9-Competency 4 2017-18 Employee Performance Process For Support and Technical Personnel

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PPORT AND TECHNICAL EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE — JOB. Name: Carolyn Erickson Job Areas 1) Customer Service: Does this person place the needs of the studentieustomer fre? Does this person demonstrate the ability to assess student/customer needs and take action to moet those needs? Is he/she courteous, tactul, helpful, and display a positive aitude? Year: 2017-18 Performance Assessment/Results & Comments Carolyn is very diligent doing what is in the best interest of the students. She frequently addresses student emis ouside of her designated Online Learing Facilitator (OLF) scheduled hours. She thoughtfully responds to each unique student situation, offering advice from different perspectives and sources. She demonstrates very caring and supportive attitude and provides encouragement to students who ae challenged with the course. 2) Job Knowledge/Skil: ‘Does this person have the education and related ‘experience skis necessary to succosstully perform hissher ob duties? Does this person apply kKnowiedge and understanding of college policies ‘and procedures to ful hsm Job diules? '3) Quality of Job Performance: 's this person accurate, timely, and thorough in their job? Does this person exercise discretion In | confidential mators? Does this porson folow through on assigned tasks with minimum supenision? How well does this person check and review thelr work for quality? 42) LeadershipiAtitude Toward Work and College: Does this person display a postive atitude and interest in hither work? Does this person {embrace the colege’s mission, vision, values and Learning Coleg tenets? Does hevshe take pride in their work? Is tis person punctual and rolable? Does this person estabish trust in Carolyn isa second year accounting program student and so has successfully completed the subjest area in which she is serving as an OLF. Since she has very ‘recently ben in a student roe regarding her OLF responsibilities, she is able to relate wel to current students. She is very cognizant of accepted college protocol related to her responsibilities and conducts heslf ccordingly. ‘Carolyn is indeed accurate, timely, and thorough in her role. She works well with her faculty supervisor, Paul, and accepts suggestions and feedback professionally. She responds to student question as soon as she is able and those responses arc always relevant. She understands the importance ofconfidetility and acts accordingly. She is very seasoned in he ole as OLF and doesnot require lot of supervision ‘since her abilities are proven and trusted. She simply does quality work and places a high degree of importance toward that end ‘Carolyn isa very positive person and that is evident inthe way she conducts herself She serves as a role model for students stressing the importance and valve of ‘education and that generally you get out of it what you put into it. She takes her role seriously and always wants todo what is best forthe students. She i infact very ‘dependable in all ways including time, She has certainly earned Paul's trust and itis ‘lear the students she works with trust her as well. Dyes No Cves Ee =e 8) Core Abiltios * Assess own learning and progress toward ‘estabiched personal and professional ‘Carolyn values learning and knows that it takes time and effort. She plans to ‘continue her education and possibly pursue the CPA route serving as conduit to ‘enhanced career opportunities. goals. + Demonstrate creativity, crtical thinking, | Carolyn strives to help students understand by referencing appropriate resources and ‘and problem-solving skis providing her own examples, . + Communicate effectively in personal and | She is a very good communicator evidencing effective reading, listening, writing, and ‘group selings. verbal skills. ‘Shei respectful of ll students, treating everyone consistently and fairl. ‘Shes always willing to adapt and change accordingly as situations arise. ‘Carolyn has consistently been effective and efficient in her use of technology as a ‘too in her role. + Contribute to a diverse, respectful, and + Acquire and apply technology to working ‘and learing. Employee's Signature Evaluators Signature Paul Haugen Date 04/17/2018 Fen Come, 05/06/2018 Bonny Ball Copentaver seers

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