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The Foolist Donkey

A salt vendor utilized to bring the salt bag on his donkey to the marketplace each
day. On the way they needed to cross a stream. One day the donkey unexpectedly
toppled down the stream and also the salt bag likewise fell under the water. The
salt liquified in the water as well as thus the bag ended up being extremely light to
lug. The donkey enjoyed.

Then the donkey started to play the exact same technique each day. The salt seller
pertained to understand the technique as well as determined to educate a lesson
to it. The following day he filled a cotton bag on the donkey. Once again it played
the same technique wishing that the cotton bag would be still come to be lighter.
However the wetted cotton became really heavy to lug and it endured much. It
found out a lesson. After that it did not play the technique and the seller enjoyed.

One day, two friends while walking along the road saw a nice rope lying by its side. Both
wanted to have it and started fighting for it.

One held it from one end and the other from the other end. They started pulling the rope.
Suddenly, the rope broke off from the middle. One of them fell in mud and the other in a

A passerby who was watching all this, went to them and said, “Fighting for a thing always
gives bad results.” The friends felt ashamed of their deed.
Alkisah persahabatan 4 orang remaja yang hidup sederhana di sebuah desa. Mereka telah lama
berteman sejak kecil, hingga sekarang saat usia mereka telah menginjak usia remaja. Keempat
sahabat itu ialah Adit, Hasbi, Aris, dan Deni. Pada suatu hari mereka berjanji untuk sama-sama sukses
dengan cara sendiri. Kemudian setelah itu mereka akan bertemu untuk saling menceritakan

Tibalah hari yang mereka janjikan itu datang. Keempat sahabat tersebut berkumpul pada sebuah
tempat yang sejak lama telah akrab dengan mereka. Adit memulai cerita dengan sukses sebagai
pedagang parabot dan Hasbi yang berhasil mendirikan toko kue. Sementara Aris dan Deni, mereka
sama-sama sukses dalam bisnis pakaian hand made yang mereka kerjakan sendiri.

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