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Motivation is known as an important factor for achieving the organization goals. However, this can be hindered
by one’s indolence. Laziness leads to procrastination, procrastination results to inaction, and inaction creates no results
and success at all. According to Ramos (2018), laziness is a behavior to avoid work due to lack of will and
unwillingness to give effort. Motivation is therefore one way of removing laziness from life. Rensis Likert, has called
motivation as “the core of management.” Effective directing of people leads the organization to effectiveness, both at
organizational and individual levels, (Bharaj, 2017). With this motivation, an individual, instead of being lazy, can be
productive by starting up a business. According to Tan (2015), motivation to start a business is the willingness of
entrepreneurs to make an effort to make the venture work in the venture creation process. Motivation also differs from
person to person depending on its environment.
With this, the research will reveal the motivational impact of livelihood seminars to the residents of Barangay
Poblacion 2, Lipa City. And at the end of the study, it is expected that livelihood seminars can influence the residents to
get employment or start their own pursuit of careers.

From the book of Jutta Heckhausen and Heinz Heckhausen (2018) entitled “Motivation and Action,” they
discussed that human behavior is generally characterized by its striving for efficacy and organized into phases of goal
engagement and disengagement. People’s motivation to pursue a particular goal depends on situational incentives and
personal preferences as well as interactions between these two factors, (Heckhausen, H. & Heckhausen, J., 2018).
They also discussed how external factors may affect one’s motivation. So to cut it short, basically, the book “Motivation
and Action” discusses how adjusting to the environment through socialization can be a means of motivation. By
socializing, attending courses, activities, workshops, and seminars can be effective. This implies that going to these
kinds of program will affect the motivation that may drive an individual to move.
According to Agadoni (2019), seminar is a meeting in which people can learn about a topic. Attending a seminar
helps a person to be motivated and energized to get back to work. As for the seminar speakers, it could be said that it is
more effective if the attendees are entertained and inspired, (Agadoni, 2019). The point of a course is to convey new
life to the business by training the attendees to apply new strategies that they probably have not thought about
previously. This implies that a person attending a seminar may find new things that will make a spark for them to start
moving. In relation to a livelihood seminar, the residents may get enlightened and start planning to build their own
business with the application of the new things they learned from the workshop.
To support the above mentioned implications, Web Pro News and Business states that the intensive study of a
seminar provides a chance to get away and dedicate yourself to the topic for a few days. As a result, an individual may
return from the seminar with renewed motivation to pursue their goals and find their enthusiasm rekindled. This can
lead to higher productivity and fulfillment of professional and academic goals, (Morgan 2018). This implies that a
seminar could actually make an individual to take action. This can specifically happen after attending a livelihood
seminar. Residents who participated in the activity may find their motivation to start their own business, thus, creating
potential livelihood for the other individuals.
Furthermore, based from a professional motivational speaker, Zeenat Aman, attending seminars may impact an
individual to have a positive life management, build confidence and destroy fear, build successful relationships, and
defeat stress. This implies that a participant may get an idea on how to change their personal and professional lives for
the positive. This is specifically important in terms of their livelihood. After witnessing a livelihood seminar, an individual
may acquire ideas that will trigger his or her productivity and start a small business right away. Moreover, the livelihood
seminar may address the self-esteem issues of every individual and may provide ways on how these can be tackled for
the betterment of business and personal growth. This may happen after showing the participants stories of business
professionals who started at the bottom and bloom their way in the industry.

From the very beginning, when the human organizations were established, various thinkers have tried to find out
the answer to what motivates people to work. Different approaches and theories applied by these people have resulted
in a number of theories concerning motivation. And some of the most important theories created are the McGregor’s
Participation Theory and Urwick’s Theory Z.

Now, let me discuss the McGregor’s Participation Theory. In this theory, McGregor argued that there are two types
of person, the Theory X and Theory Y. Theory X type of person has the negative characteristics such as being naturally
indolent, having no ambitions, being irresponsible and being self-centered. On the other hand, Theory Y has exactly
the opposite characteristics. Theory Y person is responsible, organized, and has goals or plans. Now, what McGregor
tried to dramatize through this theory X and Y is to outline the extremes to draw the fencing within which the
organizational man is usually seen to behave. The fact remains that no organizational man would actually belong either
to theory X or theory Y. But instead, in reality, he/she shares the traits of both. What actually happens is that man
swings from one set or properties to the other with changes in his mood and motives in a changing environment.

With this, when a man is in the state of Theory X, one factor that may change the mood can be implicated by a
seminar. The above mentioned behaviors about the Theory X can be changed after gaining lectures and several
activities from a workshop. And this is when there is a possibility for an individual to adapt the Theory Y wherein people
will have a sense of direction and may be able to take an action. This is specifically applicable for livelihood seminars
wherein the participants will gain information on how start a small business at the easiest way and will be able to know
inspirational true to life stories of today’s big personalities in business who once have nothing but only guts and

Now, let’s proceed to Urwick’s Theory Z. In this theory, Urwick’s has two proposition. The first one is each
individual should know the organizational goals precisely and the amount of contribution through his efforts towards
these goals. And the second one is each individual should also know that the relation of organizational goals is going to
satisfy his/her needs positively. In Urwick’s view, the two characteristics make people ready to behave positively to
accomplish both organizational and individual goals. This implies that there are factors influencing motivation, and
these factors can be awakened after attending a seminar. According to Busselmaier (2017), seminar attendance can
leave employees recharged and with a renewed sense of purpose. Higher productivity and employee enthusiasm are
often unexpected benefits of training seminars. This implies that seminars like livelihood or training seminars are
beneficial when it comes to motivating the attendees to take action and improve their way of living by applying what is
learned from the activity. Aside from improving the previous work, one great application being pertained is the desire to
start their own business after being inspired in the seminar.


This study aims to reveal the Personal Impact of Livelihood Seminars to the residents of Barangay Poblacion 2,
Lipa City. Generally, this study aims to show the personal Impact of livelihood seminar to the residents in terms of
motivation, the effects of livelihood seminars to the residents, the way livelihood seminar change the resident’s
motivation in their self, and the way residents with common interest achieve their goals through the livelihood seminars.


The study will be conducted to know the potential of livelihood seminars to affect the motivation of the residents
from Barangay Poblacion 2, Lipa City in building their own commerce. To wrap it up, this study would be beneficial for
the following; the researchers, the future researchers, the residents of Poblacion 2, Lipa City, the local government and
barangay officials. First, this will help the researchers to give recommendations after assessing the experience of the
attendees from the given livelihood seminar. Second, the future researchers may look at the results and findings of this
study to guide their own res`earch which is similar to ours. It may serve as a basis for them. Third, the residents of
Poblacion 2, Lipa City may be able to start their own commerce after attending the seminar. And lastly, the study would
benefit the local government and barangay officials because this could be a reference for them to implement an
improved and better livelihood seminars, projects, and programs.


The study will focus on the personal impact of livelihood seminar in Barangay Poblacion 2 Lipa City in terms of
motivating the residents. There will be 40 participants who will be involved in the said livelihood seminar. A 10-item
survey questionnaire and 5-question interview will be conducted right after the activity. This is to assess the
motivational impact of the livelihood seminar done.


Although this study aims to reveal the motivational impact, it will not cover the other factors of Personal impact
specifically the personal development and personal growth.

There are factors that limit this research. First, the time allotted to conduct the study is not enough to make it have
the highest quality that the researcher can ever provide. Second, the researchers will only visit the community once,
which may affect the overall credibility of the paper. Third, concerning the seminar, some important information will not
be discussed and explained thoroughly due to time constraint. And lastly, it is harder to assess the reliability of the
residents’ answers because to reveal the impact of livelihood seminars, the participants must attend it not only once.


This study will use mixed-method approach, specifically the convergent parallel design. Mixed method approach is
a type of approach that requires collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data in qualitative and quantitative researches.
The convergent parallel design will provide variety of strengths by using and comparing the results of each method.
According to Almalki (2016), mixed method research will allow researchers to utilize the results of one method from
another to showcase the unreliable or contradicting information of each other. Basically, this type of approach will
provide a more accurate information as well as more definite solution to the problem in the study. In the study about the
Motivational Impact of Livelihood Seminars to the Residents of Barangay Poblacion 2, Lipa City, the convergent
parallel design will provide a more comprehensive data results through collecting, analyzing and comparing both data
of qualitative and quantitative researches.


The study will be utilizing a purposive sampling design. The purposive sampling will be used in the distribution of
the 40 survey questionnaires to the respondents who were qualified based from the qualification set. The qualifications
are the following; a) Must be a resident from Barangay Poblacion 2, b) Attended the Livelihood Seminar facilitated by
the researchers. The sampling design will determine the number of people who are capable and willing to provide
information from their experience after the livelihood seminar. According to Crossman (2018), this kind of sample is
helpful especially if you have to achieve a targeted sample immediately. Thus, having requirements for the targeted
respondents will be helpful to acquire reliable responses which will be useful to prove the authenticity of the paper.


For this study, we will be using a standardized survey questionnaire with 10 quantitative questions in it, while there
will be five qualitative questions for the interview which are personally made by us. Quantitative data will be attained
through closed-ended questions which is a yes or no objectives statistical treatment or having fixed options/choices for
the respondents’ answers, while the qualitative questions will be formed through open-ended questions.


In gathering the data, there will be a step-by-step procedure that must be followed. First, the researchers must
seek verbal agreement from De La Salle Lipa authorities or from their CAPSTONE Head and professor to let them
conduct the study in their chosen community. Second, they must send a letter of approval to the barangay officials or
captain, allowing them to do the research. Third, each participant must be given an informed consent assuring the
confidentiality of whatever information they will provide. And lastly, the survey questionnaire will be given and the
interview will be conducted.


Mixed methods data analysis will involve analyzing the data from both the qualitative and quantitative approaches
used in the study. For the step by step procedure the following will be done by the researchers; a) Preparing the Data, b)
Reviewing and Exploring Data, c) Analyzing Data, d) Representing Data. First, for the quantitative data, the answers
will be coded using frequency table. On the other hand, for the qualitative data, the answers of the respondents will be
organized and transcribed. Second, the final frequency tables will be given descriptive analysis while the transcribed
data will be read to develop qualitative codes. Third, both data will be analyzed in general. And lastly, the data will be
represented through tables for quantitative and texts for qualitative. Once the data from the qualitative and quantitative
portions of the study have been analyzed, both results will now be compared to see if there are similarities and
differences with the data. Moreover, the results of qualitative may be found to either support or contradict that of the
results of quantitative data. The two types of data can provide validation for each other and also create a solid
foundation for drawing conclusions about the motivational impact of livelihood seminar to the residents of Barangay
Poblacion 2, Lipa City.

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