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Student: Bui Tien Anh Digital Media Studio 2: Collaboration.

ID: S3712593 GRAP 2589

Assignment 1 Part B: Book cover
Student: Bui Tien Anh Digital Media Studio 2: Collaboration.
ID: S3712593 GRAP 2589
Assignment 1 Part B: Book cover

A. Mindmap

I chose IT at first sight because I saw IT in cinema in 2017 but I thought it would never enough for me to
make the book cover if I just saw it, so I decided to read whole book in a day to collect these Key-things.
Quotes in the Book is the first thing I want to collect because quotes maybe useful for me to add in the flap.
After that, theme and motif were things that I decided to find to choose the right colour pallete for the mood
board. IT is famous for creating the fear of objects and Pennywise (clown, balloon, sewer and canal) so I
chose deep blue colour pallette for the book cover. Creating mindmap in this case helped me a lot for choos-
ing idea and colour.
Student: Bui Tien Anh Digital Media Studio 2: Collaboration.
ID: S3712593 GRAP 2589
Assignment 1 Part B: Book cover

A. Mindmap

A. It is a timeless monster, named Pennywise. It come
to Derry town to kill people (mostly chirldren) by
hiding on their fear. The key thing that I noticed first
is “Fear” and “Balloon”

B. The fear of these children is something that face to
them everyday such as the painting on the wall, the
father pedophilia, or just his older brother,... These
fear is just a simple fear of every children.

C. One of the children fear is the old picture while he
collecting old picture in the library and realise that
“IT” appear in Derry for centuries. Also, Pennywise
twice appear to scare children. First time is in the
library, second time is in the projector whild Loser’s
gang gather to figure out the appearance of IT in every
27 years.

D. The name of the book, “IT”, have the same pro-
nounce with “Eat” which can be used as the metaphor

I chose “C” because it clear and easy enough for audience to image about the
book and also make It so dramatic
Student: Bui Tien Anh Digital Media Studio 2: Collaboration.
ID: S3712593 GRAP 2589
Assignment 1 Part B: Book cover

B. Moodboard Key colour of the book cover i chosen is:

Yellow ( rain coat of Geogie; eye of IT) Black (in the mystery sewer)
Red (balloon; lip colour)
White (deadlight from IT mouth)
Student: Bui Tien Anh Digital Media Studio 2: Collaboration.
ID: S3712593 GRAP 2589
Assignment 1 Part B: Book cover

C. Thinking Process and Sketches

First stop while thinking about “IT” was all about “Balloon” and “Sewers” because Pennywise usually appears
with red balloons, and live in the Sewers and during the storm.

I choose the folk and its shadown to represent the Sewer. My thought was inspired by Vincent Bal, his art
work is all relating to shadown.

The folk is silverware use for eating, somehow relating to Pennywise because he kill children.
Student: Bui Tien Anh Digital Media Studio 2: Collaboration.
ID: S3712593 GRAP 2589
Assignment 1 Part B: Book cover

C. Thinking Process and Sketches

I was stucking on the previous idea because it contain
too many symbols (sewer, balloon and rain) which
cause the confused seeing.

So i changed it to the metaphor of the Face of “IT”

which the nose is represent by the “Ball”.

I tried to drew the Eyes of Pennywise but it is no work

due to lack of drawing skills.

The idea became stucking when I realised that my art

work is a mess.

In this case, I found the new way to write the title and
the author’s name.

Letter “T” in the title relate to the grave which is relat-

ed to dead.
Student: Bui Tien Anh Digital Media Studio 2: Collaboration.
ID: S3712593 GRAP 2589
Assignment 1 Part B: Book cover

C. Thinking Process and Sketches

The final stop for my book is the idea of photo which is Pennywise hiding on to scare Mike (The one who
lead Loser Gang in the book). In the book, Pennywise apprear twice in the photo to scare children. First time
is in the library while Mike ( The librian, collect clue to against IT) collecting photo and realise that IT appear
every 27 years. The second time is while Bill showing photo he collect about “IT” destination in the projector.

I also chosing the same font with Stranger Thing because two movie have the same kind and plot.
Student: Bui Tien Anh Digital Media Studio 2: Collaboration.
ID: S3712593 GRAP 2589
Assignment 1 Part B: Book cover

C. Thinking Process and Sketches

In the front cover, I use the ray light as a background because when IT kill someone, he will open his mouth
and the “deadlight” in his mouth will make people floating. The ray light also make the “balloon” above letter
“I” becoming so powerful.

In the backcover, I uses the claws to represent the werewolf claw which is the same with Pennywise’s claws. I
also put the clown head to make the back cover less blank.

In the spine, I just put the title, author and publisher to make it clear viewing.

In the front flap, I chose the information of Stephen King to brief a little about the King of Horror Story.

In the Back flap, I chose the famous quote and the balloon, red quote and balloons, make the book creepier.
Student: Bui Tien Anh Digital Media Studio 2: Collaboration.
ID: S3712593 GRAP 2589
Assignment 1 Part B: Book cover

D. Photobook
Student: Bui Tien Anh Digital Media Studio 2: Collaboration.
ID: S3712593 GRAP 2589
Assignment 1 Part B: Book cover

D. Photobook
Student: Bui Tien Anh Digital Media Studio 2: Collaboration.
ID: S3712593 GRAP 2589
Assignment 1 Part B: Book cover

D. Photobook
Student: Bui Tien Anh Digital Media Studio 2: Collaboration.
ID: S3712593 GRAP 2589
Assignment 1 Part B: Book cover

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