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Copywriter and Content Marketer Phone: (859) 206-4600 | Email: kristianporter96@gmail.

Address: 4059 Vernon Ave S, St. Louis Park, MN 55416
Professional Summary

Skilled writer with a background in digital media and B2B copywriting, bringing three years’ experience in effective SEO strategies
and content creation. Proficient in social media, researching, and maintaining brand identity through voice and tone. Experienced in
collaborating with team members and working under deadlines.

Work Experience

C O PY W R I T ER / ON LI N E M AR K E TIN G A SSI ST AN T – Ecreativeworks – Minneapolis, MN – May ‘18 – Present

 Write and develop persuasive and technical website content for industrial B2B clients
 Craft title tags and meta descriptions using SEO best practices
 Optimize existing content using SEO techniques to improve SERP rankings and conversion rates
 Write, optimize, and promote blog posts and social media posts for Ecreativeworks website and social media presence
 Perform extensive research on technical topics including conducting client interviews
 Collaborate with other digital marketing specialists in development of web copy, ensuring consistency with brand
marketing and client strategies

DI GI T AL M AR K ET IN G AN D E DI T OR IA L IN TE RN – Women in Technology International—Los Angeles, CA – Aug ‘17 – Dec ‘17

 Created personalized marketing strategy for webinars and regional events to increase attendance and build following
 Designed marketing material for webinars and regional events including Twitter and Facebook headers
 Worked as part of a team in the creation of a new multimedia magazine
 Created email campaign to attract contributors for digital magazine
 Wrote and edit content for Hall-of-Fame biographies to adhere to in-house style guide and uphold publication standards
Created social media content for Facebook and LinkedIn to increase reach and audience participation

S EN I O R W R I TI N G IN T ER N - Study Breaks Magazine – San Antonio, TX – Sept ‘16 – June ‘17

● Researched, wrote and edited one article a week for online publication
● Initiated and conducted interviews with college students around the country and wrote corresponding articles
● Crafted 3 new, relevant article pitches per week
● Participated in weekly video conference workshops with small writing group to edit and critique each other’s articles
● Pitched and wrote two 2500-word, 6-page cover stories for print publication

WR IT I N G C EN T ER CO N S UL T AN T – NKU PLUS Tutoring – Highland Heights, KY – Aug ‘15 – April ‘18

 Assisted 20+ students a week with all areas of editing including, but not limited to, proofreading, organization, and global
 Assisted students with prewriting steps such as brainstorming, reading comprehension, and outlining
 Worked with a diverse group of students in all grade levels and cultural backgrounds
 Worked as receptionist, answering phones and confirming students’ appointments
 As an embedded consultant, met with professor to create and collaborate on syllabus for English 101 class
 Attended English 101 class two days a week to contribute to teaching
 Assisted 18 students in writing instruction
 Lead a lesson and provided primary instruction at professor’s discretion


BAC H E LO R OF AR T S , EN G L IS H – Northern Kentucky University -2014-2018

 Magna Cum Laude
 Assistant News Editor for The Northerner

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