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Moment of Resistance of Under Reinforced Beam

Width of beam= 250 mm

Depth of Beam= 350 mm
Effective depth of beam (d)= 292 mm
Diameter of rebar= 20 mm
Clear Cover= 20 mm
Ast= 604 mm²
Asc= 604 mm²
d'= 30 mm
Grade of steel= 500 Mpa
Grade of Concrete= 20 Mpa
Es= 200000 Mpa

Mu= 0.36*fck*b*xu*(d-0.416*xu)+Asc*(fsc-fcc)*(d-d')


fs= 0.87*fy if the section is balanced or under reinforced < 0.87*fy if the section is over
reinforced and shall correspond to strain es= 0.0035(d-xu)/xu

fsc,fcc= design stresses in compression steel and concrete respectively

corresponding to strain ecs= 0.0035(xu-d')/xu
d'= clearcover to compression reinforcement + diameter of bar/2

a) Assume xu = xu,l
xu,l=0.0035/(0.0055+0.87𝑓𝑦/𝐸𝑠)∗𝑑=133.1596091 mm

Assume xu= 51.3 OK

b) Compute esc= 0.001453

0.696*fy/Es= 0.00174
Hence, fsc= 290.6433
Hence, fcc= 8.253292
c) Compute modified value of xu as,

xu= 51.20913899 OK
xu< xul Hence it is an Under Reinforced Section.
Mu= 69.640 KN-m
Sagging Moment Resistance Capacity (Mu)=69.640kN-m
The Hogging Moment Resisting Capacity =0.87𝑓𝑦𝐴𝑠𝑡𝑑(1−𝐴𝑠𝑡𝑓𝑦/𝑏𝑑𝑓𝑐𝑘

The Hogging Moment Resistance Capacity (Mu)=60.851kN-m

The total Moment Resistance Capacity= 130.490 kN-m
Moment of Resistance of Column


Lower Story
Grade of Concrete= M20
Grade of Steel= Fe500
Size Length= 350mm Breadth= 350mm
Pu= 225.00kN d'/D= 0.15
Ast Provided= 1257 mm²
p/fck= 0.051306122
Pu/fckbD= 0.091836735
Mu/fckbD²= 0.09 Use SP16 Chart 49 Pg. 134
Mu= 77.18kN-m

Upper Story
Grade of Concrete= M20
Grade of Steel= Fe500
Size Length= 350mm Breadth= 350mm
Pu= 225.00kN
Ast Provided= 1257 mm²
d'/D= 0.15
p/fck= 0.051306122
Pu/fckbD= 0.091836735
Mu/fckbD²= 0.09 Use SP16 Chart 49 Pg. 134
Mu= 77.18kN-m

Total= 154.35kN-m
Beam Column Ratio= 1.183
Hence The Beam Column Capacity Ratio is 1.183
415 500
Strain Stress Strain Stress
0.00144 288.7 0.00174 347.8
0.00163 306.7 0.00195 369.6
0.00192 324.8 0.00226 391.3
0.00241 342.8 0.00277 413
0.00276 351.8 0.00312 423.9
0.0038 360.9 0.00417 434.3

stress strain Stress

before 347.8 0.00174 fsc 318.0291 290.6433
after 369.6 0.00195 fcc 8.253292 8.92
Moment of Resistance of Over Reinforced Beam

Width of beam= 250 mm

Depth of Beam= 381 mm
Effective depth of beam (d)= 323 mm
Diameter of rebar= 20 mm
Clear Cover= 20 mm
Ast= 1570 mm2
Asc= 1005 mm2
d'= 30 mm
Grade of steel= 500 Mpa
Grade of Concrete= 20 Mpa
Es= 200000 Mpa

Mu= 0.36*fck*b*xu*(d-0.416*xu)+Asc*(fsc-fcc)*(d-d')


fs=0.0035*(d-xu)/xu if the section is over reinforced

< 0.87*fy if the section is over reinforced and shall correspond to
fsc,fcc= design stresses in compression steel and concrete respectively
corresponding to strain ecs= 0.0035(xu-d')/xu
d'= clearcover to compression reinforcement + diameter of bar/2

a) Assume xu = xu,l

Assume xu= 151

b) Compute ecs= 0.002805 es= 0.003987

0.696*fy/Es= 0.00174
Hence, fsc= 414.0787 fs= 432.485
Hence, fcc= 8.92 Iterate until assum
c) Compute modified value of xu as, is equal to compu
xu= 151.0094

xu> xu,l hence it is an over reinforced section.

Mu= 1.9E+08 N-mm

190.0264 KN-m
415 500 415
Strain Stress Strain Stress Strain Stress
0.00144 288.7 0.00174 347.8 0.00144 288.7
0.00163 306.7 0.00195 369.6 0.00163 306.7
0.00192 324.8 0.00226 391.3 0.00192 324.8
0.00241 342.8 0.00277 413 0.00241 342.8
0.00276 351.8 0.00312 423.9 0.00276 351.8
0.0038 360.9 0.00417 434.3 0.0038 360.9

stress strain stress

before 413 0.00277 fsc 414.0787 before 423.9
after 423.9 0.00312 after 434.3
Iterate until assumed xu
is equal to computed xu fcc 7.476212
Strain Stress
0.00174 347.8
0.00195 369.6
0.00226 391.3
0.00277 413
0.00312 423.9
0.00417 434.3

0.00312 fs 432.485

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