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Feder%lism is % system of

government in which %
written constitution divides
power between % centr%l
government %nd region%l or
sub-division%l governments.
Both types of government
%ct directly upon the people
through their offici%ls %nd
l%ws. For the gener%l
underst%nding Feder%lism is
% system of government in
which entities such %s
st%tes or provinces sh%re
power with % n%tion%l
Feder%lism in Nep%l is % new
governing system which is
going to be implemented.
Especi%lly Nep%lese
Constitution 2073 cle%rly
st%ted th%t Nep%l will be the
feder%l country %nd where
centr%l government will be
divided into three levels th%t
%re Feder%l Government,
Provinci%l government %nd
Loc%l Government. Nep%l is
% multi lingu%l, multi
l%ngu%ge, multi ethnic
n%tion so due to these v%ry
it h%s m%ny ch%llenges h%s
going to be %ppe%red %nd it
h%s m%ny import%nce too.
Both import%nce %nd
ch%llenges h%s been
highlighted below.
Import'nce of Nep'lese
● Ag'inst Centric

Ruling System – One

of the most import%nt
points of feder%lism in
dividing the power
between the n%tion%l
government %nd st%te
governments, %nd
spre%ding the n%tion%l
governmentʼs power
%mong two br%nches
th%t %re Loc%l
government %nd
Province Government.
● Exp'nds
Opportunities –
Feder%l system exp%nds
the opportunities for
citizens to p%rticip%te in
the v%rious levels of
government. It cre%tes
%n opportunities to
politic%l, %dministr%tive
%nd %s % whole to the
loc%l government%l
● Conflict M'n'gement
– By %llowing different
communities %nd st%te
to cre%te their own
policies, they %llow for
people with
differences, or very
strong dis%greements,
to live in sep%r%te %re%s
%nd cre%te their own
solutions, or policies,
th%t would be tot%lly
dis%gree%ble to the
other people in other
st%tes or regions of the
● More Responsiveness
tow'rds Citizen – The
loc%l %nd province
government c%n be
more responsive to the
citizen needs. A
government entity is to
its citizens; the more
likely it is the respond to
the needs of citizens.
St%tes %re more likely to
listen to citizen needs,
%nd respond to them,
th%n the n%tion%l
government would be.
● Equ'l Development –
One of the m%in
%djectives of the feder%l
system is to develop
equ%lly %nd %s per
equit%ble m%nner to the
gr%ssroots level.
Nep%lese constitution
h%s been %ssumed th%t
%ll the sector would be
developed by
p%rticip%ting of loc%l
people %t %ll the
development ph%ses.
● Protection of
Diversity – Constitution
of the ye%r 2047 B.C.
st%ted Nep%l %s multi
lingu%l %nd multi c%ste
b%sed country but it
didnʼt protect the rights
of %ll people such %s
v%rious ethnic group,
indigenous people,
women, m%deshi, d%lit
etc.  But the new
Nep%lese constitution
believes th%t feder%l
system will protect %ll
the right of them %nd
will respect their cultur%l
%spect by formul%ting
f%vor%ble l%ws %nd
policy in the loc%l level.
● More Democr'tic
Pr'ctices: Power
decentr%liz%tion is one
of the m%jor %ctivities of
democr%cy. Nep%lese
constitution is going to
provide %ll the m%jor
centr%l governing t%sk
to the loc%l level
through feder%l system
they %re; executive
power, judici%ry power
%nd p%rli%ment%ry
power. Thus, this is %
best democr%tic
pr%ctice in the world.
This type of power
distribution process will
help people to be more
responsible %nd more
‘weʼ feelings to the
n%tion%l development

And we %re presented here

some Ch%llenges of Feder%l
System in Nep%l th%t %re
given below.


·      *   Deb'te in
Restructuring: One of the
m%jor t%sks h%s been still
rem%ining to give % fin%l
number of provinci%l st%te
%nd dr%w the lines between
constituent units on the
b%sis of ethnicity, l%ngu%ge
or geogr%phic%l fe%tures or
resource distribution. And
there is %lso conflict %bout
the n%ming process.
M%deshi p%rties %re
dem%nding one M%desh %nd
one Pr%desh which is re%lly
impr%ctic%ble. Likewise
other n%tion%l p%rties %lso
lobbying for the province
%ssoci%te with ethnicity %nd
c%ste b%sed system which
will be the more complic%ted
to %ddress their voice who
%re not covering their right
·         * Inequ'lities
between different st'tes:
It %llows for inequ%lities
between different st%te or
province. For ex%mple,
inste%d of educ%tion funding
throughout the country
being the s%me, since it is %
st%te issue, some st%tes will
spend more, per c%pit%, on
educ%tion th%n other st%tes,
c%using wh%t could be
considered % disp%rity. The
s%me goes for other things,
%s well, such %s t%xed,
he%lth c%re progr%ms, %nd
welf%re progr%ms.
·        *  Ag'inst the
N'tion'l policies: the
st%tes c%n fight %g%inst the
existence of cert%in n%tion%l
l%ws by ch%llenging them in
court, or going out of their
w%y to not enforce those
n%tion%l l%ws, or even
deliber%tely obstructing
enforcement of n%tion%l l%w.
·     * Difficulties for the
Hum'n Resource
M'n'gement: Of course
%fter implementing the
feder%l system there will be
huge requirements to the %ll
bure%ucr%tic %nd non
bure%ucr%tic sectors. Thus,
during the settlement of
hum%n resource, current
bure%ucr%ts c%n %void the
centr%l decision %nd centr%l
government c%nnot hire
c%p%ble person in % single

Economic Ch'llenges
·       *  Fin'nci'l Burden:
Other m%jor b%d %spect of
the feder%l system is
fin%nci%l burden. Huge
%mount will be expenses for
the infr%structure
development %nd for %ll the
elected members in three
levels i.e. Centr%l level,
province level %nd loc%l
level. According to current
politic%l discussion;
Estim%ted 1200 %ssembly
member %re expected if th%t
discussion h%s been
fin%lized, %mount of the
government%l expenditure
will be higher.
8      *  Conflict reg'rding
revenue system: The
economic rel%ted policy c%n
be disput%ble when revenue,
t%x %nd other ch%rge %re
going to collect %nd sh%re
with centr%l government.
Due to l%ck of proper policy
rel%ted to t%x %nd revenue,
loc%l or centr%l government
will be confused where t%x
%nd revenue will be
collected? And by whom?
·   * Difficulties for
resource mobiliz'tion: Itʼs
been % deb%ting issue %bout
the proper resource
distribution %nd utiliz%tion of
n%tur%l %nd %v%il%ble
resources. One st%te c%nnot
sh%re their income or benefit
which is collected from their
intern%l resources th%t c%n
be n%tur%l %nd industry.
Gener%lly in the prospective
of Nep%l, we c%n %n%lyze
th%t Bir%tn%g%r %nd Birg%nj
%re m%in industri%l %re% of
Nep%l but their provinci%l
government c%nnot sh%re
her benefits to other st%tes
th%t c%n be conflicting issue
future. And %nother %spect
reg%rding the resource
utiliz%tion, if other st%te c%n
w%nts to use resources from
%nother st%te, the owner
st%te c%n t%ke high interest.
Politic'l Ch'llenges
·    *  Unqu'lified elected
member: Itʼs % m%jor
ch%llenges of feder%lism
pr%ctice in Nep%l bec%use
m%jority of the elected
member %re not so qu%lified
in leg%l %spect %nd %bout
pl%nning, implement%tion
process. We c%nnot im%gine
th%t feder%l system will be
implemented within  % short
period from %n uneduc%ted
%nd unqu%lified personnel.
They need to study %nd
need consult%tion from the
expert which m%y t%ke long
·    *  Use 's pl'yground:
Nep%l is like % b%by child
%bout the feder%l governing
system. All the politici%ns
%re new pl%yers reg%rding
feder%lism so in the me%n
time intern%tion%l %ff%irs
c%n use our st%te %g%inst
the centr%l l%ws %nd policy.
Like Indi% c%n pl%y role in
M%desh re%son to m%ke
f%vor%ble environment %nd
Chin% c%n cre%te the s%me
situ%tion in Northern p%rt %s
·      *  Alli'nce for
feder'lism: Anti feder%lism
p%rty still existing in our
country like R%stiry%
J%n%morch% P%rty is %lw%ys
b%rg%ining to m%ke %n
unit%ry governing system
but m%jority of the p%rty %re
supporting feder%l system
so th%t it h%s bit ch%llenges
%bout it %s

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