Assignment3 Fregeau Michelle

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Assignment 3: Review for Test 2 (A)

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Instructions: - This assignment is designed to prepare you for Test 2; Algebraic Expressions and Graphing.
- Show all your work in the space provided
- Submit your completed assignment in the Assignment 3 dropbox on DC Connect.
- Late assignments will not be accepted.

1. Evaluate the following, using x: -2, y:4 and z: -3.

a) x3y - (z-5) *yzz =
czf(q)-(e s)+(r)ff : z\-3*
f s)(q)- (-B\+ (.t\(-* *\z
: *z{ "r,- (- *e)
- 2(l * yz)z -
b) ?xzz + 3x2y

(l!zir-n"5 -q We}[{) * 32 -\(
: tl)Gt) lx
- * Bz-r%
- q%*B?-\e"
= $(c
a *bz
2. Simplify the following operations with polynomials and exponents. Do not convert fractional answers to
decimals and express in reduced form.
a) Bxeys(-7x=yu) - b) (-2a4b714 :
(rtrtlXq*(-nXxs{3tu} t/' \6\
N{,2,e D "S

(sr")t r't,(..',
- qf*.x'L.t'
(oys)' _
"' 1zy=1n
0( 2m-sn-6
, l0
5{#L\J tb

r rv'
unn*a n-1



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Page 1 of I
e) ab(3a + b- 1) - Zazb - abz = (1)

(dt{ku)+,0""; \b{,\{" r)( r:;; _r/it d)

A\t3"h) +V \f - (*ip{i
,/.- r \ ,\, \--
(}"ru-tJ+D"f) -- {-
*lp,r: *
't -J

f) (2x + ay)(3x - 5y) : (1)

, \


3. Translate the following verbal expressions into variable equations. Do not solve or simpliff the equations.
a) The product of two consecutive odd integers is ten less than the square of the smallest odd integer. (6)
Let statement: Equation: ,

ffi v, =*1,t*--,t='\il tv**(i{ X(xtzlt 'i*\O

b) Twice the sum of two consecutive even integers is twenty-four.
Let statement: Equation:
;'r"-i:-,-'fl-dll#ff {"' t/ ..: :'i',
x T, tr;:{}'{..r \.,
1..'q ''.\*-:t-{
-.,i*L- \

c) Nine less than three times a number is thirteen more than the number.
Let statement: Equation:
! { l} ..,1 o,--o:*.u
Le{- '$ -:.-.h1, ! r'-I'qk 'u'a::i{ 3x*\:xa-\"S
d) The sum of tlree consecutive even integers is four times the largest even integer.
Let statement: 11ru,.i,\"
I Eauation:
..1 ( Y+'- i i
#t ;-: );,,"(yn:*=\iq.-l \$flry,t [, ;(;; l, & i,tn' -, ' i'i=

Page 2 of I
4. SolVothe following equations. Do not convert fractional iinswers to decimals and express fractions in reduced
form. (6)
lu{ -?X+Bx + lZ = t3
'Lb *X = t3
Zb*\3: *x x: -\3
6Lzx : z_3x *a
r,lx *l tx = -1+Ye
(ox-\b= -3x'? tx= t
bx= -3x-* +16 x= \
c) -2(3 - y) -7y + 4 = 2(y+ 5) + I
-6+"*-1.,,+H=Z*r+10+t -Zo=3-*-
-+i -zc-:\/
+ + i

-L'ft=-Zt*?* Y=-q
d) The "Devine formula" was originally developed in order to calculate dosages of certain medications based on
weight. The formula for women is I = 45.5 + 2.3(h 60), where I is the ideal weight in kilograms and h is
the woman's height in inches. How tall is awoman, in feet and inches, whose ideal weight is 57 kg?
Solution: (3)
51 = UES+Z ,f;tv"..- 6e\
f?;\5.S+2,3h- \3t
-2,3h=as.5- t3"6-S?
-?3h-{qG -- 65"tchar:
A,-;L.j = 5"Lt

*W\e- u.Jerfim-{\ (a Yttt -

Ftnql Stqtewent: (1) J-

Page 3 of
5. RATIO AND PROPORTION. Solve each of the following ratio andproportionproblems. Round off frnals
answers to the nearest hundredth when necessary.
' 4
n-10 9yr*t*rL4.s-r (1)

tn- *\o.5 q* u**_ lS

) g

')#:* 3n : \BO +Sn (1)

3n $n :'l*&{}
-7m=H3* *?t5*
*""L -"'2*
a*# w#' :

c) The distance from New York to LA is 2226 miles, If there are 1 .61 kilometers in 1 mile, how far is the trip
from New York to LA in kilometers?

Solution: (1)

"ffi36x \ . {o t = 3, 6-33- 8 bkwr

Flnql Statement: (1)

:. +h.e \-q-'ff trnr*: Hrysr u 9*fu &a L&
Page 4 of I i* 3,s% E, ts&fo*n
6. Unit Conversion. Perform the foltowing conversions. Roufld off final answers to the nearest hundredth when
a) convert: 85 oz = f ,o 5 oz (1)

lfu .i S: B#
Gt:- (}L.J-. c*
(> ) G'lnr -* C}Z

b) Convert one-and-a-half pints to fluid ounces. e)

\ = -LC *Z


c) A 500-milliliter bottle of acetone alcohol costs $14.10. Find the cost per fluid ounce . (2)

s"':.K:l H fr.ttsu{
-: \+q\ oZ
l.l ,tO/t!-;ogB e;_ie
('*-+ i:ri i Ctr 4, \ I i ''{' 1; '
kotrr" \'f,*ral
,r.^.id. ,;r c8
d) An IV drip rate is 90 ml/h. Express this rate inLlday. (1)

9O r? Lt = z\ (; ornt ld*Y
z\Go; \**ct = ?-.\ (oL/d*'3
Z,lbL/ f)"tr
e) The thermostat in a room was set to 71.6oF. What is this temperature in degrees Celsius? (1)

C,(+r.A-32) ll ,A
c-- 3t ,6/ I ,B
Page 5 of I
7. Graphing Linear Equations.
a) Sketch the graph of -3r - 1 : 6 by using any method we learned in class. Show your work in the space
below- Fully label your graph to include: the axes and. scales (l). coordrnates of the x- and y-intercepts (1),
the graph of the line and its equation (2).

b. ffi 1-


:, i;J,,, *---:---

Rough work:
-3Y- C,6 -:{o\ -T:- tu ft', *)
_.4, * ?, 3 (-',P)
a- ur

b) Find the slope of a line passing through the points (2, 8) and (5, -4). Q)

-q -6 -\?- -L{
fna cfr: '-L
s*2" LJ

b\rge: {
c) What is the slope and the y-intercept of the line whose equation is 3r - 8y = -Z? (2)

s(*,) - %ua -- -7-

* Yr* *L,

Page 6 of '8
d) On the graphinC gnd below, sketch the following lines. Indicate which is Line A," Line B and Line C. (3)
Line A: Line that passes through the point C4, 8) that has the slope of ?.
Line B: Line that passes through the point (4, 5) that has an undefined slope.
Line C: Line that passes through the point (-5, -4) that has a slope equal to zero.

Li*re C

8. Application problems. \su &

zi) The sum of three consecutive even integers is sixteen less than four times the smallest integer. Find the
Let statement: (1)

(t) I *\} . \\ r' lc

Equarion: + {Xi} { L" \
Sqlwtioru; Q)

: . t L ., l" '"'1 '.r,. ' ,*}

rl *"i. - '*i-''
H i,-
ffi; i I -/.'

w' ts""i&?
'? ? *:- r,' *LZ{ v*q ;-} fo:, }z
t- t-- i"
qil;*J- i&- ?-a
Flnal Statement: (1)
;. *&te C#vit#.,flr$S \r{-" \{t%#J'\'ar€'
Page 7 af I
?-Te ,3"q er"Y'\d ?'''& '
b) Find the oost per pound of a "house blend" of coffee that is made from 12 pounds of Central American
that costs $8 per pound and 30 pounds of South American coffee that costs $4.50 per pound. Round your
utrrswer to the nearest cent if necessary'
Let statement: (1) L-\ ra : bti\

Equation: (1) EX + {-t,5OX

soturion: (2)
6 ( iZ\ + r\ .{U'-,*r,'1:
q(, t \3<=}!
r\Z lps,So/lb

Finat statement: (1) j "iirg

. 0sg,4, V-{' q(} o"-*r.,& \:, b
fe ,#"".+.1

c) At 10 a.m. aplane leaves Boston for Seattle a distance of 3000 miles. One hour later, aplane leaves Seattle for
Boston. Both planes are traveling at a speed of 500 miles per hour. At what time will the planes pass each other?
Let statement: (1)
= \ffre X
Equation: (1)
SCCX + (q.**H \SOO\ *BO0*
Solution: (2)

tSC{}x+ Tos)-30#s * -STcrg

Sc&r -Z{"Sft = -rocK
\<9Co X
-zS-0O= -*:Tffii, X: e.S
* 5-+ \ =3,5ho,*f S
l$o.wt + j, ShrS= \' bq' hh

q:\AttC-'U ul\lt r';;::] o+- \i3*PrT]'

Ftnalstatement: (l),oofig t -. [#

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