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Whole Body Vibration Exercise:

Training and Benefits
Dennis G. Dolny and G. Francis Cisco Reyes
Department HPERD, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID

DOLNY, D.G., and G.F.C. REYES. Whole body vibration exercise: training and benefits. Curr. Sports Med. Rep., Vol. 7, No. 3,
pp. 152-157, 2008. In recent years, it has been suggested that exercise using whole body vibration (WBV) placfcrrms may increase muscle
activity arui subsequently enhance muscle performance in both acute and chronic conditions. WBV platforms produce frequencies ran^ng
from 15-60 Hz and vertical displacements from ~l-l I mm, resulting in acceleratior\s of -2.2-5.1 g. Acute exposure to WBV has
produced mixed results in terms of improving jump, sprint, arvi measures of muscle performance. With WBV training, younger fit
subjects may not experience gains unless some type of external load is added to WBV exercise. However, sedentary and elderly
individuals have demonstrated significant gair\s in most measures of muscle performance, similar with comparable traditional resistance
exercise training programs. WBV training also has demonstrated gains in flexibility in younger athletic populations arvi gains or
maintenance in bone mineral density m postmenopausal women. These promising results await further research to establish preferred
WBV training parameters.


Humans experience the effects of externally applied forces In most WBV researcb studies, subjects stand on a plat-
constantly when exercising — when our feet contact tbe form or plate tbat produces sinusoidal oscillations eitber in a
ground during locomotion or as we strike objects witb sport vertical up and down motion or tbat rotates about a center
implements. Tbese contacts create vibrations within tbe fulcrum producing up and down vertical motion on alter-
tissues of tbe limbs, wbicb gradually decline as soft tissues nating sides of tbe fulcrum. Tbese movements result in
dampen tbese oscillations. Tbe body relies on a number of vibrations transmitted indirectly to tbe subject tbrougb tbe
factors to acbieve tbis reduction in vibrations, primarily soft legs. WBV platforms produce frequencies ranging from
tissue structures but also bone, synovial fluids, specific joint 15-60 Hz and vertical displacements from -1-11 mm. Tbe
positions, and muscle activity (1). accelerations tbat a body experiences can be estimated from
It bas been suggested tbat externally applied forces in- tbe following equation: a = A*(2Tr ff' wbere a is tbe ac-
tentionally applied directly to eitber muscle tendons or celeration experienced expressed as an equivalent of tbe
skeletal muscle, or indirectly tbrougb wbole body vibration acceleration of eartb's gravity (g), A is tbe amplitude of
(WBV) platforms tbat subjects stand on, increases muscle displacement, and / is tbe frequency of vibration in Hz.
activity and subsequently enbances muscle performance in In many WBV studies, subjects experience accelerations
botb acute and cbronic conditions. Tbis summary will re- of -2.2-5.1 g
view tbe acute and cbronic effects of WBV exposure, discuss As tbe body or body segment is subjected to tbese
tbe potential neuromuscular mecbanisms, provide examples externally applied forces, skeletal muscle activity usually
of typical WBV training regimens, and provide insigbt into increases in an attempt to damper tbese oscillations,
potential use of WBV for unique populations. leading to increases in soft tissue stiffness. An activated
muscle absorbs more vibration energy (2). Dupuis and
Jansen (3) reported tbat under vibration conditions muscle
activation of tbe triceps was greatest at vibration frequen-
Address fm Cfjrresporuience. Dennis C. Dolny, Ph.D.. University of Idaho, College of cies similar to tbe resonant frequencies of tbe wrist and
Educarion. Department HPERD, Human Performance Laborarory, 875 Perimeter elbow (10-20 Hz). Wakeling, Nigg, and Rozitis (4) reported
Drive, PEDIOI, Moscow, ID 83844 (E-mail:
tbat most vibration damping occurred at tbe resonant
frequencies of tbe tissues wben tbe muscles were most
1537-890X/07O3/I52-157 active. Tbey proposed tbat tbe body bas a strategy to
Current Spf>rt5 Medicine Report.s
Copyright © 2008 hy the American College of Sports Medicine minimize its vibration regardless of tbe mode of tbe input

force (muscle tuning hypothesis). Cardinale and Wakeling EXAMPLES OF ACUTE EXPOSURE TO WBV AND
(1) suggest that this strategy may have useful implications MUSCLE PERFORMANCE
for sport training, equipment design, and rehabilitation.
Presently, there has been limited research directed toward Bosco et al. (18) tested elite female volleyhall players for
the optimal WBV platform characteristics (amplitudes and maximal dynamic leg press exercise with loads of 70, 90,
frequencies) applied chronically (training program) and 110, and 130 kg, WBV exposure followed, consisting of
subsequent muscle adaptations. standing with the toes of one leg on the WBV platform with
the knee bent at 100°. The WBV platform was set at 26 Hz
and 10 mm amplitude, and subjects were exposed to 10
PROPOSED MECHANISM OF WBV 60-sec exposures during the single session. The control leg
remained off the WBV platform. The treatment leg signifi-
The most often cited mechanism proposed with WBV cantly increased average velocity, force, and power at all
exposure is the "tonic vibration reflex" (TVR), where extemal loads of leg press,
earlier studies applied a high frequency vibration directly Cardinale and Lim (19) compared the acute effects of
to a muscle tendon for a short period of time, yielding an standing on a WBV platform set at 30, 40, or 50 Hz while
increase in muscle activity (5), Mechanical vibration EMG activity of the vastus lateralis (VL) was measured. The
applied to skeletal muscle or tendon has been shown to greatest EMG activity was during 30 Hz, suggesting that
excite muscle spindle primary endings, primarily la WBV exposure frequencies at or near 30 Hz might yield the
afferent nerve endings (6), However, when these vibra- greatest muscle activation response,
tions were applied directly to a tendon for a longer period of Roelants et al. (20) compared the electromyographic re-
time (>30 sec) decreases rather than increases in muscle sponse ofthe RF, VL, vastus medialis (VM), and GA during
activity were reported (6-8). These decreases might be three unloaded isometric positions: high squat (HS), low
caused by a decrease in muscle spindle firing frequency (9), squat, (LS), and one-legged (OL) squat with and without
increased presynaptic inhibition (10), or decrease in neuro- WBV set at 35 Hz, Compared with control, WBV exposure
transmitter release (11). Because WBV typically uses significantly increased EMG for all muscles during all exer-
exposures longer than 30 sec with the vibration applied cises, ranging from 49% to 361% greater response, OL
indirectly through the feet rather than directly to the produced the greatest EMG for all muscles, and the EMG
tendon, explaining the potential potentiating effect of WBV increase was greatest in the muscle closest to the WBV
upon muscle activation through previous research using platform (GA), It has been determined that the sensitivity
direct stimulation to a muscle tendon may not be appro- of la afferent nerves is higher with stretched (21) and pre-
priate. For example, Nishihira et ai. (12) demonstrated that activated muscle (22), wbicb may account for the response
3-min exposures of WBV during unloaded isometric high of the GA versus the other muscles of the leg. This may
squat leg position significantly increased soleus ratio of H- be the best evidence to date that wben WBV is combined
reflex to M-response, H-reflex and M-response threshold 5 with traditional resistance training (RT) exercises, the ad-
min after WBV exposure. These results suggest that an ditional recruitment of skeletal muscle may prove to further
increase in both la afferents and descending commands to enhance the gains in strength and power associated with
the motorneuron pool to enhance motor unit excitability RT programs.
were responsible for increased motor unit activity.
If WBV training enhances muscle performance, the
mechanism might be through 1) greater activation of EXERCISE TRAINING WITH WBV
agonists during maximally contracted muscle or decrease
of antagonistic muscle activation, and/or 2) greater gains Nordlund and Thorstensson (13) conducted a literature
in muscle mass or increased quality of muscle contrac- review of WBV with studies that included a control group
tion (13). Regarding the first point, two acute studies and had a training period lasting at least 1 wk. In the studies
have demonstrated that WBV applied during an where the control group performed the identical type of
unloaded squat position yielded greater electromyography training as the WBV group, four of five reported no dif-
(EMG) for rectus femoris (RF) and gastrocnemius ferences between WBV and control groups for strength and
(GA) than without WBV (14,15). Because WBV applies jump performances. These studies also used younger, rela-
relatively low loads to skeletal muscle, an enhanced impact tively active adults. When WBV training was compared
upon muscle hypertrophy is unlikely. In one study, with passive control groups (no exercise), consistently
WBV training did not result in significant gains in greater improvements in muscle performance were reported.
estimates of lean body mass (15) despite a report (16) This only demonstrates that WBV is preferred to performing
where WBV caused an acute increase in circulating no exercise at all to improve muscle strength and jumping
levels of testosterone and growth hormone with a performance. Many of these studies also used mixed-gender
decrease in cortisol levels, suggesting that WBV facili- or postmenopausal women over tbe age of 60.
tates an anabolic state for skeletal muscle. However, In a second review by Rehn, Lidstrom, Skoglung, and
this result was not verified with WBV training as Lindstrom (23), they concluded that tbere is strong to
Kvorning et al. (17) reported no change in pre- versus moderate evidence that long-term WBV exercise can have
post-training levels of circulating testosterone, growth positive effects upon the leg muscular performance among
hormone, and cortisol. untrained subjects and the elderly. In their review, of 9 of 14

Volume 7 • Number 3 • May/June 2008 Whole Body Vibration Exercise 153

studies that reported significant improvements of leg WBV AND FLEXIBILITY TRAINING
strength or power, eight used untrained or elderly sub-
jects, of which the majority were female. However, there WBV training may have beneficial effects for improv-
was no clear evidence of benefits for muscular perform- ing flexibility and range of motion when added to tradi-
ance after short-term (single bout) vibration exposure. Of tional flexibility training programs. For example, 22 young
the five studies analyzed, three showed positive results (11.3 + 2.6 yr) gymnasts were assigned to either normal
with young adult subjects. flexibility training or WBV applied during flexibility train-
Additionally, there is a wide range of WBV protocols ing (28). Subjects who only performed flexibility training
used in the literature. The typical vibration frequency used improved right and left forward split - 2 % while the gym-
is about 26-30 Hz, although 35 and 40 Hz also are used. The nasts who were only exposed to vibration improved -9.5%.
amplitudes range from -2-10 mm, and studies use exercises The combined group increased 18.5%. When subjects per-
ranging from unloaded, exclusively isometric stances formed static stretches prior to a CMJ and static jump test,
through the use of dynamic, added resistance exercise. In a significant decline in jump height was observed. When
each case, the authors did not provide a rationale for se- stretching was performed on the vibration device, there
lecting the WBV parameters. They appear to mimic volume was no subsequent decline in any parameter (peak force,
and intensity manipulation one uses for traditional resist- RFD, or jump height). It appears that adding vibration
ance training programs. This further highlights the need exposure to flexibility training significantly improves flexi-
for more research before vibration training is recommended bility while maintaining explosive strength. Stone et al. (29)
as a component of any training program. demonstrated that static stretching hurts acute explosive
performances, maximal strength, rate of force development
(RFD), and power. The benefit of WBV may be caused by a
EXAMPLES OF EXERCISE TRAINING WITH WBV decrease in musculotendinous stiffness, muscle antagonist
inhibition, and increased pain threshold.
Ronnestad (24) trained male subjects for 5 wk. One WBV also has been applied directly to muscles of the leg
group performed 6-10 RM squat exercise while standing when young gymnasts trained 5 d weekly for 4 wk, placing
on a WBV platform set at 40 Hz, while the other group lower extremity muscles on a specially designed vibrating
performed the squat exercise without WBV. Both groups box set at 30 Hz and 2 mm. The subjects demonstrated a
significantly increased squat 1-RM and CMJ performance; significantly greater ROM in their right leg rear but not
however the WBV group's increases were greater: 32.4% their left leg rear split performance (30). Van den Tillar
versus 24.2% and 9.0% versus 4.2%, for squat and CMJ, (31) evaluated the combined effect of WBV and proprio-
respectively. ceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching with
Postmenopausal subjects were assigned to either a WBV PNF only. Subjects in tbe combined group stood in a squat
program (maintaining high squat, deep squat, wide stance, position on a WBV platform set at 28 Hz for three 30-sec
and lunge positions on a WBV platform set from 35-40 Hz exposures before PNF flexibility training. The combined
and 2.5-5.0 mm), traditional resistance training (leg press group improved ROM 30% versus a 14% improvement for
and leg extension with 8-20 RM loads), or assigned to a the PNF-only group.
control group throughout the training period (24 wks).
Mea^sures~of isometric' and"dyna"mic"krTee"extension~strength
gains were similar comparing both training groups, while' POTENTIAL HEALTH-RELATED BENEFITS OF WBV
the WBV group improved more with CMJ performance.
These results suggest that unloaded WBV exercises are just Bone mineral density
as effective as traditional RT for increasing leg strength in In addition to the potential benefits for muscle perform-
older women (25). ance, WBV may provide an even greater stimulus for main-
Annino et al. (26) trained ballet dancers for 8 weeks, taining or improving bone health. Gusi, Raimundo, and
three times per week on a WBV platform, standing in a Leal (32) assigned 28 post-menopausal women to a walking
half squat position for five 40-sec periods with 60 sec or a WBV training group for 8 months. The WBV trained
rest. Compared with dancers who only performed regular 3 d weekly with six 1-min exposures (standing with knees
training and demonstrated small increases in performance flexed to 60° on a platform set at 12.6 Hz and 3 mm) while
measures, the WBV group increased CMJ 6.3% and the walking group exercised for 55 min, 3 d weekly. The
average leg extension power and velocity by 25% and WBV group significantly increased BMD of the femoral
26%, respectively. neck 4.3%, while the increase at the spine was NS. Ad-
Improvements in muscle rate of force development, sprint ditionally, measurement of balance improved 29% in the
speed, and velocity of limb movement as a result of tradi- WBV group. Torvinen et ai (33) conducted an 8-month
tional versus WBV training also have demonstrated little randomized control trial where subjects (men and women
additive benefit of applying WBV (27). Most WBV studies aged 19-38 yr) were assigned to a control or an intervention
use static body positions held for 30-60 sec. This assumes group where subjects were exposed to 4 min, 3-5 times
that both agonists and antagonists are co-contracted, which weekly on a platform set to vibrate at 25 to 45 Hz in as-
may question the relative benefit of using only static exer- cending order. In spite of a 7.8% gain in jump height, bone
cise during WBV for improving ballistic, dynamic activities mineral content, serum markers of bone turnover, and esti-
such as jumping and sprinting. mates of bone mass and structure were not affected at any

154 Current Sports Medicine Reports

skeletal site. The subjects in the WBV group assumed a training should be conducted with some degree of flexion of
series of body positions during the 4-min exposure, which the ankle, knee, and hip joints. Another technique is to
the authors proposed may have altered the distribution of either stand upright with only the forefoot (heels off) in
body oscillations, thus reducing the accelerations experi- contact with the platform or to stand on the platform but
enced by the subjects. Short bouts of extremely low-level raise the heels off the platform. Both techniques should re-
mechanical vibrations (~0.3 g), several orders of magnitude duce the transmission of vibrations to the torso, neck,
below that associated with vigorous exercise, increased bone and head.
and muscle mass in the weight-bearing skeleton of young
adult females with low BMD (34). Should these muscu-
loskeletal enhancements be preserved through adulthood, RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EXERCISE TRAINING
this intervention may prove to be a deterrent to osteoporosis WITH WBV
in the elderly. A 1-yr prospective, randomized, double-blind,
and placebo-controlled trial (35), 70 postmenopausal When designing WBV training programs, there are sev-
women demonstrated that brief periods (<20 min) of a eral factors to consider:
low-level (0.2 g, 30 Hz) vibration applied during quiet L Type of vibration platform — vertical verse recipro-
standing can effectively inhibit bone loss in the spine and cating sinusoidal oscillations
femur, with efficacy increasing significantly with greater 2. Vibration frequency — typically ranges from about
compliance, particularly in those subjects with lower body 25-45 Hz
mass. The spine of lighter women (<65 kg), who were in 3. Amplitude — ranges from -1-10.5 mm
the highest quartile of exercise compliance, exhibited a 4. Body position(s) — joint angles of limbs on platform
relative benefit of active treatment of 3.35% greater BMD. for static exercise
For the mean compliance group, a 2.73% relative benefit 5. Number of Exercises — static and/or dynamic
in BMD was reported. These preliminary results indicate 6. Number of sets for each exercise
the potential for a noninvasive, mechanically mediated in- 7. Number of Sessions per week
tervention for osteopotosis. 8. Duration of WBV exposure per exercise
9. Rest period between exercises
10. Footwear
Subjects in many training studies have worn gymnastic
It is well known in an occupational setting that chronic shoes to decrease risk of bruising and minimize the damp-
exposure to a vibrating source may be quite deleterious to ening effect from the soles of sport shoes. WBV training
overall health and well-being (36). Although the expo- should have a progressive overload sequence that includes
sure to WBV is typically much lower in frequency and gradually adding either more sessions per week, more exer-
amplitude (thus lower g forces) than that of many occupa- cises per session, more sets per exercise, more intense exer-
tional jobs, the transmission of vibrations from the WBV cises (one-legged exercises more stressful than two-legged),
platform to the neck and head should be avoided. The greater duration per exercise, or shorter rest interval be-
resonant frequency (ResF) of the human body standing fully tween exercises. Common unloaded static or dynamic WBV
clothed ranges from 9-16 Hz in humans (37), with mean exercises are high squat, low squat, wide stance squat, one-
values for males and females very similar (12.2 vs 12.3 Hz). legged squats, and lunges.
ResF is when the acceleration ratio between a body seg- See Table for an example of a WBV training program for
ment and the vibration source is maximum. ResF increases postmenopausal women.
with muscle stiffness and decreases with body mass. This For younger, athletic subjects, since WBV exposure alone
transmissibility factor also differs by body position. Little may not be a sufficient stimulus for eliciting chronic adap-
is known relative to WBV and RF during various types of tations in muscle hypertrophy, strength, and power, it is
exercise. The most common side effects of WBV exercise recommended that this population use WBV either as 1) a
appear to be erythema, itching, and edema of the legs "preconditioning" activity immediately before performing
(38,39). Recent recommendations (40) proposed a system- traditional RT and conditioning programs or 2) perform RT
atic study of the resonance frequencies for various body simultaneously with WBV. Additional exercises performed
positions with respect to the vibrating source, different body by healthy, fit subjects may include wide stance squat jumps,
weights, and differing levels of muscle stiffness. For now, jump onto platform and hold landing, and dynamic one-
to avoid high transmission factors to the head, all WBV legged squats. Some WBV platforms are large enough to

TABLE. Example of whole hody vibration (WBV) training for postmenopausal women.

Level WBV Frequency (Hz) Amplitude (mm) Number of Exercises Reps per Exerci; Duration (sec) Rest Period (sec)

Beginner 30 -1-2 2 1-2 30 60

Intermediate 30-35 -2-3 4 3 45 30
Advanced 35^0 -4-5 6-8 3 60 10

Volume 7 • Number 3 • May/June 2008 Whole Body Vibration Exercise 155

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