Blake Lopez - Cicero: Against Verres 2

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Cicero: Against Verres 2.1.

Independent Translation

You know that Aspendos is an ancient and well-known town, most full of the best statues. I shall
not say that from there this statue was borne away, and that one. This I do say, that you left
behind no statue in Aspendos, Verres, that everything from the shrines, from the public places,
openly, with everybody watching, was carried and ported out by wagons. And he bore out that
Aspendian citharist too, about which you have often heard that which is among the Greeks in
common saying, whom they used to say “sings on the inside” all things, and he placed him in
his own inner dwelling, so that he might seem to have conquered that very statue by his own

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