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Due submit on Friday the 29th of October 2010

a. Who wrotes it? TWCB, an international marketing agency
b. Who reads it? Chief Executive of Yedo, Kazuo Yamashiro
2. SCOPE OF THE REPORT (What is it intended to report on)
a. Company’s overview
b. Marketing strategies:
i. Products and services
ii. Price and positioning
iii. Place, overseas expansion, and asset optimization
iv. Internet based media promotion
c. Recommendations
3. BODY (see the discussion questions)
a. Company’s overview
Yedo is a successful Tokyo-based department store chain which was founded in
1895. With six outlets in Japan and two more in London and New York, Yedo has an
excellent reputation for high quality goods. Yedo offers outstanding service and a
large number of staff, approximately 3,200 people, which are mostly full-time. Yedo
stores operate 7 days a week, from 10am to 6pm, except on Fridays which closed at
7pm. Yedo strategically located near major railway stations.
a. YEDO should maintain its existing market which is the upper class
b. YEDO sould also tap the new emerging market of middle to low class market by
diversifies their product
c. YEDO should tap both of the market, younger and older people
d. YEDO should build a new line of business to tap the middle to low class market =
e. YEDO should conducts a research to asses which store, from the existing 6 stores,
would be feasible for the new chain store, KAI-DO
f. YEDO should expand overseas by building more YEDO stores abroad, i.e. Milan,
France, Indonesia, Singapore, etc
g. YEDO, should rent part of their stores to businesses that could potentially boost up
their business by atracting people to come to their store, i.e. coffe shop, fitness
centre, etc.
h. YEDO could also gain more profit to increase their revenue and solve their debt by
renting part of their store
i. YEDO should create a website for the YEDO GROUP that provide catalogue and also
various feature including e-yedo (online shopping)
j. YEDO GROUP will lead the market in department store business with a prestigious
and unique concept for YEDO and fashion friendly concept for KAI-DO

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