Critical Result

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Jenis Tes
No Waktu Tes Nilai Normal Nilai Kritis
1 Hemoglobin 10-15 menit Pr: 12-14 gr/dl  <6.0 g/dl - ≥ 24.0 g/dl
Lk: 14-16 gr% (< 7 minggu)
 <6.0 g/dl - > 20.0 g/dl (
> 7 minggu)
 ≤ 7 gr/dl (adult)
2 Trombosit 10-15 menit 150.000-  ≤50 atau > 600 x 103/uL(adult)
400.000/mm3  <30 atau >800 x 103/uL
3 Glukosa Darah Cara Kering <200 mg/dl  <50 atau >250 mg/dl (neonatus)
Sewaktu (Rapid) 10-15  <70 atau > (peds &
me,nit adults)
Cara Basah <200 mg/dl  <50 atau >250 mg/dl (adult)
60-90 menit

4 Kreatinin 60-90 menit <1.5 mg/dl  ≥ l,5mg/dl (1 day-4 weeks)

 ≥ 2.0 mg/dl (5weeks-23
 ≥ 2,5 mg/dl (2 yrs-llyrs)
 ≥ 3,0 mg/dl (12 yrs-15 yrs)
 GGA: >3 mg/dl
 GGK: >6 mg/dl
5 Creatinin kinase total 60-90 menit <190 U/L (L) ≥ 10.000 U/L
<167 U/L (P)
6 Creatinin Kinase 60-90 menit <25U/L >25 U/L
Myonal Band
7 Troponin T 30-45 menit Negative Positif
8 Kalium 60-90 menit 3.5-5.1 mmol/L ≤ 2.5 - ≥ 6.0 mM/L
9 Natrium 60-90 menit 136 -145 mmol/L ≤ 120 - ≥ 160 mM/L
10 Clorida 60-90 menit 97-111 mmol/L <80 atau >120 mM/L
11 Analisa Gas 60-90 menit pH : 7.35 - 7.45 Asidosis berat < 7.1
Darah pC02:35-45
HC03 : 22 - 26
Alkalosis berat > 7.6
12 Activated Partial 10-15 menit 22-30 sec ≥ 80 sec
Time, Plasma
13 INR (International 10-15 menit 0,88-1,32 ≥ 2,0-3,0
Normalizing Ratio)
14 Fibrinogen 10-15 menit 189-283 mg/dl < 60 mg/dl
15 WBC count 10-15 menit 4.0xl03/ul  <1.0 atau 50.0 x 109/L (adult)
-10.0xl03/ul  <1.5 atau >30.0 x 109/L
16 Neutrophils 10-15 menit ≤ 0.5 x 109/L
17 Hematokrit 10-15 menit 37%-48% <21.0% atau >60.0%
18 Lactate 60-90 menit >5 mmol/L
19 Bilirubin total 60-90 menit < 1,1 mg/dl  >15 mg/dL (neonatus) lebih
dari 10 hari
 ≥ 100 mg/dL (adult)
20 Calcium total* 8,62-10,31 mg/dL < 5 mg/dl - ≥13.0 mg/Dl
21 Calcium ionized <0,87 atau >1,41 mmol/L
22 FT4 0,932-1,71 ng/dL ≥ 9.0 ng/dL (< 50 thn)
≥ 6.0 ng/dL (> 50 thn)
23 Iron serum 60-90 menit 59-148 ug/dl ≥ 350 ug/dl
37-148 ug/dl
24 Magnesium serum 60-90 menit 1,77-2,58 mg/dl ≥ 1.0 - a: 9.0 mg/dL
25 Bacterial Culture, 3 – 7 hari Positive result from blood, sterile
Aerobic body fluid, normally sterile tissue
26 Bacterial Culture, 3 – 7 hari Identification of Bacillus
Aerobic (also includes antrhracis, Brucella spp.,
Enteric Pathogen Clostridium botulinum,
Culture Corynebacterium diphtheriae,
and Bacteria/Candida Francisella tularensis, Vibrio
Culture, Blood) or cholerae, or Yersinia pestis
Bacterial Culture,
27 Gram Stain 1 – 2 hari Positive result from a sterile body
fluid, normally sterile tissue

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lengkap :
 Nama, tanggal lahir, no. rekam medis dan ruang rawat pasien
 Nama dokter pengirim dan no Hp
 Gejala Klinis pasien

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