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Part 1 Reflecting back

Q1 What do you consider were the three most important things (planned or
unplanned) that you learned last year? Please also briefly describe how they were

Collecting, analysing on data and metrics: this was learnd being involved in
different projects that require data analysis. Monthly I generate organization
Scorecard that conclude in collecting and analysing HR metrics

2 HR Information Systems (HRIS): this competent of using internal HRIS was

achieved by intensive training provinding during the induction period by allocated
mentor one HRG from internal HR team.

The Honeywell Compensation &Benefits policies being involved in creating the
communication strategy for standardization projects.
Q2 Please summarise the value you’ve added to your organisation/clients/customers
over the last 12 months through your professional development?

I took ownership on my internal customers and processes in my responsibility and

demostrated accountability on tasks and projects in my area. Also I contributed to
team’s performance, by offering my support whenever other colleagues needed help
to move forward.

Q3 What have been the tangible outcomes of your professional development over
the last 12 months and what aspects of your work have changed as a result?
Please give a brief explanation of why you’ve chosen to comment on these specific

The Market adjustment Projects: an projects that require organizational scanning of

those employee with risk retention and action to mitigate the negating impact to
business. Support in creating a guideline for new hire offers and internal promotions.

Q4 Who else has gained from your professional development and how?

My customers inside the organisation, keeping them up to date with information

relevant to their work.
Part 2 Moving forward

Q1 How do you identify your learning and professional development needs?

Learning and professional needs were identified through 1:1 Meeting with HRM, HPD
process and feedback from internal customers.

Q2 What are the three main areas or topics you wish to develop in the next 12
months and how will you achieve these?

What: Methods for evaluating perfomance and reward practice

How:Analyse area of data relating to reward looking for specific trends or trends in
compliance with organizational affordability, Market competiveness and internal

What: Provide HR advice, coaching and support in all OD projects for internal
customers departments
How: acquire Business Acumen

What: Understand and constantly improve processes to accomplish more with

How: Improving influencing and coaching skills to help my stakeholders
Q3 What are the key differences that you plan to make to your
role/organisation/clients/customers in the next 12 months?

Key diffrerences:
 Building my own expertise by regularly seeking out and acting on feedback
 Developing an understanding of the organisation using the information and my
own experience
 Use data to develop detailed and costed business cases for HR productivity
 Develop metrics to support the performance plan of internal customers
 My strenghts in collecting and interpreting relevant data to support decision
 My strenghts in establishing constructive and collaborative relationships with

Q4 When will you next review your professional development needs?

End Q4-2018

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