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The Diagnosis and Management of Non-Alcoholic Fatty

Liver Disease: Practice Guideline by the American
Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, American
College of Gastroenterology, and the American
Gastroenterological Association
Naga Chalasani, MD, FACG,1 Zobair Younossi, MD, FACG,2 Joel E. Lavine, MD, PhD,3 Anna Mae Diehl, MD,4
Elizabeth M. Brunt, MD,5 Kenneth Cusi, MD,6 Michael Charlton, MD,7 and Arun J. Sanyal, MD8

Preamble guideline for clinicians rather than a review article and

interested readers can refer to several comprehensive
These recommendations are based on the following: (1) a reviews published recently.3-8
formal review and analysis of the recently published
world literature on the topic [Medline search up to June
2011]; (2) the American College of Physicians’ Manual Definitions
for Assessing Health Practices and Designing Practice Guide-
lines;1 (3) guideline policies of the three societies approv- The definition of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
ing this document; and (4) the experience of the authors (NAFLD) requires that (a) there is evidence of hepatic
and independent reviewers with regards to NAFLD. steatosis, either by imaging or by histology and (b)
Intended for use by physicians and allied health profes- there are no causes for secondary hepatic fat accumula-
sionals, these recommendations suggest preferred tion such as significant alcohol consumption, use of
approaches to the diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive steatogenic medication or hereditary disorders (Table 2).
aspects of care. They are intended to be flexible and ad- In the majority of patients, NAFLD is associated with
justable for individual patients. Specific recommendations metabolic risk factors such as obesity, diabetes mellitus,
are evidence-based wherever possible, and when such evi- and dyslipidemia. NAFLD is histologically further cate-
dence is not available or inconsistent, recommendations gorized into nonalcoholic fatty liver (NAFL) and nonal-
are made based on the consensus opinion of the authors. coholic steatohepatitis (NASH) (Table 3). NAFL is
To best characterize the evidence cited in support of the defined as the presence of hepatic steatosis with no evi-
recommendations, the AASLD Practice Guidelines Com- dence of hepatocellular injury in the form of ballooning
mittee has adopted the classification used by the Grading of the hepatocytes. NASH is defined as the presence of
of Recommendation Assessment, Development, and hepatic steatosis and inflammation with hepatocyte
Evaluation (GRADE) workgroup with minor modifica- injury (ballooning) with or without fibrosis.
tions (Table 1).2 The strength of recommendations in the
GRADE system is classified as strong (1) or weak (2). Incidence and Prevalence in the General
The quality of evidence supporting strong or weak rec- Population
ommendations is designated by one of three levels: high The incidence of NAFLD has been investigated in a
(A), moderate (B) or low-quality (C).2 This is a practice limited number of studies. Two Japanese studies9,10

Submitted for Governing Board approval by AASLD, ACG, and AGA on February 22, 2012
Abbreviations: NAFLD, Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease; NAFL,Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver; NASH, Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis; T2DM, Type 2 Diabetes
Mellitus; AST, Aspartate Aminotransferase; ALT, Alanine Aminotransferase; HOMA,Homeostatic Model Assessment; RCT; Randomized Controlled Trial; PIVENS:
Pioglitazone versus Vitamin E versus Placebo for the Treatment of Non-diabetic patients with Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis; TONIC; Treatment of Nonalcoholic
Fatty Liver Disease in Children; NAS, NAFLD Activity Score; CK18; Cytokeratin 18 Fragments; ELF, Enhanced Liver Fibrosis Panel; TZD; Thiazolidinediones;
UDCA: Ursodeoxycholic Acid; ANA; Anti Nuclear Antibody; ASMA: Anti Smooth Muscle Antibody; US; Ultrasound; CT: Computerized Tomography; MR;
Magnetic Resonance.
From the 1Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN; 2Center for Liver Disease and Department of Medicine, Inova Fairfax Hospital, Falls Church;
Columbia University, New York, NY; 4Duke University, Durham, NC; 5Washington University, St. Louis, MO; 6University of Florida, Gainesville, FL; 7Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, MN; 8Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
Received April 3, 2012; accepted April 3, 2012.


Table 1. Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE)


Strength of Recommendation
Strong [1] Factors influencing the strength of the recommendation included the quality of the evidence,
presumed patient-important outcomes, and cost
Weak [2] Variability in preferences and values, or more uncertainty. Recommendation is made with less certainty,
higher cost or resource consumption
Quality of Evidence
High [A] Further research is unlikely to change confidence in the estimate of the clinical effect
Moderate [B] Further research may change confidence in the estimate of the clinical effect
Low [C] Further research is very likely to impact confidence on the estimate of clinical effect

reported an incidence rate of 31 and 86 cases of sus- the general population, based on a variety of assess-
pected NAFLD per 1,000 person-years respectively, ment methods.4 On the other hand, the estimated
whereas another study from England showed a much prevalence of NASH is lower, ranging from 3 to 5%.4
lower incidence rate of 29 cases per 100,000 person- The prevalence of NASH cirrhosis in the general pop-
years.11 More studies are needed to better understand ulation is not known.
the incidence of NAFLD across different age, ethnic,
and geographic groups. Prevalence of NAFLD in High Risk Groups
The reported prevalence of NAFLD varies widely (Table 4)
depending on the population studied and the defini- Obesity is a common and well documented risk factor
tion used. The prevalence of histologically-defined for NAFLD. Both excessive BMI and visceral obesity are
NAFLD was 20% and 51% in two different studies recognized risk factors for NAFLD. In patients with
comprised of potential living liver donors.12,13 The severe obesity undergoing bariatric surgery, the preva-
reported prevalence of NAFLD when defined by liver lence of NAFLD can exceed 90% and up to 5% of
ultrasound ranged between 17% and 46% depending patients may have unsuspected cirrhosis.4,16-20 There is
on the population studied.4 In a study consisting of a very high prevalence of NAFLD in individuals with
nearly 400 middle aged individuals, the prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).4 An ultrasonographic
NAFLD defined by ultrasonography was 46% and the study of patients with T2DM showed a 69% prevalence
prevalence of histologically confirmed NASH was of NAFLD.21 In another study, 127 of 204 diabetic
12.2%.14 In the Dallas Heart Study, when assessed by patients displayed fatty infiltration on ultrasound, and
MR spectroscopy the prevalence of NAFLD in the 87% of the patients with fatty infiltration who con-
general population was 31%.15 The prevalence of sus- sented to biopsy had histologic confirmation of
pected NAFLD when estimated using aminotransfer- NAFLD.22 High serum triglyceride levels and low serum
ases alone without imaging or histology ranged HDL levels are very common in patients with NAFLD.
between 7% and 11%, but aminotransferases can be The prevalence of NAFLD in individuals with dyslipide-
normal in individuals with NAFLD.4 In summary, mia attending lipid clinics was estimated to be 50%.23
estimates of the worldwide prevalence of NAFLD Age, gender and ethnicity are also associated with a
ranges from 6.3% to 33% with a median of 20% in differential prevalence for NAFLD.4 A number of

Address reprint requests to: Naga Chalasani, MD, FACG, Professor of Medicine and Cellular & Integrative Physiology, Director, Division of Gastroenterology
and Hepatology, Indiana University School of Medicine, RG 4100, 1050 Wishard Boulevard, Indianapolis, IN 46202. E-mail:; fax:
Copyright VC 2012 by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.

Published online in Wiley Online Library (

DOI 10.1002/hep.25762
Potential conflict of interest: Naga Chalasani, MD, FACG has received compensation for providing consulting related to NAFLD and NASH from Amylin,
Gilead, Genentech, and Mochida and he has received research support from Amylin, Eli Lilly, Intercept, and Cumberland Pharmaceuticals in the last 3 years.
Over the last 3 years, he has received compensation for providing consultation related to drug hepatotoxicity from J & J, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, Karo Bio, Salix,
Advanced Life Sciences, BMS, Teva Pharmaceuticals, Abbott, Biolex, Sanofi-Aventis, and Vertex. Zobair Younossi, MD has received consulting fees from Salix,
Tibotec, and Vertex. Anna Mae Diehl, MD has received compensation for providing consulting related to NAFLD from Vertex, Norgine, and Celgene. Elizabeth
Brunt, MD has received compensation from Amylin, Pfizer, and Geneva Foundation for NASH consulting. Kenneth Cusi, MD has received compensation from
Merck, Daichi-Sankyo, and Roche for providing consulting. Michael Charlton, MD has received compensation from Gilead and Genentech for providing consulting
related to NAFLD and NASH. Joel Lavine, MD, PhD has received compensation for providing consultations related to NAFLD from Quark Pharmaceuticals and
Synageva BioPharma, and received research support from Raptor Pharmaceuticals, all in the last 3 years. Arun Sanyal, MD has served as an ad hoc advisor to
Roche, Takeda, Merck, Astella, Sanofi, Exhalenz, and Immuron. He serves as the global PI for trials for Exhalenz and Immuron.
HEPATOLOGY, Vol. 55, No. 6, 2012 CHALASANI ET AL. 2007

Table 2. Common Causes of Secondary Hepatic Steatosis number of patients and had relatively modest duration
Macrovesicular steatosis of follow-up.4,7 Nonetheless, it is generally agreed that
- Excessive alcohol consumption patients with simple steatosis have very slow, if any,
- Hepatitis C (genotype 3)
- Wilson’s disease
histological progression, while patients with NASH
- Lipodystrophy can exhibit histological progression to cirrhotic-stage
- Starvation disease.4,7
- Parenteral nutrition
The long term outcomes of patients with NAFLD
- Abetalipoproteinemia
- Medications (e.g., amiodarone, methotrexate, tamoxifen, corticosteroids) and NASH have been reported in several studies.31,38-45
Their detailed discussion is beyond the scope of this
Microvesicular steatosis
- Reye’s syndrome
guideline, but their findings can be summarized as fol-
- Medications (valproate, anti-retroviral medicines) lows; (a) patients with NAFLD have increased overall
- Acute fatty liver of pregnancy mortality compared to matched control populations,
- HELLP syndrome
(b) the most common cause of death in patients with
- Inborn errors of metabolism (e.g., LCAT deficiency, cholesterol ester storage
disease, Wolman disease) NAFLD, NAFL and NASH is cardiovascular disease,
and (c) patients with NASH (but not NAFL) have an
increased liver-related mortality rate.
studies have shown that the prevalence of NAFLD Another piece of indirect evidence that supports the
increases with age.24-28 The likelihood of disease pro- progressive nature of NASH is in the features of cryp-
gression to advanced fibrosis or mortality increases in togenic cirrhosis which is closely related to
older patients with NAFLD.29-31 Many recent studies NAFLD.46,47 Patients with cryptogenic cirrhosis have
have reported that male gender is a risk factor for fatty disproportionately high prevalence of metabolic risk
liver disease.4 For example, in a study of 26,527 sub- factors (T2DM, obesity, metabolic syndrome) typical
jects undergoing medical checkups, the prevalence of of patients with NAFLD, their liver biopsies frequently
NAFLD was 31% in men and 16% in women.32 show one or more features of NASH, and studies have
Compared to non-Hispanic whites, Hispanic individu- demonstrated the loss of histological features of NASH
als have significantly higher and non-Hispanic blacks with the development of cirrhosis.4,7,46,47
have significantly lower prevalence of NAFLD.15,33-35 Patients with NAFLD are at increased risk for
The prevalence of NAFLD in American-Indian and HCC, but this risk is likely limited to those with
Alaskan-Native populations appears lower, ranging advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis.48-53 Several studies
from 0.6% to 2.2%, although the lack of histologic investigated the natural history of NASH cirrhosis in
definition makes it likely that is an underestimate.36,37 comparison to patients with hepatitis C cirrhosis.54-57
There are data to suggest that hypothyroidism, One large prospective US-based study55 observed a
hypopituitarism, hypogonadism, sleep apnea, and poly- lower rate of decompensation and mortality in patients
cystic ovary syndrome independent of obesity are with NASH cirrhosis as compared to patients with
important risk factors for the presence of NAFLD hepatitis C cirrhosis. However, a more recent interna-
(Table 4).3 tional study56 of 247 NAFLD patients with advanced
Natural History fibrosis and cirrhosis followed over a mean duration of
The evolution of hepatic histologic changes in 85.6 6 54.5 months showed an overall 10-year sur-
patients with NAFL and NASH has been investigated vival of 81.5% that was not different from matched
by several studies, but these generally included smaller patients with hepatitis C cirrhosis. Importantly, both

Table 3. Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and related definitions

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) Encompasses the entire spectrum of fatty liver disease in individuals without significant alcohol consumption,
ranging from fatty liver to steatohepatitis and cirrhosis.
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFL) Presence of hepatic steatosis with no evidence of hepatocellular injury in the form of ballooning of the
hepatocytes or no evidence of fibrosis. The risk of progression to cirrhosis and liver failure is minimal.
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) Presence of hepatic steatosis and inflammation with hepatocyte injury (ballooning) with or without fibrosis.
This can progress to cirrhosis, liver failure and rarely liver cancer.
NASH Cirrhosis Presence of cirrhosis with current or previous histological evidence of steatosis or steatohepatitis
Cryptogenic Cirrhosis Presence of cirrhosis with no obvious etiology. Patients with cryptogenic cirrhosis are heavily enriched with
metabolic risk factors such as obesity and metabolic syndrome.
NAFLD Activity Score (NAS) An unweighted composite of steatosis, inflammation, and ballooning scores. It is a useful tool to measure
changes in liver histology in patients with NAFLD in clinical trials.

Table 4. Risk Factors Associated with NAFLD Evaluation of Incidentally Discovered Hepatic
Conditions with established association Conditions with emerging association* Steatosis
Obesity Polycystic ovary syndrome
Some patients undergoing thoracic and abdominal
Type 2 diabetes mellitus Hypothyroidism imaging for reasons other than liver symptoms, signs
Dyslipidemia Obstructive Sleep apnea or biochemistry may demonstrate unsuspected hepatic
Metabolic syndrome** Hypopituitarism
steatosis. While this phenomenon is not uncommon in
Pancreato-duodenal resection clinical practice, studies have not systematically exam-
ined the characteristics or natural history of NAFLD
*Few studies suggested that individuals with type1 diabetes have increased
prevalence of hepatic steatosis based on liver imaging, but there is limited his- in this patient population.
tological evidence. Recommendations
**The Adult Treatment Panel III clinical definition of the metabolic syndrome
2. When patients with unsuspected hepatic steato-
requires the presence of three or more of the following features: (1) waist cir-
cumference greater than 102 cm in men or greater than 88 cm in women; (2) sis detected on imaging have symptoms or signs
triglyceride level 150 mg/dL or greater; (3) high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cho- attributable to liver disease or have abnormal liver
lesterol level less than 40 mg/dL in men and less than 50 mg/dL in women; biochemistries, they should be evaluated as though
(4) systolic blood pressure 130 mm Hg or greater or diastolic pressure 85 mm
Hg or greater; and (5) fasting plasma glucose level 110 mg/dL or greater.199 they have suspected NAFLD and worked-up accord-
ingly. (Strength – 1, Evidence -A)
3. In patients with unsuspected hepatic steatosis
studies have shown that patients with NASH cirrhosis detected on imaging who lack any liver-related
are at significantly lower risk for HCC than patients symptoms or signs and have normal liver biochemis-
with hepatitis C cirrhosis.55,56 tries, it is reasonable to assess for metabolic risk fac-
tors (e.g., obesity, glucose intolerance, dyslipidemia)
Alcohol Consumption & Definition of NAFLD and alternate causes for hepatic steatosis such as sig-
By definition, NAFLD indicates the lack of any evi- nificant alcohol consumption or medications.
dence of ongoing or recent consumption of significant (Strength – 1, Evidence -A)
quantities of alcohol. However, the precise definition 4. In patients with unsuspected hepatic steatosis
of significant alcohol consumption in patients with detected on imaging who are asymptomatic and
suspected NAFLD is uncertain. A recent consensus have normal liver biochemistries, a liver biopsy can-
meeting58 concluded that, for NASH clinical trials not be recommended. (Strength – 1, Evidence -B)
candidate eligibility purposes, significant alcohol con-
sumption be defined as >21 drinks per week in men
and >14 drinks per week in women over a 2-year pe- Screening in Primary Care, Diabetes, and Obesity
riod prior to baseline liver histology. Furthermore, this Clinics
group recommended that validated questionnaires It can be argued that there should be systematic
should be used to quantify the amount of alcohol con- screening for NAFLD, at least among higher-risk indi-
sumption in the context of clinical trials. The defini- viduals attending diabetes and obesity clinics. How-
tion of significant alcohol consumption in the pub- ever, at present there are significant gaps in our knowl-
lished NAFLD literature has been inconsistent and edge regarding the diagnosis, natural history, and
ranged from > 1 alcoholic drink ( 10 grams of alco- treatment of NAFLD. As liver biochemistries can be
hol per one drink unit) per day to > 40 grams per within normal ranges in patients with NAFLD and
day, and published studies have not always used gen- NASH, they may not be sufficiently sensitive to serve
der-specific definitions.59 If self-reported alcohol con- as screening tests, whereas liver ultrasound is poten-
sumption details are not consistent with clinical suspi- tially more sensitive but it is expensive and cumber-
cion when evaluating a patient with suspected some as a screening test.
NAFLD, confirmation with a family member or a Recommendation
close friend should be considered. 5. Screening for NAFLD in adults attending
Recommendation primary care clinics or high-risk groups attending
1. Ongoing or recent alcohol consumption > 21 diabetes or obesity clinics is not advised at this
drinks on average per week in men and > 14 drinks time due to uncertainties surrounding diagnostic
on average per week in women is a reasonable defi- tests and treatment options, along with lack of
nition for significant alcohol consumption when knowledge related to the long-term benefits and
evaluating patients with suspected NAFLD in clini- cost-effectiveness of screening. (Strength – 1, Evi-
cal practice. (Strength – 2, Quality - C) dence -B)
HEPATOLOGY, Vol. 55, No. 6, 2012 CHALASANI ET AL. 2009

Screening of Family Members published large study from the NASH Clinical
Anecdotal experience and some published studies Research Network, positive serum autoantibodies,
suggest familial clustering and heritability of defined as ANA > 1:160 or ASMA >1:40 were pres-
NAFLD,60-63 but conclusive studies are lacking. In a ent in 21% of patients with well-phenotyped NAFLD
retrospective cohort study, Willner et al. observed that and were not associated with more advanced histologic
18% of patients with NASH have a similarly affected features.66
first degree relative.61 A small familial aggregation Recommendations
study observed that patients with NAFLD have a sig- 7. When evaluating a patient with suspected
nificantly higher number of first degree relatives with NAFLD, it is essential to exclude competing etiolo-
cirrhosis and a trend towards familial clustering of gies for steatosis and co-existing common chronic
NAFLD or cryptogenic cirrhosis than matched healthy liver disease. (Strength – 1, Evidence - A)
controls.62 In another familial aggregation study63 of 8. Persistently high serum ferritin and increased
overweight children with and without NAFLD, after iron saturation, especially in the context of homozy-
adjusting for age, gender, race, and BMI, the heritabil- gote or heterozygote C282Y HFE mutations may
ity of MR-measured liver fat fraction was 0.386, and warrant a liver biopsy. (Strength – 1, Evidence - B)
fatty liver was present in 18% of family members of 9. High serum titers of autoantibodies in associa-
children with NAFLD despite normal ALT and lack of tion with other features suggestive of autoimmune
obesity. liver disease (very high aminotransferases, high globu-
Recommendation lin) should prompt a more complete work-up for auto-
6. Systematic screening of family members for immune liver disease. (Strength – 1, Evidence - B)
NAFLD is currently not recommended. (Strength –
1, Evidence - B) Non-invasive assessment of steatohepatitis and
advanced fibrosis in NAFLD
Initial Evaluation The natural history of NAFLD is fairly dichoto-
The diagnosis of NAFLD requires that (a) there is mous – NAFL is generally benign whereas NASH can
hepatic steatosis by imaging or histology, (b) there is progress to cirrhosis, liver failure, and liver cancer.
no significant alcohol consumption, (c) there are no Existing dogma posits that liver biopsy is the most
competing etiologies for hepatic steatosis, and (d) there reliable approach for identifying the presence of steato-
are no co-existing causes for chronic liver disease. hepatitis and fibrosis in patients with NAFLD, but it
Common alternative causes of hepatic steatosis are is generally acknowledged that biopsy is limited by
significant alcohol consumption, hepatitis C, medica- cost, sampling error, and procedure-related morbidity
tions, parenteral nutrition, Wilson’s disease, and severe and mortality. Serum aminotransferase levels and imag-
malnutrition (Table 2). When evaluating a patient ing tests such as ultrasound, CT, and MR do not reli-
with newly suspected NAFLD, it is important to ably assess steatohepatitis and fibrosis in patients with
exclude co-existing etiologies for chronic liver disease NAFLD. Therefore, there has been significant interest
including hemochromatosis, autoimmune liver disease, in developing clinical prediction rules and non-invasive
chronic viral hepatitis, and Wilson’s disease.3 Mildly biomarkers for identifying steatohepatitis in patients
elevated serum ferritin is common in patients with with NAFLD,7 but their detailed discussion is beyond
NAFLD and it does not necessarily indicate increased the scope of this practice guideline.
iron stores.3,64 Elevated serum ferritin and transferrin The presence of metabolic syndrome is a strong pre-
saturation in patients with suspected NAFLD should dictor for the presence of steatohepatitis in patients
lead to testing for genetic hemochromatosis. Mutations with NAFLD3,7,67-69 and may be used to best identify
in the HFE gene occur with variable frequency in patients with persistently abnormal liver biochemistries
patients with NAFLD and their clinical significance is who would benefit diagnostically and prognostically
unclear.64 One should consider a liver biopsy to assess from a liver biopsy.
hepatic iron concentration and to exclude significant There has been intense interest in non-invasive
hepatic injury and fibrosis in a patient with suspected methods to identify advanced fibrosis in patients with
NAFLD with elevated serum ferritin and a homozy- NAFLD7;these include the NAFLD Fibrosis Score70,
gote or compound heterozygote C282Y mutation in Enhanced Liver Fibrosis (ELF) panel70 and transient
the HFE gene.65 Elevated serum autoantibodies are elastography. The NAFLD Fibrosis Score is based on
common in patients with NAFLD and are generally six readily available variables (age, BMI, hyperglyce-
considered to be an epiphenomenon.3 In a recently mia, platelet count, albumin, AST/ALT ratio) and it is

calculated using the published formula (http://naflds- Recommendations In a meta-analysis of 13 studies consisting 10. As the metabolic syndrome predicts the pres-
of 3,064 patients,7 NAFLD Fibrosis Score has an ence of steatohepatitis in patients with NAFLD, its
AUROC of 0.85 for predicting advanced fibrosis (i.e., presence can be used to target patients for a liver bi-
bridging fibrosis or cirrhosis) and a score < 1.455 opsy. (Strength – 1, Evidence - B)
had 90% sensitivity and 60% specificity to exclude 11. NAFLD Fibrosis Score is a clinically useful
advanced fibrosis whereas a score > 0.676 had 67% tool for identifying NAFLD patients with higher
sensitivity and 97% specificity to identify the presence likelihood of having bridging fibrosis and/or cirrho-
of advanced fibrosis. The ELF panel consists of plasma sis. (Strength – 1, Evidence - B)
levels of three matrix turnover proteins (hyaluronic 12. Although serum/plasma CK18 is a promising
acid, TIMP-1, and PIIINP) had an AUROC of 0.90 biomarker for identifying steatohepatitis, it is pre-
with 80% sensitivity and 90% specificity for detecting mature to recommend in routine clinical practice.
advanced fibrosis.71 (Strength – 1, Evidence - B)
Circulating levels of cytokeratin-18 (CK18) frag-
ments have been investigated extensively as novel bio- When to obtain a liver biopsy in patients with
markers for the presence of steatohepatitis in patients NAFLD?
with NAFLD.7,72 Wieckowska et al., measured CK18 Liver biopsy remains the gold standard for charac-
fragments in plasma that had been obtained from 44 terizing liver histology in patients with NAFLD. How-
consecutive patients with suspected NAFLD at the time ever, it is expensive and carries some morbidity and
of liver biopsy, and correlated the findings with hepatic very rare mortality risk. Thus, it should be performed
immunohistochemistry data.70 Plasma CK18 fragments in those who would benefit the most from diagnostic,
were markedly increased in patients with NASH com- therapeutic guidance, and prognostic perspectives.
pared with patients with simple steatosis or normal Recommendations
biopsies (median 765.7 U/L versus 202.4 U/L or 215.5 13. Liver biopsy should be considered in patients
U/L, respectively; P < 0.001), and independently pre- with NAFLD who are at increased risk to have stea-
dicted NASH (OR 1.95; 95% CI 1.18-3.22 for every 50 tohepatitis and advanced fibrosis. (Strength – 1, Evi-
U/L increase). This observation was reproduced in sev- dence - B)
eral subsequent studies and a recent meta-analysis esti- 14. The presence of metabolic syndrome and the
mated that plasma CK18 levels have a sensitivity of NAFLD Fibrosis Score may be used for identifying
78%, specificity of 87%, and an area under the receiver patients who are at risk for steatohepatitis and
operating curve (AUROC) of 0.82 (95% CI: 0.78-0.88) advanced fibrosis. (Strength – 1, Evidence - B)
for steatohepatitis in patients with NAFLD.7 Although 15. Liver biopsy should be considered in patients
these are very encouraging results, currently this assay is with suspected NAFLD in whom competing etiologies
not commercially available. Furthermore, as each study for hepatic steatosis and co-existing chronic liver dis-
utilized a study-specific cut-off value, there is not an eases cannot be excluded without a liver biopsy.
established cut-off value for identifying steatohepatitis. (Strength – 1, Evidence - B)
Transient elastography, which measures liver stiffness
non-invasively, has been successful in identifying MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS WITH NAFLD
advanced fibrosis in patients with hepatitis B and hepati- The management of patients with NAFLD consists
tis C. Although a recent meta-analysis showed high sen- of treating liver disease as well as the associated meta-
sitivity and specificity for identifying fibrosis in bolic co-morbidities such as obesity, hyperlipidemia,
NAFLD,7 it has a high failure rate in individuals with a insulin resistance and T2DM. As patients with
higher BMI. Furthermore, it is not commercially avail- NAFLD without steatohepatitis have excellent progno-
able in the United States. Other imaging tools such as sis from a liver standpoint, treatments aimed at
MR elastography, although commercially available in improving liver disease should be limited to those with
the United States, is rarely used in clinical practice. NASH.
A major limitation of these prediction models and
biomarkers is that they have largely been investigated Lifestyle intervention
in cross-sectional studies and thus their utility in mon- Many studies indicate that lifestyle modification
itoring disease natural history, predicting outcomes or may reduce aminotransferases and improve hepatic ste-
response to therapeutic intervention is unknown. atosis when measured either by ultrasound73-80 or MR
HEPATOLOGY, Vol. 55, No. 6, 2012 CHALASANI ET AL. 2011

imaging and spectroscopy.81-94 In a meta-analysis of The effect of exercise without dietary modification
15 early case series and clinical studies spanning on hepatic steatosis was investigated in four studies
between 1967 through 2000, most studies reported using MR spectroscopy.102-105 Exercise programs con-
reductions in aminotransferases and hepatic steatosis sisted of 2-3 sessions a week of 30-60 minutes over a
by ultrasound across a broad spectrum of diets of dif- period of 6 to 12 weeks. In all but one study101 liver
ferent caloric restriction intensities and macronutrient fat content diminished without a significant change in
composition (low vs. high carbohydrate, low vs. high body weight.
fat, saturated vs. unsaturated fat diets).95 However, Recommendations
these early studies were inconclusive as a result of 16. Weight loss generally reduces hepatic steatosis,
being small, largely uncontrolled and few using histol- achieved either by hypocaloric diet alone or in con-
ogy as the primary endpoint. More recent uncon- junction with increased physical activity. (Strength –
trolled studies also showed an improvement in amino- 1, Evidence - A)
transferases and hepatic steatosis on histology with 17. Loss of at least 3-5% of body weight appears
lifestyle modification.96-98 necessary to improve steatosis, but a greater weight
Orlistat (an enteric lipase inhibitor) in conjunction loss (up to 10%) may be needed to improve necroin-
with lifestyle modification was investigated in two flammation. (Strength – 1, Evidence - B)
randomized controlled trials. In the study by Ziegler-
Sagi et al.,99 orlistat reportedly improved ALT and ste- 18. Exercise alone in adults with NAFLD may
atosis by US, but its effect on liver histology could not reduce hepatic steatosis but its ability to improve
be evaluated because the majority of patients did not other aspects of liver histology remains unknown.
undergo a follow-up liver biopsy. However, in the (Strength – 1, Evidence - B)
study by Harrison et al.,100 orlistat did not improve
body weight or liver histology. INSULIN SENSITIZING AGENTS
The best evidence for weight loss as a means to Metformin
improve liver histology in NASH comes from a trial Several studies investigated the effect of metformin
that randomized 31 obese persons with NASH to in- on aminotransferases and liver histology in patients
tensive lifestyle changes (diet, behaviour modification with NASH. Early small, open-label studies demon-
and 200 minutes a week of moderate physical activity strated a reduction in insulin resistance and amino-
for 48 weeks) versus structured basic education transferases106-108 but no significant improvement in
alone.101 The intensive arm had 9.3% weight loss (ver- liver histology.107,108 An open-label trial consisting of
sus 0.2% in the dietary counseling alone arm) and led 110 patients with NASH received either metformin 2
to an improvement in steatosis, necrosis and inflam- grams/day (55 patients), vitamin E 800 IU/day (28
mation, but not fibrosis. Importantly, participants with patients) or dietary-induced weight loss (27 patients)
 7% weight loss had significant improvement in stea- for 12 months.109 Aminotransferases improved more
tosis, lobular inflammation, ballooning, and NAFLD with metformin than with vitamin E or diet alone.
Activity Score (NAS).101 There was a similar pattern However, there was only a modest improvement in he-
in the study by Harrison et al.,100 where participants patic steatosis and inflammation in the subset of 17
who lost > 5% body weight improved steatosis, patients undergoing paired liver biopsies with metfor-
whereas individuals with  9% weight loss had signifi- min treatment. In a 48-week open-label study in 26
cant improvement in steatosis, lobular inflammation, patients, metformin improved NASH activity in only
ballooning, and NAS. 30% of patients, although interpretation of the study
A number of recent studies used MR spectroscopy was confounded by a significant weight loss in the res-
to assess changes in hepatic fat in response to lifestyle ponders (19% lost more than 10 kilograms).110 Hau-
modification. The results from these studies using a keland et al.112 reported a similar lack of efficacy in a
variety of interventions, either by diet larger (n¼48) randomized control trial (RCT) of met-
alone81,83,84,89,92,93 or in combination with different formin vs. placebo with a similar dietary and exercise
exercise prescriptions,82,85-88,92,94 have consistently intervention in both groups. Other studies also failed
reported a significant reduction in liver fat by an aver- to show major benefit for metformin on hepatic insu-
age of 40% (ranging from 20% to 81%). The degree lin sensitivity, aminotransferases111-116 or liver histol-
of hepatic fat reduction was proportional to the inten- ogy.111,113,116 A recent meta-analysis4 concluded that
sity of the lifestyle intervention and generally required 6-12 months of metformin plus lifestyle intervention
a body weight loss between 5 to 10%.82,88,92 did not improve aminotransferases or liver histology,

compared with lifestyle intervention alone, independ- primary end point. However, resolution of NASH, a
ently of metformin dose or the presence of diabetes. key secondary end point, was achieved in significantly
Recommendation higher number of patients receiving pioglitazone than
19. Metformin has no significant effect on liver receiving placebo (47% vs. 21%, P¼0.001).122 Of
histology and is not recommended as a specific treat- note, pioglitazone was associated with a 4.7 kg weight
ment for liver disease in adults with NASH. gain compared to placebo (P<0.001). Vitamin E and
(Strength – 1, Evidence - A) pioglitazone were well tolerated and there were no dif-
ferences in other adverse events.
Thiazolidinediones A recent meta-analysis4 that included 5 RCTs
Several studies investigated the effect of pioglitazone showed that pioglitazone significantly improved steato-
and rosiglitazone on aminotransferases and liver histol- sis (OR 4.05, 95% CI 2.58-6.35) and inflammation
ogy in adults with NASH. In an early uncontrolled (OR 3.53, 95% CI 2.21-5.64), but not fibrosis (OR
open-label study117 in 22 subjects with biopsy-proven 1.40, 95% CI 0.87-2.24).
NASH, rosiglitazone improved aminotransferases and There has been considerable debate about the long-
hepatic steatosis, ballooning and inflammation scores, term safety of TZDs regarding cardiovascular disease,
but not fibrosis. But in a subsequent RCT, Ratziu et congestive heart failure (CHF), bladder cancer, and
al.118 observed that rosiglitazone improved aminotrans- bone loss. In a recent meta-analysis123 of 19 trials
ferases and hepatic steatosis, but not necroinflamma- enrolling a total of 16,390 patients with T2DM, pio-
tion or fibrosis and its two-year open-label extension glitazone treatment was associated with a significant
phase also showed similar results.119 Belfort et al.120 reduction (18%) in the primary outcome of death,
conducted a RCT of pioglitazone (45 mg/day) in myocardial infarction, or stroke (P¼0.005). However,
patients with NASH who had impaired glucose toler- there was also a higher rate of CHF with pioglitazone
ance or T2DM. Although there was a significant (2.3% vs. 1.8% in the control group, P¼0.002), so
weight gain (2.5 6 0.5 kg) with pioglitazone, it signif- caution must be exercised when considering its use in
icantly improved aminotransferases, steatosis, balloon- patients with impaired myocardial function. Due to
ing, and inflammation. The NAS improved with pio- increased risk of coronary events, rosiglitazone is no
glitazone in 73% compared to 24% of placebo-treated longer marketed in Europe and its use is highly re-
patients (P<0.001) and there was a trend towards stricted in the United States.
improvement in fibrosis among patients randomized to Recommendation
pioglitazone (P¼0.08). Aithal et al.121 performed a 20. Pioglitazone can be used to treat steatohepati-
RCT of lifestyle intervention with either pioglitazone tis in patients with biopsy-proven NASH. However,
30 mg/day or placebo for 12 months in a total of 74 it should be noted that majority of the patients who
patients with NASH. While steatosis did not improve participated in clinical trials that investigated pio-
significantly compared to placebo, hepatocellular injury glitazone for NASH were non-diabetic and that long
and fibrosis improved significantly.1210 The PIV- term safety and efficacy of pioglitazone in patients
ENS122 study is a large multicenter RCT that random- with NASH is not established. (Strength – 1, Evi-
ized 247 non-diabetic patients with NASH to pioglita- dence - B)
zone (30 mg/day), vitamin E (800 IU/day), or placebo
for 24 months. The primary endpoint was an Vitamin E
improvement in NAS  2 points with at least 1 point Oxidative stress is considered to be a key mecha-
improvement in hepatocellular ballooning and 1-point nism of hepatocellular injury and disease progression
improvement in either the lobular inflammation or ste- in subjects with NASH. Vitamin E is an anti-oxidant
atosis score, and no increase in the fibrosis score.122 It and has been investigated to treat NASH.124-128 Com-
was achieved in 19% in the placebo group compared parison between these trials is difficult due to varying
to 34% in the pioglitazone group (P¼0.04 vs. placebo) criteria for entry into the study, different doses of vita-
and 43% in the vitamin E group (P¼0.001 vs. pla- min E and unclear formulations of vitamin E used
cebo).122 Because this study consisted of two primary which could affect its bioavailability, the additional use
comparisons (pioglitazone vs. placebo and vitamin E of other anti-oxidants or other drugs and limited histo-
vs. placebo), a P-value of 0.025 was considered to be logic data to assess outcomes. Also, most studies were
significant a priori. Therefore, although there were his- relatively under-powered and did not meet or publish
tological benefits associated with pioglitazone, this CONSORT criteria for clinical trials. Despite these
study concluded that pioglitazone did not meet the limitations, it can be summarized that (1) the use of
HEPATOLOGY, Vol. 55, No. 6, 2012 CHALASANI ET AL. 2013

vitamin E is associated with a decrease in aminotrans- demia, have been investigated to treat NAFLD both in
ferases in subjects with NASH, (2) studies where histo- animal models and in humans.141 A recent review by
logic endpoints were evaluated indicate that vitamin E Masterton et al.,142 of published literature related to
causes improvement in steatosis, inflammation, and omega-3 fatty acids in NAFLD, found experimental evi-
ballooning and resolution of steatohepatitis in adults dence to support their use but the interpretation of
with NASH, and (3) vitamin E has no effect on he- human studies was limited by small sample size and
patic fibrosis. Although two meta-analyses8,129 failed methodological flaws. A large multicenter study of one
to observe significant histological benefits with vitamin omega-3 fatty acid (eicosapentanoic acid) to treat
E in patients with NASH, these analyses were con- NASH is ongoing in the United States.. More than a
ducted before PIVENS122 and TONIC130 trials were dozen other miscellaneous agents have been investigated
published. In the largest clinical trial (PIVENS)122 in small, proof-of-concept studies and their detailed
reported to date, the pure form of rrr a-tocopherol evaluation is beyond the scope of this guideline.
was orally administered at a dose of 800 IU/day for Recommendations
96 weeks. The primary endpoint as stated previously 23. UDCA is not recommended for the treatment
was achieved in a significantly greater number of par- of NAFLD or NASH. (Strength – 1, Quality – B)
ticipants receiving vitamin E compared to placebo 24. It is premature to recommend omega-3 fatty
(42% vs. 19%, P< 0.001, number needed to treat¼ acids for the specific treatment of NAFLD or NASH
4.4). but they may be considered as the first line agents to
One concern with vitamin E is the controversial treat hypertriglyceridemia in patients with NAFLD.
issue of whether it increases all-cause mortality. Some (Strength – 1, Quality – B)
meta-analyses have reported an increase in all-cause
mortality with high dose vitamin E,131,132 but others Bariatric Surgery
failed to confirm such an association.133-135 A recently As the majority of patients undergoing bariatric sur-
published RCT showed that vitamin E administered at gery have associated fatty liver disease, there has been
a dose of 400 IU/day increased the risk of prostate an interest in foregut bariatric surgery as a potential
cancer in relatively healthy men (absolute increase of treatment option for NASH. There are no RCTs that
1.6 per 1000 person years of vitamin E use).136 evaluated any type of foregut bariatric surgical proce-
Recommendation dure to specifically treat NAFLD or NASH. However,
21. Vitamin E (a-tocopherol) administered at there are several retrospective and prospective cohort
daily dose of 800 IU/day improves liver histology in studies that compared liver histology in the severely
non-diabetic adults with biopsy-proven NASH and obese individuals before and after bariatric surgery.
therefore it should be considered as a first-line phar- Unfortunately, in the majority of these studies, post-
macotherapy for this patient population. (Strength - bypass liver biopsies were performed at varying inter-
1, Quality - B) vals and only in selected patients undergoing surgical
22. Until further data supporting its effectiveness procedures such as hernia repair or adhesiolysis. One
become available, vitamin E is not recommended to exception is the study by Mathurin et al.,143 that pro-
treat NASH in diabetic patients, NAFLD without spectively correlated clinical and metabolic data with
liver biopsy, NASH cirrhosis, or cryptogenic cirrhosis liver histology before and 1 and 5 years after bariatric
(Strength - 1, Quality - C) surgery in 381 adult patients with severe obesity. Gas-
tric band, bilio-intestinal bypass, and gastric bypass
Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), Omega-3 fatty were done in 56%, 23%, and 21%, respectively. Com-
acids, and Miscellaneous Agents pared to baseline, there was a significant improvement
Several studies126,137-140 investigated UDCA (con- in the prevalence and severity of steatosis and balloon-
ventional and high doses) to improve aminotransfer- ing at 1 and 5 years following bariatric surgery. In
ases and steatosis in patients with NAFLD and liver patients with probable or definite NASH at baseline
histology in patients with NASH. All but one study139 (n¼99), there was a significant improvement in steato-
have been proof-of-concept studies with small numbers sis, ballooning, and NAS and resolution of probable or
of participants and/or surrogate endpoints. Notably, a definite NASH at 1 and 5 years following bariatric
single large multicenter RCT convincingly showed that surgery. Most histological benefits were evident at 1
UDCA offers no histological benefit over placebo in year with no differences in liver histology between 1
patients with NASH.139 Omega-3 fatty acids, currently and 5 years following bariatric surgery. Intriguingly, a
approved in the United States to treat hypertriglyceri- minor but statistically significant increase in mean

fibrosis score was noted at 5 years after the bariatric effects of light drinking on the cardiovascular system
surgery (from 0.276 0.55 at baseline to 0.36 6 0.59, and cancer risks, if any, have not been investigated in
P¼0.001). Despite this increase, at 5 years 96% of individuals with NAFLD.
patients exhibited fibrosis score  F1 and 0.5% had Recommendations
F3, indicating there is no clinically significant worsen- 28. Patients with NAFLD should not consume
ing in fibrosis that can be attributed directly to the heavy amounts of alcohol (Strength -1, Quality – B)
procedure. In the important subgroup of patients with 29. No recommendation can be made with regards
probable or definite NASH at baseline, there was no to non-heavy consumption of alcohol by individuals
worsening of fibrosis at 1 and 5 years, compared to with NAFLD. (Strength – 1, Quality – B)
baseline liver biopsy. As no patient in the study had
F3 or F4 at baseline, the effect of bariatric surgery in Statin use in patients with NAFLD and NASH
those with advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis could not be Patients with NAFLD and NASH are at increased
evaluated. risk for cardiovascular disease and several studies have
Two meta-analyses144,145 evaluated the effect of bari- established cardiovascular disease as their most com-
atric surgery on the liver histology in patients with mon cause of death.6 Patients with NAFLD should be
NAFLD. The meta-analysis by Mummadi et al.,144 risk stratified for cardiovascular disease, and their car-
showed that steatosis, steatohepatitis, and fibrosis diovascular risk factors should be managed accord-
appear to improve or completely resolve after bariatric ingly.154 The treatment of dyslipidemia should be con-
surgery. However, a recently published Cochrane sidered in the overall frame work of cardiovascular risk
review145 concluded that lack of randomized clinical reduction in patients with NAFLD.154
trials or quasi-randomized clinical studies prevents de- Statins are an important class of agents to treat dys-
finitive assessment of benefits and harms of bariatric lipidemia, and yet there is continued reluctance to use
surgery as a therapeutic approach for patients with statins in patients with suspected or established chronic
NASH. liver disease, including NAFLD and NASH. Although
Recommendations elevated aminotransferases are not uncommon in
25. Foregut bariatric surgery is not contraindi- patients receiving statins, serious liver injury from sta-
cated in otherwise eligible obese individuals with tins is rarely seen in clinical practice. Over the last dec-
NAFLD or NASH (but without established cirrho- ade, one RCT and several retrospective and prospective
sis). (Strength – 1, Quality – A) studies155-159 have established that (a) statins are safe
26. The type, safety and efficacy of foregut bariat- in patients with liver disease and (b) there is no evi-
ric surgery in otherwise eligible obese individuals dence that patients with chronic liver disease including
with established cirrhosis due to NAFLD are not at NAFLD and NASH are at higher risk for serious
established. (Strength – 1, Quality – B) liver injury from statins than those without liver
27. It is premature to consider foregut bariatric disease.
surgery as an established option to specifically treat Several studies have suggested that statins may
NASH (1B) improve liver biochemistries and histology in patients
with NASH.159-167 These studies consisted of small
Alcohol use in patients with NAFLD and NASH numbers of patients and have not been rigorously
Heavy alcohol consumption is a risk factor for designed. A recent post-hoc analysis of the cardiovascu-
chronic liver disease and should be avoided by patients lar outcomes study, GREACE,165 observed that statins
with NAFLD and NASH. The National Institute on significantly improve liver biochemistries and cardio-
Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) defines heavy vascular outcomes in patients with elevated liver
or at-risk drinking as more than 4 drinks on any day enzymes likely due to NAFLD. There are no RCTs
or more than 14 drinks per week in men or more with histological endpoints which investigated statins
than 3 drinks on any day or 7 drinks per week in to treat NASH.
women.146 Several recent cross-sectional studies147-153 Recommendations
suggest a beneficial effect of light alcohol consumption 30. Given the lack of evidence to show that
(on average less than one drink per day) on the pres- patients with NAFLD and NASH are at increased
ence (defined either biochemically or by imaging) and risk for serious drug-induced liver injury from sta-
severity of NAFLD. There are no studies reporting the tins, statins can be used to treat dyslipidemia in
effect of ongoing alcohol consumption on disease se- patients with NAFLD and NASH. (Strength – 1,
verity or natural history of NAFLD or NASH. The Quality – B)
HEPATOLOGY, Vol. 55, No. 6, 2012 CHALASANI ET AL. 2015

31. Until RCTs with histological endpoints prove 35. Patients with NASH cirrhosis should be consid-
their efficacy, statins should not be used to specifi- ered for HCC screening according to the AASLD/ACG
cally treat NASH. (Strength – 1, Quality – B) practice guidelines.182(Strength – 1, Quality – B)
NAFLD in patients with other chronic liver 36. Current evidence does not support routinely
diseases repeating a liver biopsy in patients with NAFL or
Because of the high prevalence of risk factors for NASH. (Strength – 2, Quality – C)
NAFLD and NASH, it is not uncommon for patients
with other chronic liver diseases to exhibit co-existing his- Aspects of NAFLD Specific to Children and
tological features of NAFLD.168 Coexistent hepatic stea- Adolescents
tosis is common in chronic hepatitis C (HCV) infection Recognition of NAFLD in children is essential to
and is strongly associated with more advanced liver dis- understanding the origin of disease in those likely to be
ease.169-171 Another large study showed high prevalence most genetically or environmentally susceptible. Adults
of steatosis (40.5%) and steatohepatitis (15%) in patients with onset of NAFLD in childhood may be most at risk
with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC),172 although at least for early or severe complications. Definition of NAFLD
some of the steatosis and steatohepatitis in that study was in childhood is the same as in adults. Children are
suspected to be due to alcohol consumption. In clinical reported with NAFLD as early as 2 years and with
practice, it is not uncommon for obese and/or diabetic NASH-related cirrhosis as early as age 8.183,184
patients with autoimmune liver disease to exhibit steatosis
and steatohepatitis in their liver biopsies. Prevalence and Risk Factors
Previous studies have shown that obesity, insulin re- Estimation of population prevalence in children
sistance, and hepatic steatosis are associated with a presents difficulties for the same reasons detailed above
lower response to pegylated interferon and ribavirin in adults. Estimates vary based upon the type of test
for the treatment of HCV.173-175 Obesity does not or imaging, the cut-points for detection, and the age,
have a similar negative impact on the response to newer sex, race and ethnicity of the geographic region
protease-inhibitor based anti-viral regimens,176-180 but sampled. A school-based study of obese children in
the impact of insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis has Minnesota, California, Texas and Louisiana, using
not yet been investigated sufficiently. It is not known if abnormal serum ALT as a surrogate marker (>40U/L),
the treatment of steatosis and steatohepatitis alters the found that 23% of 17-18 year olds had elevated unex-
natural history of other chronic liver diseases such as plained ALT.183 An autopsy study using the ‘‘gold
HCV and PBC. Furthermore, it is not known if agents standard’’ of liver histology examined 742 children
such as vitamin E and pioglitazone are effective to treat between the ages of 2-19 y who died from unnatural
steatosis and steatohepatitis when present in patients causes. The estimated NAFLD prevalence was 9.6%
with other chronic liver diseases. when adjusted for age, gender, race and ethnicity.184
Recommendations Multivariate analyses showed that obesity, older age (in
32. When steatosis and steatohepatitis are evident adolescence), male gender, and Hispanic ethnicity are
in patients with other types of chronic liver disease, independent predictors of fatty liver prevalence.
it is important to assess for metabolic risk factors
and alternate etiologies for hepatic steatosis. Natural History of NAFLD in Children
(Strength – 1, Quality – B) A single retrospective single center report has been
33. In patients with other types of chronic liver published on the natural history of NAFLD in 66 chil-
diseases who have co-existing NAFLD and NASH, dren.185 Only 5 had serial biopsies, obtained for unspeci-
there are no data to support the use of vitamin E or fied reasons over varying intervals, averaging 41 months
pioglitazone to improve the liver disease. (Strength – between biopsies. Of these 5 children, 4 had progression
1, Quality – B) of fibrosis. Four of the 5 underwent liver transplantation
and 2 died of cirrhosis. Clearly, more robust prospective
Miscellaneous Recommendations Pertinent to data are needed on larger number of children to better
Clinical Practice understand the natural history of NAFLD in children.

34. Patients with NASH cirrhosis should be Screening for NAFLD in Children
screened for gastroesophageal varices according to NAFLD is under-diagnosed in children due to lack
the AASLD/ACG practice guidelines.181(Strength – of recognition, screening or appreciation of associated
1, Quality – B) complications by health care providers. One study

showed that less than a third of obese children were dation defects, lysosomal storage diseases and peroxi-
screened for NAFLD at clinic visits.186 Children may somal disorders, in addition to those causes consid-
not be recognized as obese at visits and age-appropriate ered for adults. (Strength – 2, Quality – C)
norms for body mass index may go unacknowledged. 38. Low serum titers of autoantibodies are often
Abdominal adiposity may mask detection of hepato- present in children with NAFLD, but higher titers,
megaly by palpation during physician examination. As particularly in association with higher serum amino-
in adults, children with features of metabolic syndrome transferases and high globulin should prompt a liver
such as obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance and biopsy to evaluate for possible autoimmune hepati-
dyslipidemia63 are at higher risk for NAFLD and par- tis. (Strength – 2, Quality – B)
ticular histopathological features of NAFLD correlate 39. Due to a paucity of evidence, a formal recom-
with components of metabolic syndrome.187 Thus, mendation cannot be made with regards to screening
identification of children at risk for NAFLD could for NAFLD in overweight and obese children despite
occur in general health provider settings as well as in a recent expert committee recommendation for bian-
specialty clinics for nutrition, gastroenterology, hepato- nual screening for liver disease with liver enzyme
logy, endocrinology and bariatric surgery. Children measurements in this population. (Strength –1,
may also exhibit NAFLD incidentally discovered while Quality – B).
undergoing imaging, but there are no studies evaluat-
ing how to proceed with children identified in this When to obtain a liver biopsy for suspected
fashion. Recently, the summary report of an expert pediatric NAFLD?
committee suggested biannual screening for liver dis- The decision to perform a liver biopsy in a child to
ease with serum ALT and AST starting at age 10 years confirm the diagnosis of NAFLD must be weighed
in obese children and those with BMI of 85th to 94th against the risks associated with biopsy and the likeli-
percentile with other risk factors.188 hood that the result will impact management. In chil-
Penetrance of NAFLD has been demonstrated in dren with an uncertain diagnosis, biopsy may rule out
family members of children with NAFLD.63 The like- potential drug hepatotoxicity or lack of clarity due to
lihood of first, second and third degree relatives exhib- presence of serum autoantibodies. When there is an
iting abnormally high fat fractions (by MRI estima- interest in grading or staging NAFLD, instead of sub-
tion) relative to body mass index is much more highly mitting all children with NAFLD to a liver biopsy it
correlated in those related to a child with NAFLD would be optimal to identify those children who are
than to those who are related to an age, gender and more likely to have NASH. The paucity of natural his-
BMI-matched child without NAFLD. tory data confounds the decision to biopsy since altera-
tion of long-term outcomes with treatment based on
Diagnosis in children severity of histology at baseline is unknown.
Given the relatively early onset, caregivers must give As in adults, development of noninvasive bio-
additional consideration to the possibility of mono- markers or imaging to identify those at risk for more
genic disorders that present as fatty liver disease in rapid progression or severe disease onset is desirable.
very young children. Considerations include inborn Particularly, accurate markers of cellular injury and fi-
errors of fatty acid or carnitine metabolism, peroxiso- brosis are needed. Two studies suggested that ELF
mal disorders, lysosomal storage disorders, Wilson’s score can be used to accurately predict fibrosis in chil-
disease, and cystic fibrosis.189 However, as in adults, dren with NAFLD, but both studies consisted of rela-
positive serum autoantibodies are present in a signifi- tively small numbers of children and fewer with
cant population of children with biopsy-proven advanced fibrosis.190,191 There is reported benefit in
NAFLD and on some occasion liver biopsy is required predicting fibrosis stage in pediatric patients, with a
to discriminate between autoimmune hepatitis and AUROC of 0.92, although only 9 of the 76 subjects
NAFLD.63 Obviously, the confounding factor of alco- studied had fibrosis stage 3 or more.190 Validation of
holism is much less common in children and standard the serum CK18 levels to evaluate NASH needs to be
questionnaires for quantifying alcohol intake are usu- undertaken in children with NAFLD.
ally unnecessary. Recommendations
Recommendations 40. Liver biopsy in children with suspected
37. Children with fatty liver who are very young NAFLD should be performed in those where the di-
or not overweight should be tested for monogenic agnosis is unclear, where there is possibility of multi-
causes of chronic liver disease such as fatty acid oxi- ple diagnoses, or before starting therapy with
HEPATOLOGY, Vol. 55, No. 6, 2012 CHALASANI ET AL. 2017

potentially hepatotoxic medications. (Strength – 1, inflammation, ballooning, and the NAS. Although
Quality – B) there are no randomized controlled trials of intensive
41. A liver biopsy to establish a diagnosis of lifestyle modification compared to standard-of-care
NASH should be obtained prior to starting children advice, these two studies indicate that lifestyle modifi-
on pharmacologic therapy for NASH. (Strength – 2, cation is beneficial in children with NAFLD.
Quality – C) No information exists on recommending any partic-
ular type of diet or exercise. Further studies are needed
NAFLD Histology in Children to assess the efficacy of specific diets. Recommenda-
Histopathology of children with NAFLD can differ tions for overweight pediatric NAFLD patients should
from that found in adults.192 As in adults, children include consultation with a registered dietitian to assess
can present with pronounced features of hepatocellular quality of diet and measurement of caloric intake,
injury, lobular inflammation, and peri-sinusoidal fibro- adoption of American Heart Association dietary strat-
sis, but there is a unique pattern of unclear significance egies, and regular aerobic exercise progressing in diffi-
also recognized in children. This pattern is typified by culty as fitness allows.197,198 Enlisting other willing
marked macrovesicular hepatocellular steatosis, portal family members to adopt diet and exercise goals may
inflammation and portal fibrosis in the absence of aid compliance.
Recommendation: Pharmacotherapy
42. Pathologists interpreting pediatric NAFLD As in adults, clinical trials for pediatric NAFLD
biopsies should recognize the unique pattern fre- generally targeted insulin resistance or oxidative stress.
quently found in children to not misidentify pediat- Open-label proof-of-concept studies have utilized
ric NAFLD. (Strength – 1, Quality – B) changes in serum ALT or liver brightness on ultra-
sound as endpoints.189 Agents evaluated thus far
Treatment in Children include metformin, vitamin E, ursodeoxycholic acid
Recommendations for pediatric treatment options and delayed-release cysteamine.189 Recently, a large
are limited by a small number of randomized clinical multicenter RCT using change in histology as a sec-
trials and insufficient information on natural history to ondary endpoint was published.130 This study, called
assess risk-benefit. The overall goal is to improve a TONIC, compared the efficacy of vitamin E or met-
child’s quality of life and reduce longer term cardiovas- formin to placebo in 8-17 year olds with NAFLD.130
cular and liver morbidity and mortality. Given that Although the primary outcome of sustained reduction
early-onset likely indicates higher likelihood of later of ALT was not different among the 3 groups, there
complications, attempts should be made to identify were statistically significant improvements in NAS and
children who will benefit from intervention. resolution of NASH (P<0.006) with vitamin E treat-
ment compared to placebo over 96 weeks.130 In this
Lifestyle modification study, metformin administered at 500 mg twice daily
Since most pediatric NAFLD patients are obese, dose had no effect on liver biochemistries or liver
addressing their obesity is the first step. An open label histology.
study 195 in 84 Italian children with biopsy-proven Recommendations
NAFLD showed that >20% body weight reduction 43. Intensive lifestyle modification improves ami-
over 12 months resulted in improvement in serum notransferases and liver histology in children with
ALT and steatosis by ultrasonography in most children NAFLD and thus should be the first line of treat-
with NAFLD. Reportedly, 94% of the 70 enrolled ment. (Strength – 2, Quality – B)
subjects were able to achieve this weight loss goal using
caloric restriction and exercise advice. Since liver biop- 44. Metformin at 500 mg twice daily offers no
sies were not performed at the end of the study, the benefit to children with NAFLD and thus should not
effect of lifestyle intervention on liver histology could be prescribed. The effect of metformin administered
not be determined. In another study, Nobili et al.196 at a higher dose is not known. (Strength – 1, Qual-
randomized 53 children with biopsy-proven NAFLD ity – B)
to lifestyle modification plus antioxidant therapy or 45. Vitamin E 800 IU/day (RRR a–tocopherol)
lifestyle modification and placebo. Antioxidant therapy offers histological benefits to children with biopsy-
did not improve liver histology, but children in both proven NASH or borderline NASH but confirmatory
groups showed significant improvement in steatosis, studies are needed before its use can be

recommended in clinical practice (Strength – 13. Marcos A, Fischer RA, Ham JM, Olzinski AT, Shiffman ML, Sanyal
AJ, Luketic VA, Sterling RK, Olbrisch ME, Posner MP. Transplanta-
1,Quality – B) tion 2000;69:2410-2415.
14. Williams CD, Stenger J, Asike MI, Torres DM, Shaw J, Contreras M,
Acknowledgment: This practice guideline was devel- Landt CL, Harrison SA. Prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
oped in collaboration with the AASLD Practice Guide- and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis among a largely middle-aged popula-
lines Committee, and was approved by the ACG tion utilizing ultrasound and liver biopsy: a prospective study. Gastro-
Practice Parameters Committee, and the AGA Institute enterology 2011;140:124-131.
Clinical Practice and Quality Management Commit- 15. Browning JD, Szczepaniak LS, Dobbins R, Nuremberg P, Horton JD,
Cohen JC, Grundy SM, Hobbs HH. Prevalence of hepatic steatosis in
tee. Raphael B. Merriman, MD, MRCPI and Benja-
an urban population in the United States: impact of ethnicity. HEPA-
min L. Shneider, MD served as primary reviewers for TOLOGY. 2004;40:1387-95.
the AASLD Practice Guidelines Committee. Dr. Mer- 16. Boza C, Riquelme A, Iba~ nez L, Duarte I, Norero E, Viviani P, Soza
riman declared no relevant conflicts of interest. Dr. A,Fernandez JI, Raddatz A, Guzman S, Arrese M. Predictors of nonal-
Shneider serves as a scientific consultant with Bristol- coholic steatohepatitis (NASH) in obese patients undergoing gastric
bypass. Obes Surg. 2005;15:1148-53.
Myers Squibb and the advisory board for Ikaria. Exter-
17. Haentjens P, Massaad D, Reynaert H, Peeters E, Van Meerhaeghe A,
nal review was provided by Jean P. Molleston, MD Vinken S, Poppe K, Velkeniers B. Identifying non-alcoholic fatty liver
and Stephen A. Harrison, MD. Dr. Molleston received disease among asymptomatic overweight and obese individuals by clini-
research support from Schering-Plough and Roche. cal and biochemical characteristics. Acta Clin Belg. 2009;64:483-93.
Dr. Harrison serves as a consultant to Amylin Pharma- 18. Machado M, Marques-Vidal P, Cortez-Pinto H. Hepatic histology in
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