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Formato IEEE para presentar artículos

Luis Alonso Alvarez Pacheco, Alexander Fabricio Romero Anconeira

EPIMMEM, Catholic University of Santa María
Arequipa, Perú

Wireless sensor networks are one of the fastest-developing I. INTRODUCTION
information technologies and promise to have a variety of Wireless sensor networks (WSN) have been the preferred
applications in next-generation networks, thus ensuring efficient
and reliable data transport in energy in wireless sensor networks
choice for the design and deployment of next-generation
(WSN) with limited resources is one of the main concerns to monitoring and control systems. It is now possible to
achieve a high degree of efficiency in monitoring and control implement a large number of low-cost sensors to monitor
systems. Reliability is one of the most important attributes in large regions above the ground surface , under water or in the
sensors. The two techniques that are commonly used in WSNs to atmosphere. The most important benefit of sensor networks is
achieve reliability are retransmission or redundancy. The that they extend the calculation capacity to the physical
retransmission is where the reliable transmission of data packets environment where human beings can not reach. They can
is assured in terms of recovering the lost packets by operate for prolonged periods in hostile, challenging or
retransmitting them. This could result in an additional
transmission overhead that not only wastes the limited energy
ecologically too sensitive habitats for human visit. In addition,
resources of the sensors but also causes the network to become they have the potential to provide a large amount of data about
congested and, in turn, affects reliable data transmission. On the the environment in which they are deployed and to deliver
other hand, the use of redundancy is to achieve reliability in non- data through the network to end users.
experimental social networks. In redundancy-based reliability At the heart of the WSN are the sensor nodes. A sensor
mechanisms, a loss of bits within a packet can be recovered using node is a device that has detection, computing and
some kind of coding schemes. This ability to correct lost or communication capabilities. Depending on their detection
damaged bits within a packet would significantly reduce the components and the requirements of the application, the
transmission overhead caused by the retransmission of the entire
sensor nodes can be used to monitor different phenomena
such as temperature, light, movement, pressure and humidity.
Both retransmission and redundancy can be performed hop-by- The processing module of the sensor node is capable of
hop or end-to-end. The hop-by-hop method allows intermediate making a compilation of the detected data and also of the data
nodes to perform retransmission or redundancy. On the other received from other sensors. The communication module in
hand, in the end-to-end approach, retransmission or redundancy the sensor nodes is used to send and receive data packets to
is performed only at the origin and destination nodes. However, a and from neighboring nodes. Since a single sensor provides
hybrid mechanism with an efficient combination of these only limited information, a network of these sensors is used to
retransmission and redundancy techniques to achieve reliability
has until now been neglected by companies.
provide coverage in large environments
Depending on the nature of the application, it is also important to WSNs are spatially distributed systems consisting of
de fi ne the amount of data needed to ensure reliability. This dozens, hundreds or even thousands of sensor nodes,
introduces the concept of reliability at the package or event level. interconnected through the wireless connection channel and
The reliability of the packet requires that all packets from all forming the only network. Figure 1 represents an example of a
relevant sensor nodes reach the sink, while the reliability of the WSN.
event ensures that the sink only gets enough information about a Here we can see a WSN consisting of twelve sensor nodes
given event. Therefore, the techniques of retransmission or and a network receiver, which also functions as a gateway.
redundancy that use hop-by-hop or end-to-end mechanisms aim
to achieve reliability at the packet or event level.
Each sensor node is a device that has a transceiver, a
In this article, we present a survey on reliability protocols in microcontroller and a sensitive element (see Fig. 2). Generally
WSNs. We reviewed several reliability schemes based on relay the sensor node is a stand-alone device. The receiver receives
and redundancy techniques that use different combinations of all the detected data from these sensor nodes, processes them
packet or event reliability in terms of recovering lost data using and sends them to the end user.
jump-to-jump or end-to-end mechanisms. In addition, we
analyze these schemes by investigating the most appropriate .
combination of these techniques, methods and the level of
reliability required to provide an efficient energy reliability
mechanism for WSN with limited resources. This document also
proposes a 3D reference model to classify WSN's reliability
research, which will be used to perform an in-depth analysis of
unexplored areas.
reliability at the level of package or event based on the
requirements of the application.

Fig. 1. An example of a WSN [2].

1.1. Relay vs. redundancy

The retransmission is where the sending node, after
transmitting its packet, waits for acknowledgment of its
packet sent from the node of the next hop on the route to the
sink. However, in case the sender does not receive any
acknowledgment, it considers that the sent package has been
lost. Therefore, to guarantee reliability, the lost packet must be
Fig. 2. Sensor node inner structure [2]. retransmitted. On the other hand, instead of retransmitting the
whole packet, the redundancy approach aims to correct only
the lost or damaged bits within the packet. The sensor adds
The reliability and integrity of the data is an important additional information to the packet that the receiver can use
attribute of CPS. For some fields of applications, which have to rebuild the packet if some bits are lost or corrupted. This
high demands in terms of reliability, it is particularly additional information consists of a set of additional
important to guarantee the reliability of the network. redundant fragments that are encoded using a certain form of
Currently, most researchers study the reliability of the wireless coding mechanism, such as deletion encoding
sensor network based on the network topology, the reliable
protocol and the correction of faults in the application layer. 1.2. From end to end (oriented to the connection)
The sensor nodes of the network send their detected data to Versus jump to jump (oriented to links) both retransmission
the sink, the area around the sink becomes more congested and reliability techniques based on redundancy can be
with all the traffic flowing into the sink. In addition to losing performed using a hop-by-hop or end-to-end method. We refer
packets due to congestion, packets are also lost due to to jump-by-jump as a mechanism oriented to a link, since
transmission errors, packet collision, interference, node failure reliability must be maintained in all links. In other words, in
(due to power depletion) or other unpredictable reasons. In the hop-by-hop method, each individual hop from the source
addition, due to the short range of the sensor nodes, the data to the destination is responsible for ensuring the reliable
may have to traverse a large number of hops which, in turn, transmission of the detected data. Similarly, the end-to-end
introduce many entry points for errors that may also become method can be called a connection-oriented mechanism,
the cause of packet loss. Therefore, for a successful where only the two endpoints (that is, only the nodes of origin
monitoring of an environment, the critical data collected by and destination) are responsible for guaranteeing reliability,
the sensor nodes must be reliably delivered to the sink, which while the intermediate nodes simply they retransmit packets
requires the recovery of the lost data. between the source and the destination.
Several protocols have been proposed using different 1.3. Reliability at package level vs. event
techniques to face the challenge of achieving reliability in In a WSN, an event of interest can be described as a
wireless sensor networks. Investigating and proposing our significant change in the state of the environment that users of
proposed improvement, we introduce a three-dimensional the application are interested in and require that the sensors
(3D) reference model to categorize the work done to provide observe it. This introduces the concept of reliability at the
reliability in WSN, as shown in Fig. 3. The 3D Reliability packet and event level, which refers to the amount of detected
Reference Model is intended to serve a In-depth analysis, data that must be sent to the sink on the occurrence of an
pointing to the unexplored and efficient combination of event of interest in the environment as shown in Fig. 3. The
techniques to face the challenge of achieving reliability in Packet-level reliability aims to ensure that all packets carrying
WSN. The existing data transmission reliability protocols detected data from all related sensor nodes are transported
belong to the techniques that are retransmission or reliably to the sink. On the other hand, event level reliability
redundancy, ensuring reliability when recovering lost data aims to ensure that the receiver only obtains enough
using a jump-hop or end-to-end method, while adopting
information about a particular event that occurs in the network In the iACK mechanism, the sender, after transmitting the
instead of all detected packets packet, listens to the channel and interprets the forwarding of
its packet sent by the next hop node as an acknowledgment
The article is organized as follows. In Section 2 an analysis is receipt. In this way, iACK exploits the transmission nature of
performed based on the categorization of the reliability the wireless channel, avoiding the additional overload of
represented in the proposal of the 3D-reliability reference transmission and the use of energy caused by the transmission
model and the need to have a hybrid mechanism to further of special control messages (eACK / NACK). The following
enhance the reliable transmission of data in WSNs is is a brief overview along with the deficiencies of the main
discussed where we will compare the schemes proposed reliability protocols based on retransmission in terms of event
qualitatively. Section 3 presents the tables, opinions of the provision or packet reliability.
protocols presented in the article, where a model of reliability
of the sensor nodes in WSN of Cyber Physical Systems is 2.1. Reliability of the package
proposed. Section 4 presents the mathematical model based on
the markov theory and section 5 the conclusions. We have divided the reliability protocols into two main
categories based on the amount of data that needs to be
2. Reliability based on retransmission transmitted to maintain reliability. Packet level reliability is
one of the categories where the application requires all
In a wireless network, retransmission is the most used packets to contain relevant sensor event information
technique to achieve the reliability of data transmission.
Retransmission is also widely used in a WSN with limited The nodes must be delivered reliably to the recipient. This can
resources to recover lost data. Reliability based on be achieved using an end-to-end method or a jump-hop
retransmission can be done through an end-to-end or hop-by- method, as described in the following subsections.
hop method. The end-to-end relay requires only the source
node that generated the packet to retransmit the lost packet, 2.1.1. From end to end (connection oriented)
while the hop-by-hop relay allows the intermediate nodes to
retransmit lost packets. WSN in a multi-hop relay based on This section investigates the schemes under the category of
reliability can be achieved through acknowledgments, where relay-based packet reliability using the connection-oriented
the sender node requires an acknowledgment of the data approach to ensure reliable data transmission. propose the
packets sent from the neighboring recipient on the route to the sensor transmission control protocol (STCP), an end-to-end
sump. reliability protocol centered in the sink with a congestion
In general, there are two types of recognition mechanisms, control mechanism. One of the key features of STCP is the
namely explicit recognition (eACK), which includes negative controlled variable reliability mechanism. This allows the data
recognition (NACK) and implicit recognition (iACK) as flow to be controlled dynamically by the sink, while adjusting
shown in Fig. 4. The eACK mechanism is based in a special the performance according to the type of flow (that is,
control message that the receiver receives The node, after continuous or event-controlled) adapted by the application.
receiving a successful packet, sends the sender as a receipt of The general reliability is maintained through the use of end-
the received packet as shown in Fig. 4 (a). Like eACK, to-end retransmission mechanisms based on ACK / NACK,
NACK also corresponds to a special control message that where each source node keeps the packets in its cache, until it
allows the receiver to notify the sender to retransmit a receives an acknowledgment from the recipient. On the other
particular sequence of the missing packet. Special control hand, the congestion control is carried out in such a way that
messages transmitted on the eACK and NACK mechanisms the sink, after receiving the information about the congested
result in additional transmission overhead and power routes, directs the congested nodes downstream to opt for the
consumption that may not be feasible for most WSN alternative routes. The key issue in STCP related to reliability
applications is the use of explicit connection-oriented acknowledgments
(ACK / NACK), which involves only the end nodes (that is,
the source and sink nodes). While the STCP is a scalable
approach involving a large number of nodes with a high
number of hops from a source node to the sink, it is very
likely that a source node encounters a long waiting time for an
acknowledgment from the source node. sink. This can result
in high latency and cache overflow, which is not suitable for
WSN with power restrictions

Marchi proposes distributed transport for sensor networks

(DTSN), an end-to-end, non-sink, energy-efficient packet
reliability protocol that provides a differential and complete
reliability mechanism. Total reliability is compatible with an
explicit recognition mechanism based on retransmission; providing reliable data transmission in different network
however, the differential reliability is performed conditions and application requirements. This is achieved by
independently using the improvement flow strategy. In the using a localized hybrid recognition mechanism (HACK) and
total reliability mechanism, the originating node continues to a timer management system, where HACK is a combination
transmit the packets until the number of transmitted packets is of implicit and explicit recognition. The implicit recognitions
equal to the size of the Recognition Window (AW), after are used as the main source of recognition; however, the next
which the originating node sends an explicit acknowledgment hop neighbor, after receiving the sender's information, can
request ( EAR) to the destination for con fi rmation of send an eACK to the sender to stop unnecessary
message delivery (ACK or NACK). An ACK is sent if the retransmissions. On the other hand, the adaptive
sequence of the packets is in order and these packets in retransmission timeout mechanism is based on buffer
sequence are removed from the output buffer of the source occupancy and the balance of the number of incoming and
node. However, if a NACK is received, retransmission of the outgoing messages in each node. In addition to providing
sequence of missing packets is required. The key greater reliability compared to the RBC [16], TRCCIT also
contributions of DTSN are the integration of the mechanisms addresses some of the related key issues, such as punctuality,
involved in the achievement of reliability, such as partial adaptive timer, hybrid acknowledgments and energy
buffering in the originating and intermediate nodes and the efficiency in dynamic network conditions.
deletion encoding. Caching at intermediate nodes minimizes The multi-segment transport (RMST) of Stann and
the high communication cost of performing end-to-end Heidemann [19] is a packet-oriented reliability scheme linked
retransmissions and acknowledgments, which in turn reduces to the receiver based on NACK. It has a cached and non-
power consumption cached mode that decides whether data segments should be
stored or not for retransmission purposes. Unlike windowless
block recognitions and the iACK mechanism in RBC, one of
2.1.2. Jump to jump (oriented to links) the key features of RMST is that it performs loss detection
using collectively NACK together with timer-based
This section describes the schemas that are included in the mechanisms. RMST is suitable for WSN that deal with the
relay-based packet reliability category using the hop-by-hop transfer of large data, such as image, performing
approach. Maróti [14] proposes the directed flood routing fragmentation / assembly only at the origin and destination
framework (DFRF) that uses the implicit acknowledgment of without guaranteeing the delivery of fragments in the same
stop and wait (SWIA) as a reliable packet recovery order.
mechanism in WSN. SWIA uses the notion of implicit Park et al. [21] propose GARUDA, another top-down
acknowledgment in the WSN, where a sending node, after reliability protocol aims to reliably deliver query metadata and
resending a packet, listens to the channel to verify if the control codes to descending nodes. GAR-UDA designates the
receiver has sent the packet to the destination. nodes in the network as central nodes for the retransmission of
Zhou et al. [12] propose a reliable transport with consideration lost packets using an availability map (A-map) to avoid
of memory (RTMC), a jump jump packet reliability protocol unnecessary retransmission requests; this requires an
that addresses the challenges of memory and unreliable links additional core construction stage for GARUDA, where loss
in WSN. The originating node transmits data segments until recovery and core creation can cause high latency in the case
the memory of the retransmission node is full. To avoid this of large sensor networks and the reliability guarantee is
memory overflow problem, packet headers are loaded with provided only for the transfer of the first packet . If GARUDA
memory information that is shared between neighbors. is used to fulfill the main functions of environmental
Reliability is maintained by keeping the segments forwarded detection, it would be an exaggeration, the reason is similar to
to the sender until an acknowledgment is received. that of PSFQ.
Zhang et al. [15,16] propose the reliable burst burst protocol He presented some of the schemes that aim to achieve
(RBC) for difficult situations in which a large burst of packets reliability at the packet level using a link-oriented method to
from different locations must be transported reliably to the recover the lost packet. It has been shown that these link-
sink. The main benefits and design considerations for RBC are oriented schemes are more reliable and efficient in time and
the need to improve the use of the channel and alleviate the energy than the connection-oriented schemes, since loss
retransmission in the containment of the channel, which is recovery is performed on each hop instead of the final nodes.
ignored in SWIA [14]. RBC uses a blockless block Each scheme has fulfilled the requirement in its unique form
acknowledgment scheme to improve channel utilization and depending on what the application requires. However, most, if
implements an adaptive timer mechanism for retransmission not all, WSN applications have the tolerance to support some
timeouts to control channel contention caused by degree of packet loss instead of restricting the nodes to
retransmissions. However, the use of priority schemes to reliably deliver each individual packet. This would not only
schedule the transmission could cause the packages that have save limited sensor power, but also improve reliability.
lower priority to wait forever in the queue
2.2. Reliability of the event

Shaikh et al. [18] propose tunable reliability with congestion In addition to the reliability of the packet, the reliability of the
control for information transport (TRCCIT), with the aim of event is the other category that is based on the amount of data
required to guarantee reliable transmission using the multiple jump in the WSN, it is beneficial to perform jump-
retransmission technique. In WSN, the reliability of the event, by-hop recovery as compared to end-to-end. In addition, it is
as opposed to the reliability of the packet, should be sufficient also required to choose intelligently the correct recognition
for most applications controlled by the event. The reliability mechanism. Most schemes use an explicit recognition
of this mode is intended to ensure that at least one of the many mechanism, which requires additional communication and
packets of the sensors that detected an event is delivered to the memory. Alternatively, it is much better to use implicit
receiver, instead of all the packets of all the sensors, The acknowledgments when exploiting the transmission nature of
following discussion covers the main reliability schemes of the wireless channel. This reduces the extra message overload
events that fall within the category of event reliability based caused by the transmission of confirmation messages, which
on end-to-end or hop-by-hop relay. in turn reduces channel contention and network congestion.

2.2.1. From end to end (connection oriented) Some of the applications require guaranteed delivery of each
and every packet from source to destination, while others can
This section covers the reliability schemes of retransmission- tolerate some degree of packet loss. A WSN is considered to
based events that achieve reliable data transmission using the work well as long as the sensor nodes in a given area return
connection-oriented approach. Akan et al. [22,23] are the first the data reliably to the sink
to introduce the concept of event reliability when proposing
the event-to-sink reliability protocol (ESRT), where reliability 2.4. Reliability based on redundancy
is measured by the number of packages that contain
information about a particular event that is delivery to the In relay-based reliability, a loss of bits within a packet is
sink. ESRT is a sink-centered protocol, where the data flow is treated as a loss of the entire packet and requires
controlled centrally by the sink in such a way that when the retransmission of that packet to achieve reliable data
required reliability is not reached, the sink will increase the transmission. This motivates the concept of reliability based
frequency of event reporting, f, of the nodes. On the contrary, on redundancy where lost or damaged bits within the packet
it will reduce f when there is congestion to restore the required can be recovered through the use of coding techniques
reliability in the sink. A key assumption of ESRT is that the [30,31]. This significantly reduces the transmission overhead
receiver has a high power radio that can transmit the last value caused by the retransmission of the entire packet [32]. Taking
of f to all sensor nodes in a single broadcast message, and into account the nature of WSN's limited resources, the use of
each node will adjust its f accordingly redundancy techniques will not only enhance overall
reliability, but also conserve the limited energy resources of
2.3. Open problems the sensing nodes.

In a WSN, the sensor nodes collectively detect the 2.5. Reliability of the package
environment and deliver the data through wireless channels.
Limited limitations of sensor nodes, such as low power (ie The reliability of the packet refers to the process of ensuring
limited batteries), short transmission range and small memory, the delivery of each data packet that contains the information
make reliable data delivery one of the biggest challenges in of the event observed by the relevant sensor nodes to the sink.
the WSN area . In view of this, several reliability protocols In redundancy-based reliability schemes, this is achieved by
(for example, [23,26,25]) have been proposed in the existing performing the encoding / decoding at the origin and at the
literature destination node (end-to-end) or each pair of communicating
sensor nodes (ie, each hop) from the origin to the destiny.
The relay-based reliability protocols discussed in Sections 2.1 (jump by jump).
and 2.2 aim to ensure reliable data transfer. Each protocol is
discussed on the basis of different loss recovery methods, such 2.5.1 End-to-end (connection oriented)
as hop-by-hop or end-to-end reliability and packet or event
reliability (see the 3D Reliability Reference Model in Section The schemas explained in this section are within the reliability
2). category of redundancy-based packages that use the
One of the key challenges that most schemes face is the need connection-oriented approach to ensure reliable data
to be energy efficient and at the same time achieve reliability. transmission from source to destination. Ali et al. [36] propose
This requires the use of a distributed approach to achieve the optimal erase encoding of Reed-Solomon (OREC) to
reliability compared to traditional centralized approaches (ie, achieve the reliability of packets based on connection-oriented
a focus on subsidence). redundancy in a WSN. The originating node creates and
Given the short transmission range of the sensor nodes, it is transmits the fragments of a packet using Reed-Solomon
possible that the data has to travel several jumps before it codes, a class of deletion codes, along multiple routes to the
reaches the destination. Each hop introduces entry points for sink where they are rebuilt. The cost of transmitting these
errors that result in the loss of data that must be recovered to fragments in different network conditions is calculated and the
maintain the required reliability. The adoption of the most genetic algorithms (GA) are used to determine the optimized
efficient method (for example, the type of acknowledgment) number of fragments that will be transmitted accordingly. This
to recover lost data is another key issue. For the nature of the scheme assumed a WSN based on the query where the
receiver sends the query to the "Tips", which are nodes to a reliability, and therefore provides a motivation to investigate a
sink hop. The tips further spread the queries across the hybrid mechanism.
network and the relay nodes track the route through which A hybrid mechanism combines the characteristics of
they received the queries. This helps the relay nodes to retransmission and redundancy techniques. One of the
forward the query response to the sink through the teeth, while limitations of redundancy techniques is that rebuilding the
selecting the route with short hop counts or high reliability. original packet at the receiving node will only succeed when
the number of received fragments is equal to or greater than
2.5.2 Jump to jump (oriented to links) the original set of fragments, otherwise the packet is
considered lost. . This introduces the need for a hybrid
This section investigates redundancy-based packet reliability mechanism, where the retransmission technique can be
schemes, where coding / decoding is done using the link- applied when the receiver can not receive the minimum
oriented approach. Wen et al. [38] propose transmission number of fragments needed to rebuild the packet. In this
reliability in sensor networks (TRSN), a packet reliability scenario, the hybrid mechanism will only retransmit enough
mechanism based on efficient link-oriented redundancy. missing fragments to complete the minimum number of
TRSN evaluates the reliable transmission of data in terms of fragments needed to rebuild the original package. This would
probability of arrival of packages when compared with the not only minimize unnecessary retransmissions of the packets,
required reliability, while energy efficiency is evaluated in but also reduce the overall load of the network by requiring
terms of energy consumed in the successful delivery of a only the retransmission of the small fragments instead of the
package entire packet. This results in the conservation of the limited
energy of the sensors and improves the overall reliability.
2.6. Reliability of the event However, such an approach would introduce the latency due
to processing on the node at each hop in the sensor network
In a WSN, achieving event-level reliability instead of packet-
level reliability should be sufficient for most event-driven 3. Analysis
applications. This requires efficient utilization of the event
reliability approach in a technique based on redundancy using Now we present the detailed analysis of the reliability
end-to-end or hop-by-jump methods. In this way, the schemes discussed in Section 2. We have divided the general
reliability of the event based on redundancy aims to perform analysis into characteristics analysis and qualitative analysis.
the encoding / decoding of at least one of the many packets The feature analysis compares and evaluates the schemes
containing information about the same event, instead of all the based on the common taxonomy proposed in the 3D reference
packets of the related sensor nodes. This not only reduces model (see Fig. 2),
communication between the sensor nodes, but also reduces the
processing cost at the sensor nodes 3.1. Reliability schemes based on retransmission

2.7. Hybrid mechanism. Table 1 presents the relay-based reliability schemes discussed
in Sections 2. It can be seen that most of the research focuses
So far we have investigated several protocols in wireless on achieving reliable data transmission from the sensor nodes
sensor networks that aim to achieve reliable data transmission. to the sink node (ie, upstream traffic). ) as compared to the
The most common techniques involved in achieving reliability downstream traffic.
in WSNs are retransmission and redundancy. To our Table 1

knowledge, no existing research has so far considered the use Comparison of retransmission-based reliability schemes.
of a hybrid approach that involves an efficient combination of
both retransmission and redundancy techniques to achieve
The document presents the existing data transport reliability
protocols in wireless sensor networks (WSN). The authors
review various reliability schemes based on retransmission
and redundancy techniques using different combinations of
packet or event reliability in terms of recovering lost data by
using jump-hop or end-to-end mechanisms.
Most WSN reliability evaluations are based on graph theory
and probability theory. The reliability of connectivity
investigates the probability that the network is still connected
for a certain period of time in case some nodes or links fail. Fig. 5. Time diagram of sensor node operation and it testing.
Performance reliability analyzes end-to-end delay, packet
delivery rate, and other network parameters.
The reliability of the WSN is influenced by many factors,
such as the failure of the components, environmental
influences, changes in tasks and the updating of the network.
These factors and the behavior of the network are difficult to
describe or calculate using mathematical models. Network
simulation becomes an important method to analyze the
reliability of the network. Monte Carlo, Petri nets, Bayesian
networks and other simulation methods have been used. To
provide a more efficient and accurate assessment of
transmission reliability in WSNs, the document analyzes
transmission from two directions (uplink and downlink) and
proposes a dynamic evaluation framework. Fig. 6. Markov Chain state transition diagram.

4. Proposed model based on the concept of markow The behaviour of the examined system is described by the
Markov Chain state transition diagram (see Fig. 6), where:
For WSN of the cybernetic system with critical missions or
security relevance, it is important to know that the sensor – completely good state of the sensor node; – test of the
nodes are in operation at any time. During operation, some of sensor node without failure; – hidden failure of the sensor
the WSN sensors operate in cyclic mode. node; – detection of the failure state.
The duration of operation of the sensors can be many times On the base of the state transition diagram for a Markov’s
less than the duration of the pause. In this case, the periodic process shown in Fig. 3, we can write the system of
test can be used to detect potential faults in the pause of the Chapman–Kolmogorov’s equations [19]:
sensor operation. We are going to develop a reliability model
for this category of sensors. P1' (t ) = j P0 (t ) - (y + l ) P1 (t )
The following symbols have been used to develop
P1' (t ) = j P0 (t ) - (y + l ) P1 (t )
equations for the models:
� - Failure Rate P2' (t ) = l P0 (t ) - j P2 (t )
µ - Repair Rate P3' (t ) = l P1 (t ) + j P2 (t ) - m P3 (t )
A - Availability
- Mean time between failures, In this system (1) of equations is the probability of

- Mean time to repair finding the system in the state , .

The normalizing condition is:
- Probability of being in state

- Periodicity of test operations with parameter of
i =0 i
P (t ) = 1
Poisson’s flow
The availability of sensor node and it unavailability
- Time of test operations
may be defined by solution of the
- Parameter of exponential distribution of Kolmogorov’s above mentioned system of equations, where
– stationary probability values of . For high
reliable systems with the equation for unavailability is

U = P1 + P2 P3 = j / (y + l ) + l / j + l / m + lj / m (l +y )
Both relay and redundancy techniques that seek to achieve
The analysis of the shows that it is an unimodal packet or event level reliability work best when using the hop-
function with the extremes in point. The expression for by-hop method compared to the end-to-end method. Large-
the definition of optimal value of the periodicity of control scale WSN high-count counts introduce more entry points for
errors that become the cause of packet loss, which affects
is possible to find out from the condition reliability. This can be avoided to some extent by using a hop-
dU/d =0: by-hop method, since it guarantees the reliability of each
intermediate hop from the source to the destination. However,
this introduces a processing overload in the node and incurs a
T0 + tr
Tmopt = T0tm high general latency in the event information report to the sink
T0 + tm
We believe that the introduction of a hybrid mechanism would
At the Fig. 7 the function of the optimal value of the play an important role in further strengthening the reliability
control periodicity Tm opt =f(tm) is shown for typical reliability of data transmission. In addition, it would also address the
parameters of WSN sensors. challenge of minimizing the total energy consumption in a
WSN with limited resources.

In the Markov paper model for reliability analyzes of the

sensor node in wireless sensor networks is proposed. It is
shown that the reliability of the sensor node depends on the
monitoring strategy and is a unimodal function of the test
period. For the passive part of the sensor node, the optimum
period for the functionality test is defined.

The optimal test period increases with the increase in MTBF

and the duration of the test. In a future perspective, more
artificial intelligence will be implemented in the sensor node
for the early evaluation of data based on CPS self-learning
ontology models.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that in the previous article we

Fig. 7. The function the optimal value of the periodicity of added concepts, protocols, tables and a 3D model that
control. establishes a common taxonomy to evaluate WSN reliability
research in order to present a broader work that was the slogan
IV. CONCLUSION of this improved article mentioning, In the previous article we
present a mathematical model based on the concept of markov
The WSNs promise many new applications in the field of
that proposes to optimize to optimize the reliability of sensor
monitoring and control systems. With the advent of small and
nodes in networks of wireless sensors of cybernetic systems
inexpensive sensors, monitoring systems can make use of
them to monitor numerous environmental features. All of
these applications are designed for specific purposes, where
maintaining reliable data transmission from source to This work was supported by Latvian state research project
destination is one of the most important challenges. “The Next Generation of Information and Communication
Technologies (Next IT)” (2014-2017).
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[10] R. G. Laranjeira LA, «Border effect analysis for reliability Todos los párrafos deben tener intentado o tabulaciones en
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Tam Apariencia (en Time New Roman ó Times)
año Regular Negrita Cursiva
8 Contenidos de tablas Negrita Cursiva
Título de figures
Referencias a objetos
9 Direcciones de Negrita Cursiva
correo electrónico Cuerpo del
(usar fuente Courier) abstract
Cuerpo del articulo
10 Subtítulos Negrita Cursiva
11 Nombre del Negrita Cursiva
24 Título del artículo

El título, autores, departamento y correos deben estar en el

encabezado de la primera página, en una sola columna que
abarca las dos columnas inferiores. Todo este texto debe estar
Cada palabra en un título debe iniciar con mayúscula,
excepto palabras menores como: “a”, “de”, “y” , “desde” entre
Los detalles de los autores no deben mostrar ningún título
profesional como PhD, MSc, Dr.
Para evitar confusiones, el apellido de cada autor debe ser
escrito siempre.
La descripción del departamento debe incluir al menos el
nombre de la universidad, la escuela y el país.
C. Encabezados de Sección
Cada sección deberá dividirse como máximo en 3 niveles
de sub-secciones. Todo subtitulo deberá tener letra de tamaño
10 puntos y cada palabra en el título deberá iniciar con
mayúscula excepto las palabras menores como se indicó en la
sección III.B.
Observe en la línea anterior cómo se hace una referencia a
otra sección del documento, usando el número de título III y el
de subtitulo B.
Cuando necesite crear varios niveles de sección en el
documento (título, subtitulo, etc.) utilice estas normas:
1) Primer Nivel: El primer nivel corresponde al de título,
por tanto debe estar centrado, indexado con números romanos Fig. 1 El ejemplo de un gráfico con colores sólidos que resaltan sobre el fondo
y todas las letras en mayúscula con la primera letra de las blanco.
palabras mayores en mayor tamaño.
2) Segundo Nivel: Un segundo nivel corresponde al sub- Fig. 2 es un ejemplo de una imagen importada al
título. Deben estar numerados usando letras seguidas por un documento. En estos casos, asegúrese de utilizar la resolución
punto y alineados a la izquierda. El tipo de letra es de 10 adecuada, de manera que la figura se pueda apreciar con
claridad en el documento.
puntos y en cursiva.
No utilice figuras de resolución pobre porque empobrece la
3) Tercer nivel: Un tercer nivel es como este que está calidad del artículo.
leyendo. Utiliza letra cursiva de 10 puntos enlistados con Cuando inserte una figura, asegúrese de verificar lo
números arábigos seguidos por un paréntesis. El cuerpo del siguiente:
ítem debe estar inmediatamente después del encabezado, sin los colores contrastan adecuadamente,
saltos de línea. la imagen es clara,
D. Figuras y Tablas cualquier texto en la imagen se puede leer claramente.
Las figuras y tablas deben estar centradas en la columna. Si Fig. 2 muestra un caso donde la resolución no es adecuada,
la figura es muy larga, se puede extender hasta ocupar el mientras que Fig. 3 muestra una mejor adaptación de la misma
espacio de las dos columnas. Cualquier figura o tabla que se figura.
extienda más de una columna, pero no ocupe el espacio de las
dos columnas, se deberá mostrar centrada en la página y
deberá estar siempre en la parte superior o inferior de la
Los gráficos deben estar en color, de preferencia utilice
colores estándar de manera que puedan ser reproducidos en
cualquier sistema. Por colores estándar se entienden rojo, azul,
verde, amarillo. Trate de evitar colores complejos como azul
claro combinado con azul mas fuerte porque podrían
Utilice colores sólidos que resalten sobre el fondo de la
figura para mejorar el contraste.
Toda figura debe acompañarse de un título en letra de
tamaño de 8 puntos, que inicia con la abreviatura “Fig.” para
indicar “Figura” y un número de secuencia.
El nombre de la figura debe tener mayúscula solamente en
la primera palabra, independientemente de si se trata de una Fig. 2 Ejemplo de figura con baja resolución
palabra mayor o menor.
El nombre de la figura se utiliza centrado en la columna, o
página si la figura se extiende fuera de la columna. Si la
descripción se extiende más de una línea, se debe mostrar de
forma justificada, como en Fig. 1.
Los ejemplos enumerados en la sección de referencias de
este documento incluyen:
ejemplo de un libro [1]
ejemplo de un libro parte de una serie [2]
ejemplo de otro artículo de revista [3]
ejemplo de un artículo de conferencia [4]
ejemplo de una patente [5]
ejemplo de un sitio web [6]
ejemplo de una página de un sitio web [7]
ejemplo de un manual [8]
ejemplo de una hoja de datos [9]
ejemplo de una tesis [10]
ejemplo de un reporte técnico [11]
ejemplo de un estándar [12]
Fig. 3 Ejemplo de figura con buena resolución El propósito de esta sección es resumir los principales
resultados discutidos a lo largo del paper. Recuerde manejar
las conclusiones como enunciados cortos fundamentados en la
E. Títulos de Tablas teoría y los objetivos planteados.
Las tablas deben tener un título con letra mayúscula de 8 Esta sección no tiene requisitos especiales de formato.
puntos, centrado en la columna y con letra más grande en el
inicio de cada palabra mayor. Antes de la línea del título, se RECONOCIMIENTOS
incluye una línea centrada donde se usa la palabra “Tabla” Esta sección sigue el formato regular del resto del
seguida de la numeración de la tabla usando números romanos. documento. La única observación es notar que el título no está
F. Números de Página, Encabezados y Pie de Página
En esta sección se agregan agradecimientos a personas que
Estos tres elementos no deben ser utilizados. colaboraron en el proyecto pero que no figuran como autores
G. Hiper-Vínculos y Accesos Directos del paper.
Cualquier hiper-vínculo o referencia a Internet debe REFERENCIAS
escribirse por completo. Es decir, escribir el URL complete de [1] S. M. Metev and V. P. Veiko, Laser Assisted Microtechnology, 2nd ed.,
la ubicación del recurso en lugar de dejar accesos directos. R. M. Osgood, Jr., Ed. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 1998.
[2] J. Breckling, Ed., The Analysis of Directional Time Series:
Las referencias se escriben usando fuente regular igual que
Applications to Wind Speed and Direction, ser. Lecture Notes in
el resto del artículo. Statistics. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 1989, vol. 61.
[3] S. Zhang, C. Zhu, J. K. O. Sin, and P. K. T. Mok, “A novel ultrathin
H. Referencias bibliográficas elevated channel low-temperature poly-Si TFT,” IEEE Electron Device
El encabezado de la sección de referencias debe seguir las Lett., vol. 20, pp. 569–571, Nov. 1999.
[4] M. Wegmuller, J. P. von der Weid, P. Oberson, and N. Gisin, “High
normas del nivel “título” sin embargo, no debe tener resolution fiber distributed measurements with coherent OFDR,” in
numeración. Proc. ECOC’00, 2000, paper 11.3.4, p. 109.
Todas las referencias se hacen en letra de 8 puntos. [5] R. E. Sorace, V. S. Reinhardt, and S. A. Vaughn, “High-speed digital-
Utilice cursiva para distinguir los diferentes campos de la to-RF converter,” U.S. Patent 5 668 842, Sept. 16, 1997.
[6] (2002) The IEEE website. [Online]. Available:
referencia. Utilice los ejemplos adjuntos en este documento. [7] M. Shell. (2002) IEEEtran homepage on CTAN. [Online]. Available:
Todas las referencias están numeradas con números
arábigos consecutivos que inician en 1 y siempre están archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/IEEEtran/
encerrados en paréntesis cuadrados (p.e. [1]). [8] FLEXChip Signal Processor (MC68175/D), Motorola, 1996.
[9] “PDCA12-70 data sheet,” Opto Speed SA, Mezzovico, Switzerland.
Si en el cuerpo del artículo hace referencia a alguna de [10] A. Karnik, “Performance of TCP congestion control with rate feedback:
estas referencias, utilice solamente los paréntesis cuadrados y TCP/ABR and rate adaptive TCP/IP,” M. Eng. thesis, Indian Institute of
el número correspondiente. Nunca use términos como “ver Science, Bangalore, India, Jan. 1999.
referencia [4]”, en su lugar use “ver [4]”. [11] J. Padhye, V. Firoiu, and D. Towsley, “A stochastic model of TCP Reno
congestion avoidance and control,” Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst,
Si son varias referencias juntas, sepárelas con comas. MA, CMPSCI Tech. Rep. 99-02, 1999.
Las referencias cambian según el tipo de fuente. [12] Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer
(PHY) Specification, IEEE Std. 802.11, 1997.

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