morality and justice. But cult did not accept cult. God
had made an opportunity for me to meet Shiite Khomeini and his top aides on an
exclusive meet like Sunni king Faisal and Khalid of Saudi Arabia. They were same
coins of different die and diameter. They are now in the same circle with their two
elder cults, Zionist Judeo-Christian axis, perhaps t share the same end.

The hour is pre-dawn darkness, after midnight. If the eastern horizon is clear from
the clouds of darkness; rising sun will shine away the darkness of night for a
shining day.

In the world of materialistic predatory, only the darkness rule. Sun never shines
there. Greed and gain master there. Twenty four hours are night there. In the
state of need and service, day and night prevail there. There, the sun rises and
sets. But there is a world of liberated soul where sun never sets. Twenty four hours
sun rays there. era of all darkness is to day‟s world. Predators are everywhere.
Judeo-Christian west has invaded Asia to make globe go for all darkness. So, there
rises no sun from the east to eliminate them and reverse the destiny.

Marx and Lenin thought for the solution from the medieval Euro-Christian
predatory in the name of God, terming God as the Opium. They added
strangulation instead of panacea. Ultimately the family of Marx have broken the
heaven of Marx for brothels of predator‟s hell. Mao‟s China has so far been able to
contain. But how far? Confucian stunt alone is not going to protect for more. The
clock is fast progress. And the enemies are all around!

God has built man with some property of His Spirit, which is called human soul.
This has made human superior to the animals. By promoting this property man can
achieve to be next to God. But never God. Such achievement gave sons of man,
Adam, to be Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, like the five stars of
Chinese flag, and Confucius and Tao to focus!

God is one without any partner. He oversees His domain from His Sublime Throne.
He sent messengers in ages to remind men this. Now, this circle is complete by
advent of Muhammad, who spoke for all messengers, all people and for all time.
His journey to peak of Heaven is the only proof for us, that we can rise next to
God, to be un-equal among equals, for the benefit to equals and non-equals.

In such stage, God starts opening Hs secrecies He wills, to His un-equal servants
among equals. The treasures of His secrecies are to be divulged in His absolute
obedience. Because of God‟s unitary sovereignty, He will end His completion of His
Light and His Bounties for His beloved Creation through an individual. This son of
man will declare his inheritance of all messengers and all great sons of man. He
would be for all, and no one may be for him except God Himself. Such would be
the uniqueness in the person of Ultimate Salvator. His emergence is timed, when
all would need him, he would need none, for, God would be with him, for him and
for all through him.

This is the glimpse of the divine secrecy being divulged to emit rays of hope in the
world in a state of utter hopelessness. More glimpses would come out as unseen
help from God,
if people would follow righteous, like Confucius, and decree against Godless
despots. God‟s blessing descends from heaven to earth when people believe in God
and fear Him, pure from dogma. The moment dogma comes, it ends opium. Divine
faith openssouls to see worlds beyond limits. Heretics do not see themselves too.

Marx and his disciples denied God seeing devils do bad. How blindfolded heretice
they were and their followers are! They had to see God nearer seeing Satan‟s role
being played by their Church and the State, and rise united to oust both to
establish God‟s Justice!


No body begets himself. He is begotten by his father. Fatherless man is

illegitimate, bastard. God has created men. Those who believe it, they are
legitimate, those do not, they are illegitimate, bastards of faith.

Likewise, governments, who form according to God‟s law and run according to
God‟s law, are legitimate and legal authorities. Nowadays governments, so called
democratically elected to despotically elected to despotically formed government
s are illegitimate and bastard governments. They reduce their people immoral, so
that they obey and worship their illegitimate authority?

In the past, all government of these strata, were bastard and illegitimate. Be, they
were imperialists, feudalists, colonialists or anything. Whoever did not derive their
source of authority form God‟s sovereign law, were, illegitimate and illegal. They
exploited people. May be some in the name and claim of God even, and others as
Kingdom or proletariat dictatorship. They all reduced their people to slavery.

Any body or any group did in the past, doing now, or would do in future to replace
these with legitimacy of God‟s dictate and dictum, were and are right, Others
were on the wrong. Catholic-Protestant rift, French revolution or Marxist socialist
struggles were attempts to replace bad by worst. Today‟s world crisis is the grand
total of those devil dones!

Bush‟s crusade, Laden‟s Jihad, Iraq-Iran‟s Shiite-Sunni-Kurdi tussles, all are

Satan‟s last campaign to win against God. or lose in the hands of Army of God. God
Himself never fights. He is above it. His servants need to fight for Him, to be
blessed or cursed.

To fight and destroy the axis of Satan and establish the promised paradise on
earth, let us have a glimpse into the structure of the destined united family of

1. There is only one God in the heart and soul of mankind without an partner,
All men and women are the members of God‟s global family of respect to
elders and love for youngers.
2. Every body maintains chastity of body and mind. None never indulges in
acts of adultery. The whole society is of chaste father mother, brother
sister and son and daughter. A heaven on earth.
3. Men have property right. Earn legal, possess, and spend in legal way. Build
houses to live family life. worship God, educate children pious and host
quests to
promote and maintain society of “Host and Guest” a heaven of earth, clean
from all curses of rental homes of “Hotel and brothel”. No paid salaried
servant and employee system. Paid persons never integrate with employer,
nor can the employers treat them as own. Both remain strangers to each
other, and the trend of bargaining, exploitation and Trade Unionism
prevail, Bribe giving-taking trade is rampant.

Society of “Serve and Sacrifice” must be the Model. Honorium of need is the
reward of those who cannot serve his state family on his own expense. Need is to
be pursued. Never the greed. Austerity, “Simple life and High Thinking” must be
the crown of honor.

Business of productivity, both agronomy and industry, is to be the livelihood. Job

creating idea must be forbidden. The present government structure of exploitation
and bribery is the child of that menace. Production, procurement and sale and
purchase of first and second party, without third man be the ethic. Right of
property development and Real Estate business must be strictly restricted in
developing lands, building houses and flats to be sold to public. Never building
rental houses, apartments and shopping malls to owned by the culprits of black
money. This make haven to earn black money to own hotels and brothels to wine,
dine and prostitute. This is the shelter to breed, bring and hide, the crimes and
criminals, who destroyed and destroying all fabric and fibers of human morality. If
this phenomenon is stopped and uprooted, there would be no avenue to hide,
invest and spend black and illegal money, thus stopping the greed and lust for
black wealth. Bribe and usury shall die its natural death. The cost of living, prices
of land and the rate of profit would come down to a level that every body shall
have easy excess to afford own house and address. The gaps of social inequality
would narrow down to forge social integrity towards building our joint family of
God‟s blessings.

4. The surface f Earth is God‟s land for cultivation. City life is discouraged.
Because cities are mostly dominated by criminals and debauchers like
Babylon and Sodom. City dwellers live cut from the neighbors. Selfish
individuality is the characteristic of urban society. So the Nature of God‟s
more in focus in rural agrarian life. The right of land is strictly limited with
cultivators. Only the cultivators would own lands for the sole purpose of
agriculture. There is no right of absent ownership to acquire and possess
lands for feudal land lordship. Possessing lands for rental interest is land
prostitution. Black moneyed urban predators grab rural lands, reduce
peasants landless, and compel them to migrate to cities. In cities they grow
slums and shanties and again fall in the trap of black moneyed urban
criminals and begin in drug trafficking, woman trafficking and prostitution
in their slums. And that too goes in the interest of metropolitan crime

So the panacea is, in development of rural agricultural infrastructure to make

country life noble, pious and peaceful. Then only the benign rural life shall begin
to take off to make up its backwardness. For that, the first step is to enforce God‟s
decree “Land is to belong to cultivators”. This will annul feudal landlord and
absent ownership, like annulment of city property rentals, to stop the malignant
urbanization. Immediately these lands are to be handed over to landless growers
with revolutionary motivation. No slackness is to be given way in enforcement of
this rural and urban reforms.

This will again bring down the heaven‟s blessing on this curse ridden Earth as it
was at the beginning. The philosophy of Confucius is to be accepted in the right
earnest. Otherwise opportunism shall overtake the Ideal to bring down fall. Like
Hagel thought the idea, Marx and Lenin took it in their convenient way, and Stalins
brought the decay, and Gorbachev and Yeltsins nailed the coffin! If China does not
come out of dilemma very soon to embrace the truth, the day of removal of Mao‟s
sleeping casket may come tomorrow or day after, to push stable China in vacuum
to provide opportunity to malevolent enemies to do what they did with Soviet

Agro based rural Communism with Confucius adherence to unitary divinity of God is
the instrument to Chinas fortification and integration with Russia to defeat and
destroy the entrapped devils of four continents in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Marx and Leninism failed because of two things. I – Their Godlessness. 2 – Their
city based proletariat bourgeoism(?). City based growth is malignant, leads to
Babylonian and Sodom consequences.

Cities eat out the potentials of rural growth, like a cancerous tumor sucks the body
to perennial decay. Unless treated seriously, death is the end. Rural based cities
are to grow as planned villages. It keeps growth of both in complementary check
and balance. All slums and shanties of cities, be cleared clean to thin out the
hazardous fat of city combustion.

To return to the lap of God‟s rescue, the surface of Earth is to be returned to the
children of God, the Farmers, from the clutch of feudal and urban land prostitutes.
There must be no third hand between God and farmers. The state authority is to
stand guard and keeper, as deterrent to violators.

5. The fifth and the final star of China‟s flag of New Confucius is the role of
money and paper currency. This phenomenon holds the blood‟s position in
human life on earth. Money has to be maintained pure from all
contaminations. Hoarding, usury and bribe are the main source of monetary
criminality. If the money flow is maintained pure from those poisons of
exploitations, the curse of the richest and the poorest shall diminish, and
the poor and rich shall exist to test the souls and hearts of brothers for
brothers for sacrifice and clarity. The monetary chastity is more vital than
the chastity of body. In most cases, the prostitutes of body resort to sell
body under compulsion of need. But the prostitutes of wealth do it for
greed and lust.

Use of money must remain in air-tight restriction of exchange, investment and

benevolence. Bribery and usury must spell death penalty. It can be said that, if the
woman prostitutes of world were men, at least 80% of them would have been
chaste, contrary to that, if the bribe hunters and dealer of usury, were made
women from men, 100% would have been voluntary prostitute. Weaker sex women
are mostly victimized by strong male and circumstances, unlike men. So the bribe
takers and usury dealers are to be dealt with more severity than the prostitutes.
Once this goal is achieved in any major country like China, it will rise as a “Heaven
of Host and guest” winning over the entire surface of earth as pilgrim for the rest
of 5 billion human around the globe. And, of course, the real

Followers of 5-star messenger of God, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and

Muhammad would rush to china to see focus of their believers in Confucian

It‟s a matter of great sorrow that Germany gave birth to three notable human
sons, in the past, and one at present. None could rise above the boundary fencing.
Hegel saw some glimpse of truth. His disciple Marx saw half of it. Hitler came gusty
and disappeared ghostly! Now poor Pope Benedict. All saw shades in the fallen sun.
That too against the setting sun, long shadows sinking in the darkness of night. May
be, because they are westerner. They saw Moses and Jesus with the vision of
Sameri and Judas. They were unable to see Moses in the sight of Jesus, and Jesus
in the sight of Muhammad. To see the truth one has to rise early to possess the
rising sight.

All the messengers rose from the East-the eastern horizon-Asia. Now the devils‟
axis want to force the east to believe that Sun would rise from the west, if not
already has risen. Further they, the Judeo –Christian bastards are on invasion to
prove Jesus was either a bastard or son of God, and Bushman and his coalition
army in Iraq and Afghanistan are to turn the next generation of Asia bastards.
Their electronic media has invaded the bed rooms of Adam and Eve to turn the
planet bastard. Asia has to thwart the invasion on the text of the Holy Quran that
Jesus was neither son of God not bastard, nor his mother Mar was wife of God or a
prostitute. The mother and son, Mary and Jesus are perfect manifestation of
chastity and purity of divine soul, men women and children are to possess and
maintain. The mother of Confucius gave birth of her glorious son after eleven
months of divine wedlock.

There is a story in our East-Asia. A western bride came to eastern in –laws to get
married to her fiancé with her five month pregnancy sin. On the next day she
asked hr mother in-law,” Mom. how long does it take to have a love child in your
east?” “Minimum ten months” replied the mother in-law. The western daughter
said, “It‟s terrible to wait so ling!” in our west it takes maximum five months only
after marriage to have a baby! In many cases, we have babies even before
marriage too!
The stunned eastern mother realized the matter, and calmly said, “Darling
daughter! You westerners are very fast like your fast foods! Unlike you, we eastern
mothers and daughters live in family, where babies born after ten months, and
foods are cooked at home, and taken together with family members where father
and mothers are king and Quran. You darling go back to your west of fast-food,
fast babies and fast sex.” So she was sent back to fast parents of fast west!

Bastards of this faster Dom became presidents of Bushman‟s super states, scandals
of his White House are best seller books. king and chancellors were bastards and
one of their sitting presidents is a bitch! They are knocking the doors of China,
India and Indo-China of divine parenthood.

Bastard colomal imperialism and their plundered bastard wealth from eastern
colonies made them super bastards, who portray the Holy Spirit of God, Jesus as
bastard, to holify their bastard! The rise of bastard sun from the west has to be
stopped. God has brought them from four further continents to bury their criminal
governments in Asia, and liberate then innocent masses of those continents who‟s
four fathers were mostly enslaved after they were abducted by the pirates.
Bushman‟s coalition partner are unpardonable thugs as governments, while their
tax-slave and sex-slave men women are at least

recyclable, reclaimable waste, if not raw materials for regeneration. Fidel and
Hugo Chavez indicate prospect.

Money is needed like blood in body for life. Purer the blood, healthier is the body.
Bloods in the veins of new colonial imperialists are so cross and complex that DNA
test also would fail to ascertain their species. Legal money purifies the blood and
mindset of people. illegal money maligns the nature and character. That is why
the colonial protagonists, old or new, are everywhere and all tome, heinous and
mean. Hypocritical “divide and rule” of colonial legacy has destroyed our eastern
countries. Men are created free and upright by God. Their governments are God‟s
blessing for their governed people. They cannot set any tax or levy on people. God
himself has fixed the sues and duties for men. If they disobey, they shall be
answerable to their Lord God for every penny. The governments of the people are
cooperative and coordinating body. Never legislative master. Legislation is God‟s
Sovereignty. Governments‟ duty is to educate the people about their duties to God
and His people, and remind and warn against any lapse and disobedience to God.

The moment any Government or Authority imposes any tax on people and legislate
law, the government becomes God and people are reduced to slavery.

The colonial invaders and imperialist aggressors have enslaved the humanity
making males Tax Slaves and females Sex Slaves. The present invasion of new
imperialists, after their old one, to occupy fossil energy and mineral resources is
the proof that they were demigods before, and again they are coming through
their agent-governments and agencies like IMF and world Bank for further
enslavement in their old colonies. The cry for Democracy and Human Right is a
devil‟s cry to nail in the coffin of humanity for good.
Now the mightiest of all arsenals, atomic or space warfare, is the declaration of
annulment of all man imposed taxes over fellow men, be it by the foreign
colonialists or native legacies of their foreign masters. It will be U.D.I. like
proclamation from a major Asian power. That will spontaneously unite and
integrate the entire population of Asia in of favor/that country leaving their ruling
clique for two options, to run away to their foreign master, or to dissolve in the
main stream. This would happen first in oppressed and exploited Asia. Then the
miracle of global deluge would sweep both the hemispheres to hunt the
perpetrators, and of course Bush‟s axis is on the top of the list, to free the
mankind to choose their destiny themselves, on their free will and choice.

Man imposed tax and levy corrupts both collector and payee. Collectors become
heartless cruel and subject become evaders. Like rapist and raped. God imposed
taxes draw people nearer to God. The more man pays taxes, he feels more warmth
of God‟s blessings and touches, like divinely married feel each other, one in two
bodies. First one is hell on earth, and second is heaven.

Money pure from usury and exploitation builds the society equal, loving, healthy,
wealthy and pious, while impure money creates classes, rich and poor, isms like
imperialism. Capitalism, feudalism, Marxism to mention the least, which resulted
in political and religious bigotry resultant to pandemic terrorism of today. Gorilla-
faced Bushman and his cave mate Laden are the twin faces of economic predatory.

Almighty, All knowing God had set an example of miracle by a single man in the
midst of darkest economic predatory of Umayyad dynasty. A young man in his early
thirty turned angel from devil, and abrogated all taxes and levies and land slavery
imposed by his predecessors on the people, and the people were in famine, at
length and breadth of the vast empire. Within little over two years, hell turned
heaven. People thronged to the morality of their ruler. Empty treasury was flooded
with volunteered God ordained revenue, and no destitute were available in the
country to accept charity. The Poor‟s due were sent abroad.

According to divine tenets, God has ten times more reserves than the creature may
need. If the rulers are good, the reserves are supplied to meet the need, if lewd,
lustful and greedy, then only the allocation shrinks.

Confucius, in line of his masters, kindled the light of prosperity. At this critical
juncture, when the monsters of decadence are on the next door to put off the life
and light, dragons of Confucius are to breath fire at the bushes and caves to
destroy the axis of devil and save the children of Adam and Eve from Satan‟s last

Had Hegel understood God in the foot prints of Jesus, he could lead his followers
to be saviors of the then Christians from the twin corruption of Church and State.
The then Church and State were in unholy marriage of Judo –Judas syndrome. A
total deviation from Jesus, the Spirit pf God. So Hegel was himself in dilemma and
his disciples, Marx, Engel and Lenin etc drifted down the stream. Father is father.
Children are to follow father as father. Then father grow and grand. Instead if
children start correcting the marriage of parents, then father diminishes, and
children pose fathers of father!
Today‟s world is torn, familyless bastard due to that pandemic disobedience.
Critics and China watchers are of the opinion that China‟s talk about Confucius,
Tao, Buddha and Mao is hypocritical and opportunism. All that China wants by this
jargon is to hide her future imperial ambition, to counter western democratic
design and, most important of all, is to guard and protect her millions of trillions
she has earned and would be earning from capitalistic world exploiting the cheap
labor of her poor masses. According to them, this mindset of post Mao leadership
of Beijing is more suicidal than the disintegration of Soviet Union and its allies. At
an early stage, the fall of USSR has opened the borders for her broken family
members to run for shelters and hide for respite to think and decide her fate and
future. If China falls in future, she would find no border of sympathizers around.
As a lone man of no statehood on earth, no dogma of dividing divinity and truth, I
pray to God and hope that China does not go selfish, and hoax Confucius‟s institute
to guard their Capitalistic trillions by the dogmatized dragons and angels of heaven
of Confucius‟s birth.

Belief in God makes the believer selfless dedicated. He sacrifices his “ limited
everything” for God‟s infinite treasure. Such soul rises father of every body,
everything, and son of none. Such soul nourishes worlds, human world, animal
world and worlds beyond. Shadows God for everything and every body, but not
God. Humble for those who obey God. Crusher, and grinder for despots.

Disbelievers are heretics. Grow selfish, with self aggrandizement, hot headed and
haughty neck. But when thy grow aged and spent, or face un-escapable downfall,
they see their “Self” “Selfish” vendetta vain and wane, and t he “fish” fishy. Then
these heretics commit suicide or rot behind bar, remembering God more than
believers. Godless socialists and communist dictators of our age are in a good
number to take lesson from them.

Now China and Russia is to appear more catholic than the Pope. I mean, when
Jews, Christians and Mohammedans betrayed Moses, Jesus and Muhammad and left
the unifying message of God, and divided men into hundreds of nation states to
exploit each other, so-called Godless Russia and China are to embrace each other
on their experiment and experience to rise and emerge as the savior of mankind on
behalf of God and His messengers to wash the stigmas of so-called monopolists

Once senior big brother Russia, fallen due to soul-denying, may have yet suffering
from ego ist complexity. Great are those, who take initiative and walk forward to
embrace before others can win the zenith. For such momentous event, a guardian
behind may be necessary. If the mission is divine, soul is crystal and the heart is
loving, God is there to provide a destiner.

In the history of divinity, it is a peremptory way of God‟s sovereignty, that in such

juncture God‟s man emerges from an unknown hideout, a corner-most place, sunk
in darkest politico-economic crisis, like a black hole on earth. Jesus and
Muhammad emerged when Jews and Arabs made Arabian Peninsula, the land of
Holy Houses of God, a hell on earth. That era is named in the Holy Quranic
teachings “Ayyam Al Jahilyya”, Era of Darkness. The same Judeo-Christian-Arab
axis has kindled the fire of horror and terror all over the globe, and that too in the
name of their racist and fascist religion! For this blasphemous sin, the Jews are
cursed by God on the tongue of Solomon and Jesus, the son of Mary in the text of
Holy Quran , and Arabs by the tongue of Muhammad. So this time, the savior God‟s
man is to emerge from non-Jew and non-Arab progeny of Adam. It‟s a very, very
vital point to be always in mind.

In Afghanistan, Chechnya and Dagestan , the Arab money and fighters have
meddled in, to complicate the situation. Judeo-Christian barbarity on Muslims of
Bosnia and Serbia in Balkan evoked Muslim sentiment, and Taliban and Al –Queda
tried to take the advantage. The significant silence of Russia and China to voice for
justice in these events has lowered the graph in the minds of general Muslims
world over, about these two socialist remnants.

Zionists of the world believe in their protocol and soul. They are dreaming the
triumph of jewish heaven ,the promised Land. The state of Israel is their
headache. In their belief, christians and Muslims are their main enemy, though all
non-Jew human beings are gentile-non-human in human exposure! They believe in
their elimination in the hands of their Ultimate Messiah.

For third world of above classification, it is Asia with its two third world population
to rise from east to liberate mankind on God‟s behalf only to be crowned by Him as
His uni-polar Head of the family of the children of Adam, to unite the human
family on divine

equal opportunity, love and justice. The anti-Christ of the axis of Bush-Blair
coalition must be shown their end by themselves.

China and Russia, Sun and Moon, must emerge as the pair of God‟s destiny to fill
up the vacuum, converted to divinity by self-search and self-discovery, and
ultimately be founding stone of one world, one nation and one family of pain and
gain. For that rise to ultimate glory, a touch-stone, diamonds precision like guide
Guardian is to be found to tie the bond and bound of divine unification-
globalization, on solemn oath to live for all and die for all. If such destiny comes
true, leaving a few hundred thousands perpetrators, all mankind shall emerge as
one family.

I have got lots of reasons to believe that, like Hegel, Engel, and Marx were not
Godless atheists. Rather they were certainly believers in unitary faith. Because of
contemporary dirty games of church and encompass the full message of Jesus to
liberate the people from Jewish inhumanity.Hitler`s outburst was the other side of
Zionist barbarity.

My dear leaders of dilemmatized Beijing and Moscow?

If you both emerge as the Sun and the Moon, and the universe is one under you, is
better, or you both continue like the wounds of the past mistakes, and ultimately
die dejected is better, as innumerable protagonists died of the forgotten history?

By God, for God, this letter is a humble attempt by a yet humbler individual who
has seen seventy falls and springs, and counts his stay on Earth that he is 40 years
older then the age of Jesus when he disappeared, 7 years more then the life of
Muhammad, 2 years less then Confucius and 12 years short then the revolutionary
Mao Zedong Lived. My boundary of belief and thinking is: My feet are at the middle
of the Earth, east, west, north and south are four corners my territory on Earth,
while my head is Just below the Sublime Throne of God like Noah, Abram, Moses,
Jesus and Muhammad believed. In Mecca where people of hundreds of nationality
come to demonstrate their disunity against God‟s unity , God blessed me there the
union with souls of the unifier Messengers, and their obedient followers I am only
one of the laters.

The day I attained maturity, I did not make partners with God, did not slipped to
adultery, did not let home and house for rent, rendered hospitality as host, did not
earn rent of land, and never draw nearer to usury and bank interests. As these are
the instruments of deviation, division and exploitation. Never sat with the
company of wine and dine. I always remained away and above narrow polities and
sectarian religiosity.

By above mentioned bonds and boundaries, God made the ways for me to see, talk
and measure so called national and international players of human misery. Saw
manys‟ fall and condemned end. Thus visualizing infinite past, finite present and
drawing infinite future. I was issued with Saudi Arabian passport, but didn`t stay
there seeing their Judeo- Christian-Arab axis.

At this concluding round of human maturity, intuitive promptitude is dictating me

to write this letter to awaken China, China, and through China, Russia to come out
of their . .

egos, and rise as quick as possible, to find out a contingent from among the misled
Muslims of both China and Russia, to motivate and promote them clean and out of
the circle of Arabian, Mughal, Turk and Indian vicious limits. After immunizing
them against above disease, three fourth of then contingent is to be given task of
cleaning morally the length and breadth of China and Russia to turn towards
pilgrimage for middle and affordable lower middle-class people of Muslim and
Christian world to come to China-Russia horizon as tourist. They will be the real
proletariat envoys to change the soul and the face of their society.

This new world of Host and Gust will turn the Hotels and Brothel‟s of rich criminals
deserted around the globe. Because, the middle and lower middle class run the
Hotels and Brothel‟s on salaries and tips!

The final messenger of God, an orphan like Confucius rose to the zenith to recite
the revelation of God. “ Almighty has destined to empower the oppressed destitute
of Earth to promote them as leaders, and show the despots their fall in the hands
of the oppressed, and taste them the bitterness of oppression.”

Due to this declaration, the then Jews, Christians and Arabs made coalition like
today against Muhammad. And just after the death of Muhammad Arabs changed
the message at the behest to Judeo-Christian vested interest. Since then these
three are fighting among them, Armageddon, Holy Crusades and Holy Jihad, in the
names of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. Ignorant Pope Benedict‟s recent remarks
are as one of those trident imposters, far from the truth to be uttered against any
of those three messengers of God.

Heretics like Laden and Dudayev of Chechnya must be washed clean from the
mindset, like the memoirs of Stalin and Khrushchev era. The world has to be
blessed now by the blesseds, after long long dark days of the curses of crusades.
Before Marx-Lenin, the Czar‟s history is not too ancient that Russians do not look
back for comparison and evaluation. Vladimir Putin‟s KGB background should help
him to look through world wide developments to say good-bye for any repetition of
past history, other then God ordained path. Especially when Russia‟s yesterdays‟
partner super power U.S with CIA network seemingly counting last days, Putin must
turn to God‟s forgiveness before it is too fate.

The heaven of thieves, Switzerland with money and arms in every houses, are
dying everyday, with their family killing by their own bullets! Why? bondless
wealth, wine and woman?! East Europeans are on mad rush to integrate with
Western Europe and west beyond to what end? Jesus and Mary are their any body?
But in X-mas what do they do??!!

Come back, Come back, God is there to bless us. Jesus o r Mary cannot help. They
are against liars in their names. China should not lie in the name of Confucius or
Buddha. Time and hour has come to become Jesus, Mary and Buddha like.

The world has reached the brink of hell by had and worst examples of the rulers.
No right turn or left turn will help rescue. Only the U-turn is the way to salvation.
That U-turn to be right now by a single or a number of rulers, who would turn as
best examples after total change in heart, body, appearance, talk and deeds
declaredly. Those who die before
death can rise to never die again. Let some of us by ourselves, to rise again to
never die; to live aive through righteous people till the Last Day of the world.

Your Confucius has said, “Only two classes of man never change: the wisest of wise
and thedullest of the dull.”

“The Wisest are born one or two in centuries through out the world. Dullests are
many. I hope that China is not Dullest. So, I wish and pray that China rise Wiser
and Russia Wise. Both embrace like one, and jointly use their gene and genius to
find out the “Wisest” of Confucius, and hand over him their everything, material
and spiritual.
The “Dullest” of the concluding era of the world has appeared as the super dullest
in the only Super power US. He has spent and spending trillions after trillions to
produce arms, breeding enemies and
opening warfronts, like Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and Darfur etc. He kills the
enemies everywhere, but neither can he nor any body of his nation can walk
anywhere fearlessly on this vast earth. Rather their entire nation lives in constant
nightmare! A fugitive, promoted by their trillions, Caveman bin Laden, chases
Bushman the dullest, and he is in utter hysteria! He is doomed and leading his
nation and the world to doom. Now, right at this moment a Savior of heaven‟s
guide and light is a must for all of us. Or this “Dullest” Bushman would set the
planet afire to reduce it into ashes.

To look for a real light, one needs to be in the deepest spot of darkness, and to
measure the height of a tower one needs to be on the bottom point. Then only he
can easily and correctly describe the light and the height.

This 70 year old evergreen young man (?) is destined by God for last 60 years to
talk for mankind with the life of Adam, soul of the messengers is belief, feelings of
contemporary world and farseeing the Day of Judgment. It is in the life of
Confucius that once the ruler of his country brought some singers and dancers from
neighboring state and gave them state honor. Seeing that nuisance, he left the
country saying, “Alas! If the people had valued the ingenious like beautiful
women!” The world is now devastated by this lewdness.

This unusual, rather, the letter of Destiny is being written from Bangladesh which
is at the bottom of corrupt states and governments. It has immense potentials if
not better than China, like China to be prosperous. But the lewd western
democracy and filthy politics has towed and tied Bangladesh with two women who
made this resourceful country a bottomless basket of beggars. Sitting at this
bottom, I am seeing the top of so called rich countries of the world. Unfortunately
it is bitter truth, that these top and bottom countries are on two extremities, at
the top of lewdness list and at the bottom of moral decay.

While writing this epoch making account, I am seriously worried, that the sudden
rush of wealth in China after long days of financial constraint do not make China
miserly circumspect. As I have hinted at the early part this letter, that I had a
colleague of my father, a Chinese scholar who was my teacher also. I used to
respect him by kissing his hands, forehead and touching his feet, practically
revered him like my father.

Particularly after the death of my father, I used to see my late father‟s shadows in
his colleagues. Revered Niaz Makhdoum came to India as a teenager after 1917
communist change in Russian Turkmenistan. He was from a conservative Muslim

Through him, I came in contact with a good number of Chinese businessmen, who
were fine shoe manufacturers. Ironically I found most of them miserly circumspect
with fine outward cordiality. May be that was due to past harsh pecuniary
condition in China. After separation of East Pakistan as Bangladesh, almost all of
those Chinese businessmen left for Hong Kong or Malaysia.

God likes decent and prudent life, and dislike misery or extravagance. Believing
men in God do have leverage to control their human passion between need and
greed, love and lust. Disbelieving people go unbridle in such juncture. The
imperial, colonial and capitalists of west have behaved more bestial than beasts,
due to abundance of wealth without divine discipline in life.

The same wealth is invading Chinese society. How China is going to check and
fortify her from HIV, AIDS pandemic impact of capitalistic trillions? Once dedicated
communist of east and west Bengal, and greater India are of the opinion that China
is set for New COLIM (New Colonial Imperialism) of late Sukarno of Indonesia, to
revenge her past disappear from the scene. Talk of Confucius is a hoax. I pray to
God, China do not go that way.

New China is constructing four hundred million units of self contained houses by
2020, for her 1.2 billion people as media reported. I pray, China goes host and
guest heaven, a destination of pilgrim, and never turn homes of western bestiality.

God had made one month compulsory fasting for adult man and woman to be one
with all to taste thirst and hunger for integration of mankind, to form a joint
family by sharing pains and festivity. But this sublime institution has been
corrupted by Rabbis, Brahmins, Popes and Mollahs of Jewish, Hindu, Christian and
Arabian cults. It is they, who have made today‟s world of nightmare.

An incarnated of the souls of Adam and Muhammad calling you in that Holy month
of Ramadhan to rise on the footage of Confucius to establish the dragons‟ story a
truth rather than a myth. I tell you repeatedly that you Chinese have inherent God
gifted quality with character to serve the world. In God‟s religion “Servants of men
are the Leaders of men”. All that you Chinese need now is to embrace God‟s
Religion to serve His people to lead the earth beneath and the worlds beyond.
Jews, Hindus, Christians and Arabs, all are tested, and failed to never rise again.
So the garland of spectrum of heaven and earth is ready for the recipient. All have
religious faith without character to practice and implement. Faith with practice is
truth. Faith devoid of practice is dogma and myth. Bush, Blair and their gang of
“human right and democracy” are of bygone myth and dogma.

Bangladesh is in turmoil. Next elections, and aftermath, are unpredictable.

Credibility of past, present and future is under question. Crisis of bad to worst if
the horoscope! Bushman and his new love India are on the chessboard to decide
the custody. Liability or asset, to be shared jointly, or given in the hands of big
boss, like Thailand, Philippines to

contain al-Queda bigotry. Russia has little to bother, other than to be sympathetic
in favor of Indian interest in the region. Russia is overwhelmed with her own home


China is to rise alone, wise of divine wisdom. As Confucius said that the wisest of
wise and the dullest of dull do not change, we must make our position at the
middle. I am very delighted to see China and Russia in the middle between two
wisest or dullest, Japan and Europe. East Europeans are on mad rush to join the
E.U. at this critical juncture when Tony Blair‟s with their wisest or dullest Bush are
on the wane. I see these three B B B, Bush, Blair, and Bin Laden are on the process
of elimination. Joining of former concubines of Soviet Union in E.U. is nothing but
forming prostitution in good names of Mary and Jesus, who only total five hundred
million peoples all together, whereas China is alone around 1.2 billion!

China is now hung between the institute of Confucius and the body casket of Mao.
Statues and bodies are perishable, while soul is indestructible infinity. Hanging on
the balance of statues and body casket is dilemma, is confusion, not Confucian.
China must come out of this, and right at this moment become a manifestation of
Confucian morality and the vigor of Mao. I am confident that an institution in the
name of Confucius in North South University in Bangladesh cannot be an attempt of
teaching Chinese Language, and introduction of Chinese dancing, singing and
display of some artistic articles and instruments. And I came to know that this type
of Chinese institutions are there in other countries as well. Also I opine that like
destruction of some statues of Confucius during Cultural Revolution, disgracing of
Mao would be reactionary, counteractive, and wrong.

Lone, single mindedness id the shadow of God. God is One, and His final reshaper
of de-shaped legacies would emerge as single entity in human body and exposure,
but he would encompass very aspect and dimension of human life in general, and
moral and spiritual detail in particular. The middle stream of world human progeny
is in anxious wait of him to rescue and liberate them from the axis of BBB, Bush,
Blair, and Bin Laden. Here another B can be added to the circle, “Brahmins of
India”, from whose vicious circle nearly one billion discriminated Indians pray to
God for a final “Awater” to liberate them to common human dignity.

But, as hinted in early part of this revealing, the protagonists of four major cults,
Zionists, Brahminist, Christians and Arabs have painted four separate monsters of
their sectarian myth to their Chism.

Mr. Liu San Zhen,

If Chinese proved wise, as destined by God, centrist between colonial crusaders of

west and their eastern imperial bas Japan, the main stream centrist population of
Europe and America would abandon their wisest and dullest Bush Blair axis.

The concluding world of today is mainly dominated by misguided claimants of

Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad. Jews have complete separate agenda of their own.
They want to achieve their promised Kingdom of David with their six wing-David
Star keeping non Jewish gentiles warring and killing themselves of for the advent
of Jewish Messiah. The Jewish conspiracies against all through world in ages are
aimed at for that Zionist unipolar triumph. World Jews in the state of Israel are in
the Middle East preparing to revenge their exaggerated holocaust with the help of
Jesus‟ special envoy W. weapon is his only super power U.S The unknown stock pile
of Israel‟s nuclear weapon is unquestionable, where as North Korean and Iranian
uranium enrichment is unpardonable crime!

In this momentous transitory of science, computer and super computer information

technology, country like U.S. spending forty six billion of dollars with sixteen
intelligence agencies and world wide net work, not only failed to reduce terrorism,
not to speak of defeating terrorists and provide security to its nationals and the
allies, but it has only spread the risk of vulnerability many fold more than before!
Who are the victims of this technological supremacy and superiority? Jews,
Christians and Muslims, is the answer. Who are they? They are the followers of
Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, is the answer again. Do Moses, Jesus and Muhammad
would join them respectively if they are sent again now? The reply would be, no
Never. Then how their followers turned this world a hell in the name of those great
messengers of God? The simple conclusive answer must be that, warring tridents
are imposters in the name of God and His messengers. To be precisely accurate in
judging this very grievous human tragedy, and to be impartial to God and His
human subjects the righteous remnants of the world must stand jury and say, as
witness of God:

1) The Zionist Government of Israel in Middle East is the legacy of Sameri

and his gang, who stole the ornaments of Egyptians during their exodus
from Egypt. Just after crossing Nile, Sameri and his gang disobeyed Moses.
After the death of Moses, the followers of Sameri completely betrayed
the teachings of Moses and begun exploiting and enslaving the followers
of Moses. God sent Jesus to bring Jews back to right path. They conspired
against Jesus, and one of them, Judas sold Jesus to the enemy only on a
bribe of thirty silver coins to be crucified.
2) Bush-Blair axis of Christian world is the remnants of Judas, and traitors of
Jesus. That is why they are one with Jewish Israel, and their previous
governments in Britain and America jointly established Israel in ME to
make the world a hell of terrorism of today!

3) Muhammad came finally to liberate the persecuted followers of both

Moses and Jesus from the shackle of Sameri and Judases, and the general
Arabs from Meccan thugs. But all these three were allies against
Muhammad. After the death of Muhammad, Meccans, Judaside Christians
and Sameride Zionists got together, and fought each other to bifurcate
and enslave human race.

Since then the Zionists, Christians and Arab rulers are hawks of same feather, and
the innocent, oppressed followers of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad are their prey
throughout the world!
Should Buddha and Confucius join me as co-witness and jury? This line is the
missing link and the point to be blessed in mind by the Lord of the worlds, to turn
the globe a
heaven on earth. Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad‟s souls would be
the source of our light and guide??

Buddhist China is let loose to run over the lands of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad
freely with fewer security risks than Jews, Christian and Arabs in their own land.
But the Buddhist Japan, Taiwan, Thailand and South Korea do not dare to disclose
their identity in those areas. Why? Aren‟t they Buddhist?

Buddha or Buddhism of those countries have lost their credibility by siding with
Bush-Blair‟s Christianity. So, they are too the enemy of humanity! Bush, Blair, Bin
Laden, Brahmin, Buddha, BBBBB are five black stars unlike the China of five bright
stars. Why? China is to understand this and answer.

China with her present dilemma and opportunism (?) cannot continue to remain
safe for long to spread with her cheap labor and technology in Europe, America,
Africa and Arabia to earn trillions and return safe to establish New COLIM?? No, No.

China‟s combination of Confucius and Mao is the secrecy. This is a transitory

temporary phase only.

Now without delay, Confucians shall have to agree with me to rise wise to declare
the voice of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad against Sameride, Judaside and
Umayyad, Abbaside thugs to separate them first from the true followers of Moses,
Jesus and Muhammad, and then appear with dress, address and clean identity of
Confucius, not confused! Not with Confucius Institute of Language, arts and culture

You have to join this 70 year old young man to start new world from Bangladesh
which is now hung without a guardian father, caring elder brother and a keeper

Bangladesh China friendship conference Hall and friendship bridges are only a
focus of goodwill. The Conference Hall is so expensive that only criminals and the
agents of evil axis can afford it. Confucians cannot and should not go that

In divine Humanity only the “old young and young olds” live nearer to God, and
God himself, His angels and dragons guard and help them. Middle ageds tin for
convenience then conviction, usually, influenced by both sides, and susceptible to
so called worldly reality than the direction and directive of soul, the master, God‟s
spirit. Tomorrow‟s world is to be rebuilt and reformed by today‟s God fearing
“think tank” and the values of all time, the inception the present and the destiny.

New China is now nearly of the same age, when USSR started going wrong during
sixties branding Mao‟s China immature to advice senior big brothers of Kremlin.
Now senior Moscow and senior Beijing are of same desk to listen and follow a single
Master, oldest in age and evergreen young of truth. Because Truth is God, and
truthful is evergreen with infinite old morality to guide and lead the ages.

A reborn Moscow and Beijing are to emerge as divine pair of single infinity only to
end when they meet their God on the Day of Judgment. On this emergence, from
the very first moment, the myth of Bush, Blair, Bin Laden etc, shall start retreat
and withdrawal to be

melted like salt melts in water, and this may be the Armageddon of Bushman‟s
mythology, to close the chapters of tragedies like Vietnam war, war in Afghanistan
and invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, for the ultimate dawn of New World Order
from the East. China would be the horizon of the Sun of Destiny!

The Store of Infinite Secrecy is the Hands of God. he focuses His Light of His
Secrecy for wise people of Earth through His chosen individuals. Before, it was
done through his messengers. This Chain was sealed by the advent of the final
Messenger Muhammad in 570 CE. Now the ultimate Truth is being divulged by an
unpredicted and unknown slave of God from the remotest corner of Earth‟s poor
Bangladesh-former East Pakistan.

Pakistan was established on 27th night of the holy Ramadan 1947, with the solemn
pledge to dedicate a part of land to initiate the liberation of mankind from the
slavery of despots and imperialists. “Pakistan” means Holy Land. But Pakistan
itself became un-holy because of her unholy leadership. So it lost its credibility.
Almighty God made another country for people‟s liberation two years later, 1949,
and that is the People‟s Republic of China. Soviet Socialist Russia was born 1917 in
the debris of destructed Muslim empire of Ottoman Turks. So it had an anti Islamic
enmity in its mindset. That is why Russia helped India to defeat and dismember
Pakistan in 1971, and Bangladesh emerged.

Significantly China was in favor of Pakistan‟s unity, and against Indo-Russian

design. Kremlin boss Brezhnev was angered for that at China. The hypocritical
couple of, Judeo-Christian unholy marriage, US, UK played their dirty game to
destabilize the region for their “divide and rule” sensitivity.

The alcoholic Kremlin invaded Afghanistan in its enmity against Muslims, if not
Islam itself. Aggrieved Pakistan got an opportunity, and the Judeo-Christian axis
under the U.S entered in the game. India-Russia was again against Muslims and
Islam. Taliban-Laden was born. Pakistan played its 1971 card in all its might, and
Soviet Russia was defeated and reduced to its size even up to reburial of the fossils
of its killed and banished Czars and Czarinas at Saint Petersburg to lick the spitted

Again Almighty God has caught the other part of the enemy of Pakistan and
Muslims, the US axis in Afghanistan and Iraq, to do what He has done with Soviet
Union, if not worst. Arab leaders are collaborators. They are too are being sized.
Isn‟t it a God‟s super agenda?

“Go to China for seeking knowledge” reportedly said Muhammad. The Holy Quran
was revealed on Muhammad in full in the month of Ramadan. The first self-
defensive war he had to fight was in this month of Ramadan. And again he had to
go for expedition to free the House and the City of God Mecca for Human equality
in this month of Ramadan. Do these all signify any thing to the wise of China?

Last, not the least, this letter is also being written in the same month of Ramadan,
when mankind was asked to fast in hunger and thirst, rich and poor equally to be
one family, one nation an one state. Does it bear any message to the people of
Confucius and Mao? Why and for what hints Confucius quoted the phrase of
“wisest” wise, dullest and dull? Now it is the finishing era to complete God‟s
master plan and its road map against Bush, Blair and Bin Laden axis, to play with
them with the same coin and currency. The infinity

is again drawing with the same term “Road map” of Bush! Should China and Russia
be spectators, of be players?

The Pakistan of past and today is on the destiny to be deleted from the map for
her mercenary army role and dubious politics and play. Factually it is the classless
people of Bengal, specially the oppressed Muslims of East Bengal, who were the
subject of all repression in the hands of feudal Hindus and British-Jude-Christians-
Brahmin axis, throughout the history. Pakistan was established mainly by the
struggle of Muslim Bengal. But unfortunately, again East Pakistanis were
maltreated by the dominant feudal politicians of West Pakistan and their army of
British mercenary origin. That stigma led the separation of East Pakistan and
emergence of Bangladesh.

On the light of mystical and historical characteristic, this former East Pakistan, the
present Bangladesh is God ordained spot for both China and Russia to base their
joint campaign to defeat U.S and allies and their satanic new world order with
infinite agenda to completely destroy and erase their remnant, unlike they
defeated and disintegrated their counter super power Soviet Union by their proxy
Pakistan and Taliban mercenaries.

During my meeting with Saudi king Faisal in 1973 he expressed his profound shock
against the dismemberment of Pakistan and he blamed India and Russia for the
tragedy curding both, side by side. King Faisal praised China for her role and her
emergence as a major atomic power though she was born 1979, and Pakistan failed
to achieve nuclear capability being born two years earlier. He was bitterly critical
of Bangladesh and its people.

I apprised him about the potentiality of Bangladesh and its future prospect with
her immediate neighbor China against hostile India. Today after the break of
marriage of India with Russia and the defeat of later, I see a miracle ahead the
moment China discovers her root in Noah, first among the five great messengers of
God. On reading this miraculous letter, the wise of Beijing must keep in mind to
believe, that Noah is the second Adam and second father of mankind on Earth, and
the Chinese are direct descendant of Noah with all mongoloids. This must
accompany with all mentions of Confucius to preach moral root of Chinese. Jews
and Christians also believe that same Noah is the origin of Abraham and Moses, the
pillars of their faiths.
Proclamation and declaration of these five stars of infinity with proper media focus
shall have an earthquake effect world over, and leaving ten percent of vested
interested, rest believes in God would slide to this infinite faith to be rock-slid
behind us. Except few evil pockets, all people knowing and unknowingly want
salvation. Imposter Bush and his axis are exploiting this intent urge of suffering
humanity because of the absence of heaven‟s mighty light.

Might and light together is God. He is the Light and Might of the Heaven and the
Earth. FULL LIGHT and His FULL MIGHT is the way to Salvation. Half light and half
might is prostitution, both mental and physical. Like divine marriage is the life of
light and might and the prostitution of half marriages are brothels, hotels and
night clubs of dim and dark light. Half day and half night. Hells of the hell of

My dear Mr. Liu San Zhen,

I see and believe that you are one, going to be the most fortunate man of he
future human history if you can carry this message along with the Ambassador of
the Chinese Embassy in Dhaka befittingly of the authorities in Beijing, who are
hung between light and darkness of heaven and prostitution. I see the mothers,
sisters and daughters of Confucius and Mao Zedong are approaching the foreigners
to sell their body and mind for only one dollar or euro, and the politburo of 1.2
billion Chinese are in dilemma of Mao or Tao?! To their utter surprise, because of
half humanity and half animal mindset, they see the might and matter in Mao, and
light and guide in Confucius! They are unable to see the right, the light and the
might together, God! So they are neither Confucian nor Maoist, but Confused of
opportunism and conservative to protect the trillions earned and millions of
trillions would amass in coming days from free market opportunity!? Monsters of
greed and dragons of need?! What a crisis! A fix!! A dilemma!!!

They are opening hundreds of institutes of Confucius through out the Globe to say
“Be Mao in might, Confucius in light” be careful, Mao‟s might was heretic and
Tao‟s light is mystic, ghostlike!? Conceive secular morality to earn trillions from
abroad with the might and the light of Mao and Confucius separately, and never
believe in God, the Right and Might together, the Right, for, believing in God is
dogma and myth!

Spending Billions for aimless Confucius institutes and establishing great halls,
gorgeous conference centers and friendship roads and bridges are sheer wastage.
These were done by the ancient imperialists, medieval colonialists and modern
democrats, to cheat the people. This facilitates the bourgeoisies to celebrate their
upper hand and supremacy over the exploited and oppressed masses. Night clubs.
Casinos. Hotels and brothels of imperialists are of no difference from these!

The people of today‟s torn world need a Son of Adam. son of all elders to look
after them as able, obedient and graceful son, and father of all youngsters, to
shoulder their stake, bring and look after as guardian, and reward and punish thy
To be such, one needs to see and read “Light and Might” together. This is Right,
this is God. Nothing more, nothing less, Inseparable Truth, free from all myth and

Buddha, Confucius and Tao saw the light without might. And Marx. Lenin and Mao
saw the might without light. The infinite Right, Light and Might together, is God,
and belief in Him. This is the only Religion of God that makes a man reach next to
Him as humblest servant and never as a partner of God, or a god, demigod himself.
This is more a gift than an earned achievement. By meditative endeavor man can
improve or lag behind.

Buddha, Confucius Marx and Mao‟s one sidedness is not their fault. This is
limitation, not to be blamed. But they are the lessons to learn from them for the
wise to be the wiser.
Buddha and Confucius etc have focused all Godly things, characteristics of all great
divinities without naming the Sources, or directly revealing God‟s gift, While the
Messengers of God, like Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad peace be
upon them, told and preached their message clear, above all ambiguity. because
they were assigned to Zoroaster of Zoroastrianism, Buddha of Buddhism, Confucius
of Confucian
and Mahavira of India and alikes, spoke the virtues of the messengers as reminders,
not as messengers themselves.

Mr. Liu San Zhen,

Let it be clear, that I am not a parochial Muslims of Medieval Arabian barbarity and
al-Qaeda, Taliban terrorist outfit of today, like corrupt Jews and Christians who
have lied are lying treacherously and blasphemous.

Great people, like Mahavira, Zaroaster, Buddha and Confucius and their alikes,
thought, talked and preached alike mostly on their intent instinct intellect based
on their personal life and morality. That is why they differ on many issues.

But the messengers of infinite divinity were all identical on principle with some
addition and omission. The great 5 stars Messengers of God, Noah, Abraham,
Moses, Jesus and Muhammad are like 5 fingers of same hand. Of them number-I
Noah is the grand among the greats, who is very significantly the direct grand
father of Mongoloids, of whom the Beijing Conglomerates are on the potions to rise
for zenith or fall for oblivion. Dilemma of he steering, option to capital profit and
pandemic spread of HIV are the ominous signs.

It is God‟s order for the recipients of sublime favor to divulge His gift to others.
Otherwise it would tantamount to ingratitude. Can any one afford His displeasure?

His pleasure is the Treasure of the heaven and the earth. Whoever earns His
pleasure he or she, heaven and earth meet him or her to bless. Mother of
Confucius prayed to God near Nikiu Mountain for a glorious son. God blessed her
with a son through whose name and fame China is seeking God‟s mercy today
throughout the world under the banner of Confucius institute for China‟s moral
foundation and socio-political identity. Women who run for dollars and Euro behind
foreigners shall they produce Confucius? Or those who open China for such
debauchery, shall promote people of China for moral leadership? Babylonia, once
heaven of earth was reduced to dust for same sin. Present Europe and America and
their sisters of former socialists Eastern Europe are heading towards what? Simple
names and fables of secular Confucius and Buddha shall never provide any
sanctuary and sanctum. For, there is no secular God to guard and grace dim light
of nights to dine, wine and woman. God is the Light of lights. The Sun, Moon and
Galaxies are only very poor reflection of His Light.

“God is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The parables of His Light is as if
there is a Niche, and in it is a lamp. The Lamp is protected by such a crystal, as if
tit itself is a shining star! More surprising is, that the lamp is lit from blessed
vegetable olive oil. (Not by fossil fuel) The blessed olive Tree has also grown on
the peak of a high land, all sides are so open that no shade falls to darken the
Tree, from any side, neither of the east, nor the west. It gets sun rays all the day.
So there is no carbon in its Olive Oil. As a result, the oil shines luminous though
fire did not touch the oil yet! This is sure Light upon Light!

God leads to His Light, those who beg His Light. Such are the example God sites for
men. It is God Who encompasses all Knowledge of all things. God‟s this Light does
not fall on
every house. It falls on houses God has ordered to be raised, to mention His name
in remembrance, morning and evening everyday again and again.

In such dormitories emerge men of rarity in trades, whom their business activities,
sales or purchases, can never interrupt their attachment from remembrance of
God, carrying Hid duty of social regimentation, and helping their needy brethren,
fearing the Day of God‟s Judgement, when sight and heart would palpitate in fear
of God and favor of God, so that God rewards them best of their deeds, and award
some bonus more of His Grace, for He pays countless whom He favors.

But the efforts of disobedient would be of no avail! Like mirage, a thirst of greed
would run after for water in a dry and hot desert, thinking water. The more he
would run, more he would exhaust and ultimately he would find nothing. but God
before hum. God would hand over his account statement on the spot! And sure.
God is swiftest in account taking.

Or, another example of the Unbelievers in God is, they are in a rough ocean of
darkness, without any light of sight, the more they struggle, the more they get
sunken, if they try to see their hand that too they cannot see! How they can show
others light? Because those, whom God does not give light of sight, they cannot see
their own position, can they lead others to light?”

The worlds today, Jewish world, Christian world and Arab world are sunken in
perpetual darkness. Can half belief and half disbelief of Confucius forum succeed
to fortify huge China herself from enemies all around without first category, “
Light upon Light of God”? No, not at all.

God the Creator, the Lover and the Sustainer is to be sought with His Light by
Beijing as crystal, as superbly described in the first part of above quotation in its
text detail, God, Light, Niche, Lamp, Crystal, Olive Tree, Carbon0-free Vegetable
Fuel, House, Men, Business and spending of wealth etc.

Bush and allies have kindled war fire for the fossil fuel and the resources of Middle
East. God Jesus is hoax. Hoax cannot be countered by Hoax. This Hoax in the name
of God made Marx and Mao‟s reactionary to say God is opium and resorted to
Cultural Revolution to eradicate Confucian legacy from Chinese soil. Both are self-
killing blunder.

The Universe of Creation is finite within the brackets, of five stages, Loom, Bloom,
Gloom, Boom and Doom. Like a human child, borns looming, grows blooming,
glooms paining, booms emerging and doom ageing. But the Domain of Creator, God
is infinite infinity. Never fade or decay.

Godless domains of human sovereignty of the world, Imperialists, Colonialists,

Nationalists and Socialists all loomed, bloomed, and now glooming after their
boom, only to doom next. Only China is booming on the gloom of dooming of the
rest of the worlds, as a gifted chance to rise for infinite Light of Gods‟ infinity, or
to be doomed as a grand total of all doomed!

The Light of God step by step descended to our earth with the messengers of God,
beginning from Adam to be completed by Muhammad. But since the death of the
Messenger of God, God‟s Light of infinite values and morality was stage by stage
abandoned by the divided human slide lowest of the low of
prostitution, homosexuality and gay as a civilization.

Now the Light of God‟s infinite peace and prosperity is fully and wholly due for a
single people, like the people of China or else, to be enlightened with God‟s Light
t ascend to His Throne, to unite the world on His Light, and shape the earth-
Heaven on earth for a single Human Nation.

For a period, since 1968, till this moment, I am writing these lines, God is leading
my all entity with this burden, to receive, carry and hand over to appropriate
corner. The duty of searching a people for this Sublime Mission started looming in
my soul, during my migration to Mecca in 1973, when I was frequenting in the
caves and the mountains Abraham and Muhammad were frequenting for God‟s
Light. I was staying in Mecca for nearly a decade alone, leaving behind my family
in Bangladesh. There I found none among the visitors of Mecca for this Mission. But
my hawking soul was flying for China and Russia, eastward from Arabian Desert.

This burden on my shoulder is hundred times grave and heavy than the mountains
of Himalayan Range.

Now 70 years old young, I am looking for young olds in maturity to offload me the
burden. May be, I die mow or live 10-20 years more if the Master wills.

Since my orphan age, things of “Think Tank” were emerging in the horizon of my
mind and sight, all came true. And I was feeling that my Lord is leading me for His
destined distinction, where others shall not travel to. Because the people today
read the mole stones of Jew, Christian, Arab, Sunni and Shiite etc. Cannot go
beyond. And I was reading the mile stones: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus
and Muhammad and others straight with cult less infinity.

We were five sons and daughter of our father. I was the eldest donkey to bear the
burden that father left. Our ancestral house with all land and property was washed
away by river erosion after the death of father to render us homeless without any
address. By God‟s grace, I had been able to establish the family much, much
better than before with one failure. My failure was, I loved them more than myself
without their deservingness in merit and soul they were required to. Rather, I
exhausted my life potential and affection compassion for my widow mother,
orphan brothers and sister measuring my mindset. I hoped on my acumen that they
would be better than mine! Why not? I have shown them things none have shown
me! God has brought me up Himself, after he made me destitute orphan, for all
that are evident in this letter making me witness of His infinite truth to His
universal humanity, which is now in a pause of gloom of it‟s haughty naughty
transgression after God graced loom and bloom, either to bloom for eternity or be
doomed for eternity.

My brothers and relatives, near or distant, are benefited, directly or indirectly by

the bounty and blessings God has blessed me. But they could not elevate their
grade appreciably though their level of perception undoubtedly much higher than
others. They cannot dissolute with others, always maintain difference. Like they
are in dilemma!
My spouse and children are above others of the family. But not too at par with me.
They are excellently genius and meritorious than my brothers and their spouses
and children. But I have done an injustice to my family and children,
unconsciously; unintentionally. I was unprecedentedly juicy and tender for my
brothers in raising them. They were born after a long gap of three dead sisters. So
there was a big gap of maturity also. Ironically my father also was the eldest son of
his father. He was also unmatchably of superior merit and quality than my uncles
and aunts.

Like my father, I was also blessed with five children. After the betrayal –like
ingratitude of my mother, sister and brothers, as a human being, I was thundered-
like shocked, which I could neither express nor digest! That made me sick. I am
still suffering from this unspeakable pain which made me dry and harsh with my
family after I was juicy for this. That has caused my spouse and children distance
from me though I kept caring for them till now without a recess and respite. My
children are nice and genius unlike my mother, sister and brothers, though their
ingratitude has provided them an example of sickness, they are suffering from.

Now I feel sorry for considering them on my gifted level, and praying considerately
for them to cover up and overcome the dull and lull. If God bless, they all will be
the beckon for others, as they are the succeeding offspring of great fathers of
their times.

I have drawn this picture in this historic litter to bring back the legacy of your
great Confucius, his mother‟s prayer on the high of mountain to God, appearing of
Unicorn, birth of child, guarding of dragons and descend of angels to put to acid
test whether these are truth for ascension of China to zenith, if myths, to descend
for doom of Bush-Blair and their allies, including neighboring Japan with all their
sticks and stakes!

This letter is a destined focus of God‟s blessing through a humble slave to resurrect
both Confucius and Mao Zedong face to face, and Kneel down Mao before
Confucius and both bow before God for rise of China as His blessing for mankind on
single truth, like the single corn of unicorn for divine unity against evil disunity of
demagogue democracy. Otherwise, the dilemmic Secular Confucius Institute of
teaching Mandarin will boomerang as futile and counteractive.

God has created mankind in four processes (1) Adam without father and mother
(2) woman from husband, Adam (3) Jesus without father from single mother and
(4) general mankind from father and mother.

Patriarchal human is disciplined to live I families with legal marriage system.

Strictly adherent to divine chastity of couple. Adam, Eve and Mary-Jesus‟ cases are
God‟s all Powerfulness. In the final Scripture of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses,
Jesus and Muhammad, only men are mentioned by name. Except Mary no woman is
named. They are mentioned by their fathers, husbands, and sons only. Like Wife of
Adam, Sister of Moses, Mother of Moses and Daughter of Imran etc, keeping the
name and honor of women above abuses of commercial and sexual publicity.
Confucius‟s patriarchal dimension is the proof of his origin with God‟s infinite

Western epidemic immorality has destroyed the roots of family, chastity and
eastern values turning mankind a species of prostitutes and bastards, The 39East,
Asia has to counter the devastation as a united family, and of course, China is to
take the lead as China is not yet over ran by prostitute democracy.

Under the Divine leadership of a „Wisest‟ the wises of China must rise to extend
the borders of family with her neighbors, mainly India, Russia, and Bangladesh and

China‟s “one child policy” is a knell of doom in the greed of capitalist economic
boom. China with her extended family partners would be blessed by God to
overrun the empty lands of His Globe for equitable distribution of lands resources
among the children of Adam, who are the divine global family of God, for one
world and one nation.

Bushmans cluster bomb United Nations is to be replaced by a single United Nation

family in coming days. God‟s Secrecy is being divulged by Himself through a fragile
Youngman of 70 years, two years left to be of Confucius, from a country which is
going to be ruined in the name of democracy and election within nest few months.
Three-day-night-day is the sign of God‟s Destiny. Sun from the east rose, dawning,
nooning and evening. Then night fell, dark darken and darkest. Bushman the
Lucifer with his coalition has completed his arson, plunder and-carnage. Now it is
the dead night. Dark and dark all around. No sign of light is in sight and mind of
any one. But God‟s night guard knows that the dawn is near for day break, and all
the perpetrators of predatory are to be rounded and caught with all their piled
booties in the morning. So the guard is due to blow the horn to awaken the
community to rise prepared. I am the blower.

High tech and super development cannot be achieved and sustained without
superior material and spiritual superdome. China‟s technological and industrial
boom is more of imitation and piracy-like than meastric of innovation and
discovery. The worldly skill now a day is nothing star-shooting as there are many
many small counties and pockets that have emerged as giant producers and

Ground reality combined with moral perpetuity of God‟s blessing make the
development heavenly, if not a heaven on earth.

Extension of God‟s family with ground reality and the divinity together shall bring
God on earth to be with us, to unite us and keep us united, like a heavenly blessed
family live under a kind and caring father.

If we think for a moment, that Confucius with his gene of Noah, Mao with his
revolutionary vision and the world population, minus, Bush, Blair and their axis,
get together what would be the panorama of this world? God pleases this, if we
turn for Him, He will turn for us. He is like that.

While writing these lines, if I do not see God present before my eyes, surely I feel
the warmth of His presence. This is my life stage for more than half a century.
Most of day and hours of my mortal life on this earth, I have continued my
existence in meditating seclusion from the din and bustle, in the country and
abroad, and monitored and monitoring the day to day events of world. To avoid
the obscenity, I keep my self and the family from audio-visual media. Only for
transcription media, use radio, and for up to

date information, provided children with computer education with internet, e-mail
facilities, but controlled. 40

We do not participate in democratic politics of vote-fraud, even did not enroll

myself and family members in voters list. One and oneness of unity is Godly, Multi
and multitude is dogly. It divides to differ, and further. Multi party demos,
democracy, are demons of hypocrisy. Multi politics has made men mean to flight
opposition dogs. Bangladesh is the example. Western democracy is the co-
operative of exploiters. Who exploit by turns greedily among same vested

Pious men are next to God pleases. Like able and obedient son is next to his
father. He does what has father pleases. Impious men are next to devil. They go
what Satan assigns them. Satan misleads man to be animal and worst. Godless
nations, states and their functionaries are animal elements of exploitation,
imperialist, capitalist, colonialist, socialist and secularist of vested interest. They
made the world of today, a jungle of bestial animals-United Nation, under the veto
of Lucifer‟s, the enemies of Adam and his progeny. Maoists of Confucian morality,
Christians of Jesus‟ teachings, Jews of Moses‟ faith and Arabs Mohammedan chism,
all need a converter to the origin of their mentors, which was a single Truth with
three sharp corners of a triangle, free and clean from all myth and mystery, Our
human life is the manifestation of God‟s three gifts.

If we are on the right track, we loom dawning, bloom in the worldly life with all
welfare and prosperity, and loom for eternity after so-called death, which is
nothing but transition from mortality to infinite eternity.

If men are put on wrong conveyor belt by bustard birth and bringing, bestial lustful
greedy worldly life and cursed criminal end, they loom misty, bloom gusty dusty
and doom dusky darky.

The world population is hung on these two tracks, though both were destined to be
one, next to god to serve the creation for Him. The west is nearing doom because
of its diabolic leadership. Two Asian giants China and India are accused by
Transparency International as number one and two in bribing international business
competition. Fallen Russia is still in her lost imperial ego with her split free
subject of the empire, and dream in vain to dictate them terms and teach lessons.
Bangladesh is at the bottom of garbage pile, and Myanmar Junta rules by
soothsayers and palmist!

The western Lucifer of “Divide and Rule” is out to instigate Iran and China to vie
for restoration of their ancient empire through BBC transcription services. This is
the Judeo-Christian confusion campaign to confuse the Confucius and Zoroastrians,
killing two birds by on stone, so that sun does not rise again from the east to
decide the destiny of sinking west. This letter is the final documentary of destiny
for Asian Think Tank to choose their destiny themselves either to boom or doom.

Self-proclamation of self-piety is condemned, satanic selfish self aggrandizement.

Darkness over darkness. Selfless proclamation of God‟s blessings is to be
celebrated Light above Light. More is celebration, more is Light.

Like man can not be God, man can not be light. Man is the screen, initially to
reflect God‟s light. Then develop as projection and projector of God‟s 41 light
gradually, according to purification, perfection of soul, mind and character. An
unbeliever in God initially disqualifies for God‟s light.

To be a believer in God, one has to be a single entity leaving all, whatsoever, like
a bride or a groom, must be single for marriage. If not single, it shall not be
marriage. It would be prostitution. By marriage, children are born legitimate. By
prostitution, the progeny is bred illegitimate and bastard. The present day world is
the world of bustards. Legitimate presents and their children never quarrel for
split and break. Their love and quarrels are for enhance and cementing love unity.
Prostitute‟s love and quarrel both are for separation and split.
The present day world of conflict and war is due to prostitutional system of
government all over. Rulers and people are not single in mind, soul and character.
So their government, nationhood and the statehood is prostitutional. No body is for
none. Every body is for self, selfish. So is the disunity and dismay. All “isms” are
the products of prostitution of unbelief in the singularity of God and self. So there
is no creed of concept of marriage and happiness, to be one, united, to live for all
and die for all.

The children of adultery do not obey and respect their parents, in case they know
them. Most of the “Marry-Jesus” blasphemous bustards of west do not know their
father, if not all. For that bestiality, they have made laws of child abuse. Parents
of divine marriage have God ordained duty, not mere right, to love their kids for
good manners and reprimand and scold for un-mannerly behavior. Without this,
parents are not parents, and children are not children. The institution of divine
marriage is the instrument of contract between Sovereign God and His beloved
couple to enjoy each other to produce future couple of their Kind, to reunite again
in the heaven on transition to eternal life after worldly mortal phase.

Adulterers and their bustard democrat products are to fight each others here, and
burn in hell there. Hell over hell.

Like the parents and children of divinity, the leaders and the led of Confucian
morality, drawn from Adam‟s covenants with God, have mutual right and
obedience to command and be commanded. Without this chain of command no one
is eligible to rule. The rulers of divine law are strictly restricted within the bonds
and bounds of human rights that they are to facilitate the people to do good things
and prohibit wrong doings. Unbelievers in divine law can not even tell the people
to do good things and refrain from bad practices. Because they themselves are out
of bond and boundary of legal authority. Mortal beings can not rule over another
mortal without obtaining immortality, which is not possible. There is the need to
surrender to Super Natural Authority. Otherwise all heroic rise and achievements
go in vain and abortive.

After Marx, Lenin attempted to integrate the society with clusters of commune.
But as a mortal, he had no declared authority, or claim of delegation from
Supreme Eternity. So when Lenin‟s mortar grip became aged and weak, young
mortal Stalin and gang over powered him, and after him Khrushchev pushed
communism to the end of today‟s Russia. Chairman Mao realized Soviet Union‟s
melting materially, and was shy to rise to higher
destiny or he was too like other comrades in question?! Events in China evident
that Mao was hiding some thing in his core of mind, and tried to save the show by
“half yes half no” way launching of Cultural Revolution making vague reference,
“people like Khrushchev are nestling beside us.” And in the process he ridiculed
Confucius, Tao and Buddha doctrine as dogmas less useful than dogs “Excrement”
which can be used as manure to fertile land. Again Mao had to jump in the river to
Swim and people sung: Mao is light, Mao is guide, and Mao is the helmsman, to
rouse the fans for charismatic immortality.

Morale with morality runs the show. Immoral with Immorality meet due. But
morals with half Immorality and half opportunism would suffer worst. God is so
great that He shows His favorite, the past, represent and future, and he travels all
the nook and corner of the world seating in a signal point. Such favorite do not
travels length and breathes physically. Universe appears for him as the palms of his
hands, right and left. The kind of God has shown me the massacre of dissidents at
holy Mecca and at peoples square, Tian Min. Both the dissidents and the quellers
were wrong with good intentions. God shows the path of good means and good
end. Satan instigates for wrong means and wrong ends. Confucius and Mao‟s
secular morality is Confusion between two, worst of all.

Good examples are some God‟s right hand to show His right path. Bad examples
are devils both hands to mislead right and left. Mao‟s long march for liberation of
downtrodden was a beckon of light. But his spiritual bankruptcy has made both
Beijing and the stalwarts both at home and abroad, hung between “Mao-
Confucius” and “Confucius-Mao” dilemma. Beijing, as reported, has opened the
windows, if not doors, of bribe for international competition of market economy,
and parlors of prostitution for tourist purse!

Seeing the dilemma of Confucians and Maoists, reports are coming that the Maoists
of India, stretching from China-India bordering east most Arunachal, Meghalaya to
Andhra and Rajasthan in the west, are resorting to kidnap of men for ransom and
producing porno-film to raise funds to fight feudal Brahmanism for liberation of
Confucians and Maoists of India??!!

Events of past, present and even unseen future may reel and roll before the soul
and sight of man whom God wills. This is not proclamation of self piety, rather
mere humble admittance of God‟s gift. Self praise is unpardonable transgression,
while non admittance of gift is a rebellion against God. Kind God took me to Mecca
to show me the signs of His infinite truth, clean of all myths. On landing in Mecca,
I was startled in shock to see the rental predatory to the house of God‟s sanctuary.
A major portion of these exorbitant rents are spent by the criminal Meccans for
“Wine, Dine and Women” and the brothels of Egypt, Lebanon, Europe, America,
Bombay and Bangkok etc. They have turned the pilgrimage of actions to beneath
the sublime Throne of God, a decadence of hell bottom of tourist exploration!
That too in the name of God!

By the light of God, light above light, God reeled and rolled in the past, present
future stages of our lives before me. I saw father Adam in haven and earth. Noah
in his long life of thousand years, Abraham with his sacrifices for man kind, Moses
in his struggle against the then super power, Jesus with his mother on the peak of
spirituality and Muhammad encompassing us all with his universality, peace be
upon them all.

But with bleeding heart and sobbing soul, I found the last and final messenger of
God, for liberation of world‟s oppressed, is buried in the grave, by the agent-gang
of four and ten of Meccan infidels, who occupied the House of God for Human
unity on equal right and opportunity, a slave market to enslave men and women in
the names of innumerable hand made tribal gods, dogs of schism and perennial
homicide. Enslaving human by barbaric night carnage and high way caravan piracy
was the life of desert Bedouins and their trade! Meccans infidels, and Qureish clan
as their godfather, were the despot keepers of sale and purchase of slave market.
That too in the vicinity and the shade and shadow of House of God, built by Adam,
rebuilt by Noah and Consecrated by Abraham for the service of entire humanity??!!

Due to this grievous sin, the Holy Quran was revealed to Muhammad against Arab
despots for liberation of their oppressed victims and restore the House of God free
for all who believe and obey him. In the Holy Book, God has categorically
denounced the Arabs as the worst of human species in disobeying God and violating
His laws and the limits. The final Messenger of God for all mankind has recited this
verse of Holy Quran for all mankind all times to come. Today also the text is being
recited by a billion of unaware Arabs and Muslims! The above mentioned gangs of
four and ten misinterpreted the verse to hide their God drawn design, and
fabricated innumerable false traditions in the name of the Messenger, and included
them in their volumes.

All Knowing God promised that He would protect the message sent to Muhammad
by His Own method from being erased. After decreeing his fellow Arabs on God‟s
revelation, the Messenger revealed that Arabs shall go astray on the footprints of
previous astrayed Jews and the Christians, and God would raise another people
from non Arabs.

The universal Messenger of God gestured and said, “Strive for light, need be there,
go to China.” The vested circle of Arabs did not include this particular tradition of
the Messenger of God in their compilation as it goes against them! But All Knowing
God has preserved this miraculously through human tongue, men to men till today.
This epoch making tradition is not found in any book of imperialist Arab dynasty.
But well read, half read and unread Muslim would quote, “Go to China to acquire
Knowledge” offhand, and say: This is what the Messenger of God has said.
The racist despotic ruling class of Arabs of past and present is of same class, and
the oppressed are also same. Now Arabs as a whole are being killed, dogs, cats and
rats in the hands of Israel. Their rulers are pumping their wealth in the banks of
Judeo-Christian west, and the poor are praying to God for the emergence of a
savior. Lone China is in dilemma on hung Confucius and Mao. The final Messenger
of God has thrown his grace in favor of China. And this letter is the paper work to
bow Mao before Confucius, and prostrate both spiritually to Only God through their
politburo in Beijing, or decide their destiny themselves. After composite and
comprehensive framing deeds, details and road map God leaves the Choice:
Heaven or Hell, men are to opt.

God is neither eastern nor western, like sun. Whoever sees and lives in its light,
sun is theirs, and those who live in black hole, sun is not theirs. We see that
Chairman Mao looked at outside world politically, beyond territory. But we do not
get evidence that Master Confucius talked about outside world, or world at large,
morally or

Otherwise. He must have thought about the sky above head and it‟s Lord. Because,
Confucius‟s mother sought and got God‟s blessings before her son‟s birth 44 and
during the birth, and may be after also. But I see and feel God‟s presence every
time and everywhere. All world is mine, and I am of all world. Like my five fingers
in my hands and feet, I own five pillar Messengers of God, Noah, Abraham, Moses,
Jesus and Muhammad, like five stars in the flag of China. Of them Muhammad as
the thumb in palm, like bigger star in the five star flag. Because Muhammad not
only talked for all, but made special reference against Arabs and in favor of non-
Arab China.

I saw him, as God has exceptionally shown me His final Messenger‟s boundaries. He
was, and is, and would remain for every body, the best model for times to come.
He was buried with his with his universal message by the blinds of Arabian blind
age, as they were opposed to God‟s light, and still they are in the darkest bottom.
By the grace of God I have exhumed the blessing of God for all in general, for us,
the Asians, in particular, from his grave at Medina with his full message. Because
he made special reference to India and China for ultimate destiny of human rise.

God is the Light of the Heaven and the Earth, not Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses,
Jesus and Muhammad. They are the reflections of the reflection. I am not too a
light. I am a reflection, projection, a projector of light. I derive light from God‟s
reflections, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad to resurrect Confucius,
Hegel, Marx, Lenin and Mao, to bow for God, their Creator. This five make a grip,
like five fingers of a hand make a perfect grip. Two, three, or four fingers can not
constitute a good grip. Rather they may form a circle, which often becomes
“Vicious Circle” or a gang, like gang of four!

The Star forms a grip by its five arms, unlike a circle which is usually round without
any grip. The grip is firmer, while the circle rotates and oscillates.

Our foundation of divinity is the grip of five messengers of God.

By God‟s grace, I have brought four messengers of God, after I exhumed the final
Messenger from his grave to form our divine grip of eternity, and I have inscribed
five, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad together on the front wall of
my building against the cultified disunity in their names. The Light of God is above
to reflect on and in His five stars.

Now it is up to fallen Godless socialist communists to from a grip of five divinities

to boom and beam for proletariat-peasant, or gloom to doom like Russia, Romania,
Yugoslavia, Poland and Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria etc?!

To atone and expiate the past mistakes and disservices to God and humanity, there
must be some significant reversal to probe equinity of repentance.

Beijing has committed a historic blunder, above mistake, by hosting the

conference of satanic Gender equality. Only human product equal things in their
factories and workshops. Because, human is finite, limited by his gifted genius,
cannot exceed his limit.

God is infinite. His everything is uncommon and special, never equal. He has
bestowed s with equal opportunities to prove our specialty. Every living being has
specialty. Men are super in specialty.

May be because of unconsciousness of mind or may be due to stupidity of new

world phobia, Beijing had fallen in the dark hole. The gender and the sex are never
equal. Rather, it is the undeniable proof of God‟s existence, that gender and
gender issue is the supreme phenomenon in the Cosmogony and Cosmo-gene.

Man with singularity of faith and mind gets in constant touch with his inceptor
God. With divided mind, man derails out of track. Singular soul goes on blooming
and blooming till he meets his beloved God. He sees and witnesses the perpetual
specialty of his fellow being, in continuous motion and progress. The stupid and
rascals, due to their character and deeds, run for equality. Only deeds can be
equals. The equality of life is detrimental to the progress and perfection of soul
and self. Specialty is the pursuit of the life, especially human life, which is the
manifestation of God‟s light and spirit. God is lone and pair less One. All of His
creations are in pairs of specialty. The earth and the heaven, the sun and the
moon, the dark and the light, the day and the night, the good and the bad, the
east and the west, are equals?! Not special and unique?! How the best of God‟s
creation man and women can be equal, not unique and special?!

Yes, the man and the man, the woman and the woman can be supposed to be
equal. So the bestial perversion of marriage of man and man and woman and
woman is sodomy and lesbian, the father and the mother of AIDS and HIV. Man and
woman are the focus of God‟s unique Self. Like the sun and the moon. Moon‟s light
is the reflection of sun‟s light. Are they equal or unique? Cosmic man meets the
cosmetic woman. Light comes the proof, babies are born. If man and man, and
woman and woman meet. Would there be any productivity? Why not? Because they
are equal. Equal equals do not produce any blessing, they cannot. Only cursed and
diseased think, talk, plea and plead gender equality. A single coin or a currency
note has two sides of specialty. Not identical equality. That does not split the coin
or the note into two different diversity. Unity through diversity is God‟s system.
Equality among apparent equals cause disunity and disorder. So God has created
human couple with splendid uniqueness of inequality to etch and attract each
other. Equals never make match.

Lack of this eternal truth and built-in uniqueness of faith and practice has
destroyed the fabric and fiber of human family and its chain of discipline and
guardianship, resultant of today‟s man and woman dog and bitch of every day
round the year, unlike the beast dog and bitch, who go for each other two months
a year then forget.

No wrong doings go unpunished in the Law of God. If a perpetrator repents with

expiation of wrong with right, he is not only pardoned, but is graciously re warded
by Kind God. Man is prone to error and sin, but most favorite to God are those who
repent and correct.

The campaign of wrong and vicious gender equality was further promoted by Cairo
meet, the Cairo of Cleopatra, the Queen prostitute! Fortune comes after a full
circle of misfortunes, like sun rises after the passage of a full night of darkness.
This dawning letter of infinite light is being spelled from a country sunk in sins of
two nauseous women. Neighboring India and Burma are too trailing around two
ominous women. Japan is caught in the dilemma of heir, male or female. China??!!

Japanese women are adjudged to be the best wives. China is in a fix of a pious
mother and her God gifted son, great Confucius. Confucius firmly held patriarchal
society. Mao maintained balance; one step plus male domination with care 46 and
guard, without abuse, woman, with one step minus with lovely obedience and
A golden coin or a paper note is monetized with two sides‟ special print as a single
currency, two sided special halves, and one indivisible, inseparable and non
splitable. If separated into two, one side printed and outside white, or both sides
printed with same print, like gender equality and individuality of Beijing and Cairo
declaration, it would be a currency of sodomy and lesbian!! Such has no
precedence, now or in the past.

The Luciferous west has divided every singularity into two or more, to prove two
halves make two?! By this, belial has turned, the modern west as Sodom of ancient
Palestine of Judeo-Arab sexual bestiality, like destroyed Babylon, to complete the
eastern hemisphere for doom. They have already made two pockets in Philippines
and Thailand.

Hosting Olympic, China has earned world class status in sports. Not bad. She has
already earned the fifth chair in nuclear club. Fifth position in world trade,
industry and economy is in her bag, what else she has to achieve nest? Can she be
number one super power beating U.S.? Number 1 economy? Yes, that is possible.
But, what next? Shall China not face the challenges that he four seniors are facing
today? Of course she shall. Rather in more difficult way. Because coming days are
more complicated and unpredictable. Unlike others, China is destined for two

1. To be the nation guided by God‟s Light, and rest of the world to be guided
by the light and example of China, as spelled in this letter.
2. To be table spread of the beast of prey. Enemies around the world are
watering their mouth against China.

The first option is the only must. Through Olympic, enemies contemplate to push
China to a spree of prostitution like them. Athletes and their boy and girl friends
mostly constitute prostitution. West builds villages of prostitution as a part of their
hosting Olympic.

If Beijing has not gone astray, they must keep in mind that they are opening
hundreds of Confucius Institution to introduce the morality of Confucius who left
his country for receiving a few singers and dancers, and remained out of his state
for long thirteen years!

So, if China is not for second option, she must make a land mark to project and
focus, Mao, Tao, Buddha and Confucius morality through this Olympic. From now in
advance the clear message is to be conveyed beyond doubt to the world.
Otherwise, dooming consequences would follow the destiny.

The runner of doom for Soviet Union and China, “Bush the priest” has gone all time
mad after the defiant nuclear test of North Korea. His axes are over sure that the
Pyongyang must have done this with full knowledge of China. So China is the main
to be fixed first. Empowerment of woman is the chief slogan of Beijing and Cairo
declaration. No 80% of the home facilities must be for woman to build and promote
homes as the heaven for their husbands

to come back from their work places to get the peace and happiness of life.
Parlor and fast food are to be done away with.

If the situation worsens, and warrants action, Olympic venue may loom as a
miracle pilgrim for woman empowerment for future mothers and wives of
Abraham, Moses, Confucius, Buddha, Jesus and their followers. After God, man is
the holiest, created to act and serve God and His creation on His behalf. Facts and
ground reality is human life on Earth, acts on facts and for fact is the duty. Fiction
and acting is inhuman waste of life.

Men are to act as fathers, brothers, and sons. Women are to act as mothers, sisters
and daughters. No scope for acting. This acting on fiction has turned man and
woman, prostitutes in different names. Physical exercise and gym are necessities
of life. Man and woman, if act for life dutifully, they seldom need extra exercise
for health keeping. Fallen and pushed out of track by evil, man and woman are out
playing devil in the name of sports, athletics and Olympic etc. for, mere physical
exercise, these have become pandemic more killer than plague.

It has destroyed all values. As profession, it has beaten all money making records.
A rascal cricketer in India earns more than two thousand times more than the
salary of the Prime Minister of India! So are the footballers, car racers, tennis
players etc. throughout the world! Prostitution, drug addiction like all vices are
the direct curses of acting and sporting world. Olympic event is the propeller of
devils breeding and brooding vicious circle of human monkeys. Naked nude human
bitches have devastated the young human generation through audio-visual media.
Weaker women are the most affected.

Unethical and boundless money for these parasites has reduced the civil and noble
of the society dim and dull in comparison to those rascals and playboys, like the
prostitutes of Cinema, advertisement and show business have destroyed the
heavenly images of house wives, mothers, sisters and daughters of the noble and
moral society.

For necessary information of consumer goods, there can be appropriate publicity

through description of goods in media, but not through actor-actresses‟ lecherous
body shows. That will bring sanity back in the society, and the prices of
commodities also shall come down. The costs of publicity are of course a major
factor of prices spiral of merchandise.

China is to raise wise and all time great as runner and forerunner of new world of
God‟s Light to defeat and diminish the dark ages of western imperialist, colonialist
and new COLIM master plan. To probe greatness, to show great path, the Master
must rise grand over greats. Simple Confucius Institute of Mandarin teaching is a
straw in the face of Noah‟s deluge.

Men are passing phases on this earth. Born yesterday, living today and would die
tomorrow, to be the history of the past. Hagel, Marx, Lenin and Mao were born,
lived and died. They are the part of history. They have left leaving their
undeniable deeds and contributions behind mixed with right and wrong. They saw
the matter one sided; could not see the other side because they were lacking in
spiritual sight. Confucius, Buddha and Tao felt the spirit being mortal matter
themselves. Both saw both sides separately. Now the World needs a single man to
print a currency with both sided reality. Buddha is

regarded the common master of Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Taiwanese,

Cambodians, Thais and Burmese in Asia. Buddha left ambiguity of matter 48 and
spirit, myth and truth. This is the main Cause of confusion of Asian majority.
Brahmins of India have divided their people with three hundred million deities to
list the least! Bush-Blair of western colonial capitalist imperialism has no deity of
their own. They adopted Middle Eastern myths leaving the divine infinite truth.

God the Single Truth has kindly revealed His Truth clean from all myth and mystery
through His five stars who reprinted both sides of the coin, material and spiritual,
worldly and extra world and earthly and heavenly. To lead the globe singularly,
China is to embrace her five star significance, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and
Muhammad to establish Confucius, Buddha and Tao across the continents of the

Sovereign God, Whom Muslims say Allah, had taken me by His supreme Will to
Mecca to brief and teach me in detail about the Arabs and mislead Muslims who
pilgrimage to Mecca throughout the year in millions. More surprisingly, Allah has
brought a Church just on the other side of my boundary wall. To add more
surprise, this Church is of Methodist Christians. They appealed to me to allow them
to raise their wall three feet high on my wall. I gladly allowed them. Through the
Bishop of this Church, I come to know important information about Bush‟s
adventurism. To add yet another surprise, Bush-Condolezza and their
administrations are the fallows of Methodist cult!

Like light over light, my house is situated on a prime road of the Capital, on my
right and left are two spots of religious and political hoax. One is a shrine of
religious dogma, other is a monument of Political thugs. Standing on my gate or
sitting by the window I see president, prime minister, leader of the opposition,
coming and going with their criminal party thieves, who made this resourceful
country a beggar‟s bowl. People are poorest, Government is champion corrupt and
the country is a failed state.

Again light on light, my center beams with five stars of Divine Diamonds, more
radiant than the five stars of Chinese flag, recently linked with a diversion road
which starts from the foot of my building for northern districts of Bangladesh to
reach the India-Nepal Border to open the future Highway through China and China
only to be blessed with the prediction of final Messenger of God Whom Arabs,
Muslims, Jews, Hindus and Christians misunderstood. Should, or must China
understand and embrace him to resurrect Confucius and Mao to bow both to Allah,
like Muhammad bowed before God Almighty, like Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus
Christ, to bless the entire humanity through China???

I am a seventy years old Youngman inspired to kindle and light as the ultimate ray
of hope before the hopeless universe. Confused and blind hearted can neither be
Confucius or Buddhists, be they Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese or Koreans.
Because Confucius and Buddha rose in the era of utter confusion of the people of
main India and greater Indo-China.

This humble old in age and evergreen in soul has no sword or a barrel of a gun to
fight and defeat the enemies of mankind. All that I have a heart to talk to God,
and a tongue to curse the enemies of God and His favored mankind for humiliating
ouster and nightmarish end.

I have felt the presence of God, after I prayed for exemplary punishment of Ayyub,
Yahya Khan, Bhutto-Mujib, Brezhnev-Indira, Faisal-Sadat and Shah of49Iran and
Saddam of Iraq. God has done some justice on them in this world and rest would, I
am sure, be done with all the perpetrators together before their oppressed people
on the Day of Judgment. Now I pray to God for emergence of a manly man to deal
with these two women in Bangladesh who have made this part of this world a hell
on earth. Side by side I pray for China to rise within the brackets of Confucian
morality, and vigor and vision of Mao Zedong through young in age and old in
maturity, believing Beijing conglomerates.

My Dear Liu San Zhen,

Seeing western diabolic imperialism on the doom under Bush-Blair in Iraq and
Afghanistan, I do here by convey my message of God‟s blessing through you and the
Ambassador of China in Dhaka, to the dilemma stricken Beijing authority to listen
and obey me, as I obey God, with all humbleness, first for an unprecedented luck
for China in human history and then the welfare of oppressed mankind of the
world. I am in greed of God‟s grace for me, and in need of a sponsor nation for the
salvation of grueling children of Adam from tax and sex slavery of the western evil

God forbid, if Beijing has not gone completely capitalist with U.S. Europe axis to
be doomed soon, I hope in the light of God‟s blessings, that the China of Confucius,
Buddha and Tao would embark on the ark of Noah for a heavenly world after
destruction of western unipolar super power more decisively than the fall of Soviet
Union and its allies.

For that cause and glory, first, I declare in the name of our Beneficent God my
solemn dedication and total integration with my body, soul, family and belongings
with Confucian-Mao China to be God‟s China tomorrow. As mentioned above in
detail chronology chronographically, that God has brought me up for this mission,
and undergoing this process for last half a century without any break. Myself and
my children are given education with linguistic aptitude to cover major world
population through, English, Bengali, Arabic, Urdu, Hindi and Persian with
workable communication with necessary computer know-how.
I feel exigent to promote Chinese language as a major language of tomorrow‟s
world. Now the world is under invasion of Evil Globalization. Mandarin must rise as
the third vehicle to carry the message after English and Arabic.

But the goal can not be achieved by the kind of Confucius institute as an annex and
appendage in a college or university on mere money and tuition fee. Mission is to
be served by missioners in conspicuous manner. Our Divine Global exposure must
reflect globally. For that august occasion, I solemnly offer and donate my land on a
prime area with my services. This has to be made up to the requirement of the
mission, out and above of all narrow political nausea.

Culture is easy but attractive practice and expression of a people or a nation‟s

faith and morality. Morality is inconceivable without faith, and faith is dogma and
myth without communicative relation with Almighty God.

Imposter west, Bush and his axis are about to devour the world as anti-Christ evil
globalization. New colonial imperialistic predatorial invasion is their messiah in
connivance with Zionism. Methodist Church of Bush and Jews of Israel are twin
brothers like their destroyed Twin Towers. Their conviction is that, they are the
only chosen people of God on the earth, and all others are gentiles like animals, if
not worst. Their Jehovah (God) has created all people to serve them as their
slaves. Their lives and properties are for Jews. Jews can do anything they like to
others. That will not be sin. George Walker Bush, their agent, new incarnated
Judas Eskoriat, to help them to conquer the entire world to be their absolute
promised kingdom.

Judeo-Christian world have nearly conquered the world except China. In all other
countries, their agents are controlling the governments and the economy trough
diabolic democracy, the bustard child of Judeo-Christian fornication. Japan is their
watch-dog under compulsion since the defeat of later by nuclear bomb in World
War II. They have defeated Soviet Union. Now only China is left without chain of
slavery! Recently Bush has made a declaration intending to make the outer space
the 55th state of U.S.

India has over three hundred million deities to divide them and exploit by caste
and feudal cruelty. Muslims have the ultimate true faith with the most corrupt and
treacherous character and practices. My China has four stars to surround them like
four walls without a roof. Four stars are Confucius, Buddha, Tao and Mao.
Confucius, Buddha and Tao are dead in states, helpless to do anything for
themselves and others. When a crow or a bird litters on the head of their statues,
poors cannot help. Some living being has to come and help to clean them.
Chairman Mao is too dead, and exists in dead body in a glassed casket, waiting to
be buried or removed from the scene! Any day, any time?!

The first human on earth, Adam was created out of dust of earth, and it is natural
that men are to be buried in earth, like children rest at the lap of mothers. It is
cruel to burn the remains of a man into ashes, when human deeds, good or bad,
are preserved in the silicon disk of earth. Buried human body gives a sense of
attachment of livings with their dead elders to remember them by sacrificing a
portion of their daily meal in the names of their forefathers, as Confucius
sermoned. Buried human bodies fertile and enrich the soil as a source of fossil
energy to help the succeeding generation. Further more, the grave or a clean
shrine free from superstition greatly serves the people to earn spirituality and
moral serenity.

During my decade long meditation in Arabian Desert, I had the occasional glimpses
with the souls of past people in many surprising ways. In such a glimpse, it came to
my knowledge that Mao Zedong was born in a religious family, whose immediate
past few generations were derailed from the right path, and became the
oppressive feudal after real faith of transparent origin. For that reason Mao
disowned his ancestral faith and opted for Hegel, Marx and Lenin‟s doctrine. He
had little appreciation for Confucius and Buddhist as they talked about divinity and
Nirvana, but were silent and ambiguous about God, and sort of afraid to talk
directly against the despots of their contemporary era.

Mao led revolution successfully in main land of China to establish a society of equal
opportunity for all, and never to equate men, which is not possible, after
extirpating Chiang Kai-Sheik to Formosa Island. Mao‟s revolutionary agenda was an
admixture of his ancestral monotheistic mind set with Hegel-Marx socialist concept
with Lenin‟s

commune grass root system. He found Confucius and Buddha vague about these
serious matters. Rather, after a decade of his long march, he started51getting
disturbing pinches coming from across Formosa with pinches of Confucius-Buddha
and Tao myths and dogma‟s. Further, Mao felt some jolts of reactionary infiltration
within his ranks and files. To clean his home, he thought of his Cultural Revolution,
and in them midst of this exuberance, there have been some attacks and counter
between the followers of resulted to some insulting breaking of the statues of
Confucius and Buddha as well. The then Moscow rejoiced the event. Mao, due to
his short sighted reactionary mindset, could not travel back to ground reality that,
both Confucius and Buddha were in the midst of tyrant blood thirst rulers.
Confucius, Buddha Tao, none were accepted in their life time by their
contemporary rulers. But after their death too, for centuries their followers were
forced to leave their home and migrate for unknown destination. Buddha and
Buddhist faith was sprung from India, but it did not get a ground in India as yet. It
is a migrant religion in China, Korea and Japan etc. Mao could have owned
Confucius- Buddha morality with his revolution to give a divine infinity. Perhaps he
could not find a declared clarity in Confucian and Buddha to rule and govern the
vast world.
Now, Confucius, Buddha, Toa and Mao, all are dead. First three are only seen in
curved stones and images. Only the body of Mao without life is counting days for
last resting land, buried or cremated.

So I finally propose and advise, if not order, the wise whiz kids of Beijing to bow to
god with Confucius, Buddha, Tao and Mao for Ultimate glory of god‟s Light to bring
the entire world under a signal discipline, and declare the burial of Mao‟s mortal
body before evil pushes Beijing to remove body of Mao ungraciously like the
statues of Lenin and Stalin by Moscow. I am writing this historic letter meditating
in Month-long solitude in the month of Holy Ramadan of fasting for God‟s grace.
God and Satan exist in human Life in parallel. God is to bless, and Satan is to
misguide. During my deep meditation, once I felt Satan telling me “Beware of
Chinese! They are cruel. They Kill could bloodedly. They will massacre people
more grisly than Bush-Blair axis, if they become super power Like U.S.I replied,
“No matter, I write this letter rising above fear and favour of U.S. and China loving
and obeying God. God likes burying human body under ground than burning, as he
had shown the son of Adam to bury the body of his brother by sending a crow
digging a grave for another crow.

This earth is vast and resourceful for mankind to come. The present China with
Godless narrow nationality is 9% land with 21% world population. Lone Russia can
house five China at least. Brazil is as large as China. Rest of the occupied world
under evil imperialism is nearly vacant. Analysts say that U.S. would lose its
supremacy to China in 50 years next. I say with all possibility, that there would be
no power on earth to face China, if China turns to God of Confucius and Buddha
directly, which both Confucius and Buddha failed to name, within the span of five
years only. Lula da Silva, Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro are indication in Latin
America. If blessed China rise as sun from the eastern hemisphere with positive
global focus and posture, clean from all meanness of race, nationality and color,
the entire world minus a few hundred thousand Bush, Blair and Bin Laden, would
be at the feet of God‟s blessings. Cowards of self interest die every breath, while
the braves of selfless belief in God, and live immortal with God. People with half
belief and half disbelief are of most critical life. My attempt

through this letter is to liberate Chinese nation from first and last dilemma to the
middle course of heaven‟s ascent. May God bless me. He alone is the Backer and
sacker, science He has created me, made me an orphan to bear the burden 52 of a
huge family alone, and again to shoulder the formation of one, single family as the
father, and eldest son of Adam, as the eldest brother of united and joint family of
mankind on the earth.

Since, Almighty God has brought me up for sixty years with single minded soul, as
this stage of my age; I am youngest of the young, in vision, mission and active life.
I had to undergo three four major surgical treatment, but Kind God has kept me fit
to work, think and produce actively. I may die today or tomorrow, but I feel I may
live one decade more to lead and raise a five star generation with diamond cut
sharpness and crystality. Our Asia is the right hand of God‟s world, and the
situation of China, India, Russia, Burma and Bangladesh is like five finger of the
palm of God‟s hand to decide and destine the ultimate fate of mankind. There too
China‟s position with her five star flag is like the thumb of the palm of God. While
reading this letter, every person of acumen must believe and remember that God
is not a mere creator, He is always and in every case is the Backer and Sacker of
us. He backed Mao to bring a miracle for China as His humble slave. But when he
rose to pose god over God, God sacked him as an ordinary dog, dead, and cased in
a casket at our mercy, we can keep it, bury it or throw it any time we wish.

Like five fingers of a palm, men are to be united under the command of one soul
to grip and release. Fingers are taller and shorter, not tallest and shortest. Like
that human members of my human family may be richer and poorer according to
their limits. But never richest or poorest of today‟s world because of imperialist,
capitalist, colonialist and feudalist crimes of a class of human species. I am rising
on God‟s gift to proclaim on His Sovereign behalf and my behests, His most
obedient servant, slavelier than slave, that we all human being are solemnly
converting ourselves from now to be clean of : (1) Soul prostitution, (2) Body
prostitution, (3) Residence prostitution, (4) Land prostitution, and (5) Financial
prostitution. Because these vices of diabolism have turned the man and woman
prostitutes and their habitat is the den of hotels and brothels. They breed and
brood brute richest and poorest classes in the world. Their dominated world is
today‟s terrorism and hell of terror.

Contrary to that, the faithful souls of Singular God are pious in heart, chaste in
sensual self, righteous in family guardianship, productive and environment
promoter in land world a heaven of host and guests. People are, if not equals,
brothers of relativity, rich or poor. Not brute beastly elephant‟s ants richest and
poorest. Such is the conceivable heaven on earth. We are destined to accomplish

We were five children of our blessed father. God has given me too five brilliant
children. I have brought then up in special mindset, unlike the stupid, if not
beastly, gender equalizers of Beijing and Cairo charter. I have strived within my
limitations to root them deepest on earth. And elevate them above the reach of
man made space shuttle, Next to God‟s throne. So they feel, see and fear God to
love and serve His creature deservingly on His behalf, Irrespective of color, race
and topography. Because of my sublime mission, I could not follow their wishes of
contemporary surroundings, to promote them above others. I love them and still
loving at heart, but outwardly remained uncompromising to guard and save them
from permissive waves of so called open civilization. For that

reason, they are reserved about their father and some time bitter also. I kept my
mind reserved for appropriate time to express my heart and feelings for them. I
know well that they have grown much more knowledgeable than their
contemporaries. They would of great help and service if and when the curtains of
falsehood are removed, which is a must now.

As this august juncture of human transition from evil globalization to divine

globalization, I dedicate my five God gifted children with my cervices for five
fingered right hand mission and five winged five stars of Chinese statehood to form
a five states bastion, comprising China, India, Russia, Bangladesh and Burma, to
prepare Asia as the ultimate hub of Global family. China‟s Confucius institute only
then would be meaningful.

Man without committed faith and obedience to God ultimately goes wrong.
Chairman Mao had committed mistakes amidst his cultural revolution by closing
centers of dividing faiths without providing a unifying alternative. That vacuum has
dented China‟s image of solidarity, and still the China watcher enemies are in
constant watch to find out weak points to push to the consequences of Soviet
Union. Because Beijing is the only remaining potential enemy of total western
globalization. In the neighboring countries there are the contenders of leadership
in the absence of strong China.

I invite Beijing wises, who want stability behind morality of Confucius, whose
mother prayed to God for a blessed son, and she was blessed accordingly, and his
birth was the testimonial of miracle like the birth of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus,
to come forward to me in the politically, economically and administratively
devastated Bangladesh, non politically and non governmentally, to embrace
Bangladesh and her hundred and fifty million emotional oppressed people.

Bangladesh is a strange country created by the Himalayan silts borne by Himalayan

rivers and floods. This peculiar Delta is controlled by nature though northern
monsoonal rain and flood, and southern cyclonic tidal surge. People are also
emotional like the nature. They are led and carried more by floody and cyclonic
mood and emotion, rather than ground facts and calculation. Due to that
phenomenon Hindu feudals and colonials exploited them in the past. Now also they
are a fertile ground of conspiracy of native and foreign quarters.

The coast of Bay of Bengal is a natural outlet and inlet of great port facilities for
northern land locked countries and areas like Nepal, Bhutan, China, northern and
eastern India and Russia with her central Asian land locked neighbors. Now, since
the breaking of East Pakistan as Bangladesh, the evil axis of west is very seriously
active to capture Bangladesh to block the coast of Bangladesh for their potential
enemies, especially China. This time they have already crowned a kid of theirs has
as Nobel laureate, who, on the second day of receiving the prize or price, has
declared to open Chittagong port facilities to his master‟s clients. The priests of
ultra Christianity, Bush-Blair axis have branded their kid as secular pundit, through
whose micro financial prostitution they have already broken the family fabric of
rural people. For last two decades, the queens and the first ladies of colonial
imperialism have poured into tiny Bangladesh to bless and promote their whiz kid,
and ultimately have garlanded him with the prize under the guise of gender
equality and poverty elevation.

Family values of east are pivotal in Confucius philosophy as in all other divinity.
The people of Bangladesh are being pushed to nothing by their kids of democracy
and secularism, but to total bankruptcy, so that they can turn it like Thailand and
Philippines as den of prostitutes, male and female.

Beijing is to upset this sinister design without loss of a day further. Bangladesh is
heading towards a crisis had not experienced before. Time is rolling faster than the

With a prize, which is much, much less than the real price, Bangladesh, its coastal
belt, and river and sea port facilities with its natural resource must be first
protected from going to Bush man‟s agents. For the Beijing is to act first
unilaterally, secretly and silently. Then on the second leg, China must share the
stake and stock with India, Russia brotherly of eastern family tradition and legacy.
India can not rise for that zenith because of her elephantine economy and
democracy, and Russia is far off, because of her internal priorities. China can,
because she is not besieged and diseased by democracy. Her uniqueness is her
dragon legend unlike others.

To act miracle, great China needs a Mao-Confucius-Noah manifestation now or

never, in a Master.

“Fair divine” and “dare devil” do miracle and act demon. Dare devil of imperialism
has cornered us to a point where from Bush is roaring at us to surrender or be
finished. To limbo and taboo the invading dare-evil, China needs a fair divine
leader to save her first then rescue the world under China‟s umbrella. Devils-dare
must be countered now by, first choosing and accepting a divine light and guide, as
detailed in this letter, then to be declared in such surprise, that explodes hundred
times louder than North Korean and Iranian recent nuclear row. Bush has invaded
Afghanistan and Iraq in the name of his demonic cult, which set the entire world

Dead men‟s morality and message must be guided by a living legend, and be
implemented by a believing army of God. Guide‟s vision and mission must
encompass past, present and future challenges and response of world dimension.

Mere a regional and a particular dimension of old past, like Confucian, Buddhist, or
Zoroastrian philosophy shall not be able to counter and defeat the myths of U.S.
super power, without direct leadership of more superior Master of a Divine Truth.
Myth versus myth and dogma versus dogma would only flop for worst.

The final messenger of universal Truth, Muhammad foretold after defeating the
treacherous Arab that seekers of truth should go to China in pursuit of truth, and
be very eager for enrollment in the summit Indian expedition of globalization. Of
course here the Messenger meant by India, the Grand Indo-China, stretching from
Afghanistan to Japan, south and southeast Asia excluding Arabs of Middle East.

I see this map and its road map, owning all messengers of God equally, and
their upright followers in ages without any distinction among them. This is the
gift of God I’m rich, richer and richest to spell and write the missing truth for
the whiz kids of Beijing to deliver it to the world, and win the planet to
spread the faith, peace, love and

security, and ensure equal opportunity for all. Not to trust equality on
people. Everybody has to strive to use and utilize this quality to prove his
worth above equality as he succeeds. That is the equal opportunity 55 to be
ensured by the authority. Other wise the governments are illegal.

Bangladesh and Bangladesh alone, is the spot the light to kindle from, for
globe. Because, Bangladesh is fallen in the black hole among all Asian
countries, to put China into test, whether Confucius, Buddha, Tao, and Mao
are stunts or truth!

Dear Liu San Zhen,

God witness! God witness!! I have exhorted my ability to convey the message
to a people I felt worthy by my intent intuit. Now it is up to them to prove yes
or not!

If the result is affirmative, I invite you, and through you Mr. Chai Xi, your
Ambassador in Dhaka, and helms men in Beijing to reciprocate my gesture.
You may develop my house as your second home here, to set for five stars,
five fingers and five brothers of founding stones for future one humanity, one
nation of One God.

In this letter, I have divulged all points, except only one. I kept it untold to
divulge it at last minute, to destabilize all the equations of discrimination and
exploitation set by the criminal United Nations for a dawn of united human
nation on the debris of western civilization.

The nature behind us is God. Seers see Him, talk to Him and live with Him for
His pleasure and die for His pleasure an immortal death. Blinds do not, can
not see Him, live on His bounties and name Him “Nature’’. Do not know God.
Belief is a far cry for them!

Every thing of mine is of God. He is my nature, and I am of His nature. I have

started writing this letter in His name, and I went on writing. When I have
completed, I see it is 57 pages, to count the age of China since 1949. Each
page evaluates one year!

Now, the time and hour is to initiate, right from this moment, a high way.
More historic and destiner than the Great Wall of China. From the shore of
Bay of Bangladesh, only to meet the Artic Ocean through India, China and
Russia to facilitate India, Nepal, Bhutan, China and Russia, and through China
and Russia the Central Asian land locked countries with equal access to warm
water of Indian Ocean with all port facilities. India, Pakistan or Iran shall
never allow this natural access of God’s equality because their gods are of
division against union. Godless Russia dreamt it by invasion of Afghanistan to
reach the warm shore through Baluchistan. But opium Gods had stood in the
way against guns.

Now the only God is out to choose and bless a signal soul, like his singularly to
build the Gulf of Bangladesh as the Nature’s natural port of oppressed,
enslaved and exploited Africa and bluffed and ridiculed Latin America, To
have Natural access and opening with the land locked heartland of human
habitat, China, Russia and central Asian pockets. The enemies of humanity
have already blocked the Gulfs of aqaba, Suez and Persian Gulf, politically,
militarily and physically. They are now eyeing to seal off


the Gulf of Bangladesh through their network, agents both in government and
NGO’s. India is in tough dilemma. Months are to be valued years and year’s
decades to decide action in Bangladesh beyond political agenda. The Gulf of
Bangladesh is the Nature’s life line for all northern and north-west and north-
eastern regions up to Arctic Ocean. China is to rise tomorrow, if not possible
today, as the sun in the sky from the base of Bangladesh. This letter is the
missing sun in the sky of China to shine over all darkness in human history.
China has attained 57 years of age as new China. It has three to five years
only to be “The China”, of God and His one family of heavens light.
Bangladesh is the bottom of black hole. This Bangladesh borders, Gulf of
Bengal in the south, Tibet in the north, west Bengal in the west and seven
sisters and Burma in the East.

This is like a mother’s womb for the emergence of the final shaper. Harboring
of Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama myth and mystery are the openers of eyes
and souls, who have it. No more now. The rest when the earth and heaven
meet for final!

At the end, I wish and pray to God that Beijing rises above mediocre to the
excellence of super merit. Because the ultimate tomorrow is for excellent in
body and soul, matter and spirit.
May God bless those, who would be blessed by the southern opening of lifeline
of Bangladesh, with its riverine and coastal belts and sea port facilities, to
make this misrule torn delta a panorama of earthly paradise. Ameen.

This is the Eid gift of Holy month of Ramadan to the people of China for a
glorious rebirth, a reincarnation. THIS IS THE MISSING SUN IN CHINA’S SKY.

A 70 years old young man

For all young old men of
Imamuddin Muhammad Toaha Bin

Date: ……………………………

248/2 2nd colony,
Mazar Road,
Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Mobile: 01552331779
Land Phone: 02-8061940


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