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This project report is based on secondary data collected through leading newspaper and bank
websites. Mainly last year data of interest on retail loans is taken into consideration. Future
growth of retail banking in terms of retail loans.
The project report is based on qualitative quantitative and mixed method type of research.
Quantitative research is based on the measurement of quantity or amount. It is applicable to
phenomena that can be expressed in terms of quantity.
Type of research
This study is based on exploratory, basically there are two type of researches
 Exploratory Research: This is seek to discover new relationship.
 Conclusive Research: It is designed to help execute choose the various course of
As research design applicable to exploratory studies are different from
objective firmly in mind while designing the research. Which searching for hypothesis,
exploratory designs are appropriate; when hypothesis have been established and are to be
listed, conclusive design are needed.
It should be noted however, that the research process tend to become circular over a period
of time. Exploratory report may define the hypothesis, which are then tested by conclusive
research; but a buy product of the conclusive research may be suggestion of a new
opportunity or a new difficulty.
Other characteristic of exploratory research are flexibility and ingenuity, which characterize
the investigation. As we proceed with investigation it must be on the alert to recognize new
ideas, as it can then swing the research in the new direction until they have exhausted it or
have found a better idea. Thus they may be constantly changing the focus of invest of invest
as new possibilities come to attention. It should be added here that formal design in
researcher is the key factor.

 Secondary source of information

The reason for selecting this mode of research for this type is that it is probably quickest
and most economical way for research to find possible hypothesis and to take advantage of
the work of others and utilize their own earlier efforts. Most RETAL BANK maintain
research program over the number of years have accumulated significant libraries of
research organization furnishing continuing data.

As it is a secondary data research all the data is selected after rigorous analysis of articles
from newspaper, magazines and internet.
All the research collected is done by professional analyst across the word and is compiled
in this project to understand these product and service impacts of merger more effectively.


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