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How employees feel Time available for induction Benefits Drawbacks Where they
training sourced info

relationship bulding Meet CEO other Timing of it Support materials info overload

Int 2 I think even if you gave people There are even looking at the I think this links to people’s attention
access to it a week before they people like [intranet] there is a huge spans...sitting a person down to watch a 30
started so they could hit the myself I am sure amount of information minute video, people’s eyes are glazing over
ground running. who just slip and its not very well after a while so these micro videos, 5 minutes
through the net. organised; its hard to approximately, and the minute you start it you
‘the icing Its nearly six find information know how long it is going to be.
on the months now and
cake was I still haven’t
that [CEO] done the [face
came in at to face] training
the end
the staff’
You have to ask yourself does a person need
to know this? Like in theory, lets call a spade a
spade, I know I’m six months into it now but
‘I haven’t the induction period of any agenda is probably
received a the first month.
formal induction
purely because
its always on
Wednesday and
I don’t work
Int 2 Wednesdays’.
I just need to get through these core ones in
the first month and then, these ones here,

Int 2
Int 3 in a new job you always feel a I think so within a week or two I think the advantage some of the I didn't attend I never looked at them it's a long day. And there's a lot of information I figured it out
bit at sea because you're would have been obviously certainly was to meet other content was the induction for again after the induction that you're given. And it's hard to absorb all of myself.
getting to know people and better, because I think day one colleagues who are new as very helpful. maybe a month it in in just one day.
youre getting to know the job. probably isn't helpful because, well so that, you know, you after I'd started
And so there's a lot going on. you know, you're still...there's a obviously, I think, form a
lot going on in terms of your bond with people like
role and learning your role. But would always
after a week or so, I think it kind of, you know, have a
would have been, within the kind of connection with that
first week or two, it would have work colleague, which was
been good to do it. Yeah, but really nice, and you can
not the first maybe day. share experiences of
starting in a new role.

Positives of this Negatives of this how they accessed it amount of info ideas on how to access Before induction (gap so discussion is using ML After using ML resource (go
resource during gap would be good) back to transcripts and add
to this - jargon, history etc,

I have been lucky with But if I didn’t have those have them there as tutorials the two completed ones are People can commit to it there is an unawareness out there generally of what if I had had that in the
my line manager and two to lean on, I would that people can dip into them vital for a new starter. from the minute they start [the organisation] does. meantime, I wouldn’t have felt
colleagues, they are a be working in somewhat when they need to; I dipped in it because they can see so uninformed of what the
wealth of knowledge. of a vaccuum and out of them. The beauty when it is going to end. organisation does.
of them is that you can dip in Especially if people are
and out.; it can always be doing it when they have
retrieved at point of need.; joined the company, you
they are designed to be can commit to five
dipped in and out of, you can minutes, you can’t to half
drop and go back into it and I an hour.
imagine you are going to have
people primarily doing it that

when you put people in So there is the right amount of

control, they can leave and information there because
join as they see fit I don’t think what you want to avoid is
it overwhelming for them information overload.

when you put people in

control, they can leave and
join as they see fit I don’t think
it overwhelming for them

But you know, overall, I I did one section and then I I think they were definitely the It's not too onerous to do when I came into the organisation first I wasn't really
suppose, my manager think another day I did the right length. I think there was one section in one go, but hundred percent clear on what the organisation did.
was very busy at the second section. But each enough detail in there. its the kind of thing that And still, I suppose, even some time in, I don't really
time, it was very busy section I did fully through. could be easily done in 100% know all the work that is done because it's so
period and you don't sections as well varied and it took me a while to get used to
want to be asking them
every five minutes

their ideas Interactivity practical things (jargon, Going back to it

online tasks)

interactive videos other

Maybe a little bit clearer that it is user I found it very engaging even at
controlled course. ... It could be done with a this stage after three months.
generalised welcome email from HR or your
manager explaining that we have created an
online induction, that you can browse at your
leisure, dip in and out, here is your login details
and here is a link onto the platform and this
welcome email could be sent before you start

I found it very easy to log on and That’s the benefit I guess of

access the trainings. Yeah. Okay. online rather than the face to
They were very well laid out and I face you know. You have it
thought they were really good. there, you can go back over it.
here's always going to be In like the first week or two my manager was
challenges when you start a there is always a bit of available to answer
new role downtime when your manager any questions I
may not be available to provide had.
training for you or you're not
fully familiar with what is
required in the role so I think
definitely there is time

Int 3
as a new employee you are You have the free time with
engaged, you are interested, headspace to do can
you want to learn, you're in a do at a time when you you're
new post, you know, it's the ready to engage with it you
perfect time, you know, for know.
people to access something
like this
Int 3
I think as a new starter, you're we often get
engaged and you're interested feedback from
in learning about this new people saying I
organization that you're in so wish I'd done
its the perfect time really to, to, this (exisiting
you know, be learning about all induction)
this. earlier.
Int 3
Int 4 I would say start straight away. the CEO I’d say just fairly (didn't look at) I think all of the information was necessary.
As in, I wouldn't say you have came in random luck that But I think it was too much to take on in the
to do it on your first day. But I and I think I had it quite way that it was delivered, which is face to
do know that feeling of being in that was a early on. face, here's a pack of densely written
a new workplace and being really nice information in front of you, and we're going to
really idle for that first week, touch. sort of smash it out in one was too
just feeling a bit useless. And it dense in the medium that it came in to take on
is a good thing to do. board all of it.
I think initially one of the ... it was a whole new language that I had to kind of
struggles I also had was become familiar with and to understand the work of
I had a question but I the organisation so both those were a little bit of a
wasn't sure who was the challenge.
right person to contact
you know. That would be
good, that was definitely
something I struggled
with. So it can be tricky
sometimes knowing the
right person

But you know, overall, I

suppose, my manager
was very busy at the
time, it was very busy
period and you don't
want to be asking them
every five minutes

my experience was So really I’d say I did it all at it's hard because you're I'm someone who would I think there were assumptions about that everyone
helped by, just by once but maybe two sessions catering to everybody in the rather just do it all in one knows what we do out in the services and
chance, in who my of it. organization. But ... I'm big hit. ...assumptions about what everybody does in the
managers were always loath to like, make organisation,
people do something that they
don't need to
I really like the design especially Yeah, I think it's good that
like the animated videos you know each course as such is in
about the history of Barnardos. I separate sections because like
like that there was a real variety in that you may just have 10 or
terms of the format, you know, the 15 minutes and you can check
slides, thevoiceover. You know, the duration and say well okay,
there was it was v engaging there I have 10 minutes now I can
was good variety, it was visually actually do like part one or I
very attractive you know. can continue and do part
three. So I think it's good that it
is divided into sections
because like that you may
sometimes feel that if it was in
one section that once you start
it you have to finish it, whereas
with this, you can pause and
say, well, I've done that section
and come back to it, you know,
so I think there's a lot of
benefits from that being
broken down.

I think that was broken up enough because I'm a visual learner. I

with interactive pieces love the videos with the

the information was always very

succinct, it was very clear, you
know, and you could pause and go
back as well which is nice.

I think it made it possible to choose I liked the videos. ...they I do think it gives you I'd go back to that leave
a little bit but not neglect huge weren’t too long. Obviously I some responsibility for section because I thought that
amounts of learning... having the think people will do this. If they your own learning. And I was great,
option to occasionally skip a piece click on a video and they see think that's really
that isn't really relevant to me. it's like nine minutes. Yeah, important.
they're not going to watch it. But
they were like three and a half
minutes. Yeah, I think they're
the exact right size.
induction training, it is a because it was a whole day of learning, like I said, it's not all
process. Induction is time my second day, going to stick and it can be a little bit tedious.
bound, you do this when you some of the If you can make that shorter in any way and
start. information just have this online training to do in your own time
really went over and your own headspace and to reinforce
my head,/ ‘it your learning by the quizzes and the little bit
came a little bit like interactive learning pieces. I think
too soon….bit of everyone will retain information better and you
an influx of can direct people to go back to it when there
information’. . are difficulties with a particular situation for an
employee and I think it makes people be a a
bit more self directed and I think there's
always value in that

Int 4
sometimes you really are just
at a loss of things to do in that
first week and it's a relief to
have something you have to
do, you’d be like I'm gonna do
my training and get that done.
So yeah, I would make it
available straightaway with a
bit of time to finish it.

Int 4
Int 5 I was sort of at sea N I think possibly in the first week everything is about sort of I did look at the it was very, very condensed. It was very hard
or two weeks. You know that building up relationships employee handbook. to remember everything that was being told
they're told by whoever this is with people and so on and said
the induction e-learning piece
and we strongly recommend
that you go through it. I think it
needs to happen before people
get sucked into everything else
that happens, you know.

not knowing the lay of the land, Far too much information ... you know
not knowing all the faces, not yourself, you pick up the things that you really
knowing the names not are interested in, and then other stuff might
knowing who actually works just go over your head.
where and what their function
is, and do I actually liaise with
them or don't I? You know,
what's the story? So it's it's
very much like a sort of shifting
sands, shifting ground when
you first go in.

Int 5
I'd really like to know how many projects there are
and where they are and what the services are

I would have gleaned I went in and I did the whole I felt everything that was in that they can dip in and it was very hard to get some sort of idea about what
some of the information thing together there was appropriate. dip out of it. I mean, Barnardos really was about ... it was just really,
myself by listening to maybe it shouldn't be really challenging to understand all of its functions
people called an induction piece. and the organization as a whole.
Maybe it needs to be
called something else so
that people don't just do it
once and then leave it
and you know, that it is
actually a sort of resource
that can be used, and that
needs to be emphasized,
throughout your time in
the organisation.

I felt that they were very it's important to understand the whole overarching
supportive. But maybe, structure of the place ... I just feel that for a person
you know, in fairness to coming in, they need to know like how the
them, they had jobs to organisation is run from the very top...I just feel that
get on with. you need to get, you just need to get a bigger
picture, if you like, of The values and beliefs of of the
organization. ... understanding the work culture and
understanding that the organization so, you know,
it's all that sort of thing. So I think that's really
important otherwise you can sort of miss what the
organisation is about and what its trying to be.
I liked that it was easy to kind of go it gives you some
back and forth a little bit autonomy in your learning.

really reinforced my learning....It is the navigation of it, was

stimulating and, you know, the quiz that when you got to the
questions are really good too and I end of the sections, ... I
responded to them as well... it was would have liked it being
really fun and interactive so I really like ‘you're done now’. I
liked that. it was all broken up and just didn't realize that. I
it didn't feel very dense. kind of clicked around a
bit, making sure you
know... like I think as a
user you might be like,
‘Oh, I need to make sure
that I have finished this
section’, I just didn't
realize that I'd got to the

time needs to be made for people to be allowed I felt it was interactive, the fact that I felt that there was an I would be very happy to go
to do that. there was a variety of ways to sort appropriate amount of back in and look at a couple of
I go back to that whole thing of maybe it's not of think about things and information. things that I needed just to
just induction, it's something that can be tapped remember, you know, look at it in greater depth or
into or whatever whatever. So from that point of
view, and because it's so
clearly laid out, you would find
it quite easily.

I think something that says, look, this is where very nice, informal feel ... I
you go to get more information that I think will felt was very friendly...
be really helpful. positive...engaging...easy
to navigate...very
clear...structured...easy to
you don't want to ask too many when you're getting a whole lot of information,
questions because, you know, it's very hard to take everything in.
either don't want to look as if
Int 5
you're a bit silly
I wouldn't have known the
questions to ask. I wouldn't
have known you know that
thing about not knowing what I
didn't know.
Int 5
feeling like the new school girl
or new school boy... there's a
certain level of anxiety, a
certain level of wanting to look
competent yourself.
Int 5
Int 1 its draining, its tiring I think it should be early on. As I did find is Never spend much time we all learn in different ways, some people will
we know, we don't know how really useful. I on that... I just saw it as want you know, the a to z of everything at the
frequently people get the thought it was a a big doorstopper outset whereas I am probably a little bit more
induction training per se. For good way to get more laissez faire just generally, like when I
someone that could be after a a sense of to need it I'll get it type of approach. And so I
few weeks or months. I think work at the think people can have too much information
this is a stepping stone face to whole and not understand its relevance to them.
face training for sure. organization.
And I quite liked
the fact that
there was
different people
leading otr
sessions within
the the one day

there was so much when you start you have a lot of time,
reading involved in that generally, and people are saying read the
handbook and it's hard annual report, and maybe read those pieces
to decipher at that early of research ...I think what is really hard at
stage what's really those times is you're reading, reading, reading
important and what's an awful lot, and your brain is fried with all this
relevant and what’s a bit new information. And it's draining, it's tiring.
overwhelming then, what
you don't need to know.

Int 1

Int 1

Int 1

Int 1
I think giving an overview would be really important
for people to see what what it is that the
organisation does

it would be a very good way of locating people, you

know, in the whole ethos of the organisation

you probably got that I did one whole section one something that's very there's a lot happening in this organization. And it's
maybe information from day, and another whole achievable to do, you hard to have a really good sense of it.
colleagues section another day. know, a few hours over a
day would be no problem,
I think, given the kind of
format and content that it
was so I probably did
them maybe an hour, an
hour and a half, one
afternoon and the next
afternoon another hour
and a half and that
worked well.

I would ask for help or we all should know about the organisation, and very
support from colleagues quickly,
or manager if there
wasn't something I
a good variety

the videos are really good ... I think both of the sections I think with the second one,
They were short as well. So you know, individually, are particularly if I wanted to go
they were very seamless and a very informative and there back and just have a quick
nice kind of flow to them was lot in them. I think look at the annual leave piece
there's enough in them or if I wanted to go in and do
the Service Desk request or
the library, I would have known
enough about just dipping
back in for that action.

I did feel like it spoke to they all have valuable content.

you as an employee, as So the fact they are shorter,
opposed to what people snappy, they're just giving you
get on the website. I a very basic intro of something
thought it was a really nice that you may go back to at a
kind of tone to it that way later date I wouldn't see any
harm in doing all that at the
beginning, even if you didn't
need to go back then

I really liked the style and I think if you were just

the flow interested in going back to the
board and stuff because, you
know maybe because you
want to find some more details
or something.

engaged...there was a maybe something will come up

good mix ... so I actually need to look at
all this and know it and learn it
so I go back to it in my own
I really like the idea is that ou require different things at
it is also short and snappy different times
and focused.
Int 1

I definitely feel the induction process needs
I felt left at sea as my manager ‘it is very beneficial to meet reviewing - a full day of presentations is an
was so tied up and busy with a staff in regional/national information overload, and the presentation
major project, offices ’ design is very poor, with way too much info',
questionna having induction days can inundate you with a
ire lot of material and you don't have time to
absorb it all'
ire ‘it felt rushed.
group ‘I was really lucky
[colleague] on my
team was really
good and actually
sat down and
‘it had a nice showed me loads
personal touch Its got so much of really practical
to it (N or L) information things
‘There is loads of stuff
on it but you have to
trawl through it. …
Maybe its just not set out
I found it hard to know
who did what and who I
to ask if I have There was a lot of jargon used and I didn't always
questions.’; know what people were talking about.

My boss just kinda went

here is what you have to
try and find out so it was
like kinda treasure
hunting round the
good to refresh on those
I found it beneficial to go back
over some of that stuff a little
while on from induction.

could be viewed as many

times as needed before
attending induction.

if you start to elaborate it

‘interactive, it keeps your too much it’s no longer like
attention… we need moving things a snappy, this is just an
now to keep our interest...activities’ overview

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