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Copyright © 2006 paul yogi nipperess Updated 25062006

Re: ..... biquintiles, tredeciles and more ..... :)

Hi folks,

A biquintile on its own, is considered a mildly positive aspect

in terms of astrotrading.

 Just as important as the aspect itself, is the planet on either end,

their signs and rulerships etc, that will add to/detract from the
strength of the aspect.

If Venus is a triggering a biquintile aspect, then it will likely show

a stronger result.

On looking at the "big picture stuff", it is a lot easier to appreciate

the biquintile aspects.

In numerical terms, 144 (degrees) coincides with the

11th number in the Fibonacci sequence (89 x 1.618).

Of course, there's a direct bearing between 1.618, Venus and

the Earth, but it is Venus that traces out a pentacle star (5-pointed)
star on the internal pattern of its mandala, as it maneuvres across
the heavens, in its 8 year cycle.

To line up 5 planetary bodies, all separated by 72 degrees

(72 x 5 = 360 = pentagon), would seem to be an uncommon
pattern in the heavens ..... and it's true.

However, the same 5 points can be conjoined with five biquintiles

to form a pentacle star, as well.

When a pentacle star becomes evident in the heavens,

we should be alert for some action, in the near future.

For example, on the eve of the 2003 invasion into Iraq, a pentacle
star was evident in the skies above ... later, in November 2004 we
saw another pentacle star. That occurrence is detailed in the pages,
below, primarily for the benefit that those graphics may bring, as well.

Tredeciles (36 x 3 = 108 degrees) may also be seen in many of our
charts, as they relate specifically to market reversals, lunar aspects
and the nodes.


For more reading about this group of aspects, this book is a good start:

"Quintiles and Tredeciles"

The Geometry of the Goddess
by Dusty Bunker

ISBN: 0-914918-69-9

Copyright©2004 paul yogi nipperess

Hi folks,

Just had a reminder about the pentacle star ... to be honest, it

had slipped off the radar on this end.

Please see chart above for an overview of today's pentacle star.


Having seen this symbol in the charts previously, the pentacle

star is a portent of some importance, particularly on the world
stage and the US markets, as well.

My own thoughts:

You will remember the last time we saw this formation in

March 2003 was on the eve of the Invasion of Iraq ..... and
appropriately today, we see Coalition troops being readied
for another invasion in Iraq, at F allujah
Copyright©2004 paul yogi nipperess

Hi folks,

Just had a reminder about the pentacle star ... to be honest, it

had slipped off the radar on this end.

Please see chart above for an overview of today's pentacle star.


Having seen this symbol in the charts previously, the pentacle

star is a portent of some importance, particularly on the world
stage and the US markets, as well.

My own thoughts:

You will remember the last time we saw this formation in

March 2003 was on the eve of the Invasion of Iraq ..... and
appropriately today, we see Coalition troops being readied
for another invasion in Iraq, at F allujah.

This comes exactly 18 months, after hostilities were

"officially declared ended”, by Bush, in early May 2003.


Given that this pentacle star is made up of some significant

 planets, we cannot pass it off lightly and maybe we should
 be looking closer at the events leading up to this pentacle star,
as it has been in applying mode.

Of course, the US markets were in a short-term downtrend,

until the results of the election were known ..... it is probably
not surprising, they have had a rally since, as with Bush at
the reins again, the markets are really expecting
"more-of-the-same" ... ie a buoyant market, climbing a
"wall of worries" ..... each time any bad news is released, the
market will take a small dip, then continue to rally ... see a
DOW chart from March 2003 (Iraq Invasion) to February 2004
(start of election jitters).

So, if the DOW futures can clear the previous highs, at about
10800, then the rally is probably sustainable from here .....


Back to the pentacle star now ... let's look at the astrochart from
a mundane view, starting with us, here on earth.
From a geodetic view:

Earth today, at 13-14 Taurus and as this pentacle star was

applying, we were also transiting Palestine, giving us the
Arafat connection ..... and it may be, that UN troops will
 be call into the region, when Arafat is pronounced dead,
as the unrest will almost certainly bring on some more
 bloodshed between all the factions, seeking to take the reins.

This is shown on our chart, as the moon's North/South Node

transits and their aspects to Uranus, with Mars to trigger the
South Node in Scorpio, around 15 November 2004.

MERCURY is making negative aspects to both Uranus and the

 North Node, so it is not surprising that the news out of Arafat's
camp is both negative and vague.


SATURN is on station today to turn retrograde, over the next

couple of days (08112004) and it will also transit its opposition
to New York and Washington DC, in retrograde, in the near

SATURN is also biquintile Pluto, making for some explosive

and hidden (underground?) connections with the US east coast
(??) by way of the current Saturn opposition.

 News out of Guantanamo Bay may also become evident soon,

as Saturn will also make an opposition to that longitude, as it
goes retrograde, too.

MARS is also making a square to Saturn today.


VENUS/JUPITER conjunction may indicate a HUGE c hange

of attitude to the (money?) markets, ... as they are now
conjunct on the same degree as the Sun , on 03 October 1931
= close of the NYSE for 3 or 4 days.

October 1931 saw 827 banks close, adding to the 1300 that had
closed throughout 1930.

It may well be that the Moon will be the trigger for that aspect
on 09112004, as it also transits the same degree.

Moon currently transiting 144 degrees.

Though not implicated in the pentacle star, our SUN is making
a square to Neptune and a tredecile to Uranus
( with both planets in mutual reception now) may also put the
spotlight back on oil prices very soon, with the tredecile
indicating a change of trend.

Today's date is harmonically tuned to the 5-pointed pentacle star , too:

06 11 2004 = 14 = 5

have a great weekend all


For Cardinal Astrographs and Gann Signs on ebay ... click  on here ... :)

P.S. ..... Any feedback will be much appreciated.

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