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Sam Goetz

2135 W Glenlord Rd
Stevensville MI

April 17, 2019

Kim LaSata
S-309 Capitol Bldg

Dear Ms LaSata,

I am writing this letter to persuade you to gather funding for chronic wasting disease (CWD)
research. I hope to show you that this problem affects all areas of the state, and greatly hurts the
historic hunting and outdoor lifestyle here.

Chronic wasting disease is a neurological disease that attacks the brain of deer, moose, and elk.
This is similar to mad cow disease but is on a larger scale. It is extremely widespread through the
body fluids of the animals getting absorbed by near by plants. Once impacted, the disease is fatal
and will continue to be spread by the affected animal. One of the symptoms is that they will walk
in repeated patterns and will be near water sources longer and more frequently. This is how it
affects sportsmen

When hunting we check for repeated sites of visitation and will scout near watering holes and
other areas they frequently are. So if a hunter sees a deer they will still take the shot, not
knowing it has CWD. Meat for the affected animal is not safe for human consumption, like other
zoonotic pathogens. Besides consumption it makes work for taxidermist and butchers extremely
hard because they have to handle the carcass differently.

As you can see this problem is very widespread and affects many people and animals. It makes
taking deer very difficult when your last tag is wasted on an animal you can’t eat or mount. Also
reduces the deer herd and reduces the enjoyment people get from the majestic deer. Thank you
for your consideration for my proposal.

Sam Goetz

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