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Entire content is taken from the textbook -E.Brian Mennecke, J.

Troy Strader, “Mobile

Commerce: Technology, Theory and Applications”


A Framework For The Study Of Mobile Commerce – NTT Docomo’s I-Mode –Wireless Devices
For Mobile Commerce – Towards A Classification Framework For Mobile Location Based
Services – Wireless Personal And Local Area Networks –The Impact Of Technology Advances
On Strategy Formulation In Mobile Communications Networks.

A Framework For The Study Of Mobile Commerce

The Domain of Mobile Commerce:

A Model of Electronic Commerce Market Areas

the quadrant defined by digital products, digital services, and digital players—is
defined based on the degree to which a product, service, or player is not constrained by the
limitations imposed by its physical existence. Of course, what makes mobile commerce
unique and powerful is that it unleashes this limitation in commerce; with mobile commerce
the locational and physical barriers present in electronic commerce disappear and we are left
with the potential forcommerce to be engaged in anytime, anywhere, and for practically
this does not mean that mobile commerce will be the all−encompassing tool for all
applications. But, it does imply that mobile commerce technology will enable individuals and
organizations to extend their reach to the Internet in a location−independent manner
In other words, there is a paradox in fixed−line electronic commerce; that is, we must
physically go someplace such as an office, a university computer lab, or an Internet café to
access the device that frees us from concern about location. Thus, the freedom to access the
Internet regardless of location is an important benefit of mobile commerce. What other
features that are available via mobile computing technologies add significant value for users
relative to traditional, desktop computing forms of electronic commerce? We think that
there are three major areas and four interactions between these areas that are important to

Location: the relative location of the user when Internet services are needed.
Urgency: the relative immediacy of the needed service and the task that is being completed.
Utility: the relative importance of the task for the user.
Interactions between location, urgency, and utility.

Location−specific urgency: the two−way interaction of urgency and location

Location−specific utility: the two−way interaction of utility and location
Time−dependent utility: the two−way interaction of urgency and utility
Location and time−dependent utility: the three−way interaction of location, urgency, and

There are certainly other variables such as task complexity that might be considered, but the
three main areas–location, urgency, and utility–represent those variables that either solely
or in combination are what most dramatically distinguishes between electronic commerce
and mobile commerce.
frameworks are useful for helping conceptualize topics such as mobile commerce in a
way that makes it comprehensible.

To help future applications and technologies handle m-commerce, we propose the

framework as shown . This framework will allow developers and providers to strategize and
effectively implement mobile commerce applications. The framework defines multiple
functional layers, simplifying the design and development, so different parties (vendors,
providers, and designers, etc.) can focus on individual layers. By following this framework, a
single entity is not forced to do everything to build m-commerce systems, rather, they can
build on the functionalities provided by others. This will speed up the development of m-
commerce applications as designers and developers can assume that certain functions will
be provided by lower layers, and therefore, they need not focus on the capabilities and
constraints of individual devices and networks.
This framework has four levels: m-commerce applications, user infrastructure,
middleware, and network infrastructure. The framework shows that the design of new
mobile commerce applications should take into consideration the general capabilities of user
infrastructure (mobiledevices), and not the individual devices. With its ability to hide details
of underlying wireless and mobile networks from applications while at the same time
providing a uniform and easy to use interface, mobile middleware clearly is an extremely
important component in developing new mobile commerce applications. The network
infrastructure also plays an important role in mobile commerce,as the user perceived service
quality depends on available resources and capabilities of wireless and mobile networks.
An open framework will prevent the design and development of proprietary products
and services that may be built in an ad hoc fashion. We believe that our framework will allow
interoperability of m-commerce applications and products from different providers and
vendors. This would help in the adoption of m-commerce on a global scale.
The framework also provides a developer and provider plane to address the different
needs and roles of application developers, content providers, and service providers. Each
one of these could build its products and services using the functionalities provided by
others. A content provider can build its service using applications from multiple application
developers. They can also aggregate content from other content providers and can supply
the aggregated content to a network operator or service provider. Service providers can also
act as content aggregators, but are unlikely to act as either an application or content
provider due to their focus on the networking and service aspects of m-commerce. A service
provider can also act as a clearing house for contentandapplication providersin
advertisingand distributing their products toitscustomers. Inanycase,
thedeveloperandproviderplane in our framework is likely to have multiple layers. Wireless
carriers can play a very active and important role in the mobile commerce applications and
services due to the fact that a mobile user is going through their networks to perform all
mobile commerce transactions. Additionally, a mobile user is likely to prefer one common
bill (bundled services) for voice, data, and mobile commerce services. However, there are
many technical and non-technical hurdles (such as pricing for mobile commerce
transactions) that need to be
overcomebeforecarrierscanbecomemajorplayersinthisemerging field. Many of these players
and possible interactions are shown
NTT Docomo’s I-Mode

in Japan i−mode is synonymous with the concept of mobile commerce

i-Mode, stands for Internet Mode is a microbrowser technology that supports text,
graphics, audio, and video for Web access over the Japanese cellular network. It was
introduced by a team led by Mari Matsunaga in February 1999 at NTT DoCoMo

Fortune Magazine recently selected Mari Matsunaga as one of the most powerful women in
business in Japan.

i-Mode is one of the most successful services offering wireless web browsing and e-mail
services from mobile phones in Japan.

i-Mode provides packet-data transmission, which enables operators to charge their

customers according to the volume of data transmitted and users do not pay for the time
they are connected to a website or service.

Transmission between the handhelds and the i-Mode-enabled cell sites is via packet mode,
using packets of 128 octets at high-speed data transmission rates.

i-Mode customer base is increasing exponentially every day in the whole world and is being
provided worldwide through DoCoMo's partners through a licensing scheme.
The current i-Mode center is called CiRCUS in DoCoMo's Kawasaki office and the operation
support system is called CARNiVAL, which is hosted in the Toranomon JT Building.

There are DoCoMo's competitors in the market who launched very similar mobile data
services − KDDI launched EZweb, and J-Phone launched J-Sky etc.

i-Mode History
Year Milestone

Feb. 1999 i-mode service launched

Dec. 1999 i-mode compatible handsets with color screens are marketed

Jan. 2001 i-appli service launched

Jul. 2001 i-area service launched

Nov. 2001 i-motion service launched

Jun. 2002 i-shot service launched

Jan. 2003 i-motion mail service launched

Jul. 2004 "Osaifu-Keitai" service launched

Sep. 2005 i-channel service launched

Nov. 2005 "ToruCa" info-capture function offering started

Dec. 2005 "iD" credit card brand launched

Apr. 2006 "DCMX" mobile credit services launched

Oct. 2006 keyword search service for i-mode launched

i-Mode phones have a special i-mode button for the user to access the start menu. There
are plenty of official websites, which are linked to DoCoMo's i-mode portal page and
DoCoMo's billing services.

i-mode users pay for both sent and received data. There are operators, who are charging
their customers with additional charges on a monthly subscription basis for premium

NTT DoCoMo takes care of all the contents and operations of all official i-mode sites, most
of which are commercial. These official sites are accessed through DoCoMo's i-mode menu,
but in many cases, official sites can also be accessed from mobile phones by typing the URL
or through the use of QR code (a barcode).

There are essentially four main components that are required for the i-Mode service. They
are as follows −

 A cellular phone capable of voice and packet communication and with a browser
 A packet network.
 An i-mode server.
 Information providers.
The following picture depicts a very broad overview of i-mode concept −

In consideration of the inherently limited bandwidth of the cellular network, i-Mode

employs Compact HTML (C-HTML), a simplified version of HTML similar to Wireless Markup
Language (WML) used in WAP networks and as well as DoCoMo proprietary protocols ALP
(HTTP) and TLP (TCP, UDP).

i-Mode-compatible HTML websites are easy to navigate since all basic operations can be
performed using a combination of four buttons, cursor forward, cursor backward, select,
and back (return to previous page).

There are functions that require two-dimensional navigation such as image maps and
functions that require more intensive processing such as frames and tables are not included
in the standard i-Mode HTML specifications.

i-Mode-compatible HTML provides extended tags for special use on cell phones such as the
'tel:' tag, which is used to hyperlink a telephone number and let users initiate a call by
clicking on a link.

Following major features of HTML have not been included in i-Mode compatible HTML, i.e.,

 Background colors and images

 Frames
 Image maps
 JPEG images
 Multiple character fonts and styles
 Style sheets
 Tables
cHTML compliance hardware includes −

 Small memory − 128-512Kbytes RAM, and 512K-1Mbytes ROM.

 Low power CPU − 1-10 MIPS class CPU for embedded systems.

 Small display − 50x30 dots, 100x72 dots, and 150x100 dots.

 Restricted colors − mono-color (black and white).

 Restricted character fonts − only single font.

 Restricted input method − several control buttons and number buttons (0-9).

i-Mode supports 256 color GIF files. In addition, only images in GIF 87, 87a, and 89a formats
can be used. The maximum size of a GIF image should be 94 x 72 dots.
The World Wide Web Consortium ( contains a complete listing of the cHTML
tags available to developers. Also, you can visit the NTT DoCoMo site
at www.nttdocomo/ser2.htm for an outline of cHTML tags available to developers.

There are millions of HTML-based content resources, various software tools, and public
materials, which can be used to develop i-Mode applications.

i-Mode Networks utilize two types of computers − servers and clients. Servers are the
computers that hold information and they are called DoCoMo i-Mode Centers. Clients are
the computers that we view the information and they are cellular i-Mode phone.

The following image shows the i-Mode Network structure diagram −

There are two other important components involved in connecting to a wireless network. In
order to connect a cellular network to a server, a gateway must exist. Also, the web site
must be in an i-Mode format.

i-Mode Gateway
An i-Mode gateway translates wireless requests from a mobile phone to the server and
sends information from a gateway back to the mobile phone.

NTT DoCoMo provides a gateway to their users and connects them to i-Mode enabled

i-Mode Enabled Site An i-Mode enabled website utilizes pages that are written in C-HTML. The
transmission between the handhelds and the i-Mode-enabled cell sites takes place via
packet mode using packets of 128 octets at high speed data transmission rates.
An i-Mode phone utilizes a micro-browser to browse i-Mode enabled site. These phones
usually have a title bar with icons at the top of an LCD screen. These icons then allow users
to access various services such as weather forecasts, transportation schedules, data
searches, news updates, etc.

The highly convenient functions offered by i-mode are enriching our lifestyles by crossing
the conventional boundaries of mobile phone functions.

Some of the services that are now available with i-mode include game playing, video
viewing and convenient access to the latest news and weather forecasts.

i-appli: i-mode with Java

This service group consists of software (programs) used with i-mode compatible mobile
phone terminals. Downloading the software makes it possible to automatically update the
news and weather forecast displays as well as to play new games.

i-area: Location Based Service

This is DoCoMo's location information service. The i-area service enables the user to check
the weather forecast, traffic and store information, and other convenient information for
local areas as well as the map information to the user's current location.

i-motion : Dynamic Video Content

This feature refers to video distribution programs for i-mode mobile phone terminals and
the contents. The high-speed packet communication of FOMA entertains users with the
latest movie theatre information and details of the sports highlights available in video.

i-motion mail
This service transfers video captured with an i-motion compatible mobile phone via e-mail.
It features a transmission speed of up to 15 frames/sec, thus permitting smooth motion
video to be enjoyed on a mobile phone.

i-shot : Digital Camera Capability

A function that supports transfer of still images captured with an i-mode compatible phone.
The images may also be sent to mobile phones of other carriers and PCs.

This service distributes the latest news, weather forecasts, and other information to i-
channel compatible i-mode phones. The information is displayed on a standby screen
without any special operation and users can access more detailed information by pressing a
There are many cellular phones available in the market that allow i-Mode services. Here is a
list of the latest available mobile phones −

 FOMA SA800i
 Fujitsu F905i
 LG KE390i
 LG L343i
 LG L852i (PRADA)
 Mitsubishi M342i
 Motorola RAZR V3xx with i-mode
 Motorola SLVR L6 i-mode
 Motorola SLVR L7 i-mode
 NEC 411i
 NEC N22i
 NEC N343i
 Nokia 6120 classic
 Nokia 6124 classic
 Nokia N95i
 Samsung S400i
 Samsung S500i
 Samsung Z320i
 Sony Ericsson K550im
 Sony Ericsson K610im
With new i-mode services being launched in Europe and Asia, it is timely to learn based on
the experiences of Japan what the potential could be.

In the near future, the 4G wireless-equipped i-Mode phone will bring new life to the
wireless communications. The wireless mobile Internet is therefore rapidly becoming a
reality and the future looks very bright.
i−mode Basic Value Map.

NTT DoCoMo actively coordinates all players in the i−mode value map in an effort to create
the best service for the end user
i−mode Content Portfolio

Wireless Devices For Mobile Commerce

There is some feeling that devices will become completely generic, and take the place of
items like televisions, pagers, radios, and telephones (Dertouzos, 1999), but the question
remains as to what form the devices will ultimately take.

Input Interaction with Wireless Devices

Input interaction concerns the ways in which users enter data or commands. Common
technologies used for input interaction with wireless devices include keyboards, keypads,
styluses, buttons, cameras, microphones, and scanners
The QWERTY configuration of keys (named for the sequence of keys at the upper left of
the keyboard), while not the most efficient layout possible, remains a standard because of
its wide user acceptance. Laptop computers have carried the concept of QWERTY keyboards
forward, although keys are usually made smaller to conserve room. Devices such as phones
and handhelds, however, have generally foregone the integration of a full keyboard
because of the desire to create a device that is as small and light as possible. The exception
to this is the Blackberry device, which includes a miniature keyboard. The problem with this
keyboard is that a user must adjust to smaller keys, oftentimes learning to type messages
with both thumbs. Data entry and error rates can suffer with smaller keys as well. Smaller
mobile devices usually rely on a more limited keypad for input. Most mobile phones use a
standard 12−button numeric keypad, sometimes augmented by several special purpose
keys (such as “clear” and “ok”). Each of the keys 2 through 9 also corresponds to a set of
three or four letters. There are several approaches to entering text using a keypad. In the
first, known as the multi−press input method, the user must hit a numeric key that also
corresponds to the desired letter. For example, the letter “s” would require that the “7” key
(labeled with “pqrs”) be depressed four times. A capital “S” would then require eight or
more keystrokes. A user must also pause or press an additional key to move onto the next
letter. A different method that uses two−key input requires selecting a letter’s group with
the first key press and the location of the desired key with the second. For example, the
letter ‘E’ (the second character on the “3” key which is labeled “def”) requires the key press
sequence 3−2. Another approach uses dictionaries of words and linguistic models to “guess”
the word intended by a series of keystrokes. For example, the sequence 8−4−3
(corresponding to “tuv”−“ghi”−“def”) might produce the word “the” out of all possible
letter combinations.

Another way to eliminate the use of a keypad (and keyboard as well) is to use a stylus to
write input directly on the screen of the device, a process known as gesture recognition.
With this method, the device must recognize each character or symbol that is written,
which can take a good deal of processing time and oftentimes suffers from inaccuracy.
Output Interaction with Wireless Devices

Output interaction concerns the ways in which users receive data, prompts, or the results
of a command. Common technologies used for output interaction with wireless devices
include video screens and speakers. Both of these will be discussed in turn, emphasizing the
benefits and limitations of each in the mobile environment. The liquid crystal display (LCD)
screen is the primary technology used to produce output in the form of images and text on
current wireless devices. Screen size varies greatly from one type of device to another. Most
mobile phones have small (1' to 2' square) screens that can display 4 to 8 lines of 10 to 20
alphanumeric characters each. Handheld devices have relatively larger screens (about 3' by
4') that are more suitable for graphics as well as text, but are still limited by low screen
resolutions (usually 240 by 320 pixels). Most phones and handhelds have monochrome
screens, although more are being sold with color screens, which can increase device
usability. Laptops have fairly large color screens (up to 15' diagonal) with resolutions that
compare favorably to desktop monitors. Vehicle−mounted devices have screens ranging
from smaller than the size found on phones to the size found on small laptops, depending
on the intended purpose of the device (e.g., displaying song titles versus a map of a city).
The current limitations of screens on wireless devices are their size, resolution, and color
capabilities, all of which are usually less than those found on desktop computers.

Wireless Device Usability Usability can be defined as the quality of a system with respect to
ease of learning, ease of use, and user satisfaction (Rosson and Carroll, 2002). It also deals
with the potential of a system to accomplish the goals of the user. Usability testing asks
users to perform certain tasks with a device and application while recording measures such
as task time, error rate, and the user’s perception of the experience. Methods for evaluating
usability include empirical testing, heuristic evaluations, cognitive walkthroughs, and
analytic methods such as GOMS (goals, operators, methods, and selection rules).

Mobile device use can be characterized by: Limited user attention given to the device and
application (interactions with the real world being more important).

• User’s hands being used to manipulate physical objects other than the device.

• High mobility during the task, with the adoption of a variety of positions and
posturesContext dependent interactions with the environment.

• High speed interactions with the device, driven by the external environment.
Towards A Classification Framework For Mobile Location Based Services

Mobile (or wireless) applications, despite potentially being very different in nature from
each other, all share a common characteristic that distinguishes them from their wireline
counterparts: they allow their users to move around while remaining capable of accessing
the network and its services

MLS Applications and Services

Emergency Services Perhaps the clearest market application of MLS, is the ability to locate
an individual who is either unaware of his/ her exact location or is not able to reveal it
because of an emergency situation (injury, criminal attack, and so on). Mobile location
services are even applicable as a means of overcoming one of the most common problems
of motorists, namely the fact that most often than not they are unaware of their exact
location when their vehicles

Navigation Services

Navigation services are based on mobile users’ needs for directions within their current
geographical location. The ability of a mobile network to locate the exact position of a
mobile user can be manifested in a series of navigation−based services: By positioning a
mobile phone, an operator can let the user know exactly where they are as well as give
him/her detaileddirections about how to get to a desirable destination.

d. Information Services

Location−sensitive information services mostly refer to the digital distribution of content to

mobile terminal devices based on their location, time specificity, and user behavior. The
following types of services can be identified within this category: Travel services such as
guided tours (either automated or operator−assisted), notification about nearby places of
interest (monuments, etc.), transportation services, and other services that can be provided
to tourists moving around in a foreign city.

Tracking Services

Tracking services can be equally applicable both to the consumer and the corporate
markets. As far as consumers are concerned, tracking services can be utilized to monitor the
exact whereabouts of, for example, children and elderly people. Similarly, tracking services
can be effectively applied in corporate situations as well. One popular example refers to
trackingvehicles so that companies know where their goods are at any time. Vehicle
tracking can also be applied to locating and dispatching an ambulance that is nearest to a
given call.

Billing Services

Location−sensitive billing refers to the ability of a mobile location service provider to

dynamically charge users of a particular service depending on their location when using or
accessing the service. For example, mobile network operators may price calls based on the
knowledge of the location of the mobile phone when a call is made. Location−sensitive
billing includes the ability to offer reduced call rates to subscribers that use their mobile
phone when at their home, thereby allowing mobile operators to compete more effectively
with their fixed telephony counterpart
Facilitating Technologies

Wireless Application Protocol (WAP):

The WAP protocol allows wireless networks and mobile devices to access information from
the Internet taking into account the inherent limitations of processing power and display
capabilities that characterize mobile handsets. Coupling location identification technologies
with WAP allows for a direct semantic link between location and content, thus opening a
wide spectrum of opportunities for innovative service provision to mobile users (for
example, tourists on the move).

General Packet Radio Service (GPRS):

Also known as 2.5−generation mobile telephony (2.5G), GPRS is the successor to today’s
prevailing mobile telephony technologies (for example, the Global System for Mobile
Communication or GSM). GPRS allows for much faster data communication speeds
compared to the traditional mobile technologies, thereby opening up the possibility for
developing many added value services to complement mobile location services.

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS):

Also known as third generation (3G) mobile telephony, UMTS is also utilizing the
packet−based connection schema and is promising to become a very high speed universal
standard that will enable the full potential of mobile multimedia services to be realized.

Two major charging schemes for mobile location services can be identified:

User−Charged Services.

Under this model, users are charged for accessing and using the mobile location services,
most likely through a service subscription fee. For example, most navigation and
information services are likely to be provided under some form of user charging

Free−of−Charge Services.

A number of services may be provided without charge to the end user because the service
will be paid for by a third party.
Wireless Personal And Local Area Networks

Radio Standards

Wireless data networks require radios that take in digital data, zeros−−and ones, modulate
and transmit the data as radio waves, receive the radio waves, demodulate the signal, and
convert them back to zeros and ones.

Bluetooth is a slow speed (0.8 Mbps) short−range (10 meters) WPAN specification operating
in the 2.4 GHz band created by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG). The name implies
Bluetooth will unite all the small devices of the world. Bluetooth has its origin as a low−cost
cable replacement for mobile phone headsets

HomeRF is a WLAN specification operating in the 2.4 GHz band, designed for the home to
integrate voice, data, and video over inexpensive hardware. The specification provides six
simultaneous voice connections and enough data capacity to satisfy the phone and Internet
needs of a typical household.

OpenAir is a WLAN specification operating in the 2.4 GHz band, designed for low cost office
and vertical networking solutions. The specification began as a proprietary protocol from
Proxim and later was adapted by the Wireless LAN Interoperability (WLI) Forum and placed
in the public domain.

High Performance Radio Local Area Networks (HiperLAN1)

HiperLAN1 is a high speed (20 Mbps) WLAN operating in the 5 GHz band under development
by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). The functional specification
was released in 1999 after eight years of development. The 5 GHz band is relatively
interference−free compared to the 2.4 GHz band which is congested by Bluetooth, 802.11b,
microwave ovens, cordless phones, security cameras, and baby monitors.

HiperLAN2 is a high speed (54 Mbps) WLAN operating in the 5 GHz band, designed to carry
Internet traffic, video (Firewire−IEEE 1394), and digital voice (3G, third−generation mobile
wireless technology). HiperLanII includes quality of service (QoS) important for real−time
audio and video. When you download a file such as a document, you generally don’t notice if
the data arriving pauses for a fraction of a second.
In 1991 the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) formed a committee to
develop a specification for a WLAN. Eight years later the 802.11b WLAN specification was
approved providing 11 Mbps in the 2.4 GHz band. However, the 802.11b standard did not
specify nor establish a procedure to test interoperation of 802.11b products, and as a result
radios from different vendors were not compatible.

The 802.11a standard specifies a high speed (54 Mbps) WLAN operating in the 5 GHz band,
designed for efficient distribution of Internet protocol packets. In August 2001 the hardware
manufacturer Atheros demonstrated the AR5000 chip set with a data rate of 54 Mbps, with a
“turbo” mode of 108 Mbps.

802.11e is a modification to provide quality of service (QoS) to all 802.11 WLANs. Specifically,
it modifies the radio component to better handle time−sensitive traffic. If successful, the
standard will enable 802.11e WLAN to deliver multimedia (audio and video) into the home,
capitalizing on low price 802.11 hardware.

802.11g is a high speed (20 Mbps) WLAN operating in the 2.4 GHz band. The WLAN is
proposed as a transition step from 802.11b to 802.11a, offering information technology
managers an opportunity to introduce higher speed WLAN while maintaining backward
compatibility with slower 802.11b WLAN. However, the arrival of faster 802.11a products
operating in the less congested 5 GHz band will eclipse the need for 802.11g.

IEEE P802.15 is a working group of the IEEE 802 Standards Committee, developing a standard
for short−distance wireless personal area networks (WPAN).

Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (WECA)
WECA is an industry alliance of over 200 wireless networking and software companies.
WECA’s mission is to certify the interoperability of 802.11b WLAN products, under a
trademarked logo “WiFi” (Wireless Fidelity). Products that bear this label must pass a series
of standardized interoperability tests administered by an independent lab. The endorsement
assures customers that the wireless product will interoperate with all other Wi−Fi certified

Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Nokia, and Toshiba formed the
Bluetooth SIG in 1998 that has grown to over 2,000 members. The SIG released a
specification in 1999. A year later Ericsson released the first Bluetooth product, a wireless
headset for mobile phones.
HomeRF Working Group (HRFWG) HRFWG is an industry alliance primarily of radio
manufacturers formed in 1998 to promote a wireless standard for the home for computer
networking, cordless phones, multi−player games, and toys.

HiperLan Alliance The HiperLan Alliance is an industry organization that promotes the ETSI
HiperLan standard. Key members include Apple, Hewlett Packard, Harris Semiconductor,
IBM, Nokia, Proxima, Intermec, and STMicroelectronics.

HiperLan2 Global Forum Formed in 1999, the HiperLan2 Global Forum is an industrial alliance
of communication and information technology companies organized to ensure the
completion of the HiperLan2 standard and promotion as a worldwide standard for corporate,
public, and home environments.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) The IEEE is an international non−profit
technical association with more than 375,000 members in 150 countries that has produced
over 800 standards. IEEE 802.11 is collection of over sixteen WLAN standard groups,
producing standards like 802.11b and 802.11c from Task Group B and C, respectively.

European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) ETSI is a European standards group

based in France composed of manufactures, service providers, and network operators. The
group develops standards for the telecommunication, broadcasting and information
technology fields. The ETSI Broadband Radio Access Network (BRAN) develops test
specifications to insure interoperation of HiperLan2 products.

The Impact Of Technology Advances On Strategy Formulation In Mobile Communications


Stakeholders and Business Relationships in Mobile and Data Networks

In the services provision value chain of both mobile communications and the Internet, the
key legacy players that are expected to sustain or even improve their market position in the
dynamic environment of technological innovation are the following:

Mobile operators are connectivity providers that own wireless network infrastructure and
have large customer bases for mobile communication services. These players have been the
leaders of the development and success of mobile communication markets in Europe, by
providing personal communication services and information services through wireless (e.g.,
GSM) networks. They created the critical mass of mobile customers. They have been
investing large amounts on upgrading, maintaining, and expanding their networks, while
developing competence in managing customer relations and pricing mechanisms.

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are connectivity and, sometimes, information providers that
have IP network infrastructure, Internet know−how, and high speed backbones, which may
be integrated as the core network of 3G and 4G technologies. They have a large customer
base of fixed Internet subscribers. They are currently managing their own networks locally
(traditional ISPs) or internationally (backbone providers).
Content providers are information providers that are currently active mostly in the fixed
Internet. They provide services at the applications level, typically on top of a TCP/IP
communication infrastructure. Their role will be empowered in the new market, as 3G and
4G network technologies will provide the necessary infrastructure for wider use of
multimedia content and applications, as well as for provision of high value added
personalized services. Their services are usually bundles of information or content,
customized to individual needs.
There are two additional players having a significant impact on technology deployment and,
hence, market evolution, namely:

 the mobile device and infrastructure vendors (e.g., Nokia, Ericsson, Palm etc.)
 thesoftware vendors and communities (e.g., Microsoft, Symbian, Linux, etc.)
Business Relationship Models in 2G and 2.5G Technologies
Communication services in 2G are based on circuit switched radio channels

Wireless Application Protocol

Recently, mobile operators invested in Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) technologies
that permit an embryonic (i.e., limited) interconnection with the Internet. They expected to
generate high profits by providing information services that are enabled through WAP. WAP
is an open, global specification that empowers mobile users with wireless devices to access
and interact with information services. WAP can be used on top of various communication
systems. WAP was designed for the current generation of wireless devices. Regarding
security, WAP includes a specification called WTLS, which implements options for
authentication and encryption that are optimized for use in the mobile environment. WAP is
using existing Internet standards such as XML, User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and IP.

2.5” Generation Technologies

With the introduction of 2.5G technologies, GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) and EDGE
(Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution), the technical limitations of 2G will be partially
removed. 2G and 2.5G technologies are empowering mobile operators by enabling them to
expand their business scope towards information services, notably information portals. GPRS
deployment will enable customers to have efficient (because of packet switching) and
effective (because of higher data rates) Internet access.

Figure 1 we present the 2G−business relationship model, where players retain their
traditional business activities. Mobile operators provide network and information services to
the customer. Any player wishing to offer services to the mobile customer will need to
interconnect to the customer’s mobile operator. On the other hand, if a more powerful user
device is used, and standard TCP/IP protocols and applications are used, the business model
could change drastically and start resembling what we expect for the early 3G phase With
the introduction of GPRS, the business relationship model could remain basically the same as
in 2G. However, even in this case the service mix would probably change with information
services having a higher share than in 2G, just because of economic considerations and the
(slightly at the beginning) higher data−rate.
“i−mode” is a packet switched service developed by DoCoMo to provide mobile Internet
access to its customers. DoCoMo has developed a very successful business model. Its rapid
success provides useful insights for mobile operators, who are watching DoCoMo preparing
its entry into many markets, beyond Japan. i−mode uses compact HTML for content delivery,
and packet switching at a data rate of 9.6 kbps. Customers are charged based on the data
volume they transfer, plus a low monthly subscription fee. DoCoMo charges only for network
access. Independent content providers may levy additional charges to those I−mode
customers who subscribe to their content
DoCoMo has developed its own mobile Internet portal, through which subscribers get access
to a broad variety of content. Monthly subscription to i−mode services is lower than mobile
telephony services (around $3)
Content and application service providers link their i−mode Web pages with DoCoMo’s
portal after entering a collaboration agreement. Several content providers and individuals
have independently launched i−mode compatible content, and many application providers
and ecommerce companies sell products and services to i−mode customers. DoCoMo
revenues involve both mobile communication and data transfer services. Alliance Partners
pay advertisement fees and commission (9%) on every commercial transaction that takes
place through i−mode. i−mode connects customers to a wide range of handy online services,
many of which are interactive, including mobile banking, news and stock updates, telephone
directory service, restaurant guide, ticket reservations and much more. All services linked
directly to the i−mode portal website can be accessed virtually instantly by simply pushing
the mobile phone’s dedicated i−mode button. Customers can also access hundreds of other
unlinked i−mode sites via URLs
NTT−DoCoMo enables easy development of i−mode sites and content by using cHTML. This
has resulted in an explosion of available content. A menu gives users access to a list of
selected content on partner sites that are included in the micro−billing system and can sell
content and services. The micro−billing system enables the subscribers to pay for
value−added and premium sites through their telephone bill and is attractive for site owners
to sell information to users. In addition, market characteristics of fixed telecommunication
and information technology in Japan facilitated i−mode rapid market success. There is
relatively low PC penetration in Japanese households and high mobile phone penetration (60
million). Local access charges are high in Japan, so that Japanese people do not use PCs for
Internet access as much as in the US or Europe. Finally, the street price of i−mode−enabled
handsets at points of purchase is relatively low…

As society moves forward, mobile technology will continue to play a greater role in the
strategic direction of organizations and on individual lives. People always strive for the perfect
work/life balance based on an individual’s perceived notion of how that balance is defined.
Mobile technology plays a significant role in today’s society increasing an organization’s
productivity as it relates to its strategic goal, but also enhancing the lives of individuals outside of
work. Organizations are realizing the benefits mobile communications bring and the results of
successfully leveraging mobile technology. Each new generation of people grow up more mobile
savvy and more comfortable with technology. This drives the ability of an organization to more
successfully implement and use mobile technology to its advantage. The primary benefits of
deploying mobile technologies in an organizational setting include:

• Revenue growth
• Reduction of operating costs
• Streamlined processes and procedures
• Competitive edge over other organizations
• Increased face time with customers
• Improved stakeholder relationships

These benefits are only realized when the mobile technology leveraged is customized to
an organizations unique strategic vision and direction driven by requirements. An organization
must take a good internal look at its business model and outwardly at its strategic direction, its
mission, and the overall goals it wishes to achieve. Whether an organization is a looking to add to
its bottom line and increase profits, save lives and assist in disaster recovery or serve the public,
or protect and defend an country’s way of life through military defense and action, the
organization must clearly understand their strategic focus and direction and how mobile
communications and technology can support this strategic vision (Kornak, Teutloff, and Welin-
Berger, 2004).
Getting closer to the customer is the goal of most organizations today. No matter what
type of organization, close interaction with the customer is what drives organizations to have a
deployed workforce. Of course, a deployed workforce has a requirement to be tied into the
organizational infrastructure to connect to critical resources. Increased diffusion of mobile
networks and technologies enables geographically separated entities and nomadic workers to
utilize mobile communications to be closer to their customer base while remaining constantly
connected to the critical resources needed to support the customer. This pushes organizations to
rely on mobile technology to drive their strategic direction and goals in today’s mobile
There are three overarching steps that effectively define an organization’s leveraging of
mobile technology to achieve maximum benefit and mission accomplishment. Kornak, Teutloff,
and Welin-Berger outline these steps and break them down into three comprehensive phases:
1. Mobile/Wireless Strategy Formulation
a. Vision Development –
Vision development is high level planning of how mobile technology
should best be implementation to attain an organization’s strategic vision
and provide the desired benefits (Kornak, Teutloff, and Welin-Berger,
b. Setting the Direction –
Setting the direction allows the organization to define how mobile
technologies benefit an organizations and the role mobile technology
plays to point the organization in the desired direction (Kornak, Teutloff,
and Welin-Berger, 2004).
c. Portfolio Creation –
Creating the portfolio of mobile solutions allows an organization to
compare the functionalities of each mobile technology solution, perform a
cost benefit analysis of each solution, study how each solution will impact
the organization, roadmap development, risk mitigation, and end-user
testing and validation (Kornak, Teutloff, and Welin-Berger, 2004).

2. Strategy Implementation
Implementation takes the solution or solutions selected from phase one and
deploying them throughout the organization (Kornak, Teutloff, and Welin-Berger,

3. Strategy Monitoring
Tracking the implementation ensures that the mobile technologies implemented
in an organization is having the desired affects and the strategic goals and
benefits are realized. This is also the phase that identifies weaknesses not seen in
phase one or two and adjusting the solution to better meet the set goals or just
replacing the deployed solution with a better solution based on new
requirements or enhanced mobile technologies that have emerged in the interim
(Kornak, Teutloff, and Welin-Berger, 2004).

The development of converged technologies, from hardware to software and everything

in between, is a continuing evolution of complex mobile systems and diffused networks that are
enabling organizations and individuals to increase productivity and organizational effectiveness
within their work environment and enhance their private life. This work/life balance, combined
with the increased use of mobile technologies to enhance this balance, drives the mobile
communications industry to create more powerful and useful mobile tools and technologies. Of
course the ability to maintain the proper work/life balance while affectively using mobile
technology is one of the true challenges for current generations of mobile subscribers (Kornak,
Teutloff, and Welin-Berger, 2004).
This next generation of mobile worker may also have less human contact with the rise of
mobile technology and nomadic work styles. Some organizations will (and have) eliminated the
need for office space and the supported infrastructure. According to the National Computing
Center Guidelines, “A company may be able to exist on a purely ‘virtual’ basis, with
communications limited to the electronic transfer of data. Intelligence and information that used
to be held in the centre of an organization is increasing distributed to maintenance and customer
facing staff at the edge.” The lack of human contact with colleagues, more virtual meetings, and
less face-to-face interaction will change the face of how organizations recruit their workforce,
and create a leadership and management challenge. The concept of team and working toward
one common organizational goal will be a challenge across all levels within organization. The
sense of camaraderie may be lost unless organizational leadership takes proactive steps to
recreate a virtual team environment (National Computing Centre, 2006).
On a societal level, mobile technology has forced society to relook the aspect of a person
being tied to one place. Mobile technology will create a new sense of belonging. As a person
moves from being tied to a land line phone to being un-tethered with a mobile device, the sense
of home or office diminishes as a person is able to be reached anywhere and anytime. According
to a 2004 background paper written by Lara Srivastava of the International Telecommunications
Union, 2002 was a pivotal year for telecommunications as the amount of mobile users out-paced
the number of fixed phones lines world-wide (Figure 4-1). This gaining dominance of mobile
technology in 2002 brought about a significant impact on social and economic development on a
global basis. The rise of mobile access provides people and organizations with a powerful tool to
enhance and better the way people live and work (Srivastava, 2004).

Figure 4-1: Fixed versus Mobile (Srivastava, 2004)

Looking at the different types of organizations and individuals whom leverage mobile
technology to enhance productivity, there is a broad spectrum of uses for mobile
communications that transcends the stereo-typical sales person on the road 100% of the time.
Organizations such as FEMA, The Red Cross, and the U.S. Military put leading edge mobile
communications to the challenge in support of their daily operations in a deployed environment.


The evolution of mobile technologies is driven by user requirements and the increased
demands for converged mobility anywhere and at anytime. Users require access to voice, data,
and multimedia applications while staying connected to an organization’s infrastructure, which is
vital for the successful and fully equipped nomadic worker. As the technology that enables
mobility is still growing, a significant change has been seen in the use of wireless systems.
Between 1990 and 2005, Global System for Mobile Communication, or GSM, enabled the
transition from first generation analog wireless systems with a very small user base, to a
subscriber base of over 1.5 billion. This fifteen year span experienced the explosion of robust
wireless and mobile architectures and the significant price reduction of mobile and wireless
equipment (Sauter, 2006).
The underlying theme with mobility is low cost access. Though the equipment may vary in
price, it is important to enable a large envelope of access and a standard rate, varying only when
service is transitioned to a distant network, say in another country or region of the world.
Universal Mobile Telecommunications System, or UMTS, is a third generation technology
developed to bring together telecommunications and information technology into a converged,
mobile solution for people on the go. As mobile multi- media applications and services become
more accessible, the development and demand for new, more robust and better equipped
mobile devices will grow along with it. Organizations requiring mobile workers to have access to
all of the resources a wired desktop system has residing in the office space. This demand drives
the telecommunications market to create more converged mobile technology such as smart
phones and other personal digital assistant-like devices (Muratore, 2001).
The wireless architecture that enable mobile communications, such as the one
represented in Figure 4-1, are becoming more robust and easily accessible to the mobile user.
Convergence of applications and tools into mobile devices are easily supported by such
architectures. As the amount of mobile devices is diffused throughout the globe, technology is
accommodating these increased requirements through the constant evolution of infrastructure
hardware and software. Mobile standards are being built upon and eventually replacing the
previous generations wireless technology standard.

Figure 5-1: Wireless Network (Mobile Access Networks, Inc., 2008)

Wireless technology standards are the backbone of the mobile industry and shape the
way mobile systems are developed and how they are supported. The cyclic effect of wireless
standards development is a cause and effect relationship that is traced back to the first
generation of wireless standards.
First Generation (1G)

First Generation, or 1G, mobile technology was developed in from the late 1970’s to the mid-
1980s introducing analog mobile phone standards to the telecommunication’s industry.
Examples of these analog standards include (ICT Regulation Toolkit, 2008):
• Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS) used in the United States
• Total Access Communications System (TACS) used in the United Kingdom
• Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT) used in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, and
• C-450 was used in West Germany, Portugal, and South Africa
• Radiocom 2000 used in France

Second Generation (2G)

Second Generation, or 2G, mobile technology was developed to improve on the 1G
technology and make mobile technology digital. The primary digital standards include (ICT
Regulation Toolkit, 2008):
• GSM – Global System Mobile Communications, or GSM, is a Time Division Multiple Access
(TDMA) based standard is used in most of the world
• IS-95 – This Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) based standard was used mainly in
North, Central and South America before most carriers moved to the GSM standard
• PDC – (TDMA-based) is used in Japan

2.5G, the extension of second generation mobile technology, offers connection rates of
up to 384 Kbps. Enhanced Data for GSM Environment, or EDGE, is considered to be a 2.5G
network technology that is based on the GSM cell phone standard and, with vendors such as
Nokia Siemens, software upgrades doubling the download speeds of up 592 Kbps of these 2.5G
networks extend the life of this already deployed technology (Reardon, 2008).

Third Generation, or 3G, mobile technology

Third Generation, or 3G, mobile technology was developed to improve on the 2.5G
technology and make mobile technology digital. The 3G digital standards include (ICT Regulation
Toolkit, 2008):
• W-CDMA – Wideband Code Division Multiple Access is the scheme defined by the ITU as
the main platform for UMTS.
• CDMA2000 – Code Division Multiple Access 2000 is the family of technologies that

o CDMA2000 1X – Doubles voice capacity of CDMAOne networks and delivers data

speeds of 307 kbps in mobile environments.
o CDMA2000 1xEV – This includes:
ƒ CDMA2000 1xEV-DO – delivering data speeds of 2.4Mpbs and supports
applications such as MP3 transfers and video conferencing.
ƒ CDMA2000 1xEV-DV – provides integrated voice and simulations high-
speed packet data multimedia services up to 3.09Mbps.
• TD-CDMA – Time Division – Code Division Multiple Access.

Fourth Generation, or 4G, mobile technology

Fourth Generation, or 4G, mobile technology is the next generation of wireless

technology that is still being developed to fully replace 3G technology. 4G mobile technology
brings data- transmissions speeds into the 100 Mbps and above range along with quality of
service QoS and traffic prioritization. This combination of speed and traffic prioritization will
enable the mobile worker to have the ability to join a video teleconference and other bandwidth-
intensive applications from virtually anywhere using their 4G supported mobile devices, thus
bringing yet another capability normally reserved for the desktop office workforce (Pappalardo,
The technology standards that will help shape 4G mobile technology include:
• OFDM – Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
• OFDMA – Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access
• Mobile MiMAX – 802.16e IEEE specification designed to support up to 12Mbps
transmission speeds using OFDMA
• UMB - Ultra Mobile Broadband (also known as CDMA2000 EV-DO)
• MIMO – Multiple-input multiple-output wireless LAN technology

4G will be designed as an IP-based, heterogeneous network (Figure 5-2) enabling mobile

users to be connected and have access to any mobile device at anywhere and at anytime. 4G will
provide mobile users with flexible, fast, sharp quality, global coverage. One of the big benefits of
4G is the support for resource intensive applications such as video teleconferencing
(, 2008).

Figure 5-2: 4G Network (, 2008)

Table 5-1 below summarizes the past, present and future generations of mobile
technology and their associated speeds and features.
Services and speeds
Technology Speeds Features

1G AMPS n/a Analog (voice only)

CDMA Voice; SMS; conference calls; caller
2G iDen Less than 20Kbps ID; push to talk
MMS; images; Web browsing; short
GPRS audio/video clips; games,
1xRTT applications, and ring tone
2.5G EDGE 30Kbps to 90Kbps downloads
UMTS Full‐motion video; streaming music;
3G 1xEV‐DO 144Kbps to 2Mbps 3D gaming; faster Web browsing
for UMTS) 384Kbps to
3.5G 1xEV‐DV 14.4Mbps On‐demand video; videoconferencing
High‐quality streaming video; high‐
4G and quality videoconferencing; Voice‐
beyond WiMax* 100Mbps to 1Gbps over‐IP telephony
*WiMax has been mentioned as a possible 4G technology, but no standards have been set.
Figure 5-3: Rollup of the different generations of mobile technology (CNET, n.d.)
Wireless LANs and the IEEE 802 Standards
As the wireless technology becomes more popular and in demand, more and more
hotspots emerge throughout common locations such as airports, café’s, hotels, and shopping
malls to cater to both the mobile worker force as well as people on their free time. The Institute
for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has led the drive to standardize the wireless LAN
through the following standards:
The 802.11b standard, ratified in 1999, is found in the 2.5G and 3G networks prior to the
release of IEEE 802.11g in 2003. The 802.11b standard is used in hotels, airports, café’s,
and in homes outfitted with a wireless network and are referred to as hotspots. The
802.11b operates in the 11Mbps bandwidth range (Kornak, Teutloff, and Welin-Berger,
The 802.11a is the standard for wireless devices operating at 5GHz. Ratified in 1999, the
802.11a, designed prior to 802.11b but implemented after it, operates in the 6 – 54 Mbps
bandwidth range and enables mobile devices to transmit between 40 mW and 200 mW,
allowing applications to have greater frequency re-use. In order to support this standard,
50% more access points (hotspots) are required to keep pace with the 802.11b standard
supporting the 2.4GHz transmission footprint (Kornak, Teutloff, and Welin-Berger, 2004).
The 802.11g, released in 2003, is similar to the 802.11b standard for devices operating in
the 2.5GHz bandwidth range but at much higher maximum operating speed of 54 Mbps
for faster throughput (Kornak, Teutloff, and Welin-Berger, 2004).

The draft 802.11n set for ratification in late 2008 or early 2009 and improves upon the 802.11g
standard with faster speeds, enhanced security and greater range. It is backward compatible
with 802.11b/g and 802.11n products are finding their way to the market place even though the
standard is still in draft (Choney, 2008). Draft 802.11n operates in both the 2.4GHz and 5GHz
bands and uses more efficient OFDM modulation delivering 65 Mbps data rate

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