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Study and analysis of Adour Mk.

811 Engine


HAL, a Defense PSU, is a major player in the global aviation arena. It has
built up comprehensive skills in design, manufacture and overhaul of fighters,
trainers, helicopters, transport aircraft, engines, avionics and system equipment.
Its product track record consists of 12 types of aircraft from in-house R&D and
14 types by license production inclusive of 8 types of aero engines and over
1000 items of aircraft system equipment (avionics, mechanical, electrical).

HAL has produced over 3550 aircraft, 3650 aero-engines and overhauled
around 8750 aircraft & 28400 engines besides manufacture/overhaul of related
accessories and avionics. The Company has the requisite core competence base
with a demonstrated potential to become a global player.

HAL has 19 production divisions for manufacture and overhaul of aircraft,

helicopters, engine and accessories. It has also 9 R&D Centres to give a thrust
to research & development.

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Study and analysis of Adour Mk.811 Engine

Fig 1.1: Divisions in HAL

HAL’s major supplies/services are to Indian Air Force, Indian Navy,

Indian Army, Coast Guard and Border Security Force. Transport aircraft and
Helicopters have been supplied to Airlines as well as State Governments. The
Company has also achieved a foothold in export in more than 20 countries,
having demonstrated its quality and price competitiveness. HAL is a major
partner for the Space Vehicle programmes of the Indian Space Research
Organisation. It has also diversified into the fields of industrial & marine gas
turbine business and real-time software business.

HAL is now ranked 34th in the list of world’s top 100 defence companies. HAL
continues its growth with a sales turnover of 2.1 Billion US Dollars during the
financial year 2007-08. It has doubled its turnover in 3 years. It has declared
profit before tax of 538 Million US Dollars.

The Engine Division, which is ISO-9002 certified, was set up in 1957 to

manufacture Orpheus turbo jet engines under licence from Rolls Royce. In

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Study and analysis of Adour Mk.811 Engine

1959, another licence agreement was signed with Rolls Royce to manufacture
Dart engines to power HS-748 passenger aircraft and overhaul Avon engines
fitted on Canberra & Hunter aircraft. Since then, the division has grown from
strength to strength. It is now engaged in the manufacture of Artouste engines
for Chetak/Cheetah helicopters, Adour engines for Jaguar aircraft and Garrett
engines for Dornier aircraft. Engine division also undertakes repair and
overhaul of various aero engines operated by Indian Airforce, Indian Navy,
Indian Army, Coast Guard, Border Security Force, Corporate sector, State
Government and other civil customers. The division has manufactured more
than 2,100 aero engines and overhauled & repaired 11,000 engines.

The division, during four decades of its existence, has acquired state-of-art-
technologies for manufacture, repair and overhaul of engines. It has a well
equipped CNC shop comprising over 25 machine tools. Facilities also include
Electron Beam Welding, vacuum Brazing, Electric Discharge / Chemical
forming machines and others. The division has also set up shops for special
coating processes to combat high temperature and atmospheric corrosion
conditions, protection against surface erosions, such as Plasma Spray,
Aluminium Silicon diffusion coating, Sermetal coating.

Engine and Test bed R & D centre, which is part of the Engine Division, has
specialised in the development of small Gas Turbines & Engine Test Beds.
The AERDC is equipped with necessary modern infrastructures. The R&D
centre has developed a gas turbine engine for Pilotless Target Aircraft and jet
Fuel Starter for starting the engine of Light Combat Aircraft. The R & D centre
has also designed and installed engine test beds for Russian and western origin
aero engines on turnkey basis.

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Study and analysis of Adour Mk.811 Engine

Fig 1.2: HAL Engine Division


The evolution of the Adour has resulted in the continuous introduction

of new technology in each engine variant. For example, the Adour Mk 951
features a Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC). The Adour is a twin
spool, counter-rotating turbofan engine that delivers thrust in the range of
5,000 to 8,000 lb. This engine gives operators increased thrust, increased life
leading to reduced life cycle costs and greater performance. The Adour engine
cycle meets the dual requirements of both ground attack and advanced
training, for either land-based or carrier operations.

The Adour turbofan was the first engine developed under a European
cooperative program to enter quantity production and to see service on a wide
scale. The engine was designed and developed by Rolls-Royce and Turbomeca,
initially for the Anglo French Jaguar, but was later ordered for the Japanese T2
and Fl, the British Hawk, and the U.S. Navy T-45A, where the engine has the
U.S. military designation F405. The Adour entered service with the British and

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Study and analysis of Adour Mk.811 Engine

French Air Forces in 1972. Since then over 2500 engines have been delivered
for the air forces of countries world-wide. Further advanced variants of the
engine are now under development for later versions of Adour powered aircraft.
The Adour was initially designed well within the limits of technology available
when its specification was formulated. The aim was to produce a relatively
simple and rugged design, with modest operating temperatures, capable of
performing reliably under the demanding conditions required for training and
for the low level strike role. This approach has paid off in service, where in over
3 million hours of operation, the Adour has earned an excellent reputation for
reliability, resistance to foreign object damage (FOD) and simple maintenance.
Without doubt, the Adour-powered Hawk is today's premier trainer/light strike
aircraft. The Adour continues to provide a significant potential for uprating, as
shown by the higher thrust versions now coming into service, and under

Jaguar Aircraft is powered by two Adour MK 804 / MK 811 Engines. MK 811

Engines are manufactured from 1981 under licence from RR/TM [ Rolls Royce
Turbomeca].Adour MK 804 Engines are also overhauled and repaired under the
above licence. Adour Engine is a bypass Jet Engine of modular construction.
The Adour has two-stage low pressure and five-stage high pressure axial flow
Compressors which are driven by separate, single stage high pressure and low
pressure Turbines connected through co-axial shafts, with low pressure shaft
passing through high pressure shaft.

They have opened a new Service Delivery Centre (SDC) at Naval Air Station
Kingsville (TX); the first such facility opened by Rolls-Royce in the US. It
supports the T-45 aircraft used to train US Navy and Marine Corps pilots and is
based on a highly successful model that puts engineering and services staff on-
base, increasing efficiency and communication. Under a Rolls-Royce
MissionCare® contract, the company provides engine availability and readiness,

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reducing risk and administrative burden on the US Navy, allowing the service to
focus on its training missions. We’ve successfully provided Power by the
Hour® service to the US Navy for its F405 engine fleet since 2003. Capt.
Christopher Misner, commanding officer of NAS Kingsville, said, "Rolls-Royce
is an essential partner in supporting Training Air Wing Two's mission of
training half the carrier-qualified pilots in the Navy and Marine Corps." The
Rolls-Royce F405 (Adour) engine powers a variety of military aircraft around
the world, with more than 8 million engine flight hours.

In the early 1960s both the French and British air staffs had requirements for
new trainer and strike aircraft for service entry in the early 1970s. Since it was
recognized that there would be economic and industrial advantages in
collaboration, a joint requirement was reached by the two countries by April
1965. The joint requirement called for tactical support aircraft and supersonic
trainer for entry into service in 1971. To meet the requirement, the Defence
Ministers of Britain and France signed a collaboration agreement that led to the
Jaguar aircraft. Meanwhile the engine for the Jaguar had emerged from joint
studies by Rolls-Royce and Turbomeca. The engine was initially known as the
RB 172-T260 but was later named Adour after the French river which rises in
the Pyrenees and flows near the Turbomeca factory at Tarnos. As usual, Rolls-
Royce tradition at that time required the engine be named after a river, and a
French river satisfied honor in both countries.


Meanwhile the engine for the Jaguar had emerged from joint studies by
Rolls-Royce and Turbomeca. The engine was initially known as the RB 172-
T260 but was later named Adour after the French river which rises in the
Pyrenees and flows near the Turbomeca factory at Tarnos. As usual, Rolls-

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Royce tradition at that time required the engine be named after a river, and a
French river satisfied honor in both countries. The fourth Adour powered
aircraft, the British Aerospace Hawk, was designed to meet an RAF
requirement for a basic and advanced jet trainer. Powered by a single non-
afterburning Adour, the Hawk is fully aerobatic and has been developed for
other operational roles, such as the single seat Hawk 200. The fifth Adour
powered aircraft is the Hawk-derived T-45A, a trainer version with hook and
speed brakes for the United States Navy, being jointly developed by McDonnell
Douglas and British Aerospace.


The Adour engine cycle was chosen to meet the demanding requirements
of ground attack and advanced training. A low bypass ratio of 0.75 to 1 was
chosen to combine a small frontal area with the good fuel economy of the
turbofan, and to provide the capability for substantial thrust increases through
afterburning. Also, the traditional turbofan thrust lapse rate with altitude is
minimized at this bypass ratio, providing good climb performance. Moderate
operating temperatures and pressures were specified and combined with rugged
construction to provide good reliability, high resistance to FOD, and
considerable potential for thrust growth. Substantial improvements in
maintainability were provided by grouping all major accessories on the
underside to provide easy access, and by adopting modular construction. The
engine was designed in close cooperation with Turbomeca, who continue to
have engineering responsibility for the Low Pressure and High Pressure
compressors, intermediate casing, external gearbox and pipework. Rolls-Royce
is responsible for design and development of the remainder of the engine,
including the afterburner used in the Jaguar variant.

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The Adour's two stage LP compressor is driven by a single-stage LP
turbine: the five stage HP compressor is driven by a single stage HP turbine
with air cooled blades. There are no inlet guide vanes or variable stator vanes,
and the HP compressor bleed valve is operated during engine start only. These
features, combined with short compressor assemblies, low aspect ratio blading
and the submerged entry into the high-pressure compressor, have given the
Adour its excellent resistance to bird impact and FOD. Location bearings are
placed forward, away from the hot end of the engine, and all mainshaft roller
bearings are damped hydraulically to minimize vibration. Airspray (simplex)
fuel injection nozzles are used in the annular combustor. The engine control
system is simple and reliable, with a hydromechanical fuel control unit based
upon that of the Rolls-Royce Dart turboprop. The system is controlled by an
electronic amplifier which has duplicated control channels, and is fully
hardened against Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI). A digital fuel control is
currently under development. The afterburner (when fitted) provides thrust
boost which is fully variable. For the United States Navy role, the F405 as it is
known, also utilizes an Onboard Oxygen Generation System (OBOGS), a back-
up fuel control system, and an Engine Condition Monitoring System. The
Adour was initially designed as a modular engine, with the major shafts joined
by curvic couplings. These enable compressor and turbine modules to be
removed and replaced by prebalanced units without the need for any balancing
after module replacement.


The non-afterburning Adour for the BAe Hawk is basically the same as
the Jaguar engine. Internal differences are limited to minor aerodynamic
rematching. Detail changes were also made to suit the Hawk installation,
including the provision of a drive for a second hydraulic pump, should one fail

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in this single-engined aircraft. Further, a number of minor changes to the engine

control system, including introduction of dual channel electronic amplifier,
were made in recognition of the single engine installation. The U.S. Navy
required a Back-Up Fuel Control System for the same reason, and this was
developed specifically for the T-45A program under a contract from McDonnell
Douglas. The first version of the Adour for the Hawk was designated Mk 151.
Due to the elimination of reheat system losses, it gave a dry thrust of 5200 lbs.,
compared with the 5115 lbs. of the Mk 102 on which it was based. Export
versions of the Mk 151 were designated Mk 851. These Marks of Adour are in
service with air forces in the UK, Kenya, Indonesia and Finland. Developments
of the Adour for the Jaguar heralded similar changes to the Mk 851 in the
Hawk. These changes introduced the Mk 861 engine which has 10% more take
off thrust than the Mk 151 and about 21% more under high forward speed/low
level conditions. The Mk 861 is the current production standard for the Hawk
engine and is in service in Zimbabwe, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia
and Switzerland. Present development activity is centered on the Mk 871 for the
British Aerospace single seat Hawk 200 attack aircraft, its two-seat trainer
variant, the Hawk 100, and the U.S. Navy T-45A, due to enter service in 1990.
The Mk 871 incorporates an increase in LP spool speed from 104 to 108%,
improved life components, enhanced turbine entry temperature and the
introduction of an LP speed limiter. In addition, the engine has been matched
for ISA +35 degrees C operations. These modifications give the Mk 871 a 30%
thrust advantage over the Mk 861 at high forward speed and low level
conditions, particularly in hot climates. Due to performance shortfalls of the T-
45A in hot climates, the 871 has superseded the 861 as the production engine
for this aircraft. The U.S. Navy designation of the 871 is F405-RR-401.[1]

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Historically, engines have evolved from simple conceptions to very

complex designs. Yet,several different types of engines continue to be used. For
a given application, one particular type may be significantly better than another.
The Engines used in an Aircraft are basically

RAMJET- The "simplest" jet engine is the ramjet. This engine is only used in
very high speed applications and is not capable of self-propelled takeoff. The
ramjet is simple because it has no moving parts. Basically, the engine moves
relative to the air with a velocity U. Air enters the diffuser, where the air
pressure is significantly increased owing to the high air speed. Air enters the
combustor next and mixes with the fuel and burns,thus increasing the
temperature. Finally, the hot and expanded gases are accelerated and leave the
engine through the nozzle, producing thrust.

Fig 2.1: Ramjet

TURBOJET- The turbojet represents the next level of engine complexity. The
turbojet also has a diffuser, which decreases the fluid velocity and increases the
incoming air pressure. Air enters the compressor next, where the fluid is worked
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on and the density is increased, and this process is accompanied by an elevation

in pressure and a moderate increase in temperature. The air then enters the
combustor, where the injected fuel burns with the air. The temperature and
specific volume ofthe gas increase significantly. The turbine is used to extract
some of the energy from the air, and this energy is used to drive
the compressor; the turbine and compressor are on the same shaft. Finally, the
hot and expanded air, which is still at moderate pressure, flows through the
nozzle and is accelerated to a high velocity to produce thrust.

Fig 2.2:Twin Spool Turbojet

TURBOFAN- The turbofan is at one level of complexity above a turbojet

engine. It is a heavier power plant but has better fuel economy than a turbojet.
Two fundamental types of turbofans are used. Each will be described
separately. Turbofans are always multispoolengines. In the front of the engine,
the air is first diffused. The air enters the fan, which compresses the air and
increases the pressure somewhat. The air is then split at the "splitter," and a
portion of it enters the low-pressure compressor and continues down the "core"
of the engine. Eventually this "core" air exhausts through the primary exhaust
nozzle and produces thrust. The second stream of air is called the "bypass" air.

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In this engine type, the "bypass" air is accelerated in the fan nozzle, producing a
second or additional thrust.

Fig 2.3:Turbofan

TURBOPROP- Another engine type is the turboprop. For this type, the core of
the engine is similar to a turbojet -namely, a diffuser, compressor, and turbine
are used. The core airflow is accelerated through the exhaust nozzle, which
produces one component ofthrust. A second component of thrust, and usually
the largest, is obtained from the propeller. The power for the propeller is
extracted from the turbo shaft in the core -that is a part of the turbine work
drives the propeller. A gearbox reduces the speed so that the propeller spins at a
lower speed than the compressor.

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Fig 2.4:Turboprop

TURBOSHAFT- The last aircraft engine type is the turboshaft. It is basically

the same as the turboprop except that thrust is not derived from the exhaust. The
gas from the core exhausts at a low velocity,and consequently additional thrust
is not obtained. These engines are used largely for helicopterapplications,
although it is noteworthy that turboshaft engines are used to drivetanks and
other ground vehicles with a transmission attached to the shaft in lieu of the
rotating blades.

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Adour Engine is a bypass Jet Engine of modular construction. The only

difference between Adour Mk. 811 and Adour Mk. 871 is that Adour 811 has an
additional module having afterburner. The Adour has two-stage low pressure
and five-stage high pressure axial flow Compressors which are driven by
separate, single stage high pressure and low pressure Turbines connected
through co-axial shafts, with low pressure shaft passing through high pressure
shaft. The major specifications are mentioned below.

Fig 3.1:Adour Mk.811 Engine

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Table 1: Leading Particulars of Adour 811 Engine[2]

S.No. Parameter Value

1. Type Turbofan Engine
2. Compressor 2 Stage LP Axial + 5 Stage HP Axial
3. Bypass Ratio 0.75:1
4. Turbine 1 HP + 1 LP
5. Combustion Chamber Annular
6. Engine RPM N1 = 13,600
N2 = 15,512
7. Thrust (kN) 25.00 (dry)
37.37 (wet)
8. Jet Pipe Temperature 599˚C
9. Specific Fuel 0.8
10. Turbine Gas 1485K
11. To Be Overhauled 1200 hrs
12. Aircraft Jaguar Fighter Jet
13. Length (m) 2.9 m
14. Max Diameter (m) 0.564 m
15. Weight (kg) 794 Kg

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General problems faced by this engine are:

● High Turbine entry temperature

● Low compressor speed
● Correct rotation of LPT
● Foreign object damage

This engine has been divided into 12 modules.

Fig 3.2:Parts of engine

These are:

LP COMPRESSOR- The fluid first enters the fan and then the low-pressure
(LP) compressor, which is usually on the same shaft as the fan. The Low
Pressure compressor consists of one stage titanium rotor blades(27 blades) then
one stage aluminium stator blades then one stage aluminium rotor blades
(32blades). Here the compressor ratio is 1:25.

LP STATIC COMPRESSOR- This Module only has stator blades which

are made of Aluminium. The stator has a very aggressive blade design that
almost completely reverses the direction of the fluid. Because of this
arrangement, the stator cannot spin with the fluid -- it can spin only in the

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opposite direction, forcing the fluid to change direction as it hits the stator

INTERNAL GEAR BOX- The design of the internal gearbox is complicated

by the heat and small space available in which to connect the driveshaft.Module
3 is where bypass of air starts and the twin spool concept also starts here .It is a
low bypass type of engine.

HP COMPRESSOR- The High pressure compressor has 5 stage rotor and 4

stage stator. The rotor blades are titanium while the stator blades are made up of
aluminium. Here the compressor ratio is 1:45. The no. of blades in the Rotors

1st stage - 41 blades

2nd stage – 45 blades

3rd stage - 49 blades

4th stage – 47 blades

5th stages – 49 blades

HP NOZZZLE GUIDE VANES – Nozzle Guide Vanes are placed just after
the Combustion Chamber. It is made of Steel to withstand high temperatures.
They are the stator blades of turbine. They are convex and shaped like airfoils.
They direct the airflow onto the turbine blades while at the same time
converting pressure energy into kinetic energy. Gases coming from the
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combustion chamber pass through the nozzle guide vanes, where because of
their convergent shape they accelerate. On passing through the NVGs, gases
are given a “spin” or a “swirl” in the direction of the rotation of the turbine
rotor blades. The latter absorb this energy, causing the turbine to rotate at a high

HP TURBINE- It consists only of one stage. It has 78 nemonic rotor blades.

LP NOZZLE GUIDE VANES- After passing through the turbine, the

pressure energy has already been converted into Kinetic Energy. So Low
Pressure NGV’s are used to guide and accelerate the remaining amount of flow.
LP NGV has 24 blades.

LP TURBINE- It also has only one stage. It consists of 94 rotor blades. Here
again, since the flow has been converted into low pressure by NGV, LP turbine
is used.

EXHAUST CONE- Exhaust Cone are present after the Turbine Stage to guide
the air from the nozzle and accelerate it to gain high Thrust. The exhaust cone
acts as an aerodynamic cover for the tubine hub/shaft and is part of the
convergent duct geometry at the very aft of the exhaust that converts the high
pressure gas coming off the last turbine stage into high velocity gas as it exits
the engine (creating more thrust).

HS GEARBOX- Module 10 consists of gear box and many small accessories

like LP pump, HP pump, AC generator, air starter. The accessory drive is
usually arranged as a curved casing, so that the various accessories are mounted
close to the engine. The casing is a pair of light alloy castings. Separate
machined mounting pads are provided for each accessory. The drive within the
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casing is provided by a train of spur gears. Accessories are arranged on both

sides of the driveshaft entry, in reducing order of their speed.

FUEL TANK AND FILLET- Module 11 consists of oil tank (21 pins cap),
fuel control unit, re-heat fuel control unit. Oil control unit has 3 filters oil filter,
LP fuel filter, RH fuel filter. Oil System basically has three functions.
a) Reduce Vibration
b) Cooling of the Engine Parts
c) Lubrication of the parts such as bearings.

The capacity of this engine’s Oil Tank is 21 pints ( 1 pint=0.57 litres). The
grade of Oil used here is OX27. The rate of Consumption is 1 pints/hour.
Although the maximum amount of oil consumed is 8 pints after which it gives
warning to the Pilot. Module 10 and 11 together comprises all the accessories
and gear box which can be assembled separately and then assembled with the

JET PIPE (AFTERBURNER)- This module has catalytic ignitors which are
fitted to the afterburner. The afterburner system has a separate combustion
System which is done by ignitors fitted in it. The Thrust which we obtain after
activating the afterburner is called Wet Thrust. In this engine, the wet Thrust is
37.5 KN.
Note: The Combustion Chamber is considered as a NMP (Non Modular Part),
So it is not listed under modules.

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The fuel delivery system remains the most important Accessory System
among all other Accessories. The basic working of a fuel delivery system is to
first extract fuel from the fuel tank, which is accomplished via a fuel pump.
Next, the fuel is passed through a fuel filter to minimise foreign object damage,
it's passed through pipes having return check valves to keep a check on the
direction of fuel flow. The fuel flow is then divided into multiple streams
depending on the number of inlets and the type of combustion chamber. An
Auxiliary fuel delivery system also exists to deliver fuel during starting of the
engine with individual torch ignitors in some engines. The fuel delivery system
hasn’t changed much from its introduction but has only undergone few minor
improvements to introduce higher safety levels such as leak proofing, backup
fuel channels etc.

Fig. 4.1: Engine fuel system

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FOHE: Fuel – Oil Heat Exchanger

LP: Low Pressure

HP: High Pressure

FMV: Fuel Metering Valve

GTS: Gas Turbine Starter

Fuel Filter – They are generally designed to clear impurities of size range of 10
– 25 microns. They are generally made of either cellulose paper or metal mesh.

Fuel Pumps – Are generally of two types – Gear Driven and Micro pump. Gear
driven pump are driven via accessory gear drive which is powered by the main
shaft, hence its pumping is directly affected by Engine RPM.

Speed Governor – It maintains fuel flow in order to have constant Engine RPM
at all load bearing conditions.

Flow Divider – It is responsible to divide fuel flow where ever and whenever
necessary. During combustion, it delivers fuel to Torch Ignitors, and in case of
blockages, it bypasses fuel to backup channels.

Torch Ignitors – It starts up the combustion process by igniting the fuel by a

spark plug. It is controlled by DI Control via the Engine ECU.

Fuel Metering Unit – Its major component is the Fuel Metering Valve which
have different designs such as, 3D cam, pressure diaphragm, and pressure shafts
to control fuel flow.

Solenoid Valves – Are basically, solenoid controlled Shut off valves which
actuates when the engine shuts down and during emergencies where fuel supply
needs to be cut off from the reservoir.

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Pressure Switch – It gives signals through AC Box to change over the starter
function to generator function of starter and gives indication to cockpit.

Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger – It preheats the fuel to avoid icing from heat taken
from oil.

Fig.4.2: Centrifugal pump Fig.4.3: Engine driven pump

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It is a inspection method used for the testing of the Compressor Blades.

Scale Off is major enemy to the blades. Scale Off is basically the erosion of
the thickness of the Compressor Blades. One Method used for the testing the
life of the Blades is Life Marking Codes. These codes are written over the
blade and they denote the life of the blade. The codes are as follows:

A 1-20 hours O 261-280 hours

B 21-40 hours P 281-300 hours

C 41-60 hours Q 301-320 hours

D 61-80 hours R 321-340 hours

E 81-100 hours S 341-360 hours

F 101-120 hours T 361-380 hours

G 121-140 hours U 381-400 hours

H 141-160 hours v 401-420 hours

J 161-180 hours W 421-440 hours

K 181-200 hours X 441-460 hours

L 201-220 hours Y 461-480 hours

M 221-240 hours Z 481-500 hours

N 241-260 hours

These Markings are put over the blades to tell about their lifetime. For eg-
For 400 hours life marking will be U,
For 600 hours life marking will be ZE

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The assembly of an Adour Engine starts with Module 3 i.e the Internal
Gear Box. After Module 3 has been put in place, it is followed by Module 4 and
other following modules. The reason for not installing Module 1 at first is that
if during assembling, some bolts fall inside, it may be very difficult to find
them inside the fans and compressor blades. So module 1 is assembled at last.

Fig 6.1:Assembly of Engine

The HP Compressor Shaft is checked for locking of the bolts. Silicon is used as
an adhesive for better fixing of bolts. Spacers are used as a covering over the
bolts and for better fixing. The front bypass duct is inserted after Module 3, 4
and 5. After installing the other following modules, the rear bypass duct is
installed. HP NGV and HP turbine is checked for concentricity.

The HS Gearbox is installed with all its gears and assembly and is checked for
flawless movement of all the gears.

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Fig 6.2:HS gearbox

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Mainly aircraft turbine blade cooling is classified into two categories.

They are:
1.Air cooling
2. Liquid cooling

Internal Air Cooling- The main merit which we obtain with internal air
cooling is high temperature withstand capacity even though it reduces the
strength. It works by passing cooling air through passages internal to the blade.
Heat is transferred by conduction through the blade, and then by convection
into the air flowing inside of the blade.

Fig 7.1:General Internal Airflow

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Fig 7.2:Sectional display of turbine blade

Liquid Cooling- Liquid cooling seems to be more attractive because of high

specific heat capacity and chances of evaporative cooling but there can be
problem of leakage ,corrosion, choking,etc. which works against this method.

Fig 7.3: General Liquid Cooling

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Study and analysis of Adour Mk.811 Engine

A gas turbine blade is shown having channels subjacent the surface for a
coolant to flow there through from a radially inner inlet to a discharge port
adjacent the blade tip. The channels include intermediate enlarged chambers
wherein a portion of the coolant is permitted to vaporize, so that the smaller
diameter coolant distributing channels remain substantially liquid full. The
vapor from the chambers is exhausted at a position radially inwardly of the
blade tip and preferably below the blade platform.

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Study and analysis of Adour Mk.811 Engine


Characteristic Engine Parameter

Base Engine Weight: 794 kg
Base Engine Length: 2.90 m
Base Engine Diameter: 22.2 inches
Thrust(dry): 25 KN
Thrust(wet): 37.5 KN

Support Hardware:
Engine Stand/ Structure: The engine stand consisted of a lower riser stand, mid
riser stand, thrust stand, engine cradle,containment shield, and an Inlet Control
Device (ICD) mobile stand.

Fig 8.1:Support Hardware

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Study and analysis of Adour Mk.811 Engine

The Parameters recorded during the test were:

1. Pressure:
a.) Airmeter Static and Total Pressure
b.) L.P Compressor Delivery Pressure
c.) H.P Compressor Delivery Pressure
d.) Jet Pipe Static Pressure
e.) Fuel Inlet Pressure
f.) Fuel Burner Pressure
g.) Fuel Vapour Gutter Pressure
h.) Main Oil Pressure

2. Temperature:
a.) Air Intake Temperature
b.) L.P Compressor Delivery Temperature
c.) H.P Compressor Delivery Temperature
d.) Turbine Gas Temperature
e.) Engine Oil Temperature and Fuel Temperature

3. Others:
a.) HP Shaft Speed
b.) LP Shaft Speed
c.) Thrust
d.) Fuel Flow Rate
e.) Vibration

The Thrust is measured using Strain Gauge. Two load cells are connected to
the engine and thereis little movement of the engine due to Newton’s Third Law
(due to exhaust Velocity). This deflection corresponds to the Thrust produced.

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Study and analysis of Adour Mk.811 Engine

The Tests Conducted to the Engine during this period were:

1.) L.P Compressor Working Line Setting
2.) Performance Rating R/H unit
3.) L.P Compressor Working Line to R/H lit.
4.) Part Throttle Reheat (PTR) Rating
5.) Boost Ratio Setting and R/H Performance
6.) Ballast Resistor Check
7.) Handling Check and Pass off Setting

Note: RDT is called the RunDown Time. It gives us the total no. of hours taken
to take down the test. This time is generally 6 hours including the mounting and

Fig 8.2:An Engine being tested.A source is used to provide airflow to the engine

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Study and analysis of Adour Mk.811 Engine


Defect Investigation invlolves checking the engine for any errors that
may have caused its malfunctioning. Generally, It is started with checking the
Turbine Blades for any deformation because the most common cause of failure
is TGT shootup.

Fig 9.1:Broken Parts of the blades

In Adour Mk. 811, MCD (Magnetic Chip Detectors) were first checked. There
are three MCD’s available in an Oil Pump system. So if there is any damage to
the blades, the magnets attract the particles of the blade ensuring the damage of
blades. After this, an Borescopy Test was done on the Engine. Borescopes are
used for inspection work where the area to be inspected is inaccessible by other
means. . Borescopes are mostly used in non destructive testing techniques for
recognizing defects or imperfections. Borescopes are used to perform a type of
visual inspection.

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Study and analysis of Adour Mk.811 Engine

Fig 9.2:videoscopy test

When visually inspecting critical engine components these tools assist in
providing a closer look at the engine environment which would not be
accessible without a full engine tear down Corrosion occurs on almost all
metals, borescopes and videoscopes allow you to look in the areas that would
usually be inaccessible. Magnifying glasses, comparators and mirrors allow
you to inspect areas which are easily accessible. To check the HP Turbine
Blades, we rotated the blades of the Turbine using the GearBox. Now, Using
the Videoscopes, we saw each blades and found out that one of the turbine
Blades was eroded.

Fig 9.3: Erosion in turbine blades

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Study and analysis of Adour Mk.811 Engine

The Jaguar, which entered service in both single and two seat versions,
is powered by two afterburning Adour engines. It is a formidable ground attack
aircraft with a compactness which tends to conceal its capabilities. Although it
has a wing span of only 28.5 ft., it has a maximum take off weight of 34,000
lbs. The second aircraft for which the Adour was ordered was the Japanese
produced Mitsubishi T-2 Supersonic trainer. Similar in layout to the Jaguar, the
T-2 was designed to meet the requirements of the Japan Air Self-Defence Force
and first flew in July 1971. It is powered by two afterburning Adour built under
license by Ishikawajima - Harima Heavy Industries. A single seat close support
fighter, the F-1, has also been developed. Both are in service with the JASDF.

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Study and analysis of Adour Mk.811 Engine


The non-afterburning Adour for the BAe Hawk is basically the same
as the Jaguar engine. Internal differences are limited to minor aerodynamic
rematching. Detail changes were also made to suit the Hawk installation,
including the provision of a drive for a second hydraulic pump, should one fail
in this single-engined aircraft. Further, a number of minor changes to the engine
control system, including introduction of dual channel electronic amplifier,
were made in recognition of the single engine installation. The U.S. Navy
required a Back-Up Fuel Control System for the same reason, and this was
developed specifically for the T-45A program under a contract from McDonnell
Douglas. The first version of the Adour for the Hawk was designated Mk 151.
Due to the elimination of reheat system losses, it gave a dry thrust of 5200 lbs.,
compared with the 5115 lbs. of the Mk 102 on which it was based. Export
versions of the Mk 151 were designated Mk 851. These Marks of Adour are in
service with air forces in the UK, Kenya, Indonesia and Finland. Developments
of the Adour for the Jaguar heralded similar changes to the Mk 851 in the
Hawk. These changes introduced the Mk 861 engine which has 10% more take
off thrust than the Mk 151 and about 21% more under high forward speed/low
level conditions. The Mk 861 is the current production standard for the Hawk
engine and is in service in Zimbabwe, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia
and Switzerland. Present development activity is centered on the Mk 871 for the
British Aerospace single seat Hawk 200 attack aircraft, its two-seat trainer
variant, the Hawk 100, and the U.S.

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Study and analysis of Adour Mk.811 Engine


The Rolls-Royce/Turbomeca Adour engine has become the most successful

powerplant in fast jet trainers available today. Continuing developments, based
heavily on the current reliable, durable design, will ensure that the Adour
remains the optimum trainer/light strike engine beyond the turn of the century.

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Study and analysis of Adour Mk.811 Engine



[2] Adour lab manual


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