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Abelian Group Gradings on Full Matrix Rings

Jang-Ho Chun a; Jaeun Lee a
Department of Mathematics, Yeungnam University, Kyongsan, South Korea

To cite this Article Chun, Jang-Ho and Lee, Jaeun(2007) 'Abelian Group Gradings on Full Matrix Rings', Communications
in Algebra, 35: 10, 3095 — 3102
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/00927870701405116


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Communications in Algebra® , 35: 3095–3102, 2007
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0092-7872 print/1532-4125 online
DOI: 10.1080/00927870701405116


Jang-Ho Chun and Jaeun Lee

Department of Mathematics, Yeungnam University,
Kyongsan, South Korea

For positive integers  and n, several authors studied  -gradings of the full matrix
ring Mn k over a field k. In this article, we show that every G × H-grading of
Mn k can be constructed by a pair of compatible G-grading and H-grading of Mn k,
where G and H are any finite groups. When G and H are finite cyclic groups, we
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characterize all G × H-gradings which are isomorphic to a good grading. Moreover,

the results can be generalized for any finite abelian group grading of Mn k.

Key Words: Graded algebra; Matrix algebra.

Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 16W50; Secondary 16S50.

Let k be a field and G a finite group with identity g0 . A k-algebra R is

G-graded if R = g∈G Rg is a direct sum of k-subspaces such that Rg Rg ⊂ Rgg
for any g g  ∈ G. A nonzero element a ∈ Rg is called homogeneous of degree g,
denoted by degR a = g. For an abelian group G and a field k, several authors studied
G-gradings of Mn k.

A G-grading R = g∈G Rg of Mn k is good if each matrix unit eij is a
homogeneous element and it is fine if dim Rg ≤ 1 for each g ∈ G. It is clear that for
any good G-grading R, degR eii = g0 for each i = 1 2     n. i.e., dim Rg0 ≥ n. Hence
any good grading is never a fine grading.
Dăscălescu et al. (1999) showed that if k contains a primitive th root  of

unity, then R = −1 i=0 Ri is a  -grading if and only if there exists a matrix X ∈ Mn k
such that X  = aIn for some a ∈ k∗ and Ri = Ci X = A ∈ Mn k  XA = i AX
for all 0 ≤ i ≤  − 1. Moreover, the homogeneous component Ai of A ∈ Mn k is

Ai = 1 −1 −ri X r AX −r . Boboc and Dăscălescu (2001) showed that if a  -grading
R = i=0 Ri is good, then X can be chosen a diagonal matrix whose diagonal
entries are th roots of unity. Moreover, they determined all the isomorphic types

Received May 31, 2006; Revised May 31, 2006. Communicated by M. Ferrero.
Address correspondence to Jaeun Lee, Department of Mathematics, Yeungnam University,
Kyongsan, 712–749 South Korea; Fax: +82-53-810-4614; E-mail:


of p -gradings of Mn k and counted them when p is prime. Bahturin et al. (2001)
showed that if G is an abelian group and k is an algebraically closed field, then there
exist a decomposition n = tq and a subgroup H ⊂ G such that Mn k is isomorphic
to the tensor product Mt k ⊗ Mq k as G-graded algebras, where Mt k is a fine
H-graded algebra and Mq k is a good G-graded algebra. In the case that k is not
algebraically closed, a cohomological method was given in Caenepeel et al. (2002)
to classify n -gradings of Mn k from n -gradings of Mn k̄, where k̄ is the algebraic
closure of k.
In this article, based on the articles Boboc and Dăscălescu (2001) and
Dăscălescu et al. (1999), we study G-gradings of Mn k when G is a finite product of
finite cyclic groups. In the case that G is a product of two groups, the structure of
G-gradings on Mn k is not known. The 2 × 2 -gradings of M2 k are classified
in Boboc (2003). In Section 2, if k contains a primitive mth root of unity, a

necessary and sufficient condition such that R = m−1 i=0 Ci X is (isomorphic to)
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a good m -grading is given. In Section 3, for a field k having a primitive th

root  and a primitive mth root of unity, it is shown that R = ij Rij is
a  × m -grading if and only if there exist two matrices X and Y in Mn k
such X  = bIn , Y m = cIn , XY = aYX for some a b c ∈ k∗ with an = 1 and Rij =
Cij X Y = A ∈ Mn k  XA = i AX YA = j AY for all 0 ≤ i ≤  − 1, 0 ≤ j ≤ m − 1.

Moreover, R = ij Rij is a good  × m -grading if and only if X and Y are
simultaneously diagonalizable. These are generalizations of the results in Boboc
(2003). We also extend our results when G is a finite product of finite cyclic groups.


In this section, we consider m -gradings of the full matrix ring Mn k for any
two positive integers m and n. Throughout this section, let k be a field containing a
primitive mth root  of unity.
First we will briefly introduce known results in Boboc and Dăscălescu (2001)

and Dăscălescu et al. (1999). Suppose that R = m−1 i=0 Ri is a m -grading of Mn k.
Then an additive map
R → R defined by
A = i A for each homogeneous
element A ∈ Ri is a graded algebra isomorphism on R. Hence, by the Noether–Skolem
Theorem, there exists a regular matrix X such that
A = XAX −1 for all A ∈ R.
m is the identity map on R = Mn k,
m A = X m AX −m = A for all A ∈ R.
Therefore X m is an element of the center of R and hence X m = aIn for some a ∈ k∗ .
 such−ithat X−1 = aIn for some
Conversely, let X be a matrix in Mn k m
a ∈ k∗ . For anyA ∈
m−1 −m−1i m−1
Mn k, A = i=0 Ai , where Ai = m A +  XAX + · · · + 
X AX −m−1 for
0 ≤ i ≤ m − 1. Let Ri = Ai  A ∈ Mn k. Then R = i=0 Ri is a m -grading of Mn k.
Moreover, Ri = Ci X = A ∈ Mn k  XA = i AX, for all 0 ≤ i ≤ m − 1.

Remark. Let X be a matrix in Mn k such that X m = aIn for some a ∈ k∗ and
Y = bX for some b ∈ k∗ . Then Y m = bm X m = bm aIn and Ci X = Ci Y for all
0 ≤ i ≤ m − 1 and hence X and Y induce the same m -grading R of Mn k. In
particular, if k contains an mth root b of a, then there exists a matrix Y such that
Y m = In , and X and Y induce the same m -grading.

Theorem 2.1. Let X be a matrix with X m = aIn for some a ∈ k∗ and let k be a field

i=0 Ci X is a good m -grading of Mn k
containing an mth root  of unity. Then R = m−1
if and only if X is a diagonal matrix. Moreover, in this case, the matrix X is of the form
 
1 0 ··· 0
  
0 2   0 


0 0 0 n

where is an mth root of a in k and 2  3      n are mth roots of unity.

Proof. Let X = xij . Suppose that R = m−1 i=0 Ci X is a good m -grading of Mn k.
Then eii ∈ C0 X for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Therefore, Xeii = eii X for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n. It implies
that all entries in the ith row and those in the ith column of X are zero except xii
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and hence X is a diagonal matrix. Conversely, let X = xij  be a diagonal matrix.

Since X m = aIn for some a ∈ k∗ , xiim = a for each i = 1 2     n. Let i = xxii for each
i = 2     n. Then m
i = 1 for each i = 2     n. By taking = x11 , we get

 
1 0 ··· 0
  
0 2   0 
X = 

0 0 0 n

Let Y = −1 X. Then, by the above remark, Ci X = Ci Y for all 0 ≤ i ≤ m − 1.

Now, to complete the proof, it suffices to show that R = m−1 i=0 Ci Y is a good
m -grading of Mn k. Note that the i j element of Y eij is i and the i j element
of eij Y is j for each 1 ≤ i j ≤ n. Since i is an mth root of unity for each
i = 1 2     n, i =  j for some . That is, for each 1 ≤ i j ≤ n, eij is an element

of C X for some  and hence R = Ci Y is a good m -grading. 

Theorem 2.2. Let Y be a matrix with Y m = aIn for some a ∈ k∗ and let k be a

field containing an mth root  of unity. Then R = m−1 i=0 Ci Y is isomorphic to a good
m -grading of Mn k if and only if Y is similar to a diagonal matrix.

Proof. Suppose that R = m−1 i=0 Ci Y is isomorphic to a good m -grading
S = i=0 Ci X. Then there exists a graded isomorphism S = Mn k →
R = Mn k. By the Noether–Skolem Theorem, there exists a regular matrix P
such that A = PAP −1 for all A ∈ S = Mn k. Since C0 X = C0 Y, for each
i = 1 2     n,

eii ∈ C0 X if and only if Peii P −1 ∈ C0 Y

if and only if YPeii P −1 = Peii P −1 Y
if and only if P −1 YPeii = eii P −1 YP
if and only if P −1 YP is a diagonal matrix.

Conversely, suppose that there exists a regular matrix P such that P −1 YP is a

diagonal matrix. Let S = Ci P −1 YP and define R → S by A = P −1 AP for
all A ∈ R. Then is an automorphism on Mn k and Ci Y = Ci P −1 YP for all

i = 0 1     m − 1. By Theorem 2.1, S = Ci P −1 YP is a good m -grading and
hence R is isomorphic to a good grading. 


Let G and H be two finite groups and let R = gh∈G×H Rgh be a G × H-
grading of Mn k. Let Sg = h∈H Rgh and Th = g∈G Rgh for each g ∈ G and
h ∈ H. Then S = g∈G Sg and T = h∈H Th are G-grading and H-grading of Mn k,
respectively. We call them the gradings associated with R.
It is clear that Rgh = Sg ∩ Th for each g ∈ G and h ∈ H. Therefore, every
G × H-grading of Mn k induces a natural G-grading and H-grading of Mn k.
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But, the converse is not true in general. That is, there exists a pair of G-grading
S = Sg and H-grading T = Th of Mn k such that S and T are not the natural
gradings which are induced by a G × H-grading of Mn k. Indeed, if we consider
two 2 -gradings S and T as follows: Let

a 0 0 c
S0 = a b ∈ k  S1 = c d ∈ k 
0 b d 0

a b − a d c
T0 = a b ∈ k  T = c d ∈ k 
0 b 1
d −d

S = S0 + S1 and T = T0 + T1 , then M2 k = S0 ∩ T0 + S0 ∩ T1 + S1 ∩ T0 + S1 ∩ T1

and hence Si ∩ Tj is not a 2 × 2 -grading of M2 k. In this case, S0 ∩ T0 + S0 ∩
T1 = S0 . To avoid this situation, we define the compatibility of two gradings as

Definition 3.1. Let G and H be two finite groups. A G-grading S = Sg and an
H-grading T = Th of Mn k are compatible if Sg = h∈H Sg ∩ Th  for all g ∈ G and

Th = g∈G Sg ∩ Th  for all h ∈ H.
Lemma 3.2. Let G and H be two finite groups and let S = Sg and T = Th be
G-grading and H-grading of Mn k, respectively. Then S and T are compatible if and
only if there exists a G × H-grading R of Mn k whose associated G and H-gradings
are S and T , respectively.

Proof. Let R be a G × H-grading of Mn k. Then its associated G- and

H-gradings are compatible. For converse, suppose that S and T are compatible.
For each g h ∈ G × H, let Rgh = Sg ∩ Th . Then R = gh Rgh = gh Sg ∩ Th 
is a G × H-grading of Mn k. Indeed, it is clear that Rgh · Rg h  ⊂ Sgg ∩ Thh =

Rgg hh  . Let A ∈ Sg . Since Sg = h∈H Sg ∩ Th , there exists Agh ∈ Sg ∩ Th for each

h ∈ H such that A = h∈H Agh . Since every element A in Mn k can be expressed as
a sum of elements in Sg , hence every element A in Mn k can be expressed as a sum
of elements in Sg ∩ Th = Rgh . It completes the proof. 

Theorem 3.3. Let  and m be positive integers and let X and 

−1 Y be matrices

X  = bIn and
with  m−1Y m
= cIn for some b c ∈ k . Let S = S
i=0 i = −1
i=0 Ci X and
T = j=0 Tj = j=0 Cj Y be  and m -gradings of Mn k, respectively. Suppose

that k contains a primitive th root  and a primitive mth root of unity. Then two
gradings S and T are compatible if and only if XY = aYX for some a ∈ k with an = 1.
Proof. Suppose that S and T are compatible. Let A ∈ Si . Then A = j=0 Aij ,
where Aij ∈ Si ∩ Tj for each j = 0     m − 1. We observe that
−1 −1 −1


= i
YAij Y =
i j
j=0 j=0

=X Aij X −1 = XYAY −1 X −1 

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It implies that YXAYX−1 = XYAXY−1 for all A ∈ Si . Hence YX−1 XYA =

AYX−1 XY for all A ∈ Mn k. Since the multiplicative center of Mn k is the
set aIn  a ∈ k of all scalar matrices of Mn k and XY is regular, we find
YX−1 XY = aIn for some a ∈ k∗ . By comparing the determinants of the both
sides of YX−1 XY = aIn , we can see that an = 1. For converse, suppose that
XY = aYX for some a ∈ k∗ . Let A ∈ Si and let A =  j=0 Aj , where Aj ∈ Tj for each

1 m−1 −kj k −k
j = 0     m − 1. Since Aj = m k=0 Y AY ,
XAj X −1 = −kj X Y k AY −k X −1
m k=0
= −kj Y XAXk −1
Y −k 
m k=0

Since A ∈ Si , XAX −1 = i A and hence XAj X −1 = i Aj . Therefore Aj ∈ Si ∩ Tj and

Si ⊂ m−1
j=0 Si ∩ Tj . It is clear that Si ⊃ S ∩ Tj  and hence Si = m−1
j=0 Si ∩ Tj .
−1 j=0 i
Similarly, we can show that Tj = i=0 Si ∩ Tj . It completes the proof. 

Theorem 3.4. Let  and m be positive integers and let R = ij∈ ×m Rij
be a  × m -grading of Mn k. Let S = −1 i=0 Si and T = j=0 Tj be two
gradings associated with R such that Si = Ci X i = 0 1      − 1 and Tj = Cj Y
j = 0 1     m − 1 for some matrices X and Y with X  = bIn and Y m = cIn for some
b c ∈ k∗ . Suppose that k contains a primitive th root  and a primitive mth root of
unity. Then
 
 
 1  
−ri −sj r s −s −r
Rij =  X Y AY X A ∈ Mn k = Cij X Y

 m 0≤r≤−1 


for each i = 0 1      − 1 and j = 0 1     m − 1, where Cij X Y = A ∈ Mn k 

XA = i AX YA = j AY.

Proof. It comes from Lemma 3.2 and Theorem 3.3 that Si = m−1 k=0 Rik i = 0
1      − 1, Tj = k=0 Rkj j = 0 1     m − 1 and XY = aYX for some a ∈ k
with an = 1. It is known in Section 2 that
1  −ri r
Si =  X AX A ∈ Mn k

−sj s −s
Tj = Y AY A ∈ Mn k 
m 0≤s≤m−1

Since XY = aYX, Y s X r AX −r Y −s = X r Y s AY −s X −r for all A ∈ Mn k and all integers r

and s, we have
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1  −ri r
Rij = Si ∩ Tj =  X AX A ∈ Tj
−sj s −s
= Y AY A ∈ Si
m 0≤s≤m−1
 
 
 1  
−ri −sj r s −s −r
=  X Y AY X A ∈ Mn k = Cij X Y

 m 0≤r≤−1 


for each i = 0 1      − 1 and j = 0 1     m − 1. 

Lemma 3.5. Let G and H be two finite groups and let R = gh∈G×H Rgh be a
G × H-grading of Mn k. Then R is a good grading if and only if the two gradings S
and T associated with R are good gradings.

Proof. We only prove the nontrivial implication. Suppose that S and T are good
gradings. Then for each 1 ≤ i j ≤ n, eij ∈ Sg for some g ∈ G, and eij ∈ Th for some
h ∈ H. Hence, eij ∈ Sg ∩ Th for some g ∈ G and h ∈ H. Hence, R is a good grading.

Theorem 3.6. Let  and m be positive integers and let R = ij∈ ×m Rij
be a  × m -grading of Mn k. Let S = −1 i=0 Si and T = j=0 Tj be two
gradings associated with R such that Si = Ci X i = 0 1      − 1 and Tj = Cj Y
j = 0 1     m − 1 for some matrices X and Y with X  = bIn and Y m = cIn for some
b c ∈ k∗ . Suppose that k contains a primitive th root of unity and a primitive mth
root of unity. Then R is isomorphic to a good grading if and only if X and Y are
simultaneously diagonalizable.

Proof. Suppose that there exists an isomorphism  R → U , where U is a good

 × m -grading of Mn k. Then Rij  = Uij for all i = 0 1 2      − 1 and

j = 0 1 2     m − 1. By the Noether–Skolem Theorem, there exists a regular

matrix P such that A = PAP −1 . Let V and W be the two gradings associated
with U . Then Si  = Vi and Tj  = Wj . Therefore,  S → V and  T → W are
isomorphisms as  - and m -gradings, respectively. We observe that

V = Vi = Ci PXP −1 and W = Wj = Cj PYP −1 
i=0 i=0 j=0 j=0

Since U is a good grading, by Lemma 3.5, both V and W are good gradings. By
Theorem 2.1, both PXP −1 and PYP −1 are diagonal. That is, X and Y are simultaneously
diagonalizable. Conversely, suppose that X and Y are simultaneously diagonalizable.
Then there exists a regular matrix P such that both PXP −1 and PYP −1 are diagonal. By
 −1 −1
Theorem 2.1, the two gradings V = −1 i=0 Vi = i=0 Ci PXP  and W = j=0 Wj =
m−1 −1
j=0 C j PYP  are good   - and  m -gradings, respectively. Since two diagonal
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matrices commute, by Theorem 3.3, the two gradings V and W are compatible. Now,
it comes from Lemma 3.5 that U = ij Vi ∩ Wj = ij Ci PXP −1  ∩ Cj PYP −1  is a
good grading. We define  R → U by A = PAP −1 for all A ∈ Mn k. Then  is an
isomorphism. It completes the proof. 

Let R = i1 i2 i  Ri1 i2 i  be a m1 × m2 × · · · × m -grading of Mn k,
where m1 , m2 ,    , and m are natural numbers. For each 1 ≤ t ≤ , we set

mt −1 mt −1
St = Sti = Ri1 i2 it−1 iit+1 i  
i=0 i=0 i1 i2 it−1 iit+1 i 

Then St is a mt -grading of Mn k which is called the mt -grading associated with R.
For each t = 1 2     , let us take a regular matrix Xt such that

Sti = Ci Xt  = A ∈ Mn k  Xt A = t i AXt 

where t is a primitive mt th root of unity. Now, the following corollary comes from
Lemma 3.5 and Theorem 3.6.

Corollary 3.7. Let m1 , m2     , and m be positive integers and let R = i1 i2 i 
Ri1 i2 i  be a m1 × m2 × · · · × m -grading of Mn k. For each t = 1 2     , let
mt −1 mt −1 m
St = i=0 Sti = i=0 Ci Xt  be the mt -grading associated with R, where Xt t =

at In for some at ∈ k . Suppose that k contains a primitive mt th root of unity for each
t = 1 2     . Then R is isomorphic to a good grading if and only if X1  X2      and
X are simultaneously diagonalizable.

The authors would like to express their gratitude to the referee for valuable
comments and constructive suggestions of the manuscript.
Jaeun Lee is supported by Com2 MaC-KOSEF (R11-1999-054).

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