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Anger Management

Definitions and birth of anger

• Strong feeling of displeasure or aggressive hostility aroused by real or suspected wrong
Response to frustrations of unresolved problem
• Sudden violent displeasure accompanied with impulse to retaliate
dhyäyato viñayän puàsaù
saìgas teñüpajäyate
saìgät saïjäyate kämaù
kämät krodho 'bhijäyate
While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them,
and from such attachment lust develops, and from lust anger arises.

käma eña krodha eña

mahäçano mahä-päpmä
viddhy enam iha vairiëam
It is lust only, Arjuna, which is born of contact with the material mode of passion and
later transformed into wrath, and which is the all-devouring sinful enemy of this

Violence towards your partner, children or other people.
Threaten violence to people or property.
You outbursts of rage which involve deliberately breaking things.
Constant arguments with people close to you.
You feel angry frequently but internalise the emotion

Stimulants for anger

When someone wrongs us.(sringi cursed PM)


Harsh speech

When desires unfulfilled.(siva- daksa)

Expectation.(durvasa- ambariasa)

We should give benefit of doubt to others understanding anger also expresses devotion

better Safe than sorry,

Anger may be expressed sometime by superior out of concern

Effects of anger
tri-vidhaà narakasyedaà

dväraà näçanam ätmanaù

kämaù krodhas tathä lobhas

tasmäd etat trayaà tyajet

There are three gates leading to this hell—lust, anger and greed. Every sane man should give
these up, for they lead to the degradation of the soul.

➢ Reults-feels insulted(sati- daksa)

➢ One feet of anger ruine life
➢ Blasphemes
➢ Family breakup, friends to enemy,

Anger makes our response to problem bigger problem than problem itself

Consequences of anger
• We loose control of ourselves. Eg mother fed child died
• Usually anger worsens situation. Eg war, riots
• It makes us do things we don’t do normally.
Eg. Shooting in school, killing,
• Negative thoughts
• Lifetime wounds in relationships…. Divorce..
• Embarassement, distressness, problem worst than before.
• Heart disease,headache, digestive problems, Insomnia,……….

Preacher will be condemned ridiculed but he should be ready to forgive & not to become

Instant Remedy
• Breath deeply from Diaphgram not from chest
• Avoid negative thoughts and words
• Good Sleep
• Humor,
• kirtana,
• yoga (chanting)
• Glass of water

3 things basic of anger

1-Own nature- avoid person situation who agitate us , push the anger out of mind

Eg. Bhima, duryaodhana,

2-Trigger- observing and avoiding, pause button ,(battlefield for ksatriya)

3-Situation -make situation positive, fill mind with positive things,anticipate and engage in
positive activity,

➢ Speak to trustworthy friend to Remove anger

➢ Let passion cool down.
➢ Feeling anger is not bad but it should be use to improve the situation not to worsen the
➢ Don’t suppres anger but write down and then think is it right OR wrong.

Anger in spirituality
väco vegaà manasaù krodha-vegaà

jihvä-vegam udaropastha-vegam

etän vegän yo viñaheta dhéraù

sarväm apémäà påthivéà sa çiñyät

A sober person who can tolerate the urge to speak, the mind's demands, the actions of anger
and the urges of the tongue, belly and genitals is qualified to make disciples all over the world.

• Krodh bhakta dvesi jane……….. anger should be used againt those who are envious to
• Hanuman used his anger to burn Lanka.
• Arjuna to annihilate kaurava army.
• Even krsna used anger to protect devotees(Nrsimhadeva)

If anger is some one’s conditioning then how to overcome it………..

To overcome conditioning of anger

1. Be determined
2. Be contemplative, go outside of yourself, and identify your conditioning
3. Take association,
4. pray and strive to overcome your conditioning and surrender to Krsna
5. work in the mode of goodness – to a plan, under the guidance of sastra and the

• By cultivating KC.
1. Introspection- situations in which im angered and preparation in advance help us avoid
such face it and overcome it.
2. Find out in which DS you can absorb in KC MOST in provoking situation that will
3. SP- Remember Nrsimhadeva how your anger is insignificant in front of his anger.

Some quotes on Anger

• Men r like steal when they loose temper loose their worth.
• Know that Different people have different boiling point
• Keeping anger means keeping hot charcoal in our hand to throw on someone (harming
oneself and others)
• Anger is like Wind that blows out lamp of mind
• Anger is short of one letter – danger.

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