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BCAS College

Assignment Brief

Module Title:
Marketing in the Digital Age

Module Code:

Level 7

Academic Year 2018/19

Module Leader: Denzil Perera
Issues date: 23. 01.2019

Word Count - 3279

ID – 1927488 Nirosh Amadoruge


Table of Contents

Figure 1 The SWOT Analysis ................................................................ 5

Figure 2 - Positioning .......................................................................... 9
Figure 3- Post Content ...................................................................... 17
Figure 4 - Social Media Posting Frequency ......................................... 17

ID – 1927488 Nirosh Amadoruge


1. Comprehensive market analysis for One Fine Stay

including internal, MACRO and MICRO environmental factors.

One Fine Stay has gained the name and fame for providing vacation
homes especially for ones who are seeking special and luxury upscale
properties for their holiday retreat. They built it up by providing the
best possible experience for their customers and firm has ensured
that those who seek special treat will have access to rental properties,
which are high quality through equipping them with luxurious
amenities. As per case study company has grown very well in the past
4 years and it is continuing to grow. Since One Fine Stay initiation it
has now been spaned over 4 major cities in UK, USA and France. As it
grows company face intense challenges and obstacles when it comes
to expansion and also the competition in the market has risen it self.
So in this section we are going to conduct an analysis of the company
and present various aspects.


This analysis provides the external factors that affect the operations
and performance of a business. PESTEL is an abbreviation used for
Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal


As the company operates in 4 cities 3 countries that are politically

more stable than other parts of the world though it is vital for them to
ensure that they are complying with all regulatory and mandatory
operational legislations. Besides that it is compulsory to follow correct
tax regulations in those 4 cities. A those cities have higher population
growth it may attract investors around the world thus paying right
taxes and follow regulations closely and accurately might give One
Fine Stay more opportunities for finding investors. Though the current
ID – 1927488 Nirosh Amadoruge

cities where One Fine Stay has already established are politically
stable, as it aims to expand to other regions in the world it is better to
closely monitor political environment of foreign markets.


Sudden shock in the economies of either US or Europe where One Fine

Stay currently operates may hurt the peoples buying power and will
limit the travel hence it will directly impact the hotel industry. Apart
from that individual in London may face inequality in income, which
can be a long-term economic threat.


Over the years number of staff attained by One Fine Stay thus it clearly
shows social presence also increased. In the hotel industry social
presence is vital as they play major role in providing customers a
unique service.


Airbnb is a prime example of utilizing modern day powerful

technology. As they make reservation through an app it creates a
platform where hosts and guests interact. Questions are answered;
payments are made; tax avoided; less staff needed hence lower
overhead costs and it is a real threat to One Fine Stay.


As One Fine Stay operates in hotel industry in future it may be affected

by health and safety regulations.

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1.2 SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis helps a company to identify internal as well as external

strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats
influencing the same. Hence it is essential for formulating a marketing
plan. SWOT analysis of One Fine Stay is illustrated in the figure 1
Figure 1 The SWOT Analysis


• Affiliations with larger travel companies
• Local connection • Existing tools, systems are well developed for
provided via Free Wi-Fi future expansions
and iPhone • Introduce latest technologies such as develop and
• Prompt replies email using mobile applications
inquires • Increased lower customer base segments and local
• Professional response collaborations.
to inquiries making
• Client’s complains • The rise of the
• Mobile responsive, fast about longer sharing economy
web site booking process. might affect
• Expanded to other • Lack of
cities improvements and • Due to being part
developments in of share economy
• Entered international technological may have to cope
market department. up with issues on
tax, insurance and
• Affordable rental prices • Low supplier loyalty law.
• Well organized •
• Competitors are Skill shortage eon
administration taking advantage human resource
• Newly introduced due to the lower
investments. • Trade war between
product mix
china and USA
• Diverse revenue might affect
system. expansions in

ID – 1927488 Nirosh Amadoruge


1.3 Porter’s Five Forces

This framework helps to identify and analyse the competition level
within the business environment and its strategy and it is based upon
the economy if industrial organization. This five forces helps to
identify the potential clients as it describes the impact of the
competitiveness of any given company thus this framework is
responsible for the effectiveness of an industry.

a) Threat of New Errant

Furious challenge in a declining market sets high obstructions to
passage. In addition mind-boggling expenses and inescapable risk of
claims set the boundary much higher. The higher the boundary to
passage in the focused market, the more it winds up more
enthusiastically for new organizations to be framed giving comparative
items and administrations.

b) Threat of Substitution
In the event that there exist a few contenders inside the market, at
that point it is obvious that there is the risk of substitution particularly
to the one commanding the market. The Onefinestay Company faces a
ton of rivalry from the lodgings and other comparative firms that offer
administrations of leasing and lodging. A portion of these
organizations may offer less expensive offices contrasted with those
of Onefinestay. There exists the danger of substitution of Onefinestay
with such associations.

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c) Consumer Power
The customer holds an official choice and the thusly hold what the
organization may require generally; the subsidizing. On the off chance
that the shopper is enabled to change the market costs, they will do as
such definitely. With other comparable associations in the market,
Onefinestay requirements to change their costs to be low enough to
pull in more clients yet enough to meet the costs of the firm itself in
order to hold a greater amount of the clients while figuring out how to
draw in additional.

Also, the nature of administrations and cordiality the customers get in

Onefinestay will influence how they will react to different associations.
Constructive criticism from the client’s demonstrated that the clients
are fulfilled and they would prescribe the administrations to some
other individual.

d) Power of the Suppliers

Providers of towels, sheets and different necessities that Onefinestay
utilizations have direct effect on the benefit of the association. In the
event that the providers choose to raise the costs of these items that
would affect the business adversely thus to prevent such scenarios
advised to have no less than three providers.

e) Industry Rivalry
Rivalry includes sharing of and in that capacity, the net revenue
decrease lower. There exists rivalry between the Onefinestay
friendliness the board and administration office and different lodgings
offering spaces for lease.

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2. Identify a new target markets appropriate to the company

Onefinestay in the U.K. market. This must include full
justification of the target markets, customer profiling and

2.1 Targeting and Segmentation Summary

One Fine Stay already has an upper hand within luxury housing
market. Therefore it will have an added advantage when entering into
other 2 target markets, which are sports market segment and event
management industry segment. So this new additions will lie within
existing company strategies and goals and will present a golden
opportunity to One Fine Stay. First, the products should feature top-
end rooms with unique sporting-like furniture that captivates the
spirits of the sportsmen and women (MORRITT & WEINSTEIN, 2012).
When its come to marketing it is vital that One Fine Stay engage in
promotional activities like advertising in luxury sporting magazines,
build relationship with online agencies and include designated
locations of sporting venues and events on company provided iPhone.
In event management segment research shows that fans are willing to
pay for an experience or party in or like celebrity style either in their
respective houses as a way of living in their lives (JAKUBIKOVA, 2008).
So in this case it is important to engage with the celebrity and monitor
their fan base and then evaluate the market. Hence research shows
that trend and the fan base will be critical while the price is depending
and vary on fame and fan base of the celebrity Rae (2007). To make
this segment active One Fine Stay has to do promotional video
shooting with celebrity on location or get the celebrity on board with
the rental services. In this case for appearance and association with
One Fine Stay can provide lucrative returns in the occasion of an event
in their respective location.

ID – 1927488 Nirosh Amadoruge


Positioning Statement Target market

High end, Luxurious accommodations Sports People as
provided with access to top notch sporting Tourists
facilities in the UK - Only with OneFineStay
Well managed, quality and well planned Events Management
events with top notch results – Only with

Figure 2 - Positioning

2.2 The Sports Market Segment

UK has been a sporting hub for many decades and sporting celebrities
are well known for their lavish life styles. Those individual’s purchase
decisions are swiftly made. Among expected customers in this new
target market sports teams including young and middle aged sports
personnel will seek accommodations with freedom, and security as
well as to stay over one place with the same group where
transportation is convenient for everyone during pick ups and drop off
from the venue. Because of the above components, team members
have regularly looked for top of the line short-term rental services.
They foresee that the rental services will give reasonable convenience
to gatherings (GROSS, 2008).

Sporting events attract thousands of people if not millions of people

every year and ever growing popularity of sports in the world creates a
great market. One Fine Stay has the opportunity to explore this
segment in their expansion project in the international market.
Provisioning high-end sporting facilities and accommodation services
for athletes and sports personnel are what we called sports industry
market (MORRITT & WEINSTEIN, 2012).

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In this case as the One Fine Stay enters to the market as a novice it is
important to understand the taste and cultures of the customers and
create a remarkable product. Therefore before team meet up it is vital
One Fine Stay to understand cultural differences and their preferred
styles for every team Doyle and Stern (2006, 84). Sports teams are
another market for Onefinestay in light of the fact that recreations
have developed to universal dimensions where they welcome
distinctive groups from different districts of the world to an assigned
area where they will require the settlement services among others

During One Fine Stay growth and development in this market segment
it is important to develop way to snatch these new market well in
advance. As sports teams travel as large groups their neediness can be
bigger than existing customer base of One Fine Stay. As the start up it
is important to move with local teams and providing their
accommodation. As discussed by Pelsmacker et al. (2004, 34) initial
approach of advertising should be newsletter, where you can insert
enough information about properties, theirs capacities and pricing in
each category.

2.3 Events Management Industry Segment

People on vacation seeks various kind of event planners as their

vacation can be closely related with either their engagement parties,
weddings, business meetings, socializing events and also executive
meetings that require hosting. The general population looking for
event management regularly look for services from firms that have
exhibited quality service delivery. Being offered services in sorting out
their occasions lures this segment. They are entranced by specific
brands that offer explicit encounters and exercises amid the

ID – 1927488 Nirosh Amadoruge


Event management industry is a highly rewarding industry where

explicit knowledge of time management is used and companies must
be able to coordinate and scheduling all required component in an
event. One Fine Stay posses that skills within the company and to be
part of this new target market segment it is important them to getting
done a video shoot with a celebrity at his/her location.

UK event management business is broad and highly demanding and it

consists of both formal and informal parties. One Fine Stay’s video
shoots are an open market and it is best practices to explore and find
where they can provide their rental houses for different events.
Company’s resourcefulness will occur spontaneously and it will be one
key fact of the success of this segment. Onefinestay, in their
development and advancement, can look for partnerships with
acclaimed individuals who are related with entertainment to hold
either video shoots or hold parties for the enthusiasts of the
renowned. It makes client advertise as well as provisions showcase
where the length of rental is for a brief period (PARASURAMAN,
GREWAL & KRISHNAN, 2007). For these kind of events it doesn’t
require lengthy rentals and even though road is dangerous if its still a
lucrative market customers and suppliers can get together to receive
benefits either financially or psychologically (Hill and Jones 2008, 45).
Mostly young to middle age population will be the target group where
they require secrecy on their location. Modern day society holds
numerous events at undisclosed locations in hotels yet the
confidentiality is questionable. Therefore if a company can provide
these secrecy and space hosting private parties will be a lucrative
business (PARASURAMAN, GREWAL & KRISHNAN, 2007). Starting up
accessing such industries will define One Fine Stay as not only as a
rental company yet as an event rental company too.

ID – 1927488 Nirosh Amadoruge


3. Develop differentiated marketing mixes for the chosen

target market identified in part 2 (above). This must include
marketing objectives and control sections.

3.1 Marketing Objectives- Sporting Industry Segment

I. Primary objective is to gain 10% market share in UK providing

luxurious short stay rental services with ad on to sports
personnel by end of year 2020. In this segment company may
have to find suppliers to meet all needy things of visitors.

II. Providing gym facilities, Pool and Sauna (Health and wellness
III. Food delivery or providing in-house kitchen staff, those are
highly skilled in preparing food as per guest’s requirements
according to their cultural and ethnical diversity.
IV. Provide transport services for guests thus One Fine Stay has to
partner up with transportation companies. This will help guests
to move within destinations without any hassle. In this case One
Fine Stay might predominantly require Bus Company to assist
team transportation.
V. Provide a local tour guide and a translator who can help them to
move around in the city or other destinations.
VI. Provide hot water facilities, Wi-Fi and Internet through out

3.1.1 Market mix

Product: Providing luxury accommodation for sport

personnel/teams. It is provided with luxurious ad-ons to create the
unique and present environment for visitors. Rooms are presented
with space and privacy with adding technological gadgets like TV’s
with chrome casting or apple TV’s etc. Food can be catered according
ID – 1927488 Nirosh Amadoruge

got their neediness or can request well versatile in house kitchen staff.
Apart from those provide remote assistance, 24-hour car transport,
practice nets and pitches, swimming pools and other fitness facilities.

Price: Due to luxury presence and the facilities provided price

per night per person would be £2000 and however the price may go
up depending on the number of players in the team.

Promotion: By using modern and classic advertising methods

such as social media campaign, emails and web advertisements
(Google, other 3rd party web ads) distributing pamphlets, advertise on
news paper and magazines One Fine Stay can get in touch with sports
teams and there after requires to follow ups them through phone calls
and emails. Apart from those advertising channels it is in best practice
when given offers through existing clients to new clients as well as
discounted ad-on services for clients.

Place: Preferably close proximity to their sporting event venue.

One Fine Stay can attract the property occupants and owners around
those venues to become hosts through effective advertising channels.

3.2 Marketing Objectives - Events Management Segment

One Fine Stay wants to positioning it self by gaining 25% market share
in this event management segment by 2020. Goal it seems realistic as
the company already operates and built a reputation in providing
luxurious rentals where they secured a sufficient market share. In their
premises guests have held few parties, meetings and small gatherings
and while entering to this market One Fine Stay only needs to take
those opportunities into advantage and operates with a specific event
management team apart from rental management team. Affiliating
with celebrities will help the company to build and take the brand into
a different level. Running advertisement campaign through celebrities
ID – 1927488 Nirosh Amadoruge

will be a highly valued ad on to the company and it has to refine the

management structure to cater all customers’ requirements in timely

3.2.1 Market mix

Products: Event Management Service has to be taken as the

product here. One Fine Stay has already built a name for their
remarkable high standard customer service. They will have to create a
different management staff for event management with other ad-on
services like event cleaning, home movers to move valuable items,
customer preferred Dj services for entrainment Kiralova et al. (2006,
94). And also One Fine Stay will have to build a good relationship with
those companies who are going to provide above-mentioned services.
Any occasion these days requires props which run connected at the
hip with the patterns, culture and season which will be crafted by the
company n to distinguish and modify the set up to represent it.

Promotion: Social media marketing can be utilised to reach

target market while preparing other advertising channels. Bowie and
Buttke (2013, 19) has suggested that using billboards to show newly
signed up exclusive properties, using TV commercial to show the
facilities of luxurious homes will help to attain this new market

Price: Price is depending on the rental period and it will be

minimum of 24 hours to maximum of 48 hours. Price will be varying
and weekends will be expensive than weekdays while holidays will cost
more due to high demand for properties during those times. Ad- on
packages will be available; for instance in house kitchen staff or self
catered or pre booked catering by One Fine Stay can be added to the
rental package. Other big factor where pricing can be highly increased
when booking a celebrity home. Due to its insurance premiums rental

ID – 1927488 Nirosh Amadoruge


will cost more than above mentioned times of the rent. Providing
liquor can also affect pricing. But with partnership with breweries if
liquor can be given for a subsidised price it may help to lure lot of
customers to make booking through One Fine Stay. Upon taking prior
permission from the owners, video shoot and recording can be carried
out but it will add an extra cost.

Place: Place must suit the purpose of the function and must
have ample parking for guests and their visitors. Therefore have to
add extra security for guest vehicles and also for themselves. Mostly
formal parties will require quiet and peaceful locations where
accessible by easy transport. Apart form those requirements in the
presence of a celebrity company has to coordinate with artist
management agents.

4. Develop a comprehensive digital marketing plan for the

selected segment covering all major digital channels such as
Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter. Etc

Building up a social media advertising procedure is most likely one of

the hardest activities since it expects you to venture back and take a
gander at the 10,000-foot view. You need to shift your mentality far
from your day-by-day errands like scheduling posts and replying to
comments and inquires. In any case, it's enormously fulfilling and
accommodating to have a social media marketing showcasing
technique with the goal that you aren't simply posting content just
only for posting content. It'll enable you to accomplish your social
media and business objectives.

Step 1 – Choosing social Networks

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It is important to consider the audience we are going to cater, time

that we are going to invest in social networks and resources that we
have within our company.

Step 2 – Filling out our Social Profiles

It is vital to have completed social media profiles, which shows the

professionalism, cohesive branding and a sign to visitors that, you are
serious about engaging. Therefore in visual aspect update Facebook
cover photos, twitter head photos, Instagram profile pic, linked in
cover photos and YouTube channel banners. Apart from those it is
important to fill all information in those pages and those cover photos
and banners can be changed according to the events held within a city

Step 3 – Delivering the mission statement and implementation of

that mission

So in here we will find that brand and its relationship with our hosts
and visitors and how the delivered service stands out in other similar

Step 4 – Posting Strategy

In here it going to make the difference of how you interact and what
you deliver and how frequently you deliver content to your target
market or target audience. Celebrity videos can be added to YouTube
channel and also it is very effective when shared among other social
media platforms. For instance data reveals that twitter videos get
retweeted 6x more than images or gifs. It is important to deliver your
content to target market in timely manner. So in different social media
networks data shows how often to post to get best engagements and
traffic to your social media site.
ID – 1927488 Nirosh Amadoruge

With these strategies you can implement a good digital media

marketing campaign for One Fine Stay.

Figure 3- Post Content

(Buffer Marketing Library, 2019)

Figure 4 - Social Media Posting Frequency

(Buffer Marketing Library, 2019)

ID – 1927488 Nirosh Amadoruge


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ID – 1927488 Nirosh Amadoruge


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ID – 1927488 Nirosh Amadoruge

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